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TechRadar 2023

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A Spotlight on

Emerging Technologies

2023 Edition
Cloud, Cyber, AI*
& Sustainability.
Born in tech, Devoteam has over 25 years
of deep expertise in guiding your business
through the complexity of tech, supporting
your sustainable digital transformation.
*Artificial Intelligence

Creative tech for Better Change

2 TechRadar

What’s inside
Preface 4
Devoteam’s Perspective: Entering the Cloud Native Era 6
Radar at a Glance 10
The Radar 12
• Digital Business & Products 16
• Hot topic: Product Strategy, a pragmatist’s perspective 17
• Case study: When tech meets massive data monitoring 33
• Data-driven Intelligence 35
• Hot topic: Starting fresh with Data Mesh 36
• Case study: When tech meets data factory 52
• Distributed Cloud 56
• Hot topic: Managing foreign access with Sovereign Cloud 57
• Case study: When tech meets unlimited potential 73
• Business Automation 75
• Hot topic: From Robotic Process Automation to Business Automation 76
• Case study: When tech meets IT infrastructure revolution 90
• Trust & Cybersecurity 92
• Hot topic: Prepare & protect against the Post-quantum threat 93
• Case study: When tech meets massive security management
in the financial sector 111
• Sustainability enabled by Digital 113
• Hot topic: Eco-Efficient IT: Saving Green by Going Green 114
• Case study: When tech meets ESG strategy effectiveness 124

Contributors 126
About Devoteam 130

The Devoteam TechRadar, a
rendez-vous with technology

ast year, Devoteam published its first TechRadar, an overview of
the leading technologies established by our experts. This initiative
was a huge success, revealing the great thirst for information on
the most important technologies in the market.
For the past three years, companies have been confronted with an
accumulation of challenges of all kinds, and they know that it will be
impossible to meet them without technology. However, due to a lack
of resources and skills, they sometimes feel helpless in the face of
abundant offerings and surging innovation. Cutting through this noise
and selecting the technologies with highest potential is a difficult task. It
is the job and the passion of Devoteam’s employees to be on the lookout
for the latest technological innovations in order to evaluate, test and
assimilate the most advanced innovations in the fields of cloud, data,
application development, cybersecurity, automation and environmental
sustainability. Technological expertise is our DNA and providing our
customers with the benefits of this expertise is our vocation.
To keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, it quickly became obvious
that we need to make the TechRadar a recurring “rendez-vous.” Our
objective: to provide a comprehensive overview of what’s happening
across a technological landscape in perpetual motion, and assess the
potential impact it can have on businesses and society. As in the first
edition, the technologies featured here have been independently
selected by our experts. Some have been around for a long time, others
are only just emerging, but they all deserve special attention as they
address major business and technological issues in the current economy.

4 TechRadar
As proof of the rapidity of the digital ecosystem, of the 150 technologies
presented in this edition of the TechRadar, half of them are new.
Among those that have disappeared, some are the result of mergers
and acquisitions, others because they are no longer required to be
introduced due to their popularity, and others because they have not
experienced the expected boom. Above all, it is about making room
for the promotion of new technologies that are as exciting as they are
promising in the context of “Cloud Native,” which is undoubtedly the
keyword of this 2023 vintage.

“Technological expertise is our DNA and

providing our customers with the benefits of
this expertise is our vocation.”

We hope that you will enjoy reading this new publication and that the
monitoring, analysis and popularisation work of our experts will usefully
enrich your thoughts.

Karen Auffret
Publication Director

devoteam.com/techradar 5

Entering the Cloud Native Era

nflation and economic slowdown, surging energy and resource
prices, geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, skills shortages,
climate and health hazards, regulatory and societal demands:
for the past several months, companies have been faced
with a succession of challenges of all kinds. In spite of this,
they have to find the path to a profitable and sustainable
transformation amidst these roadblocks. On this path,
they have only one certainty: no matter what happens,
their salvation will come through the cloud.
Cloud is no longer, as it was in its early days, just
a way to streamline IT infrastructures in the face
of business fluctuations. It is even more than the
limitless pool of digital resources that it later
became. Today, the cloud is the essential tool
for business innovation and adaptation. It’s
the cloud that drives productivity, accelerates
time-to-market, and scales success. It is the
place where business activities are reinvented
and new models are created - more sober, more
resilient, more aligned with the demands of
society and the constraints of the world. These
new disruptive models are built with the cloud,
in the cloud, for the cloud. They are cloud native,
and almost all of the technologies presented in this
TechRadar 2023 are participating in this movement.
Gartner predicts that by 2025, 95% of all new digital
initiatives will be built on cloud native platforms!
Cloud native is therefore becoming a strategic topic and
companies must prepare for this new era where technology
and businesses are more interconnected than ever.

6 TechRadar
Being prepared means first of all building a technological ecosystem.
Given the plethora of technologies available, the first risk would be to lose
focus. To rationalise investments, to ensure the interoperability and
security of systems, to accelerate developments and to develop
skills, it is necessary to choose a stable and coherent set of
tools and vendors. Around the hyperscalers, which are
essential mainstream partners, the company will rely
on a certain number of preferred solutions, possibly
differentiated by geography, business or criticality:
regional, sovereign or industrial clouds, data, AI/
ML, automation, infrastructure, security, etc. This
technological set, in which open-source and
cloud native technologies such as Kubernetes or
severless will predominate, will form the basis of
the information system.

“Gartner predicts that by

2025, 95% of all new digital
initiatives will be built on cloud
native platforms!”

As a result, IT will be split in two. On one hand, there will

be those who will be responsible for designing, building,
operating and maintaining this foundation, and who today
have much more mature tools for this (Infrastructure as code,
service mesh, etc.); on the other hand are those who will develop
applications using the elements made available to them. Hence, cloud

devoteam.com/techradar 7
native will give birth to composite architectures. As in a construction
game, the elementary bricks will be used to build specialised functional
modules, which can themselves be combined to create complex
applications for end users. Based on identical technologies and
principles, the modules will be compatible with each other. Managed as
products under the authority of a global governance, they can then be
used as a foundation for future developments.
By redistributing the roles within IT, but also outside, this assembly logic
should enable the business to become more involved in application
development. At a time when technology and business have become
one, this is the wish of CEOs. According to a Gartner survey, 67%
of CEOs would like to see the business take a greater role in the
implementation of technology. Cloud native will accelerate the
creation of multidisciplinary development teams, known as Fusion
Teams. Composed of different specialists (business, data, UX, security,
etc.), they will mostly rely on no-code tools, which are more accessible
and accelerate innovation through the assembly of components.

“According to a Gartner survey, 67% of CEOs

would like to see the business take a greater
role in the implementation of technology.”

In a context of talent shortage, this model will lead to a strong

evolution of jobs, skills and profiles within the organisation. Roles
requiring dual skills (business/IT, business/data, etc.) will proliferate at
the intersection of the specificities of each project and the standards to
be used and respected by all. The company will need both specialised
experts and agile generalists, able to demonstrate ingenuity and
creativity, to change projects frequently, and to work in ad-hoc teams.
In addition to technical training, this will require new organisational
and operational models built around centers of excellence, increased
automation of tasks and processes, and a redefinition of traditional
“make or buy” perimeters. More than a new stage in the evolution of
technology, the cloud native is a new paradigm that will shake up many
habits and will require a lot of support to adopt. But the effort will be
worth it because the companies that know how to adapt to this
new era will be the best equipped to face the immense
challenges that the future will surely bring.

Philippe Bournhonesque
VP Innovative Development

8 TechRadar
devoteam.com/techradar 9

Radar at a Glance
The Devoteam TechRadar is designed to help you
stay up-to-date with what Devoteam considers to
be the latest and most interesting technologies,
whether they’re just emerging or have already proven
themselves in the market. The technologies included
in the TechRadar have been carefully selected by our
experts and classified within two different categories:
strategic domains and rings. The strategic domains
represent the topics that we believe are essential
for organisations to focus on if they want to become
leading digital companies.
Ring levels are a way to classify the maturity of a
technology, helping you decide on which technologies
you need to hold out on, assess, start a trial with,
or adopt completely. The idea is that as new and
emerging technologies mature, they will move up the
ring levels as time goes on.

10 TechRadar
Hold Assess Trial Adopt

Hold Assess Trial Adopt

Proceed with Worth Worth pursuing. We strongly
caution. We investigating to You might want believe that this
advise waiting understand how to test out this technology should
to see how the it may impact technology with be adopted by
technology your organisation. a pilot to get a the industry. We
evolves. better idea of how use it whenever
it could perform appropriate in our
on a larger scale. projects and with
our clients.

devoteam.com/techradar 11
The Radar
Open to reveal ›
ts Sust
duc ain
& Pro bili
s E
es na
in bl
Bus ed
l by
i ta 29
ig 28
D 27 148

i ta

25 145 149
24 22
21 139 142 146
23 20 150
ld ld
140 143 Ho
As 19 18
s 15 s
14 s es
13 10
137 As
Tri 12 9 138
al al
11 8 6
7 5 132

4 3
54 2
iven Intelligen

Trust &
Ad 1 128
49 o pt o pt 122
40 Ad 117 133
50 45 36 113 123
55 41 33 110 118 129

46 37 31 108 114 124
51 42 34 30 107 111 119 134
47 38 32 109 115 125
43 35 112 120 130
56 52 48 39 116

44 121
Ad 135
53 o pt o pt 127
Ad 58 87
57 59 89
61 60 88 92
64 62 91 96 136
al 68 65 63 90 95 al
Tri 69 66 94 100
70 67 93 99
s 71 98 As
s es 74 73 72
s es
As 78
Hold 75 ld
83 79 76 102 106
80 77
84 81

D io
ist at
rib om
ed Aut
C s s
si ne
d Bu
Digital Business Data-driven Distributed Cloud
& Products Intelligence

Adopt Adopt Adopt

1. Apache Kafka 30. Airbyte ↑ 58. Ansible
2. Apigee 31. Alteryx 59. Anthos
3. ArgoCD ↑ 32. Apache Airflow N 60. AWS Nitro N
4. AWS QLDB 33. Apache Spark 61. Buildah N
5. CAST Highlight 34. Azure 62. Fluentd N
6. Cloud Run N Cosmos DB N 63. HashiCorp
7. Cypress ↑ 35. Azure Synapse Consul ↑
8. Flutter Analytics 64. HashiCorp
9. GitHub N 36. C3 AI Platform N Terraform
10. GitLab N 37. Databricks 65. Helm
11. Go (Golang) ↑ Lakehouse 66. Istio
12. GraphQL ↑ Platform 67. Kasten K10 N
13. Harbor N 38. Dataiku ↑ 68. Knative ↑
14. JHipster ↑ 39. dbt ↑ 69. Kubernetes
15. MuleSoft 40. Fivetran ↑ 70. Linkerd N
16. OpenTelemetry N 41. Informatica 71. Longhorn N
17. Tekton N Intelligent Data 72. Portainer.io
18. Vue.js ↑ Platform 73. SUSE Rancher N
42. Kubeflow
Trial 43. MongoDB Trial
19. Flux CD N 44. Monte Carlo Data 74. Crossplane
20. Robot Observability 75. DCaaS N
Framework ↑ Platform N 76. eBPF N
21. Skaffold N 45. Snowflake Data 77. GKE Autopilot
22. Storybook Cloud 78. KubeVirt N
46. Tableau 79. KuboScore N
Assess 47. Talend Data 80. Pulumi ↑
23. Backstage N Fabric 81. Talos Linux N
24. Dapr 48. Vertex AI N 82. VMware Cloud
25. Deno.js Foundation
26. Julia N Trial
27. Microsoft Mesh N 49. ClickHouse N Assess
28. Rust 50. Immuta N 83. AWS Application
51. Matillion N Composer N
Hold 52. Presto N 84. EdgeX Foundry N
29. Kotlin 53. Starburst N 85. Kyverno N
86. MinIO N
54. Apache Iceberg N
55. Collibra Data
Intelligence Cloud
57. Transform.co N
Business Trust & Sustainability
Automation Cybersecurity Enabled by Digital

Adopt Adopt Adopt

87. ABBYY Vantage N 107. Aviatrix 137. Google Carbon
88. AppSheet ↑ 108. Checkmarx Assessment ↑
89. Automation 109. Chronicle N 138. Salesforce Net
Anywhere 110. CryptoNext Zero Cloud ↑
90. AWS EventBridge N 111. CyberArk
91. AWS Step 112. Elastic Security N Trial
Functions 113. Ermetic N 139. Aguaro
92. Azure Logic 114. ForgeRock 140. Energisme
Apps N 115. HashiCorp Vault 141. Fruggr N
93. Celonis 116. Keycloak N 142. Kubecost
94. Elastic 117. Microsoft Entra N 143. ServiceNow ESG
Observabilty N 118. Microsoft Sentinel
95. Microsoft Power 119. Netskope ↑ Assess
Platform 120. Okta ↑ 144. Cloud Custodian N
96. OutSystems 121. One Identity 145. EcoVadis
97. ServiceNow Manager N 146. Infracost N
Platform N 122. OPA (Open 147. Sopht N
98. SS&C Blue Prism Policy Agent) N 148. Sweep N
99. UiPath 123. SailPoint 149. Teevity N
100. Workato ↑ IdentityNow N 150. Verdikt N
124. ServiceNow
Trial Integrated Risk
101. Lightstep N Management N
102. MuleSoft RPA N 125. Tenable.ad N
103. Rasa ↑ 126. Usercube
127. Wiz N
104. Dydu Trial
105. Kryon 128. KubeClarity N
106. Moveworks N 129. Prowler N
130. Sigstore N
131. Stormshield Data
Security N

132. CrowdSec N
133. Devo
134. Lacework
135. Trivy N
136. Wazuh N

N New addition ↑ Ascending technology


Digital Business
& Products
Accelerate your business by adopting the new
rules of digital. Shape innovative digital businesses,
performant products and remarkable experiences
enabled by technology.

Product Strategy:
A pragmatist’s
The product strategy sets the
ambition, trajectory, and ensures that your
product and service offering evolves continuously.
However, many companies are struggling to find
the right way to implement their product strategies.
So how do you create a winning strategy?

Product Strategy for the win

Very soon most large companies will manage their internal
organisations as products to increase innovation, responsiveness and
competitive advantage. Redefining the Product Strategy is the first step
to increase upsell and cross-sell.
While businesses are aware of the necessity of embracing new forms of
technology, they often lack a clear strategy for doing so. The digitalisation
of processes and technological innovation, as well as changes in
consumer behaviour, are among the many challenges to be overcome.
Companies thus end up relying on a roadmap that is constrained by user
requirements and ultimately reduces the quality of their products. To
succeed in the future, businesses will need to develop new strategies for
expanding their operations and bringing in additional revenue.
As a result, competition has increased among companies and the
role of product strategy is thus becoming increasingly important in
the company’s overall strategy. This holds true regardless of what that
strategy is: diversification, market penetration or product development
since it intervenes at all points in the product life cycle.

17 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

Devoteam’s Recommendation to get started
on Product Strategy
The products, services, or offers of companies need to be shaped
to adapt to new challenges by leading them towards a sustainable
business model and a more efficient operating model that utilises
technology potential and a 360-degree analysis of the ecosystem,
promotes product culture within the organisation, and controls risks
through validated learning to adapt to new challenges.
Despite the growth of product culture, businesses are paradoxically still
in the early stages of maturity: everyone says that customer concerns
should be at the centre, but only a few companies adhere to this principle.
Organisations are still operating in silos. Making the organisation pay
attention to subtle cues is one way to show upper management why
a Product Strategy is necessary. We recommend using an end-to-end
multidisciplinary approach combining strategy, design and build:
• Strategy means defining a vision and a path while taking into
account the operational and the factual aspects. Some actions
include: segmenting the market, choosing the targets and the
positioning, setting scenarios and prioritising actions.
• Design implies concretising the strategy in tangible elements in
order to facilitate easy and effective decision-making. Actions that fall
under this phase consist of describing the experience and the offer,
the business plan, and also product backlog and testing.
• Build and manage the whole product lifecycle by forming strategic

Successful first steps often involve focusing on a specific product or

service, demonstrating the method’s efficacy, and then expanding it
to the larger context. Whatever the maturity level of the company’s
offer, the approach should include evaluating the current offer and the
company’s environment, understanding the customer base, defining
the product’s vision and ambition, designing products, services, and
experiences, and testing them with customers.

Put forward by Frederic Fleury, Consulting Director at Devoteam Digital

Impulse & Florent Noca, Partner at Devoteam

devoteam.com/techradar 18
Digital Business & Products
at a Glance
Caught up in the economic crisis, companies
are reviewing their digital investments with the
intention of optimising their project portfolios and
prioritising those that promise a quick return on
investment. They also hope to finally reap the benefits
of their innovation efforts of the past few years by
accelerating deployments and scaling up. Everywhere
there is an effort to do better with less, with a focus
on not spending in vain and seeing every initiative
through to completion.
In these tough times, value creation therefore depends above all on
impeccable execution, and technological developments are both
the instrument and the reflection of this desire. This is reflected in
the projects by four strong trends, each embodied by key technologies
present in this TechRadar 2023: collaboration through sharing and
sourcing of resources and skills (with Github); agility, which involves
in particular the appropriation by the business of modular API-based
architectures (with Apigee); resilience and robustness of applications,
which must no longer be produced only quickly but also well (with
Cypress, for example); customer orientation, to take greater account of
the expectations and needs of end users (with Storybook).
Digital investments are therefore not frozen, but redirected to where
they will have the greatest impact. From this perspective, Gartner
believes that two themes in particular should continue to receive
attention: improving the user experience and improving employee
productivity. In fact, both are part of the same issue, the “total experience”
(TE), which is becoming the primary focus of the most digitally mature
companies. The total experience considers that the customer’s experience
is indissociable throughout the customer’s journey and the actors
involved; and that all aspects – user experience, omnichannel, employee
experience, among others – must therefore be addressed with the same
attention in order to leave no room for dissatisfaction.

19 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products



24 22

Ho 23 20
As 19 18
s es 17 15
s 16 14
13 10
Tri 12 9
al 11 8 6
7 5
4 3
Ad 1
o pt

Adopt 13. Harbor N Assess

1. Apache Kafka 14. JHipster ↑ 23. Backstage N
2. Apigee 15. MuleSoft 24. Dapr
3. ArgoCD ↑ 16. OpenTelemetry N 25. Deno.js
4. AWS QLDB 17. Tekton N 26. Julia N
5. CAST Highlight 18. Vue.js ↑ 27. Microsoft Mesh N
6. Cloud Run N 28. Rust
7. Cypress ↑
8. Flutter 19. Flux CD N Hold
9. GitHub N 20. Robot 29. Kotlin
10. GitLab N Framework ↑
11. Go (Golang) ↑ 21. Skaffold N
12. GraphQL ↑ 22. Storybook

N New addition ↑ Ascending technology

devoteam.com/techradar 20
Apache Kafka Apigee
Adopt Adopt

Originally developed by LinkedIn, With the coming expected growth

Apache Kafka is an open-source of the API management market,
data and event streaming organisations have to continue
platform. Its three key capabilities innovating to stay competitive.
allow users to implement use Apigee is one of the leading API
cases for event streaming platform providers that address
end-to-end. The first is the new challenges and provides rich
publication and subscription to feature sets such as out-of-the-box
event streams, the second is the API security policies, event-driven
durable, reliable, and indefinite architecture support, GraphQL
storage of event streams, and plugins, and gRPC that helps
the third is the processing of organisations to onboard a variety of
event streams both in real- use cases and deployment options
time and retrospectively. This is of either on-premise, on-cloud or
packaged in a platform that’s hybrid. Additionally, having Apigee
flexible, secure, highly scalable under Google unlocks more
and, perhaps most importantly, options for organisations utilising
fault-tolerant. If any of its servers the Google Cloud feature sets
fail, other servers will take over to like IAM policies, Cloud Logging,
prevent the collapse of mission- Monitoring and Alerting. More
critical use cases or any other recently, Apigee has introduced
continuous operations. Diverse local development, allowing
and reliable, it is recommended developers to deploy and test the
for any organisation handling APIs locally. API Hub is another
large volumes of data, though new feature of Apigee that helps
its complexity means it should developers to upload and share the
be properly evaluated before APIs into one place and promotes
implementation. the utilisation of an API Portfolio.

