Book 07-15-2023 20.01
Book 07-15-2023 20.01
Book 07-15-2023 20.01
Exit interviews
Exit interviews are interviews conducted by management,
when employees leave organizations. Main purpose of conducting
exit interviews are to gather information regarding reasons for
employee voluntary turnovers; what the employee liked and didn't
like about the employment/ organization; what are the areas that
need improvement in the organization; and what satisfied/ motivated
the employee and what didn't. Generally, exit interviews will give
direct and candid information about the level and nature of
employee relations of organizations.
Joint consultativemeetings
· Performance appraisals
·Number of trade unions
Investments started flooding into Sri Lanka with the
establishment of EPZ in Sri Lanka under the Provisions of Greater
Colombo Economic Commission Law No.4 of 1978. The main
intention of establishing EPZ was to promote foreign investment and
increase export carnings. With theformation of EPZs, numerous
industries were set up and various employment opportunities were
generated. In this background, a new employee relations culture
was created in these BOI/EPZ enterprises.
Employee Relations
Many parties seem to assume that the different labour
legislation that exist in Sri Lanka are not applicable to BOI/ EPZ
enterprises and that employees working for BOI/EPZ enterprises are
not covered by these labou legislation in the country. In reality, labour
legislation do apply to BOI/ EPZ enterprises. BOI/EPZ enterprises are
however,granted numerous other concessions and cxemptions such
as tax reliefs,exemptions from laws such as Inland Revenue Act No. 4
of 1963 and No. 28 of 1979, Customs Ordinance and Exchange
Control Act.
Though there is no legal restriction for employees to form trade
unions within the BOI/EPZ enterprises, only a very limited number of
trade unions function in the zones. Main reasons for this dearth of
trade unions in the zones can be identified as:
restricted entry/access into the zone: As the entry/ access
into the zone is restricted for outsiders, it is difficult for trade
unions to gain entry,promote, or engage in different trade
union activities inside the zone.
existence of JCCs/ECs: When JCCs/ECs are
effective and employee problems are addressed
through these councils,employees might not feel
the need to join trade unions.
majority of employees being females: Female
participation in trade union activities are generally
Employee Relations 57
negative attitude and response towards trade
unions: Employers in the zone do everything they
can to discourage employees from forming trade
unions due to their negative attitudes towards trade
unions, leading to employee reluctance to form
trade unions for fear of reprisal.