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Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan's Bayyinah Dream - Advance Structures

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan’s


Dream – Advance Structures

Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

By Kulsoom Ibrahim

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

Click on the Day you would like to read, and it will navigate to the content.

Table of Contents

Day 1 Chapter – 1
ُ ................................................................ 5
‫المتَعَدِّي ِِّبرف‬
ُ ْ
Day 2 Chapter – 2 "‫اعََ"ما‬
َ ‫ أنو‬..................................................................... 8
Day 3 ..................................................................................................... 11
Day 4 Chapter – 2 continued ................................................................... 12
Day 5 Chapter – 3 ................................................................................... 15
َّ َّ
Day 6A Chapter – 4ََََ‫ فاءَالسببِّية‬.................................................................. 15

Day 6B ....................................................................................................... 17
Day 7 Chapter – 5 ................................................................................... 18
Day 8 Chapter – 5 continued ................................................................... 19
Day 9 Chapter – 6 ................................................................................... 21

Day 10 Chapter – 7
َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫ انلَّ ْع‬................................................................ 23
Day 11 Chapter – 8 Non Standard uses of َ‫ أَفعال‬....................................... 25

Day 12 Non Standard uses of ‫ أَفعال‬- Part 2 ............................................. 27
ْ ْ
Day 13 Chapter – 9 ‫ال ُمع َّرفَبِّالَلم‬............................................................... 29

Day 14 Chapter – 10 َ‫ال ُم ْوع‬

َُ ..................................................................... 31
Day 15 Chapter – 10 continued ................................................................ 36
Day 16 Wrapping up the Dream Textbook ................................................ 39


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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

Days Description
a. Advance Structures Page 360 in the Textbook (PDF)
Day 1
• Chapter – 1 –
‫المتَعَدِّي ِِّبرف‬

• Ustadh explained Transitive - ‫ََ ُمتَعَدِّي‬and Intransitive – ‫َلزِّ َم‬

ُ ْ
Transitive َ ِّ ‫مف ُع ْولَب‬, it can take a “who” or
- ‫ََمتَعَدِّي‬- it can take a ِّ‫ه‬

“what” detail. Example: I ate _ _ _ _ / I destroyed _ _ _ _

Intransitive - ‫َلزِّ َم‬

Example: I sat → this is ‫م‬

َ ِّ‫ َلز‬because we cannot add aa detail without
adding a Harf – I sat on a chair.

b. Ustadh explained ‫ف‬ ُ

َ ‫المتَعَدِّي ِِّبر‬ @4:10

‫ُمتَعَدِّي‬ (can add “who” or “what”) ‫َلزِّ َم‬ (cannot add “who” or “what”)

He prayed َّ
َ‫صّل‬ He stood َ‫قام‬
He killed
َ‫قتل‬ He went َ‫ذهب‬
He learned َّ
َ‫تعلم‬ He died َ‫مات‬
- - ْ
He turned around َ‫ا ِّنقلب‬

• Only in ‫ُمتَعَدِّي‬ you can make Passive, ‫َلزِّ َم‬ you cannot make Passive.

c. Ustadh gave examples for ‫َلزِّ َم‬ @15:10

َ‫طاف‬ َ‫جاء‬ َ‫ضب‬

ِّ ‫غ‬ َ‫جلس‬ َ‫قام‬ َ‫نام‬
He He came he (got) he sat he stood he slept
circulated angry

With ‫َلزِّ َم‬ words you cannot add who/what unless you add a Harf.

He slept on the bed َ‫َالَّسيْ ِّر‬

َّ ‫نامَلَع‬

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He stood with me ْ ِّ ‫قامَم‬

ْ ُ ْ
He sat on the chair ِّ ِّ ‫جلسَلَعَالكر‬

He was angry at them َ‫ضبَعليْ ِّه ْم‬

ِّ ‫غ‬

All the above sentences are ‫َلزِّ َم‬, the only way they allow for a
“who/what”, is with a Harf, you can also make them Passive in a
weird way.

d. Ustadh explained how to change ‫ َلزِّ َم‬into ‫ُمتعدِّي‬ @18:45

the bed was slept on َ‫َالَّسيْ ِّر‬

َّ ‫نِّيْمََلَع‬

(Passive – the doer is unknown)

ْ ْ
َ‫البا ِّل‬
ِّ َ‫نِّيمََلَع‬
the mountains were slept on
ْ ِّ ‫بَالْفاع‬
ُ ‫البالَ= نائ‬ ْ ْ ُ
َ‫ِّلَِفََم ِّّلَرفع‬ ِّ َ‫لَع‬ (ََ‫ نِّيم‬stays the same (ََ‫ هو‬version ))
ِّ ِّ
َ‫ضبَعليْ ِّه ْم‬ ِّ ‫غ‬
anger was directed at them
ْ ُ ْ ْ
َ‫بَالفا ِّعل‬ ِّ ‫علي ِّهمَ= نائ‬

anger is being directed at them

ُ ‫ُي ْغض‬
َ‫بَعليْ ِّه ْم‬
ُ ْ
َ‫مغض ْو ٌبَعل َيْ ِّه ْم‬
persons on whom anger is
ُ ْ
َ ٌ ‫=ََمغض ْو‬
‫ب‬ singular, Masculine
ْ ُ
remains the same, only ‫بَالفاعِّل‬ِّ ‫نائ‬
ُ ْ
a woman on whom anger is
َ‫مغض ْو ٌبَعليَْها‬
ُ ْ
women on whom anger is directed
َ‫مغض ْو ٌبَعل َيْ ِّه َّن‬
ُ ْ
a man on whom anger is directed
ِّ‫مغض ْو ٌبَعليْه‬

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ْ ُ
Note: The Majroor is acting as ‫بَالفاعِّل‬ِّ ‫نائ‬, this only happens when
that occurs often in the Qur’an, this thing only happens when the
word itself was ‫ َلزِّ َم‬and the only way to make it a ‫ ُمتعدِّي‬is by adding
a Harf.

e. Reading Chapter 1 -ََ‫ِِّبرف‬

ْ ‫ال ُمتعدِّي‬ @25:37

f. Q & A @34:40
Q. Will the Passive verb always be Masculine singular? @41:05
A. The Passive verb - Maadi, Mudari, and Ism Maf’ool, will always
be Masculine singular if its ََ‫الَ ُمتعدِّي ِِّب ْرف‬.
g. Ustadh explained Qur’anic Examples from page 4. @43:30
h. Q & A @51:00

i. Ustadh explained َ‫ال ُمتعدِّي ِِّب ْرف‬ and its translation with different
examples. @59:10
Example 1
anger was directed at them َ‫ضبَعليْ ِّه ْم‬
ِّ ‫غ‬

anger is being directed at them

ُ ‫ُي ْغض‬
َ‫بَعليْ ِّه ْم‬
ُ ْ
the ones at whom anger is
َ‫مغض ْو ٌبَعليْ ِّه ْم‬
Example 2
the book was brought َ‫اب‬
ِّ ‫ِّت‬
‫ك‬ ‫جيْئَبِّال‬
ْ ُ ُ
the book is being brought َ‫اب‬
ِّ ‫ِّت‬
‫ك‬ ‫ُياءَبِّال‬
ْ ٌ ْ
the brought book َ‫اب‬
ِّ ‫ئَبِّالكِّت‬
َ ‫َمي‬

j. Homework – Translate into Arabic → َ‫ال ُمتعدِّي ِِّب ْرف‬ @1:04:03

1. The house was surrounded

2. We were surrounded
3. The surrounded Muslims
4. Anger is being directed at you.

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Day 2 a. Ustadh quickly reviews َ‫ال ُمتعدِّي ِِّب ْرف‬

b. Ustadh re-introduced the following concept @1:24
ْ ُْْ ُ ٌْ
Transitive verb that has two objects = َ‫ي‬
ِّ ‫ف ِّعلَمتع ٍّدَإ ِّ ِِّلَمفعول‬
Example 1 Example 2
ْ ‫علَّ ْم‬
ُ َّ‫ِنَانل‬
َ‫ح ْو‬ َ‫ِّب‬‫ذ‬‫ك‬ ‫ب‬َ‫ن‬ ْ ‫جاءكَال ْ ُمناف ُِّق‬
ِّ ٍّ ِّ
He taught me Nahw The hypocrites brought you a lie.
a. Who did he teach? Me a. Who did they bring to? To you
b. What did he teach? Nahw b. What did they bring? A lie
A Transitive verb that has two
َ‫ِّب‬‫ذ‬‫ك‬ ‫ب‬ََََََ‫ن‬ ْ ‫جاءكََََََال ْ ُمناف ُِّق‬
objects / two details. ٍّ ِّ

ْ ْ
ُ ‫ف ِّْعلََََمف ُع ْولَبِّهَََََِّفاع‬
‫ِّلََََمتعل ِّقَبالفِّعل‬
A Transitive verb that has two
objects / two details.
Example 3 Example 4
ُ َّ ‫اه ُم‬
ُ ُُ
َ‫َاَّللَب ِّ ِّر ْز ٍّق‬ ‫أت‬ ْ ْ
َ‫أتواَب ِّ ِّرز ٍّق‬
Allah brought them Rizq. They were brought rizq.
a. Who did He bring to? to them • When making Passive
b. What did He bring? Rizq a. the doer disappears
ُ َّ
َََََََ‫ََََََََََاَّللََََََََب ِّ ِّر ْز ٍّق‬
‫أتاه ُم‬ b. What used to be Maf’ool Bihi
ْ ُ
would become the َ‫بَالفا ِّعل‬ِّ ‫نائ‬
ْ ْ
ُ ‫ف ِّْعلََََمف ُع ْولَبِّهَََََِّفاع‬
A Transitive verb that has two
‫ِّلََََمتعل ِّقَبالفِّعل‬ objects / two details.
A Transitive verb that has two ْ ُُ
They were brought to itَ -ََِّ‫أتواَبِّه‬
objects / two details.
Example 5 – I taught Nuaym / Nuaym was taught @7:17
ْ ْ ُ
ِّ‫ مف ُع ْولَب ِّ َه‬is a done to and a ‫بَالفاعِّل‬ِّ ‫ نائ‬is a done to.
If you are trying to keep the meaning similar then your focus
shouldn’t be on the ‫فاعِّل‬, to flip from active to passive, in the first
ْ ْ
case, your focus should be on the ِّ‫ه‬ َ ِّ ‫ مف ُع ْولَب‬because it’s the ِّ‫م َف ُع ْولَب ِّ َه‬
ْ ُ
that is going to be flipped and make / turn into the ‫نائِّبَالفاعِّل‬.

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c. Regular Passives and َ‫الَ ُمتعدِّي ِِّب ْرف‬ @11:50

ُ ُ ْ
Regular Passive َََ– He helped them - َ‫َ(َمف ُع ْولَبِّهََِّ=ََه ْمَ)ََ نَصه َْم‬

َََThey were helped - َ‫َصوَا‬

ْ ُ ِّ ُ‫ن‬

َ‫ ال ُمتعدِّي ِِّب ْرف‬- -َ‫ضبَعليْ ِّه ْم‬

he directed anger at them ِّ ‫ََغ‬
ْ ْ ُ
anger was directed at them –َ‫ضبَعلي ِّهم‬ ِّ ‫ََغ‬
Note: َ‫ضب‬
ِّ ‫غ‬ doesn’t have a Maf’ool Bihi, the crazy thing here is that
ْ ُ
the MBF acts as a ‫بَالفاعِّل‬ِّ ‫نائ‬ instead of Maf’ool Bihi acting as
ْ ُ ْ ُ
‫بَالفاعِّل‬ِّ ‫ائ‬‫ن‬ , therefore MBF acts as a ‫ِّل‬
‫ع‬ ‫ا‬‫ف‬ ‫ نائِّبَال‬.