21 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

ArgoCD or changed, and its author is
Adopt irrefutably identified, but AWS,
not a collective mechanism,
Argo CD is a GitOps, continuous is the guarantor. With no real
delivery (CD) tool for Kubernetes competitor, AWS QLDB is used,
that is designed to help for example, in the financial
organisations automate the sector and in the public sector
deployment and management for use cases requiring total and
of cloud native applications. indisputable traceability.
Argo is a graduated project of
the Cloud Native Computing
Foundation (CNCF). With Argo Backstage
CD, organisations can deliver Assess
high-quality applications quickly
and safely through the use of Backstage is an open platform
continuous deployment, GitOps- for creating ecosystems for
based configuration management, developers. It unifies all the tooling,
ease of use and the ability to scale software components, data,
quickly and flexibly. Argo CD is and documentation. Powered
geared toward organisations that by a centralised and searchable
are using Kubernetes to manage software catalog, Backstage
their cloud native applications, organises all services, websites,
and it is often used in conjunction mobile features, libraries, and other
with other tools and technologies, software components, regardless
such as Helm and Argo Workflows, of how or where they’re running.
to build and deploy cloud native This enables collaboration and
applications. reuse, speeds up onboarding,
and reduces infrastructure
complexity. Backstage has a
AWS QLDB growing marketplace of open-
Adopt source plugins that further
expand its customizability and
The ability of blockchain functionality. Product teams can
to establish a transparent, build quickly and ship high-quality
unalterable and verifiable log code without compromising
of changes in a digital asset autonomy. Backstage offers a
offers exciting opportunities single, consistent experience
in many areas, but for reasons that maintains standards and
of cost, complexity, security or best practices across the entire
compliance, its decentralized organisation. Backstage is
nature is often an impediment. still at the incubating project
AWS QLDB (Quantum Ledger maturity level in the Cloud Native
Database) is a private, centralised Computing Foundation, but major
alternative to public blockchains. players like Redhat have taken
Like the blockchain, every new an interest in it and have started
entry in QLDB cannot be deleted contributing to the project.

devoteam.com/techradar 22
CAST Highlight Cloud Run portable and thus
Adopt avoiding vendor lock-in. With
Cloud Run, you can build and
CAST Highlight is a solution deploy scalable containerised
that does source code analysis apps written in any language,
of a portfolio of applications. including .NET, Java, Go, Python,
It allows users to categorise Node.js or Ruby. There are two
applications for potential cloud ways to run the code: as a service,
migration through insights responding to web requests or
of business impact vs. cloud events, or as a job, performing
readiness. Organisations can then a task, and quitting when that
understand where their legacy/ task is done. Standard service
on-premises technologies stand features include fast request-
in cloud migration readiness. based auto-scaling, built-in traffic
CAST also fits in perfectly as a management, access restriction,
component within an automation and unique HTTP(S) endpoint for
pipeline, continuously assessing every service. Cloud Run is a good
and monitoring cloud readiness choice for code that handles
evolution throughout the requests or events, such as
complete software lifecycle. websites, APIs, microservices, and
Additionally, the tool provides streaming data processing.
information on vulnerabilities,
checking licensing violations,
GDPR compliance and more. Cypress
Compared to competitors Adopt
CAST supports an enormous
amount of technologies (PHP, Marketed as a “complete end-to-
C#, C++, java and much more) end testing experience,” Cypress
and functions with AWS, Google is an open-source tool for testing
Cloud and Microsoft Azure. In web applications. Based on front-
fact, Microsoft now includes CAST end frameworks like Angular, Vue,
in their portfolio of solutions in and Reach, it’s completely free
helping companies migrate their to use and allows users to easily
applications from on-premises and quickly set up, write, run, and
to Azure. debug tests. It has several key
features that set it apart from
competitors including direct
Cloud Run debugging from tools like Chrome
Adopt DevTools, real-time reloads after
test alterations, and automatic
Cloud Run is a fully managed waiting, in addition to the time
compute environment that allows travel feature in which Cypress
developers to deploy and scale takes snapshots during tests so
serverless HTTP containers. It users can see what is happening
implements Kubernetes KNative, during each testing stage. 2022
making the applications using has seen Cypress’ start-up and test

23 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

execution performance excel. With i.e. an autonomous execution
big names like PayPal, Disney, environment (runtime) linked to
and DHL already testing with the application by means of APIs.
Cypress, it’s no wonder we’ve It is in this sidecar that exchanges
upgraded it from “Trial” to “Adopt,” between containers (service
making it essential for any front- calls, events, etc.), observability,
end developer. state management, and secret
management are managed, all of
which the developers no longer
Dapr have to worry about. They can
Assess thus concentrate on the business
logic and code in their favorite
To facilitate the development of language. Born at Microsoft and
cloud native applications, Dapr accepted in November 2021 by
(Distributed Apps Runtime) the Cloud Native Computing
proposes an original and Foundation (CNCF), the Dapr
promising approach: to completely project benefits from regular
separate the functional aspects improvements thanks to the
from the technical aspects. The important support it receives from
latter are gathered in a “sidecar,” the community.

devoteam.com/techradar 24
Deno.js the costs, bugs and inconveniences
Assess of all kinds that result from the
coexistence of the two platforms.
Deno.js is a JavaScript and But Flutter also owes its success
TypeScript runtime that was to its performance, its ease of use
created by Ryan Dahl to tackle and its compatibility with the
some challenges that his former usual development environments.
JavaScript runtime, Node.js, These are assets that appeal
couldn’t handle. Built on top of to developers, but also to their
the high-performing V8 JavaScript employers, because they contribute
engine, Deno is lightweight and to simplifying, accelerating, and
easy to use, coming with a rich set therefore reducing the costs and
of built-in libraries and tools that deadlines of projects.
can be used to build numerous
types of applications, such as
web servers, command-line tools, Flux CD
and serverless functions. Deno is Trial
designed with security in mind,
and it includes features such as file Flux CD is a Continuous Delivery
and network access controls that tool that provides GitOps for
are designed to prevent accidental both apps and infrastructure,
or malicious access to system enabling users to keep Kubernetes
resources. Ultimately, Deno is best- clusters in sync with configuration
suited for developers who want an sources (such as Git repositories)
advanced runtime environment and automate configuration
they can use to build modern, updates when there is new code
secure, and scalable applications to deploy. Built from the ground
using JavaScript and TypeScript. up to utilise the Kubernetes’ API
extension system, Flux integrates
seamlessly with core tooling within
Flutter the Kubernetes ecosystem like
Adopt Prometheus Kustomize, Helm,
RBAC, etc., and includes multi-
Just four years after its launch tenancy capability, in addition to
by Google in 2017, Flutter has syncing an arbitrary number of
surpassed React Native to become Git repositories. While this may
the most widely used cross- seem like a tool with limited
platform mobile development capabilities, seasoned developers
framework. It must be said that can use multiple instances of Flux
this open source SDK fulfills one CD to create intricate scenarios,
of the most cherished wishes of with each instance having specific
app developers: to only have to RBAC permissions. Initially
write one code for both Android developed by Weaveworks, Flux
and iOS environments. What’s was made open-source in 2016
more, its rendering engine is also and later donated to CNCF as an
agnostic. Flutter thus eliminates incubation project in 2019.

25 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

GitHub onboarding time on new
Adopt projects for all contributors
- especially developers - and
Since its founding in 2008, GitHub deliver software faster, more
has gained massive adoption and efficiently, with reduced risks.
popularity as a hosting service for Their fully mature and complete
software development and version platform accelerates the adoption
control, based on Git (an open- of Security by Design through
source code management system) native integration of security
that allows developers to change, feedback into the interface. GitLab
adapt and improve software from enables and facilitates DevOps
its public repositories for free. transformation initiatives at team
Since its acquisition by Microsoft or large organisation level, up
in 2018, Github has begun to several tens of thousands of
evolving into a powerful developer users. This scalability has led the
platform enhanced with versatile solution to take the lead over
functionalities such as Codespaces competitors and to remain ahead
for spinning up development in many aspects, as highlighted by
environments, Copilot which Gartner’s Magic Quadrant ratings.
provides AI-powered code GitLab is now even starting to
prediction, workflow automation challenge pure players on DevOps
actions, issue tracking, functionality segments such as
documentation features, and security, notably through the SAST
many others. Today, GitHub stands & DAST feature blocks.
as the largest source code host
in the world with over 83 million
developers and more than 200 Go (Golang)
million repositories, and, with the Adopt
resources and momentum of
Microsoft as its back, is on route Go (or Golang) is a programming
to becoming one of the premier language created by Google in
development platforms on 2009 with the aim of facilitating
the market. developments for the then
emerging cloud architectures.
The options taken at the
GitLab time of a compiled language,
Adopt portable, powerful, supporting
multithreading and concurrency,
GitLab is an open-source and and of great simplicity are more
enterprise DevOps platform relevant than ever as cloud native
that aggregates all of the vital applications become widespread.
and necessary functionalities With its low hardware and
to accelerate software delivery. energy consumption, Go is also
It provides a user-friendly a strong candidate for serverless
unique platform that aims to approaches, edge computing
increase collaboration, reduce and frugal software development.

devoteam.com/techradar 26
Easy to learn for anyone with queries to be grouped to call
programming experience, Go only the desired data. In this
is gaining in popularity and its way, GraphQL limits superfluous
ecosystem is growing. It is now exchanges, which improves
used in many major open-source performance and facilitates the
projects, such as Docker and evolution of APIs. REST, on the
Kubernetes, which ensures its other hand, still has the simplicity
visibility and, above all, its durability. of its unit calls and the resulting
cache pooling. Although it is
steadily gaining ground, GraphQL
GraphQL is probably still under-utilised
Adopt compared to its potential. In
particular, it is a very relevant
Developed by Facebook in solution when data is organised
2012 and open source since in the form of graphs or trees,
2015, GraphQL is an API query a situation for which it was
language. An alternative to REST designed, which is increasingly
(Representational State Transfer) common, and is exceedingly
architectures, GraphQL allows difficult to manage in REST.

27 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

Harbor front end, Spring Boot, Node.js
Adopt and .Net for the back end, Docker
or Kubernetes for deployment
Deploying containers in a on most major cloud providers.
production environment, for Compatible with the main
example via Kubernetes, inevitably continuous integration tools,
involves storing the created robust and powerful, JHipster
container images (executable allows users to reduce delays and
software bundles) in a container improve development quality, both
registry. The problem is container for new application projects and
images from unknown sources or for legacy modernisation. In direct
manipulated images with malware contact with the community,
can find their way into production, Devoteam’s experts use JHipster
hence the growing need to mitigate extensively, having, for example,
security concerns. Harbor, a CNCF conducted a pilot on Open Shift in
Graduated open-source project, cooperation with Red Hat.
secures artifacts using policies and
role-based access control (RBAC). It
scans images and ensures they are Julia
free of vulnerabilities, marking them Assess
as trusted. Harbor is the solution
for users that need to self-host a Sometimes it’s not a shiny new tool
container registry for container that propels technology forward; it’s
images. Harbor can be installed on a programming language. Julia, an
any Kubernetes environment or emerging dynamic language that
on a system with Docker support. is growing in popularity for use in
As a container registry, Harbor is numerical analysis, data visualisation,
an excellent solution for achieving and machine learning has caught
compliance, speed, and integration, our attention. Created by a group
resulting in improved image of computer scientists in 2012, Julia
management efficiency. is said to combine the speed of C,
the dynamism of Ruby, and the
practicality of Python. However, even
JHipster though it was conceived to serve our
Adopt evolving needs in high-performance
computing and data science, it’s
JHipster is an open-source, also perfectly suited as a general
low-code development platform purpose programming language.
that allows you to create modern Julia boasts many advantages,
web applications and cloud- including a just-in-time compiler,
ready microservice architectures flexible parametric type system,
very quickly. To do this, JHipster multiple dispatch pattern, and
generates a complete stack parsing capability like Perl to name a
by combining many common few. Julia has an active, enthusiastic
frameworks and tools such as community of users and has been
Angular, React and Vue for the downloaded 40 million times.

devoteam.com/techradar 28
Kotlin collaborative, cross-platform apps
Hold more quickly. Users can join the
virtual world with a holographic
Created in 2011 by the presence, share across space,
development tools specialist and collaborate on persistent
JetBrains, Kotlin is a programming 3D content, regardless of their
language based on the JVM physical locations. The scenarios
(Java Virtual Machine). Designed in which Microsoft Mesh could
to meet the requirements of bring benefits are virtual meetings,
current developments, Kotlin training & learning, remote
does not lack assets: it is a assistance, or 3D design. Because
modern language, concise, Mesh is based on Azure, Microsoft’s
natively secure, and portable on cloud computing platform, it
all platforms thanks to the Kotlin/ has access to Azure’s extensive
Native compilation technology. computational resources, data, AI,
Kotlin can be used for any kind and mixed reality capabilities, as
of development, especially for well as its enterprise-grade security
Android mobile (it is the official and privacy features.
language of the Android platform).
Interoperable with Java and
compatible with its ecosystem of MuleSoft
resources, Kotlin was intended to Adopt
gradually replace it. However, as
the community and the portfolio MuleSoft is a platform that enables
of projects are slow to reach a organisations to integrate data and
critical mass, this possibility seems systems and automate workflows
to be receding, and the next few and processes. Robotic Process
years will be decisive for its future. Automation (RPA) replaces manual,
repetitive tasks with bots that can
take action on a user’s behalf. The
Microsoft Mesh platform offers pre-built templates
Assess and activity steps to make the
automation cycle easier. Processes
Microsoft Mesh is a platform that can be evaluated, designed,
enables presence and shared deployed, and monitored in a
experiences through mixed- single place. MuleSoft Composer
reality applications. Organisations is a no-code product for business
can design persistent virtual teams and helps automate larger
environments called metaverses, processes that span across multiple
which use avatars of real-world actors, apps and systems. Anypoint
objects, places, and people. The platform sits at the heart of the
Microsoft Mesh SDK provides systems integration for IT teams.
AI-powered tools for avatars, This platform enables users to
holoportation, spatial rendering, manage, govern and monitor
and other mixed-reality features, automations and integration flows
enabling developers to create across the organisation. Teams

29 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

can share assets through Anypoint Robot Framework
Exchange, design, test and Trial
expose APIs, and plug enterprise
integration flows into CI/CD Robot Framework is an open-
pipelines with built-in support for source, Python-based platform
standard tools/frameworks like designed for test automation
Maven, Jenkins, ELK, etc. MuleSoft and robotic process automation
offers out-of-the-box compliance (RPA). A key advantage of
for ISO 27001, SOC 2, PCI DSS, Robot Framework is its simple
and GDPR. yet powerful syntax. It uses a
keyword-driven approach that
allows users to write test cases
OpenTelemetry and test automation scripts with
Adopt human-readable commands and
minimum overhead. After each
OpenTelemetry is an open-source test run, Robot Framework delivers
standard and set of technologies a clear and concise HTML test
that assists in implementing report based on the XML output
observability in solutions. It of the tests. The core framework
provides a vendor-agnostic is complemented by a set of
collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs well-documented and actively
to generate, collect, and export maintained libraries and tools for
telemetry data (metrics, logs, and a wide variety of testing purposes
traces) to help analyze software and RPA scenarios. RPA developers
performance and behaviour. will appreciate how simple it is
The main issues OpenTelemetry to handle complex RPA tasks for
addresses compared to current numerous use cases in sales, HR,
solutions are interoperability and and other areas. The large and
vendor lock-in. It can be especially active community has made Robot
beneficial for organisations that Framework arguably the most
develop distributed systems advanced open-source solution for
and work with different tech test automation and RPA.
stacks, cloud providers, and
even commercial off-the-shelf
applications because integration Rust
becomes seamless as the Assess
standard is implemented across
the industry. OpenTelemetry is Rust is a general purpose, multi-
being adopted by different parties, paradigm compiled programming
from cloud providers (Amazon language developed by Mozilla
Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Research in 2010. Its goal is to
and Google Cloud Platform), provide a safe, powerful and
to observability tool vendors practical language, and to do so by
(Honeycomb, Splunk, Elastic), and relying only on proven concepts.
open-source observability projects One of the main features of Rust
(Jaeger Tracing, Zipkin, Grafana). is the compile-time memory

devoteam.com/techradar 30
control that eliminates allocation Kubernetes applications.
and call errors – major sources of Skaffold provides declarative,
vulnerabilities. The only language portable configuration with
with C accepted for the Linux a pluggable architecture that
kernel, Rust is mostly known handles the complete workflow
for system programming and for building, pushing, and
critical software, but its lightness deploying applications, allowing
and its integrated concurrency developers to focus their efforts on
management make it suitable implementing code changes and
for distributed applications. see them rapidly reflected on their
Demanding at first sight, but very cluster. The tool further enables
much appreciated by developers, DevOps practitioners to easily
Rust is supported and used by all configure a local development
the biggest names in tech and is workspace, streamline their
growing in popularity as a possible inner development loop, and
successor to C++. integrate with other tools such
as Kustomize and Helm for
simplified Kubernetes manifests
Skaffold management, and provides
Trial the building blocks for CI/CD
pipelines. Developed by Google
Skaffold is a lightweight as an open-source project in
command-line tool purpose- 2019, Skaffold stands as a robust
built to accelerate application solution for organisations looking
development and delivery by to accelerate and standardise their
automating repetitive, and time- development workflow, leading
consuming manual operational to faster time-to-market for
tasks for developers creating Kubernetes applications.

31 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

Storybook blocks needed to create and reuse
Trial pipelines, in addition to standardised
CI/CD tooling and processes across
Storybook is an open-source tool vendors, languages, and deployment
that helps full-stack developers environments (VMs, serverless,
streamline app development Kubernetes, or Firebase), and works
focused on UI. It runs alongside well with Jenkins, Jenkins X, Skaffold,
other apps and utilises an intuitive and Knative, among many other
interface to facilitate quicker UI popular continuous delivery tools.
development by allowing users to Tekton’s strength is its modularity
capture component variations as and flexibility, as it allows users to
stories that can then be revisited. build complex pipelines without
And because it runs outside of the rewriting the building blocks, and
apps, it won’t impact component ensures pipeline consistency is
behaviour. Lately, the Storybook maintained with minimal impact
community has done a great job from product upgrades.
in reducing start and build times.
Furthermore, the Application and
Documentation designs have been Vue.js
given an overhaul, providing more Adopt
than 400 integrations for popular
JavaScript tools. Its latest release Vue.js is a popular JavaScript
also includes a broad array of testing framework that is used for building
tools. While valuable for developers, user interfaces, single-page
it is in direct competition with applications (SPA), or progressive
another UI tool, bit.dev. web apps (PWA). It was created in
2014 and has since gained a large
following among developers due to
Tekton its ease of use, small footprint, and
Adopt lightweight nature. The compiler-
optimised rendering system rarely
Tekton (previously called Knative requires manual optimisation. Vue.
Build) is a Kubernetes-native open- js builds on top of HTML, CSS, and
source framework for creating JavaScript with intuitive API. It can
continuous integration and delivery manage state and data flow. Vue.
(CI/CD) systems. The framework js uses a virtual DOM (Document
further enables developers to Object Model) to track changes
build, test, and deploy application and automatically updates the
development across on-premise necessary components when
systems and multiple cloud there is a state change. This results
providers by abstracting away the in better performance and faster
underlying implementation details. rendering times. Vue.js has an
Tekton provides a set of reusable official router, a library that has a
Kubernetes Custom Resources component-based structure, and
(described in comprehensive an expressive syntax for defining
YAML) that define the building static and dynamic routes.

devoteam.com/techradar 32
CASE STUDY | Sector: Non financial Services | Employees: 6,000

When tech meets massive

data monitoring
How to become more responsive and agile
thanks to a data-driven solution

Who is the organisation and What was the turning point

what’s its context? where the organisation had no
The organisation employs over 6000 choice but to adapt its strategy?
employees across 174 operating The gap between the volume of
sites. Their business relies on data to be processed on a weekly
giving new life to used materials basis and the obsolescence of the
and on turning waste into useful existing software eventually led
resources such as paper, metal, to an incapacity to take action by
plastic, compost, etc. With 1 million the teams. They realised that they
transactions a week, the daily data were completely blind in finding
tracking and customers’ requests the source of any issue, and that
are key to operate efficiently and it would take them over 3 days to
coordinate the 800 collecting trucks. solve a customer problem.

What needs did the organisation Which factors played an

face at the time? important role in the decision to
Their in-house built software, choose Elastic Observability tech?
designed to create reports and • Getting the right information
dashboards, eventually couldn’t at the right time: the global
perform efficiently enough to monitoring of all data
remain competitive and meet across Europe (logistics and
deadlines, preventing them from coordination of 800 trucks,
managing customers complaints administration, CRM, user
on time or detecting interface app development, APIs) was
deficiency. The organisation had supported by an in-house
a goal of reaching 75% recycling designed software that showed
rate by 2025, which required a its limits and deficiency to
data empowerment solution anticipate and take actions.
to address the weaknesses of Monitoring and analysing data
the current method in terms of became crucial to back up the
scalability, maintenance, but most organisation’s growth, and the
importantly, data monitoring. solution had to revolutionise the

33 TechRadar | Digital Business & Products

way employees related to the • Tooling for end-to-end &
organisation’s data, processes business monitoring and
and interfaces. alerting capabilities
• Upgrading the organisation’s • Decrease of one third of the time
customer experience: the lack for coordinating and managing
of issues tracking and the loss of the treatment processes
visibility whenever a complaint • Infinite scalability of the solution
was raised slightly declined the to support IT, HR or business
added value of the organisation needs and strategy
for their customers. Creating
the right tool supported by data • Creation of reports and
monitoring would improve the dashboards to support the
user path and relationship with business through Azure cloud-
the final user. based solution
• Replacement of outdated in-
What were the immediate house platform to ESB with
benefits for the organisation’s MuleSoft as new integration
clients or employees? platform and ServiceNow for
• Creation of a customer portal to incident management
become fully customer-centric, • Improvement of IT budget
combined with the reduction of forecast, enabling IT budgets to
customer complaint processing become more predictable and
time from 3 days to 1 hour cost-effective

That extra mile that made all the difference

“We replicated the functionality

of our previous solution
very quickly with Elastic
Observability. Additionally,
we can extend it to ingest
and transform data from new
applications and sources with
minimal effort.”
IT Service Manager at the organisation

devoteam.com/techradar 34


Drive tangible business outcomes with data and
analytics at every opportunity. Differentiate your
products, services and customer experiences
to surpass your competition with an
insight-based approach.

Starting fresh with Data Mesh

Looking for a way to gain a detailed understanding
of the relationships between your data? Enter Data
Mesh. Based on the organisational strategies for
scalability of large-scale software development, Data
Mesh is a socio-technical approach that enables an
organisation to scale with Data.

From Business Intelligence to Data Mesh

Large-scale data platforms face 3 challenges: The first is the use of
centralised monolithic data architectures to respond to omnipresent
data from operational systems. Secondly, hyper-specialised tools need
a hyper-specialised staff. This creates hyper-specialised silos between
data generation and consumption, generating operating friction. Lastly,
centralised silo models disconnect the process causing consumers and
platform providers to experience the most difficulty here. Either they have
trouble bootstrapping large platforms or growing and differentiating.
So, what if we broke this monolith around the concept of
decentralisation and inter-connected data domains owned by
business users instead of basing it on a pipeline and pipeline stages?
Data Mesh fixes the problems with data warehouses by giving data
owners more freedom and flexibility. This makes it easier for data owners
to experiment and come up with new ideas, and it makes it easier for
data teams to meet the needs of all data consumers through a single
pipeline. Data Mesh is based on 4 main pillars namely, Federated
Governance, Decentralised Domain Ownership of Data, Data as a
Product, and Self-serve Infrastructure as a platform.

