IEEE Access Accepted
IEEE Access Accepted
IEEE Access Accepted
Blood components such as hemoglobin, glucose, creatinine measuring are essential for monitoring one’s
health condition. The current blood component measurement approaches still depend on invasive techniques
that are painful, uncomfortable for the patients. To facilitate measurement at home, we proposed a novel non-
invasive technique to measure blood hemoglobin, glucose, and creatinine level based on PPG signal using
Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Fingertip videos from 93 subjects have been collected using a smartphone.
The PPG signal is generated from each video, and 46 characteristic features are then extracted from the
PPG signal, its derivatives (1st and 2nd ) and from Fourier analysis. Additionally, age and gender are also
included to feature because of the significant effects on hemoglobin, glucose, creatinine. A correlation-
based feature selection (CFS) using genetic algorithms (GA) has been used to select the optimal features
to avoid redundancy and over-fitting. Finally, DNN based models have been developed to estimate the
blood Hemoglobin (Hb), Glucose (Gl), and Creatinine (Cr) levels from the selected features. The approach
provides the best-estimated accuracy of R2 = 0.922 for Hb, R2 = 0.902 for Gl, and R2 = 0.969 for
Cr. Experimental aftermaths show that the proposed method is a suitable technique to be used clinically
to measure human blood component levels without taking blood samples. This paper also reveals that
smartphone-based PPG signal has a great potential to measure the different blood components.
INDEX TERMS Smartphone, Non-Invasive Technique, Hemoglobin, Glucose, Creatinine, NIR LED,
Photoplethysmogram, Features Extraction, Features Selection, Deep Neural Networks.
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
and costly for the patient due to frequent blood collection, for the extraction of the PPG signal.
and do not allow real-time monitoring [10], [11]. However, In this paper, a novel non-invasive technique has been
invasive techniques are more precise and reliable, but it needs proposed to estimate the blood component levels using PPG
a well-resourced laboratory with trained personnel, most of signal characteristics features extracted from fingertip video.
whom are inaccessible in a remote area [12]. On the contrary, The finger is illuminated using near-infrared light-emitting
the non-invasive technique needs only a bio-signal (image diodes (NIR LED), and a smartphone is used to capture the
or spectrum) to estimate the blood component levels. Non- fingertip video. Fingertip video is preprocessed and gener-
invasive technology can overcome the above shortcomings ated the PPG signal by applying several filtering. Analyzing
and has become a more popular topic in smart healthcare re- the PPG signal and its derivatives signals and using Fourier
search [13]. Several techniques already exist for this purpose, analysis on the signal, a total of 46 features are extracted.
but those have some limitations like portability, relatively Additionally, age and gender are also included in the fea-
high cost, and poor penetration of light. So, we have been tures set. A correlation-based feature selection (CFS) method
motivated to develop a system that can measure the blood using genetic algorithms (GA) has been used to select the
component levels conveniently and painlessly. appropriate features for developing DNN models. Finally,
Now, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and photoplethys- the DNN based models have been developed to estimate
mogram (PPG) are most widely used to measure blood hemoglobin, glucose and creatinine level in blood. The major
component levels non-invasively [14]. PPG is an optical contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:
measurement technique that has been applied to measure the • Invoking a non-invasive system for monitoring blood
changes in blood volume in certain parts of the body [15], glucose, hemoglobin and creatinine using smartphone
[16]. It reflects the movement of blood from the heart to the which is easy to use and comfortable to patients.
fingertip. The PPG system is designed with a light source, • Constructing a wearable device using NIR LED for
and a photodetector, where the light source illuminates the collecting fingertip video.
tissues region (e.g., finger) and the detector senses the re- • Generating PPG signal from the fingertip video and
flected light. The amount of light absorbed varies periodically extracting the PPG characteristics features from the
according to the variations of blood volume in the circulation generated PPG signal.
system and can be used to acquire the PPG signal. A lot • Selecting appropriate features using a correlation based
of researches have been done based on the PPG signal to feature selection method to avoid redundancy in features
monitor different physiological parameters because of its and over-fitting problem.
simple, low cost, and comfortable setup [17]. For example, • Developing DNN based models for estimating of blood
heart rate monitoring [18], anemia detection [19], [20], heart- component levels using both 48 features and the selected
rate validation [21], blood pressure estimation [22] and blood features.