Ex 1 - he slept in the bed - َ‫َالَّسيْ ِّر‬

َّ ‫َِف‬
ْ ِّ ‫نام‬

(Passive) the bed was slept in - َََََ‫َالَّسيْ ِّر‬

َّ ‫ََِف‬
ْ ِّ ‫نِّيْم‬
Ex 2 - he brought the book - ََََ‫اب‬
َِّ ‫جاءَبِّالكِّت‬
ْ ْ
(Passive) the book was brought -ََََََََ‫اب‬
ِّ ‫جيئََبِّالكِّت‬
ِّ َ
ْ ْ ُ
Ex 3 – he brought them the book -ََََََ‫اب‬
َِّ ‫جاءَه َمَبِّالكِّت‬
ْ ُْ ْ
(Passive) they were brought the book -َََََ‫اب‬
ِّ ‫جيئوَاَبِّالكِّت‬
ِّ َ
d. Q & A @20:55
Q. If a verb is married to a harf, will we do a normal passive
conversion? @22:57
A. That depends on whether the Fi’l has a Maf’ool Bihi.

Ex 1 – َََََََََََََََََََََََََََ‫َالَّسيْ َِّر‬
َّ ‫َِف‬
ْ ِّ ‫نام‬
No, Maf’ool Bihi, therefore not a normal conversion.

َََََََََََََََََََََََََََ‫الر ْز ِّق‬ ُ َّ ُ ُ
Ex 2 – ِّ ِّ ‫أتاهمَاَّللَب‬
Yes, there is a Maf’ool Bihi, therefore a normal conversion.

e. Ustadh explained Different kinds of َ‫ما‬ with examples @30:20

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1. َ‫ماََم ْو ُص ْولة‬ I know what you did.

َّ ْ ْ What did you do?

2.َ‫ماَا ِّستِّفهامِّية‬

You are not going to do it.

َّ ْ
4.َ‫( ماََشطِّية‬Conditional ‫)ما‬ Whatever you did, you shall pay!

5. ‫ ماََ( َماََاتلَّع ُّجب‬of Shock) What an amazing thing you did!

6. َ‫ماََزائِّدة‬ Ex 1 - Because of (َ‫ )ما‬Allah’s

mercy you are kind.
In Arabic a ‫ ما‬would be added but
it won’t be translated. @35:00

‫ = ما‬whichever one / whomsoever Ex 2 – Whichever (‫ )ما‬restaurant

you want to go to.
َّ ْ ْ ْ ُْ ُ
7.َ‫@ ماَمصدرِّية‬40:00 Ex 1- ََ‫أرِّيدَ أنَأذهب‬
ْ ۡ ُ ُ ٓ
‫ ماََم ْصدرِّ َّية‬means the same as ‫ن‬
َ ‫أ‬, Ex 2 -ََ‫دََماََجاءهمََٱلَق‬
ِّ ‫َمِّنََبع‬
in some cases you can use ‫ما‬ Ex 3 – Surah Yusuf Ayah 3
ٓ ۡ ۡ ٓ ٓ ْ
where ‫ن‬
َ ‫ أ‬was expected. ‫َ َبِّمَاَأوحينَا‬/ََََََ‫ن أ ۡوح ۡينا‬
َ ‫بِّأ‬

َّ as long as, as much as, as far as
f. Ustadh reads and explains Chapter - 2 Page 6 from the Textbook/
Page 356 from the PDF. @46:20

Examples about َ‫ما‬ along with Dawood a.s story from the Qur’an.
(Must listen)

g. Ustadh explained َ‫ ماَزائِّد‬In Conditional Sentences with examples

on page 8. @1:08:20
• Some places where the LIGHTEST Majzoom is used, the HEAVIEST

ُ ‫أُ ْس‬
can be used.
Example 1 – do sajdah → َ‫ج ْد‬
َّ ُ ْ ُ
DOOOOOOO SAJDDAAAAAA!!!!!! → َ‫جدن‬ ‫أس‬

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ْ ُ ْ‫إ ْنَين‬
Example 2 – if he helps → ِّ
َّ ْ ْ
IFFF HE HELPSSSSS AT ALL → ‫ن‬ َ ‫إِّنَين َُص‬
َّ ْ
َ ‫( إ ِّ َّماَين َُص‬this gets really serious)

Note: Ustadh explained this again on Day 3 @5:15

h. Ustadh explained Ayah 23 from Surah Isra on page 9. @1:13:10
ُ ُۡ ۡ ُ ٓ ُ َّ ُ ُ ٓ ُ ۡ ُ
ََّ ‫۞……َإ ِّ َّماَي ۡبلغ‬
َ‫نَعِّندكََٱلكِّبََأح ُدهمَاَأ َۡوَ ِّلِكهماَفَلََتقلَلهمَاَأفََوَلََتنهرهماَوقل‬
ٗ ‫ل َّ ُهماَق ۡو َٗلََكر‬
٢٣‫يما‬ ِّ
Note: Ustadh corrected the translation of this Ayah on Day 3 @25:40
i. On Bayyinah Tv website → Arabic → Reading the classics.
It has audio files to read the text in Arabic along with harakat.

Days Description

Day 3 a. Quick review from the last class on َ‫ماَزائِّد‬

َ‫زائِّد‬ means “extra”. (Unnecessary grammatically but not Rhetorically)

b. Ustadh explained ‫ماَزائِّد‬ In Conditional Sentences examples

from page 8 again in detail. @5:15
c. Ustadh explained Harf Jarr plays 4 roles. @24:20
1. Muta’lliq Bil Khabar 2. Muta’lliq Bil Fi’l
3. Zaida 4. Sifah
Every situation its Jaar Majroor, we need to see which of the 4 roles
its playing.
d. Q & A @25:40
ْ ْ
e. Ustadh reviewed Al Masdar Al Mua’wwal - َ‫الم ْصدرَال ُمؤ َّول‬ and
Ustadh also explained 2.3 ََ‫َما الم ْصد َرِّيَة‬on page 9 in the Textbook.
ْ ْ
•ََ‫ن الم ْصد َرِّيَة‬
َ ‫– َأ‬ transforms the meaning to a Masdar.

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Examples -
ُ ُ ْ ‫ين‬
َ‫َص‬ = َhe helps َ

ْ ْ
َ‫يُ ِّريْ ُدَأنَين َُص‬ = َhe wants to help.َ (to help = Masdar = Ism)
•ََ‫ – َما الم ْصد َرِّيَة‬serves same purpose as Masdar, it has the same
function as َ‫ أن‬but more stressed. (has no impact)

f. Ustadh explained first example on page 10 @38:00

g. Ustadh explained ََ‫ََما الم ْصد َرِّيَة‬VS ‫ماَالموصولة‬ @41:10

•َ‫ ماََالموصولة‬- ‫س‬ َ ُ ‫ما ي ْد ُر‬ = whatever he studies

•ََ‫ ََما الم ْصدرَِّيَة‬- ‫س‬
َ ُ ‫ما ي ْد ُر‬ = his study (it’s part of a longer sentence)

h. Ustadh explained ََ‫@ََ سآءَماََي ْعمل ْون‬47:30
•َ‫ ماََالموصولة‬- َ‫سآءَماَي ْعمل ْون‬ = how horrible is…whatever they are
ْ ُ
•ََ‫ ََما الم ْصدرَِّيَة‬- ‫= سآءََماَي ْعمل ُه َْم‬ how horrible their actions are!

i. Q & A @49:00

َّ ‫م‬ ُ ْ
Day 4 a. Ustadh explained ‫اَالزما َنِّية‬ from Chapter 2 - "‫اعََ"ما‬
َ ‫ أنو‬- page 11.
ُ ْ
b. Quick review of "َ‫اعََ"ما‬
َ ‫أنو‬ @4:55
ْ ْ
1. ‫ستَِّ َفهَا َِّميَة‬
َ َ‫ماَاَل‬ = What - ( Question ‫ما‬ )

2. ‫ماَانلَّاف َِّّية‬ = not at all - (َ‫ ما‬of refutation )

3. ‫ماَالموصولة‬ = whatever or similar to “which”

4. ‫طيَة‬ َْ َ‫ما‬
َِّ ‫الش‬ = whatever - (comes as a condition)

c. Ustadh reviewed ‫ماَاتلَّع ُّجب ِّ َّية‬ -( ‫ ما‬of Amazement ) - page 7. @5:53

•َ‫ = ماَاتلَّع ُّجب ِّ َّية‬how + something

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ْ ْ
•َ‫ ما‬+ ‫أفعل َُه‬ or ‫ ما‬+ ِّ‫مف ُع ْولَبِّه‬
Examples: َِّ ‫ =ََ أعل ِّْمَبِّالو‬What a knowledgeable child!
َ‫ل‬ َِّ ‫ =ََ ما أعلَمََبِّالو‬What a knowledgeable child!
ْ ْ
‫ ماَأكفرَُه‬/َِّ‫ = أَك ِّف ْرَبِّه‬What a disbeliever he is!
There’s nothing to do with the Sarf or Nahw of it, its just the structure,
they template it, this is a way of expressing amazement or shock,
ْ ْ
whatever is the quality that you are impressed with goes into the َ‫أف ِّعل‬
ْ ُْْ
or َ‫ أفعل‬and whoever you are impressed with is the ِّ‫ه‬
َ ِّ ‫مفعولَب‬, the way to
short form that or to create a formula for that is…
ْ ْ ْ
• ‫ أفعل َُه‬+ ‫ما‬ / ِّ‫أفعِّلَ ب ِّ َه‬
َّ َ‫ ما‬and ‫@ ماَالْم ْصدر َّية‬8:30
d. Ustadh reviewed ِّ
ْ ُْ
e. Ustadh explained ‫مْيَالفصل‬ ِّ ‫ ض‬- The Pronoun of Separation (Referee
Pronoun) from Chapter 3 – page 12 @11:30

َ‫ج ُد‬ ْ ‫هذاَالْم‬

This masjid/ This is the masjid A ِّ

َ‫ج ٌد‬ ْ
This is a masjid B ِّ ‫هذاَمس‬

َ‫ج ُد‬ ْ ‫هذاَ ُهوَالْم‬

This is the masjid C ِّ
• A and C can be seen as similar sentences. While A is usually seen
as a fragment.
f. Ustadh explained the difference between A and C @18:30
• You can say this if you wanna • The Referee Pronoun creates
say brief. separation between Mubtada and
Khabar it’s called ‫فصل‬, the
purpose of Referee Pronoun is to
clarify and to keep the Khabar

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

g. Ustadh explained “Confirming the ‫”خب‬, with examples on page

12. (Listen to Ustadh for the explanation.) @21:40
ْ ْ َّ ُ
h. Ustadh explained ...‫َِِّهَال ُعليا‬
ِّ ‫وَك ِّمةَاَّلل‬... @26:45

• Ustadh explained about Comparatives and Superlatives.

