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fe tio
Sa uca
Be Ed

Book 4

Dixita Khan

E D U C A T I O N ( I ) P V T. L T D .
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fe tio
Sa uca
Be Ed

E D U C A T I O N ( I ) P V T. L T D .

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Author: Dixita Khan, Head - SVPV School, Mumbai

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ISBN: 978-93-84856-08-3
Price: !200/-
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Hands On General Knowledge is a series of 5 Books for Classes 1 to 5. The

Preface book aims not only to create awareness as a requirement of the subject like
General Knowledge but goes beyond the conventional dimensions. It doesn't just
pour knowledge for memorizing the content but generates the thirst to know more
about the things happening around. Keeping the fact in mind that today's children
are highly curious, we have focused on the unfolding of things around them
making them answer the why’s,when’s and how’s.
We have created a cross-curricular link at all levels so that no point is left
untouched or undiscussed.

At SAAR, we believe that every child is unique and learns differently. So we have
tried to provide a platform on which each and every student using this book could
facilitate a real life approach. Our author has taken great care about the fact that
all the information is taken from a reliable source so that this book could be
absorbed by different schools as a part of their curriculum for General Knowledge.

Every page of this book will be contributing to the child's comprehensive and

intellectual skills with interactive activities to judge that knowledge. Activities

fe tio
based learning is the key feature developing them as:
Thinker: Giving a deeper meaning to the concept relating to divergent aspects of
life. Sa uca
Explorer: It helps the children to search for extra information.
Creative Line: Making learning innovative and permanent with pictures and
Be Ed

Each chapter will unfold and provide unbelievable, fabulous facts with pictorial
support. Pictorial representation would help the child to disclose effortless the
exercises related to concepts.

Some of the signature features of Hands On General Knowledge are:

Connection: Gives a way to have a ying start to the topic by the teacher.
Question based on 5 W's & 1 H: Who/m? What? When? Where? & Why? and

Hint Box: Section providing hints to children to readily nd answers to their
queries, making them self dependent.
Rare Information & Did you know: Short Stories from around the world to give
some out of the box knowledge and information.
Believe it or not: Amazing Facts, Fears, Things that will make them feel “oh ”.
Explain: To explain terms and things in detail which are new to the child.
Internet Links: For visual aided learning and real life experience, internet links
have been provided at the end.

All in all, we would be providing an interactive and exciting experience to the

student. Now the learning would be more fun for children.
We look forward to your response to this Hands On General Knowledge. Further
suggestions for improvement may be e-mailed at [email protected]
1. History of Plants 6-9
2. Animals - Wild 10-13
3. Animals - Aquatic 14-17
4. Animals - Birds/Reptiles 18-23
5. Human Beings 24-27

fe tio
6. Continents 28-31
Sa uca
7. Oceans and Seas 32-35
8. Forests 36-39
Be Ed

9. Islands 40-43

10. Polar Regions 44-47

11. Civilization 48-51

12. Great Kings 52-55

13. Government 56-59
14. Beliefs and Faiths 60-63
15. Invention of Scripts 64-67
16. Great Authors 68-71
17. Different Reading Materials 72-77
18. Language and its Heritage 78-81
19. Amusement Parks 82-83
20. Dramatization 84-87

fe tio
21. Movies 88-91
Sa uca
22. Sports 92-93
23. Recreational Activities 94-97
Be Ed

24. Computer 98-101


25. Pollution and Global Warming 102-103

26. Matter 104-105

27. Force 106-107

28. Internet Links 108-109
There are a variety of plants/trees existing on the planet earth.

fe tio
Sa uca
Be Ed

Algae Liverworts / Mosses

• The very first plants on earth • Flat green leaves

• Microscopic (very small) • Grow in wet and shady places

• Do not have roots, stems or leaves • No tubes or vessels

• Most of them are aquatic

Flowering Plants Ferns

• Most abundant plants on earth • Flowerless green plants
• Produce seeds, fruits and • Feather like leaves
06 flowers • Plants with tubes
• Produce no seeds
1. Match the following plants with their habitats.