36 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

Devoteam’s Recommendation to get started
on Data Mesh
Data mesh brings solid foundational solutions for a company to scale
Data, as it’s already been done in software development. We anticipate
that “embracing data mesh” should replace “having a data mesh” as the
default phrasing for this concept in the near future.

The implementation of data mesh should be a long term goal and not
all components of each pillar must be implemented immediately, but
eventually. This will enable all employees to have access to the data
whenever they need it. But, merely adhering to the pillars does not
guarantee its implementation. Many organisations are deploying
step-by-step practices according to Data Mesh pillars.
Data Mesh has many potential uses, including:
• Agility and scalability comes hand-in-hand through the use of data
mesh as it works to support decentralised data operations to aid in
the reduction of the amount of time needed to bring a product to
market, increase scalability, and improve business domain agility.
• Adoption of a product mindset with a large variety of outputs
(AI, data streaming, APIs, data apps, etc.) no longer limited to
reporting and analytics.
• Introduction of a universal, domain-agnostic, automated approach
for data standardisation by data teams.
• Cross-team transparency that is fostered by decentralised data
ownership and shared across specialised groups working in
different areas.

Since a data mesh is fundamentally a method of organising, it is not a

product that can be purchased. However, technology is crucial since it
enables data mesh, and only practical and straightforward solutions will
win over domain teams. You can build a data platform for your data mesh
using the existing offers of cloud providers, which include a sufficient set
of strong self-serve data services.

Put forward by Laurent Letourmy, Head of Data at Devoteam

devoteam.com/techradar 37
Data-driven Intelligence
at a Glance
Data continues to be a top concern for organisations.
In the public sector, this trend is fueled by regulatory
changes and the need to decompartmentalise
information. In the private sector, the drivers are the
search for new revenue streams and the ongoing aim
to improve operational efficiency. Newer, however, is the
recognition that data is sensitive material that cannot
be used effectively without taking certain precautions.
The concept that data must be treated as a valuable
asset, or “assetisation,” is now the primary focus.
Assetisation refers to the objectives of data quality, reliability,
homogeneity and security, which require the implementation of an
enterprise-level data operating model, governance, skills and specific
tools. Building this foundation is a vast undertaking, and is, above all,
based on a data strategy that is in alignment with the new challenges
of data, such as monetisation, sharing and compliance. This strategic
clarity also gives the guidance for the deep cultural change needed for
any organisation to be truly data-driven.
Tooling is also an essential part of the picture. Many of the technologies
presented in this TechRadar 2023 show that software vendors have
taken note of the needs induced by data automation. Facilitating the
use of data remains a major concern, but many solutions now also
focus on the upstream processes of data integration and preparation
(DataOps, MLOps, etc.), on their industrialisation and on their
automation through AI.
There is sometimes a reluctance to make investments where there
is not an immediate return; however, with regards to data, it is
increasingly necessary. Many organisations have realised that data is a
prerequisite for achieving business objectives, whether it be improving
operational efficiency, supporting decision-making, reducing costs and
environmental footprints, developing new business, understanding
and mitigating risk, or meeting regulatory requirements.

38 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

50 45 36
55 41 33
46 37 31
51 42 34 30
47 38 32
56 43 35
52 48 39
53 o pt


Adopt 40. Fivetran ↑ Trial

30. Airbyte ↑ 41. Informatica 49. ClickHouse N
31. Alteryx Intelligent Data 50. Immuta N
32. Apache Airflow N Platform 51. Matillion N
33. Apache Spark 42. Kubeflow 52. Presto N
34. Azure 43. MongoDB 53. Starburst N
Cosmos DB N 44. Monte Carlo Data
35. Azure Synapse Observability Assess
Analytics Platform N 54. Apache Iceberg N
36. C3 AI Platform N 45. Snowflake Data 55. Collibra Data
37. Databricks Cloud Intelligence Cloud
Lakehouse 46. Tableau 56. LOGIQ.AI N
Platform 47. Talend Data 57. Transform.co N
38. Dataiku ↑ Fabric
39. dbt ↑ 48. Vertex AI N

N New addition ↑ Ascending technology

devoteam.com/techradar 39
Airbyte native data wrangling company.
Adopt This acquisition gave rise to
Designer Cloud, a cloud-based
A flexible open-source data data engineering tool for data
integration platform, Airbyte uses profiling, preparation, and pipeline
pre-built and custom connectors management running on all major
to replicate data in minutes. It cloud platforms. With collaboration
allows users to combine data and AI-based features like
integration platforms under Auto Insights or Predictive
one reliable and fully managed Transformation, Designer Cloud
platform. Users can edit over 300 makes data transformation and
pre-built connectors or build insight even faster and more
new ones in hours, negating intuitive. With the addition of cloud
the need for separate systems. capabilities, Alteryx offers even
Airbyte can also integrate to your more flexible deployment options,
data stack (Kubernetes, Airflow, providing an end-to-end solution
dbt), while their transparent, at the intersection of data science,
volume-based pricing structure process automation, and employee
is predictable and easy to empowerment.
understand, allowing companies
to plan budgets accordingly. And
with their community of over 600 Apache Airflow
contributors to build and update Adopt
their connectors when source
APIs and schemas change, the Apache Airflow is an open-source
organisation can focus on insights platform to design, orchestrate
and innovation. With Airbyte, and monitor workflows. Created
extracting data from various in 2014 at Airbnb, it has today
sources is quick and easy, which is reached significant maturity
why it’s moved from ‘Trial’ in 2022 and has been widely adopted
to ‘Adopt’ in 2023. by companies of all sizes to
manage complex workflows at
scale. While the tool allows users
Alteryx to run workflows of all types,
Adopt it is particularly well-suited for
managing data engineering
Thanks to Alteryx’s intuitive and pipelines. The key strengths of
low-code graphical interface, Airflow lie in its flexibility – by
business users are able to prepare designing workflows dynamically
their data themselves, build their through Python code (DAGs);
analytical processes and automate its extensibility – with a rich
them so that they can immediately ecosystem of integrations with
exploit the results, without any other technologies; and its strong
prior coding knowledge. In 2022, and active community – allowing
Alteryx took a step forward with users to work on an ever-evolving
the acquisition of Trifacta, a cloud platform for which help is always

40 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

readily available. Its useful UI also table abstraction that allows you
makes it simple to monitor all to interact with your data as if it
workflows through a single pane were a single, large table, even if
of glass, making it a tool of choice it is stored in many different files
to centrally manage a large set of across a distributed file system.
processing pipelines. It also provides support for data
partitioning, schema evolution,

and data retention policies, which
Apache Iceberg can make it easier to manage
Assess and query large datasets over
time (as simply as a SQL query).
Created by Netflix, Apache Iceberg Apache Iceberg has been adopted
is an open-source data format by all the cloud hyper scalers as
for large-scale, immutable data well as big players like Snowflake
sets that allows the storage of and BigQuery, who are all
petabytes of data. Tailored for high implementing Iceberg capabilities
performance, Iceberg provides a into their products.

devoteam.com/techradar 41
Apache Spark process and retrieve massive
Adopt volumes (petabytes!) of data
instantly around the world has
As an open-source, multi- given rise to high-performance
language engine, Apache Spark cloud-based databases that scale
builds on the foundations of automatically and minimise
technologies like Databricks latency. Cosmos DB, Microsoft
and Hadoop to enable users to Azure’s fully managed NoSQL
quickly process massive, petabyte database, is a newer kid on the
levels of data. The most widely block, competing with Amazon
used engine for large-scale DynamoDB. For companies
data analytics has transformed already using Azure, Cosmos is
the world of Big Data, being the obvious enterprise-ready
utilised by 1000s of companies choice, as it integrates seamlessly
worldwide, including around with other Azure services. Cosmos
80% of Fortune 500 companies. DB also supports popular open-
Key features such as ANSI SQL source PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
queries for dashboarding and and Apache Cassandra. It
reporting, analysing large-scale boasts SLA-backed single-digit
data, scalable machine learning, millisecond reads & writes, and
and processing massive data 99.999% availability. But users
streams using most programming get more than speed, availability,
languages (Python, Scala, Java, throughput, and consistency—
SQL, or R) make Apache Spark the they also get Microsoft’s
most diverse, agile, and developer- commitment to security.
friendly engine of its kind. Recent
improvements include more
scalable state processing, row- Azure Synapse Analytics
level runtime filtering, and Pandas Adopt
API for unifying small and big data
API. Although requiring advanced As an enterprise analytics service,
skill sets and infrastructure, Azure Synapse Analytics combines
Apache Spark is a must for any pipelines for data integration, SQL
large organisation. technologies used in enterprise
data warehousing, and big
data analytics. Synapse SQL
Azure Cosmos DB facilitates data warehousing and
Adopt virtualisation scenarios across
both serverless and dedicated
Big data has become the fabric resource models, allowing for
of everyday life. Whether it’s predictable performance and
online gaming, global retail, or cost, while Apache Spark for
IoT-driven manufacturing and Azure Synapse offers a simplified
logistics, big data powers our resource model that makes
personal lives and drives entire managing clusters quick and
business models. The need to easy. Synapse also has the same

42 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

data integration engine as Azure ClickHouse
Data Factory, allowing users to Trial
create ETL pipelines without
leaving the service. Azure Synapse How fast is “fast” for a database?
Analytics takes the headache out Answer: ClickHouse. Released
of choosing the right data services in 2016, this open-source column-
by combining the best of Azure oriented database is making a

in an infrastructure that is agile, name for itself for being “blazing
scalable, and ideal for medium fast.” It was designed for online
and large businesses. analytical processing (OLAP)
and performs SQL queries
anywhere between 100 and 1,000
C3 AI Platform times faster than traditional
Adopt database management systems.
Companies running business-
C3 AI is a software-as-a-service critical applications that process
(SaaS) solution that delivers and query huge volumes of
a comprehensive, low-code/ data are turning their attention
no-code platform for the to ClickHouse for its speed (of
development, deployment, course!), reliability, fault tolerance,
provisioning, and operation of and ease of use. Uber, eBay,
enterprise-scale AI analytics and Spotify, Deutsche Bank, and
IoT applications, in addition to Cloudflare are among notable
a portfolio of over 40 industry- enterprises with interesting use
specific, turnkey enterprise AI cases showing promising results.
applications. The C3 AI platform For example, ClickHouse can be
stands out for its revolutionary used to monitor millions of real-
model-driven AI architecture time web or app performance data
that allows developers to use points. It works out of the box and
conceptual models (rather offers enterprise-grade security
than programming code) for features and fail-safe mechanisms
rapid, simple development against human errors.
and deployment of AI and
IoT applications. Additional
capabilities include polyglot Collibra Data
cloud deployment for application Intelligence Cloud
portability between cloud vendors, Assess
simultaneous runtime of AI and
IoT applications across multiple Collibra is focused on easing the
clouds, and interoperability shift of their clients toward a data-
with third-party IDEs, tools, and centric culture – a mission they
frameworks. Adopted by a wide accomplish by enabling data for all
range of global enterprises, C3 AI stakeholders of the organisation
stands as a powerful and highly through Collibra Data Intelligence
versatile solution for Enterprise AI Cloud. The platform is one of the
and digital transformation. leading solutions to support data

devoteam.com/techradar 43
governance and data acculturation Dataiku
and covers multiple facets: data Adopt
cataloguing, data quality &
observability, data governance Founded in Paris in 2013 and
process & workflow automation, now based in New York, Dataiku
data lineage, data privacy and was one of the pioneers of data
security management. Although science and artificial intelligence
Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud tools. Considered by Gartner and
platform is an end-to-end and Forrester as one of the leaders in
state-of-the-art solution, it requires this field, the publisher continues
having a first-hand experience to grow despite very strong
and a clear vision regarding data competition. Dataiku offers a
governance and alignment with platform that enables end-to-
data strategy and data quality end management of the design,
goals before implementing and deployment and maintenance of
adopting such a solution. Machine Learning and predictive
analysis applications. This solution
owes its success to its focus on
Databricks Lakehouse features that accelerate the
Platform spread of controlled, accepted and
Adopt responsible AI in the enterprise:
collaboration (between data
Due to the explosion of data scientists, data engineers, data
volumes and diversity, as well analysts, business users, etc.),
as the explosion of analytical governance (of projects, models,
needs, organisations sometimes etc.), explainability (transparency,
hesitate between the robustness detection of bias, documentation,
of a data warehouse and the etc.) and performance at scale,
flexibility of a data lake. By using particularly thanks to the cloud.
the Databricks analytics engine,
created by the developers of Spark,
they no longer have to choose dbt
between the two. Lakehouse’s Adopt
cloud platform combines both
approaches, providing the dbt (Data Build Tool) is an
performance, flexibility and open-source tool for transforming
scalability necessary for analytics data before its analytical
and artificial intelligence at exploitation. This essential step
scale, and promoting the (the T of ELT processes), generally
decompartmentalisation of carried out by data engineers
data and organisations to bring using relatively heavy tools, is
together all data stakeholders. often a bottleneck. With dbt
This comprehensive platform has users build reusable data models
recently added Unity Catalog, for that get pulled into subsequent
data governance, and Delta Live models and analysis. Change a
Tables, for data engineering. model once and that change will

44 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

propagate to all its dependencies, creation of data pipelines from
leading to a single source of truth any source to cloud-based data
model with all analytics (reporting/ warehouses, allowing for reliable
AI/Data Science) connected to it and secure data centralisation. In
making multireporting simple. an increasingly competitive field,
With fervent support from a Fivetran has positioned itself as
growing community and major an industry leader courtesy of

data players like Databricks, new connections and releasing
Snowflake and Salesforce, who new features (dashboard updates,
are all among the investors notifications to any email address,
of dbt Labs, dbt is enjoying an optimised consumption-based
meteoric success with over 16,000 pricing model) on an impressively
enterprise users just five years consistent basis. Furthermore, their
after its launch in 2017. acquisition of HVR – a software that
enables real-time data replication
– means companies will soon
Fivetran have a single vendor to integrate
Adopt and replicate data across multiple
platforms and enterprise-grade
Fivetran is a cloud-based ELT databases. For these reasons, we’ve
(Extract, Load, Transform) platform recategorised Fivetran from ‘Assess’
that facilitates the quick and easy to ‘Adopt’ in the space of a year.

devoteam.com/techradar 45
Immuta quality, master data management,
Trial data catalogue and data
governance (among others) from
A true leader in data technology, the same platform. As a market
Immuta ensures data access leader in data management,
and security at scale with its Informatica remains at the
Data Security platform, where forefront of emerging methods,
data is identified, secured and such as data mesh, and new issues,
monitored within organisations such as data governance. With the
to ensure users have access to help of its partners, Informatica
the right data at the right time. has also launched a new business
Its capabilities allow users to strategy to bring its expensive
seamlessly improve data security data integration, management,
and compliance, streamline data and governance solutions to all
access flows or approvals, reduce types of customers. Informatica
the volume of policies required continues to be a solid choice for
with attribute-based access control, organisations that want to leverage
and support new data products large, disparate, and siloed data.
and data-sharing initiatives.
While implementing an effective,
centralised data access and security Kubeflow
solution is critical for organisations, Adopt
Immuta clearly stands out for its
speed of deployment and ability to As Machine Learning (ML)
integrate with leading cloud data becomes more widespread,
platforms, interoperating with any methods are becoming more
data catalogue solution already in streamlined and the development
place and being integrated with cycle now follows a well-
major SaaS platforms. established process, from data
collection and preparation to
training, validation, deployment
Informatica Intelligent and maintenance of the model.
Data Platform Kubeflow is an open-source
Adopt tool for managing this “ML
pipeline,” which industrialises
Since its inception in 1993, the model lifecycle and facilitates
Informatica has continued to collaboration between the
innovate to meet the changing different actors (data scientists,
data needs of enterprises. data engineers, ML engineers). To
Currently, it offers a robust cloud achieve this, Kubeflow relies on
services platform that allows the richness of the Kubernetes
company information to be ecosystem, which offers tools and
managed and governed in a an execution environment that
centralised, scalable and secure are both known and robust. In
way. This allows clients to have addition, the use of Kubernetes
solutions for data integration, data containers for the models as well

46 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

as for all components ensures most cost-effective and powerful
their portability and scalability. As solutions for data observability on
a pioneer in ML Ops, Kubeflow is the market.
one of the most mature solutions
in this field.


Assess Large companies have more data
to extract, transform, and load
LOGIQ.AI is a full-stack observability (ETL) than ever—but are also facing
data fabric that enables users to a shortage of data engineers.
manage the entire observability Furthermore, enterprise users
data lifecycle by unifying metrics, need fresh data quickly, because
events, logs, and traces (MELT data) in many contexts, data that takes
on a single, cloud native platform 30 hours to load is old news.
with infinite storage scale. Using Enter Matillion. The Matillion Data
aggregated log data, performance Loader is a no-code, drag-and-
metrics, indexing data for search, drop solution that integrates 70+
stream processing, and API data sources. It replaces weeks and
interactions, LOGIQ.AI enables months of coding and debugging
users to unlock real-time health with a few simple clicks. And
monitoring of infrastructure and taking the burden of ingestion
application environments with and tedious “hand-coding” off
single-click simplicity. Furthermore, engineers’ shoulders means they
the platform allows users to can devote their attention to other
connect databases (Elastic, Mongo, important (and more exciting)
Druid, MySQL, etc.), to be queried, operations. For enterprise-level
analysed, and visualised, and can organisations, the cost–benefit
be deployed within the major cloud analysis is clear. However, with only
environments – AWS, Azure, and a handful of competitors in this
GCP. Since its founding in 2018, category, keep your finger on the
LOGIQ.AI has amassed over $2.55 M pulse to make sure you’re getting
in funding and stands as one of the the best solution for your needs.

devoteam.com/techradar 47
MongoDB Monte Carlo Data
Adopt Observability Platform
MongoDB is a transactional,
NoSQL, document-oriented A new data governance tool
database that can scale called Monte Carlo Data
horizontally to handle large Observability Platform has been
volumes of data without bringing observability to data.
sacrificing performance. As an Unprecedented volumes and
operational database, MongoDB sources of data are being used to
isn’t designed for advanced drive everyday business decisions,
analytics, but its elasticity which means that data downtime
makes database evolution easy, due to broken dashboards,
allowing developers to rapidly ineffective ML, or inaccurate
build products. With real-time analytics can translate into millions
ingestion, big data capabilities of dollars of lost revenue for large
and model flexibility, MongoDB companies. So it has become
is a great technology to handle imperative for data to be accurate,
IoT data and data-intensive current, reliable, accessible, and
transactional applications. easily monitored. Monte Carlo Data
Thanks to the technology’s quick Observability Platform offers end-
ingestion and response time as to-end data observability delivered
dashboard capabilities, users in a user-friendly product. Notable
might employ MongoDB for features include ML-enabled data
real-time integration use cases, anomaly detection, data lineage for
such as cockpit monitoring. The getting to the root of the problem,
Community version of MongoDB data quality insights, as well as
is widely adopted as the preferred integrations and interoperability
backend for open-source websites. with other data tools. It is
In 2022, MongoDB entered a proving to be a great solution for
partnership with Google Big monitoring the health of data
Query to create a unified data through its entire life cycle.
warehouse offer to address
both analytics and operational
data in one combined system.