glucose level [23]. Conventionally, PPG signals are acquired The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section
using optical techniques like sensor-based device, chip, or II briefly described the existing works of this field. The
pulse oximeters [19], [21]–[24]. proposed methodology, data collection, features extraction
Recently, several smartphones which have built-in sensor and model construction are explained in Section III. Perfor-
systems for instantaneous measurement of heart rate, oxygen mance analysis of our work and the comparison of results
saturation based on PPG signals [25]. These non-invasive with previous works are demonstrated in Section IV. The
techniques are not only useful for patients those required conclusion and future direction of this paper are drawn in
regular health monitoring but also needed for healthcare Section V.
professionals. Several studies are described briefly in the
literature concerning the measurement of the different blood II. RELATED WORKS
component levels non-invasively based on smartphones and The smartphone is a portable, affordable and convenient
RGB analysing. Among these, Wang et al. developed a platform for developing point-of-care health tools. Non-
smartphone-based application called HemaApp using Nexus- invasive techniques are essential for patients who require to
5p to predict the hemoglobin concentration in blood in monitor blood tests regularly. In this section, we focus on the
2016 [26]. In 2017, the same authors used Nexus-6p and work related to measuring blood component based on PPG
updated the hardware configuration for the same purpose signals and smartphones, and summarize the representative
[3]. In 2018, Hasan et al. developed a smartphone appli- researches as follows.
cation called SmartHeLP using Nexus-4p to measure the Kavsaoğlu et al. [19] introduced a non-invasive method
hemoglobin value [27]. In 2019, Zhang et al. proposed a to predict blood Hb levels using the characteristics of the
non-invasive technique to estimate the blood glucose level PPG signals with eight regression machine learning algo-
based on smartphone PPG signal [28]. A few PPG signal rithms. Al-Baradie and Bose [29] developed a portable non-
acquisition methods have been described in the literature, but invasive Hb measurement sensor using LED for acquiring
most of them used professional equipments. Therefore, we the PPG signal at the wavelength of 670 nm and 810 nm.
aim at using the smartphone camera and external lighting Ramasahayam et al. [30] developed a system consists PPG
source to capture a video of the fingertip that can be used signal acquisition module (including LEDs with wavelength
2 VOLUME x, xxxx
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
of 935 nm, 950 nm, and 1070 nm and a photodetector) for Least Square methods and extracted features from the PPG
the assessment of Gl levels. signal. Finally, Principal Component Regression (PCR) had
Wang et al. [26] developed a smartphone-based application been applied for the prediction of Gl level from the extracted
as HemaApp, using the smartphone camera and multiple features. The proposed model could predict the glucose level
lighting sources, including infrared LEDs that illuminate the with a Standard Error of Prediction (SEP) of 18.31 mg/dL.
patient’s fingertip. A smartphone Nexus-5p was used for Zhang et al. [28] introduced a non-invasive blood glucose
recording a series of videos with white, 880 nm, and 970 estimation technique using smartphone (smartphone camera
nm LED array. They focused on three different hardware was utilized for data acquisition) PPG signals and generated
embodiments, where the first embodiments included white an output using a machine learning algorithm (Subspace
flash + infrared emitter, the second one consisted of incan- KNN classifier). A smartphone camera with a frame rate of
descent lamp + white flash + infrared emitter, and the final 28 fps (sampling rate 28 Hz) was used to record a 30-40
one was made white flash + series infrared LED array. A seconds long video of the left-hand index finger. Features
high-band pass filter was used to calculate average intensity were extracted from a single PPG signal and its derivatives.
for each channel. Then Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Finally, the blood glucose level was estimated from the valid
Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression were applied for signals by applying a subspace KNN classifier. The overall
each combination of datasets. However, this is not sufficient accuracy was 86.2%.
for the people whose Hb level below 8 g/dL (heavily anemic). Considering the existing literature, we observed that dig-
The limitation of HemaApp is that they collected data by ital image or video data of eye conjunctiva and fingertip
using a Nexus-5 device and only one brand of the intense can measure different blood components such hemoglobin,
light bulb. Results could be varied according to the different glucose, creatinine. It also shows that the PPG signal contains
brand devices. They achieved a correlation R result between potential information regarding different blood components.
