18 s2.0 S259019822100141X Main
18 s2.0 S259019822100141X Main
18 s2.0 S259019822100141X Main
Keywords: Central Business Districts (CBDs) are impeccable areas of traffic attractions exacerbated by the increase of rapid
Central Business District population density, enormous urbanization, and increasing economic and commercial activities. Traffic
Road Segment Congestion Index (RSCI) congestion in the CBD areas is a perpetual problem for sustainable urban development. This study detailed the
Traffic congestion
traffic congestion states and the factors influencing traffic congestion in the CBD areas of Khulna City. In this
Khulna City
regard, spot speed, journey speed, running speed, and volume of all types of vehicles in the four CBD areas during
peak and off-peak hours on both weekends and weekdays have been measured through manual counting and
video recording methods. The traffic congestion state in the study area has been assessed through Level of
Service, Speed Performance Index, Road Segment Congestion Index. The outcome of these indices revealed the
worst congestion state in all CBD areas with breakdown flow. The Active Road Performance Index explained that
inadequate parking facilities, illegal road occupancy by roadside vendors, and on-street parking decreased the
road efficiency by 32 to 82% in different areas. The regular road users believed that congestion occurs mostly
between 6.00 PM and 9.00 PM. This study found that rapid increase in vehicle population, poor public transport,
pedestrians’ behavior, illegal road occupancy, and fragile enforcement of laws are leading the traffic condition of
Khulna towards an unsustainable future. The outcome of this study will provide useful information for urban
planners, policymakers, and practitioners to devise appropriate strategies for reducing congestion that would
help to ensure a sustainable urban transport system.
1. Introduction business districts (CBD) are facing this challenge and are severely
affected by this mobility problem (Wen et al., 2019). For the sustainable
The urban transportation problem is a complex bundle of interre economic development of any city, congestion alleviation and ensuring
lated problems (Dimitrion, 1992). The provision of transportation ser an excellent transport system in the CBD areas is one of the most
vices for the population is becoming increasingly difficult due to the important tasks (Klitz, 2012). The economic development has been
dynamic expansion of urban areas (Koźlak and Wach, 2018). Currently, leading urban traffic states to more critical situations and cities in
traffic congestion is considered an extensive global problem, result from developing countries like Bangladesh are facing this problem the most
high population concentration, expansion of infrastructure, motor ve (Das et al., 2019; Chakrabartty and Gupta, 2015). Traffic congestion is
hicles, and increase of rideshare and delivery service activities (Afrin very frequent and has become a normal phenomenon in the cities of
and Yodo, 2020). It causes unfavorable impacts upon the society, Bangladesh. A good transportation system, and its rapid growth of
economy, and environment of any urban areas by wasting energy and economic, manufacturing, trade, etc., is very important for sustainable
time, decreasing productivity, and causing pollution, stress and restricts urban development.
stable urban economic growth (Huang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). Traffic congestion can be defined as the mutual obstruction of traffic
Many large and medium cities of South Asia, especially the central by the vehicles because of the current interrelation between the volume
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Ashrafi), [email protected] (Md.A. Fattah), [email protected] (S.R. Morshed), rahman.
[email protected] (S. Rahman).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8477-4446.
Received 14 April 2021; Received in revised form 26 June 2021; Accepted 2 August 2021
Available online 14 August 2021
2590-1982/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
of flows and the moving vehicle speed in the case of the depletion of reason and consequences of traffic congestion in some developed cities
infrastructure capacity. It is also defined as the level of vehicle traffic around the world. Dakbangla Mor and adjacent areas like Ferighat Mor,
that exceeds a road’s capacity, resulting in a reduction in moving vehicle Thanar Mor, and Picture Palace Mor are considered as the main CBD
speed or complete obstruction of free movement (Koźlak and Wach, areas of KCC (Rahaman and Hossain, 2009). The traffic flow inside the
2018). Congestion is caused by a mismatch between travel demand and main city was not consistent at all street intersections (Tasnim and Khan,
transportation system supply. The demand arises from the spatial and 2018). Das et al. (2019) calculated the economic loss due to traffic
temporal concentration of travel. The historical shape of the infra congestion in KCC. Mondal and Hossain (2016) assessed the traffic
structure, the level of investment, transportation management, and congestion level in a traffic node in KCC using the Level of Service (LOS)
operating methods all constrain supply. The rapid urbanization and index. Rahaman and Hossain (2009) addressed the physical factors
economic growth potential in the urban areas result in the need for large which cause traffic congestion in KCC. Haque et al. (2018) evaluated the
transport activities, and when these needs are met, traffic congestion public transport system in KCC. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
occurs at the same time (Agyapong and Ojo, 2018). Congestion has no previous studies have assessed the congestion state and causes of
become a major issue in many cities throughout the world, and it is a congestion in the CBD areas of Bangladesh and the study focused on the
difficult challenge to overcome. It interrupts sustainable social, eco congestion considered mainly LOS index to evaluate the traffic conges
nomic, and environmental development and increases the costs of tion state. This study fills these aforementioned research gaps by solving
transport (Ye, 2012). these issues for the CBD areas of Khulna City: (i) to assess the traffic
The efficiency of an urban transportation system is strongly deter congestion using multiple indices (ii) to assess the traffic congestion
mined by its traffic control system, traffic management is critical for state based on road user perception and (iii) to assess the influences of
efficient road transport operations (Wu and Deng, 2013). The city center different factors in traffic flow. The outcomes of the study will assist
or CBD area is the important area of the city because of different types of policymakers, government, and responsible authorities with planning,
activities such as commercial, administrative, public, religious, recrea understanding, assessing, and decision making to improve the conve
tional, and residential (Rahaman and Hossain, 2009). The CBD area is nience and efficiency of road use and transportation systems.