48 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

Presto between actors (data engineers,
Trial data scientists, business analysts),
the creation of innovative use cases
Presto (also known as PrestoDB) and their near-infinite scaling.
is an open-source, distributed Despite a growing spectrum of
SQL (Structured Query Language) use cases (cybersecurity data and
query engine, built for running transactional data have recently

rapid, large-scale interactive been added), the Snowflake
analytic queries against data sets platform remains one single
of all sizes in various siloed data product that is easy to use and
systems in near real-time. Using scalable, making it suitable for both
a simple ANSI SQL interface, small organisations, which lack IT
Presto enables users to query and data skills, and large accounts,
both relational and non-relational which can exploit its full potential.
data where it is stored, including
Hadoop, Cassandra, Kafka, AWS
S3, Alluxio, MySQL, MongoDB, Starburst
and Teradata, and allows the use Trial
of multiple data sources within a
single query. Originally developed Any medium-to-large business
by Meta (formerly known as relying on large volumes of siloed
Facebook) to scale data size and data will need a data virtualisation
performance, Presto was released tool. A good contender is Starburst.
under the Apache License in It allows users to query data in situ,
2013 and has since been widely which means users don’t need
adopted by multiple international to migrate their data to a single
enterprises including Airbnb, platform. It lets users across the
Netflix, Alibaba, and Uber. entire organisation access data
quickly and easily. However, a solid
architecture strategy is needed to
Snowflake Data Cloud implement this technology to avoid
Adopt potential issues, such as going
decades back and connecting
While data has become the fuel data directly from where it resides
of business, we often overlook – since legacy systems will not
the multitude of technical and support at a good scale. Therefore,
organisational obstacles that connecting Starburst to any data
stand between this statement and lake/data warehouse is still the
reality. Snowflake offers a solution best approach. This tool offers
to remove these obstacles and incredible value for abstracting
enable every organisation to be all those systems and connecting
data-driven. Built from the ground all the information in one place
up for the cloud, Snowflake’s without requiring significant
platform aims to cover the entire engineering expertise. Starburst is
data lifetime cycle, from source to already part of the new data-mesh
end-user, facilitating collaboration paradigm shift.

devoteam.com/techradar 49
Tableau data products, Talend has now
Adopt built a fully comprehensive data
fabric that can manage the full
A visual data exploration tool data lifecycle ensuring smooth
that enables data discovery, cloud migration and access to
preparation, analysis, presentation a range of features that make
and sharing of results with data integration tasks easy, for
tremendous ease, Tableau has Cloud, multi-cloud and hybrid
been ranked among the leaders cloud environments. A key
in analytics and BI platforms component of the Talend Data
for years by Gartner. Since its Fabric platform is TrustCore,
acquisition by Salesforce in 2019, which helps organisations secure
Tableau has been investing their data and keep it compliant,
heavily to adopt a “cloud first” enabling them to meet industry
approach, which will be realised in or regulatory standards.
2022 with the launch of Tableau
Cloud (formerly Tableau Online),
available with all major cloud Transform.co
providers. Artificial intelligence Assess
is also at the heart of several
recent features such as Data As companies scale and create
Stories, which explains results in massive data lakes, managing
an editorial format, Explain Data, KPIs becomes an enormous
which details the origins of a piece headache. When you have
of data, and the predictive tool thousands of KPIs to manage,
Einstein Discovery. All of these traditional approaches are too
innovations aim to take data out disjointed and inefficient for the
of the hands of specialists and job, especially since the KPIs
make it available to as many are dispersed across multiple
people as possible. analytics platforms. For this
reason, many enterprise-level
organisations find “metric stores”
Talend Data Fabric appealing. A metric store allows
Adopt companies to centralise all their
KPIs onto one single-source-of-
Talend Data Fabric is a complete truth platform where they can
platform for data integration, design, manage, deploy, version,
data management, and data and communicate all these
quality. Talend allows users to KPIs. While there are a couple of
build, deploy, and manage data other purpose-built tools on the
pipelines to extract, transform, and market, Transform.co deserves
load data from various sources some attention. Co-founded by a
(databases, cloud applications, former Airbnb product manager
big data platforms, etc.) into for all infrastructure, Transform.
multiple target systems. Originally co shows promise in its ability
comprised of several different to provide customers with the

50 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

accuracy, accessibility, efficiency, feature management and open-
and convenience they crave for source frameworks support
managing all their KPIs at scale. such as TensorFlow, PyTorch and
scikit-learn. Using Vertex AI users
can train models, test them then
Vertex AI deploy them and get predictions.
Adopt Vertex AI Workbench provides

a single environment for data
Vertex AI is a Google Cloud engineers, data scientists, and
product for building, deploying, machine learning engineers,
and scaling ML (machine learning) allowing teams to work together
models and AI applications using a single set of tools. Vertex
faster, with fully managed tools AI includes AutoML and custom
for any use case. It covers the full training in one unified data and
MLOps life cycle with a Unified AI platform. Vertex AI provides
UI for the entire ML workflow an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop
including metadata tracking, interface and a library of pre-
identifying the best model for trained APIs for natural language,
a use case, model versioning, vision, video, and more.

devoteam.com/techradar 51
CASE STUDY | Sector: Retail | Employees: 5,000

When tech meets data factory

How to become fully data-centric to drive
business growth

Who is the organisation and and simplified data mining

what’s its context? eventually became inevitable to
The international organisation is take operations to the next level.
a renowned multi-brand retail The key to this modernisation?
company that produces and Using the Cloud to implement
sells wine and spirits to millions segmentation by activity, brand,
of customers every day, with country, business unit, domain,
a network of over 5,500 stores products, etc. at the largest
worldwide. The volume of sales, possible scale.
and therefore data management, is
What was the turning point
considerable to handle production,
where the organisation had no
delivery, customer service, etc.
choice but to adapt its strategy?
The company eventually decided
to move to a Google cloud-based Collecting all the data from
strategy to better collect, absorb various systems, including
and analyse data, which would SAP, along with its history, took
improve the way they handle data some time before it was fully
mining and the speed with which operational. The difficulty of
they can leverage it. having a global view in real time
impacted the analysis of this data
What needs did the organisation and hindered the fluidity of the
face at the time? decision making process.
Due to the massive amount of
Which factors played an
data related to the global
important role in the decision to
production/delivery chain of
products, the organisation needed create a Data Factory?
to improve and accelerate data • Migrating to Google Cloud
access in order to remain active to serve the business: the
and responsive. Standard file data Cloud exploitation was the
reports and limited tools used, fundamental base and the
varying from brand to brand, essential step to manage the
made it nearly impossible to get massive volume of data of all
a complete picture of product the entities worldwide. This tech
volumes. Real-time, streamlined would maximise the knowledge

52 TechRadar | Data-driven Intelligence

and exploitation of data, saving a What were the immediate
considerable amount of time for benefits for the organisation’s
the analysis of the data. clients or employees?
• Implement a Data Mesh to • Migration to the Cloud for

simplify collaboration and self- greater agility
service: the segmentation of data • Creation of 50+ use cases
– by business, product, service, allowing the different business
etc. – allows to get out of a central lines to save time and reinforce
Data Lake logic. Instead, the the use of data
Data Mesh allows each domain
to take charge of its own data • Creation of data products and
pipeline and manages a large data catalogues in a data factory
volume of data sources to process fed by almost 40 different
them quickly. The creation of sources of data
a freshly organised Data Lab • Facilitation and elasticity of data
team based on use cases could processing
ease the deployment of a Data • Reinforce the maturity of
Catalog, thus facilitating the information sharing
understanding of new data assets
and the decision making process.

That extra mile that made

all the difference

“Setting up a Data
Factory operating
in agile mode with
squads in charge of
delivering and evolving
Data Products is key
to getting the business
on board, gaining their
trust and taking the
Data culture to scale.”
CTO at the organisation

devoteam.com/techradar 53
54 TechRadar
What’s the Hype about?

The AI tool that’s been creating now offers a similar GPT service,
the most buzz recently is though users are currently
ChatGPT, an open-source required to submit requests with
generative AI chatbot. Generative their use case for approval before
AI refers to algorithms capable receiving access. GPT is also used
of producing new content by GitHub in its copilot service of
such as audio, code, images, AI pair programming, that is, code
text, simulations, and videos. In generation. Additionally, Google
particular, ChatGPT is capable of plans to release, in 2023, its own
understanding and generating AI service based on transformer
human-like natural language with models, Bard, in answer
unprecedented accuracy and to – and in direct competition
fluency. In fact, here’s a description with – ChatGPT.
generated by ChatGPT itself:
What’s Next for Generative AI?
“ChatGPT is an advanced
language AI model created by The field of generative AI based
OpenAI. It generates human- on transformer models is growing
like text based on input data at an expeditious rate, and we
and prompts, making it ideal expect to see more exciting
for customer service, language developments in the near future,
translation, and content creation. particularly in 2023, which is
Its ability to understand context expected to be the year that GPT
and produce coherent responses becomes enterprise-ready – be
sets it apart in the field of it ChatGPT, Microsoft, or Google.
generative AI.” In line with this prediction, we
hope to feature one or more of
Who Will Win the Race to Market? these cutting-edge technologies
Though still in its beta phase, as they mature and become
ChatGPT has proven to be a available for enterprise use in the
powerful tool for text 2024 TechRadar.
generation/processing. However,
this development is just one
aspect of the larger emerging Put forward by
trend toward generative AI, with Philippe Bournhonesque,
new contenders preparing to VP Innovative Development
enter the field. Microsoft Azure

devoteam.com/techradar 55

Harness the power of your decentralised
infrastructure to unlock a limitless future.
Embrace cloud as your foundation
for becoming a “digital company.”


Managing foreign access

with Sovereign Cloud
Data is power in a modern data economy.
As a result, cloud services are invariably in the
spotlight. Essentially, it’s about data: where does it
live, where does it flow, and who controls it?

Sovereign Cloud is hot right now – here’s why...

EU corporations and organisations store more data in cloud data
centres. The EU wants to reduce its reliance on foreign corporations and
sees cloud computing as a driver of AI and other technologies. EU rules
such as GDPR, Data Act, and Data Governance Act govern cross-border
data flow to prevent non-European agencies from accessing data. The
guidelines require storing sensitive data on sovereign territory. Now,
Chief Data Privacy Officers should know what data is stored in the cloud
and if it is transferred outside the EU.
Public clouds are useful for information not subject to data sovereignty
regulations, but compliance needs a hybrid or private solution. Private
clouds can meet data sovereignty needs, but they need dedicated
data centres maintained by the company or a provider with dedicated
hardware and are costly and time-consuming. Factors to consider include
jurisdictional control, local oversight, data portability and customisability.
Data sovereignty is thus addressed with sovereign clouds. It’s like a
semi-private cloud that combines public and private features. Using a
sovereign cloud is like using a private cloud without the IT headaches.

57 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

Devoteam’s Recommendation to get started on
Sovereign Cloud
Protecting data as a new strategic asset necessitates sovereign clouds to
use data wisely. Customers seek cloud benefits but must also fulfil fast
changing data privacy rules, while organisations safeguard cloud data
from cyberattacks. As these rules affect business operations, companies
are looking for better ways to comply and avoid risks. They require a secure,
local platform to store and analyse data without outside intervention.
Sovereign cloud should be considered as part of the cloud strategy of
any organisation that deals with sensitive data. It is likely that regulations
will change and become more strict over time. This is the time to start
preparing how to handle these regulations. That should be driven by the
owner of the data in the organisation, the compliance team and the IT
team, to create a cloud strategy that can cater to different kinds of needs.
A few quick recommendations are to:

• Assess your data and manage all risks: including data sovereignty
and foreign access threats.
• Assign a Chief Data Privacy Officer or Data Guardian.
• Adopt the Cloud Smart approach.
• Consult with an expert for multi-cloud strategy advice.

As a result of this, the sovereign cloud should be incorporated into an

overall multi-cloud strategy. Data isn’t all the same, and clouds differ
from one another. Taking the sovereign cloud into consideration is a
smart move for your cloud strategy as it helps adjust to the current
regulatory maze. Sovereign cloud thus not only provides flexibility and
scale for data storage and processing, but also helps in complying with
residency and sovereignty requirements.

Put forward by Gert Jan van Halem, CTO Devoteam Netherlands

devoteam.com/techradar 58
Distributed Cloud
at a Glance
At the opening keynote of a recent conference
of a major analyst firm, the word “cloud” was not
mentioned once. That’s no accident. The cloud is now
so ubiquitous, so inevitable, that there is no need to
mention it. Doing so would bring focus to technology
and infrastructure, when it is now more crucial to
target business model transformation. After disrupting
technology, the cloud is about to disrupt business.
This does not mean that nothing is happening on the technology
side, as this TechRadar 2023 amply demonstrates, but it is a sign of a
certain maturity that allows it to regain its place in the background.
This cloud maturity is mainly due to the maturity of one technology in
particular, Kubernetes, which, despite its complexity, is emerging as
the cornerstone of all cloud native systems. Most of the technologies
in these pages are either based on Kubernetes or are intended to make
it more manageable for enterprises. In general, there is a widespread
desire to make cloud technologies easier to implement and to make
them the answer to today’s major challenges. The offer is becoming
more and more refined, with ready-to-use, standard components and
a verticalisation logic that will culminate in the appearance of industrial
clouds and business-oriented platforms.
However, it is at the very moment when the cloud is coming of age that
the next stage is already taking shape. The need to bring intelligence
closer to objects to relieve network congestion and minimise response
time will accelerate the rise of edge computing. But in many ways,
the Edge is the exact opposite of the cloud: one is decentralised, the
other centralised; for one, resources are fixed and limited; for the other,
extensible and virtually unlimited; the data of one is ephemeral, the
data of the other is durable. In short, Cloud and Edge are based on
very different technologies, concepts and methods. Yet they must
work in close symbiosis, and we are already seeing the emergence of
technologies that seek to bring about this fusion.

59 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

o pt
Ad 58
61 60
64 62
al 68 65 63
Tri 69 66
70 67
s 71
ses 74 73 72
As 78
ld 75
83 79 76
80 77

84 81


Adopt 68. Knative ↑ 79. KuboScore N

58. Ansible 69. Kubernetes 80. Pulumi ↑
59. Anthos 70. Linkerd N 81. Talos Linux N
60. AWS Nitro N 71. Longhorn N 82. VMware Cloud
61. Buildah N 72. Portainer.io Foundation
62. Fluentd N 73. SUSE Rancher N
63. HashiCorp
Trial 83. AWS Application
Consul ↑
64. HashiCorp 74. Crossplane Composer N
Terraform 75. DCaaS N 84. EdgeX Foundry N
65. Helm 76. eBPF N 85. Kyverno N
66. Istio 77. GKE Autopilot 86. MinIO N
67. Kasten K10 N 78. KubeVirt N

N New addition ↑ Ascending technology

devoteam.com/techradar 60
Ansible as Istio and Ingress. Anthos
Adopt is particularly well-suited for
organisations that want to leverage
Ansible is an open-source the benefits of the cloud, such
community project supported by as scalability, flexibility, and cost-
Red Hat. It is also the most popular efficiency, while still maintaining
tool for configuring, orchestrating, complete control over their
managing and automating IT applications and infrastructure.
infrastructures. As its market share It is also great for organisations
continues to grow in a context of that want to adopt a cloud native
strong demand for IT Automation development approach, and build
and Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and deploy modern, containerised
Ansible Automation Platform 2, applications and microservices.
launched at the end of 2021, which Recently, Google has extended
could allow Ansible to consolidate Anthos to include support for virtual
its position against its competitors machines (VMs), called Anthos VM
Puppet, Chef and Salt. Replacing Runtime, allowing users to run VMs
the former Ansible Engine and on top of Kubernetes in the same
Ansible Tower, Ansible Automation way that they run containers.
Platform 2 is a complete and
enhanced suite of tools and
components to build, deploy, and AWS Application Composer
manage end-to-end enterprise Assess
automation solutions at scale. As
the de facto solution for enterprise It is so much easier to build an
IT automation, it provides a application when users can see
flexible and stable foundation what they’re building. That’s
for automation from the hybrid the premise behind Amazon’s
cloud, to container environments, new service, AWS Application
security and networks. Composer. It’s a visual drag-
and-drop builder that lets users
design an application consisting of
Anthos multiple AWS services. This allows
Adopt developers to focus on functionality
first without getting buried in lines
Anthos is a hybrid cloud platform of code. Application Composer
created by Google in 2019 to allow offers this visual-first approach
organisations to build, deploy, and without sacrificing infrastructure-
manage applications, clusters and as-code (IaC) best practices. In fact,
infrastructure across a variety of the service translates the entire
environments. It includes features architecture into IaC definitions in
such as deployment automation, the visual editor, or enables it to be
container orchestration, and exported to perform tests, reviews,
infrastructure management, as version control, and more. AWS
well as integrations with numerous Application Composer fulfils the
popular tools and services, such DevOps philosophy of “You build

61 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

it, you run it.” Plus, it’s enterprise- (OCI)-compatible images through
ready, serverless, and pay-per- a lower-level Coreutils interface.
consumption, and users can rest Buildah makes it possible for
assured their code is running in a developers to use tools like
safe, reliable place. Docker, Podman, or Kubernetes to
build efficient container images
from scratch, from a container
AWS Nitro pulled from a registry or using
Adopt a Dockerfile without the need
to execute a container runtime
Launched in 2017, the AWS Nitro daemon. The key advantage
System combines purpose-built of Buildah lies in its ability to
hardware, purpose-built software, enable the use of ephemeral CI/
and a hypervisor. It features a series CD runners into Kubernetes,
of Nitro Cards and a special Nitro which isn’t possible with tools like
Security Chip. These Nitro Cards Docker Build. Distinguished by its
offer innovative functionalities, such flexibility and efficiency, Buildah

as network-attached storage with allows containers to be mounted,

industry-leading bandwidth and modified, or deleted, and
innovative hardware root of trust. images to be saved based on the
The Nitro Security Chip has built- updated containers, can be easily
in security that is mathematically incorporated into scripts and build
proven to be unattackable. In fact, pipelines, and features a rootless
this chip has been designed with mode for enhanced security.
AWS’ “Verifiable/Provable Security”
approach, which provides an
unforeseen level of security through Crossplane
automated reasoning and built-in Trial
security processes. The hypervisor
provides strong resource isolation Crossplane allows users to
and offers a level of performance provision, compose, and consume
that is incredibly close to a bare infrastructure in any cloud service
metal server. Together, this system provider using the Kubernetes
provides unprecedented reliability, API, making it possible to create
performance, and security, while resources on the cloud using
also removing complexities and simple YAML manifests, and
room for human error. integrate with CI/CD or GitOps
pipelines. Unlike most competitors,
Crossplane is a control plane
Buildah that both solves scaling issues
Adopt with multiple teams, projects,
and infrastructure assets, and
Buildah is an open-source, ensures consistent collaboration/
Linux-based command-line tool loose coupling across large agile
developed by RedHat that is used organisations in SAFe model with
to build Open Container Initiative multiple independent feature

devoteam.com/techradar 62
teams. In the Crossplane Resource which includes datacenters delivery
Model, each infrastructure element on premises, hardware setup
is an API endpoint that supports and full client support (storage,
all types of operations, with no network, data base, etc.). Unlike
need to compute a dependency the majority of market players,
graph to make changes, allowing OVHcloud is based in France and
users to easily operate on a on a human scale, which allows
single database, even if they their DCaaS solution to address
manage their entire production major French companies’ data
environment. While Crossplane challenges (CAC40) in complete
remains limited to managing reliability and confidentiality, and in
K8s infrastructures, there is a real respect of governance and network
opportunity for large organisations sovereignty. While securing the
that are seeking to evolve their clients’ datacenters in a sovereign,
monolithic terraforming model to green and trusted environment,
a distributed model. DCaaS enables the transformation
of clients’ CAPEX investments
into predictable costs of reversible
DCaaS services (OPEX), the capitalisation
Trial on investments by taking
advantage of the OVHcloud IaaS
Datacenter as a Service (DCaaS) and PaaS catalogue, and ensures
is a prepackaged solution of the clients’ benefit from the latest
cloud services, providing a pooled technological improvements and a
OVHcloud resource to their clients, fully optimised equipment lifecycle.

63 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

eBPF that are flexible, scalable, and
Trial interoperable. EdgeX works by
securely connecting the enterprise
While the operating system has IT environment to different
always been the ideal place to IoT devices, transforming the
implement security, networking, information from the device to IT
and observability features, its applications, enabling commands
complicated infrastructure, to be sent to the devices, and
and abstracted layers make allowing data processing
modifying kernel source code and analytics at the edge, in
or adding modules extremely addition to scanning containers
challenging. This is where the and cloud infrastructure for
eBPF comes in. eBPF (Extended potential vulnerabilities. Based
Berkeley Packet Filter) is a kernel on microservices, it exposes
technology allowing programs APIs for full control together
to run without modifying the with numerous device protocols
kernel source code or adding (MDTT, Modbus, etc.) and can

additional modules. eBPF works be customised to meet different

by allowing sandboxed programs organisational needs and use
to run within the operating cases. Backed by a robust
system, which in turn allows ecosystem, EdgeX is currently
application developers running at its 11th community release,
eBPF programs to add additional and is considered to be a
capabilities to the operating mature technology, suitable for
system at runtime. Then, with deployment at scale.
the aid of a Just-In-Time (JIT)
compiler and verification engine,
the operating system ensures Fluentd
safety and execution efficiency as Adopt
if natively compiled. Common use
cases of eBPF include full stack Fluentd is an open-source
observability, container security, log collector, processor, and
image assurance, runtime aggregator developed by
threat defense, performance Treasure Data to solve common
troubleshooting, and much more. logging challenges such as
formatting unstructured data,
aggregation from multiple data
EdgeX Foundry sources, resiliency, etc. Written
Assess in Ruby, Fluentd creates a
unified logging layer capable of
EdgeX Foundry is an open- aggregating data from multiple
source software from the Linux sources, unifying the differently
Foundation that provides a formatted data into JSON objects,
common framework for building, and then routing it to different
deploying, and managing output destinations to build
edge computing systems centralised, reliable, and efficient

devoteam.com/techradar 64
logging pipelines. Designed for HashiCorp Consul
performance and scalability, a Adopt
Fluentd deployment runs on
40 MB of memory, is capable of Heterogeneity is probably the
processing over 18,000 events/ term that best characterizes
second, and is considered the modern distributed environments.
log aggregator of choice for With Consul, HashiCorp addresses
Kubernetes. Since its release, the need to know and interact
Fluentd has developed a rich with the myriad of services that
ecosystem of over 650 built-in run locally on virtual machines
and community-contributed or as containers in the cloud.
plugins, and is currently trusted HashiCorp Consul maintains a
by more than 5,000 data-driven centralised dynamic registry (i.e.,
enterprises worldwide. a service catalogue) of all services
in real-time in an automated
fashion, allowing them to be
GKE Autopilot discovered, located, and their
Trial availability and health status to
be known at all times. HashiCorp
The Autopilot mode in Consul also controls access
Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to services and secures their
removes the complexity from interconnections (Secure Consul
the time-consuming process of Agent Communication with TLS
managing Kubernetes clusters. Encryption). Finally, HashiCorp
Via Autopilot, Google manages Consul allows users to automate
cluster configuration, including certain network tasks such as
nodes, scaling, security, and load balancing (Automate load
pre-settings. As GKE manages balancers). Open source and
infrastructure, time can be agnostic, HashiCorp Consul can
freed up for the building and be deployed on any platform or on
deploying of applications. At the cloud platform of the editor,
the same time, security patches HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP).
are applied to nodes when
available and adhere to already
configured maintenance HashiCorp Terraform
schedules. Additionally, because Adopt
GKE manages them, users aren’t
billed for unused capacity on their HashiCorp Terraform is an open-
nodes. The same goes for system source infrastructure as code
Pods, OS costs, and unscheduled (IaC) tool that enables developers
workloads. Some customisability to define, modify and version
is lost through GKE Autopilot, infrastructure in a safe, efficient,
but recent updates have made and reusable manner. Using
it possible to run specialised the HashiCorp Configuration
workloads using GPUs and fault- Language (HCL), developers can
tolerant workloads via Spot Pods. define their desired infrastructure,

