Determination of Temperature Rise and Temperature
Determination of Temperature Rise and Temperature
Determination of Temperature Rise and Temperature
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Effective thermal conductivity of clayey aerated concrete in the dry state: experimental results
and modelling
M S Goual, A Bali and M Quéneudec
The use of the chrysotile cement waste as the secondary aggregate for the concrete
V Semenov, A Pligina and T Rozovskaya
System for monitoring the evolution of the thermal expansion coefficient and autogenousdeformation
of hardening materials
M Viviani, B Glisic and I F C Smith
GO Chee Siang
30, Jalan 1/27D, Seksyen 6, Wangsa Maju 53300, Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia.
Abstract. Experimental test was carried out to determine the temperature rise characteristics of
Portland-Fly-Ash Cement (CEM II/B-V, 42.5N) of Blaine fineness 418.6m2/kg and 444.6m2/kg
respectively for 20MPa mass concrete under adiabatic condition. The estimation on adiabatic
temperature rise by way of CIRIA C660 method (Construction Industry Research &
Information Information) was adopted to verify and validate the hot-box test results by
simulating the heat generation curve of the concrete under semi-adiabatic condition. Test result
found that Portland fly-ash cement has exhibited decrease in the peak value of temperature rise
and maximum temperature rise rate. The result showed that the temperature development and
distribution profile, which is directly contributed from the heat of hydration of cement with
time, is affected by the insulation, initial placing temperature, geometry and size of concrete
The mock up data showing the measured temperature differential is significantly lower than the
technical specifications 20°C temperature differential requirement and the 27.7°C limiting
temperature differential for granite aggregate concrete as stipulated in BS8110-2: 1985. The
concrete strength test result revealed that the 28 days cubes compressive strength was above
the stipulated 20MPa characteristic strength at 90 days. The test demonstrated that with proper
concrete mix design, the use of Portland flyash cement, combination of chilled water and flake
ice, and good insulation is effective in reducing peak temperature rise, temperature differential,
and lower adiabatic temperature rise for mass concrete pours. As far as the determined
adiabatic temperature rise result was concern, the established result could be inferred for in-situ
thermal properties of 20MPa mass concrete application, as the result could be repeatable on
account of similar type of constituent materials and concrete mix design adopted for permanent
works at project site.
Keywords: Mass concrete, Portland-fly-ash cement (CEM II/B-V), Initial placing temperature,
Heat of hydration, Adiabatic temperature rise, Peak temperature, Temperature differential,
Compressive strength.
In large concrete elements, the interior is considered to be hydrating in an essentially adiabatic
process. Because of the low thermal conductivity of concrete, the heat of hydration from its interior is
prevented from being released into the environment, thus a negligible amount of heat is lost, compare
to exterior of concrete element. The resulting large temperature differential between the interior and
exterior of a concrete element may lead to thermal cracking.