0.69 and 0.82, and RMSE value between 1.26 and 1.56 g/dL. Most of the existing techniques use specific hardware, e.g.,
Edward et al. [3], improved the configuration of hardware laser light and finger chip, to acquire the PPG signal, whereas
for amplifying the weaker signal of Blue and Green. They our system uses only a smartphone and an external lighting
estimated the blood Hb level without using an IR LEDs. In source to acquire the PPG signal. To sum up, there is up to
this case, they obtained Pearson correlation of 0.62 and an now no non-invasive method for measuring blood component
RMSE of 1.27. levels based on PPG signal from a fingertip video, which
M. Anggraeni and A. Fatoni [31] introduced a non- has the advantages of time efficiency and no calibration
invasive anemia detection system based on a digital image requirement.
of palpebral conjunctiva captured by a smartphone camera.
Digital image of the inferior palpebral conjunctiva was cap- III. MATERIALS AND METHODS
tured with an Asus Zenphone-2 Laser smartphone, ambient In this section, the materials and methods are illustrated
lighting without flash, and then color-corrected with white concisely. Collection of video data, generation of PPG signal,
paper. The color intensity (R, G, B) was extracted from raw features extraction, features selection, and finally, model
data using Colorgrab software (Loomatix), then evaluated construction process have been explained briefly. The overall
using regression analysis. Among the three-color (R, G, architecture of the system is shown in Figure 1.
B) intensity levels, red color intensity resulted in a high
correlation with clinically measured Hb levels and gained A. EXTERNAL HARDWARE DESIGN
R2 = 0.8139. A wearable device has been constructed as accessories for
Hasan et al. [27] developed SmartHeLP, a smartphone- illuminate the finger while capturing the fingertip video
based Hb level estimation technique using ANN and fingertip through smartphone. The device consists of six NIR LED
videos. The authors collected 10-second (300 frames) finger- with wavelength of 850 nm and, a white LED. NIR LEDs
tip video each from 75 participants of 20-56 year of ages and are placed in a circle with the white LED in the centre of
the levels of Hb were from 7.6 to 13.5 gm/dL. Red, Green, the circle shown as Figure 2 (b). The function of the white
and Blue pixel intensities from each frame were separated for LED is to amplify the intensity of NIR LEDs. The external
feature extraction, and the ANN-based model was developed surface of the device is made to black so that the reflectance
using these features to predict the Hb level. They observed factor can hardly affect the analysis. Figure 2 illustrates the
a correlation of R2 0.93. To reduce the necessary feature prototype of the external lighting source device.
space, they identified a specific Region of Interest (ROI) in Conventionally, PPG signals are acquired using optical
the image frame. techniques like sensor-based device or chip. In these cases,
Chowdhury et al. [32] proposed non-invasive Gl esti- visible or NIR LEDs are used for illuminating the finger
mation method from smartphone-based video analysis. A or different parts of body tissues and a photodetector for
smartphone camera at 30 fps was used for collection the measuring the amount of light either transmitted or reflected.
fingertip videos from 18 subjects and subsequently converted Therefore, we aim to obtain PPG signals through the use of
the frames of the video into PPG waveform. PPG signal was the smartphone camera to capture fingertip video and then
preprocessed using Gaussian filter along with Asymmetric analyzing the variation of light intensity reflected from a
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
Systolic Peak
Second Wave Preprocessing
Dicrotic Notch
FIGURE 1: The overall system architecture of blood Hemoglobin, Glucose, and Creatinine level measurement.
FIGURE 3: Data Collection procedure: (a) External wearable device (b) Power ON of the external device (c) Index finger placed on
the device when the power is OFF (d) Power ON with index finger on the device (e) Capturing 15-second video using smartphone
(Nexus-6p) camera and store it in this device.
fingertip video. 93 subjects (59 males and 34 females; age: phone camera (30 fps).
33.54 ± 17.12 years) were participated in the whole proce- After reviewing all the facts, the right-hand index finger
dure. Prior to the collection of data, information regarding was placed on the wearable device and illuminating the finger
the work and training on how to use the wearable device with an wearable device. Finally, a 15-second video was
and smartphone to capture fingertip video were given to the captured, placing a smartphone back camera on the finger,
healthcare workers. Table 1 shows the statistical information according to Figure 3. The first 3-second and the last 2-
of these collection. second are discarded from each fingertip video to avoid
Data collection is one of the vital stages of conducting unstable frames.