considered the main commercial and administrative center of the city.
Due to the location of various government and private offices, banks, 2. Methods and materials
and shopping centers, it became the busiest area of the city with a large
traffic volume (Yaguang, 2011; Liu and Ma, 2020). Hence CBD is most 2.1. Study area
likely for agglomeration of traffic and should be subject of special
attention to traffic management (Zang and Su, 2018). The traffic cir Bangladesh is a developing country, aimed to reach the high-income
culation status of the cities of Bangladesh is very poor. The transport country status by 2041. In this regard, the government has taken many
system of Dhaka City is regarded as one of the most chaotic in the world. initiatives to ensure effective and sustainable transportation systems
The residents suffer from physical stress and financial losses due to the across the country (Centre for Research and Information (CRI), (2019)).
lack of hours during working days (Mahmud et al., 2012). Trade and Khulna, the 3rd largest city and 2nd port entry of Bangladesh has been
personal life are also hindered by this problem. Besides economic and developed in an unplanned manner (Fattah and Riad Morshed, 2021). It
health, the traffic congestion problem also causing serious environ is the administrative center of the southwestern part of the country
mental degradation (Nigar Neema and Jahan, 2014; Sharmeen and (Haque et al., 2020). Urbanization is taking place with the increase in
Houston, 2019; Khan et al., 2018). The transportation systems of other population. The number of vehicles is increasing every day to serve the
cities of the country are worse than that of Dhaka city (Shamsher and growing population. But the road conditions are not improving
Abdullah, 2013). accordingly to the need (Tasnim and Khan, 2018). This has been influ
Over the last decade, Bangladesh has had one of the world’s fastest- encing traffic congestion, road accident, and other mobility challenges
expanding economies. Extensive infrastructural development is being (Das et al., 2019), which adversely affect the ultimate goal of people’s
carried out throughout the country in various sectors including trans mobility mostly in CBD areas. In this research, the four major CBD areas
portation for the economic progression and achieving the title of the of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) named Ferighat Mor, Dakbangla Mor,
developed country (Yeasmin, 2019). Still, traffic congestion is very Picture Palace Mor, and Thanar Mor are chosen as the study area
frequent and has become a normal phenomenon in the cities of (Table 1). Truck, bus, car, motorcycle, auto-rickshaw, tempo, van, bi
Bangladesh (Sharmeen and Houston, 2019). The assessment of traffic cycle, and Mahindra, etc. vehicles are seen on these roads whereas
congestion, identification of the causes, and mitigation strategies are Mahindra is used as public transport which can carry only 5 people at a
crucial for alleviating traffic congestion and sustainable transport time. Fig. 1 represents the study area map. Most of the land use type in
planning (Afrin and Yodo, 2020). A limited number of researches these areas is commercial area and these are the city centers. KCC,
focused on the traffic congestion of Khulna City. Previous studies in Khulna Development Authority (KDA), Road and Highway Department,
Bangladesh have been concentrated mostly on the traffic state of Dhaka Railway station and other important administrative offices of Khulna
and Chattogram City. Hossain and Imam (2019); Shamsher and Abdul district are located here. In this regard, it is important to ensure free
lah (2013) described the traffic congestion in the Chattogram city and traffic flow and excellent traffic and transportation systems in these
their findings demonstrated the poor traffic flow status in Chattogram. A areas. The effective transport system and excellent traffic conditions in
similar traffic congestion status is also seen in Pabna (Hossain and the CBD areas are essential for the economic development of the
Hasan, 2019), Rajshahi (Rahman and Hasnat, 2018; Islam et al., 2019), southwestern part of the country. A productive circulation system is
and Rangpur city (Prothan et al., 2017). To establish a good communi urgent in the CBD of Khulna to cope with the potential growth and
cation system in all regions of the country, many bridges, flyovers, and development of the city and subsequently to increase trade. In this
roads were constructed and increased road width in the last ten years communication, the CBD areas of KCC have been chosen as the study
(Centre for Research and Information, 2019). But the internal traffic unit for this study.