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
The term adiabatic refers to a process occurring without the gain or loss of heat. Adiabatic
temperature measurement is used to simulate the condition in the interior of a large concrete element
so that the maximum heat development potential in any concrete mix can be measured (Lee MH, Khil
BS & Yun HD 2014). This data may then be used as input parameter for subsequent thermal
modelling in the pursuit to determine the risk level and thermal cracking potential. Owing to data of
this kind is not available locally; therefore adiabatic temperature rise test was carried out to determine
the peak concrete core temperature, temperature differential and temperature gradient for this 20MPa
mass concrete. This was determined through trial hot-box tests at prescribed initial placing
temperature and anticipated concrete section thickness, rather than merely follow project contract
specifications requirements (Technical Specifications 2000; 2007; 2009, 2010 & 2013), as stipulated
(1) The fresh concrete placing temperature shall not exceeding 20°C;
(2) Maximum core-surface temperature differential shall not exceeding 20°C
To avoid surface cracking caused by heat generated in the concrete, European Standard ENV 206:
1992 suggests that the limit on the temperature differential between core and surface is 20°C and the
average maximum temperature limit of concrete at core is 60°C. Based on UK experience (BS 8110-2:
1985), by limiting temperature differential to 20°C in gravel aggregate concrete, cracking can be
avoided. This represents an equivalent restraint factor R of 0.36. However, MS523-2: 2011, Clause
A9.3 has specified peak placing temperature of 30°C for mass concrete structure construction. As for
the case of HTP project, the proposed quarried rocks for mass concrete production was granite
aggregate whereby the limiting temperature differential adopted should be capped at 27.7°C instead of
20°C; BS 8110-2: 1985 (pp. 32), Table 3.2- Estimated limiting temperature changes to avoid cracking
has specified that limiting temperature differential when R = 0.36 is 27.7°C when granite aggregate
concrete was adopted for mass concrete production and construction. However, BS 8110-2: 1985 does
not specify the fresh concrete placing temperature and peak temperature requirements in tropical
Concrete temperature rise test under adiabatic condition is normally an approach in laboratory to
evaluate the exothermic characteristics of the hydration of the concrete. In this case, 20MPa plain
concrete trial hot-box with an array of thermocouples and strain gauges are used to assess the
characteristics of the temperature rise, maximum temperature difference and temperature distribution
profile in mass concrete were conducted with due consideration given on the selection of concrete
block size and geometry, insulation, thermal couples and strain gauges locations, and the duration of
temperature monitoring. Due to the reduced rate of hydration, the use of CEMII/B-V cement to
replace OPC (CEM 1) is one of the recommended practices to considerably reduce the temperature
rise in mass concrete. Since hydration occurs at the surface of cement particles, therefore finely
ground cement will have a higher rate of hydration. As finely ground cement has a higher specific
surface area, which means there is more area in contact with water for more complete hydration. The
finer particles will also be more fully hydrated then coarser particles. However, the total heat of
hydration at very late ages is not significantly affected.
This research is intended to overcome the above-mentioned 20MPa mass concrete specification
requirements for the construction of Tembat Hydropower dam by adopting more prudent temperature
control requirements through subsequent thermal modelling rather than arbitrary determined basing on
designer’s temperate country experience and practices, which is overly conservative, costly method,
and non-sustainable due to carbon emission by running huge capacity of chillers and flake-ice plant to
bring down the temperature of water for making concrete and aggregates substantially.
The experimental program was carried out in accordance with the procedure as shown in below
Table 1. This experiment is to determine the temperature rise characteristics of Portland-fly-ash
cement concrete under adiabatic conditions as well as the compliance to 20MPa characteristic strength
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
in 90 days. The established adiabatic temperature rise test results (Adiabatic Temperature Rise Test
Results 2011 & 2012) allow better understanding of the temperature rise characteristics and its time-
base temperature distribution profiles in the mass concrete, whereby the establish result could be
adopted as input parameter for subsequent thermal simulation purposes.
Table 1. Procedure for Adiabatic Temperature Rise Modelling Test
Step: Procedure
1 Analysis of raw material test results, i.e. cementitious, aggregates,
admixtures, water for making concrete (similar to site material) and etc,
complying with HTP project technical specifications and/or equivalent
international codes and standards prior to Hot-Block casting and testing.
2 Key material selection and factors affecting the temperature rise as per
"ACI305R-99 on Hot Weather Concreting" and temperature distribution
profile in mass concrete.
3 Establishment of concrete mix design and concrete production for
20MPa Class A mass concrete.
4 Casting of Hot-Block using raw materials established from step 1 above
For Stage 1 testing, two (2) hot boxes were prepared as part of the trials. The first hot box (HB1) was
prepared with full insulation (100mm thick MRB-32 Insulation Board) with block size of dimension
1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m and two sets of thermocouples (thermocouples wire type K) installed, one set (3
thermocouple each) at the center and the other set (3 thermocouple each) at the corner of the hot-box
and two strain gauges installed at the centre of the block. A second hot block (HB2) of dimension of
1.3m x 1.3m x 1.3m was prepared with two sets of thermocouples installed, one set (3 thermocouple
each) at the center and the other set (3 thermocouple each) at the corner of the block. In this case, the
base and sides were insulated but the top surface of the box was exposed to the environment. Based on
the completed trials conducted on 11/2/2011 and 12/2/2011, an identical concrete mix design was
selected for the hot box casting as given in Table 5 (see Page 3 of 11). For stage 2 testing, one hot box
was prepared at Hulu Terengganu project site with similar block size and configuration with stage 1
HB, comply with full insulation (100mm thick MRB-32 insulation Board) and two sets each of
thermocouples and strain gauges installed using identical concrete mix design as indicated in Table
3.3, whereby the trial was conducted on 21/6/2012.