65 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

for which Terraform will generate as installing, upgrading, and
and execute a plan to achieve uninstalling applications. In
using two key concepts: essence, Helm makes application
providers, to establish gateways deployment simple, standardised,
to the necessary resources, and and reusable, thus increasing
modules, reusable infrastructure developer productivity, reducing
components. In particular, complexity, improving operational
HashiCorp Terraform provides readiness, and accelerating
DevOps teams with greater the adoption of cloud native
flexibility and versatility to build, applications. Helm is a graduated
deploy and manage standardised project of the Cloud Native
infrastructure across hybrid and Computer Foundation (CNCF)
multi-cloud environments. A highly since 2020.
mature technology, Terraform is
quickly becoming the IaC tool of
choice with a registry that includes Istio
over 1800 providers and more Adopt

than 8400 modules and, with the

release of version 1.3 in September The more distributed
2022, has further improved the architectures expand, the more
extensibility and maintainability of difficult it becomes to know and
Terraform modules. manage the exchanges between
microservices. A service mesh
is a dedicated infrastructure
Helm layer, directly implemented in
Adopt the application. By intercepting
incoming and outgoing packets,
Helm is an open-source package it provides observability, traffic
manager that simplifies the management, regulation and
defining, deploying, and security capabilities. Thus,
managing of applications on the technical aspects are
Kubernetes across their entire decentralised at the application
lifecycle. With Helm, users level and can be managed by
can easily create and manage developers without strong skills,
all resources attached to a or even automated thanks to
Kubernetes cluster using a templates established by the
package of pre-configured architects. A pioneer in service
templates known as a Chart, mesh, Istio is a robust and
which can be easily versioned, proven open-source solution
shared, and managed in integrated with Red Hat’s
repositories, enhancing OpenShift. Facing competition
collaboration and efficiency. from Cilium in particular, Istio
Additionally, Helm provides continues to innovate, with, for
a command-line interface example, the possibility of using
(CLI) for managing charts and eBPF technology for better
performing common tasks such performance.

devoteam.com/techradar 66
Kasten K10 is to bring this dual benefit to
Adopt Kubernetes environments. To do
this, Knative adds components
Acquired by Veeam Software in to Kubernetes that enable the
2020, Kasten is a leader in data deployment, management
backup, disaster recovery, and and execution of containerised
mobility for Kubernetes, and applications, in particular
the developer of the Kasten K10 Serving and Eventing. Knative
platform. Kasten K10 is a Cloud eliminates server provisioning
Native data management platform and management tasks, allowing
for Day 2 operations, that provides a developers to focus exclusively on
simple, scalable and secure system the business side of their code.
for backup/restore, disaster recovery, Accepted by the Cloud Native
application migration, application Computing Foundation in March
copy management, and mobility 2022 and supported by many
for Kubernetes applications companies (Google, VMware,
whether public cloud or on- IBM...), Knative is one of the most
premise. The platform provides popular and promising
a native Kubernetes API and open-source projects today.
includes features such as database
integrations, automatic application
discovery, multi-cloud mobility, Kubernetes
integrated observability and Adopt
monitoring, and comprehensive
end-to-end security including Does Kubernetes still need to
enterprise-grade encryption, be introduced? In just a few
identity, and access management years, the open-source container
roles, role-based access controls, orchestration platform has
and more. Distinguished for its become so essential that it has
operational simplicity, Kasten been dubbed the “OS of the
K10 stands out as a policy-driven cloud.” Born in the fold of Google
and extensible solution capable and now overseen by the Cloud
of delivering consistent backups Native Computing Foundation,
across microservices, while Kubernetes (K8S) automates
eliminating the need to write and the deployment, management
maintain time-intensive scripts. and scaling of containerised
applications, independent of the
underlying cloud infrastructure.
Knative Kubernetes therefore plays a key
Adopt role in the widespread use of cloud
and microservices architectures.
The serverless cloud model This is why the platform is
relieves developers of technical now supported and offered
concerns and reduces computing by the vast majority of cloud
resources, and their cost, to the providers and software vendors.
bare essentials. Knative’s goal This enthusiasm ensures that

67 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

Kubernetes is supported by a large and flexibility to utilise a single
and dynamic community and infrastructure framework and
a growing ecosystem of related leverage modernised and more
solutions. Faced with the skills gap, efficient workflows.
Devoteam supports its customers
with over 200 certified employees.
Trial With so many companies adopting
Kubernetes to run workloads,
KubeVirt is an open-source we see many tools are entering
project originally developed by the market to assist with the
RedHat to help facilitate the various challenges that arise with
move from virtual infrastructure managing the clusters. KuboScore,
to a Kubernetes and container- created by French company Kubo
based infrastructure by enabling Labs, is a tool that helps ensure

Kubernetes to provision, manage, that clusters are configured using

and control Virtual Machines (VM) proper production-environment
alongside container resources. parameters. KuboScore is
Using Kubernetes’ Custom especially helpful for configuring
Resource Definitions (CRD) API, clusters according to best practices
KubeVirt allows Virtual Machines for security, performance, and
(VMs) to be run and managed resiliency. To name just one
as pods inside a Kubernetes use case, companies can use
cluster and features the same KuboScore to configure role-
native constructs of Kubernetes – based access control (RBAC) and
scheduling, storage, networking, detect misconfigurations, so that
monitoring, and tooling – using the right users have the right
kubectl. As a result, KubeVirt not privileges – which is crucial to
only enables developers to use security. KuboScore can connect to
their existing Kubernetes toolset any type of Kubernetes cluster in
to natively manage VMs, it also all major public or private clouds. It
ensures that organisations and offers high-level analyses for free,
DevOps teams have the space and more detailed ones for a fee.

devoteam.com/techradar 68
Kyverno Linkerd
Assess Adopt

Few Kubernetes enthusiasts Microservices architectures

get excited about policies. But continue to evolve and service-
the reality is, standardising to-service communication has
configuration practices in become a significant challenge
Kubernetes is critical. Especially in to manage. As enterprises scale
larger companies with hundreds and add more microservices, they
– even thousands – of developers. may encounter complexity issues,
Kyverno is an open-source tool performance bottlenecks, and
that allows users to enforce rules, compromised security in their
parameters, and other policies distributed system. Now is the
to ensure best practices and time to consider a service mesh for
consistent engineering quality improved resiliency and security.
across the entire Kubernetes A service mesh is a dedicated
environment. Over 200 policies can infrastructure layer for facilitating
be readily applied—pod tagging service-to-service communication
and description practices, root within a microservices architecture.
privileges, maximum allowable Linkerd is an ultra-lightweight
disk space, and more. Once a open-source service mesh that
company adopts Kyverno, it is adds critical security, observability,
easy to work with because it is and reliability features. It is a
Kubernetes-native and doesn’t CNCF graduated project that is
require learning a new language. experiencing rapid growth and
Standardisation with Kyverno competes with Istio and Consul.
delivers many business benefits, Linkerd has a reputation for
including faster onboarding, being the easiest to configure
infrastructure cost control, auditing and operate due to its simple
capabilities, and risk management. architecture, flexibility and
Kyverno was accepted into minimised resource requirements.
the Cloud Native Computing Linkerd is also known for its high
Foundation in 2020 and is at the performance, as demonstrated by
“Incubating” maturity level. benchmarking tests.

69 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

Longhorn a while. But in 2016 one solution,
Adopt MinIO, emerged as a Kubernetes-
native open-source option for
Adding replicated storage to on-premise software stacks. Like
Kubernetes clusters has historically S3, MinIO uses buckets to organise
been challenging for DevOps objects, while also being fully
practitioners. As a result, most non- AWS S3-compatible. MinIO is
cloud-hosted Kubernetes clusters enterprise-ready, excels in literally
don’t support persistent storage, any environment, and is known
while external storage arrays for its performance, resilience, and
are typically non-portable and security. With its state-of-the-art
expensive. That’s where Longhorn encryption, it meets the strictest
comes in. Longhorn is an open- compliance requirements.
source, cloud native distributed Currently, no equivalent exists,
block storage system that enables and MinIO is deployed across all
users to secure, provision and industries, from financial and
back up their storage across any insurance to automotive and

Kubernetes cluster. In addition to military defence.

persistent block storage, Longhorn
delivers features like incremental
snapshots and backups for data Portainer.io
safety and cross-cluster disaster Adopt
recovery. Known for its ease of use
and scalability, Longhorn can be Portainer is an easy-to-use
easily deployed and upgraded centralised platform that allows
using Helm Charts or CLI (kubectl). for the efficient deployment and
Longhorn was initially developed management of containerised
by Rancher Labs and SUSE applications and services. The
Development until it was donated beauty of Portainer is in its
to the CNCF in 2017. simplicity, allowing for container
management without in-depth
knowledge of the command
MinIO line. Key features include a user-
Assess friendly interface, simplification
of single and multi-cluster
Object storage is an approach container deployments, and
to managing data that differs standard templates and default
from traditional file or block configurations. Portainer supports
storage systems. Because the Docker, Swarm, Nomad and
architecture is flat, highly scalable, Kubernetes, allowing for hybrid,
and highly available, it is critical multi-cloud, multi-cluster,
to business cases that handle and multi-device container
massive volumes of data. Cloud- management. As the most
based object storage, such as feature-rich and user-friendly
the popular AWS Simple Storage container management GUI on
Service (S3), has been around for the market, any organisation

devoteam.com/techradar 70
working towards large-scale multi- popular cloud platforms, such
cloud containerised environments as Amazon Web Services (AWS),
should seriously consider adding Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud
Portainer to its arsenal. Platform. It also includes features
such as version control, team
collaboration, and integrations
Pulumi with popular tools and services.
Trial With Pulumi, users can even
define policies using code that
Pulumi is an Infrastructure-as- can help enforce standards and
Code platform (IaC) that allows best practices for the deployment
users to build cloud-based and management of cloud-based
applications and infrastructure resources. Recently, Pulumi has
in the programming language added a service option to their
of their choice and even allows offering called Deployment-
for deployment on any major as-a-Service (DaaS) that allows
cloud platform or Kubernetes. developers to automate the
Pulumi provides a set of APIs deployment and management
and libraries that can be used to of cloud-based applications and
create and manage resources on infrastructure using code.

71 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

SUSE Rancher is differentiated as a minimal,
Adopt ephemeral, and hardened OS that
delivers a unique set of features
Rancher is an open-source and benefits such as a completely
software platform designed to immutable file system, a full
simplify the process of running management API for automated
multiple clusters in production, and scalable operations (without
whether it’s physical servers on- SSH, shell, or console), task
prem, VMs in the cloud, hosted automation, in addition to a high
Kubernetes clusters like EKS level of security and predictability
or GKE, and even on the edge. for simple, stable and scalable
Rancher provides the entire deployment. Additionally, Talos
software stack needed to manage enables users to run Kubernetes
multiple clusters in production consistently and securely across all
across four key components: platforms, whether cloud, virtual,
Infrastructure Orchestration, bare metal, and even within Docker
Container Orchestration and and on SBCs like Raspberry Pi – all

Scheduling, Application Catalog, from a single, API-driven platform.

and Enterprise-Grade Control.
Furthermore, the solution
consolidates all clusters into a VMware Cloud Foundation
single, managed Kubernetes Cloud Trial
with centralised authentication,
access control, and observability, VMware Cloud Foundation
in addition to delivering security, solutions such as VMware Cloud
lifecycle management, cluster (VMC) on AWS, Azure VMware
templates, specific CLI, and Solution (AVS), and Google
continuous delivery. As an open- Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE)
source solution with zero lock-in, implemented within the major
SUSE Rancher stands as a versatile cloud providers have clearly
and cost-effective solution for any enjoyed a significant adoption
multi-cluster, hybrid, or multi-cloud curve in 2022. The capabilities of
container orchestration strategy. these solutions to enable seamless
extension or migration to the
public cloud have attracted many
Talos Linux clients. These solutions are now
Trial enhanced by the implementation
of VMware Aria’s multi-cloud and
Talos is an open-source, container- hybrid cloud offers, which focus
optimised distribution of Linux on three key areas: operations,
purpose-built to excel at one automation, and pricing. This
thing: maintaining Kubernetes strongly enhances the appeal and
clusters. Talos is considered to be adoption of this type of technology
an effective alternative to CoreOS by enabling a cross-functional
provided by RedHat on Openshift view and management of all these
Kubernetes distribution, and cloud capabilities.

devoteam.com/techradar 72
CASE STUDY | Sector: Financial Services | Employees: 1,500

When tech meets

unlimited potential
How to become the first fully cloud-based
financial organisation

Who is the organisation and What was the turning point

what’s its context? where the organisation had no
The organisation is Norway’s largest choice but to adapt its strategy?
asset manager, employing more The audit raised a critical issue:
than 1500 employees worldwide they didn’t know how to address
and selling life insurance, banking the red flags detected, nor how to
products and pension savings resolve them outside of full cloud
contracts to individuals, businesses technology integration.
and public enterprises. To keep
Because the organisation
its leading position in the Nordic
was outsourcing most of its IT
market and improve the way it
serves its 2 million customers daily, activities, with different layers of
the company recently decided to tools, it could not move forward
entirely embrace cloud technology. at the desired speed or develop
more capabilities in-house and
What needs did the organisation at its own pace. In addition, the
face at the time? security issues identified by the
audit were too costly to effectively
Because all current and future
be addressed with the current
innovations are based on the
IT structure. Finally, the lack of
Cloud and through the major
resources in the market made it
Cloud providers, the organisation
nearly impossible to create a set-
wanted to completely transition
up and infrastructure designed in
to the Cloud and become a digital
an automated operating model.
pioneer. To pass this innovation
milestone, i.e. to gain scalability
Which factors played an
and to be able to easily develop
important role in the decision to
new services for customers,
choose Azure, Google Cloud and
meant no longer depending on
ACE GitOps?
outsourcing and hosting providers.
The company mandated an • Migrate completely and
external audit from a third party to quickly into Azure Cloud:
identify levers for improvements. The need to have a 100%

73 TechRadar | Distributed Cloud

independent structure for all What were the immediate
future developments clearly led benefits for the organisation’s
the organisation to become the clients or employees?
world’s first asset management • Speed of deployment of any new
firm to fully Azure-based solution through the cloud, and
financial organisation. The ability faster upgrades from day one
to build their own system and
have access to real-time data • Faster replication of the
was only possible if all of the environment
technology, tools, solutions and • Delegation of self-monitoring/
IT processes were integrated self-management to increase
into a cloud-based structure. the pace of development teams
• Be independent to gain agility • Reinforcement of DevOps

for their customers: Because teams to share techniques and

automation and delegation knowledge
of control was key to become • Huge improvements in speed
fully self-reliant, the company and scalability lead to more
implemented Azure to address controllable environments,
the issues of agility and speed moving part of the delivery to
of access to data. Coupling Microsoft Azure and mapping
with ACE GitOps enabled their security and compliance
full lifecycle support of IaC requirements to actionable
code for governance, policy policies
control, workload deployments,
• Implementation of Microsoft
and operations in Azure,
Sentinel (SIEM)
effectively strengthening the
completeness of security.

That extra mile that made

all the difference

“The cloud solution is a bit

like switching from a broom
and dustpan to a high-tech
vacuum cleaner.”
Executive Vice President
of Technology at the organisation

devoteam.com/techradar 74

Scale your digital transformation mandates with
mix of modern automation capabilities to drive
customer focused agility, employee efficiency
and digital innovation.


From Robotic Process

Automation to
Business Automation
All companies have repetitive and laborious processes
with little or no added-value for employees. Thanks
to digitalisation, many of these processes are now
computerised and can easily be automated.

Hyperautomation can help you change the way you work

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) allows you to automate tasks
by creating computer-based robots that mimic human actions. By
combining them with other technologies, in an orchestrated manner,
we can automate processes that are more complex. We call this
business automation.
For instance, Process Mining allows us to discover the candidate
processes that can be improved and accordingly helps in prioritising
the automation pipeline. Then, Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)
will classify and digitise data from scanned documents to exploit them.
Another example is AI powered conversational Chatbot that replicate
human language. All these technologies (and others) put together can
provide very powerful automation.
Business automation can be used in any sector. The only constraint is to
have highly repetitive processes that are worth automating. The benefits
of automation depend on the company’s automation strategy. The main
benefits of automation are across productivity gain, faster go to market,
compliant operations and experience elevation that lowers operational
costs and raises customer loyalty.

76 TechRadar | Business Automation

Devoteam’s Recommendation to get started on
Business Automation
There is a growing trend towards Business Automation in the banking
and insurance industries. Nevertheless, any industry can benefit from
it. Regardless of how advanced a company is in its journey, RPA is
generally the first step in its Hyperautomation journey without being a
prerequisite. When companies have mastered RPA, other technologies
can be integrated to go even further in automation. Today, many RPA
vendors are expanding their activities to include Hyperautomation,
which makes it easier than ever to integrate RPA with technologies such
as Process Mining, AI, and IDP.
The role of Business Automation becomes clearer when you have large
amounts of executions of the same process. Companies easily find value
and a better ROI in such cases.
Note that automation doesn’t come with a one-size-fits-all strategy, so
it’s essential to start the journey by investigating the maturity of your
processes to model and prioritise automation use cases where “quick
wins” with low complexity and higher ROI, are first. Then, select the
right combination of business automation tools to ensure the needed
governance and solution is well architected to implement and influence
organisation culture for automation adoption while continuously
improving your automation program.
Some examples of areas where automation can be deployed for

increased efficiency are:
• Accounts Payable to receive, classify, process, and pay out invoices
• Customer Service to answer customer questions and deal with
claims (chatbot/callbot + RPA)
• Customer onboarding to help with screening, compliance, processing
documents and creation of accounts (RPA + IDP + Chatbot)
• IT migration for transfer of data and backup (RPA)

Put forward by Jean-Vincent Vallee, Career Manager & Senior Consultant

devoteam.com/techradar 77
Business Automation
at a Glance
Despite the nuances, the terms “Hyperautomation,”
“Intelligent Automation,” or “Business Automation,”
which we prefer at Devoteam, cover the same reality:
the end-to-end automation of business and IT
processes through the combined and orchestrated use
of a multiplicity of efficient tools or smarter platform,
including low-code oriented development, RPA
(Robotic Process Automation), BPM (Business Process
Management) process mining, chatbots, intelligent
document processing, workflow orchestration, etc., that
accelerates business transformation.
The offer is rapidly being structured in this direction, as this 2023 edition of
our TechRadar clearly shows. Leveraging acquisitions and/or partnerships,
the mega-vendors are weaving their platforms with one or more business
automation-enabled technologies to deliver data-driven end-to-end process
orchestration across any system for service, sales, industries and more in
one package. In essence, these vendors are filling out their own offerings
and entering new markets with the converged platforms that share the
common long-term vision of creating a modern agile environment which
will continue to accelerate and mature through 2023 and beyond.
This technological convergence is an additional catalyst for a strong-
growth market that Gartner now estimates hyper-automation enabling
technologies spending to reach 720 billion dollars in 2023. It is true
that these platforms, which enable substantial savings by eliminating
operational inefficiencies and attaining faster time to value, are
particularly welcomed in the current economic climate, especially as the
returns on investment can be quite rapid.
On the other hand, the stage is set in 2023 for organisations to embrace
a composable enterprise model (i.e. doing more, faster and with
less), where organisations will resort to business automation-enabled
technologies more than before. This will result in displacing some
employees, especially middle managers, as these platforms take up
the orchestration role. Despite this, it will actually create more new
roles than it displaces, making it essential to take employees’ fears
into account, and to evolve their roles through an effective re-skilling
program to make the most of Business Automation initiatives.

78 TechRadar | Business Automation

o pt
88 92
91 96
90 95 Tri
100 al
93 99
98 As
97 s
102 106




Adopt 93. Celonis Trial
87. ABBYY Vantage N 94. Elastic 101. Lightstep N
88. AppSheet ↑ Observabilty N 102. MuleSoft RPA N
89. Automation 95. Microsoft Power 103. Rasa ↑
Anywhere Platform
90. AWS EventBridge N 96. OutSystems Assess
91. AWS Step 97. ServiceNow 104. Dydu
Functions Platform N 105. Kryon
92. Azure Logic 98. SS&C Blue Prism 106. Moveworks N
Apps N 99. UiPath
100. Workato ↑

N New addition ↑ Ascending technology

devoteam.com/techradar 79
ABBYY Vantage AppSheet
Adopt Adopt

ABBYY Vantage is a cloud-based With the global shortage of

Intelligent Document Processing developers showing no signs of
(IDP) solution that utilises Optical slowing, no-code development
Character Recognition (OCR) and will become more and more
Machine Learning (ML) technology prominent in the coming years.
to automatically capture, extract, Acquired by Google in January
and process data embedded 2020, AppSheet is a no-code tool
in structured, semi-structured, used to build and develop mobile
and unstructured documents. and web applications quickly and
Equipped with a built-in library of easily around numerous data
“Skills,” Vantage provides users with sources (Excel, Google Sheet,
pre-configured capture workflows Salesforce, Azure SQL, etc.). The
for hundreds of the most common AppSheet Editor automatically
documents, which are then generates prototypes and offers
connected to their determined smart suggestions, while newly
import and export destinations created bots can automate manual
using a simple point-and-click jobs to free up time for other tasks.
interface, saving hours or even AppSheet can also leverage device
days of development time. It’s capabilities to add data such as
important to note that Vantage is GPS locations, barcode scanning,
not entirely autonomous, and may and character recognition. No
require human intervention to matter the size of the organisation
review captured data based on the – whether a small start-up or a
accuracy score generated by the larger enterprise – AppSheet is the
algorithm. With that in mind, for perfect platform for quick and easy
any company looking to enhance app development.
efficiency, increase employee
satisfaction and accelerate digital
transformation, ABBYY Vantage is
already a must-have.