ُ ‫ك‬ ْ
ُ ‫ك‬
The feminine of َ‫ب‬ ‫أ‬ is still َ‫ب‬ ‫أ‬ , remember, when you don’t add

the ‫ال‬, the masculine and the feminine are same cause in comparatives
we don’t change the gender, however when you add ‫ال‬, it becomes
ْ ُ ْ
superlative, it’s called – ِّ ‫أفضلَاتلَّف‬.
- Masculine Feminine
ُ ‫ك‬ ْ
ُ ‫ك‬
َ‫ب‬ ‫أ‬ َ‫ب‬ ‫أ‬
ْ ْ
َ‫أ ى‬
َ‫لَع‬ َ‫أ ى‬
ْ ْ ُ
ُ ‫ك‬
َ‫ب‬ َ
‫ال‬ َ‫ى‬ َْ ‫ك‬
َ‫ب ى‬ َ ‫ال‬
ْ ْ ْ ْ
َ‫ال ى‬
َ‫لَع‬ َ‫ال ُعليا‬

Superlative happens only in two situations either add ‫ال‬ to a

comparative or you can make it a Mudaf.
i. Ustadh explained Exclusivity - ‫اَلِّختِّصاص‬ with examples on page
13. @33:05
ْ َّ ْ ْ ُ َّ
• Ustadh explained َ‫كنََلَيش ُع ُر ْون‬
ِّ ‫أآلَإِّن ُه ْمَه ُمََال ُمفس ُِّد ْونَول ى‬ @36:00

j. Ustadh explained Emphasis - ‫اتلَّ ْوكِّيْد‬ with examples on page 13.

• Ustadh explained the following + listen to Ustadh for explanation.
ْ ‫ى‬ ُ ْ ْ
• It affirms other than the doer - ‫ِّل‬ َِّ ‫لَعَغْيَِّالفاع‬ َ َ‫اْلثبات‬ ِّ @48:02

It affirms other than the subject - َ‫ْيَالمبتدأ‬

ْ ُ ْ ْ ‫لَعَغ‬
َ َ
‫ات‬ُ ‫ْاْلثْب‬
• ِّ ِّ
ْ ْ ُ ُ
• Ustadh explained ‫ي‬ َ ِّ ‫َصنى ُه ْمَفَكن ْواَه َُمََالغىلِّب‬
ْ ‫ون‬

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

‫َمََأ ْظلمَوأ ْط ى‬ ُ ُ َّ ُ ُ
• Ustadh explained َ‫غ‬ َْ ‫وق ْومَنيْ ٍّحَمِّنَقبْلَإِّن ُه ْمََكن ْواَه‬ @51:55

k. Q & A @ 54:00
• Question – Why the Mubtada and the Khabar has to be separate?
Answer – Because in these cases if you don’t separate them it may
look like Mawsoof Sifah and it is also separated to keep the Khabar
ْ ُ َّ
Examples - َ‫الر ُجلَالقائ ِّ ُم‬ - the standing man
ْ ُ ُ َّ
‫الر ُجلَهوَالقائ ِّ َُم‬ - the man is the one standing

َّ ُ ْ
Day 5 a. Ustadh explained َ‫ْيَالشأن‬ ‫ض ِّم‬
َّ ُ ْ
• ‫ْيَالشأن‬ ‫ض ِّم‬ is a pronoun that doesn’t go back to an Ism, its purpose
is “the fact of the matter”, or “the reality is that”. @9:45
َّ ُ ْ
b. Ustadh reads and explains َ‫ْيَالشأن‬ ‫ض ِّم‬ and its examples from the
Bayyinah Textbook – Chapter 3 page 14 @10:45
c. Ustadh explained few examples from page 14 and 15. @13:45
َّ ‫ى‬
d. Ustadh explained َ‫الم ْست ِّت‬ َِّ ْ ‫طفَلَعَالض ِّم‬
ُ َ‫ْي‬ َ ‫الع‬ @21:30

e. Q & A @26:16

Days Description

a. Chapter 4 –
َ‫اءَالسبب ِّ َّية‬‫ ف‬4.0 Recommended Review
Day 6A
ْ ْ ُ ْ ْ
Quick review of ‫ المرَوجوابَالمر‬on page 17.

b. Quick review of ‫َ ُمضاعف‬ (Chapter 7) and ‫ناق ِّص‬ (Chapter 9) @3:40

c. 4.1 Introduction and 4.2 Structure and Grammar @5:45

• Ustadh explained Ayah 81 from Surah Ta-ha @8:28
ۡ ۡ ُ َّ ْ ۡ ُ ۡ ْ ُُ
َِّ‫ِّلَعل ۡي َه‬
َ ‫لَعل ۡيك َۡمَغض ِّبَيَومنََيل‬
َ‫ح‬ ِّ ‫تَماََرزقنىك َۡمَوَلََتطغ ۡوَاَفِّي َهَِّفَي‬
َِّ ‫واَ ِّمنََطيِّبى‬
َ ‫ُك‬
٨١‫ى‬ َ‫بَفق َۡدَهو ى‬ َ ِّ ‫غض‬
..…..don’t act criminally when it comes to it otherwise my anger shall
be unleashed upon you…….
(This is an incomplete translation, for complete one, find it in the Textbook)

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

ْۡ ۡ
• Ustadh explained ‫تطغوَا‬ from the ayah 81 of Surah Ta-Ha. @10:20
ً ْ ُ ‫ْ ى‬
to transgress / be rebellious / to ٍّ ‫ََََطغياناََََف ُهوَط‬
َََََ‫اغ‬ َ‫ت ى‬
misbehave / to act criminally
• Ustadh explained َ‫َيِّل‬ from the ayah 81 of Surah Ta-Ha.
ً ُّ َّ
َ to open up/ to unleash / to release - ََ‫َََََيِّلََََحَلَلََََف ُهوَحال‬
َ ‫حل‬
d. Ustadh explained 1st example from Surah Al Mai’dah Ayah 21
on page 18. @14:20
ْ ُ ُ ۡ ‫ۡ ُّ ْ ى‬ ُ ُ َّ َّ ۡ ۡ ْ ُ ُ ۡ ۡ
٢١َ‫َّسين‬ َ ‫لَعَأدبارِّك َۡمَفَتنقل ِّب‬
ِّ ِّ ‫واَخ ى‬ َ ‫َّللَلك َۡمَوَلََترتد‬
َ َ‫وا‬ َ ِّ ‫واَٱلۡرضََٱل ُمق َّدس َةَٱل‬
َ ‫تَكتبََٱ‬ َ ‫يىقو َِّمَٱدخل‬
My people, enter the holy land that Allah has decreed for you and do
not urn back on your heels, or else you will return as losers.

e. 4.3
َ‫اءَالسبب ِّ َّية‬‫الف‬ - Outside of Forbidding @16:35
• Ustadh explained 2nd example from Surah An Nisa Ayah 73 on
page 18. @18:15
ُ َّ ُ ُ َّ ُ َّ ۡ ُ
َ‫نت‬ َ ِّ ‫نَكأنَل َۡمَتكنََبيۡنك َۡمَوبيۡن َُهۥَمودةََيىل ۡيت‬
َ ُ ‫ِنَك‬ َ ‫نَأصىبك َۡمَفضلََمِّنََٱ‬
ََّ ‫َّللََِّلقول‬ َۡ ِّ ‫ولئ‬
ٗ ‫مع ُه َۡمَفأَفُوزََف ۡو ًزاَع ِّظ‬
Certainly, if bounty comes to you from Allah, he will definitely say, as
though there has been no love between you and him “I wish I was with
them then (as a result) I would have attained something great”.
f. Ustadh explained 3rd example from Surah Ghafir Ayah 36 and 37
on page 18. @20:25

َ‫تَفأَ َّطل ِّعََإ ِّ ى‬

َِّ‫ِلَإِّل ى َه‬ َِّ ‫لسمىو ى‬َّ ‫َأ ۡسبىبََٱ‬٣٦َ‫ّلََأبۡلُ َُغَٱَ ۡل ۡسبَىب‬ َّ ۡ
ٓ ِّ ‫َص ٗحاَلع‬ َ‫ِل‬
َ ِّ َ‫ن‬َِّ ۡ‫نَٱَب‬
َُ ‫وقالََف ِّۡرع ۡونََيىهىم ى‬
َ‫يلَوماَك ۡي َُد‬ َّ ‫نَٱ‬
َِّ ِّ ‫لسب‬ َِّ ‫ِإَونََلظ ُّن َُهۥَكىذ ِّٗباََوكذىل ِّكََ ُزيِّنََل ِّ ِّف ۡرع ۡونََ ُس ٓو َُءَعمل ِّ َهِّۦَو ُص ََّدَع‬ ِّ َ‫وس‬ َ‫ُم ى‬
٣٧َ‫ِفَتباب‬ َ ِّ ‫ف ِّۡرع ۡونََإ‬
َ ِّ َ‫َل‬
Firaun said, “Haman, build me a tower so that hopefully I might reach
the ways – the ways to the sky, then (as a result), I will look at Musa’s
ُ ً ُْ ْ ْ
to build - َ‫ان‬
ٍّ ‫ِنََََبنياناََََفهوََََب‬ ِّ ‫بِنََََيب‬
ً ْ
َََََََََََََََ‫ِنَََََبُنياناََََف ُهوََََمبْ ِِّن‬ ‫ََََيبْ ى‬
ُ ‫بُِن‬
ْ ُ َّ ْ ُْ ْ ُْ
َََََََََََ‫ْبَََََََوالظ ْرفَمِّن ُهََََمبْ ًِن‬ َّ
ِّ ‫َََالمرَمِّنهَََََا ِّب ِّنََََََََوانليهَعنهََََََلَت‬

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

a. Ustadh repeated Day 6 class due to audio issues previously.