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
2.2 Equipment
(i) Thermocouple wires Type K manufactured by Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co. Ltd of Japan,
and vinyl insulated 0.32 x 1p K-G, with 20mm diameter protective PVC pipe for
thermocouples wires.
(ii) Vibrating Wire Embedment Strain Gauge [VWSG] (Model: 5265099)
(iii) Data-logger model CR10X from Campbell Scientific Inc
(iv) AM 16/32multiplexer for multiple data input from Campbell Scientific Inc
(v) VWSG interface module, AVWI and Laptops.
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
Table 4. Cement test result on properties of specific surface area and heat of hydration (CIMA,
2011 & 2012)
Issue Date Blaine Heat of Hydration @7D, 270 Max (J/g)
Jan 2011 4186 258
June 2012 4446 274
Table 5. Class A mass concrete C20 mix design (Mass Concrete Class A, 2011)
Description Value
Cement (kg/m ) 200
Water (kg/m ) 140
Sand (kg/m ) 756
Coarse Aggregate (20mm) (kg/ m ) 1287
Realset 233 (l/m ) 1.6
Realflow 610 (l/m ) 0.8
Slump (mm) 20-50
Characteristic Strength (MPa) 20
S/A Ratio (Sand/ Aggregates) 0.37
W/C Ratio(Water/Cement) 0.70
Figure 1. Sketch showing locations of thermocouples in 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m hot-box for Stage 1-HB1
and Stage 2-HB1 m3
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
Figure 2. Sketch indicating locations of thermocouples in 1.3m x 1.3m x 1.3m hot-box for Stage 1-
Figure 3. Sketch indicating locations of thermocouples in 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m hot boxes for Stage 1-
HB1 & Stage 2-HB1 and 1.3m x 1.3m x 1.3m hot-box for Stage 1-HB2 (except top surface without
Table 6. Summary of concrete compressive strength, tensile strength and elastic modulus test
results (Mass Concrete Class A, 2011)
7Days 28Days 56Days
Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage
1-HB1 2-HB1 1-HB1 2-HB1 1-HB1 2-HB1
∆ ∆ ∆
Description (2011) (2012) (2011) (2012) (2011) (2012)
25.25 23.43 1.82 33.05 31.77 1.28 38.15 39.77 1.62
Strength (MPa)
Tensile Strength
1.70 1.61 0.09 2.43 2.19 0.24 2.81 2.59 0.21
Modulus of
19.25 20.33 1.08 25.60 25.03 0.57 28.90 28.17 0.73
Elasticity (MPa)
Based on the strength results shown in above Table 5, all concrete cubes tested at 7 days had exceeded
the contract documents stipulated 90 days characteristic strength of 20MPa confirming that the
required design strength of 20MPa is achievable within 28 day. Therefore, further optimization on
content of cementitious material should be considered for lower heat of hydration.
Table 7. Summary of in-situ core test results (Mass Concrete Class A, 2011)
Description FF1 50-200 FF1 500-650 FF1 50-200 FF1 500-650
Unit Aged 34 days Aged 56 days
Maximum load of failure kN 667 643 741 687
Core compressive strength MPa 37.7 36.4 41.9 38.9
In-situ compressive strength
MPa 38.8 37.5 43.2 40.1
(as per BSEN 13791: 2007)
Cube compressive strength
MPa 32.41 38.96
(see Table 6)
Ratio of estimated in-situ
1.20 1.16 1.10 1.03
cube strength to measured
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
In addition, internal cores were taken to study in-situ strength as shown in Figure 4. As expected with
concrete containing flyash, the heat cycling had a beneficial effect on strength and the core strength is
about 6.5 per cent higher comparing to the cube strength (see Table 7) measured at 56 days. The
compressive strength test results confirm that the concrete is well above the specified requirements in
terms of strength.
