Sample OB-GYN History
Sample OB-GYN History
Sample OB-GYN History
% reliability:
A. General data
R.L., 26 years old, female, married, G3P2, 40 weeks and 3 days AOG,
Filipino, R. Catholic, salesgirl, born on Mar. 5, 1995 in Liloan, Cebu , residing in
Mabolo, Cebu City, was admitted at CDUH on March 23, 2021, for the third time.
B. Menstrual History
She had her menarche at 12 years old which lasted for 3 days with
moderate flow consuming 2-3 pads a day. Succeeding menses lasted for 3-5 days,
with regular 28-day cycle, moderate flow using 4 soaked pads per day. She does
not experience dysmenorrhea. She has not taken oral contraceptives or hormones
and has not had intermenstrual bleeding
Her last menstrual period (LMP) was on June 13, 2020 and past/previous
menstrual period (PMP) was on May 15,2020
C. Obstetric History
Her OB Score is G3P1(F1P0A1L1}
Previous Pregnancy
G1 – Jan. 20, 2016, 38 weeks AOG, 20 hours labor, thru normal
spontaneous, vaginal delivery (NSVD), 7 lbs,, female, no
G2 - Abortion, Oct. 11, 2018, CDUH, 18 wks AOG, spontaneous, D&C by
Dr. Flores (Obstetrician ), stayed 3 days in hospital, no complications
Present pregnancy
LMP - June 13, 2020
EDC - March 20, 2021
AOG - 40 weeks and 3 days
D. Prenatal History
Her first prenatal check up was on Nov. 5, 2020at CDUH by an
OB resident. She had regular check ups and last visit was on Mar. 1
2021. CBC, urinalysis, fasting blood sugar and pap smear were all
normal. Ultrasound done on Oct. 25, 2020 (AOG 14 weeks 6 days)
was unremarkable. Quickening was felt on Oct. 8,2020. Her prenatal vitamins
(Trihemic) were supposed to be taken once a day but sometimes she forgot to take. She
was given Tetanus toxoid vaccine for 2 doses at 24 and 28 weeks AOG. Her weight gain
is 10 kilos and usual BP is 110/65 mm Hg. She did not get sick while pregnant.
E. Contraceptive History
They used condom for birth control for one year without complaints
but stopped to have another baby.
F. Sexual History
Her coitarche was at 21 years old and the husband is her only sexual partner.
They are compatible with good sexual interest, function and satisfaction. They
have sex 2x a week.
I. Family History
Father died of lung cancer last Aug. 8, 2015 at 55 years old.
Mother is 51 years old, dressmaker, hypertensive and takes Catapres 25mg
once a day. Her only sibling is a 23-year old male, student and healthy. Her
family has no history of twinning, difficult deliveries, toxemias of pregnancy
and congenital anomalies.
6 13 2020
- 3 +7 + 1
3 20 2021
EDC - March 20, 2021
For present AOG:
LMP - June 13, 2020
June - 17
July - 31
Aug. - 31
Sept. - 30
Oct. - 31
Nov. - 30
Dec. - 31
Jan. - 31
Feb. - 28
Mar. - 23
If computing manually : - AOG = 283 / 7 = 40 weeks and 3 days
145/7 = 20.71
.71 x 7 = 4.97 AOG = 20 weeks and 5 days
AOG at Ultrasound
134/7 = 19.14
.14 x 7 = .98
AOG = 14 weeks and 10 days
G - Gravida - Total number of times pregnant including present pregnancy and abnormal
pregnancies. Multiple pregnancies are counted as 1 pregnancy.
P - Parity - Viable births of more than 20 weeks gestation. Multiple pregnancies
reaching viability are counted as 1.
F/T - Full term ( 37 and above)
P - Preterm ( 20 to 36 weeks and 6 days)
A - Abortion ( below 20 weeks)
L - Living