The latest Internet worm, called the Sapphire/Slammer SQL worm, is another
example of how vulnerable systems on the Internet are and of how fast these worms can
spread. According to preliminary analysis of the Sapphire worm performed by Silicon
Defense and researchers at UC Berkeley [27] this was the fastest worm to date. It was able to
spread worldwide in approximately 10 minutes, doubling in size every 8.5 seconds.
According to their report, at its peak, which it reached just 3 minutes after its release, it
“scanned the net at over 55 million IP addresses per second. It infected at least 75,000 victims
and probably considerably more.”
Computers are everywhere. Almost everything that we do in our daily lives depends on
computers and computer networks. The Internet has become a mission-critical infrastructure
for governments, companies, and financial institutions. Computers and networks are used for
controlling and managing manufacturing processes, water supplies, the electric power grid,
air traffic control systems, and stock market systems, to mention a few. As a consequence,
networkattack s have started to impact the practical aspects of our lives.
The number, severity, sophistication, and cost of reported attacks is increasing [3].
Unfortunately, many attacks are not even detected; therefore, things are even worse than
reported. That is, attackers are often able to hide their tracks by disabling logging facilities or
modifying event logs, so their activity goes undetected.
Another reason that things are so bad is because, for the most part, computer security
is reactive. That is, system administrators and security professionals are usually reacting to
the latest attack. After they fix the vulnerability that allowed the attack, the attackers look for
new vulnerabilities to exploit for new attacks. What is needed is a proactive approach.
Security is also expensive, both in dollars and in time taken from normal everyday
tasks. As a result, security vulnerabilities often exist not because there is not a known fix, but
because some administrator does not have the time to put in a patch to fix the problem.
Finally, there is not now, and never will be, a system with perfect security. That is, if
functionality is a requirement, then there will always be security gaps. Security is a system
attribute that must be traded off against user friendliness, efficiency, ease of use, and other
desirable system properties.
The next section presents some basic security terminology and outlines some basic
approaches to achieving secure systems. Section 3 presents eight principles to be followed
when designing and implementing a secure system. Section 4 presents the twenty top
vulnerabilities for Windows and Unix. Finally, Section 5 discusses how software engineering
practice can help make systems more secure.
In the early days of computing, when standalone systems were used by one user at a
time, computer security consisted primarily of physical security. That is, the computer and its
peripherals were locked in a secure area with a guard at the door that checked each user’s
identification before allowing them to enter the room.
As time sharing systems emerged in themid to late 1960s and multiple jobs and users
were able to run at the same time, controlling the access to the data on the system became a
major point of concern. One solution that was used was to process classified data one level at
a time and “sanitize” the system after the jobs from one level were run and before the jobs for
the next level were run. This approach to computer security was known as periods processing
because the jobs for each level were all run in their particular period of the day. This was an
inefficient way to use the system, and an effort was made to find more efficient software
solutions to the multilevel security problem.
Another effort that occurred in the mid to late 1970s was the use of tiger teams to test
the security of a system. These teams attempted to obtain unauthorized access to the system
by exploiting design and implementation errors [21, 10]. The tiger team studies demonstrated
the difficulty of providing secure software; virtually every system that was attacked by a tiger
team was penetrated.
The degree to which each of these three properties is needed varies from one
application to another. For instance, the military is primarily interested in confidentiality. In
contrast, the banking industry is primarily interested in integrity, and for the telephone
industry availability is most important. This is not to say that any of these applications do not
care about the other properties. For instance, the military would not want missile targets to be
changed in an unauthorized manner, and they would like their battle plans to be available
when needed. Thus, they are interested in integrity and availability too. The exact
requirements that are needed for a particular system or application are expressed in the
security policy for that system or application. A security policy defines what is and what is
not allowed.
Cyber security consists largely of defensive methods used to detect and thwart would-
be intruders. The principles of computer security thus arise from the kinds of threats intruders
can impose. For instance, one general security stance is that “everything that is not permitted
is prohibited.” If this principle is enforced, then an intruder cannot get access to some object
just because the security administrator did not consider whether it should be restricted or not.
Most members of the security community believe that if software were designed with more of
an emphasis on security and if systems were configured properly, then there would be fewer
security problems1.