Day 6B
b. Ustadh explained examples of Chapter 4 about
َ‫اءَالسبب ِّ َّية‬‫الف‬

then he...thus / therefore he…=َ‫َمضارعَمنصوب‬+َ‫ف‬


otherwiseَ=َ‫َالمضارعَالمنصوب‬+َ‫َالفاءَالسببية‬+َ‫( انليه‬a)

then as a resultَ=َ‫َالمضارعَالمنصوب‬+َ‫َالفاءَالسببية‬+ all other cases (b)

c. Q & A @8:45
d. Ustadh explained ‫أنََالمصدرِّ َّية‬ @13:25

I want َُ‫أُريْد‬
I want to understand ْ ْ ُْ ُ
َ‫أرِّي َدَأنَأفهم‬
ْ ْ
he wants that I understand / he
َ‫َيُ ِّريْ َُدَأنَأفهم‬
wants me to understand
ُّ ْ ُ ْ َّ ُ ْ
‫ضل ْوا‬ ِّ ‫َيُ ِّري َدَالشيطانَأنَت‬
The devil wants that you be lost

ْ ُْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ُ‫ي‬
َ‫َاْل ْسَلم‬
he wants to surrender / he wants
surrender (Masdar) @22:45 ِّ َ‫َري َد‬
ِّ ‫ ي‬/َ‫َري َدََأنَيسل ِّم‬
e. Ustadh explained 5.1 examples on page 20 @25:20

f. Homework Assignment – Translate from English to Arabic

using ‫َ فعلَمضارع‬+ َ‫ََأن‬ @26:03

Fi’l Versions Masdar Versions

1. He wants her to understand 1. I want to understand

2. I want you to understand 2. They want me to understand

3. They want to understand 3. She want to understand Ahmad

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Dream Advance Structures - Timestamps from Day 01 to Day 16

a. Ustadh checked Homework Assignment of Day 6B

Day 7
Ustadh added few more sentences to Homework Assignment @6:00
ْ ْ ُ
1. Maryam wants that Ahmad
understands / Maryam wants
َ‫َت ِّريْ ُدَم ْري ُمَأنَيفهم‬
Ahmad to understand.
ْ ْ
2. They want her to understand /
they want that she understands
َ‫يُ ِّريْ ُدَ ْونَأنَتفهم‬

Masdar comes with ‫ال‬ - Masdars, when you want to use them in a

sentence, put ‫ ال‬on them, if you don’t use ‫ ال‬on them, they would
mean, “I want “some understanding””.
Fi’l Versions
ْ ْ ْ ْ
1. He wants her to understand
َ‫ يُ ِّريْ َُدََأنَتفهم‬/ َ‫@ َيُ ِّريْ ُدَهاََأنَتفهم‬10:40
ْ ْ ُْ ُ ْ ْ
2. I want you to understand
َ‫ أَرِّي َدََأنَتفهم‬/ َ‫@ َيُ ِّريْ ُدَكَََأنَتفهم‬11:29
ْ ْ
3. They want to understand
‫@ يُ ِّريْ ُدَ ْونَأنَتفه ُم ْوَا‬11:45
ْ ْ ْ ُ
4. She wants to understand
َ‫@ َت ِّريْ َُدَأنَتفهمَأْحد‬20:56
5. They want that I ْ ْ ْ ُْ ُ ْ ْ ْ ْ ُْ ُ
َ‫َونَأنَأفهم‬ ‫َي ِّريد‬/ َ‫ِنََأنَأفهم‬ ِّ ‫َي ِّريدَون‬
6.I want to understand. ْ ْ ُْ ُ
َ‫َأرِّي َدَأنَأفهم‬
Masdar Versions
1. I want to understand
َ‫@َََأَرِّيْ َُدَالف ْهم‬15:45
2. They want me to understand
َ‫م‬ ْ ‫يُريْ ُد‬
ْ ‫َونَف ْه‬ ِّ
ْ ُ
3. She want to understand Ahmad
َ‫َت ِّريْ َُدَف ْهمَأْحد‬ @18:50

b. Ustadh mentions about 500 questions exam which would be

released in the month of September 2022. @23:55
(Listen to Ustadh for more details)
c. 5.1 B َ‫أن‬ meaning “became” @29:35

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Ustadh explained َ‫ن ت ْعل ِّيْ ِّل‬

َ‫ت ْعل ِّيْ ِّل‬ means “to give a reason or to explain”

ً ْ ْ
to hide - َ‫كتمََََيك ُت ُمََََكِّتماناَََف ُهوَََكت ٌِّم‬
• Ustadh explained first two examples on page 21. @32:15 and
d. 5.1 C َ‫أن‬ meaning “lest” @35:58

“lest” alternative is “because otherwise”

• Ustadh explained the following example on page 21.
ُ ُ َّ ْ ُّ ْ ْ ُ ُ َّ ُ ُ
َ‫ََش ٍّءَعل ِّيْ ٌم‬
ْ ‫كل‬
ِّ ِّ ‫ب‬َ‫اَّلل‬‫َو‬
َ‫ا‬َ‫و‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ض‬
ِّ ‫َت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫…يب ِّيَاَّللَلكمَأ‬
Allah clarifies for you lest you go astray. And Allah is knowing of all
e. 5.1 D َ‫أن‬ Starting a Quote @40:00

• Ustadh explained the Quran examples on page 22.

َّ ْ َّ
Day 8 a. Ustadh explained 5.1 E ‫أنَال ُمخففة‬ on page 22.
َّ ْ
The َ‫أن‬ that is “light” → َ‫أن‬
َّ ْ َّ
In Arabic َ‫أن‬ is sometimes said َ‫أن‬ it is the short version of َ‫أن‬ and it
doesn’t really make anything Nasb.
َ‫أن‬ = that (it is a sentence connector)
َّ ُ ْ
Ex: I came to know that you are a monkey - َ‫تَأنكَق ِّْد ٌر‬ ‫عل ِّم‬
b. Ustadh explained the examples on page 23. @9:10
َّ ْ
َ‫ َلَ= أَل‬+ ‫ن‬
ْ ْ
c. Ustadh explained 5.1 F ‫أنَال ُمف َِّّسَة‬ with few examples on page 23.َ
• Ustadh mentions about being grateful while explaining one of the
examples on page 23. Must listen. @15:20

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ْ ْ
d. Ustadh explained 5.1 G ‫أنَالزائِّدة‬ with few examples on page 24.َ
e. Ustadh explained 5.2 Introduction to َ‫إِّن‬ on page 24.َ@25:45

f. Ustadh explained 5.2A ‫ن انلَّاف َِّّية‬
َ ِّ ‫إ‬ with few examples on page 24 and
page 25.َ@26:17
Ustadh reviewed different kinds of NEGATION
ْ ُ
he has knowledge
َ‫عل ٌم‬
َِّ َ‫َل‬
ْ ْ ُ
he doesn’t have knowledge
َ‫ ليْسَ َُلَ ِّعَل ٌم‬/ََ‫ََلَ ِّعَل ٌم‬
he doesn’t have any knowledge
َ‫ََلَم ِّْنََ ِّعَل ٍّم‬
ُ َ‫ما‬

he so totally doesn’t have any ْ ْ ُ ْ

(Strongest Negation)ََ‫عَل ٍّم‬
ِّ َ‫إِّنَََلَمِّن‬
you have strong evidence of this ٌ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ
you don’t have strong evidence of ٌ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ
ٌ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ
you don’t have strong evidence of
you so totally don’t have strong ٌ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ْ
evidence of this
you have absolutely no evidence ْ ُ ْ ْ ُ ْ ْ
whatsoever of this
ٍّ ‫إِّنََعِّندك َمَمِّنََسل‬
َّ ُ ْ
g. Ustadh explained 5.2B ‫المخففة‬ َ ِّ ‫إ‬
‫ن‬ with few examples on page 25.َ
h. Summary of Chapter 5 @36:45
ْ ْ
1. ‫أنَالم ْصدرِّ َّية‬ - to/that

2. ‫أنَت ْعل ِّيْل َِّّية‬ - because

3. ‫أنَسبب ِّ َّية‬ - otherwise

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ْ ُ ْ
4. ‫أنَمق ْولَالقول‬ - the purpose of quoting

َّ ُ ْ َّ ْ
5. َ‫ أنَُمففة‬- the abbreviated version of َ‫أن‬ → َ‫أن‬
6. ‫أنَزائِّدة‬ - only used with َ‫ََل َّما‬and it’s used for prolonged stress
ْ ْ
7. ‫أنَ ُمف َِّّسَة‬ - the explanatory َ‫أن‬
3 kinds of َ‫إِّن‬
َّ ْ ْ
1.َ‫ََشطِّية‬ َ‫ إِّن‬- if

2. ‫ إِّنََناف َِّّية‬- not at all

َّ ُ ْ
3.َ‫َُمففة‬ َ ِّ ‫ إ‬-
‫ن‬ certainly

Day 9 a. Chapter 6 – ‫اَلِّشتِّغال‬
• Anytime we talk about Balaghah then it from the following:
3 different sections of Balaghah
1. َ‫ان‬
ِّ ‫عِّلمَالمع‬
ْ ْ
2. َ‫عِّلمَاْليان‬

ْ ْ
3. َ‫عِّلمَاْلدِّيع‬
The one that has to do with the Grammar the most is 1. َ‫ان‬
ِّ ‫عِّلمَالمع‬.
ِّ ‫عِّلمَالمع‬ = most of the times its the things that are said that could
have been said differently or things that are said in unexpected ways.
ْ ْ
b. ‫ اَلِّشتِّغال‬is basically the ِّ‫مف ُع ْولَب ِّ َه‬.
• ‫ اَلِّشتِّغال‬is talking about “Arabic” in unexpected ways.

Example 1 –
َّ ْ ُ ْ َّ
I taught Arabic -ََ‫َعلمتَالعربِّية‬

ُ ْ َّ َّ ْ
Example 2 – The Arabic, I taught it. -َ‫َالعربِّيةَعلمتَها‬

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• In Example 2 – Arabic is mentioned first and then ‫ مف ُع ْولَب ِّ َهِّ ُمق َّد َم‬is
mentioned again as a Pronoun (‫)ها‬, this is called ‫اَلِّشتِّغال‬.

It is a “separate structure” for putting unusual amounts of stress

ْ ْ
upon the ِّ‫مف ُع ْولَب ِّ َه‬, in effect mentioning ِّ‫مف ُع ْولَب ِّ َه‬ twice, once as an Ism
and second as a Pronoun.
ْ ْ
Example 3 – She saw Ahmad -ََ‫َرأتَأْحد‬
ُْ ْ ْ
She saw Ahmad -ََََََ‫اَلِّشتِّغالَََ= أْحدََرأتَه‬

Example 4 –
َّ ْ
We built the sky - َََ‫َبنيناَالسماء‬

The sky, We built it

َّ ََ=َََ‫اَلِّ ْشتِّغال‬
Example 5 –
We built the sky - َََ‫َورفعَالسماء‬
َّ ْ
The sky, We built it-َََََ‫اَلِّشتِّغالَََ=َََوالسماءََرفعَها‬
Example 6 – -ََ‫( َووضعَال ْرض‬Surah 55:10)
And He laid the earth
ْ ْ ْ
And the earth, He laid itََ-ََََ‫اَلِّشتِّغالََ ََ=َََوالرضََوضَعَها‬
َّ ْ ْ
Example 7 – We created the jinn - َََ‫(َخلقناَالان‬Surah 15:27)
ُ ْ َّ ْ ْ
And the Jinn, We created it -ََََََ‫اَلِّشتِّغالََ=ََوالانَخلقناه‬

c. Ustadh reads and explains 6.1 Introduction on page 26. @11:00

• Ustadh explained 1st example on page 27. @15:35
• Ustadh explained 2nd example on page 27. @16:25
ْ ُ ْ
d. Ustadh explained 6.3 ‫ُمبْتدأ‬ VS َ‫مشغ ْولَعن ُه‬ on page 28. @25:48

• Ustadh explained 2nd example on page 28. @32:00

ُ ‫م ْف ُع ْولَبه‬
‫َِّمق َّد َم‬
ْ ُ ْ
َ‫مشغ ْولَعن ُه‬
e. Ustadh explained 6.4 ِّ VS page 29. @35:50

ْ ُ ْ
f. Homework Assignment - Find few َ‫مشغ ْولَعن ُه‬, most are not
mentioned in the Textbook. @37:20
ْ ُ ْ
Find َ‫ مشغ ْولَعن ُه‬in Surah Ar-Rahman, Surah Al-Waqia and Surah
51 Adh-Dhariyat.
g. Q & A @39:15

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Day 10 a. Chapter 7 –
َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫انلَّ ْع‬
• Ustadh explained that the Ism Faai’l can have an outside doer
and Mafoo’l bihi / the Ism Faai’l can an have outside doer and
details just like a Fi’l.
ً ‫إِّنَخال ٌِّقَب‬
‫شا‬ ِّ
َ‫ خال ٌِّق‬- Ism Faai’l | ً ‫ ب‬-
‫شَا‬ Mafoo’l Bihi of Ism Faai’l

b. Ustadh explained 7.2 Grammatical Structure of

َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫انلَّ ْع‬
with few examples of page 30. @9:30
c. Ustadh explained the examples from page 31. @14:30
Listen to Ustadh for complete explanation.
d. Ustadh explained few examples. @23:45
Ex – 1: I went to a city whose schools are old.

