Communication Plan

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Target Audience Method Objectives Communication Setting Frequency

Engaging and involving Project Statis Report, Weekly.

sponsors in all the major Milestone Tracker Report,
Project Sponsor Meeting decisions of the project. Video Conferences, As Required
Face-to-Face Meetings.

Project Team Kick-off Meeting Discussing goals, Daily Sprint meetings, Twice Weekly.
guidelines, Project Charter, Team Emails, Microsoft
Weekly Team Risks and create initial Teams, and SharePoint. As Required.
Meeting engagement. Receive
feedback, share resources,
and address issues.
Notify and engage in Emails, Video As Required
project scope, Conference, Face-to-Face
Head of Legal Meeting requirements, and
Department negotiations.
Conduct vendor Face-to-Face, Emails Daily
Procurement Manager Vendor Meeting management practises and
receive feedback through As Required
surveys from vendors to
improve interactions.
Email Brochure, Describe complete Emails As required.
Selected Seller List, statement of work including
Vendors Arrange Meetings. entire scope, requirements,
and timeline for selection.

Steering Committee Create resources and Face-to-Face Meetings Weekly

Operations Meeting Standard operating Video Conferences and
Department Head procedures for operational Presentations,
support and work together Milestone Report,
on Service Level Progress Report As required
Share progress reports and Emails, Video Weekly
Client Meeting seek feedback. Conferences, Weekly As required
Status Update
Formal written
Project Status Reports showing adherence Emails, Face-to-Face Monthly.
Government Agencies Report, Agreements to regulations and policies. Meetings, Monthly As required.

Press Releases Share Project Update and Press Conference, As Required

News Media answer questions. Television and radio
shows, Interviews.
Public Relations Inform about latest update Flyers, Focus Groups As Required.
Community Initiatives and receive feedbacks.

Communication Plan

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