research. Data can be corrupted within a moment for a simple
mistake and affect all the next processes. The following C. GENERATION OF PPG SIGNAL AND FEATURES
guidelines were followed while recording the fingertip video. EXTRACTION
• The subject’s right hand and fingers were clean and dry Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a signal which is optically
before capturing the fingertip video. obtained through a plethysmograph used for detecting the
• The index finger was preferred, but other fingers were volumetric variation through blood circulation [15], [16]. It
used according to the condition of the tissue if the index reflects the movement of blood from heart to fingertip. For
finger was injured. generating the clean and good PPG signal from the image
• The fingertip video was recorded after taking clinical frame, the selection of optimal Region of Interest (ROI) is
blood sample. indispensable [44], [45]. Another vital issue of the generation
• External wearable device was constructed in a user- of PPG signals from the image frame is the selection of
friendly manner so that participants can easily place the channel (Red, Green, and Blue). Because it is shown that
finger on the device. if the range of image pixel intensity is below 200, then
• Same conditions (room temperature and light) were it is not possible to extract all characteristic features from
maintained during the acquisition of data from any the generated PPG signal. Among three channels, the Red
participant. channel is the highest intensity (225−245) compare to Green
• Fingertip video was recorded using Nexus-6p smart- (0 − 3) and Blue (15 − 25). To identify the ROI, HemaApp
[26] used a centre segment of the frame of an image and
calculated the average intensity for each channel of the centre
TABLE 1: Patient demographics and clinical laboratory data segment of that image, Scully et al. [46] picked 50 × 50
(gold standard value/reference value). array of pixels on the Green channel and Jonathan et al. [47]
extracted 10 × 10 block of the mean intensity value of the
Physical Index Statistical Data
pixels from the central region. SmartHeLP [27] separated a
Age (years) 33.54 ± 17.12 (0 − 79)
Gender 59 male (63.5%); 34 female (36.5%)
10 × 10 pixels block from the image frame for identifying
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 12.84 ± 2.15 (7.90 − 21.49) the best generated PPG signal’s most adequate position. In
Glucose (mmol/L) 6.65 ± 2.94 (3.33 − 21.11) this study, the average intensity for each channel is calculated
Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.03 ± 0.87 (0.37 − 9.02) by cropping image frame of 500 × 500 pixels from right to
Note: Results are stated as Mean ± S.D. (range) for quanti- left section of the image. This is done because the image from
tative variables and frequency distribution (%) for categorical this section is the most consistent and stable when the video
variables. of the fingertip is captured with the smartphone.
VOLUME x, xxxx 5
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
Average Intensity
4 List of select highest intensity channel ListH;
5 for j ← 1 to 300 do
/* Calculate M eanR, M eanG,
M eanB */
6 Average value of red channel M eanR; 232
7 Average value of green channel M eanG;
8 Average value of blue channel M eanB;
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
9 for k ← 1 to 3 do Number of frames
10 if channelk is red then (b)
11 M eanR ← average intensity for
red channel from F ramesj ; Acquired PPG Wave
2.5 Systolic Peak
12 else if channelk is green then 2
13 M eanG ← average intensity for
ListH */ 1.5
17 ListHj ← M axvalC; 1
*/ 0
18 P P GSigi ← generateP P G(ListH); -0.5
/* extract features from a
1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9
single PPG signal and append Time (s)
features to ListF N */ (d)
19 ListF Ni ← extractF eatures(P P GSig);
FIGURE 4: Generation of PPG signal from fingertip video: (a)
/* Returning the extracted Crop 500 × 500 pixels from the middle of right side from each
features */ frame (b) Red channel from video’s frames (c) Continuous PPG
waveform after applying Butter-worth Filter (d) One single
20 return ListF N
PPG waveform with highest positive systolic peak.
6 VOLUME x, xxxx
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
PPG signal
1st Derivative
2nd Derivative
Systolic peak
+ Dicrotic notch
Diastolic peak
x/2 Δ𝐓 Hole
+ + +
𝑨𝟏 𝑨𝟐
z y 𝑽𝟏
𝒂𝟏 𝒕𝒑𝒊
𝒃𝟏 𝒕𝒂𝟐
𝒕𝒍𝟏 𝒃𝟐
FIGURE 5: The characteristic features acquired from PPG signal and its corresponding first and second derivatives.