Tree of Life
The date palm is one of the oldest cultivated
fruit trees in the world. It has been
mentioned both in the Bible and Quran.
Muslims break their Ramadan fast each
evening by eating the date fruit.

Cactus has spines instead of leaves. Spines
prevent loss of water via transpiration (loss of
water through small holes when outer
temperature is high).

fe tio
Sa uca a Desert
b Mountains
c Plains
Be Ed

d Sea coast


2. Explain the term.

Crop Rotation Healthy Crops

Did you know

a seed
sp ea king, a fruit is
Bota n ic a lly om the
Vegetables Fruits
st ru ct u re th at develops fr
bearin g whereas
Stems Roots Leaves Flowers Fruits Seeds wering plant,
Potato Turnip Spinach Cauliower Cucumber Peas ovary of a flo o th er plant parts
s a re a ll umpkin,
Ginger Carrot Lettuce Broccoli Okra Sweetcorn vegetable d st ems. Okra, P
a ve s a n
as roots, le ed bearing,
Celery Radish Fenugreek Artichoke Tomato Field Pea
cu m b e r, Pe a etc. are se
Yam Beetroot Mint Eggplant Cu
so they are fr 07
3. Give reason.

Why is it dangerous to sleep under trees at night?

4. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’.

a We get water from plants.

b Roots are the food factory of plants.

fe tio
c Pitcher plants are carnivorous. plant
Sa uca
d Japanese word – 'Sakura' means cherry tree.
e Humans were on the Earth even before the plants.
Be Ed

5. Tick the right option.


a Which of the following is not a root?


Potato Carrot Radish Turnip

b Not a forest based industry.

Paper industry Match industry Silk industry Petroleum

c A plant that does not make its own food.

Mango Pitcher Orange Potato

d Things not required for the process of photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide Fire Water Sunlight

e Tiny holes on the lower surface of the leaves are called

08 Chlorophyll Stomata Doors Windows

6. Name the following with the help of the hint box.

a Cash crop not grown in Kerala

b India is leading exporter of

c The state that produces highest

sugarcane in India.
d The crop produced in the
largest area in India.
e Paper was originally made from

fe tio
f Leafy vegetables are a rich source of
Sa uca
g Fresh leaves used in salads, soups have high level of

Be Ed

Did you know wn of

1 9 8 1 , the Italian to Uttar Pradesh, rice,
Giant tree –
Si n ce the shape
te d a n ill umination in Vitamin A, minerals,

Gubbio has cr ristmas tree in
the world”. papyrus, tobacco, tea
“b ig g es t C h
of the

Crooked Forest – The town of Nowe Czarnowo,

Poland is home to a bizarre forest near the
Odia River, where hundreds of pine trees display
large bends in the bottom of their trunks, before
growing vertically.

ich plants, algae and
It is the process by wh food.
ert sun’s energy into energy
certain bacteria conv d su nli ght
xide, water an
ee – Plants need carbon dio
d ia n r ubber tr for this.
The In s on called
c a – grow ts by a green chemical
Ficus e la s ti
suppor Sunlight is absorbed ves.
ds and chlorophyll in the lea oxygen
river lan d growth by carbon
its upwa w level vines. sugars
g o u t lo

Carbon dioxide + Water + Sun Light + Chlorophyll Sugar + Oxygen

Forests are the homes of wild animals. A large variety of animals are found in
different types of forests. Each animal is special in its own way.
In this chapter, we will gain knowledge about the same. The forests are decreasing
and so are the wild animals.

1. Answer the following questions with the help of the

fe tio
pictures given.

Sa uca
Which mammal has no vocal chords?
Be Ed

b Which mammal has hair

on the sole of its feet?

c Which animal can change its gender?

d Which is the mammal that can fly?

e Which amphibian breathes through its skin?

f Which mammal is known as the best

rain detector?

