Step by Step Oracle Apex 20.1 Installation On Windows and Unix - Linux Systems
Step by Step Oracle Apex 20.1 Installation On Windows and Unix - Linux Systems
Step by Step Oracle Apex 20.1 Installation On Windows and Unix - Linux Systems
installation on Windows and Unix/Linux
2020-11-21 23:29:00 Programming, Software and
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Step 1 Download Apex
Step 2. Unzip in desired Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a low-code development platform that enables
location you to build scalable, secure enterprise apps, with world-class features, that can be
Step 3. Open Terminal or deployed anywhere. Here are the step by step instructions to install Oracle Apex 20.1
CMD on Windows and Unix/Linux systems.
Step 4. Connect database
Oracle Apex Installation Requirements
Oracle Application Express release 20.1 requires
Step 5. Select PDB Database
an Oracle Database release 18c or later,
Step 6. Run apex installation
OS Windows 10 / Linux
There are the steps to install Oracle Application Express release 20.1.
On Unix/Linux your directory path could be like /home/oracle/apex20_1 for example.
On Windows:
cd F:\oracle\apex20_1\apex
On Unix/Linux:
cd /home/oracle/apex20_1/apex
For understanding:
tablespace_apex is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express
application user.
tablespace_files is the name of the tablespace for the Oracle Application Express files
tablespace_temp is the name of the temporary tablespace or tablespace group.
images is the virtual directory for Oracle Application Express images. For installations
using EPG, /i/ is the required value for the images argument. To support future Oracle
Application Express upgrades, define the virtual image directory as /i/.
So now run this:
it will create many files and finally shows the message as like:
1 row selected.
Step 7. Set Admin Password
Now run the change password script for the ADMIN user as following and the
password must follow the complexity rules, for example, I provided the password as
Quick Link
Step 1 Download Apex
Step 2. Unzip in desired
Step 3. Open Terminal or
Step 8. Run Image Script
Now run the script to copy the Oracle Apex 20.1 images to the apex/images folder.
Step 4. Connect database
Run the script as follows:
Step 7. Set Admin Password Note: As I copied the Oracle Apex zip file to the F:\oracle\apex20_1 folder, so I am
Step 8. Run Image Script specifying the same directory here for “apex_epg_config.sql” script. Do not include the
Step 10. Run Configure Apex
RESTful Service Script Step 9. Unlock the
Step 11. Set the HTTP port APEX_PUBLIC_USER
Unlock the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account and specify the password. Don’t forget to
connect to Oracle using SQL*PLUS if disconnected and make sure you are connected
with PDB.
Now the installation of Oracle Apex 20.1 has been completed, and you test the
installation by entering the following URL in the browser:
Your playground is ready.
Quick Link
*** Optional: If face problem in first login:
Step 1 Download Apex
Step 2. Unzip in desired Sometime, after installing Apex, when we try to login in this
CMD Mostly this occurs because the ANONYMOUS account is locked and/or expired.
Step 4. Connect database
Step 5. Select PDB Database In this situation, Log in to main container database (not PDB) and run the following
Step 6. Run apex installation query to determine status:
select account_status from dba_users where username = 'ANONYMOUS';
Oracle Apex 21 install Basic queries and
in Oracle 19c issues to start journey
Database (pluggable) in Oracle Database
and Oracle Linux