condition of the cities is deteriorating day by day. Roads in Khulna City Commercial land use is the dominant land use of CBD areas. Fig. 2.
Corporation (KCC) are not free from these problems (Das et al., 2019). This shows that 64% of the areas of CBD areas of Khulna are used for
Several researches have been conducted over a period of time. Shuaian commercial activities. Other lands such as residential, administrative,
et al. (2018) described the influence of the rise of fares on traffic recreational and streets share respectively 6%, 3.2%, 3.8% and 23% of
congestion of congested commuter rail stations at the CBD. Several the total CBD areas of KCC. Most of the retail and wholesale markets,
models are used by different researchers including (Xiangqian, 2012; Li shopping centers, administrative and public buildings, office buildings,
and Wu, 2008; Kohan and Ale, 2019; Wen et al., 2017) to identify the social services-oriented structures, etc. of the city are located in the CBD
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
Table 1 conducted in the selected CBD areas of KCC and collected vehicle traffic
The scenario of road geometric elements of the study area road. volume data, spot speed, travel time, delay time data. Traffic volume
Location Road name Circulation Right Carriageway Footpath data were collected through the manual counting method and also used
of width (ft) width(ft) Manual Counting Method has been conducted to count the volume of the
way traffic on weekdays at five different times (Three peak times and two off-
peak times) and weekend day at one time (5:00 pm–6:00 pm). Three
Ferighat Khan-E- Two-way 72 60 12 peak times are 8:30 am-9:00 am, 12:00 pm–1:30 pm, and 5:30 pm–6:00
Sabur Road pm. The two off-peak hours are 10:30 am–11:00 am and 3:00 pm–3:30
Khan-E- 41 31 10
Sabur Road
pm). To check the accuracy of the data, data were also collected through
Khan Jahan 60 42 8 video recording and further justified the data with the outcome of some
Ali Road previous studies. All the surveys have been conducted in January 2019.
Dakbangla Khan-E- 72 60 12 Data were collected about traffic congestion and people’s perception
and experience from 100 correspondents (50 drivers and 50 road users)
Lower 41 35 10
Jessore Road through the questionnaire-based survey. The sample size has been
Clay Road 20 20 0 estimated through the following equation (1).
Cemetery 29 29 6
road N × Z 2 × σ2
n= (1)
Picture Lower 60 35 10 (N − 1)d2 + Z 2 + σ 2
Palace Jessore Road
Lower 60 35 10
Jessore Road
Old Jessore 30 30 0
Sir Iqbal One-way 33 27 0
Thanar Clay Road 20 20 0
areas of Khulna.
2.2. Methodology
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
= 95 ≈ 100 Table 3
SPI value indicating different traffic state.
where n = Sample size, Z = Z value for 95% confidence interval (1.96), SPI Traffic congestion Description
N = Population size (4631), σ = expected standard deviation, d = level
selected accepted error (10%). 0–25 Heavy congestion Low average speed, poor traffic
c state
2.2.2. Level of services (LOS) 25–50 Mild congestion Lower average speed, moderately poor traffic
LOS is used to assess how effectively a transportation facility works state
50–75 Smooth Higher average speed, better traffic state
from the viewpoint of a traveler. LOS has been very popular in practice
75–100 Very smooth High average speed, excellent traffic state
due to its simplicity. LOS can be calculated by utilizing several traffic
quantities, such as vehicle speed, density, maximum service flow rate
and volume to capacity (V/C) ratio (Wan et al., 2018). In this study, V/C tnc
ratio has been applied which is the ratio of vehicles passing a point in an Rnc = (5)
hour (V) and the maximum number of vehicles that can pass in that
point (C) i.e., the ratio of vehicle volume and road capacity (Banerjee where Ri is the RSCI value, Rv is the average SPI value, Rnc is the pro
et al., 2018). The V/C technique is used to determine LOS and how well a portions of non-congestion state, tnc denotes the duration of non-
road is performing. This indicator can inform transportation operators of congestion state (minute), Tt denotes the length of the observation
the road sections where traffic mitigation measures are needed. Six period (minute).
service levels are specified, each of which is given a letter designation
from A to F (Table 2). LOS A indicates the best operating conditions and 2.2.5. Active road performance Index (ARPI)
LOS F the worst condition of traffic flow (Ameri et al., 2013). LOS of the The active portion or percentage of road width is determined by
road segment has been calculated by using data from the traffic volume ARPI (Arasan and Koshy, 2005). The usable road width reduces due to
survey. The equation for the LOS calculation is the simple equation of illegal parking, street hawkers and other similar reasons. This makes the
volume/capacity ratio. road narrower and obstructs the flow of vehicles at the designed speed.