As the PPG signal reflects the movement of blood from the lar in terms of characteristics [28]. One single PPG signal
heart to the fingertip, the characteristics of the PPG signal with the highest positive systolic peak is extracted from the
can provide information on the levels of blood constituent continuous PPG waveform because of its highest intensity
[19], [48]. Therefore, it is necessary to identify appropriate changes. This single PPG signal is processed for the features
preprocessing and feature extraction methods to analyze the extraction. The overall process of PPG signal generation
PPG signal precisely [49]. A video data comprises a series from the fingertip video is demonstrated in Figure 4.
of digital images called frames. 300 frames are extracted Before extraction of features, PPG signal is preprocessed
from a 10-second (30 fps) video. Then, the time series of to minimize noise as raw PPG signals are prone to the
average intensity is plotted for three channels (Red, Green, noise and motion artifacts. A finite impulse response (FIR)
and Blue). The Red channel is the highest intensity channel. filter is applied to remove noise. Then 46 characteristics
Bandpass Butterworth Filter [50] is compatible with the red features are extracted from the PPG signal and it’s deriva-
channel and manages to generate a good PPG signal. So, the tives, shown in Figure 6. The pipeline of the PPG signal
green and blue channels are discarded, and the red channel is generation from video data and features extraction process
adopted. PPG signal is continuous and repeated waveform is described algorithmically in Algorithm 1. These features
and every individual PPG signal contains approximately have been classified as follows: 21 (f3 to f22 and f48 )
same information. A peak detection algorithm is used to features are extracted from the PPG signal, 19 (f23 to f41 )
locate the signal peaks [51]. The signal is then divided into features extracted from 1st and 2nd derivatives [52], and 6
single periods. The waveform of single-period PPG signals (f42 to f47 ) features extracted using fourier analysis (Fast
might vary slightly for different people, but they are simi- Fourier Transformation). In addition, Age (f1 ) and Gender
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TABLE 3: The selected features by means of CFS using genetic algorithm for different blood component levels.
Probability of Crossover 0.1
0.5 Probability of Mutation 0.2
Fitness value
A Deep Neural Network is a feed-forward, artificial neural
1.6 networks comprising an input layer, several hidden layers,
and an output layer. It is equipped with biases, weights, and
activation functions such as a rectified linear unit (ReLU)
1.2 [55]. The input layer consists of neurons equal to the number
of features in the dataset, and the output layer is composed of
0 10 20 30 40 50
Generation a single neuron [56]. In this work, we explored a multilayer
(c) feed-forward network, where nodes of each layer receive the
FIGURE 8: Feature selection results: (a) Hemoglobin (Best inputs from the previous layer. The output of nodes in one
Fitness = 0.854) (b) Glucose (Best Fitness = 1.642) (c) Creatinine layer will be the input of the next layer. The architecture
(Best Fitness = 2.421) and training procedure of DNN is illustrated in Figure 9. As
shown in the figure, four hidden layers are used. There are
10 VOLUME x, xxxx
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
𝑦ෝ (Estimated Blood
Component Levels)
Input layer: First hidden Second hidden Third hidden Fourth hidden
all features layer with layer with 200 layer with layer with 300
or selected 150 neurons. neurons. 250 neurons. neurons.
features with Activation Activation Activation Activation
GA Function Function “ReLU”. Function Function “ReLU”.
“ReLU” Dropout 0.25. “ReLU”. Dropout 0.5.
FIGURE 9: The architecture of proposed Deep Neural Networks (DNN) based models for blood component levels estimation. Not all
connections and units are displayed, can be marked as representative of DNN based model.
150 neurons in the first hidden layer and 250 neurons in the G. TEN-FOLD CROSS-VALIDATION
third hidden layer. There are 200 neurons with a 0.25 dropout In this study, a 10-fold cross-validation method was used to
unit in the second hidden layer and 300 neurons with a 0.50 construct and evaluate the performances of DNN models. At
dropout unit in the fourth hidden layer. The dropout method is first, reference Hb values and PPG characteristics features
an alternative and more efficient option for addressing DNN (age and gender were also included as features) of 93 subjects
overfitting [57]. The output of each processing unit in the were divided into 10 almost equal subgroups or folds to train
hidden layer can be expressed as in . and test the model. In each iteration, 9 subgroups were used
X for training the model, and the rest one was used for testing
qj = ωj fj + β (7) the model. This process went on until 10 iterations were
j completed. After 10 times of training and testing, the reliable
Hb estimation model was established. The same procedure
where fj , ωj and β indicate input feature vector, weights was followed for the remaining DNN models to estimate Gl
and bias to the neuron respectively. The hidden layer will and Cr levels respectively.
