Connecting Ideas Within A Sentence
Connecting Ideas Within A Sentence
Connecting Ideas Within A Sentence
ldeas must be connected within sentences and between sentences. Certain types
of words and phrases smooth the flow of ideas and make sentences, paragraphs, and
passages more connected and coherent. Some examples of these words and phrases
and their functions within a text are outlined below.
When and joins two equal subjects, the verb must be plural:
Swimming and boating are fun,
Or joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses that contain the idea of choice:
We could go swimming or b0ating
We could look in the house or around the yard for the lost necklace.
We could book the flight now, or we could wait until tomorrow.
He neither called nor came to visit me. (He didn't call, and he didn't visit me.)
Both is used with and to combine two words, phrases, or clauses:
He had both the time and the patience to be a good parent.
Building Supporting Skills
especially notably
for example, an example on this occasion
for instance particularly, in particular
in this case, in another case specifically
in this situation take the case of
including to demonstrate
to illustrate, as an illustration
You can use the following words as signals to clarify information that has
been presented:
I mean that is to say under certain circumstances
in other words to put it another way up to a point
in this case
You can use the following words as signals to emphasize information that has been
You can use the following words as signals that a cause-and-effect relationship will
be presented:
accordingly for
as, as a result for the simple reason that, for this reason
because, because of hence
being that inasmuch as
Part 1 Building Supporting Skills
You can use the following words as signals that the information already presented
will be compared or contrasted with new information:
after all nevertheless
although, although this is true nonetheless
at the same time notwithstanding
balanced against on the contrary
but on the other hand
compared to/with, in comparison, by comparison similarly
Conversely still
for all that when in fact
however where
in contrast whereas
in the same manner/way while this is true
likewise yet
finally previously
first of al1, first, second, third, etc. Simultaneously
formerly, SOon, soon after
immediately subsequently
immediately before, immediately following then, and then
in the end thereafter
You can use the following words as signals for introducing disagreement
or conflict:
Making a concession or compromise about a point:
Building Supporting Skills