Procedural approaches prescribe the appropriate behavior for a user to follow when
using a system. The periods processing approach for processing jobs at different security
levels, which was presented above, is an example of a procedural solution to satisfy a security
The increasing reliance of our information age economies and governments on cyber
(computer-based) infrastructure makes them progressively more vulnerable to cyber attacks
on our computer systems, networks and data. In their most disruptive form, cyber attacks
target the enterprise, government, military, or other infrastructural assets of a nation or its
citizens. Both the volume and sophistication of cyber threats (cyber warfare, cyber terrorism,
cyber espionage and malicious hacking) are monotonically increasing, and pose potent threats
Towards that end the U.S. government issued an Executive Order for Improving
Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity in February 2013, and the 2014 President's Budget
devotes over $13B to cyber-related programs and activities [Federal Information Technology
FY 2014 Budget Priorities, p. 15]. The European Union Agency for Network and Information
Security (ENISA) lists all known public documents of National Cyber Security Strategies in
the EU as well as the rest of the world.
Cyberspace is a worldwide and interrelated sphere that covers geographic borders and
national jurisdictions. To support the growth, operation, maintenance, and security of this
area, information technology companies continually innovate and spend in the development
of internationally deployable products and services.
Policy must be devised to cover practical steps that an organization needs to take
when a cyber-security incident occurs. Recognized incident handling tasks are aimed first at
securing information assets, minimizing damage as speedily as possible. Backup and
Recovery also protect cyber threat. Policy needs to highlight the primary importance of
backup and recovery processes for desktops, file servers and mainframes. Responsibilities
should be clearly acknowledged. Batch processing and storage capacity plans needs to be
vital parts of the operational planning process. A plan for disaster recovery from offsite
backups should be considered.
The proposed security in this paper uses a modified versions of those presented taxonomies in
[12]-[15] to classify the attack based on types of attacks, target sector, intention, impact, and
incident categories. Each part of the attack will be broken down to the terms shown in Fig. 1
and explained.
1.Types of Attacks
Worm: in their propagation worm is like viruses with no direction by the network from the
attackers. However, unlike viruses, in worms, no interaction is needed from the user for
activating their attempt to spread.
Trojan: is a type of a program where subversive functionality is added to associate with the
existing program.
Virus: virus may be defined as a piece of codes that usually attaches itself to another
program, and when the program runs it will run with them.
DDoS: represents the coordinated attacks on the target system service availability that has
been given or a network that is indirectly launched through a number of compromised
computing systems.
Cyber crime encompasses any criminal act dealing with computers and networks
(called hacking). Additionally, cyber crime also includes traditional crimes conducted
through the Internet. For example; hate crimes, telemarketing and Internet fraud, identity
theft, and credit card account thefts are considered to be cyber crimes when the illegal
activities are committed through the use of a computer and the Internet. Cyber crime can be
classified in to 4 major categories as;
(A)Against Individuals:
Email spoofing:
A spoofed email is one in which e-mail header is forged so that mail appears to
originate from one source but actually has been sent from another source
Spamming means sending multiple copies of unsolicited mails or mass e-mails such
as chain letters.
Cyber Defamation:
This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and / or the
Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or
sends e-mails containing defamatory information.
Harassment & Cyberstalking:
Cyber Stalking Means following the moves of an individual's activity over internet.
It can be done with the help of many protocols available such as e- mail, chat rooms,
user net groups etc.
Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames,
passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an
electronic communication.
The usage of the Internet hours by an unauthorized person which is actually paid by
another person.
(C)Against Organization
Denial of Service:
When Internet server is flooded with continuous bogus requests so as to denying
legitimate users to use the server or to crash the server.
Virus attack:
A computer virus is a computer program that can infect other computer programs by
modifying them in such a way as to include a (possibly evolved) copy of it. Viruses
can be file infecting or affecting boot sector of the computer. Worms, unlike viruses
do not need the host to attach themselves to.
Email Bombing:
Sending large numbers of mails to the individual or company or mail servers thereby
ultimately resulting into crashing.
Salami Attack:
When negligible amounts are removed & accumulated in to something larger. These
attacks are used for the commission of financial crime.
Logic Bomb:
It is an event dependent program, as soon as the designated event occurs, it crashes
the computer, release a virus or any other harmful possibilities.
Trojan horse:
An unauthorized program which functions from inside what seems to be an
authorized program, thereby concealing what it is actually doing.
Data diddling:
His kind of an attack involves altering raw data just before it is processed by a
computer and then changing it back after the processing is completed.
Forgery :
Currency notes, revenue stamps, mark sheets etc can be forged using computers and
high quality scanners and printers.