Figure 4. Sketch showing the in-situ strength with cores taken from 1.3m x 1.3m x 1.3m hot-box for
Stage 1-HB2 (Mass Concrete Class A, 2011)
It was also observed that the differential for Stage-1 & Stage-2 strength tests at effective age of 7 days
for the compressive strength, tensile strength and elastic modulus are 1.82 N/mm2, 0.08 N/mm2, and
1.08 N/mm2 respectively.
Comparison of Compressive Strength Test Result
Compressive Strength
2011 2012
7 Days 28 Days 56 Days
Figure 5. Comparison of compressive strength test results between Stage 1-HB1 and Stage 2-HB1
(Mass Concrete Class A, 2011)
2011 2012
Tensile Strength (N/mm2)
7 Days 28 Days 56 Days
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
Figure 6. Comparison of tensile strength test results between Stage 1-HB1 and Stage 2-HB1 (Mass
Concrete Class A, 2011)
2011 2012
Elastic Strength (N/m2)
7 Days 28 Days 56 Days
Figure 7. Comparison of elastic modulus test results between Stage 1-HB1 and Stage 2-HB1 (Mass
Concrete Class A, 2011)
4.1 Modelled Heat Generation Curve using CIRIA C660 Formulas (Bamforth 2007)
CIRIA C660 formulas using British cementitious material is applied for modelling of heat generation
curve basing on extensive study carried out in University of Dundee, United Kingdom. A two part two
component equation for heat generation has been developed on this basis of the form:
Component 1 equation = the exponential curve, starting at time zero;
Component 2 equation = being delayed to start at time t2
The total heat generation for above two components, Q = Q1 + Q2, expressed in Equation 1, are
presented below:
𝑄 [(−𝐵)×(𝑡 𝐶 )] )] + 𝑄𝑢𝑙𝑡 ) × ( 𝑡−𝑡2 )]
𝑄 = 𝑄1 + 𝑄2 = [( 𝑢𝑙𝑡2
) × (1 − 𝑒 [( 2 𝑡−𝑡 +𝐷
In order to establish values for the coefficients, analysis has been carried out on adiabatic test data
from tests carried out at University of Dundee (Dhir et al. 2006) for cement with a start temperature of
(a) Ultimate Heat Generation, Q41
Relationships between the CEM I and proportion of addition with flyash for the heat generated after
41 hours could be established basing on following expressions.
Q41ult (CEM I) = 351 kj/kg; Q41 (CEM I) = 330.11 kj/kg
Q41 (flyash) = Q41 (CEM I) - 2.989 * (%flyash) = 294.79 kj/kg
(b) Ultimate Heat Generation Qult
For flyash, Qult = Q41 (flyash) / (0.00002*(% flyash) ^2 - 0.0034 (% flyash) + 0.925)
(c) The Coefficient B
B = 0.011724, regardless of the cement type
(d) The Coefficient C
For flyash, C = 1.6-0.001*(% flyash)
(e) The coefficient D
For flyash, D = 6.2 + 0.2131 (% flyash)
(f) Activation time t2 for component 2
For fly ash, t2 = 3.5 + 0.0236(% flyash)
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
The constants and coefficients of heat generation for above item a), b), c), d), e) and f) are indicated in
below Table 8.
Table 8. Constant & coefficient of heat generation of CEM II/B-V by method of CIRIA C660
(Bamforth 2007) Constant Unit Value
% of Fly Ash % 20
Q 41 kJ/kg 294.79
Q ult kJ/kg 330.11
B - 0.01172
C - 1.59
D - 8.331
t2 hrs 3.736
The modelled heat output (kj/kg) in the semi-adiabatic test and a Qad exponential curve measured at
Q41 is 294.79 and 296.77 (See Figure 8b for exponential curve, Qad) respectively, which showing
reasonably good correlation/ consistency has been obtained between prediction of temperature rise and
the measured semi-adiabatic temperature rise derived from hot-box test, as graphically represented in
below Figure 8a and 8b respectively.