modify the input above using a nonlinear function by
ϕli (q) = q 0 (9) TABLE 5: Hyperparameters and their values used in DNN
based models
Where q 0 = (−∞, +∞)
Parameters Status
Thus, the dense layer returns the sum of the activation
Batch size 32
function. DNN model was trained on 100 epochs with respec- Learning rate α 0.01
tive learning rate and batch sizes as 0.01 and 32. To facilitate The number of hidden layers 4
the training processing and update the parameter of param- The number of nodes at 4 hidden layers (150, 200, 250, 300)
eters of DNN, Adam was used as optimizer function. The Dropout at 2nd and 4th hidden layer (0.25, 0.5)
hyperparameters used in the proposed DNN based models The number of nodes at input layer 48 or selected features
are shown in Table 5. The DNN models were trained and The number of node at output layer 1
tested with both all features and CFS-based selected features Activation function ReLU, Linear
for each blood component level. Optimizer Adam
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TABLE 6: Performance measurement of blood component levels using DNN based models with all features.
TABLE 7: Performance measurement of blood component levels using DNN based models with selected features by means of CFS-
based feature selection.
With selected features via CFS ( 27 features for Hb, 25 features for Gl and 24 features for Cr)
Blood Component Algorithm Performance measure criteria
Hemoglobin Mean 0.922 0.962 0.318 0.355 0.596 2.548 0.979
Std. Dev. 0.052 0.022 0.036 0.073 0.042 0.271 0.015
Glucose Mean 0.902 0.951 0.375 0.840 0.917 5.035 0.973
Std. Dev. 0.019 0.011 0.057 0.210 0.074 0.693 0.007
Creatinine Mean 0.969 0.995 0.052 0.023 0.152 4.508 0.993
Std. Dev. 0.037 0.026 0.005 0.005 0.012 0.298 0.020
M SE = (yi − ŷi )2 (13)
The models were implemented in Python programming lan- v
guage with computing environment named Spyder available u n
u1 X
in Anaconda. The experiments were carried out on a single RM SE = t (yi − ŷi )2 (14)
computer (Asus X556U , Intelr Core(T M ) i5−72000U n i=1
CPU @ 2.50GHz, 8.0 GB RAM and Nvidia GeForce n
940M X) with W indows − 10 operating system. 1 X yi − ŷi
M AP E = (15)
The performance evaluating criteria to test the perfor- n i=1 yi
mance of developed DNN based models is R2 (Coefficient of Pn
Determination), R (Pearson Correlation Coefficient), Mean (yi − ŷi )2
IA = 1 − Pn i=1 0 0 2
Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root
i=1 [|yi | + |ŷi |]
Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Percentage
Error (MAPE), and IA (Index of Agreement) values. where,
If y1 , y2 , · · · , yn are n reference values and ŷ1 , ŷ2 , · · · , yi0 = yiP− ȳ and ŷi0 = ŷi − ȳ,
1 n
ŷn are the corresponding estimated values, then equations for ȳ = n Pi=1 yi ,
these metrics are as follows [19]: f¯ = n1 i=1 fi ,
Pn fi is the i input feature.
2 (yi − ŷi )2
R = 1 − Pi=1 n 2
Pn The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated
(fi − f )(yi − y)
R = P i=1
q (11) with seven performance measurement indices: R, R2 , MAE,
n 2 2
i=1 (fi − f ) (yi − y)
MSE, RMSE, MAPE, and IA. It is noteworthy that the
proximity of R2 to 1 indicates the strength of the relationship
1X between model outputs and reference values. The RMSE and
M AE = |yi − ŷi | (12)
n i=1 MSE show relative errors and MAE represent the absolute
12 VOLUME x, xxxx
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Bland-Altman Plot
22 MAE = 0.329±0.045
R 2 = 0.877±0.031 md + 1.96*sd
4 md
md - 1.96*sd
Difference Hemoglobin(g/dL)
Estimated Hemoglobin(g/dL)
14 0
12 1
10 2
8 3
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Reference Hemoglobin(g/dL) Average Hemoglobin(g/dL)
(a) (b)
Bland-Altman Plot
MAE = 0.516±0.083 md + 1.96*sd
20.0 R 2 = 0.770±0.042 8
17.5 6 md - 1.96*sd
Difference Glucose(mmol/L)
Estimated Glucose(mmol/L)
15.0 4
12.5 2
10.0 0
7.5 2
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Reference Glucose(mmol/L) Average Glucose(mmol/L)
(c) (d)
Bland-Altman Plot
12 0.5
10 0.0
Difference Creatinine(mg/dL)
Estimated Glucose(mg/dL)
MAE = 0.072±0.010
R 2 = 0.865±0.055 0.5
4 2.0
2 md + 1.96*sd
2.5 md
md - 1.96*sd
0 3.0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reference Creatinine(mg/dL) Average Creatinine(mg/dL)
(e) (f)
FIGURE 10: Relationship and agreement (Bland-Altman plot) between estimated values and reference values at testing for DNN
models without feature selection.