2. Match the following.

a The age of a lion is b Country where lions and tigers are found
determined by
c A cat lives for d The age of a giraffe is determined by

e Animal with sharpest hearing f Adult male Gorilla is called

in the world

20 years Moth Colour of the body spots

Silverback India Colour of its nose

fe tio
Sa uca
the largest Duck B
Gorillas are are illed Pl
g p ri m a te s. Humans only a atypus
is the
livin nimal
that ca
Be Ed

also primate milk a
s well
n give
as egg

3. Read the clues, unjumble and write the names of the animals.

a A land mammal that can drink

upto 100 litres of water at a time. ( E L A C M )
b The polar animal found in the symbol
of World Widelife Fund. ( I T G A N D A PA N )

c A mammal that creates the loudest sound.

( L E B U H W A L E )
d A mammal that has eyes but no eyesight.
( T B A )
e The water animal with the largest brain.
( L P D O H N I )
4. Fill in the blanks with the help of the hint box.

a An insect with three stages (egg, nymph, adult) in its life cycle is

b There are subspecies of tiger found in the world.

c Giant Panda sustains entirely on for its food.

d One horn rhino is found in

e eats only eucalyptus leaves and nothing else.

fe tio
f Giraffe has chambers in the stomach.
Sa uca
India, 9,
bamboo, 4,
Koala, Cock
Be Ed

Stomach chambers of Giraffe

5. Write the names of the animals associated with the national parks and also
write the states they are situated in.

Gir National Park Jaldapara National Park Kaziranga National Park

Pa r k i s a n area
National r e s e rved. Bengal Tiger - West
ldlife i s p
where wi Bengal, Indian
Rhinoceros - Assam,
12 Lion - Gujarat
6. The carnivorous animals have some specific features. Let’s
write creatively about them with the help of the clues.

Sharp Strong Sharp Sharp
sense of
canines muscles eyesight claws

fe tio
Sa uca
Did you know
Be Ed

ile that
o c o d ile a t e r crocod
ge Cr saltw ralia
Oran an 8 ft long elong, Aust
y, e
Snapp aptivity in G ge.

s in ran
liv e
ly t u r ned o Panda Pu
sudde Giant Pand
as possess
meat, but the genes
none of th needed to
only signific e genes re digest

ant food so q u ired to dig

urce - bam est their

Polar bear fasts for 8

months, yet gives birth and
nurses the young ones.

ba b y Kan oey.
wn as
Sumatran tiger is is kno
smallest in size as
compared to all other Three-
toed slo
like a is the s th
tigers. oes not roar low
A Cheetah d (m eow). moving est
s like a cat
lion – it purr lan
animal. d

16 13

There is a different life under the sea/ocean that is beyond our imagination. It is in itself
a splendid adventure to know the aquatic world.
Millions of species of plants and animals exist in the marine waters.
Some examples are

fe tio
Sa uca
Shark Salmon Octopus
Be Ed

Oyster Tuna Prawn


Some mammals are also found in the oceans.

Blue Whale Sperm Whale Humpback Whale

There is a lot of marine life in danger due to the increasing pollution. It is very important to
protect and conserve oceans. We must act like sea guardians and try to save the ocean life.

1. Choose the right option.
a Which of the following marine animals is a fish?

Leech Newt Elver (Eel)

b Sharks have

Bones Cartilage Enamel

c Which of the following fish has no skeleton at all?

Star fish Jelly fish Silver fish


fe tio
e fi s h has a b y is
d Whale Shark eats A tr u
The bod
and fins. cales and it
with s
Sa uca covered gills.
Other fishes Plankton Both breathes

e Which of the following is not a true fish?

Be Ed

Silver fish Hammer fish Sucker fish


2. Match the following.


flat lim er is a bro
bw ad
used f ithout fing
or swi e
a Slowest underwater animal. b Filter Feeder mmin rs,

c Has 5 pairs of legs. d Blood colour is blue.

e Huge wing like flipper. f Can live in both fresh and salt water.

Octopus Sea horse

Whale Shark Humpback Whales

Salmon Crab 15
3. Fill in the blanks with the help of hint box.
ro u p o f whales
a produces electricity, equivalent pod.
is called
to light 10 bulbs.

b A heart is in its head.

have no head, mouth, eyes,

fe tio
bones, heart, lungs or brain, yet they are alive.
Sa uca
d live on every continent
Be Ed

except Antarctica.

e is the smallest fish, smaller than


the size of your fingernail.

f fish are released into

the ponds and wells since they help in controlling mosquitoes.

g have been
on the earth even before the dinosaurs.
Jellyfish, Electric eel,
Shrimp’s, Turtles,
A house of fish is Gambusia, Sea Sponges,
known as aquari
16 Philippins Goby
4. Fill in the crossword with the given clues.