Modeling of Adiabatic Temperature Curve (Stage 2-HB1 Modeling of Heat Generation Curve (Stage 2-HB1 @
Tc Temperature (°C)-Tad Q1(kJ/kg) Q2(kJ/kg) Qad(kJ/kg)
Total Heat Generated (kJ/kg)
40.00 250.00
20.00 100.00
0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00
0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00
Time (Hrs)
Time (Hrs)
Figure 8a. Modelling of adiabatic temperature rise Figure 8b. Modelling of heat generation curve for
curve for CEMII-B-V by method of CIRIA CEMII-B-V by method of CIRIA 660 (Bamforth
(Bamforth 2007) 2007)
The estimated maximum adiabatic temperature rise (MATR) measured at 72 hours is 23.72°C using
data by method of CIRIA C660 could be used as input parameter for subsequent thermal modelling/
simulation i.e. heat of hydration analysis, from an initial placing temperature of 25°C. The aforesaid
MATR could be further validated by using another empirical adiabatic hydration model (Tanabe et
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
al. 1985), as presented in below Equation 2, whereby the estimated MATR is 23.18°C, as detailed in
Table 9.
The constant and coefficient of adiabatic heat generation using above Equation 2, is demonstrated in
below Table 9.
Legend: (1) MHPC denotes Moderate Heat Portland Cement, (2) PFAC denotes Portland Fly Ash Cement (The
blend ratio of flyash is 20%)
The standard values of Q and γ development calculations used are explained in detail in Standard
Specification for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures, Part 2 Construction, Chapter 15:
Mass Concrete (Page 141-142). Judging from the established values of 23.72°C and 23.18°C, it could
be concluded that both prediction model has demonstrated good correlation in terms of adiabatic
temperature rise of Portland flyash cement.
5.1 Graphical Plots for Adiabatic Temperature Rise Monitoring Results (Adiabatic Temperature Rise
Test Results 2011 & 2012)
From the adiabatic temperature rise monitoring test results (see Figure 9, 10 and 11), it could infer
from VWSG’s thermistor that the peak core temperature recorded for both phases of the trials i.e.
Stage 1-HB1 @ point A2 (48.30°C) and Stage 2-HB1 (49.53°C) only showing minor differential of
1.53°C, whereby the established average peak core temperature is 48.915°C. This is well within the
stipulated peak core temperature 50°C requirement.
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
Figure 9. Experimental temperature rise data Figure 10. Experimental temperature rise for
data for Stage 1-HB1 data for Stage 1-HB2
c) Stage 2-HB1
The respective maximum temperature of Tc , Tn and its corresponding time of occurrence for Stage 1-
HB1, Stage 1-HB2 and Stage 2-HB1 are summarised in below Table10.
Table 10: Comparison between peak temperature & time of occurrence
Stage Peak Temperature at line A (°C) by Peak Temperature at line B (°C)
VWSG by thermocouples
Temp (°C) Location Time Temp Location Time (Hrs)
(Hrs) (°C)
1-HB1 48.30 A2 1-HB1 48.30 A2 1-HB1
(Core) (Core)
1-HB2 44.43 A1 1-HB2 44.43 A1 1-HB2
(Bottom) (Bottom)
2-HB1 49.53 A2 2-HB1 49.53 A2 2-HB1
(Core) (Core)
Line A located in center; Line B located at corner
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
It has been demonstrated during mock-up test (Test Report for Mass Concrete, 2013); the core
reaches its maximum temperature in about 72 hours after concrete placement.