error. R and R2 for both give a correlation of blood compo- mmol/L. Similarly, for the clinically measured individual
nent (Hb, Gl, and Cr) levels on datasets. The higher values of sample, the gold standard Cr levels ranged between 0.37
R2 indicates that the model is performed well with the input mg/dL and 9.02 mg/dL, with a mean of 1.03 mg/dL and
datasets. standard deviation of Cr is 0.87 mg/dL.
In this study, 93 subjects were studied aged between 0 In the first stage, the DNN based models were trained
and 79 years, while 59 males and 34 females. The range and validated with all features for each blood component
of gold standard clinically measured Hb levels (Reference level. The 10-fold cross-validation was applied to validate the
Hemoglobin) for this sample of individuals ranged from 7.90 DNN models. After the 10-fold cross-validation, each folds
g/dL to 21.49 g/dL, with Hb mean values of 12.84 g/dL and contained reference Hb values and estimated Hb values. Then
standard deviation of Hb is 2.15 g/dL. The range of clinically the mean performances of the model were calculated. The
measured gold standard Gl levels ranged from 3.33 mmol/L same procedure was followed for models of estimated the
to 21.11 mmol/L for this individual sample, with mean Gl Gl and Cr levels. Table 6 demonstrates the results of blood
values of 6.65 mmol/L and standard deviation of Gl is 2.94 component levels measurement using DNN models with all
VOLUME x, xxxx 13
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE ACCESS
Bland-Altman Plot
22 MAE = 0.318±0.036
R 2 = 0.922±0.052 md + 1.96*sd
20 2 md
md - 1.96*sd
Difference Hemoglobin(g/dL)
Estimated Hemoglobin(g/dL)
14 0
10 1
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Reference Hemoglobin(g/dL) Average Hemoglobin(g/dL)
(a) (b)
Bland-Altman Plot
MAE = 0.375±0.057 5 md + 1.96*sd
20.0 R 2 = 0.902±0.019
4 md
17.5 md - 1.96*sd
Difference Glucose(mmol/L)
Estimated Glucose(mmol/L)
15.0 2
12.5 1
10.0 0
7.5 1
2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0
Reference Glucose(mmol/L) Average Glucose(mmol/L)
(c) (d)
10 0.50
MAE = 0.052±0.005
Estimated Creatinine(mg/dL)
R 2 = 0.969±0.037
Difference Creatinine(mg/dL)
6 0.25
2 1.00 md + 1.96*sd
1.25 md - 1.96*sd
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reference Creatinine(mg/dL) Average Creatinine(mg/dL)
(e) (f)
FIGURE 11: Relationship and agreement (Bland-Altman plot) between estimated values and reference values at testing for DNN
models with CFS based feature selection.
features. The estimated accuracies of proposed DNN models level, 25 for Gl level, and 24 for Cr level respectively. From
are R2 = 0.877 and MAE = 0.329 for Hb, 0.770 and 0.516 Table 3, it is shown that the optimal features are varied with
for Gl and 0.865 and 0.072 for Cr level, respectively. regard to measurement level. It is occurred due to different
Furthermore, a correlation-based features selection (CFS) features are correlated to different blood component levels.
method was used to select the best optimal features. Features In afterwards, the optimal features were applied to the DNN
selection is necessary in order to reduce the probability of models to estimate the blood component levels. Models were
models over-fitting. Correlation is a measure to determine validated using 10-fold cross-validation for each reference
whether or not a feature is highly correlated with class label blood component level.
but not highly correlated with any of the other relevant From Table 7, it can be observed that the CFS based feature
features [22], [59]. After applied the CFS method to the selection method provided the best results when combining
features dataset with Hb, Gl and Cr estimation levels, the with DNN models for estimation of Hb, Gl, and Cr levels.
number of features have been decreased from 48 to 27 for Hb According to the obtained results in Table 7, this approach
14 VOLUME x, xxxx
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TABLE 8: Comparison of our proposed DNN based models with several exiting smartphone-based non-invasive methods offered in
physiological parameter monitoring processes.