Down Bufo Bufo

1. The fastest swimming fish.
2. Fish that can taste with its whole body.
3. The movie based on a fish, named FINDING...
Sea Otter

1. The animal with scientific name ‘Bufo bufo’.
2. Playful semi aquatic animal. Did you know
3. National aquatic animal of India.
s eggs

2 3 e a h o rse lay the
ale s ch in
a fem a pou

fe tio
C M N T D When es them in
1 c horse.
1 she pla a male sea
body o
S Sa uca
2 S O T R
Be Ed

Average life span of an

electric eel is 15 years.
3 L


Salamander belongs to the
Amphibians category.

A jelly fish is 95% water.

Blue whale is a mammal and is

also the largest sea creature.

g ) a n d measure
K f
(36,000 ft 90% o
d in g F renzy p to 7 9 ,000 lb a les r e gularly li th e ir Sail fish can sw
Fee hu k wh g on im
they weig long, Humpbac ting and landin
Although 6 m ) e tw is fastest in oceans
52 ft (1 r befor
much as s out of the wate reaching. & seas.
ie sb
their bod action known a
a n
backs -
Natural haircut
A Manatee living off the coast of Florida
receives a natural haircut from dozens
of tiny blue gill fish, which crowd
around the gentle sea mammal and
eat algae, parasites and dead skin off
its body. 17

Birds are those light weight animals that possess two legs, wings, a beak, hollow bones
and a feathered body. These features help a bird to fly. We also know about some birds
that cannot fly. Birds lay eggs and build nests. Birds eat seeds, grains, worms and
insects. Some birds also eat other animals; dead or living.

When conditions are not favourable, birds migrate to safer places.

fe tio
Birds prepare themselves by storing fat before migration. Even Emus and Penguins also
Sa uca
Be Ed

Reptiles are animals with hard scales on their bodies. They are the crawling animals.
They may live on land or in water. There are thousands of species of reptiles on earth.

1. Fill in the blanks with the names of the migratory birds.

a are the highest flying migratory

birds found flying in the Himalayas.

b is the state bird of three

Indian states.

c sleeps standing on one leg.

fe tio
Sa uca
Be Ed

, the black capped, red billed

bird can fly more than 80,000 km in a year.

e can fly nearly 12000 km

without stopping.

f Birds that have to travel across an ocean during

migration are called .

, the
n use landmarks
Migrating birds ca se ts an d Bar tailed Godwit,
n when it
position of the su ld to he lp Transoceanic, Bar headed
agnetic fie
even the Earth’s m geese, Arctic Tern, Bluejay,
them navigate. 19
2. Fill in the crossword with the given clues.
1. The reptile that does not bear teeth.
2. The bird called the ‘man of war’ bird. In 2005,
c Escape
a lucky g
3. The longest snake. narrowly entoo pe
escaped nguin
killer wha a pod of hu
les off the ngry
4. The reptile that can look both ways. Antarctic
a when it
coast of
water into jumped fr
5. The most intelligent snake. happene
a boat fu
ll of touri
om the
d to be fl sts that
oating ne
1. The fastest bird.
2. A venomous snake.
3. A snake that can sting even after an hour of its death.

4. A lizard that squirts blood from its eyes.

fe tio

1 T Sa uca
1 3
2 F R
Be Ed

3 T

4 C

le Tro lifornia
Doub headed Ca go
o ie
This tw ke at San D che
g s n a e a d a
e s e n t sah g time
zoo pr ers at feedin


K for ke


Hard to Swallo
This 2 ft long (60
to have bitten off ER looked
more than it coul
it attempted to de d chew as
vour a toad head
garden in Natal, first in a
South Africa. In a
swallow the toad bid to
, the snake stretch
its mouth to an an ed
20 gle of
almost 180.

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