Concrete SW Design Guide 2009 IBC

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Analysis and Design of Concrete Shear Wall Structures

2009 IBC, ASCE 7-05, & ACI 318-08
(Revised October 2013)

The information contained in this design guide is based upon the relevant building design codes, experience, and
discussion. It is not intended to be either absolute or all-inclusive. Rational thought and creativity are always the
responsibility of every engineer.

1. ETABS Modeling

1.1 Grid Setup/Layout

1.1.1 Grids should be used to identify/locate the following parameters:

a) Edge of diaphragm. (NTE: Simplify slab edge in model if actual layout is complicated and would cause
additional grids)
b) End of shear walls, braced frames or moment frames.
c) Corners of shear walls, braced frames or moment frames.
d) Openings in the diaphragm.
e) Additional visible lines to be used for meshing semi-rigid diaphragms.

1.2 Modeling Shear Walls

1.1.2 Walls should be modeled as shell elements and assigned a specific concrete strength (note that the concrete
strength and unit weights should be defined in the “Material Properties” menu).
1.1.3 Allow ETABS to calculate the self weight of above grade shear walls by defining the unit weight in the
“Material Properties” menu.
1.1.4 The stiffness shall be adjusted to account for cracked sections.
a) Per ACI 318-08, section 8.5.1: Ec=57,000(f’c)1/2.
b) Wall stiffness is adjusted to 70% of gross section properties by setting Ie=0.7Ig.
c) If a more refined analysis is required or if there are significant tension forces due to coupling beams then
the text “Cast-in-Place Concrete in Tall Building Design and Construction” recommends using the
following equation: Ie = [0.6+Pe/(Ag x f’c)] Ig ≤ Ig.
1.1.5 Reference the screen shot below for an example of how to adjust the wall stiffness modifiers:


1.1.6 The corners of individual wall elements should always intersect the corners of adjacent elements (i.e., adjacent
walls and diaphragms should all be connected at the same node). Otherwise the elements will not be connected.
1.1.7 Reference the following for recommended pier labeling:
a) Straight walls with no flanges should be labeled as one pier for their full height to track seismic shears and
b) The individual segments of C-Shaped, L-Shaped, T-Shaped and I-Shaped walls each need to have separate
pier labels to track shear. To track moments all of the individual segments need to have the same pier label,
which should be done in a separate model. See below for an example:

P1A P1

P1C P1

P1B P1

Pier Labeling For Shear Pier Labeling For Moment

c) Coupled shear walls should be labeled similar to how flangeless and flanged walls are labeled. The
coupled portions should not be labeled the same.
d) Coupling beams will cause seismic axial forces (compression and tension) to develop in the walls. ETABS
will determine and output these forces, but the user must be sure that these forces have been considered in
the design of the shear wall segments.

1.2 Modeling Coupling Beams

1.2.1 Coupling beams can be modeled as beam elements (i.e., frame beam) or shell elements (i.e., spandrel panels).
Beam elements will be automatically assigned beam labels by ETABS, but shell elements will require the user
to assign spandrel labels to each coupling beam.
1.2.2 Modeling as beam elements will typically result in lower demands.
1.2.3 Consider limiting depth to the maximum depth that does not require diagonal reinforcing.
a) Per ACI 318-08, section clear span – to – height, ln/h ≥ 2.
1.2.4 The stiffness shall be adjusted to account for cracked sections.
a) Per ACI 318-08, section 8.5.1: Ec=57,000(f’c)1/2.
b) Crack link beam stiffness per “Cast-in-Place Concrete in Tall Building Design and Construction” using
the following equations:
Ie = 0.4Ig/[1+3(h/ln)2] For Diagonally Reinforced Beams
Ie = 0.2Ig/[1+3(h/ln)2] For Conventionally Reinforced Beams
c) Reference the screen shot below for an example of how to adjust the coupling beam stiffness modifiers:


1.2.5 Reference section 4.3 for a discussion about coupling beam shear force redistribution.

1.3 Modeling Diaphragms

1.3.1 Diaphragms should be modeled as membranes. Membrane elements have infinite out of plane stiffness.
1.3.2 Diaphragms can be modeled as infinitely rigid diaphragms or as semi-rigid diaphragms where the slab’s actual
in-plane stiffness is used.
1.3.3 For regular shaped, above grade floor plates, the use of rigid diaphragms is acceptable and will simplify the
calculations ETABS must perform.
1.3.4 Floor plates with rigid diaphragms assigned to them should be defined as non-structural diaphragms in ETABS,
used to define diaphragm and mass extent only.
1.3.5 For irregular L-Shaped, T-Shaped, or C-Shaped floor plates or for floor plates with large re-entrant corners,
rigid diaphragms may not accurately distribute the diaphragm forces into the shear walls and semi-rigid
diaphragms may be required. In addition, it may be necessary to use semi-rigid diaphragms at or below grade
to “soften” the affects of shear reversal.
1.3.6 For semi-rigid diaphragms, ETABS will auto mesh the diaphragm to existing Grid lines. Care should be taken
to ensure that each wall corner and wall end corresponds to an intersection of the diaphragm mesh.
1.3.7 If semi-rigid diaphragms are used the stiffness should be adjusted to 80% by setting Ie=0.8Ig.
1.3.8 Reference the screen shot below for an example of how to adjust the diaphragm stiffness modifiers:


1.4 Modeling Mass

1.4.1 Use “add additional area mass” command to specify diaphragm and superimposed mass at each level. Note that
the units are in Weight (psf) / g (i.e. 125psf / 32.2 ft/sec2). NTE: Verify that the additional loads are input under
the correct units shown in the lower right hand corner.
1.4.2 Mass should include the effective seismic weight as defined in ASCE 7-05 section 12.7.2 (i.e., slabs, partitions,
columns, curtain walls, topping slabs, planters, soil, mechanical equipment, heavy snow, storage, etc.).
a) Note that unbalanced heavy skin loads (i.e. brick veneer, pre-cast, stone) can have a significant effect on
torsion. Consider modeling these masses as line loads at the perimeter. Discuss this option with the
PM/PIC prior to starting design.
b) Allow ETABS to calculate the shear wall mass.
c) Lump any mass associated with penthouse framing into the “additional area mass” at the roof level.
1.4.3 Always do a hand calculation of the buildings mass to compare with the ETABS calculation to assure no
modeling errors were made. Create a separate model with all walls having zero unit weight for this check.