The adiabatic temperature rise test simulation by method of CIRIA C660 (using identical mix
design and input parameter as indicated in below Table 11) showing that hot-box size of 3m x 3m x
3m and greater having proper 50mm thick polyfoam insulation will yielded Tc at full adiabatic
temperature. Furthermore, for a concrete hot-box of dimension 4m x 4m x 4m, the temperature
recorded has exhibited full-adiabatic behaviour even without any insulation as the block size is big
enough. However, this is non-practical for any laboratory mock-up test to be considered in such huge
block dimension unless it is cast in-situ for thick raft foundation.
Table 11. Input parameters for thermal simulation
Item Description Value Unit
I Input Parameters - Concrete
Type of cement CEM II:B-V
Binder content 200 kg/m
Aggregate type Granite
Density 2380 kg/m
Pour thickness 1.5 m
Insulation 0.05 m
Insulation removal 168 hours
II Input Parameters - Environment
Concrete placing temperature 25 °C
Ambient temperature (mean) 27 °C
III Input Parameters - Heat Exchange
Surface conductance 1.30 W/m .K
Concrete thermal conductivity 3.028 W/m.K
Concrete specific heat 1.037 kJ/kg.°C
Thermal diffusivity 0.0051 m /h Figure 12. Temperature rise curve and differential in
1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m hot box for Stage 1-HB1
Figure 12 presents the maximum temperature difference of (T c – Tn) and (Tc – Ts) in a 1.5m x 1.5 x
1.5m concrete hot-box. The results reveal that the effective insulation using polyfoam of low
conductance material plays a dominant role in controlling the maximum temperature difference across
the block, even though the core temperature varies marginally.
Referring to below Table 12, for 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m hot box tests (Stage 1-HB1 and Stage 2-
HB1), the adiabatic temperature rise differential of 1.23°C (49.53°C minus 48.30°C) at center is little
affected by the environment due to good insulation on concrete blocks; while the temperature
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
differentials (Tc – Tn) and (Tc – Ts) are affected to some degree between 1.79°C to 4.53°C. Whereby
the recorded maximum temperature differentials between (Tc – Tn) and (Tc – Ts) are 4.66°C and
4.53°C respectively. As for the case of 1.3m x 1.3m x 1.3m hot box (Stage 1-HB2), the direct
exposure of concrete surface to air is measured whereby the recorded maximum temperature
differential between (Tc – Tn) and (Tc – Ts) is 9.22°C and 8.88°C respectively, which was about two-
fold than the fully insulated hot block as in the case of 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m hot box. Therefore, direct
exposure of concrete surface to air or the use of steel formwork would expect even higher temperature
differentials for (Tc – Tn) and (Tc – Ts).
Table 12. Maximum Tc, Tc – Tn and Tc – Ts
Stage Stage 1-HB1 Stage 1-HB2 Stage 2-HB1
Tempera Time Temperature Time Temperature Time (Hrs)
ture (°C) (Hrs) (°C) (Hrs) (°C)
Peak Tc (°C) 48.30 96 42.81 72 49.53 66
Peak (Tc - Tn) (°C) 4.46 19 9.22 47 3.14 56
Peak (Tc - Ts) (°C) 4.53 17 8.88 47 1.79 76
Tc =Temperature at core, at Point A2 (center core)
Ts = Temperature at surface, at Point A3 (near top surface)
Tn = Temperature at corner, at Point B3 (near top corner)
5.3 Temperature Rise and Temperature Distribution for Stage 1 & Stage 2 Hot-Box Tests
The two hot-box trials have exhibited slightly different rates of temperature rise at some period during
the experiments, whereby their peak core temperature rise values recorded by thermistors (strain
gauges) only differed by around 1.225°C as shown in below Table 13. Likewise the difference in peak
core temperature recorded by thermocouples is 1.25°C as shown in Table 14.
The differences in aforesaid peak core temperatures could be attributed to lower initial concrete
placing temperature for Stage 1: HB1 hot box (average 23°C) as compare to Stage 2: HB1 hot box
(average 25°C). This slight difference in temperature rise rate was also attributed to the rate of heat
gain during phase 2 (Stage 2- HB1) is faster, resulting from different fineness and age of cement used
during phase-1 and phase-2 test resulting in different rate of hydration.