Active road width reduces and influences traffic congestion (Hasan
LOS = V/C (2)
et al., 2018). This study used ARPI to determine the active road per
centage at the selected traffic nodes. The higher the value of ARPI, the
2.2.3. Speed Performance Index (SPI)
lower the road width occupied by illegal parking or other purposes
The SPI is developed to assess the condition of urban road traffic
(Arasan and Koshy, 2005). This study used ARPI to define the active
congestion. SPI is the ratio of the vehicle’s average speed and maximum
road performances in percentage for every road.
permissible speed (Eq. (3)) on a road section (He et al, 2016; Afrin and ( )
Yodo, 2020). The value of SPI varies between 0 and 100 and this value RW bo + RW op + RW rb
ARPI = 1 − × 100 (6)
range is divided into four classes (Table 3), each of which indicates a RW t
different traffic state. There was taken 65 m segment for three locations
(Ferighat to Dakbangla, Dakbangla to Picture Palace and Picture Palace where RWbo = Road occupied by informal business, RWop = Road width
to Thanar Mor). The speed of all vehicles available on the specific road occupied by on-street parking, RWrb = Road width occupied by roadside
has been measured for both Northbound and Southbound of each road buildings and RWrb = Total Road width.
during peak hour and off-peak hour. The speed of these vehicles during
different times (Peak and Off-peak hours) and intersections has been 3. Analysis and findings
converted to average vehicle speed for each intersection. Considering
Vavg as the average vehicle speed and Vmax as the maximum permis 3.1. Assessment of traffic congestion scenario
sible speed, the SPI value can be calculated through Eq. (3).
3.1.1. Level of services
Vavg. The LOS of each traffic node is summarized in Table 4. The designed
SPI = × 100 (3)
Vmax LOS of these roads indicates that the roads are suitable for stable traffic
flow, not free flow. Table 4 shows that the LOS for four CBD areas is F
2.2.4. Road Segment Congestion Index (RSCI)
which represents forced to breakdown flow condition, though the LOS in
The state of road segment congestion was measured by utilizing the
regards to total capacity differs from each other. The state of traffic flow
duration of regular road segment state and non-congestion state during
at Dakbangla Mor (V/C = 1.77) and Thanar Mor (V/C = 1.74) is in the
the observation period (He et al., 2016). The RSCI is used to describe the
worst condition and relatively good at Picture Palace Mor (V/C = 1.03).
degree of traffic congestion on any traffic node. The RSCI value ranges
Fig. 3 and Table 4 shows that the volume to capacity ratio at every
between 0 and 1 and the smaller the RSCI value, the more the road
intersection is higher than 1 whereas this ratio at Dakbangla in
segment is congested (Li et al., 2016; He et al., 2016). The equation for
tersections and Thanar Mor are higher than the other two intersections.
RSCI is as following:
The Level of Service for these two intersections is at F which indicates
Ri = × Rnc (4)
Table 4
LOS of different intersections.
Table 2
Intersection Name Volume Capacity V/C LOS
LOS and V/C ratio describing different traffic state.
Ferighat Mor 1939 Designed 2100 0.9 D
V/C ratio LOS class Traffic state
Active 1500 1.29 F
0–0.60 A Free flow Dakbangla Mor 1240 Designed 1500 0.8 C
0.61–0.70 B Stable traffic flow, speed is unaffected Active 700 1.77 F
0.71–0.80 C Stable traffic flow, speed is affected Picture Palace Mor 774 Designed 1200 0.7 B
0.81–0.90 D Stable flow with high vehicle density Active 750 1.03 F
0.91–1.00 E Low speed Thanar Mor 678 Designed 1000 0.7 B
>1.00 F Breakdown flow Active 390 1.74 F
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
1.6 1.74
1.29 1.77
1.2 1.03
Ferighat Dakbangla Picture Palace Thanar Mor
the unstable flow. There is excessive traffic flow, but the road capacity ranking method, it is seen that Picture Palace is less congested in com
does not permit it. As a result, vehicles face unstable flow and conges parison to the other two areas. Dakbangla is the most congested area of
tion. However, the higher V/C ratio indicates that there is a possibility of the study area with an RSCI value of 0.063. It is because the road width
these road sections moving to the more severe congestion level in the at this intersection is less than other intersection, as a result whenever
future. These areas should be the major concern for the improved traffic motorized vehicles try to enter the Clay Road and other vehicles try to
management system. take turns, it creates congestion.