1.5 Modeling Below Grade Diaphragms and Walls

1.5.1 The seismic base of the structure should be determined first. This would be the level at which the majority of
the perimeter, on all sides, is at or below grade. Discuss the location of the seismic base with the PM/PIC prior
to starting design.
1.5.2 Below grade parking levels should be modeled with the basement walls included to accurately track the seismic
forces down to the foundation.
1.5.3 Shear reversals in the full height shear walls are common and will often control a wall’s shear design and the
diaphragm design at the level where basement walls begin.
1.5.4 Typically the shear and moments decrease in the full height walls as you drop through parking levels.
1.5.5 The diaphragms for the levels at and below grade should be modeled as zero-mass, semi-rigid diaphragms.
This will “soften” the shear reversal that may occur when basement walls are added.
1.5.6 The stiffness of these diaphragms should be adjusted to 80% by setting Ie=0.8Ig. Reference section 1.3.8 for
additional information on stiffness modifiers.
1.5.7 All shear walls and basement walls below grade should be defined as zero-mass.

1.6 Determining Spectral Accelerations

1.6.1 In the IBC the spectral accelerations are determined using the mapped spectral response accelerations for short
and long periods SS and S1. This information is available through the USGS website and is often listed in the
geotechnical report.
1.6.2 When using the USGS websites the coefficients should be determined using the site’s latitude and longitude
rather than the zip code. In many areas the accelerations can vary significantly in one zip code area. Google
Earth is a useful tool for converting addresses to latitude and longitude.
1.6.3 SS and S1 are used to determine the design spectral response parameters SDS and SD1 which consider the ground
motion and the site conditions (reference ASCE 7-05 11.4.3 and 11.4.4). The coefficients Fa and Fv are
determined in ASCE 7-05, Tables 11.4-1 and 11.4-2.

1.7 Determining Static Seismic Loading

1.7.1 The static base shear will be determined by ETABS. A hand/spreadsheet calculation should be performed to
verify that the base shear is correct. The DCI Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure spreadsheet should be used
for this.
1.7.2 The static base shear is determined using the Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (ELF) per ASCE 7-05, section
12.8. Note the 2009 Seattle Building Code (SBC) has modified equation 12.8-5 to read CS = 0.044SDS >= 0.01.
1.7.3 The importance factor, I, is based on occupancy and is determined from ASCE 7-05, Table 11.5-1. Note that for
any structure with an occupancy load of greater than 5,000 the importance factor is 1.25. For large structures,
the occupancy should be verified with architect prior to design.


1.7.4 The response modification coefficient is determined from ASCE 7-05, Table 12.2-1. A building frame system
with an R value equal to 6 is used where tied column elements are detailed at the ends of the shear walls,
capable of carrying the gravity loads. Note that the slab system and/or beams and girders must be capable of
spanning between these elements.
1.7.5 A bearing wall system with an R equal to 5 should only be used where boundary elements are not required or
where tied column elements are not provided at the ends of the wall.
1.7.6 Verify the building system and resulting R-factor with the PM/PIC prior to starting design.
1.7.7 The period of the structure, T, is determined by ASCE 7-05, section 12.8.2. Reference section 1.9 for building
period limitations and requirements.

1.8 Determining Dynamic Seismic Loading

1.8.1 ETABS will create the response spectrum based on seismic coefficients, SDS and SD1, which are input by the
1.8.2 Response spectrum cases should be defined for loading in both principal directions. The initial scale factor
should be set to 32.2/R for each direction in kip-ft units. The output with this scale factor represents the actual,
elastic, dynamic response. This load case will be used as a baseline to determine response spectrum scale
1.8.3 For shear wall design the response spectrum base shears must be scaled up to 85% of the static base shear as
required per ASCE 7-05, section 12.9.4. The initial response spectrum base shears cannot be scaled down to
85% of the static base shear. After forces are scaled, verify that the correct base shear is obtained in the Story
Forces table. Additionally, ensure enough modes are used for 90% mass participation in the model.
1.8.4 For nonparallel structural systems (horizontal irregularity type 5) a third response spectrum case is required, per
ASCE 7-05, section 12.5.3, which combines the responses from the two principal directions. This case is also
required for intersecting walls in seismic design categories D through F where the axial load due to seismic
forces exceeds 20% of the axial design strength of the wall, per ASCE 7-05, section 12.5.4. For these cases, the
response spectrum may be combined using 100% of the response from one direction plus 30% of the response
from the other direction. These load combinations should be set up as separate load cases in ETABS. The
response spectrum scale factors for these load cases should be the same as for the independent load cases.
1.8.5 DCI recommends the following Response Spectrum and Load Combination Naming Convention:
Response Spectrum Parameters
Scale Factor
ID Description (units = k-ft)
RSX Response Spectrum in the X-Direction 32.2*I/R
DRIFTX Response Spectrum in the X-Direction to calculate drift 32.2*Cd/R
RSXSCA Response Spectrum in the X-Direction (Scaled) 32.2*I/R * SF
RSXSCATOR Response Spectrum in the X-Direction including 5% Eccentricity (Scaled) 32.2*I/R * SF
RSY Response Spectrum in the Y-Direction 32.2*I/R
DRIFTY Response Spectrum in the Y-Direction to calculate drift 32.2*Cd/R
RSYSCA Response Spectrum in the Y-Direction (Scaled) 32.2*I/R * SF
RSYSCATOR Response Spectrum in the Y-Direction including 5% Eccentricity (Scaled) 32.2*I/R * SF
* SF = Base shear Scale Factor determined after initial ETABS run.
Load Combination Parameters
ID Description Combo Type
ECCX30Y 1.0*RSXSCATOR combined with 0.30*RSYSCA ABS
ECCY30X 1.0*RSYSCATOR combined with 0.30*RSXSCA ABS
1.9 Period Limitations
1.9.1 The approximate fundamental period, Ta, is determined from ASCE 7-05, section and is a function of
the structure’s height and lateral force resisting system.
1.9.2 For straight, uncoupled shear walls check Ta using ASCE 7-05, eqn. (12.8-9) and use the higher Ta for analysis.