َ‫ِلَمد ِّْين ٍّةَقد ِّْيم ٍّةَمدارِّ ُسها‬ ُ ْ‫ذهب‬

َ‫تَإ ِّ ى‬

Note 1: 1. Status and Type comes from َ‫مد ِّْين ٍّة‬

2. Gender for َ‫ – قد ِّْيم ٍّة‬which is Feminine, comes from ‫مدارِّ ُسها‬.

َ‫ مدارِّ ُس‬is the Non-Human Broken Plural that’s why it is Feminine.

َّ َ‫انلَّ ْعت‬
‫ قد ِّْيم ٍَّة‬is the example ofَ َ‫َالسب ِّب‬
Ex – 2: I went to a city whose masjid is old.

َ‫ج ُدها‬ ْ ْ ْ َ‫تَإ ى‬ ُ ْ

ِّ ‫ِلَمدِّين ٍّةَقدِّي ٍّمَمس‬ِّ ‫ذهب‬
Note 2: 1. Status and Type comes from َ‫مد ِّْين ٍّة‬

2. Gender for َ‫قدِّي ْ ٍّم‬ – which is Masculine, comes from َ‫ج ُدها‬ ْ
ِّ ‫مس‬.
َ‫قدِّي ْ ٍّم‬ is the example ofَ
َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫انلَّ ْع‬
Ex – 3: I went to a city whose mayor is old.
‫ََشيْفها‬ ْ ْ َ‫تَإ ى‬
ِّ ‫ِلَمدِّين ٍّةَقدِّي ٍّم‬
ُ ْ
ِّ ‫ذهب‬
Note 3: 1. Status and Type comes from َ‫مد ِّْين ٍّة‬

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2. Gender for َ‫قدِّي ْ ٍّم‬ – which is Masculine, comes from ‫َشيْفها‬
ِّ .
َ‫قدِّي ْ ٍّم‬ is the example ofَ
َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫انلَّ ْع‬
Ex – 4: I saw a boy whose sister is angry. @30:30
ْ ُ ً ُ ْ ‫رأي‬
َ‫ضبةَاخ ُت ُه‬ِّ ‫تَو ًلاََغ‬
Note 4: 1. Status and Type comes from َ‫و ًلا‬
ً ْ ُ
2. Gender for ََ‫ضبة‬
ِّ ‫َغ‬ – which is Feminine, comes from َ‫اخ ُت ُه‬.
ِّ ‫َغ‬ is the example ofَ
َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫انلَّ ْع‬

• Therefore,
َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫ انلَّ ْع‬is affected by Status and Type by the previous
word and the Gender comes from the word which is after it.
e. Ustadh explained the following examples from Quran. @39:55
ُ َّ ٓ ۡ َّ
Surah Al Baqarah – 02:69 ‫إِّنهاَبقرةََصفرا َُءَفاق ِّعََل ۡونها‬
ُ ْ
to glow / to be bright -َََ‫ف َقعَََََيفقع‬

Note: 1. Status and Type comes from َ‫بقرةََصفراء‬

ُٓ ۡ
ُ ۡ َّ
2. Gender for َ‫ – فاق ِّع‬which is Masculine, comes from ‫لونها‬.
ُ ۡ
َ‫ فاق ِّع‬is acting like a Fi’l while ‫ن‬
َ ‫َو‬ ‫ ل‬being the Faai’l.
َ‫ فاق ِّع‬is the example ofَ َ‫تَالسب ِّب‬ ‫انلَّ ْع‬
ُ ۡ ٌ ۡ ُّ ۡ
Surah An-Nahl - 16:69َ َ‫ِّفَألوىن ُه‬ َُ ‫َي ُر‬
َ ‫جَمِّنََ ُب ُطون ِّهاََشابََُمتل‬
Note: 1. When the gender is supposed to match for Non-Human
Broken Plurals, the Arabs has the right to match or mismatch.
(Listen to Ustadh for detailed explanation)
f. Q & A @51:25
g. Ustadh said to read through Chapter 7 again. @57:59

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a. Ustadh explained the following examples.

ْ ْ ْ ‫ر ُج ٌلَقام‬
Day 11
Ex 1: A man who stood in the masjid. - َََِّ‫جد‬
ِّ ‫َِفَالمس‬
ٌ ٌ
َ‫ ر ُجل‬is common and َ ‫ ق‬is a َ‫ ف ِّْعلَماض‬and because ‫ل‬
‫ام‬ َ ‫ ر ُج‬is common
then this Jumlah Fi’liyyah (from ‫ام‬
َ ‫ ق‬onwards) becomes a SIFAH
and because Jumlah Fi’liyyah becomes a SIFAH you get the word
“who” automatically because you are using Jumlah Fi’liyyah to
describe َ‫ ر ُجل‬and in English you can’t say, “a man stood in the
masjid”, because then that would become a complete sentence and
Ustadh doesn’t want to say this as a sentence, but he wants to say,
“stood in the masjid” as a description and the way to do that in
English is to say, “a man “who” stood in the masjid”.
Same thing can be said by using a proper Ism but then we need
‫اسمَم ْو ُص ْول‬ for this.
َّ ُ ُ
ْ ْ ْ ‫َاَّلِّيَقام‬
Ex 2: The man who stood in the masjid. – َََِّ‫جد‬
ِّ ‫َِفَالمس‬
ِّ َ‫الرجل‬
b. Ustadh explained the examples on page 31 again. @2:30
(Ustadh explained these examples from page 31 on DAY 10. @14:30
Must listen to Ustadh for complete explanation.)
ُْ ْ ْ ْ
ِّ ‫ ال ِّفعلَالم‬from page 33.
c. Ustadh explained Chapter 8 -ََ‫اِضَوالمضارِّع‬
ْ ْ
8.1 Introduction to ِّ ‫ال ِّف ْعلَالم‬
ْ ْ
َ ِّ ‫ – ال ِّف ْعلَالم‬Ustadh skipped this one and
8.2 Standard usage of ‫اِض‬
said to read it on our own.
ْ ْ
d. Ustadh explained 8.3 Non-Standard usage of ِّ ‫ال ِّف ْعلَالم‬
َ‫اِض‬ from
page 35. @15:45
Positive examples

May Allah heal you.

ُ َّ ‫شفاك‬

May Allah forgive you.

ُ َّ ََ‫غفر‬
May Allah bless you. َ‫اَّللَفِّيْك‬
َُ ََ‫بارك‬

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ً ْ ‫اَّللَخ‬
May Allah reward you. ‫ْيا‬ َُ ََ‫جزاك‬

May Allah guide you.

ُ َّ ََ‫هداك‬
May Allah protect you / May Allah ُ َّ ََ‫ ح ِّفظ ُه‬/َ‫اَّلل‬
َُ ََ‫ح ِّفظك‬
protect him.
ْ ُ َّ
May Allah be pleased with him. َ‫اَّللََعن ُه‬ َ ِّ ‫ر‬
َّ َّ َّ
May Allah send His salutations /
May Allah send His honor upon
َُ َ‫ّل‬َ‫ص‬
Rasool Allah ‫ﷺ‬
Negative examples
May the curse of Allah fall upon ُ َّ َ‫لعن َُه‬
e. Ustadh explained Promises and Warningsَand its examples from
page 36. @17:57

f. Ustadh explainedََ‫صلةَالموصول‬
ْ ُ ْ ْ ُ
ِّ and its examples from page 37.
g. Q & A @22:38
ُ ْ ْ ُ ْ
h. Ustadh explainedََ‫ منَميث‬/َ‫ حيث‬and its examples from page 37
and page 38. @24:45
ْ َّ ُ ْ
i. Ustadh explainedََ‫ همزةَالتسوِّية‬and its examples from page 38.
Ex 1: ََََََََََََََََََََََََََ‫اءََعليَْكََأ ْس ِّم ْعتَأمَماَس ِّم ْعت‬
ٌ ‫سو‬
It’s the same outcome for you, whether you listen or not...
Highlighted parts can be replaced or changed with anything.

ْ ْ
Ex 2: ٌَ ‫سو‬
It’s the same outcome for Ahmad, whether he tries or not.

Notice that in Arabic َ‫ماض‬ has been used however the translation
comes out as the Present Tense. @30:55
j. Ustadh mentions about OPEN BOOK – TAKE HOME EXAM. @32:23

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Day 12
a. Ustadh explainedَ‫ لوَل‬from page 38 and its examples from page 39.

ۡ َّ ٓ ۡ
َٓ ِّ ‫َلَأخرت‬
َ‫ِنَإ ِّ ى‬
ِّ ‫ِلَأجلََق‬ َ ‫بَلو‬
َِّ ‫…َفيقولََر‬
Then he will say, “My Master, why don’t you reprieve me for a little
َ‫ََمأخ ٌِّر‬ ً ْ ‫أ َّخ َر يُاخ َُِّر تأخ‬
ُ ‫ِّْياََََف ُهو‬ - to delay

ۡ ۡ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ ُۡ ُ ۡ ْ ُ
ٍَّ ‫يَع ِّظ‬ َ‫انَ ى‬
َِّ ‫لَعَرجلََمِّنََٱلقريت‬ َ ‫واَلوَلََن ِّزلََهىذاَٱلقرء‬
َ ‫وقال‬
1. And they said, “Why was this Quran not sent down upon a great
man from the two towns?”
2. And they said, “How come this Quran was not sent down upon a
great man from the two towns?”
3. And they said, “How come this Quran is not being sent down upon a
great man from the two town?”
ٌ ُ ُ ًْ ْ ُ ُ َّ
ِّ ‫م‬ََ ‫و‬ ‫ه‬‫ف‬َ َََ َ
‫َل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ْن‬
ِّ ‫ت‬ ََََ ‫ل‬ ‫ْن‬
ِّ ‫ نزلَ ي‬- to send down

b. Ustadh explained ‫الملةَالشطِّية‬

َّ ْ َّ ْ ُ ْ from page 39 @2:55

‫ةَالشط َِّّية‬ ُ ْ is made up of ‫ط‬

ْ َّ ‫ال ْمل‬ ْ and ‫الشط‬
َ ‫َش‬ ْ َّ َ‫اب‬
َ ُ ‫ جو‬- “if this… then
that…”. Sometimes the ‫ط‬ َ ‫َش‬ ْ part can actually be a Past tense and

sometimes the ‫ط‬ ْ

َ ‫َش‬ part can be a Present tense.
Ex: 1 َََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََ‫ إِّنَفعل‬- if he did it
ْ ْ
Ex: 2 َََََََََََََََََََََََََََ‫ إِّنَيفعل‬- if he is doing it

These both examples are ‫ط‬

ْ , the above examples can mean Present
َ ‫َش‬
Tense, the only difference would be the Past tense version is a
singular occurrence and the second one (the Present tense version)
would be multiple occurrences.