80 TechRadar | Business Automation

Automation Anywhere has imposed on it. EventBridge is a
Adopt more advanced, evolved version of
the AWS service formerly known as
Whether it is to reduce costs and CloudWatch Events. It is backwards
lead times, address skill shortages, compatible, plug-and-play, and
make jobs more attractive, offers many new features such
eliminate waste, or adapt to as content-based filtering and a
sudden changes, RPA (Robotic schema registry. Enterprises love
Process Automation) is at the heart it for the ability to pull data from a
of today’s challenges. Continually variety of sources and leverage it in
ranked as a leader by Gartner (+31% their AWS environment.
by 2021), Automation Anywhere
offers Automation 360, a cloud
native, user-friendly RPA platform. AWS Step Functions
Renamed Automation Success Adopt
Platform, Automation 360 offers
more and more features based on AWS Step Functions is a cloud
artificial intelligence (Intelligent service that allows developers to
RPA), such as the detection of create workflows of business-critical
automatable processes, the AARI processes with a drag-and-drop
business assistant or document visual console. It is designed to
processing. With these numerous help organisations stitch together
innovations, Automation Anywhere multiple AWS services, including
helps companies address the main computing ones such as AWS
challenge of RPA: scaling up. Lambda or Amazon ECS and
databases like DynamoDB, to create

rich, complex and robust workflows,
AWS EventBridge all while allowing users to manage
Adopt each microservice component
independently. AWS Step Functions
Released in 2019, AWS is a cost-effective way to quickly
EventBridge is an enterprise-level build scalable, distributed workflows
serverless, fully-managed bus. using simplified code. The service
It lets users build event-driven is also capable of handling errors
applications at scale and is highly and giving supreme visibility by
interoperable with services providing a visualisation of the
outside AWS, including popular workflow execution, as well as
SaaS applications like Datadog, integration with CloudWatch to
Zendesk, Salesforce, Auth0, or even help users monitor and debug
custom applications. An “event” their application. Finally, Step
is a record of an action that has Functions enables the creation of
taken place (e.g., a file being saved more complex yet reliable Serverless
in an Amazon S3 bucket). The bus applications, therefore freeing
ingests event data from various up resources associated with
sources and takes further action build time, computing costs and
based on the rules that the user maintenance of infrastructure.

devoteam.com/techradar 81
Azure Logic Apps With nearly a hundred off-the-
Adopt shelf connectors, it also offers the
ability to create inter-application
Azure Logic Apps is a platform integration paths to implement
that allows you to create and these recommendations without
run automated workflows for development. This dual dimension
integrating various types of of analysis and implementation
apps or data across the Cloud or is what makes Celonis unique.
on-premise. Azure Logic Apps Celonis is actively developing
has an extensive list of pre- through partnerships, most
built connectors and a visual notably with ServiceNow and
designer that makes it easy to Accenture in 2021, and has since
use for developing highly scalable acquired tech companies, which
integrations with little to no code. developed real-time streaming
A workflow starts with a trigger data tools and analytics process
and can include one or more mining tools, in order to widen
actions to process the data that their platform’s capabilities. Celonis
goes through that workflow or is now valued at $13B following a
move the workflow to the next new investment in early 2022.
step. An existing app can be
saved as a template and reused
to automate deployments across Dydu
other environments. Azure Logic Assess
Apps can be used by medium
to large enterprises because it Dydu is a French software editor
supports hundreds of integrations for Conversational agents such
out of the box and it can connect as chatbot, voicebot and callbots.
modern apps to legacy apps that The solution features an algorithm
are still in production. for natural language processing
and is naturally integrated with all
popular communication channels
Celonis (WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams,
Adopt Google Chat, etc.). Compared to
competitors, the build cycle with
Celonis is a software company Dydu is much shorter because it is
that specialises in the exploration, a license-based, low-code solution
analysis, and diagnosis of business with drag-and-drop functionality
process efficiency. Based on that allows users to effortlessly
artificial intelligence machine create and manage their bots.
learning algorithms, its EMS Dydu comes with two of its own
(Execution Management System) standard knowledge bases that
solution analyses processes are a large reason the technology
during high-volume transactions is successful. One knowledge
and identifies patterns and base covers HR services and
anomalies in the data, providing payment, while the other is used
key insights for improvement. for customer service purposes.

82 TechRadar | Business Automation

Recently, Dydu has integrated live silos and enhances visibility by
chat alongside their chatbots with converging logs, infrastructure
a seamless transition between the metrics, uptime data, application
two while continuing to expand traces, user experience data,
their field of connected systems and synthetics. The platform
such as Workday. additionally enables users to ingest
data directly to Elasticsearch,
where it can be further processed,
Elastic Observability enhanced and then analysed
Adopt in Kibana, Elastic’s built-in data
visualisation dashboard, delivering
Elastic Observability is an open, end-to-end observability and
extensible solution that provides actionable insights. One of the
users with a comprehensive most popular platforms on the
view across their entire hybrid market, Elastic has been adopted
and multi-cloud ecosystem, by more than 11,000 enterprises
uniting all observability data into and was recently named a
a single, unified platform. Built Visionary in the 2022 Gartner
on the proven ELK Stack, the Magic Quadrant for Application
Elastic Observability platform Performance Monitoring (APM)
effectively breaks down data and Observability.


devoteam.com/techradar 83
84 TechRadar | Business Automation
Kryon cloud native resources in the
Assess mix, getting to the root cause of
complex issues can get tricky. An
Kryon is a Robotic Process application might be down, and
Automation (RPA) platform yet the legacy diagnostics appear
designed to support the full “green.” To detect anomalies, a
lifecycle of automation projects. dedicated observability platform
Kryon works by automatically is needed. Lightstep, which
discovering and mapping an was acquired by ServiceNow in
organisation’s systems, workflows, 2021, is a mature observability
and processes, highlighting platform that provides developers
opportunities for optimisation. and site reliability teams with a
From there, users can utilise a powerful and convenient way
low-code tool and library of pre- to monitor the health of cloud
defined actions to create “bots” native applications. For example,
to perform a range of manual users can utilise it to trace
tasks like data entry, document latency between microservice
processing, customer service, transactions—data that wouldn’t
etc., allowing for the automation otherwise be easily accessible.
of both human-assisted and Lightstep uses a distributed
autonomous processes. In tracing technology built on
addition, Kryon offers features OpenTelemetry, which was
for scheduling, monitoring co-founded by Lightstep,
and reporting, analysis, and that is an industry-standard
management, as well as widely adopted by most cloud
integration with other tools and environment vendors.

platforms, all from a centralised
console. Acquired by Nintex in
early 2022, Kryon continues to Microsoft Power Platform
expand the possibilities and Adopt
benefits of RPA and remains a
strong asset for organisations Microsoft Power Platform is a
wanting to enhance process collection of software services,
optimisation, efficiency, and apps, and connectors that enable
productivity. organisations to analyse, build
solutions and automate processes
by bringing together four key
Lightstep components: Power BI, Power
Trial Apps, Power Automate, and Power
Virtual Agents. Power BI is a suite
Regardless of size, organisations of business analytics tools for
running workloads in the data visualisation and reporting;
cloud will face difficulties Power Apps, a low-code platform
with troubleshooting if they that allows users to build custom
limit themselves to traditional business applications for data
approaches to monitoring. With collection, process automation,

devoteam.com/techradar 85
and customer relationship HR, finance, and more. Where
management; Power Automate, similar tools simply provide
which enables users to create and recommendations for common
automate workflows; and Power issues, Moveworks uses advanced
Virtual Agents, which allows users natural language understanding
to build chatbots for customer (NLU), machine learning (ML),
service, employee onboarding, and conversational AI for full-scale
and other purposes, using problem resolution including
natural language processing and intent classification, conversation
machine learning to understand handling, real-time decision-
and respond to user inputs. making, automatic resource
Overall, the Microsoft Power ingestion, and multilingual
Platform is a dynamic end-to-end support – with little to no human
solution for organisations looking intervention. The platform features
to maximise efficiency, streamline a built-in database of over 30
business processes, and make million pre-trained tickets and can
data-driven decisions. be integrated as an automated
assistant on popular business
applications such as Slack,
Moveworks Salesforce, Servicenow, etc. Since
Assess its founding in 2016, Moveworks
has grown into a market leader,
Moveworks is an innovative AI reaching a valuation of $2.1 Billion
platform that delivers automatic, and earning recognition as the
intelligent chatbot support for Best Chatbot Solution at the AI
common requests across IT, Breakthrough Awards in 2021.

86 TechRadar | Business Automation

MuleSoft RPA a set of pre-built components
Trial and integrations that allow
developers to create applications
Released in June 2022, MuleSoft with minimal code. OutSystems
RPA is a new Robotic Process provides features such as a
Automation platform developed drag-and-drop interface, a
by MuleSoft (owned by Salesforce) visual workflow designer, and
following the recent acquisition of integrations with popular tools
RPA vendor, Service Trace in 2021. and services like Microsoft Azure,
Although a young technology, Amazon Web Services, and
MuleSoft RPA promises to deliver Salesforce. Recently, the platform
the next generation in workflow has developed a new product
automation, providing no-code called OutSystems Development
capabilities to automate repetitive Cloud, which is built to develop
and time-consuming manual cloud native applications on
tasks, enhanced by the integration top of Kubernetes. It is the first
and API power of MuleSoft’s high-performance/low-code
Anypoint Platform and Composer. cloud-based development
This easy-to-use solution enables environment focused on cloud
users to automate complex native microservice application
processes and workflows across development on Kubernetes, of
any system or application, which there is no equivalent on
including disconnected legacy the market today.
systems, empowering end-to-
end automation at scale and
comprehensive support across the Rasa

RPA lifecycle. MuleSoft RPA can be Trial
used across all business areas and
is a particularly valuable addition Rasa is a business automation
to large organisations pursuing solution that allows users to build
hyperautomation for improved AI-driven chatbots, call bots, and
productivity, quality, and user virtual assistants. Rasa is built on a
satisfaction. Python framework that is divided
into two engines: Rasa NLU
(natural language understanding)
OutSystems and Rasa Core, which handles
Adopt the flow and actions. Bots built
via Rasa can be deployed on
OutSystems is a high- standard platforms such as Slack,
performance/low-code Facebook Messenger and more.
development platform for So far, Rasa’s open-source version
building and deploying custom has over 25 million downloads,
applications quickly and and they continue to invest in
efficiently, throughout the entire themselves with the creation of
dev lifecycle. It provides a visual a new offering called Rasa-as-
development environment and a-service. This premium service

devoteam.com/techradar 87
connects businesses with Rasa become the leading enterprise
professionals and offers quicker service management platform,
project building and less overall adopted by more than 21,000
time commitment. For those enterprises worldwide.
not ready to invest in the most
premium option, there is also Rasa
Pro, a step above the open-source SS&C Blue Prism
version, which allows access to Adopt
more features, extra services and
additional APIs. Founded in 2001 and coining
the term Robotic Process
Automation (RPA) in 2012, Blue
ServiceNow Platform Prism publishes a mature RPA
Adopt solution with a reputation for
robustness. Capable of handling
ServiceNow is a scalable cloud- complex processes and very
based platform that offers a large numbers of bots, offering
range of modules, workflows, an intuitive user experience and
and processes powered by valuable features like dynamic
machine learning (ML) to debugging and an unparalleled
deliver workflow automation. overview, the platform is cut out
With its comprehensive for robotic process automation
development environment and at scale. Since its acquisition in
no-code/low-code capabilities, spring 2022 by the American
the ServiceNow platform holding company SS&C, Blue
enables even non-technical Prism is also accelerating its
users to easily build, test, and development in multiple areas.
implement automated workflow Ranked again among the leaders
applications for challenges such in RPA by all analyst firms
as case management, operations (Gartner, Everest Group, IDC...),
management, and services Blue Prism claims more than
management. ServiceNow stands 2,800 customers worldwide.
out for its highly responsive
native mobile design, which
provides a versatile and intuitive UiPath
self-service experience, and an Adopt
extensible networked system for
IT and beyond (Customer Service The rise of low-code/no-code
Management, Field Service technologies has allowed people
Management, HR, etc.), that with non-technical backgrounds
enables real-time communication, to create digital products and
collaboration, and resource automate repetitive tasks
sharing, in addition to providing without the need for a full team
insightful, productivity-boosting of developers. UiPath, still the
performance analytics. Since its market leader in Robotic Process
founding in 2004, ServiceNow has Automation, allows end users in a

88 TechRadar | Business Automation

low-code environment to create and workflow automation across
what we could call “disposable” cloud and on-premises. As a low
software that is so easy to build code/no code iPaaS solution,
that one can start from scratch at Workato makes it easy for users
any moment to change direction with limited technical expertise to
or implement new features. integrate and automate complex
UiPath, therefore, allows business business logic, multilayered
teams to be more agile and lean workflows, and conditional
than ever. UiPath continues to actions. Using Machine Learning
invest in its offering by adding and patented intelligence
incremental updates instead of technology, the solution allows
opting for complete reinvention users to configure integration
like some other technologies. paths by implementing one of
These recent incremental updates more than 1000 SaaS software
have included more renewal and pre-built connectors and 500,000
support on different platforms and recipes covering workflows across
allow UiPath to stay ahead and marketing, sales, finance, HR, IT,
remain a leader in the industry. and other many other business
processes, or creating their own
integration scenarios using drag-
Workato and-drop connectors. Workato has
Adopt quickly risen to become a leader in
the market, adopted by over 11,000
Workato is an award-winning enterprises and 70,000 users
Enterprise Integration and Process across all digital integration fields
Automation platform that enables and domains including banking,

secure, code-free integration of retail, healthcare, e-commerce,
popular business applications, logistics, and more.

devoteam.com/techradar 89
CASE STUDY | Sector: Logistics/Transportation | Employees: 25,000

When tech meets IT

infrastructure revolution
How to become more agile in managing
highly sensitive data

Who is the organisation and complexity in getting accurate

what’s its context? overviews and analyses.
The organisation, which employs
What was the turning point where
25,000 internal & external
the organisation had no choice
personnel, is one of the largest
but to adopt a new strategy?
airports in the Nordic countries
and among the busiest in The lack of a global overview in a
Northern Europe. The airport single and unique solution and the
handles more than one million fact that 5 different and homemade
passengers per month travelling solutions were used for reporting
to and from 49 different countries, and tracking also prevented them
which represents 9,147,762 from identifying and collecting
passengers per year and more data outside of the software scope.
than 10,000 flights per month. The The organisation decided to use a
volume of data to manage the 3 single, out-of-the-box and easy-to-
terminals is substantial and the IT use solution that would automate
infrastructure progressively started integration and limit all manual
to show some weaknesses and activities they were handling on a
blind spots in data optimisation. daily basis: ServiceNow Discovery.

What needs did the organisation Which factors played an

face at the time? important role in the decision to
The airport was using 5 different choose ServiceNow Discovery?
sources to feed the configuration Automating data monitoring was
management database (CMDB) in the key objective of this digital
order to get an accurate overview transformation, which aimed to
of the IT infrastructure and accomplish 5 crucial goals:
dependencies. Due to the large
amount of data, the time required • Limit the number of sources
to integrate data and maintain and complexity
these sources gradually became • Build a strong foundation for the
an issue, in addition to generating CMDB

90 TechRadar | Business Automation

• Use a product that can be used • One simple, user-friendly
for future initiatives and scalable foundation that
• Have a product that is supports all teams’ activities
supported by a current vendor and offers full visibility of the IT
• Give CPH the ability to expand with
company-specific requirements • One tool that will be able to
cover 90% of present and future
What were the immediate requirements for collecting data
benefits for the organisation’s • The access to a solution providing
clients or employees? better security assessments,
reporting capabilities, service
• A ServiceNow Discovery
mapping and CSDM
implementation time of only 12
weeks from the first kick-off to • An up-to-date and accurate
go live, with the full collaboration record of devices in use with
of multiple stakeholders to keep visibility into ownership
all parties involved interested • Full automation of processes

That extra mile that made all the difference

“Implementing ServiceNow Discovery requires

cooperation with several different people, and is
not a matter of writing a lot of code. The can-do
attitude and willingness from everybody made
the implementation possible and successful.”
IT Director at the Airport

devoteam.com/techradar 91

Trust &
Inspire trust with a “cybersecurity at scale” strategy.
Understand your evolving threat landscape and
swiftly address business risks to evolve with
adequate measures and ultimate security features.


Prepare & protect against

the Post-quantum threat
What if we told you that in a few decades, a quantum
computer that is realistically robust might be able to
decrypt virtually all of today’s encrypted data on the
Internet? It’s time to be ready.

How can organisations deal with the post-quantum risk?

Quantum computers will be able to break certain types of current
cryptography that are important to enable trust in a digital economy and
that protect confidential intellectual property from being leaked. Electronic
signatures, secure key exchanges, or authentication based on Public
Key Infrastructure could all be defeated. Previously secure messaging
applications, protected websites or VPNs may also be compromised.
There is no reason to panic as quantum computers will take years to be
strong enough to break current cryptography. Still, security issues may
become relevant much earlier for organisations that need long-term
protection of data confidentiality or integrity.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently
selecting new quantum-safe cryptography standards, with the goal of
publishing standardisation documents by 2024.
Even though it is not clear when quantum computers will be ready to
break current cryptography, organisations should evaluate their risk and
start planning for the post-quantum cryptography era as the process
of defining and executing a post-quantum cryptography strategy may
take many years.

93 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

Devoteam’s Recommendation to get started on
Post-quantum Threat
There are many ways to build a quantum computer resistant
cryptosystem, but how do you know which is the best? Quantum-resistant
security should definitely use hybrid solutions that combine conventional
and quantum-ready technologies. This ensures that existing security stays
intact while adding new post-quantum cryptography techniques.
Organisations need to first assess their existing cryptosystem solutions and
proceed to build a concrete strategy that incorporates quantum computer
cybersecurity resilience into the organisation’s existing cybersecurity risk
assessments. Steps to achieve this should consider the following elements:
• Create awareness among decision makers and IT leaders to
understand what is different with new quantum-safe cryptography
and what the implications are for an organisation.
• Assess the risk to enable your organisation to understand exposures
to quantum-based cryptography attacks.
• Create strategic guidance and education to prioritise quantum-safe
initiatives for organisations tailored to organisational risk, IT strategy,
supply-chain dependencies, and ecosystem operations.
• Create a migration plan towards agile and quantum-safe
cryptography to enable organisations with modern and flexible
paradigms, such as cryptographic services.

Managing the transition once enough strategic maturity is achieved

is possible through partnerships with solution providers that offer
cryptographic agility and a proven migration path that avoids collateral
damage and lock-in situations.

Put forward by Martin Esslinger, Partner at Devoteam

devoteam.com/techradar 94
Trust & Cybersecurity
at a Glance
When the cloud first emerged, hosting systems in the
cloud rather than a data centre was considered less
secure. Recently, this concept has radically reversed;
the cloud now appears to offer superior security,
while on-premise systems become targets of a new
wave of ransomware. Experts are sparse, and most
organisations lack the resources to attract, recruit and
utilise their talent like major cloud players. This is what
keeps hyperscalers on top of ever-increasing threats.
Cybercriminal organisations grow increasingly sophisticated. They recruit,
innovate and reinvest their gains to continually increase their leverage.
It is estimated that it now takes less than an hour from the discovery of
a vulnerability to its malicious exploitation. Faced with such formidable
efficiency, small and medium-sized businesses, local authorities and critical
infrastructure institutions are facing a tough challenge.
Cloud services may be highly secure, however, they are still vulnerable
to administrative mistakes, negligence in access control, or bad
code introduced by its users, and therefore subject to security risks.
That is why TechRadar 2023 strives to prioritise cloud native security
technologies which aim to improve security posture and cyber
resilience, promote more rigorous practices, such as DevSecOps, and
compensate for skill gaps by automating incident prevention, detection
and remediation, and by implementing state-of-the-art processes for
identity and access management.
Moving forward, companies must ideally integrate two new aspects into
their cybersecurity strategy. First, a sharp increase in regulations and
compliance standards; second, are the lessons learned from the war in
Ukraine. After months of conflict, direct cyberattacks on infrastructure
were less frequent and less destructive than feared. Conversely, social
networks and deep fakes, disinformation, manipulation, harassment
and destabilisation offer attackers an excellent cost/impact ratio for
industrialisation of fraud and propaganda, with devastating effects
across our society.