1.9.3 ETABS will determine the structure’s actual fundamental period through a more complex analysis. Reference
1997 UBC, section 1630.2.2, Item 2 for the equation.
1.9.4 Per ASCE 7-05, section 12.8.2 the upper limit on the structure’s period is Cu x Ta, where Cu is a coefficient
taken from ASCE 7-05, Table 12.8-1. ETABS applies this factor automatically when determining static base

1.10 Drift Determination

1.10.1 Story drifts should be determined using the un-scaled response spectrum load cases described above in section
1.8.2. These drifts represent the elastic response story drifts.
1.10.2 Per ASCE 7-05, section 12.8.6 these elastic drifts need to be amplified by a factor, Cd, which is found in ASCE
7-05, Table 12.2-1.
1.10.3 For torsionally irregular buildings the story drifts should be determined at the extreme edges of the floor plates.
If there is no torsional irregularity it is acceptable to determine the story drifts at the center of mass of the
1.10.4 The allowable story drift is determined from ASCE 7-05, Table 12.12-1 and is a function of the Seismic Use
Group and lateral force resisting system.
1.10.5 If you are using a strictly static analysis, note that when calculating drifts the upper limit on the period per
ASCE 7-05, section 12.8.2 need not apply and the lower bound base shear per Equation 12.8-5 can also be

1.11  Determination
1.11.1 The redundancy factor  is determined from ASCE 7-05, section 12.3.4.
1.11.2  can be taken as either 1.0 or 1.3 depending on the requirements of ASCE 7-05, sections and
1.11.3  must be determined for the entire building height, not just the lower 2/3 as in previous codes.
1.11.4  may be taken as 1.0 for drift calculations, anchorage and collector design, and design of architectural
1.11.5 The IBC is silent on the issue of using  for foundation design.  should be used for the design of spread
footings, mat slabs, or pile caps supporting shear walls.  may be taken as 1.0 for checking soil bearing or pile
1.11.6 See DCI Design Advisory C-1 for a discussion of  determination for a punched/coupled shear wall system.

1.12 Irregularities
1.12.1 ASCE 7-05, Table 12.3-1 describes the horizontal structural irregularities, lists the applicable seismic design
categories, and indicates the reference sections for each irregularity.
1.12.2 ASCE 7-05, Table 12.3-2 describes the vertical structural irregularities, lists the applicable seismic design
categories, and indicates the reference sections for each irregularity.
1.12.3 In most cases, buildings with torsional irregularities are acceptable as long as the diaphragm – to – shear wall
connections have been designed for increased forces according to ASCE 7-05, section
1.12.4 Per ASCE 7-05, section, structures with extreme torsional irregularities, extreme soft stories, or weak
stories are not permitted in Seismic Design Categories E and F.
1.12.5 Shear wall structures over 160ft in Seismic Design Categories D and E must meet some additional regularity
requirements per ASCE 7-05, section

1.13 Accidental Torsion

1.13.1 Per ASCE 7-05, section the mass needs to be offset by 5% in each principal direction to account for
accidental torsion.
1.13.2 The torsional amplification factor (Ax) need not be applied when a dynamic analysis is performed per ASCE 7-
05, section 12.9.5.
1.13.3 ETABS provides the option to include 5% accidental torsion for both static and dynamic load cases. DCI
recommends using this option as described in section 1.8.5.


a) Another option is to create a separate ETABS model for each mass offset direction. The above grade floor
plates are physically moved the 5% offset dimension in each model. Rigid diaphragms need to be re-
assigned and the dynamic forces need to be re-scaled for each model.
b) A third option, when rigid diaphragms are used, is to apply an externally applied moment or force couple
to each story to account for accidental torsion. If this method is used it is possible to define different load
combinations for each offset direction and have ETABS provide an envelope solution for the shear wall
design forces, all within the same model.