Table 13. S ummary of Test Results for Peak Core Table 14. S ummary of Test Results for Peak Core
Temperature @ A2 recorded by S train Gauges Temperature @ A2 & B2 recorded by Thermocouples
Stage 1-HB1 Stage 2- Difference Stage 1-HB1 Stage 2-HB1 Difference
Hot-Block Hot-Block
(°C) HB1(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
Strain Gauge T hermocoupl
48.3 49.34 - 49.69 50.94 1.25
No.1 (°C) e @ A2 (°C)
48.27 49.495 1.225 Average (°C) 49.475 50.58 1.105
The various temperature rise curves, temperature differentials, and temperature distribution profiles
are shown in Figures 12-16. Due to the greater heat loss rate at corner and side of the block, the
temperatures at corner and side reach the peak before the maximum core temperature due to heat
exchange to the environment. The center temperature begins to decrease when the heat generated in
block is not enough to compensate the heat loss to the environment (as for the case of adiabatic
condition). After the decrease of the core temperature, the temperature difference (T c – Tn) and (Tc –
Ts) gradually climb to the peak. This is normally regarded as the critical period for the surface
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
concrete. Situations would become even worse if the formwork is removed during this stage. Also, the
poor insulation could significantly reduce the time to reach the maximum temperature differences of
(Tc – Tn) and (Tc – Ts). This infers that poorly insulated mass concrete could develop thermal cracks
shortly after the placement.
The temperature at center is little affected by the environment variation due to the good insulation
and big enough size of the hot box i.e. 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m, while the temperature difference (Tc – Tn)
and (Tc – Ts) is affected in some degree. Essentially, during the course of insulation selection, it is
necessary to consider the environment heat loss variation to minimize the effect. It is thus inferred that
temperature gradient of actual concrete structures could be improved by additional insulation at edges
and corners. The temperature gradient along the regions close to the side is much steeper than that in
the central region. This suggests that the locations of the thermocouples in the concrete mock-up block
should be carefully defined so that the comparable results can be obtained.
Figures 12-14 showing how the temperature gradients formed after the concrete were cast into hot
box. Temperature differential formed from the very beginning of the temperature rise in the
concrete mass, whereby the temperature is also affected by the ambient temperature fluctuation, which
is formed by the temperature change from daytime to night-time. The peak value of (Tc – Tn) and (Tc –
Ts) occurred after Tc.
This implies that the maximum temperature difference was encountered in the cooling down period
of the concrete mass. The temperature differences of between centre core versus surface (T c – Ts) and
between core versus corner (Tc – Tn) were also demonstrated in below Figure 15 and Figure 16, which
showing how the temperature at the corner of the block had the lowest value while the temperature at
center gave the highest. (Tc – Tn) is always greater than (Tc – Ts). This may be explained as that the
heat loss in the corner of the block is multi-dimensional. The peak value of (Tc – Tn) and (Tc – Ts)
occurred after Tc.
Figure 13. Temperature rise curve and temperature Figure14. Temperature rise curve and temperature
differential in 1.3 x1.3x1.3m hot-box for differential in 1.5x1.5 x 1.5m hot-box for
Stage 1-HB2 Stage 2-HB1
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
Tc (A2) - Ts (A3)
Tc (A2) - Ts (A3)
4.00 2.00
2.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00
0.00 -2.00
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00
Time elapsed (Hrs)
Time elapsed (Hrs)
Figure 15. Comparison of temperature differential Figure 16. Comparison of temperature
between Tc-Ts for Stage 1-HB1, Stage 1-HB2, differential between Tc-Tn for Stage 1-HB1
and Stage 2-HB1 and Stage 2-HB1
Figure 17. Adjustment for temperature differential at top surface of 1.3m x 1.3m x 1.3m hot-box, Stage 1- HB2
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
1. The two hot-box trials have exhibited slightly different rates of temperature rise at some
period during the experiments, whereby their peak core temperature rise values differed by
merely 1.225°C only. The difference in peak core temperature could be attributed to lower
initial concrete placing temperature for Stage 1: HB1 hot-box (average 23°C) as compare to
Stage 2: HB1 hot-box (average 25°C). This slight difference in temperature rise rates may be
attributed to the rate of heat gain during Phase 2 (Stage 2- HB1) is faster, which could be
further attributed to different fineness and age of cement used during Phase-1 and Phase-2 test
resulting in different rate of hydration.