95 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity


122 133
113 123
110 118 129
108 114 124
107 111 119 134
109 115 125
112 120 130
116 126
Ad 135
o pt 127


Adopt 120. Okta ↑ Trial

107. Aviatrix 121. One Identity 128. KubeClarity N
108. Checkmarx Manager N 129. Prowler N
109. Chronicle N 122. OPA (Open 130. Sigstore N
110. CryptoNext Policy Agent) N 131. Stormshield Data

111. CyberArk 123. SailPoint Security N

112. Elastic Security N IdentityNow N

113. Ermetic N 124. ServiceNow Assess

114. ForgeRock Integrated Risk 132. CrowdSec N
115. HashiCorp Vault Management N 133. Devo
116. Keycloak N 125. Tenable.ad N 134. Lacework
117. Microsoft Entra N 126. Usercube 135. Trivy N
118. Microsoft Sentinel 127. Wiz N 136. Wazuh N
119. Netskope ↑

N New addition ↑ Ascending technologies

devoteam.com/techradar 96
Aviatrix (AppSec), Checkmarx continues to
Adopt expand its Checkmarx One cloud
platform to cover all dimensions
For large international groups as of the application lifecycle: static
well as for digital startups, which code analysis (SAST), open-source
are increasingly diversifying component analysis (SCA), supply
their cloud providers, mastering chain security (SCS), API, container
multi-cloud architectures is and infrastructure code security
becoming crucial. It is necessary (IaC) and dynamic analysis (DAST).
to be able to control and monitor To bring these tools closer to
service levels (SLAs), performance developers, who are sometimes
and security policies across reluctant to use them, Checkmarx
different zones, independently also offers a self-training platform,
of the disparate tools provided Codebashing, as well as a tool that
by the providers. This explains illuminates test results, Fusion.
the growing interest in MCNS
(Multicloud Network Software)
such as Aviatrix, which overcome Chronicle
the limitations of the usual tools Adopt
in the face of this heterogeneity.
Now fully automated with Chronicle Security Operations
Terraform, Aviatrix integrates is a cloud native security
with CI/CD pipelines and enables analytics platform that enables
the deployment of an advanced detection, investigation, and
and homogeneous network and threat hunting at Google
security functionalities on different speed and scale. It provides an
clouds. In particular, Aviatrix can integrated experience with its
be the foundation for a Zero Trust three components: Chronicle
approach based on harmonised SIEM (Security Information and
security controls and governance. Event Management), Chronicle
SOAR (Security Automation
Orchestration and Response),
Checkmarx and Threat Intelligence. SecOps
Adopt teams can detect, investigate,
and respond to cyber threats
While applications remain the by leveraging Google’s cyber
primary vector for cyberattacks, intelligence. Chronicle SIEM
OWASP recently created an helps answer the usual SIEM
“insecure design” category in its legacy architecture issues, makes
Top 10 application vulnerabilities, threat hunting efficient, extends
highlighting the importance detection capabilities and limits
of integrating security into cost based on the pricing model
the development process and the log retention period.
#SecuritybyDesign. Recognised Chronicle SOAR enables SecOps
for several years by Gartner as teams to respond to cyber threats
the leader in application security in minutes, and track real-time

97 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

SOC metrics and KPIs with out-of- a community member, then the
the-box interactive dashboards. entire community is informed,
Automation is used for closing and the attacker’s IP address is
false positives and remediation automatically blocked everywhere.
sequences (block URLs on FW, The platform can be linked with
reset user credentials, delete different technologies in different
similar emails, etc.). places in the architecture, while
ingesting data coming from CTI.
It can be integrated with any
CrowdSec kind of environment, Cloud or
Assess on-premise, and only needs logs
access to get started. CrowdSec
CrowdSec is a modern, crowd- is cross-platform and it supports
based IPS (Intrusion Prevention various types of logs out of the box,
System) that detects, alerts, and and it can parse custom logs using
prevents malicious attacks. 60,000 the CrowdSec API. As CrowdSec is
machines provide data and alerts also open source, everything can
in real-time, feeding the CTI (Cyber be examined and improved by
Threat Intelligence) database. If a the community: detection rules,
threat actor is actively attacking scenarios, and log parsing.


devoteam.com/techradar 98
99 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity
CryptoNext apps, distributed workforces,
Adopt hybrid cloud workloads, and the
entire DevOps lifecycle. There
It will be a few more years before are six core products, covering
quantum computers arrive, identity security from end to end:
but the threat they represent identity management, secrets
is already here. Indeed, thanks management, privileged access,
to quantum machines, it will endpoint privilege security, cloud
be possible to break the usual privilege security, and workforce
public key encryption (RSA-2048). & customer access. Over half of
Hackers can therefore collect the Fortune 500 organisations
data today that will retain their use CyberArk to secure their
value for a long time (health most valuable assets. Having 248
data, bank data, property titles, patents and pending applications
plans...), and then wait until they worldwide and many third-party
have the ability to decrypt them. integrations, CyberArk innovates
To protect against this “harvest constantly and helps organisations
now, decrypt later” tactic, the with continuous identity threat
French startup CryptoNext has detection and protection.
developed a hybrid post-quantum
cryptographic library that allows
users to protect their data now Devo
against all types of threats. To Assess
achieve this, the CryptoNext
solution combines classical Until recently, Devo was best
and post-quantum encryption known for its main reference,
algorithms, similar to those the US Air Force, but in 2022, the
predicted by NIST for its future American publisher changed
cryptographic standard. dimension. In addition to being
ranked by Gartner as a major
player in the SIEM (Security
CyberArk Information Event Management)
Adopt field, Devo has acquired Kognos,
which automates threat hunting

CyberArk is a global leader in using AI, and above all LogicHub,


identity security, grounded in a specialist in SOAR (Security

Zero Trust and intelligent privilege Orchestration, Automation
controls. Its focus is on privileged and Response). With these
access management (PAM), acquisitions, Devo can now offer
which involves securing and a complete, cloud native solution
managing access to privileged for detection, assessment and
accounts and secrets used to automatic response to security
access critical systems and data. incidents. In other words, Devo
CyberArk offers a complete security is getting closer to its stated
solution for all identities, human ambition of automating the
or machine, spanning business SOC. Appreciated by users for its

devoteam.com/techradar 100
performance and ergonomics, the Ermetic offers SaaS solutions for
Devo platform allows the analysis better security practices. It allows
of all data sources and logs of the you to remediate access risks
company’s systems to provide and vulnerabilities, often in an
real-time visibility. automated fashion. With Ermetic,
you get granular visibility into all
cloud assets—in AWS, Azure, and
Elastic Security Google Cloud—and a way to grant
Adopt the right access to the right cloud
resources to the right entities. It
Elastic Security is an open platform even detects anomalies and has
that enables organisations to built-in remediation capabilities
prevent, detect, and respond to to enforce the principle of least
threats at speed and scale. Elastic privilege (PoLP) so that privileges
is a known player in search and reflect actual use. It is an identity-
observability, so this platform first solution that secures cloud
includes powerful features like infrastructure and entitlement
search & discovery based on management (CIEM) and cloud
natural language processing and security posture management
full-stack visibility in complex (CSPM), with a full lifecycle
environments. One key benefit approach. While all existing
of Elastic Security is its ability to solutions in this emerging market
provide real-time threat detection, are new, Ermetic offers a mature,
as well as threat hunting by industry-leading product.
leveraging machine learning. It
can detect anomalies, analyse logs
and traces, highlight correlations ForgeRock
across metrics, and make Adopt
predictions with classifications and
forecasting. Elastic Security is easy ForgeRock is an Identity and
to deploy, either on Cloud or on- Access Management (IAM)
premise. It features a user-friendly software with global reach across
interface, custom connectors, one- industries as diverse as retail,
click integrators, and community- healthcare, financial services, and
built plugins. The pricing is based government. A true leader in the
on the resources used and it’s field, it’s the industry’s only end-
independent of the deployment to-end, AI-driven platform for all
model or use case. identities (workforce, clients, etc.).
With ForgeRock, organisations
of all sizes can securely access
Ermetic their infrastructure through a
Adopt platform that’s robust, flexible,
compliant, scalable, and user-
Increased public cloud use means friendly. With ForgeRock, end-
the attack surface is growing and users benefit from multiple
new security risks are on the rise. layers of personalisable security

101 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

protocols such as passwordless Keycloak
authentication, single sign- Adopt
on, lifecycle management, API
security, consent management, Keycloak is an open-source,
legacy integration, and more. Its single sign-on (SSO) software
diversity and accessibility mean product that is used to
it can be used on-premises, secure web applications and
via the cloud, and in as-a- services by allowing users to
service environments. Since its authenticate and authorise
foundation in 2010, ForgeRock access to multiple applications
has positioned itself as the and services using a single
leader of the IAM world, making set of credentials. The security
it an essential platform for any solution includes features such
company needing to shore up as multi-factor authentication,
access protocols. user management, and social
login, as well as integrations with
popular identity providers, like
HashiCorp Vault Google and Facebook. Keycloak
Adopt consists of two components, the
Keycloak server and the Keycloak
Information system security application adapter, the former
relies on a certain amount of houses the API and UI, while the
particularly sensitive information latter houses a set of libraries.
(passwords, certificates, tokens, An open-source tool, Keycloak is
encryption keys, etc.) called widely used by organisations of
“secrets.” To prevent developers all sizes due to the ease of access
from having to know and and control given by accessory
manipulate them, which is features such as a central admin
both risky and inconvenient, and account management
HashiCorp Vault proposes to console in addition to its core SSO
centralise the management and identity functionalities.
of secrets, to automate it and
to make it both auditable and
compliant with the company’s KubeClarity

security rules. The solution covers Trial


the entire lifecycle of secrets:

dynamic generation, encryption, Developed by Cisco’s OpenClarity,
storage, access, renewal and KubeClarity is a next-generation
revocation. With Vault, secrets are DevSecOps tool for scanning,
up-to-date, protected, and only detecting, and managing
authorised and authenticated Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM)
users and applications can access and vulnerabilities of container
them, dramatically improving images and filesystems. In
the security of multi-platform addition, KubeClarity performs
application environments and fine-grained security scanning in
development productivity. both Kubernetes runtime clusters

devoteam.com/techradar 102
and CI/CD pipelines for enhanced event: why it was picked up, who
software supply chain security. did it, what, where, and when it
KubeClarity works by utilising happened. Deployment is flexible,
multiple content analysers agent or agentless, leaving no
and vulnerability scanners in gaps in coverage or visibility.
parallel and then combines The agent handles HIDS, FIM,
their output into a unified host vulnerability assessment,
result using the KubeClarity Kubernetes, containers, and
CLI. Finally, KubeClarity groups workloads security. Agentless
scanned resources (images/ handles coverage for AWS,
directories) under defined Google Cloud, and Microsoft
applications to navigate the Azure, continuous monitoring of
object tree dependencies cloud configuration, and runtime
(applications, resources, packages, threat defense.
vulnerabilities), generating a
comprehensive analysis for the
sources scanned. With its simple Microsoft Entra
and intuitive UI, users can easily Adopt
access a comprehensive list of
application-specific vulnerabilities Microsoft Entra is an Identity and
and remediations that will provide Access Management solution
insight into an organisation’s that ensures flexible access
current security posture and the and secure authentication,
steps needed to plug any leaks. regardless of location or device
type, across hybrid or multi-cloud
environments. Microsoft’s solution
Lacework offers a seamless experience
Assess and gives organisations a single
unified platform to manage
Lacework is a data-driven cloud employee, customer, or partner
native application protection access to digital assets. It
platform (CNAPP) that learns integrates with a wide range
how an environment is supposed of third-party applications and
to run and raises alerts when services, making it easy for users
it deviates. Lacework uses to access the resources they need
patented data mining and without having to remember
machine learning techniques to multiple login credentials. Entra
collect and analyse data about expands beyond traditional
the organisation’s clouds. The identity and access management
platform learns what’s normal solutions with five products:
first. Then it provides security Azure Active Directory, Microsoft
by automatically giving precise, Entra Permissions Management,
high-fidelity alerts on unusual Microsoft Entra Verified ID,
activities without relying on Microsoft Entra Workload
manual rules. Lacework has full Identities, and Microsoft Entra
context and history for every Identity Governance. Microsoft

103 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

Entra is a mature product, being tailored to current volumes and
recognised as a six-time leader in usage. Also worth mentioning
the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for from the Microsoft security
Access Management. portfolio is Microsoft 365 Defender,
the company’s integrated
XDR (extended Detection and
Microsoft Sentinel Response) suite for enterprise
Adopt user environments. Microsoft
365 Defender has unparalleled
In recent months, Microsoft has security monitoring and
invested heavily in integrating incident response capabilities,
Sentinel within its portfolio of enabling it to anticipate, detect,
security solutions and developing characterise and neutralise
new features that simplify the attacks on endpoints, identities,
work of SecOps and improve email and applications. To
their efficiency and experience. address increasingly virulent
Microsoft Sentinel helps SecOps attacks, Defender continues to
conduct investigations, set be enhanced with automated
alerts, build playbooks and containment of infected assets,
initiate remediation. Additionally, analysis-based preventive
Sentinel offers cost-effective recommendations, and visual
cloud-based log storage plans tools to facilitate investigations.


devoteam.com/techradar 104
Netskope across a single identity platform.
Adopt Okta’s technology is designed
to be neutral, meaning that
Netskope is a leader in cloud it is not tied to any specific
security, focused on SASE (Secure technology or application.
Access Service Edge) and adaptive This allows organisations to
Zero Trust, based on AI and ML. use Okta’s services with their
SASE combines security and existing systems and processes,
networking services in a cloud- rather than having to adopt
based architecture to protect new technologies or change
data and ensure reliable user their workflow. It has more
access, regardless of data and user than 7,000 integrations in the
location. Inside the global SASE Integration Network and the
offer, Netskope provides a range Auth0 Marketplace, 14 SDKs with
of security products, including language-specific libraries, and 31
Intelligent Security Service Edge API endpoints to customise user
(SSE) like Nextgen firewalling, authentication, configuration, and
Secure Web Gateway Threat access control. Okta has two main
protection, Cloud Access Security products: customer identity and
Broker (CASB) to protect against workforce identity. Key features
Shadow IT and unexpected usage include universal login, single
of unmanaged applications and sign-on, passwordless, adaptive
Private Access for Zero Trust multi-factor authentication,
Network Access (ZTNA) – a next- attack protection, and automated
gen VPN to securely connect lifecycle management.
each application individually
without any incoming flows. In
2023, Zero Trust architectures One Identity Manager
from the Cloud Security Alliance Adopt
and NIST frameworks will get
their first concrete applications, One Identity Manager is a
as customers are willing to full-stack Identity and Access
harmonise their security policies Management (IAM) platform that
for any usage (insiders and helps organisations manage and
outsiders) and for any Cloud- secure access to data, systems, and
oriented or legacy applications. applications. One Identity Manager
ensures holistic governance on
every digital identity through
Okta automated, dynamic & role-
Adopt based privilege administration,
full audit & traceability and deep
Okta is one of the world’s most integration of target systems.
trusted brands that puts identity People have access only to the
at the heart of the organisation, resources they need, and only
enabling secure apps and multi- when needed, regardless of the
cloud environments management environment: on-premise, cloud,

105 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

or hybrid. There are many benefits toolset and framework for fine-
for enterprises using One Identity’s grained control, across a wide
IAM solutions. The main strength range of technologies, in any
is its integration capability into service setting or any layer of the
multiple systems and workflows. stack. Policies can be enforced in
Privileged Access Governance is microservices, CI/CD pipelines, API
one critical example of this. It also gateways, Kubernetes, and more.
helps organisations reduce the OPA allows users to decouple and
risk of security breaches, protect offload policy decision-making
against unauthorised access to from policy enforcement. This
sensitive data, and get improved means that policies can change
visibility and control over their independently of the application
most important assets. life cycle and they can be shared
across teams and functions. OPA
is context-aware and it provides
OPA (Open Policy Agent) a high-level declarative language
Adopt that lets users specify policy as
code. When users need to make
The Open Policy Agent (OPA) is a policy decision, they can query
an open-source, domain-agnostic, OPA using structured data, such
general-purpose policy engine as JSON and it will generate a
for cloud native environments. decision after evaluating the query
It offers administrators a unified input against policies and data.


devoteam.com/techradar 106
Prowler identities and their respective
Trial accounts based on the Principle of
Least Privilege (PoLP), where the
Prowler is an open-source goal is to avoid giving excessive
security tool designed for best use access to any of the identities.
with AWS services. It performs IdentityNow is a mature cloud-
assessments and audits against based SaaS solution perfectly
more than 240 established suited for companies with a
controls and security frameworks, cloud-first approach and a robust
from CIS and ISO27001 to HIPAA security strategy. An exciting part
and GDPR, as well as AWS of this technology is that it offers
Foundational Technical Review advanced machine learning and
(FTR). As such, Prowler is key to a artificial intelligence capabilities
robust and comprehensive AWS to improve internal “Join, Move,
cloud security strategy. With Leave” lifecycle processes.
Prowler’s scans, users get visibility SailPoint also has a strong,
into the security status of all AWS efficient partner ecosystem.
services in one place. They can also
integrate it with AWS Security Hub,
Amazon’s native security posture ServiceNow Integrated Risk
management service, and take Management
advantage of the best of both tools. Adopt
The reports generated in Prowler
can be filtered by standard, type The ServiceNow platform brings
of service, region, and more – processes across all business
showing clearly if and which units – from IT operations and
resources have any compliance finance to HR and security – under
gaps. But more than that, the tool one roof. To leverage end-to-end
provides detailed information on data on the platform, ServiceNow
how to remediate them. has also expanded its original
governance, risk, and compliance
management (GRC) module into
SailPoint IdentityNow an integrated risk management
Adopt (IRM) tool that covers additional
vectors: vendor risk management,
SailPoint is the leader in the business continuity management,
Identity Governance and and continuous monitoring. It
Administration (IGA) space, which allows organisations to monitor,
is part of the larger umbrella of manage, and communicate
Identity and Access Management risks in real-time, run audits, and
(IAM) initiatives. SailPoint maintain compliance. Importantly,
IdentityNow takes care of the like the rest of the suite, the
authorisation side (as opposed to IRM is loved for its UX/UI. It can
simply authentication). It allows be deployed in as little as six
companies to automate the to eight weeks. It is enterprise-
process of creating and managing grade and used by many global

107 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

conglomerates in highly regulated Azure, or GCP can encrypt data,
industries such as banking, but the platforms hold the key and
insurance, and oil and gas. But it can ultimately access the sensitive
can also be scaled down to suit data. On the frontier of this issue,
the needs of smaller businesses. Stormshield Data Security (SDS)
is a new solution that offers
end-to-end data encryption for
Sigstore all cloud data, both in transit
Trial and at rest. SDS offers a tried-
and-tested use case for Google
Sigstore is a unique trust and Workspace that encrypts Google
security player that provides a set Drive, Google Meet, and email on
of tools to automate, sign, verify Gmail. Features include agentless
and protect software components operation, traceability, client-side
and artifacts. Designed and encryption, and integrations,
developed to address the and the product is designed to
development and source tracking be easy to implement and use.
challenges of large organisations, With Stormshield Data Security,
Sigstore enables companies to companies can maintain exclusive
standardise a secure and risk-free control over the keys and comply
chain of custody for their developer with stringent security compliance
teams and security experts. requirements.
The solution is a new project of
the Cloud Native Computing
Foundation (CNCF) and is Tenable.ad
supported by a strong community. Adopt
While Sigstore still needs to mature
to allow for better scalability, the Microsoft Active Directory remains
solution remains singular and the most widely used directory
unique in providing protocols to service, with an estimated 95% of
improve software safety through companies using it to manage
temporary keys, timestamp access to their on-premise
validation, strong authentication resources. This has made it a
via SSO and centralised signatures. heavily-targeted attack vector.

Attackers use a method called


privilege escalation to first retrieve

Stormshield Data Security privileged administrator-level
Trial credentials stored in the memory
cache. Then they leverage known
With our growing reliance on flaws and misconfigurations to
workloads and workspaces gain lateral movement across a
running on globally distributed company’s systems. Enter
public cloud infrastructures, data Tenable.ad—a solution designed
sovereignty and data security are to secure the Active Directory.
primary concerns. Sure, Tenable helps users discover and
cloud native applications in AWS, address weaknesses in any AD

devoteam.com/techradar 108
domain, reduces exposure, and Usercube
offers step-by-step remediation Adopt
guidance. What’s great is that
users can integrate it with Usercube is an IGA (Identity
existing SIEM and SOAR tools, Governance and Administration)
enabling them to feed real-time solution that enables
monitoring data to their security organisations to manage digital
team, sharpen incident response identities and automate the
initiatives, and improve security identity lifecycle management
posture as an organisation. process, including tasks such as
user onboarding, offboarding, and
role changes. Usercube creates
Trivy a repository of the organisation’s
Assess users and assets, by pulling data
from various sources, becoming
Popular among DevOps and the centralised location for
security teams, Trivy is an open- accurate and reliable information.
source scanning tool that checks This repository is powered by the
for misconfigurations and real-time movement of people
vulnerabilities in cloud native and it communicates with
infrastructures and application other programs to exchange
stacks. Trivy is maintained by organisational and hierarchical
Aqua Security and can be used to knowledge. Usercube integrates
scan Git repositories, filesystems, with HR systems and numerous
virtual machine and container third-party applications, like
images, Kubernetes clusters, AWS CRM, ERP, DMS, ITSM, or PLM.
accounts, and more. It supports Optional modules that manage
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) granular access to SharePoint
security scanning covering Docker, and network-shared files are
Kubernetes, and Terraform. The also available. Usercube can be
Trivy K8s CLI allows users to scan used in the Cloud or installed
Kubernetes cluster resources and on-premise, on Windows
generate an NSA/CISA Kubernetes virtual servers, allowing for easy
compliance report to quickly integration with cloud services, as
harden the environment. Trivy also well as legacy applications.
fits the DevSecOps methodology
as it can be integrated into
CI systems. Trivy is versatile, Wazuh
reliable, fast, user-friendly, and its Assess
vulnerability database is updated
every six hours via the associated Wazuh is a free, open-source
Aqua Security GitHub repository. security information and event
It is Red Hat certified and the management (SIEM) solution
integrated default scanner for for public and private clouds
Harbor and GitLab’s Container and on-premise data centres.
Scanning functionality. A great selling point is that it

109 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

unifies what are often separate Wiz
security functions into a single Adopt
agent and platform – covering
endpoint security, threat Wiz is a SaaS solution that
intelligence, security operations, helps organisations secure their
and cloud security measures infrastructure, detect vulnerabilities,
such as workload protection and protect against threats across
and container security. The logs different clouds (AWS, GCP, Azure,
that are ingested into Wazuh are etc.) and hybrid environments
compared against the MITRE (VMware vSphere, or Kubernetes).
ATT&CK database, which is An advanced CSPM (Cloud Security
continually being updated with Posture Manager), Wiz offers a
known and evolving adversarial range of features and capabilities
behaviour. Wazuh is an effective including asset discovery and
two-fold way to increase the inventory, security configuration
security of AWS infrastructure: assessment, threat detection and
monitoring AWS instances using response, and compliance with 35
the Wazuh agent, and monitoring compliance frameworks built-in.
AWS-based services using the Furthermore, Wiz is an agentless
Wazuh AWS module. These solution that works by scanning
complementary features allow containers and virtual machines,
users to both monitor activity before providing a complete
inside their instances and collect view of the applications and their
and analyse log data about the various cloud services (IaaS, PaaS,
infrastructure. or serverless) in a graph database.
As a highly mature and powerful
security tool that delivers robust
CNAPP (Cloud Native Protection
Platform) capabilities that offer
complete visibility of the new world
of cloud native applications, Wiz is
already a must-have.

devoteam.com/techradar 110
CASE STUDY | Sector: Financial Services | Employees: 10,000

When tech meets massive

security management in
the financial sector
How to become safer and more reliable
in identity security

Who are the organisations and most valuable assets. Many

what’s their context? enterprise institutions with
Financial and banking large IT landscapes, typically
organisations are subject to start by implementing built-
strict regulations and mandatory in security solutions provided
compliance requirements. As by the technology or platform.
a result, they must align with These solutions do not facilitate
these guidelines to conduct interoperability toward other
their business and remain technologies causing the
compliant in the marketplace, organisation to suffer from a lack
especially in terms of security of consolidated audit and access
solutions. The enormous control. It becomes difficult to
amount of money involved, delegate authority to manage
large extent of personal data, subsystems in any standardised
compliancy standards (i.e., ISO, way and avoid “security islands.”
GDPR, etc.) and ever-changing
What is the turning point where
technology adoption driven by
those organisations had no choice
a steep digital transformation
but to adapt their strategy?
requires an effective and efficient
cybersecurity strategy. To remain in control of their
data, identities and access
What needs do organisations face? management, organisations
Digital transformation, cloud seek to implement a holistic
migration, remote work and security solution within their IT
DevOps have fuelled the landscape. The key factor is the
proliferation of identities, both in ability of this solution to handle
number and type. Each identity different technologies: legacy
– whether it’s human or machine systems, hybrid solutions, SaaS
– represents a path for attackers services, etc. The primary objective
to gain access to an organisation’s of this centralisation is to have a

111 TechRadar | Trust & Cybersecurity

single pane of view for all access • Secure a distributed workforce:
controls, centralising the entire ICT The new solution must offer
technology landscape, providing broad integration capabilities and
detailed transaction audit compatibility with existing and
and reporting capabilities and future technologies. Organisations
organising for efficient security leverage these technologies to
operation. CyberArk is known as improve workflows and deploy
the most reliable and recognised new code efficiently. They often
solution in that area. lack security or have their own
mechanisms for managing
Which factors play an important security policy and access control.
role in the decision to choose A holistic security solution
CyberArk with Devoteam? tackles this issue and helps the
• Implementing the solution organisation to properly organise
and seamless change the access of their workforce.
management: It is essential
to ensure uninterrupted What are the immediate benefits
operational activities and day- for the organisation’s users?
to-day management in parallel • Reduction of exposure risks and
with the integration. The new better protection of customer
solution has to handle millions of systems and data
potential accounts and integrate
• Secured Continuous
with technology solutions
Integration/Continuous Delivery
already in use by IT teams.
(CI/CD) pipeline
Therefore, a smooth transition
is essential to effectively deploy • Centralised and secure account
CyberArk: audit/analysis of the management within a single
existing systems, training for the platform
teams in charge and support on • Alignment with regulatory
technical issues are key to this requirements for the
transition. organisation’s customers

That extra mile that made all the difference

“CyberArk offers a secure and centralised

account management platform with benefits
such as reduced exposure to risks, improved
protection of customer systems and data, secure
CI/CD pipeline, and regulatory alignment.”
Head of Compliance at the organisation

devoteam.com/techradar 112

by Digital
Accelerate your Environmental, Social and
Governance impact with digital technologies.
Build and power your ESG strategy to secure
growth and resilience in a changing
world economy.