1.14 Determining Design Forces

1.14.1 The design shears, moments, and axial loads can be viewed in ETABS graphically or in table form.
1.14.2 For each wall pier or coupling beam, the design seismic forces should be the maximum forces (including the
effects of accidental torsion and combined forces as described in sections 1.8.4 and 1.13.3).
1.14.3 The shear in walls will often reverse at levels where shear walls or basement walls are added. In the dynamic
load cases all forces are absolute values so this load reversal will not show up. The static load cases should be
reviewed to see if the shear is reversing in any walls.
1.14.4 Axial seismic loads will be present, and need to be addressed, for any shear walls linked together by coupling
beams. In the dynamic load cases the seismic axial loads will all show up as positive values. It should be noted
that these loads can act as tension or compression loads depending on the direction of the seismic loading.
1.14.5 Reference section 1.1.7 for a discussion about labeling C, T, and L shaped walls for shear and moment

1.15 Wind Design

1.15.1 Wind design may control for high-rise structures with large periods and for structures in low or moderate
seismic regions. It should be verified that wind is not controlling prior to design.
1.15.2 If wind is controlling, in low or moderate seismic regions, consider modifying the lateral system to ordinary
reinforced concrete shear walls. This will raise the seismic base shear due to the higher R value, but will reduce
the amount of special seismic detailing required. Per ASCE 7-05, Table 12.2-1, ordinary reinforced concrete
shear walls are permitted in Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C.

2. Shear Wall Design

2.1 Preliminary Quick Checks

2.1.1 Ensure that the ETABS model is “running properly” based on the previous modeling information.
2.1.2 Quick Check - Do the walls and coupling beams work? (if not you may need to modify the wall layout,
thickness, f’c, etc.)
a) Vu/ ≤ 8 Acv√f’c – Check that all walls meet this requirement for worst-case load combination.
b) Vu/ ≤ 6 Acv√f’c – Check that all coupling beams meet this requirement for worst-case load combination
(note that the code allows a coefficient of 10, but it gets very difficult to detail all of the reinforcing once
you get above 6).

2.2 Shear Design

2.2.1 Shear walls shall be designed for shear in accordance with ACI 318-08, section 21.9.
2.2.2 DCI shear wall design spreadsheet should be used as a design aide. Note that the spreadsheet considers strong
axis only when designing for shear (i.e. out of plane strength has been ignored). The following is a description
of the calculations and methodologies used in the shear design spreadsheet.
2.2.3 The shear wall shall be designed such that Vu ≤ Vn.
a)  = 0.60 (If shear strength is greater than the shear corresponding to development of the nominal flexural
strength of the member then  = 0.75) per ACI 318-08, section 9.3.4(a).
b) Shear strength, Vn = Acv(c√f’c + tfy) per ACI 318-08, section


 Where c is 3.0 for hw/lw ≤ 1.5, is 2.0 for hw/lw ≥ 2.0, and varies linearly 3.0 and 2.0 for hw/lw
between 1.5 and 2.0.
 Where is 1.0 for normal weight concrete (reference ACI 318-08, section 8.6.1 for other
c) Vu/ ≤ 8 Acv√f’c (For all wall piers sharing a common lateral force) per ACI 318-08, section
 Where Acv is the gross area of concrete bounded by web thickness and length of section.
d) Vu/ ≤ 10 Acw√f’c (For any one of the individual wall piers in a group) per ACI 318-08, section
 Where Acw is the area of concrete section of the individual pier considered.

2.3 Shear Detailing

2.3.1 Shear walls shall be detailed for shear in accordance with ACI 318-08, section 21.9.
2.3.2 Distributed web reinforcing ratios, l and t, shall be ≥ 0.0025 (except when Vu < 2Acv(√f’c), then reference
ACI 318-08, section 14.3 for requirements) and the spacing shall not exceed 18” o.c. per ACI 318-08, section
a) Where l is the ratio of area of distributed longitudinal reinforcement to gross concrete area perpendicular
to that reinforcement.
b) Where t is the ratio of area of distributed transverse reinforcement to gross concrete area perpendicular to
that reinforcement.
2.3.3 Provide a minimum of two curtains of shear reinforcing when Vu > 2Acv(√f’c) per ACI 318-08, section
2.3.4 Continuous reinforcement in the shear wall shall be developed or spliced in accordance with ACI 318-08,
2.3.5 In shear walls where hw/lw < 2.0 (i.e., short, squat walls), l shall not be less than t per ACI 318-08, section
2.3.6 In shear walls with boundary elements the horizontal wall web reinforcing shall be anchored to develop the
specified yield strength fy within the core of the boundary element per ACI 318-08, section Therefore,
ensure that the horizontal shear reinforcing is fully developed into each boundary element via a straight bar
development length, standard hooked bar development length, or terminator. Note that DCI’s “Shear Wall
Reinforcing Lap Splice Schedule” decreases the required lap length based on a minimum of 1.5” of clear cover
and does not increase it by 1.25 in accordance with ACI 318-08, section requirements. Reference
section 2.6.5 for a more detailed description of the lap schedule.

2.4 Flexural Design

2.4.1 Shear walls shall be designed for flexure in accordance with ACI 318-08, section 21.9.
2.4.2 Typically the SP Column software (or PCA Column) is used for flexure design.
2.4.3 The effects of shear wall flanges shall be included in design. It is overly conservative to design the walls for
flexure as individual straight wall segments. The effective flange width shall be taken as the smaller of one-half
the distance to an adjacent wall web or 25% of the total wall height (i.e., height above the level that is being
designed) per ACI 318-08, section
2.4.4 Shear walls other than straight walls shall be designed as biaxial members where the worst case strong-axis
moment is combined with the weak-axis moment and axial force of the same load combination and vice-versa.
(The worst case strong axis moment need not be combined with the worst case weak-axis moment as they
usually will not occur simultaneously)
2.4.5 Flexural Load Cases per ASCE 7-05, sections 2.3.2 and
a) (1.2 + 0.2SDS)D + QE + 0.5L (Typically produces the worst-case axial load which controls the boundary
element design.)
 Note: If L > 100psf (or if it is a parking garage load), 0.5L shall be 1.0L
b) (0.9 – 0.2SDS)D - QE (Typically produces the least amount of resisting dead load which usually controls
the flexural design. However, it is a good idea to check both of these load combinations in the SP Column
flexural analysis.)
c) Direction of Loading per ASCE 7-05, section 12.5 and section 1.8.4.