2. From the two experiments performed, the difference in peak core temperature rise for both
trials was merely 1.225°C and 1.25°C, as recorded by strain gauges (built-in thermistor) and
thermocouples respectively. This implies that the concrete temperature during the entire
duration of the tests varying only by a small amount.
3. As expected with concrete containing flyash, cores extracted from Stage 1-HB2 demonstrated
that the in-situ heat cycles had a beneficial effect on fly-ash concrete, with the average
estimated in-situ strength being about 6.5 per cent higher than the test cube strength at 56
days. This compressive strength results confirm that the proposed flyash concrete is well
above the specified requirements in terms of strength and hence compliance with the technical
specification requirements.
4. The computer thermal modelling/ simulation revealed that for a concrete hot-box of
dimension 2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5m coupled with good insulation (50mm thick polyfoam), the
maximum core temperature recorded by thermal probe is almost near full-adiabatic state
whereby no loss of heat to the environment. Likewise for a concrete hot-box of dimension
4m x 4m x 4m, the temperature recorded has exhibited full-adiabatic behaviour without any
insulation as the block size is big enough. However, this is non-practical both technically and
commercially for any laboratory mock-up test to be considered in such huge block dimension
unless it is cast in-situ for thick raft foundation.
1. From the adiabatic temperature rise monitoring test, it could infer from strain gauges that the
peak temperature values recorded for both phases of the trials i.e. Stage 1-HB1 (48.30°C) and
Stage 2-HB2 (49.53°C) is merely difference by 1.23°C, whereby the established average peak
core temperature and maximum core-surface differential was 49.53°C and 12.5°C (worst case
scenario for Stage 1-HB2) respectively are well within stipulated 50°C and 20°C requirements
as specified in various project technical specifications, from a maximum initial placing
temperature of 25°C. As demonstrated during mock-up test that the core reaches its maximum
temperature in about 72 hours after concrete placement.
2. Significant reduction of temperature rise and maximum temperature rise rate of PFAC
concrete under adiabatic condition was successfully demonstrated in this experimental
investigation. This indicates that the application of CEM II/B-V cement is effective and
beneficial in mass concrete pours in minimizing the mass overheating inducing thermal
cracking. Thus the use of flyash as partial replacement for Portland cement resulted in lower
adiabatic temperature rise.
3. The outcome of the hot-box test suggests that good insulation is critical in minimising the
temperature difference in mass concrete. In mass concrete pouring, additional insulation at
edges and corners can help to improve temperature gradient in the critical regions. Moreover,
hasty removal of the formwork during the concrete cooling down period may greatly increase
the temperature gradient, and this could be detrimental to the surface of concrete mass.
International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
4. All concrete cubes compressive strength results tested at 7 days had exceeded the contract
documents stipulated 90 days characteristic strength of 20MPa confirming the compliance of
proposed 20MPa concrete mix design.
5. Both empirical adiabatic hydration models (CIRIA C660, 2007 and Tanabe et al. 1985) have
demonstrated good agreement on the maximum adiabatic temperature rise values of 23.72°C
and 23.18°C respectively. Thus, the heat of hydration model by method of CIRIA C660 can
be successfully used in modelling the characteristics of semi-adiabatic temperature rise data
of 20MPa mass concrete adopted in this study.
6. As far as the determined adiabatic temperature rise monitoring results is concern, the
established results could be inferred for in-situ thermal properties of 20MPa mass concrete
application, as the results could be repeatable on account of similar types of constituent
materials and concrete mix design adopted for permanent works at project site.
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International Conference on Materials Technology and Energy IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 217 (2017) 012008 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/217/1/012008
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