Pregnancy and Newborn Related Complications: Implication of COVID-19 Pandemic On The Reduction of Antenatal Care in Bangladesh
Pregnancy and Newborn Related Complications: Implication of COVID-19 Pandemic On The Reduction of Antenatal Care in Bangladesh
Pregnancy and Newborn Related Complications: Implication of COVID-19 Pandemic On The Reduction of Antenatal Care in Bangladesh
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Antenatal care (ANC) has long been purpose of ANC is to reduce the risk of any sort of health
considered a very crucial component of the successive complications of both mother and fetus and to ensure a
care of a pregnant mother during gestation. It reduces the healthy beginning for the newborn (Banta, 2003).
risk of both maternal and neonatal complications and
gives assurance to a healthy beginning for the infant. The An efficacious ANC can be achieved through ANC
ANC situation of Bangladesh is quite poor comparing contacts. ANC contacts refer to the routine check-up of
that of the developed nations. The scenario has been pregnant women by health care professionals. So that health
further worsened due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 care providers can suggest treatment or medication if there are
pandemic. In Bangladesh, the number of ANC contacts any kind of complications. Moreover, they can provide basic
has been reduced by 20-25% in this pandemic situation. knowledge about pregnancy to women. If a mother keeps
There is a lot of research evidence about the relationship proper knowledge collaborating with skilled health care
between an increased rate of maternal and child personnel, she will be able to understand whether she is at risk
mortality and a reduced number of ANC contacts. or not. Besides, she will be informed of how to prevent
Besides, the quality of ANC is not up to the mark in diseases or health risks associated with pregnancy. On the
Bangladesh. Since the status of a country’s future other hand, it will let her know the condition of the fetus and
generation comprehensively depends on the obstetric learn about crucial pregnancy-related information.
population, no compromise should be allowed regarding Consequently, health care providers can take the necessary
ANC even in this COVID-19 pandemic. The obstetric steps or advise mothers if any complications occur (Banta,
population must need special and distinctive 2003; WHO, 2016). But current COVID-19 pandemic has
considerations in such a pandemic situation because of woefully affected ANC like all other aspects.
their diacritic physiological and psychological needs. An
efficient and collaborative strategic approach must be The novel human coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was
taken by obstetric care providing facilities and the first identified and reported in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei
government to mitigate the adverse effects of decreased Province in the People's Republic of China (Velavan &
ANC contacts. Such a strategic approach may include Meyer, 2020). Gradually, this disease spread throughout the
enhancing health communication, strengthening the globe and the WHO declared it a global pandemic (WHO,
community-based ANC, increasing the collaboration n.d.). Considering phylogenetic analysis, the International
between primary healthcare services and ANC services, Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses officially named the
provision of telemedicine, mobilizing social resources, etc. virus acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-
COVID-19 has shown the shaky structure of the 2) (Gorbalenya et al., 2020). As this disease follows mainly
healthcare system of Bangladesh once again. So, a human-to-human transmission, most of the countries have
potential reformation in the healthcare system is highly called for either lockdown or strict social distancing. Along
needed. with preventive measures like lockdown, social distancing,
etc., scientists of many countries have been working hard to
Keywords:- Antenatal Care, COVID-19, Healthcare System, develop an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. There are
Maternal Health, Child Mortality. a number of vaccines developed in the meantime and most of
them are under trial (Craven, 2020). Very recently, the UK
I. INTRODUCTION has approved the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine on
December 2, 2020, being the first country to approve any
Antenatal care (ANC) the care delivered by skilled vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. This epoch-making decision
healthcare providers to pregnant women to ensure the may pave the way for mass vaccination (Roberts, 2020). Until
optimum health conditions for both mother and newborn mass vaccination, nothing but preventive measures have to be
during gestation. ANC covers the time started from carried out. This lockdown and social or physical distancing
conception till successful parturition. According to the WHO, can have a latent potential to demotivate pregnant women,
there are three components of ANC: a) risk identification; b) especially in developing countries like Bangladesh to
prevention and management of pregnancy-related or schedule ANC contacts.
concurrent diseases; c) health education and health promotion
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2016). The main