 For seismic design categories (SDC) C thru F all structures with horizontal plan irregularity Type
5 need to be designed for 100% of the load in one direction combined with 30% of the load from
the other direction.
 For SDC D thru F structures with intersecting shear walls that are subjected to axial forces greater
than 20% of the axial design strength also needs to be designed for 100% / 30%. This requirement
should not be applied to straight walls.
 The SRSS load combination can also be used in place of the 100%/30% requirement.
d) Note that in low seismic regions and for high-rise flexible buildings the load combinations including wind
loads need to be checked as well.

2.5 SP Column (PCA Column) Analysis

2.5.1 General Information Input:
a) General information (project name, wall ID and location).
b) Select the appropriate code.
c) Select the “Biaxial” option in the “Run Axis” box (not necessary for straight walls).
d) Select the “Investigation” option in the “Run Option” box.
e) Consult with the PM/PIC before considering slenderness effects.
2.5.2 Material Property Input:
a) Input the appropriate concrete strength (fc’) and reinforcing steel strength (fy).
2.5.3 Section Input:
a) Input size for straight, rectangular walls or use the “Irregular” option for any complex shapes (i.e., anything
other than a rectangle)
b) You can enter the irregular shape coordinates by hand or import them (via a text file created using DCI’s
spreadsheet) with the options in the “File” drop down menu.
c) Note that you can add openings to your wall section (to be described later) once inside the “Irregular”
section window.
2.5.4 Reinforcement Input:
a) Input desired section reinforcing for all shapes using the “Irregular Pattern” option.
b) You can enter the reinforcing coordinates by hand or import them (via a text file created using DCI’s
spreadsheet) with the option in the “File” drop down menu.
c) Pay close attention to the reinforcing layout at wall intersections (i.e., corners and T-shapes), because
typical spacing may not always apply.
2.5.5 Slenderness Input:
a) Consult the PM/PIC before using this option (note that the option will not even be available unless it was
selected during the general information input).
2.5.6 Loads Input:
a) Input all loads under the “Factored” option (we typically use spreadsheets to tract the factored load cases as
noted in section 2.4.5).
2.5.7 Solve/Execute:
a) Run analysis and check demand-capacities ratios and increase reinforcing if necessary.

2.6 Boundary Element Design

2.6.1 Boundary elements shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318-08, section 21.9.6 which provides two
methods for determining if boundary elements are required.
a) Option 1 follows a displacement-based approach, which assumes that special boundary elements are
required to confine the concrete where the strain at the extreme compression fiber of the wall exceeds a
critical value when the wall is displaced to the design displacement.
 In this case, boundary elements are required if c ≥ lw / (600*u/hw) where u/hw shall not be <
0.007. The value for c can be attained using SP Column or equivalent per ACI 318-08, section


b) Option 2 (most common) considers that the wall is acted on by gravity loads along with the maximum
shear and moment induced by earthquake loading in a given direction. Therefore, the compressed
boundary resists the tributary gravity load plus the compressive resultant associated with the bending
 In this case, boundary elements are required where the maximum extreme fiber compressive stress
(corresponding to load combinations that include earthquake effects, E) exceeds 0.2f’ c as per ACI
318-08, section
2.6.2 Reference ACI 318-08, section where special boundary elements are required by either option 1 or 2
a) The length of boundary elements shall be no less than c – 0.1lw or c/2 per ACI 318-08, section
b) Boundary elements in flanged sections shall extend a minimum of 12 inches into the web per ACI 318-8,
c) Transverse reinforcement for boundary elements shall meet the requirements of ACI 318-08, sections through, except Eqn. (21-4) need not be satisfied and the transverse reinforcement spacing
limit of shall be one-third of the least dimension of the boundary element per ACI 318-08,
d) Extend special boundary element transverse reinforcement at minimum of 12” into the foundation per ACI
318-08, section
2.6.3 Reference ACI 318-08, section where special boundary elements are not required by either option 1 or
2 (above):
a) Note that shear walls in a building frame system (i.e., R = 6) will require boundary elements regardless of
lateral forces. However, the boundary elements in these cases are designed as “column elements” that have
been designed to resist any combination of both gravity and lateral forces.
2.6.4 If boundary elements are required consider using a minimum wall thickness of 12” for constructability.
2.6.5 DCI’s “Shear Wall Reinforcing Lap Splice Schedule” decreases the required lap lengths based on a minimum of
1.5” of clear cover and does not increase it by 1.25 in accordance with ACI 318-08, section
requirements. Consider including this schedule on each shear wall elevation sheet. The 1.5” of clear should be
specified for all shear wall reinforcing and not just to the ties in a boundary element. For shear walls designed
without boundary elements the designer should only use the “Shear Wall Reinforcing Lap Splice Schedule” if
1.5” clear has been specified on the drawings.
2.6.6 In boundary elements where #14 or #18 bars are used, consider spacing these bars at 8” o.c. with the distance
from edge of concrete to center of bar equaling 4”. This is to ensure that the boundary remains constructible as
these bars require large couplers. The couplers shall be staggered a minimum of 24” to avoid congestion. All
other bar sizes shall be spaced at no less than 6” o.c.
2.6.7 All couplers and mechanical splices shall conform to ACI 318-08, section 21.1.6.
2.6.8 Terminators may be used on #14 and #18 bars at the foundations to decrease the embedment depth required.
2.6.9 Typically Lenton Couplers and Terminators are specified unless a substitution is requested.