This is the difference between the َ‫ماض‬ and the ‫ ُمضارع‬, therefore the
َ‫ماض‬ is not about the Past and the ‫ُمضارع‬ is not about the Present,

the َ‫ماض‬ in this ‫ط‬ ْ

َ ‫َش‬ case becomes something happening once as
oppose to something happening over and over again.

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c. Ustadh explained examples for ‫ةَالشط َِّّية‬ ُ ْ from page 39 @4:20

ْ َّ ‫ال ْمل‬
ُ َّ ٓ ُۡ ُُۡ ُُۡ َّ ْ َ ‫نَت ۡب ُد‬
٢٧١َ...‫َِهيََِإَونََُتفوهاََوتؤتوهاََٱلفقراءَََف ُهوَََخ ْۡيََلك َۡم‬ ِّ َ‫تََفن ِّ ِّع َّما‬
ِّ ‫واََٱلصدق ى‬ ِّ ‫إ‬
If you keep demonstrating your charities, well and good, if you keep on
hiding them and keep giving them to the poor, that’s even better for
ٌ ً ‫ أبْدأََََ ُيبْدِّيََََ إِّبْد‬- to disclose / to expose
َ‫اءَََََف ُهوََ ُمبْدِّئ‬
ُْ ْ ْ ِّ ْ‫ََََََي‬
ُ ْ
َ ٍّ ‫اءََََف ُهوََُم‬
‫ف‬ ًَ ‫َفََََ إِّخف‬ ‫ أخَف‬- to hide
• Ustadh explained 2nd example from page 39, the following Ayah is
from Surah Al Baqarah 2:230, it’s about “divorce”, must listen to
Ustadh for its explanation. @8:15
ُّ َّ
(2:230) ٢٣٠ََ‫تََتنكِّحََز ۡو ًجاََغ ْۡيَُهۥ‬
‫َلۥَمِّنََب ۡع َُدَح َّ ى‬
َُ َ‫ِّل‬
َ ‫فإِّنَطلقهاَفَلَََت‬
Then if he divorces her, she will not be permissible to him after that
َ until she marries someone else.
ً َّ
َ‫طلقََََ ُيطل ُِّقََََ ت ْطل ِّيْقاَََََف ُهوََ ُمطل ٌِّق‬ - to divorce

• Ustadh explained 3rd example from page 39, the following Ayah is
from Surah Luqman 31:12, it’s about “being grateful”. @11:50
َّ َّ ۡ ُ ۡ َّ ُ ۡ
١٢َ‫نَٱَّللََغ ِِّنََْحِّيد‬ ِّ ‫…َومنَيشك ۡرََفإِّنماََيشك َُرَنلِّ ف‬
َ ِّ ‫س َهِّي َۦَومنَكفرََفإ‬
Whoever is grateful, then he is only grateful for his own benefit. And
whoever is ungrateful, then certainly Allah is free of need and worthy
of praise and thanks.
ْ ْ
d. Ustadh explained 8.3 ََ‫ال ِّف ْعلَال ُمضارِّع‬ from page 40 with examples.
e. Ustadh explained Emphatic Command from page 40 with
examples. @16:45
• Don’t touch that! (Forbidding)
• You are not touching that! (Forbidding + Threat)
(You can actually use this as Forbidding + Threat)
• َ‫ َلَت ْع ُبدَِّالشيْطان‬- Don’t worship the devil!
ْ ُْ
(َ‫ َلَتعبد‬- is a ‫يه‬
َ ِّ ‫ن‬, the Kasra under it is used for connection with the
next word.)
• َ‫َلَت ْع ُب ُدَالشيْطان‬ - You shall not worship the devil! (much stronger)

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• Sometimes the regular Mudaari’ can be used as a really strong way

of telling someone NOT to do something even though it’s not in the
command form.
f. Ustadh explained the following examples from page 41.
َّ َّ ٓ ِّ ‫ِإَوذََأخ ۡذناَمِّيثىقَََب‬
1. @19:30 َ ِّ ‫سءِّيلَََلَََت ۡع ُب ُدونََإ‬
٨٣َ.....ََ‫َلََٱَّلل‬ ‫ِنََإ ِّ ۡ ى‬
“You shall not worship anyone other than Allah”,….. (2:83)
(Its much stronger language)
ُ ُ ۡ َّ ۡ
2. @19:57 ِّ ‫تََيت َّبصنََبِّأنف‬
٢٢٨ ...ََ‫س ِّه َّنََثلىثةََق ُر ٓوء‬ َ ُ ‫وَٱَل ُمطلقى‬
Divorced women should / shall wait by themselves for three periods
ۡ ۡ ۡ َّ ُ ۡ ۡ ُۡ ُ ۡ
َ ََََ3. @21:05ََََََََ٢٣٣َ‫يي‬
َِّ ‫يََكمِّل‬ َ ‫ضعنََأولىده‬
َِّ ‫نَحول‬ َ ‫۞وََٱلوىل ِّد ى‬
ِّ ‫تَير‬
Mothers should nurse their children for two full rounds…

Father ََ‫ال‬
ٌ ُ ً
ِّ ‫ ولََََي ِِّلََََوَِّلدةََََفهوَو‬to beget ُ

g. Ustadh explained َ‫إِّذ‬ from page 41 with examples. @22:22

• Must listen to Ustadh’s explanation on weak followers. @24:50

h. Q & A @28:00

a. Quick review of TYPE – 7 Categories of what makes a word Proper.

Day 13 1. PROPER NAMES - َُ ‫أ ْسم‬

‫اء علم‬

2. PRONOUNS - َ‫ضمائِّر‬
ْ ُ ْ
3. POINTERS - ََََ‫َاْلشارة‬
ِّ ‫أسماء‬
- ََ‫م ْع ِّرفة‬ (Reference 3.3 TYPE – Point 7 on Page 41 in the Dream
5. ISM MOWSOOL - َََ‫اَّلِّي‬
6. THE CALLED ONE - َ‫ال ُمنادى‬
ْ ْ
7. PROPER USING “THE” - ‫ال ُمع َّرفَبِّالَلم‬

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ْ ْ
b. Ustadh explained Chapter 9 – ‫– ال ُمع َّرفَبِّالَل َم‬ Something made

proper by using ‫ال‬ from page 43. @2:55

c. Ustadh explained َ‫مَالنس‬
ِّ ‫َل‬ and explained it’s examples from page

43 and page 44 @5:54

ْ ْ
d. Ustadh explained َ‫َلمَاَلِّ ْستِّغراق‬ and explained it’s examples from

page 44 @11:40
e. Ustadh explained ‫المصادِّر‬ and it’s example from page 45 @14:45

Listen to Ustadh for complete explanation on َ‫م ْصدر‬ and its difference

in English language and in Arabic.

ْ ْ
f. Ustadh explained ‫اَلِّختِّصاص‬ from page 45 @22:30

َ‫ أْح ُدَقائ ِّ ٌم‬- Ahmad is standing

ْ ْ ْ ْ
‫ ( اَلِّختِّصاصَ) أْح ُدَالَقائ ِّ َُم‬- Ahmad is the ONLY one standing.

In some case a ‫خب‬ is common, when a َ‫ ال‬appears on a ‫خب‬, it can

ْ ْ
sometimes serve the function of ‫ اَلِّختِّصاص‬- exclusivity.
ْ ْ ْ
g. Ustadh explained ‫ال ِّقيْقة‬ also known as َ‫العهدَاَّلِّه ِِّن‬ @25:06

ْ ْ
َ‫العهدَاَّلِّه ِِّن‬ is in between “PROPER” and “COMMON”, beautiful

explanation by Ustadh, he explained about “PROPER” and

“COMMON” concept by relating his recent walk experience in
Denmark, must listen.

h. Q & A @33:42

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Day 14 a. Ustadh reads ‫لنس َِّّية‬ِّ ‫أل ا‬ from the book – “Jawahirul Balaghah”
by Syed Hashim. (The one page PDF document can be found under
STUDY MATERIALS section on Bayyinah website.)
ِّ ‫َل‬ can occur for FOUR purposes.
1. ‫مَالنس‬
ِّ ‫َل‬ can be used to talk about something regardless of
whether its “PROPER” or “COMMON”, it doesn’t matter.
ٌ ُ ْ ْ
Ex 1: ‫اْلنسانَحيْوانَناطِّق‬
ِّ - The Human being is a speaking creature.
It’s not referring to a specific human being, it’s referring to human
beings that have the ability to speak, it’s not about “PROPER” or
“COMMON”, it’s about speaking about the entire category, that is
ْ ْ
called ‫مَالنس‬
ِّ ‫َل‬, because ‫مَالنس‬
ِّ ‫َل‬ is pointing out to the same
species or the entire category regardless of the individuals, its not
focused on the individuals but its focused on the entire category.
َّ ْ ْ ُ َّ
Ex 2: ِّ‫بَأثم ُنَمِّنَال ِّفضة‬ ‫ – اَّله‬Gold is more expensive than silver.
In Arabic it literally says “THE” gold is more expensive than “THE”
silver, but it is not talking about some particular piece of gold, its
talking about all gold. The َ‫ال‬ is not literally translated in the original
ْ ْ
2. َ‫َلمَالعهدَاَّلِّه ِِّن‬ @4:45

Or its pointing at the reality in the context of one of the individuals

from the group but it’s not clear which that individual is, that would
only be told by what the context clues are and what is it indicating.
ُ ْ ُُ ُ ْ ْ ُ
Ex 1: ‫ب‬
َ ‫ – َوأخافَأنَيأكلهَاَّلِّئ‬I am afraid that the wolf would eat him.
Remember that its one wolf that’s gonna eat him, we are not sure
which on though. So, it’s part of a group but we are not sure which
one, so instead of “a” wolf, he still uses “the” wolf.
ْ ْ
This is called َ‫العهدَاَّلِّه ِِّن‬, we studied about this one in yesterday’s
session – Day 13 @25:06.

Therefore, it almost sounds as ‫كرَة‬

ِّ ‫ن‬ (common), a good translation
would be, “I am afraid that “a” wolf would eat him”.

‫َل َم‬ refers to “َ‫”ال‬

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ً ْ ْ
3. ََََََ‫استِّغراقاَح ِّقيْ ِّق ًّيا‬َ‫َلم‬ @6:25

Or it can refer to every single member of that category, “each and

every last one of them”, according to the language. So, this would be
ْ ْ ْ
like “all and every”, this is called َ‫َلمَاَلِّستِّغراق‬.

