Habitat Diorama Project

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Habitat Diorama

Habitat Diorama

Due Date: ______________

• Each student will create a diorama (a scenic

representation in which sculpted figures and
lifelike details are displayed) showing their
selected habitat. To create the diorama
project, a shoe box or other small box may be
used as the space for the diorama. The box
should not be bigger than an adult sized
shoebox. Students may use plastic figures or
mold items from clay to represent animals,
plants, and objects in their projects. Materials
such as magazines (for photos), silk or plastic
plants, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, glue,
construction paper, and other craft items may
be used. Creativity is encouraged!

You will be creating a diorama of a habitat of your


• Rainforest
• Ocean
• Desert
• Forest
• Polar
In your diorama, you should include all of the
(Please check off all of the items as you complete
your project)

 You need to cover the inside of your box using

paper. This should reflect the habitat that you
chose. For example, an ocean habitat would
have a blue background to represent water.
 Write your name and the habitat you chose on
the back of the box
 At least two animals that live in this habitat
 At least two plants that live in this habitat
 Label the items in your habitat
 On the back of the shoebox, using an index
card, describe your habitat by answering the
following questions:
- Why did you choose this habitat?
- What types of plants and animals live in this
- What is the environment of this habitat like?
After completing the project, you will
present your project to the rest of the
class. Be prepared to describe your
habitat and explain your work.

Please look at the attached examples

to help you plan your project.
Habitat Diorama Project Rubric

Category 1 2 3 4
Habitat The environment The environment The environment The environment
of the diorama of the diorama is of the diorama isof the diorama is
does not relate to appropriate but appropriate and appropriate and
chosen habitat. does not display displays some displays many
any features and features and
characteristics or characteristics of
characteristics of
features of the the chosen the chosen
chosen habitat. habitat. habitat.
Plants There is no The dioramas The diorama The diorama
evidence of plants displays plants displays 1 plant displays 2 or more
in the diorama. from the habitat from the habitat plants from the
but is not labeled and is labeled habitat and is
appropriately. appropriately. labeled
Animals There is no The dioramas The diorama The diorama
evidence of displays animals displays 1 animal displays 2 or more
animals in the from the habitat, from the habitat animals from the
diorama. but are not and is labeled habitat and are
labeled appropriately. labeled
appropriately. appropriately.
Written No written The student The student was The student was
Explanation explanation was included a few able to accurately able to accurately
provided. sentences about explain most of explain all the
their diorama in the elements in elements in the
their explanation. the diorama in diorama in their
their explanation. explanation.
Creativity and The diorama is not The diorama is The diorama is The diorama is
Neatness organized and the somewhat attractive and attractive and
items are not organized. Some well-organized. well-organized.
securely attached items are securely The items are The items are
to the box. attached to the neatly and neatly and
box. securely attached securely attached
to the box. to the box. The
diorama is visually
Presentation Student often lost Student did work, Student showed Student showed
focus or became but lost focus or some enthusiasm great enthusiasm
frustrated while became and was focused and focused on
presenting. frustrated while on the task while the task while
presenting. presenting. presenting.

Score: ________/24 Grade: ___________

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