2.7 Flexural Detailing

2.7.1 Distributed vs. bundled flexural reinforcement? Discuss each option with the PM/PIC prior to starting design.
Distributed reinforcement tends to have about 10% more steel then bundled and therefore is less efficient.
a) Bundled flexural reinforcement is the most common.
b) Distributed flexural reinforcement is generally used for buildings analyzed using the performance based
design method as it simplifies the modeling.
2.7.2 Bar cut-offs shall be designed per ACI 318-08, sections and 12.10.3. This requirement will result in
extending the flexural reinforcing one or sometimes two stories higher than where it is required by analysis
depending on the length of the wall.

2.8 Link Beam Design

2.8.1 Link beams shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318-08, section 21.9.7.
2.8.2 Conventionally reinforced link beams shall be used if ln/h > 4 per ACI 318-08, section
a) Where: ln = link beam span, h = link beam depth.


b) Conventionally reinforced link beams shall satisfy the requirements of ACI 318-08, section 21.5. This
includes designing the transverse reinforcement for the shear associated with the maximum probable
moment (Mpr) of the member.
c) Vu/ ≤ 6 Acv√f’c – Check that all coupling beams meet this requirement for worst-case load combination
(note that the code allows a coefficient of 10, but it gets very difficult to detail all of the reinforcing once
you get above 6).
2.8.3 The current code gives the engineer the choice of conventional or diagonal link beam when ln/h values fall
between 2 and 4; however, ACI feels strongly that diagonally reinforced coupling beams perform better in
seismic events. However, they are more difficult and expensive to build. Therefore, discuss these options with
PM/ PIC prior to designing link beams.
2.8.4 Diagonally reinforced link beams shall be used if ln/h < 2 and Vu > 4√f’c per ACI 318-08, section
a) The shear strength of diagonally reinforced link beams is determined by Vn = Vu/ = 2Avdfysin and shall
be less than 10 Acp√f’c per ACI 318-08, section
b) The horizontal component of the diagonal reinforcing as well as horizontal top, bottom and side bars shall
be assumed to contribute to the moment strength of the coupling beam.
c) ACI provides two options for confining the diagonal reinforcing per sections (c) and (d). DCI
recommends that section (d) be used as it greatly increases the constructability of the beam.
d) Constructing diagonally reinforced beams is extremely difficult in walls 18” wide and narrower. Consider
using 24” wide walls as a minimum with diagonally reinforced coupling beams.
e) To ease in construction, consider using four bars in each group of diagonal bars. To increase capacity,
grade 75 can be specified for the diagonal reinforcing if enough tonnage is used throughout the project.
See advanced topics below for further discussion on grade 75 reinforcing.
f) Terminators may be specified for the diagonal reinforcing bars to ease in construction and where there is
not enough wall length to develop the bars.
g) ACI 318-08 modifies the development length requirements for shear walls and coupling beams by
multiplying the development length of chapter 12 by a factor of 1.25.

2.9 Slab / Shear Wall Connection Design

2.9.1 The transfer of seismic forces from the diaphragm to the shear walls shall be achieved through shear friction
and/or by tension/compression drag struts.
2.9.2 Shear Friction – Slabs cast monolithically with the shear walls.
a) The connection of the diaphragm to the shear walls through shear friction is achieved through top
reinforcing dowels. Additional capacity can be achieved from added bottom reinforcing dowels.
b) The designer should also check the shear friction capacity of the horizontal construction joint from the
shear wall to the slab. Use all field steel and the boundary element steel from one end of the wall only for
this calculation.
c) The shear strength provided by this connection is Vn = AvffyperACI 318-08, section Where Avf
is the area of shear friction reinforcement and  is the coefficient of friction in accordance with ACI 318-
08, section For slabs poured monolithically with the walls  is equal to 1.4. For concrete placed
against hardened concrete not intentionally roughed  is equal to 0.6.
d) Be sure to check the maximum allowable shear friction values per ACI 318-08, section 11.6.5.
2.9.3 Shear Friction – Shear walls built ahead of the slab (i.e., jumped core).
a) The connection of the diaphragm to the shear walls through shear friction is achieved through top and
bottom reinforcing dowels. A shear key should also be specified for additional capacity.
b) PT anchors shall be placed at “d” away from the face of the shear wall.
2.9.4 Tension and Compression Drag Struts
a) Where the transfer of the diaphragm forces to the shear walls through shear friction alone is not sufficient,
tension and/or compression drag struts shall be used.
b) All collectors/drag struts shall be designed for  per ASCE 7-05, section
c) Drag struts used in compression with stresses exceeding 0.2f’c (0.5f’c for forces amplified by omega 
shall have a minimum of four bars and transverse reinforcement shall be provided in accordance with ACI
318-08, sections and


d) Drag strut force can be assumed to vary linearly from zero at the diaphragm edge to a maximum at the
shear wall. The length of the drag strut can be cut off where no longer required.
e) The use of post-tensioning to resist drag forces can be considered.
2.9.5 Reference “Concrete Slab Seismic Resisting Collector – Design Examples” by the SEAONC Seismology
Committee for an advanced discussion on slab / shear wall connection design. This document is available on
the DCI Intranet.