َّ ۡ
Ex 1: َِّ ‫ – َعىل ُِّمََٱلغ ۡي‬the knower of the unseen and the seen
ََِّ ‫بََوَٱَلشهىدة‬
“The knower of the unseen and the seen”, is referring to the knower of
everything that is unseen and everything that is seen.
ۡ ‫َخ‬ ۡ َّ
٢َ‫َّس‬ ََ
‫َف‬ِّ ‫ََل‬
‫ن‬ ‫ى‬
ِّ ‫ – َإِّن‬the human being is in loss
Ex 2: ٍّ @7:25

“The human being is in loss”, it must be referring to all the human

beings because of the exception after it in the next ayah, which is the
third and the last ayah of Surah Al Asr.
ًّ ْ ً ْ ْ
This is calledَََََ‫َلمَاستِّغراقاَح ِّقي ِّقيا‬

ً ْ ْ
4. َََََ‫استِّغراقاَ ُع ْر َفِّ ًّيا‬َ‫َلم‬
Or it can refer to every member of that category, kind of like
ْ ْ
َ‫َلمَاَلِّ ْستِّغراق‬, not in absolute way but in a limited way.

For example, in English language we say, “The students came”,

perhaps Ustadh is referring to all the students, “all with in that
group”, not with in the entire category.
ْ ْ
ُ ْ ‫َالم‬
Ex 1: َ‫ِّْيَاتلُّ َّجارَوألَقَعليْ ِّه ْمَنصائِّح ُه‬ ‫ََجع‬ َ
The prince gathered the businesspeople, and he gave them his

In the above example the prince gathered the businesspeople from the
kingdom, it doesn’t mean the businesspeople / tradesmen of the
entire world.
ً ْ ْ
So, this is called ََََ‫استِّغراقاَ ُع ْر َفِّ ًّيا‬َ‫َلم‬

b. Quick review of the following @12:20

ْ ْ ٌْ
Singular – ‫| ُمفرَد‬ Pair –ََ‫مب ِِّن‬ | Plural –ََ‫َجع‬

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PLURAL –ََ‫َجع‬
َّ ُ
• MASCULINE PLURAL –َ‫ –ََجعَمذكرَسال ِّم‬OONA / EENA | OO / EE

• HUMAN BEINGS (Mix of Male and Female, exclusively Male), Angels,

ُ ْ
Jinn, Allah (Royalty), ‫ ذوِّيَال ُعق ْول‬- The ones possessing intellect.
ْ ْ
• NUMBERS – َ‫شيْنَََسبْ ُع ْونَََسبْعِّي‬ ُْ
ِّ ‫ع‬, Rare Non-Human words ََََ‫سنون‬
َ ‫ ِّسن‬Years
َّ ُ

• FEMALES, Plurals of َ‫م ِّزيْدَفِّيْهَِّمصادِّر‬, Usually Plurals of words with ‫ة‬

in the ٌَ ‫اءََ– سمو‬
‫ ُمفرد‬, Plurals of Rare unexpected words likeَ ‫ات‬ ٌ ‫سم‬,
Adjectives of BrokenَPlurals, Nouns of Broken Plural Adjectives
ٌ ٌ ْ ُ ُ ۡ ُ
(FEM.Plural) + (Broken PL)ََ‫) خْياتَحِّسان‬55:60(َ|ََ‫خض‬ َ‫ت‬ ٍّ ‫( سۢنبل ى‬12:46)
ٌ ُ ْ َّ ُ ْ َ ٍّ ‫اماَ م ْع ُد ْود‬
(Broken PL) + (Fem.Plural) َ‫)َأشه ٌرَمعلمات‬2:196(ََ|َ‫ات‬
ً َّ‫( أي‬2:184)

َ ََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََََ(Lesser number -َ Less than 10)

• BROKEN PLURAL –َ‫َََ→ََََجعَتكس ِّْْي‬CHAPTER 10 (Point C. onwards)


c. Ustadh explained 10. 2 SOUND VS BROKEN from Chapter 10 –
page 46 @24:00
ْ َّ ْ
• Ustadh explained َ‫ال ِّقلةَوالك ِِّثَة‬ @28:09
‫ = ََج ُعَق ِّلة‬The Plural of LESS → 3 to 10
‫ = َج ُعَكِث ٍَّة‬The Plural of MORE → 11 +
ََ‫صيْغة‬ ِّ ََ= Sarf Shapeََ|ََ‫صيغ‬
ِّ َََ ( Plural ) = َSarf Shapes
ِّ = َ‫ََفعل‬ َ‫نَص‬
ٌ ْ ْ
َ‫صيْغة‬ َ ِّ‫ََمفع‬ َ‫ج ُد‬
ِّ = ‫ل‬ ِّ ‫مس‬

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ْ ْ ُ
d. Ustadh explained َِّ‫ثَِإَورادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬
ِّ ‫إِّرادةَالد‬ @30:05

ْ َّ ْ
e. Ustadh explained َ‫ال ِّقلةَوالك ِِّثة‬ in detail with examples from pages

47 and 48 @30:56
ْ ْ ُ
f. Ustadh explained َِّ‫ثَِإَورادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬
ِّ ‫إِّرادةَالد‬ in detail with examples

from pages 48 and 49 @35:37

ٌ ْ ْ ٌ
َ‫َِفَال ْر ِّضَخل ِّيْفة‬ ْ ِّ ِّ ‫ إ‬- I am placing……
ِّ ‫نَجاعِّل‬ @35:56

• Ism Faa’il is acting like a Fi’l Muda’ri, recall that we learned that
the Ism Faa’il can sometime behave and translate like a Fi’l Muda’ri,
ْ ُ
this is known as َ‫ث‬
ِّ ‫د‬‫َال‬ ‫ إِّرادة‬- which means it is acting as if its an

ْ ُ
This term (ََ‫ث‬
ِّ ‫َالد‬
َ ‫َ) إِّرادة‬simply means that the intended meaning

behind using the Ism Faa’il was an action or a َ‫ = حدث‬something

that occurred.

• When the Ism Faa’il is being used and translated as an Ism, this is
ْ ُ
َّ ِّ ‫َاَلِّ ْس‬
known as َِّ‫مية‬ ‫إِّرادة‬
ْ ُ
Ex 1: I am standing. = َ‫ث‬ ِّ ‫( إِّرادةَالد‬standing = incident)
ْ ُ
َّ ِّ ‫َاَلِّ ْس‬
I am a stander. = َِّ‫مية‬ ‫( إِّرادة‬stander is a description of me)
Ex 2: He is a commander. = ِّ‫( إِّرادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬commander is his description)
ْ ُ
He is commanding. = َ‫ث‬ ِّ ‫( إِّرادةَالد‬commanding = incident)
ْ ُ
• The SOUND PLURALS can be used for both (a) َ‫ث‬ ِّ ‫ إِّرادةَالد‬and
ْ ُ
َّ ِّ ‫َاَلِّ ْس‬
(b) َِّ‫مية‬ ‫ إِّرادة‬when an ACTION is intended. @39:00
• The BROKEN PLURALS are used ONLY for َِّ‫ إِّرادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬when the
NOUN is intended.

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g. Ustadh explained 2nd last example from page 48 of Surah Al Hijr

15:22 @40:15
ُ ‫وهَومآَأ‬ ُ ‫َّ ٓ ٓ ٗ ۡ ۡ ى‬ ۡ ۡ ۡ
َُ ‫نت ۡم‬
٢٢َ‫ََلۥََبِّخى ِّزن ِّي‬ ُ ‫ك ُم‬ ‫لريىحََلوىق ِّحَفأنزنلاَمِّنَٱَلسماءََِّماءَفأسقين‬
ِّ َ‫وأرسلناَٱ‬
And We sent the winds as pollinators, then We sent down water from
َ the sky and gave it to you as a drink. And you do not at all store it.

to store - َ‫خزن‬
a storer / storing - َ‫خازِّن‬
ْ ُ ُ
َ‫ث‬ ِّ ‫ إِّرادةَالد‬-ََ‫ خازِّن ْون‬- Storing (Verb/Fi’l)
ْ ُ
َ َِّ‫ ََإِّرادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬-ََ‫ خازِّن ْون‬- Storers (Noun /Ism)
ْ ٌ
َِّ‫ََإِّرادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬-َََ‫ خزنة‬- Storers (Noun /Ism)َ (Broken Plural)
h. Ustadh explained last example from Surah Ghafir 40:49 from
page 48 @43:45

٤٩َ‫اب‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫ع‬

‫ل‬ ‫ٱ‬َ ‫ِّن‬
َ ‫م‬ ََ‫ا‬‫م‬ٗ ‫فَع َّناَي ۡو‬
ۡ ُ ۡ ُ َّ ْ ُ ۡ َّ
ِّ ‫َي‬ََ
‫م‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ر‬َ‫وا‬
َ ‫ع‬‫د‬‫ٱ‬َ ‫م‬
َ ‫ن‬ ‫ه‬‫ج‬ََ‫ة‬
ِّ ‫ن‬ ‫ز‬ ِّ
‫ِل‬ ََ ‫ار‬َّ‫وقالََٱ ََّّلِّينََِفََٱَنل‬
ِّ ِّ ِّ
And those who are on the fire will say to the keepers of Hell, “Call upon
your Master to lighten the punishment for us for a day!”

i. Ustadh explained 1st example from Surah Az-Zumar 39:71 from

page 49 @44:07
ُ ُ ۡ ُۡ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ ۡ ٓ ُ
ََۡ‫كم‬ َِّ ‫…َوقالََل ُه َۡمَخزنتهَاَأل َمَيأت ِّك َمَرسلََمِّنك َمَيتلونََعليك َمَءاي‬..
ِّ ‫تَرب‬ ‫ى‬ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ
ُ ٓ ُ
َۡ ‫ويُنذ ُِّرونك َۡمَل ِّقاءََي ۡومِّك‬

And its keepers said to them, “Didn’t messengers from among you
come to you reciting the signs of your Master to you and warning you of
the meeting of this day of yours?”

j. Ustadh explained 2nd example from Surah At-Taubah 9:112 from

page 49 @44:24
ۡ ۡ َّ ُ‫ل‬ُ ِّ ََ‫نَٱل ۡ ُمنك َرَوََٱلۡحى ِّف ُظون‬ ُ َّ ُ ‫…َٱٓأۡلم ُِّرونَََبٱلۡم ۡع‬.
١١٢َ‫شََٱل ُمؤ ِّمن ِّي‬
ِّ ِّ ‫ب‬‫و‬َِّ َ
‫َّلل‬ َ
ِّ ‫و‬ ‫د‬ ِّ َِّ ‫ع‬َ‫ون‬
َ ‫اه‬ ‫نل‬‫ٱ‬
‫و‬ َ‫وف‬
َ ِّ ‫ر‬ ِّ
…those who encourage what is good and forbid evil and those who
maintain the boundaries of Allah… and congratulate the believers.