Table 5
SPI value at different CBD areas of KCC.
Location Designed maximum speed (Km/h) Direction Average Speed (Km/h) SPI Traffic State Level
HC = Heavy congestion.
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
Table 6
Road Segment Congestion Index for different intersection.
Road segment Duration of non-congestion state Observation period, (minute) Rnc Rv RSCI
Table 7
Change in congestion scenario in the study area.
Criteria Frequency
Reduced 4%
Not reduced 20%
Slightly increased 16%
Moderately increased 26%
Highly increased 34%
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
Table 8 has been calculated for Thanar Mor (18%) and Dakbangla Mor (22%). In
Influences of illegal road occupancy on road capacity. the other two areas ARPI values were also found lower (Table 8).
Location Total Road width occupied Active ARPI During the field survey, the number of roadside vendors observed
Road road less in the morning. As the day progresses, the number of vendors in CBD
width width areas continues to rise and after 4.00 PM people find it difficult to walk
(ft) (ft)
freely. Moreover, the offices are closed after 5.00 in the afternoon.
Vendor Street Total
(ft) parking That’s why road occupancy increases at this time so as traffic conges
(ft) tion. The driver parks their vehicles on the street whenever and wher
Ferighat 60 19 10.5 49.17% 30.5 50.80%
ever they want. On average 40 to the highest 120 vehicles are parked in
Mor different CBD areas. The maximum number of vehicles parked in Dak
Dakbangla 35 12 11.7 67.71% 11.3 22.00% bangla and Ferighat Mor, that’s why the road width reduces mostly in
Mor these two places. At Picture Palace, the number of vehicles parked
Thanar Mor 22 11 3.8 67.27% 7.2 18.00%
(40–50) per hour is less than any other intersection, because there is no
Picture 27 5 5.0 37.04% 17 68.00%
Palace provision of movement of Mahindra here. The road is also less wide than
Mor the other road. So, the traffic polices have much concern about not
allowing parking on this road. But the reckless behavior of the driver of
the different vehicles is beyond the control and on-street parking is
Dakbangla Mor, 67.27% at Thanar Mor, and 37.04% at Picture Palace occurring here randomly.
Mor, i.e., the maximum portion of road occupied illegally by roadside
vendors (Fig. 7) and street parking (Fig. 8). As these are the major 3.3.3. Violation of building setback rules and insufficient parking capacity
commercial areas of KCC and many people visit these areas, public ve CBD areas are the busiest areas of the city with dense populations,
hicles wait long for a long time to pick up passengers. Again, being the commercial and administrative buildings, and urban activities. The
major commercial area, the number of roadside vendors here is much important offices and shopping centers of the city are located in the CBD
more than in other places in KCC. This reduces the effectiveness of the areas, so vehicular activities are relatively high here. For pedestrian-free
road. Table 8 shows that the ARPI values of the CBD areas muchly movement and circulation, sidewalks/ footpath with sufficient width is
reduced due to illegal occupancy. The worst active road performance
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
essential. According to “Building Construction Rule 1996, there should and 150 cycles are allowed to park. It is found that only two buildings
be a minimum of 10 ft space in front of roadside commercial buildings. follow the standard dimensions. All other buildings exceed the standard
But during the field survey, no buildings have found with 10ft space. capacity level of parking provision. The most violating building is
About 70% of the buildings are just along the road, 18% have space less Khulna Shopping Complex, which exceeds the capacity level (almost
than 5 foot and there is more than 7-foot free space in front of 2% of double of the standard capacity). Due to the lack of parking facilities,
buildings (Table 9). Moreover, only a few buildings have parking lots. most of the portion of the road width in front of the buildings and
There are only ten buildings in the study area which have their parking shopping centers is used for parking. This reduces the active road width
lots. Parking in these lots, there is parking provision for cars, motorcy and interrupts smooth traffic flow.
cles, and cycle. It is seen that only Khulna Shopping Complex has
parking provisions for all these three vehicles (12 cars, 200 motorcycles,
Table 9
Parking capacity of different buildings in comparison of standard condition (KDA, 2019).
Name of the building Current condition Standard condition Capacity level
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
Md.A. Noor et al. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 11 (2021) 100435
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