2.10 Diaphragm Design

2.10.1 Diaphragm forces at each level shall be determined in accordance with ASCE 7-05, section or from
the ETABS output.
2.10.2 The diaphragm force need not exceed 0.4SDSIwpx but shall not be less than 0.2SDSIwpx.
2.10.3 For structures having plan irregularities type 1, 2, 3, or 4, or vertical irregularity type 4, the design forces from
ASCE 7-05, section 12.8.1 shall be increased by 25% for connection of diaphragms to vertical elements and
collectors and for the connection of collectors to vertical elements.
2.10.4 The transfer of shear through the diaphragm from discontinuous elements shall be added to those determined
per ASCE 7-05, section
2.10.5 The diaphragm shall be designed to span from lateral element to lateral element with the force being applied as
a line load.
2.10.6 The diaphragm chord stresses should overcome the P-T pre-compression prior to adding any chord reinforcing.
2.10.7 The shear strength of the diaphragm should be checked in accordance with ACI 318-08, section

2.11 Footing / Pile Cap Design

2.11.1 Per ASCE 7-05, section 12.13.4, the foundations of structures designed using a static analysis shall be permitted
to be designed for 75% of the foundation overturning design moment. Structures designed using a dynamic
analysis shall be permitted to be designed for 90% of the foundation overturning design moment.
2.11.2 Reference section 1.11.5 for discussion on the use of  in footing/pile cap design.
2.11.3 Mat Foundation Design
a) Ram Concept can be used to design complex mat foundations.
 Contact the geotechnical engineer allowable bearing capacity and for recommendations on an
appropriate subgrade modulus (typical range is 100 to 250 pci).
b) Mat foundations should be sized such that the bearing capacity is not exceeded using un-factored seismic
loads in all load combinations. Spikes in the bearing pressure that exceed the allowable can usually be
justified via load redistribution. Ideally the footing should be large enough such that the eccentricity of the
applied loads falls within the kern (L/6). Where the eccentricity is larger than the kern the footing should
be designed with no net tension in the soil. If overturning is a problem the footing size can be increased in
order to add weight and potentially pick up additional gravity columns.
c) The depth of the footing is usually controlled by one-way shear or punching shear, however more depth
may be required flexurally on occasion to reduce steel quantities to economic levels. In some cases it may
make sense to add shear reinforcing in lieu of increasing the depth of the footing.
d) The bearing pressure diagrams should be used to design the footing for reinforcing at critical locations for
shear and flexure using factored loads. The critical locations are usually at the face of the shear wall,
however if columns are including on the footing these locations should be checked as well.
2.11.4 Pile Cap Design
a) Ram Concept can be used to design complex pile caps.
 Contact the geotechnical engineer for allowable pile capacities (tension and compression) and for
recommendations on an appropriate spring constant (tension and compression).
b) Pile caps should be sized such that none of the piles are over-stressed using un-factored seismic loads in all
load combinations. Piles within the cap should be spaced far enough apart such that there is no penalty in
capacity (usually 3 times the diameter). Piles should not be placed at the edge of the pile cap for placing
tolerances. Reference the CRSI Manual and the geotechnical report for typical placing tolerances.
c) The stress in the piles can be determined by one of the following methods:


 The section modulus, S, of the entire pile cap can used (similarly to a mat foundation) to find the
effective bearing pressures. The force in the pile is then found by applying the tributary bearing
pressure to each pile.
 The section modulus, S, of the pile group can be used to determine the force in each pile directly.
d) The depth of the pile cap is usually controlled by one-way shear or punching shear of the columns or piles,
however, more depth may be required on occasion to reduce flexural steel quantities to economical levels.
In some cases it may make sense to add shear reinforcing in lieu of increasing the depth of the footing.
e) The pile cap should be designed at critical locations for shear and flexure by applying point loads from the
piles and columns.

3. Members Not Part of the Lateral Force Resisting System

3.1 Column Design

3.1.1 Reduce parking LL to a minimum of 32 psf per IBC, section 1607.9.1.2.
3.1.2 Use the “ACI 318-08 Volumetric Ratio” spreadsheet to design the transverse reinforcement for the column.
3.1.3 Below grade columns can typically be designed with increased tie spacing due to negligible lateral
displacements. Tie spacing for lightly loaded columns can also typically be increased particularly near the top
of mid to high rise towers.
3.1.4 ACI 318-08, section limits tie spacing to ¼ the minimum member dimension, therefore consider
16”x16” or larger columns to insure tie spacing is greater than or equal to 4” OC. If a smaller column is used
and ties are spaced at 3” OC, try to limit the ties to #3 or #4 bars. Alternatively if the design displacements are
explicitly checked, then the requirements of section do not need to be met.
3.1.5 g shall be between 0.01 and 0.06 per ACI 318-08, section Efficient column sections typically have a
g of approximately 0.02; however consider limiting to 0.03 to avoid congestion at lap splice locations.
Alternatively, couplers can be utilized for g up to 0.06, but this should be avoided if possible to reduce costs.
3.1.6 The concrete strength specified in the general notes shall be used to determine the volumetric ratio for the
columns. The designer should not use a lower concrete strength than specified even if there is extra capacity.
3.1.7 Provide uniform tie spacing over full height of column instead of just the flexural yielding section as noted in
ACI 318-08, section
3.1.8 Use SP Column to calculate Mpr with  = 1.0 and 125% of Fy. Take the maximum moment from the interaction
diagram as Mpr, multiple by 2 for the fixed-fixed column condition and divide by story height to determine V pr.
Calculate Vn assuming Vc = 0 and Vs of volumetric ratio reinforcement (per Ghosh this steel is used as for both
bursting and shear). If Vpr is greater than Vn then reduce the applied loads by considering the Mpr
corresponding to the 0.9D load case and/or consider V c as > 0. If Vpr is still larger than Vn consider tighter tie
spacing or an alternate column section where Vn > Vpr.
3.1.9 Consider using #8 verts minimum to increase stiffness of column cage during construction. If columns cages
are splicing every two levels, consider using a minimum of (4) #10 in the corners for added stiffness during
3.1.10 Use #11 verts maximum to avoid couplers.
3.1.11 Locate vertical bar laps every (2) levels, at column size transitions or ~25’ maximum.
3.1.12 Provide additional dowels at transitions where offset bend is greater than 3” as noted in ACI 318-08, section 7.8.
3.1.13 At column size transitions, detail vertical and transverse reinforcing sizes at column below to be equal or greater
than column above. Also detail tie spacing at column below to be equal or less than column above.