Zhang et al. (2019) [28] iPhone 6s Plus 14 DT, BT and KNN Acc = 86.2%
= Hemoglobin, = Glucose, = Creatinine, = Video, = Image, Acc = Accuracy, SVR = Support Vector Regression,
LR = Linear Regression, ANN = Artificial Neural Network, DT = Decision Tree, BT = Bagged Trees, KNN = K-nearest neighbor, PCR
= Principal Component Regression, SEP = Standard Error of Prediction, DNN = Deep Neural Network.
provides the highest estimated accuracy of R2 = 0.922 for veloped a smartphone-based application named as HemaApp
Hb, R2 = 0.902 for Gl, and R2 = 0.969 for Cr. From the (FDA-approved device) to measure Hb level non-invasively.
Table 6 and Table 7, it is noticed that the accuracy (R2 ) of The authors captured fingertip video data from 31 subjects
DNN models with CFS based selected features is increased using Nexus-5p, used the SVR model, and achieved highest
by 5.13%, 17.14%, and 12.02% for Hb, Gl and Cr levels relationship with correlation coefficient (R) of 0.82. In [3],
comparing with DNN models with all features. the same authors improved the configuration of hardware and
A relationship between the reference values (gold standard used the LR model, and achieved a Pearson correlation of
values) and estimated values for blood component levels has 0.62. Anggraeni and Fatoni [31] developed LR model using
been established to understate the above results better. A conjunctiva image of 20 participants captured by Asus Zen-
correlation-based comparison between the estimated value Fone 2 and estimated the Hb level that highly correlated with
and reference value has been shown in Figure 10 ((a), (c), clinical Hb value and gained a relationship with R2 of 0.81.
and (e)) and Figure 11 ((a), (c), and (e)) for Hb, Gl, and In [27], the authors developed a smartphone-based applica-
Cr respectively. Furthermore, the Bland-Altman plot is il- tion named as SmartHeLP to measure the Hb concentration
lustrated to evaluate how much the estimated value differs in blood. In this case, they collected 75 fingertip video data
from the reference value. Bland-Altman [60] plot shows the via Nexus-4p smartphone and applied in the ANN model,
agreement between the reference value and the estimated and achieved relationship with R2 of 0.93. Zhang et al. [28]
value by constructing limits of agreement (LOA). It is found developed a system for the estimation of blood Gl level
that most of the estimated values for hemoglobin, glucose, based on smartphone fingertip video. The authors acquired
and creatinine are within the LOA (bias ±1.96 × SD) in the PPG signal from video, used subspace KNN classifier
Figure 10 ((b), (d), and (f)) and Figure 11 ((b), (d), and (f)) and obtained the accuracy Acc = 86.2%. Chowdhury et al.
[32] proposed a smartphone-based approach to estimate the
C. COMPARISON OF RESULTS blood Gl level in a non-invasive. The authors recorded the
Compassion of our work is shown in Table 8 for estimating fingertip video, converted the frames into PPG signal, applied
the blood component levels to validate our contribution with PCR algorithm on the extracted features, and achieved a SEP
previous existing smartphone-based non-invasive techniques. as low as 18.31 mg/dL. However, it is difficult to compare
existing works related to this filed due to different datasets,
Looking at individual related works in Table 8, Dantu
devices, and sensors to collect the data from various parts
et al. [58] introduced a method for measuring Gl level via
of the subject’s body and different evaluation criteria. In our
smartphone camera by capturing the transmitted laser light
proposed method, we have used a smartphone device (Nexus-
through a fingertip. The blue and green intensities of modi-
6p) to capture the fingertip video data, generated PPG signal
fied Bear-Lambert law was used to determine the GL level
from fingertip videos, and developed DNN based models to
and gained a (p − value) = 0.005. Wang et al. [26] de-
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