Eco-Efficient IT: Saving

Green by Going Green
Get ready to join the green revolution and elevate
your company’s ESG standards with sustainable IT
operations! With the goal of reducing our impact on
the environment, sustainable IT is the perfect blend
of being socially responsible and fiscally smart.

Harnessing the Power of Green IT

As the clock ticks, the value of energy and resources soar higher and
higher. But fear not, by approaching IT operations with a mindful and
considered attitude, we can tackle not only climate change but also shift
the way we think about technology. With most big applications and
services now residing in the cloud, the effects may feel distant to those
using them. But we mustn’t overlook the hidden costs and impact of
these complex systems and the mountains of data they generate.
The good news is, sustainable IT operations aren’t reserved for the big
players, small businesses can join the green revolution too! It does take
a strong willpower to break old habits, but with the help of tools such as
the “Sustainability Best Practices Framework,” businesses can empower
their employees to make more sustainable choices and change their
mindset. Always remember, it’s important to do your own research and
tailor any framework to your specific needs.

114 TechRadar | Sustainability enabled by Digital

Devoteam’s Recommendation to get started on
Sustainable IT Operations
Tech for Good: Join the green movement with sustainable IT. Make
the most of all the sustainable technologies, services, and consulting
agencies that are dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of
computing. It’s time to start small and make a big difference. Set your
MDM to automatically go into energy-saving mode after 20 minutes of
non-use, use low-carbon data centers and clouds for your workloads,
and consider refurbishing your IT equipment instead of buying new.
These simple steps can help you maximise your ESG KPI and make a
significant impact on the future.
But that’s not all, being environmentally friendly and ethical is now the
need of the hour and it is not just for tree-huggers anymore. IT hardware
life cycles, including manufacturing, use and end-of-life, have significant
effects on the environment and resources. These include energy use,
greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, raw materials, and need
to be addressed for future generations. Not only will you be doing your
part for the planet, but your customers and employees will also take
notice of your commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen.
Sustainable IT Operations can help increase efficiency in the following areas:
• Cost savings come easy using energy-efficient systems, you’ll be able
to power down your electricity bill and watch your savings grow.
• Boost your reputation as a socially responsible business. As a result,
customer loyalty will soar and new business opportunities will sprout
up faster than you can say “reduce, reuse, recycle.”
• Turbocharge your productivity with sustainable IT practices. By
streamlining your operations, you’ll be able to get more done in less
time. Imagine your team working like a well-oiled machine, every
gear in perfect sync.
• Manage risks related to resource shortages and environmental
issues. Adopting sustainable IT practices can help your business stay
ahead of the game, instead of playing catch up.
• Meeting certain environmental regulations and standards
by implementing sustainable IT practices can help businesses
comply with these regulations and avoid fines and other penalties.

Sustainable IT operations = Win-Win! Save money and resources while

building a better reputation and reducing your environmental impact.
It’s time to take the first step towards a greener future for your business.

Put forward by Felix UELSMANN, Principal Consultant

devoteam.com/techradar 115
Sustainability Enabled by
Digital at a Glance
From the year 2025, covering the 2024 financial year,
approximately 50,000 European companies will be
required to publish their negative environmental and
social impact and the governance put in place to reduce
them. The report will include 84 key metrics including
climate change, diversity in leadership, and human
rights, while providing a detailed carbon footprint
analysis of emissions, including their supply chain.
This so-called “non-financial reporting” is increasingly relevant and
technologies like AI, data visualisation, business automation and
business intelligence are now vital. With compliance becoming
increasingly competitive and the spotlight on Corporate Sustainability,
many tech companies stand ready with an arsenal of new systems
to collect and consolidate data, and support reporting against
international standards.
The new standard of compliance will mean setting up processes
to automate the collection, validation and analysis of data, specific
to each business area. This will require new skills from staff, but
also specialised tools at the enterprise level. Major digital players are
positioning themselves with increasingly mature solutions. Their
presence in the 2023 TechRadar indicates that they have identified a
market, and therefore that companies are determined to act. However,
choosing and implementing such solutions requires a thorough
understanding of corporate sustainability itself.
Companies must be careful not to drown in manual reporting, but
rather focus on impact as the end goal. This necessitates putting data
into action to build new solutions, where each department is setting its
objectives and operating independently. One of the major leadership
challenges will therefore be to balance between the use of digital tools
that are specific to a department, and the centralised reporting and
disclosure of progress. New ‘sustainability enabled by digital’ tools
emerge daily, and while many of them will be gone in a few years, some
are on their way to becoming an integrated part of enterprise IT systems.

116 TechRadar | Sustainability enabled by Digital


145 149

139 142 146

140 143 Ho
s es
137 As

o pt

Adopt Trial Assess

137. Google Carbon 139. Aguaro 144. Cloud Custodian N
Assessment ↑ 140. Energisme 145. EcoVadis
138. Salesforce Net 141. Fruggr N 146. Infracost N
Zero Cloud ↑ 142. Kubecost 147. Sopht N
143. ServiceNow ESG 148. Sweep N
149. Teevity N
150. Verdikt N

N New addition ↑ Ascending technology

devoteam.com/techradar 117
Aguaro Cloud Custodian
Trial Assess

Aguaro is a green-IT solution for Cloud Custodian is a YAML-based

embedding sustainability in the governance-as-code tool offering
daily IT functions of organisations. a stateless rules engine to define
Aguaro’s product is a software and enforce various policies. While
extension for ServiceNow called use cases are most often FinOps-
My IT Footprint, a tool that helps and security-related, companies
organisations define strategy, can use Cloud Custodian to
measure usage and make enforce other kinds of compliance
improvements by breaking and consistency (e.g., resource
down silos and increasing naming and tagging consistency)
coordination. My IT Footprint across cloud environments. The
allows users to facilitate data drivers behind this open-source
collection and make collecting technology are a more secure
further data easier all while cloud environment by, for example,
automating measurement based encrypting all storage resources
on thousands of emission factors. and applying more restrictive rules
After data collection, users can on firewalls. Another advantage
tap into a detailed analysis of is that policies can be applied to
the data and get usage forecasts delete underutilised or unused
in order to predict low-carbon resources, thus reducing cloud
trajectories quantitatively. costs—perfect for enterprises with
Completely certified by a large cloud usage footprint.
ServiceNow, My IT Footprint has However, to run Cloud Custodian
natural integrations with other at scale, a platform team is needed
processes like risk management to implement the tooling, as
and innovation management the technology still lacks some
and makes it possible to capabilities in terms of tracking,
have feedback loops that fuel drift detection, and cleanup of old
continuous improvement. policies.

118 TechRadar | Sustainability enabled by Digital

EcoVadis track their production flows and
Assess overall energy consumption by
making data visible and optimising
EcoVadis is a universal sustainability usage and processes through
rating and assessment platform automating analysis and providing
that helps organisations to custom outputs on how to manage
measure and improve their multi-fluid energy performance
environmental, social, and ethical and reduce carbon footprint.
performance. Their portfolio Energisme has recently made
includes a sustainability scorecard, public its software infrastructure,
benchmark reports and tools called Loamics, which processes
which are designed to help data in a fully industrialised way
organisations understand their to make data quickly available
sustainability performance in to users. Loamics allows users to
relation to their peers and industry virutalise data in a data lake to
benchmarks. EcoVadis scores allow for data governance and
are marked from 1 to 100 and are connectivity to algorithms, and
based on a combination of self- tools for data visualisation and
reported data and third-party business intelligence without limits.
verification. EcoVadis scores are
important to present to potential
clients and partners who may Fruggr
value sustainability as a factor in Trial
deciding to do business with an
organisation. EcoVadis is a good Fruggr is a deeptech cloud
tool for organisations to measure software developed by
& track the sustainability of Digital4Better, a company
their suppliers & partners, while committed to ecological
helping in identifying paths for improvement, that offers an
improvement. eco-minded platform designed
to help enterprises reduce their
digital carbon footprint. The SaaS
Energisme platform works by automatically
Trial analysing the environmental
and social impact of digital
Energisme is a software platform applications and platforms,
that helps organisations from cities, then delivering the company’s
to buildings, to industries optimise ecological “Fruggr Score,” in
their energy consumption. The addition to daily expert-generated
infrastructure of Energisme’s tips and recommendations to
platform, called N’Gage, is designed help improve the score over time.
to evolve in complex environments These tools can be used both

and is capable of working in the development phase or in


continuously with a large amount production, however, it’s worth

of heterogeneous, real-time data. noting that Fruggr analyses
Energisme enables its clients to client-side behaviours only, with

devoteam.com/techradar 119
a focus on user experience and Infracost
devices used, but does not take Assess
into account carbon footprint on
the server side. Developed in 2021, Infracost is an open-source tool
Fruggr is a young technology with that estimates cloud cost for
the potential to be a valuable asset Terraform. One of the issues we
to enterprises looking to improve see with cloud cost is that it’s
sustainability efforts. being managed after the money
is spent. Infracost sits in the CI/
CD workflow and shows the
Google Carbon Assessment engineering teams how their code
Adopt changes are going to affect cloud
costs by leaving a comment and
No longer a buzzword for providing a detailed breakdown of
companies to use in marketing all the resources and their financial
campaigns, sustainability impact. At the same time that
practices are now a key users perform a code review for
cornerstone of any sizable quality and security, they can also
organisation’s operations. With analyse the cost of code changes.
Google’s Carbon Assessment tool, With Infracost, organisations
companies can measure, assess, can be proactive about cloud
and improve upon the carbon cost instead of reactive. It doesn’t
footprint of their Google Cloud need cloud credentials because
usage. The tool allows companies it reviews the Terraform code.
to view the gross, location-based Infracost can be integrated into
emissions from their Google any CI/CD system (GitHub Actions,
Cloud usage. Users can also GitLab, Azure DevOps, etc.).
monitor their usage over time by
project, product and even region
to help CIOs identify where they Kubecost
can become more eco-friendly. Trial
Google will even publish their
detailed calculation methodology, Controlling costs and, if possible,
enabling users to confirm that reducing them, remains a
their emissions data meet GHG fundamental issue for enterprise
(Greenhouse Gas) protocols. So, for systems. Yet, this financial aspect
any organisation that’s embarking is often a blind spot in Kubernetes
on a sustainability drive, this clusters because it is difficult
non-intrusive platform is a must. to assess and take into account
Google also offers a Google during development. Created in
Carbon Assessment tool that 2019 to meet this need, Kubecost
allows users to assess the Carbon provides a centralised, real-time
Footprint of on-premise data view of the operating costs of
centres and estimate the Carbon the various clusters. To facilitate
and cost reduction of migrating to management and billing, these
Google Cloud Platform. costs can be aggregated by

120 TechRadar | Sustainability enabled by Digital

application, team or department. box dashboards on carbon
Kubecost also provides alerts and accounting. This solution performs
recommendations to help users what-if analysis scenarios with
right-size the resources required interactive and visual ways to plan
by the pods, thus avoiding drift and forecast carbon footprint
when scaling up and achieving and save/share those outcomes.
savings from up to 30-50%. As a The External Engagement
sign of the interest in this young Management feature in Salesforce
solution, AWS has selected it as a Net Zero Cloud provides access
cost tracking and management to the Supplier data model. There
tool for EKS. are many drivers for adoption:
mandatory GHG reporting
to comply with National, EU,
Salesforce Net Zero Cloud and International regulations,
Adopt investment and financing due
diligence, stakeholder and
Salesforce Net Zero Cloud is shareholder communication,
a sustainability management staff engagement, and tenders
solution that delivers carbon requirements for business
accounting across Scope 1, contracts. Net Zero Cloud works
2, and 3. It includes access with Tableau for data visualisation,
to waste management, SBTI MuleSoft for complete integration
alignment, forecasting, analytics, into Customer 360, and Slack to
reports, audits, and out-of-the- collaborate with the stakeholders.


devoteam.com/techradar 121
ServiceNow ESG Sopht
Trial Assess

ServiceNow ESG helps Sopht is a software-as-a-service

organisations manage their solution designed to help IT
CSR programs and elevate teams drastically reduce their
their environmental, social, carbon footprint. It also helps
and governance initiatives in companies optimise costs
a structured and transparent through the measurement
manner. Organisations can of their IT infrastructure and
track and measure their ESG equipment’s environmental
performance, identify areas for impact. Although it’s a relatively
improvement, and report on their new company, Sopht have
ESG efforts to stakeholders. The already seen their solutions
solution includes features such as a successfully implemented
centralised repository for ESG data within France’s banking sector
(information on carbon emissions, and are continually expanding
water usage, and waste generation), their customer base. As an end-
tools for tracking and managing to-end platform, key services
sustainability goals, including the include multi-cloud monitoring,
ability to set targets and track IT asset management, energy
progress, integration with external usage analysis, and drawing
data sources, such as sustainability decarbonisation roadmaps. For
rating agencies, to provide a companies looking to improve
more comprehensive view of an and reduce their carbon footprint,
organization’s ESG performance, Sopht may just be the solution.
and automated reporting However, they are still growing,
capabilities. Built on the Now and so more research needs to be
platform, ESG benefits from the done before we can move them
single data model that eliminates from the “Assess” category.
information silos and uses machine
learning to reduce manual work
and improve resolution times with
intelligent automation.

122 TechRadar | Sustainability enabled by Digital

Sweep information on the cost of usage
Assess of all cloud resources (from virtual
machines to cloud native systems).
Sweep is a platform designed to Intelligently and robustly built,
track the carbon footprint of any Teevity is based on an open-
type of organisation or sector, but source solution developed by
above all it enables its users to Netflix. While mostly targeted
build long-term action plans using at organisations with significant
granular and accurate sources of cloud usage, it is also useful for
data. While other market players those with lower levels of cloud
also offer this type of carbon consumption. It can help reduce
tracking system based on global cloud and multi-cloud complexity,
and updated criteria, Sweep’s improve decision-making,
uniqueness lies in its ability to and optimise cloud resource
integrate a financial dimension consumption.
into the system, allowing full
visibility on the profitability of
ESG investments. This means Verdikt
that not only does the solution Assess
help users understand areas for
improvement, but it also helps Verdikt is a platform designed
organisations detect, analyse and to help companies align IT
evaluate sustainable business operations with their sustainable
growth, ensuring that all teams development goals. It gives
are working together with a scores and recommendations
focused and committed purpose, for actionable reduction levers
whether they are in marketing, courtesy of a methodology
RH, finance, IT, etc. based on the three pillars of
sustainability: environmental,
social and economic. With this
Teevity bridge between IT and CSR,
Assess Verdikt targets any organisation
that wants to implement a multi-
Teevity is a 5 year-old software- year plan focused on improving
as-a-service platform that helps IT environmental impact. As a
FinOps teams optimise their relatively new platform that was
use of cloud infrastructure and founded in 2020, its efficacy
platforms. It provides users with a still has to be robustly tested.
single place to view and manage While its infancy means a lack
their cloud usage while offering of quantitative data such as
data reporting, simulations, inventory, staff, etc., its foundations
and recommendations for are firm, well-designed, and quite

optimisation. It also gives user-friendly. However, more


companies the ability to research still needs to be done,

implement their own chargeback which is why organisations should
rules, as well as offering detailed continue to assess Verdikt in 2023.

devoteam.com/techradar 123
CASE STUDY | Sector: Healthcare | Employees: 40,000

When tech meets ESG

strategy effectiveness
How to become more efficient and
better track your ESG strategy

Who is the organisation and became the cornerstone of the

what’s its context? current and future ESG strategy.
Founded over a century ago,
What was the turning point
this world leading life science
organisation decided to where the organisation had no
audit and empower its data- choice but to adapt its strategy?
driven sustainability activities. With as many areas of social,
Employing more than 40,000 ethical, environmental or people
people around the world, the innovation across the group, they
need to implement a solution progressively started losing sight
that would generate accurate of the overall performance of their
KPIs and analytics on their ESG initiatives, with no possibility to
performance in terms of ESG get a comprehensive and full-scale
objectives at a global level overview of what they put into
became crucial to design a actions in terms of ESG initiatives.
successful internal ESG strategy.
This lack of insight ultimately
What needs did the organisation hindered consistent insights
face at the time? and communication about the
ESG and made it difficult to
The organisation multiplied and
access relevant data for external
extended its internal initiatives
within all its entities worldwide,
such as labs, factories and offices:
Which factors played an
avoid water waste, use only
important role in the decision to
renewable energy, limit flight
choose Alteryx and Tableau techs?
travel, drive social initiatives
supporting rural areas, ensure and • Automate data collection
measure equal opportunities to its from any source with high
employees, and strongly promote scalability: Initially connecting
diversity and inclusion into to 25 data sources of relatively
processes. Getting an overview low complexity, but growing
of these initiatives eventually to 45+ data sources spanning

124 TechRadar | Sustainability enabled by Digital

from excel sheets to DWH live What were the immediate
connections. Also, data providers benefits for the organisation’s
come from 25+ countries and clients or employees?
are both internal parties and • Capacity to drive a concrete
external affiliates. action plan aligned with the
• Enable teams to process and global long-term ESG strategy
analyse data for decision- • Assessment of effects from
making: Building on skills global sustainability activities
already present in the within 4 months
organisation, the tools enabled
it to understand current • Collecting and structuring of
performance and adjust action data input
plans to progress towards • Analysis of data and calculation
specific targets. of impact of ESG activities
• Visualisation of impact and future
intent: an internal communication
platform and external exposure
to contribute to transparency
towards vendors and stakeholders
on a specific website.

That extra mile that made all the difference

“The ability to stay on top of

the complexity from many
data sources and loads of
stakeholders while making
the reporting come alive
while we were still trying
to get our heads around
what we wanted to do was
excellent. We could not
have done it without you.”

Strategy Lead Sustainability Manager

at the organisation

devoteam.com/techradar 125


Adrien Aiert Alexander Amine Andreas

Le Maire Azueta Giesa Zairi Brust

Andrew Arnaud Arturo Azmi Bruno

Thompson Delcroix Voltattorni Sbai Tavares

Carl Céline Chris Chris Christina

Castanier Ferreira Hau Santema Lindenberg

Christophe Christos Daniel Tejada David Dirk

Olry Votskos Cereceda Quider Radde

El Mehdi Emil Eric Felix Florent

Ntayeba Tophøj Burte Uelsmann Noca

126 TechRadar
Florian Franck Franck Franz-Josef Frédéric
Meyer Besnard Wolff Leick Fleury

Fredson de Gaurav Gert Jan Hadi Hagen

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Hamadi Hervé Ine Jaganath Jan

Camara Dumas Segers Baskaran Rendl

Jason Jean-Vincent João Jörg José Luis

Quek Vallee Antunes Haubenreisser de la Fuente

Karim Katharina Kevin Koen Kuldeep

Bouami Eickhoff Quantrell-Park Pluijmen Bhati

devoteam.com/techradar 127
Laurent Laurent Laurent Luc Magali
Lajugie Letourmy Schoonheere Germain Regnault

Malek Marc Marco Màrio Martim

Rashid Schønwandt Blanca Mineiro Santos

Martin Matthieu Melis Michelangelo Miguel

Esslinger Audin Schaap Van Dam Lopes

Mustafa Nicolas Nuno Olivier Ondřej

Toroman Sarrazy Ferreira Naveau Ernyei

Palle Paramesh Pascal Patrick Peter

Simonsen Ulthi Tournillon Verswyvel Macdonald

Philippe Péter Renaud Robin Ruben

Entringer Pölös Templier Le Dru Niordson

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