Cyber Terrorism :
According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, cyber terrorism is any
"premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems,
computer programs, and data which results in violence against non-combatant targets
by sub-national groups or clandestine agents."
Web Jacking :
Hackers gain access and control over the website of another, even they change the
content of website for fulfilling political objective or for money.
Offences of computer forgery and counterfeiting have become rampant as it is very easy to
counterfeit a document like birth certificate and use the same to perpetuate any crime. The
authenticity of electronic documents hence needs to be safeguarded by making forgery with
the help of computers abs explicit offence punishable by law. When a perpetrator alters
documents stored in computerized form, the crime committed may be forgery. In this
instance, computer systems are the target of criminal activity. Computers, however, can also
be used as instruments with which to commit forgery. A new generation of fraudulent
alteration or counterfeiting emerged when computerized color laser copiers became available.
These copiers are capable of high-resolution copying, modification of documents, and even
the creation of false documents without benefit of an original, and they produce documents
whose quality is indistinguishable from that of authentic documents except by an expert.
These schemes take very little computer knowledge to perpetrate. Counterfeit checks,
invoices and stationery can be produced using scanners, color printers, and graphics software.
Such forgeries are difficult to detect for the untrained eye. It is relatively easy to scan a logo
into a computer system and go from there.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has offered its own definition in 2008.
NATO defined cyber terrorism as “a cyber-attack using or exploiting computer or
communication networks to cause sufficient destruction or disruption to generate fear or to
intimidate a society into an ideological goal.”
Cyber terrorism is a controversial term. Some authors choose a very narrow definition,
relating to deployments, by known terrorist organizations, of disruption attacks against
information systems for the primary purpose of creating alarm and panic. By this narrow
definition, it is difficult to identify any instances of cyber terrorism.
This term is derived from the term hi jacking. In these kinds of offences the hacker gains
access and control over the web site of another. He may even change the information on the
site. This may be done for fulfilling political objectives or for money.
E.g. recently the site of MIT (Ministry of Information Technology) was hacked by the
Pakistani hackers and some obscene matter was placed therein. Further the site of Bombay
crime branch was also web jacked.
Application security management is an essential aspect of security in the
Scroll down for all the latest news and information covering mobile application security.
Learn application
Application security management is an essential aspect of security in the enterprise. And data
security best practices in several areas, including web application security, secure coding
practices, patch management & mobile application security.
Patch Management
Scroll down for all the latest news and information on patch management.
Secure Coding
Scroll down for all the latest news and information on secure coding.
Strict Regulations
Difficult to work with for non-technical users
Restrictive to resources
Constantly needs Patching
Constantly being attacked
Cybercrime is criminal activity done using computers and the Internet. This includes
anything from downloading illegal music files to stealing millions of dollars from online
bank accounts. Cybercrime also includes non-monetary offenses, such as creating and
distributing viruses on other computers or posting confidential business information on the
Because cybercrime covers such a broad scope of criminal activity, the examples
above are only a few of the thousands of crimes that are considered cybercrimes. While
computers and the Internet have made our lives easier in many ways, it is unfortunate that
people also use these technologies to take advantage of others. Therefore, it is smart to
protect yourself by using antivirus and spyware blocking software and being careful where
you enter your personal information.
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Systems Division (AFSC), 1972. Vol. 1.
[2] W. Bevier. Kit: A study in operating system verification. IEEE Transactions on
Software Engineerin, 15(11), November 1989.
[3] Cert coordination center statistics. org/stats/, 2003.
[4] Minutes of the FirstWorkshop on Covert Channel Analysis. IEEE Cipher, July 1990.
Los Angeles, CA.
[5] Z. Dang and R. Kemmerer. Using the astral model checker to analyze mobile i. In
Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 132–
141, May 1999.
[6] F. De Paoli, A. dos Santos, and R. Kemmerer. Mobile Agents and Security, volume
1419, chapter Web Browsers and Security, pages 235–256. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
[7] D. Denning. Cryptography and Data Security. Addison Wesley, Reading,
Massachusetts, 1982.
[8] S. Forrest. A Sense of Self for UNIX Processes. In Proceedings of the IEEE
Symposium on Security and Privacy, pages 120–128, Oakland, CA, May 1996.
[9] A. Ghosh, J. Wanken, and F. Charron. Detecting Anomalous and Unknown Intrusions
Against Programs. In Proceedings of the Annual Computer Security Application
Conference (ACSAC’98), pages 259–267, Scottsdale, AZ, December 1998.