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ٌ ًْ ُ ْ
to guard - ََ‫ح ِّفظَََََيفظََََحِّفظاََََف ُهوَحاف ِّظ‬
ْ ٌ
a guardian (ISM) / guarding (‫حدث‬/‫ )ف ِّعل‬- ََ‫حاف ِّظ‬
ْ ُ
َّ ِّ ‫َاَلِّ ْس‬ ْ ُ ْ ُ
context will decide -َََِّ‫مية‬ ‫ثَأ ْوَإِّرادة‬
ِّ ‫د‬ ‫َال‬ ‫ إِّرادة‬-َََ‫َحاف ِّظ ْونَ|َحاف ِّ ِّظي‬
ْ ٌ
َِّ‫ََإِّرادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬-ََ‫ حفظة‬- Guardians (Noun /Ism)َ (Broken Plural)
ْ ٌ َّ
َ َِّ‫ََإِّرادةَُاَلِّ ْس ِّم َّية‬-ََ‫ ُحفاظ‬- Guardians (Noun /Ism)َ (Broken Plural)
k. Ustadh explained 3rd example from Surah Yusuf 12:12 from page
49 @46:57
ُ َّ ۡ ۡ ۡ ۡ ٗ ۡ
َ ‫أ ۡرسِّل ُهََمعناَغداََيرت َعَويلع‬
َُ َ‫بَِإَونا‬
١٢َ‫َلۥََلحى ِّفظون‬
Send him with us tomorrow to have fun and play. And we will
definitely take care of him.
ُ ْ
َِّ ‫إِّرادةََُالد‬
•َََ‫ث = َلحى ِّفظون‬ (because VERBS/FI’LS are temporary and this
is something which the brothers of Yusuf (a.s) are mentioning about
guarding Yusuf (a.s) while they take him out for play.)
l. Ustadh explained 4th example from Surah Al-An’am 6:61 from
page 49 @48:27
ُ ُ َّ ُ ۡ ۡ ُ ُ ٓ ً ُ ُ
٦١َ‫تَتوف ۡت َُهَ ُر ُسلناَوه َۡمََلََ ُيف ِّر ُطون‬ َ‫ِّلَعل ۡيك َۡمَحفظةََح َّ ى‬
َ ‫تَإِّذاَجاءََأحدك َمَٱَلمو‬ َ ‫َويُ ۡرس‬..
And He sends upon you guardians until a time when death comes to
one of you, Our messengers will take him in full and they will not
َ overlook [anything at all].
ً َّ ْ ْ ُ
•َََ‫إِّرادةَاَلِّس ِّميةَِّ = حفظة‬ (because NOUNS are permanent and this is
something which repeatedly occurs)

a. 10.3 Broken Plural Patterns

ٌ ُ
Day 15 Ustadh explained َ‫ف َّعال‬ Pattern with the following examples and he
also explained few examples given on page 50 and page 51.
ْ ُْ ٌ ُ
‫ْيَال ِّف ْعل‬ َ ‫ف َّع‬
َ ِّ ‫ال = كث‬ (a Broken Plural Pattern)
ٌ ُ
When you have a plural that rhymes with َ‫ ف َّعال‬then that means,
“people who do that act a lot”.
ْ ُ ْ ُْ َّ ُ
•ََ‫َالك َفرََ→ََم ْصدر‬ ٌَ ‫كف‬
َ ‫ارََ= كثِّْي‬ = disbelievers (who do a lot of disbelief)

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•َ‫ْيَال َّز ْرعََ→ََم ْصدر‬
ُ ْ ِّ ‫اعََ= كث‬
َ ‫ُز َّر‬ = harvesters (who do a lot of harvesting)

So, this is actually a kind of Mubalaghah way of describing not just

that its plural but the act they do, “happens a lot”.
ْ َّ ُ
When you see in the Quran as opposed to “‫”َكف ُِّرون‬, Allah is using ‫ك َفاَر‬
ْ ُ
then Allah is describing people that do ‫ك َفر‬ a lot, He is not just

describing them as ‫ – َكف ُِّر ْون‬disbelievers but people who do a lot of

ٌ َّ ُ
“disbelieve”. Therefore, that would be the َ‫َ فعال‬Pattern.

ٌ ٌ َّ
َ‫حاف ِّظ‬ = guardian | َ‫ُحفاظ‬ = the one who guards a lot

Important Note: Its not talking about the number, it doesn’t mean a
ْ ُ
lot of َ‫َكف ُِّر ْون‬, but it means those who do ‫ك َفر‬ a lot, so it’s not about
the quantity of the plural, it’s about the quality of the “action”.
ْ ُ
The quality of the action of ‫ك َفر‬.
ٌ َّ
•َ‫ْيَال ِّفظََ→ََم ْصدر‬
ُ ْ ِّ ‫كث‬ = َ‫ُحفاظ‬ =ََguardians (who guards a lot)

b. Ustadh explained َ‫فعل َة‬ Pattern from page 51. @6:53

ٌ ٌ
َ‫كفرٌَة‬ | َ‫َكف ٌِّر‬ َ‫خزن َة‬ | َ‫خازِّن‬ َ‫سحرٌَة‬ | َ‫ساح ٌِّر‬

infidels | infidel treasurers |treasurer sorcerers |sorcerer

َ‫حفزٌَة‬ | َ‫حاف ِّظ‬ @8:35 َ‫فجرٌَة‬ | َ‫ج ٌر‬
ِّ ‫فا‬
guardians | guardian sinful person |sinful people
guardians (not the one who guard a lot,
ٌ َّ
that is َ‫ ُحفاظ‬, َ‫حفزٌَة‬ is a categorical term)

ٌ ُ
c. Ustadh explained َ‫ف َّعل‬ Pattern from page 52. @14:50

َ‫ُرك ٌَع‬ | َ‫راك ٌِّع‬ ََ‫ُس َّج ٌد‬ | َ‫ج ٌد‬
ِّ ‫سا‬
َّ ُ َّ
ٌَ ‫كف‬
َ‫ار‬ | َ‫َكف ٌِّر‬ َ‫كف ٌَر‬ | َ‫َكف ٌِّر‬

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The three patterns that we have learnt so far, they are affecting the
َ‫اسمَفاعل‬ , they are typically coming from theَ
ْ َand the plural
ْ َis coming from the ‫ َُم َّرد‬family.

ْ َare ‫اَص‬
‫اسمَفاعل‬ َ ٌ ِّ‫ضار‬, ‫سام ٌَِّع‬, ‫ِّب‬
ٌَ ِّ ‫ن‬, ‫ب‬ َ ٌ ‫حاس‬, these are the ones which
become these patterns when you get to the plural, you have regular
plural option and broken plural options.
d. Ustadh explained َ‫فواعِّل‬ Pattern with examples from page 53 and
page 54. @16:50
• Its Partly Flexible, the only way it can become fully flexible is, if you
have ‫ال‬ on it or if it’s a Mudaf and it has a Mudaf Ilaihi.

e. Q & A @23:14
ٌ ُ
f. Ustadh explained َ‫ف ْعَلن‬ with examples from page 53 and Ustadh
ٌ ُ
explained about few people being blind as referring to the word َ‫ع ْميان‬.
Must listen for complete explanation on this. @24:15
ٌ ُ ٌ ْ ‫ُع‬ ْ
َ‫ع ْميان‬ َ‫م‬ َ‫أع ىم‬
a few blind people blind people blind person
ٌ ْ ُ َّ ْ ْ ُ
َ ‫= عمي‬ ‫) َج ُعَق ِّلة‬ ٌَ ‫ = ع‬more blind people)

g. Ustadh explained examples from page 54. @28:54

ٌ ْ ُ ُ ُ
َ‫ذكران‬ َ‫ذك ْو ٌر‬ َ‫ذك ٌر‬
males males male
(less in number)

h. Ustadh explained َ‫اِل‬ ‫ّلََو ُفع ى‬

‫اِلََوفع ى‬ ‫ف ْع ى‬ with examples from page 54
and page 55 @33:43

‫فع ى‬
ْ -َََ‫ََم َّيت‬becomes َ‫َت‬
‫م ْو ى‬
‫فع ى‬
ُ ‫ُكس ى‬
-َََ‫ََك ْسَلن‬becomes َ‫اِل‬ (lazy people)

‫فع ى‬
Patternsَََََََََََََ‫اِل‬ - ََ‫ََيتِّيْم‬becomes َ‫اَم‬
‫يت ى‬ (orphans)

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ٌ ُ
i. Ustadh explained َ‫فعَل ُءََوف ِّعال‬ from page 55 and also gave the
following examples for each pattern. @37:54
ََ‫فعَل ُء‬ pattern
ُ ‫ُعلم‬
َ‫اء‬ | َ‫عل ِّيْ ٌم‬ ُ ‫ضعِّيْ ٌفَ | َ ُضعف‬
َ‫اء‬ ُ ‫ْي | َ ُكب‬
َ‫اء‬ ٌَ ْ ِّ ‫كب‬
ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ
َ‫ف ِّعال‬ pattern َ‫ث ِّقيْلَ | َث ِّقال‬ َ‫خ ِّفيْفَ | َخِّفاف‬ ---
j. Ustadh explained ‫لَعَوز ِّنَالم ْصدر‬ from page 56. @39:55

k. Ustadh mentions about his plans for the future classes and about
the future Intensives, listen to Ustadh for more details. @43:53

a. 10.5 Additional Patterns @2:00

َّ ْ
Day 16 Ustadh explained ‫أ ْوزانَال ِّقلة‬ (3-10) with examples from page 58

َّ ْ
َ‫أ ْوزانَال ِّقلة‬
ٌ ْ ْ ُ
َ‫أش ُه ٌرََ=ََأف ُعل‬ َ‫ش ُه ْو ٌر‬ َ‫ش ْه ٌر‬
months a month
(between 3 to 10)
ٌ ْ ْ ُ ْ
َ‫أِبُ ٌَرََ=ََأف ُعل‬ َ‫ِبُ ْو ٌر‬ َ‫ِب ٌر‬
seas a sea
(lesser seas)
b. Ustadh explained ‫أ ْوزانَالكِثَة‬ (11+) with examples from page 58


c. Ustadh said that now it’s time to start Reading Arabic and we
really got to start Studying Quran.
Ustadh talks about his plans for the future Intensives, listen to
Ustadh for more details. @9:54

d. Ustadh said to review Chapter 1 to 10 from the Arabic Reader

over this weekend then we will continue next Chapters of the Arabic
Reader from Monday 15/08/2022 onwards inshaAllah. @13:40

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e. Ustadh said to practice reading a book called Qasas Un Nabiyeen

by Syed Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi and also said to practice reading
the books which are famously called as the Madinah Books.
Ustadh said to become more comfortable with the spoken Arabic.
Ustadh also gave tips to enhance spoken Arabic @15:50

f. Ustadh said to start listening to Quran carefully, especially to a

slow reciter like Mohammed Siddiq Al Minshawi or like Mohammed
Abdul Hudaify, or anybody who recites slow, listen to the Ayaat, see
if you can come up with the translation or just write a translation for
couple of Ayaat. Ustadh said not to look up for translation and then
compare to what the actual translation is and pay attention to where
you messed up.
That exercise is gonna help you much because then the concepts and
application will start coming closer and closer.
Listening to Quran and then translating it and writing it, this is
gonna push you really far inshaAllah. @23:18

g. Ustadh said, “if you consider yourself as an Intermediate Student

then email Ustadh Nouman, then Ustadh would add the students to a
folder called Intermediate Students and Ustadh might give the
Intermediate Students some extra assignments. @25:30
• Email Ustadh Nouman with the following details and also copy the
email to Ustadh Jawaad to receive an Intermediate Assessment
which needs to be submitted back to Ustadh Jawaad once you
complete it.
1. Name
2. Email Subject – Intermediate Student
3. Where you are studying from? (Country / City)

h. Ustadh shares about his travel plans, listen to Ustadh for details.

i. The path - how to find Reading the Classics @32:30

On Bayyinah TV website → Topics → Arabic → The Basics and Beyond
→ Reading the Classics


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