3.2 Slab-Column Connections

3.2.1 If studrails are required per ACI 318-08, section 21.13.6 then provide at all above grade, two-way flat slab-
column connections unless a more detailed drift compatibility analysis is performed. At grade and below grade
slabs shall only have studrails if required for gravity. Do not provide studrails where beams or banded slabs
frame into columns. Verify that beam ties can accommodate drift requirements.
3.2.2 Use 1/2” dia. studs as they are cheaper and easier to find alternative suppliers for. Studrails cost increases
dramatically with 3/4” dia. studs.


3.2.3 Carefully review thick slabs; studrail cost increases dramatically where stud length > 10”. Where thick slabs
are required, consider increasing clear cover to stud rails to decrease stud length.
3.2.4 Standardize the diameter, spacing and total studrail length for each slab depth as much as possible.
3.2.5 Provide a minimum of (3) #5 EW Bot; (6) total over columns. This is a DCI standard and not an explicit code
3.2.6 Ram Concept/DECON Analysis
a) Only check gravity condition. Vu may be determine by hand from tributary area or taken from PT design
software. Unbalanced moments should be taken from RAM Concept or PTDATA printout (not available
on computer screen).
b) When a slab edge is within 10d of a column face, either an edge column or corner column condition shall
be used for design.
c) Always use positive values for moments at edge and corner conditions.
d) Verify with PM/PIC if it is appropriate to disregard biaxial moments.
e) Select “ACI 421.1-R92” Design Code
f) Do hand calculation to verify Vs >= 3.5(f’c)1/2 per ACI 318-08, section 21.13.6.
g) Do hand calculation to determine studrail length per ACI 318-08, section 21.13.6.
h) Include openings when located within 10 times the slab thickness from the column face or within column

4. Advanced Topics

4.1 Special Considerations for Structures Over 160 Feet:

4.1.1 ASCE 7-05 limits the height of special reinforced concrete shear wall and braced frame buildings to 160 feet per
Table 12.2-1.
4.1.2 The height limits in ASCE 7-05, Table 12.2-1 are permitted to be increased from 160 feet up to 240 feet,
without peer review, if the structure meets the following requirements from section
a) The structure shall not have an extreme torsional irregularity as defined by Table 12.3-1.
b) Shear walls in any one plane shall resist no more than 60% of the total seismic forces in each direction,
neglecting torsional effects.

4.2 Modeling Multiple Towers Over One Base:

4.2.1 Needs Further Explanation / Research.

4.3 Shear Redistribution in Coupling Beams and Wall Piers:

4.3.1 The shear in coupling beams occupying the same location throughout the height of a building can be
redistributed from beams that are overstressed to beams that are under stressed provided the following
guidelines are satisfied:
a) The average demand capacity ratio (DCR) for all beams is less than 1.0.
b) The DCR of the most heavily loaded beam is not greater than 1.2.
4.3.2 In cases where coupling beam shear has been redistributed, the forces in the wall piers shall be increased to
reflect the change in load path.
a) Increase the moments and shears in wall piers below a coupling beam that has a DCR greater than 1.0 by
multiplying the forces by the DCR of the coupling beam. Check the wall pier with the increased forces to
ensure the DCR of the wall pier is less than or equal to 1.0.
4.3.3 These methods are taken from the Paulay and Priestly textbook. Discuss with the PM/PIC prior to
redistributing shears.

4.4 Non-linear Analysis / Performance Based Design

4.4.1 Reference “Performance Based Design Guide”.


4.5 Steel Coupling Beams:

4.5.1 Wide flange steel beams used in coupled concrete shear walls.
a) Coupling beam design analogous to AISC eccentrically braced frame link beam.
b) Development of link beam in concrete shear wall.
c) Needs further research.

4.6 Steel Fibers:

4.6.1 Use in topping slabs and slab-on-grade in lieu of welded wire reinforcing or rebar.
4.6.2 Use in concrete coupling beams to increase strength.
4.6.3 Needs further research.

4.7 High-strength Steel:

4.7.1 ASTM A615, Grade 75.
a) Specify Lenton A2 couplers or Barsplice couplers.
b) Verify availability and minimum mill order prior to specifying.
4.7.2 ASTM A1035, Grade 100 (MMFX).
a) Currently available in bar sizes #6 thru #11, #14 & #18.
b) Confirm cost, availability and shipping for MMFX prior to design.
c) Building department approval required before DCI designs or specifies MMFX. Make this clear to client
and MMFX whenever the use of MMFX is comes up.
d) No Type-2 couplers with strength greater than Grade 75 currently available. Hence, any contemplated use
will be for continuous #14 and #18 bars and lap-spliced #11’s and smaller.
e) Lap splices for #11 & smaller bars: Increase bar development lengths and splice lengths proportional to
fy=100 ksi.
f) Use for longitudinal reinforcing, only. Design Fy=80 ksi for compression, Fy=100ksi for tension.
g) Corrosion resistant properties make it a possible replacement for epoxy-coated rebar.

4.8 Hybrid Moment Frame Design (The so-called Pankow system):

4.8.1 Precast post-tensioned moment frame.
a) Needs further research.

4.9 Composite Structural Steel and Reinforced Concrete Design:

4.9.1 Concrete-filled steel pipe columns (large-scale)
a) Needs further research.
4.9.2 Concrete shear walls with composite steel floor framing
a) Needs further research.

4.10 Steel Plate Shear Wall Design:

4.10.1 Needs further research.


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