KickC Reference Manual

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Reference Manual
Version 0.8 (BETA)

by Jesper Gravgaard / Rex of Camelot

1 What is KickC? 4
The KickC Language 4
Supported 6502-based platforms 4
Optimized and Readable Assembler Code 5
Getting Started 7

2 KickC Language Reference 9

Variables 9
Data Types 9
Integers 9
Booleans 11
Pointers 11
Arrays 11
Constants 12
No Floating Point Types 12
Expressions 13
Arithmetic Operators 13
Bitwise Operators 13
Relational Operators 13
Logical Operators 14
Conditional Operator 14
Comma Operator 14
Assignment Operators 15
Increment/decrement Operators 15
Pointer and Array Operators 15
Low/High Operators 16
Function Calls 16
Automatic Type Conversion and Type Casting 16
Operator Precedence and Parenthesis 17
Statements 18
Expressions and Assignments 19
If 19
Switch 19
While 20
Do-While 21
For 21
Break and Continue 22
Functions 22
Calling functions 22

Creating functions 23
The main() function 24
Comments 24
Splitting code into multiple files 25
Variables Directives 26
Const 26
Register 26
Align 27
Address 27
Volatile 27
Extern 28
Export 28
Function Directives 28
Inline 28
Interrupt 29
Inline Assembler Code 30
Inline KickAssembler Code 32
Inline KickAssembler data array initialization 33
Controlling the compilation 34
Target Platform 34
Linker Specification 35
Code and Data Segments 35
Target CPU 36
Character Encoding 37
Interrupt Type 37
Program Start Address 37
Zeropage Address Reservations 37
Emulator 38
Binary Output File Extension 38
Library Init Code 38
Comparison with standard C99 39
Not supported/implemented 39
Limitations / Modifications 39
Extensions 39
Tips for Optimizing KickC Code 40

3 Working with KickC 40

KickC Command Line Reference 40

4 The Compiler Architecture 43

Assembler Fragment Sub System 44
Fragment file name 44
Adding missing fragments 45
Handling clobbered registers 47

KickC is currently in beta, and occasionally crash with a cryptic error or create ASM code that
does not work properly. Feel free to test it and report any problems or errors you encounter.
Also, be prepared that breaking changes (to syntax, to semantics, etc.) may be implemented in
the next versions.

1 What is KickC?
KickC is a C-compiler for 6502-based platforms creating optimized and readable assembler

The KickC language is classic C with a few limitations, and a few extensions to ensure an
optimal fit for creating 6502 assembler code.

The KickC Language

The language is 95% standard C and supports most of the basic features of C, so it should be
quite easy to get started with if you have programmed in C or any similar language.

Here is a simple “hello world” program, that prints “hello world!” on the screen.

#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
printf(“hello world!”);

The language has some limitations compared to standard C, for example no support for unions
or reentrant functions. Some features were omitted because they cannot be realized in a way
that creates optimized 6502 assembler code. Others were omitted simply because they have
not yet been implemented in the language.

The language also has a few extensions to standard C. The modifications and extensions were
included either to allow creation of better 6502 assembler code or for convenience.

All limitations, modifications and extensions are described in the following sections.

Supported 6502-based platforms

The KickC-compiler includes all necessary linker and header files to makes it easy to create and
test binaries for the following 6502-based platforms out-of-the-box:
- Commodore VIC 20
- Commodore 64
- Commodore Plus/4 ( also usable for Commodore 16 and Commodore 116)
- Atari 2600
- Atari XL/XE
- Nintendo NES
- MEGA65

- Commander X16

For convenience KickC supports compiling and running in a suitable emulator directly from the
command line.

If you wish to develop for another 6502-based platform, then you can create your own linker and
header-files for that platform.

KickC uses the very versatile Kick Assembler ( The KickC
Compiler produces assembler code for the MOS Technology 6502 processor family. Specifically
the compiler supports 6502, 65C02, 65CE02 and 45GS02 CPUs.

Optimized and Readable Assembler Code

The compiler uses a number of modern optimization methods to create 6502-family assembler
code that executes as fast as possible and does not contain unnecessary boilerplate. The
optimization techniques include
● Detection of constant values and expressions
● Optimized allocation of registers to variables
● Optimized parameter and return value passing to/from functions
● Minimizing the number of zero-page addresses used for storing variables
● Choosing optimal assembler instructions to represent each statement
● Removing unused functions, variables and code
● Peephole optimization of the generated assembler code

The optimization techniques are also explained in more detail in later sections.

Below is a slightly more complex version of hello world, which prints “hello world!” with an added
space between each letter on the first and third line of the C64 default screen at 0x400. This
example illustrates how the KickC compiler creates optimized readable 6502 assembler.
helloworld2.c helloworld2.asm
char* screen = 0x400; .label screen = $400
main: {
void main() { lda #<screen
char* hello = "hello world!";
lda #>screen
print2(screen, hello); sta
print2(screen+2*40, hello); jsr print2
} lda #<screen+2*$28
void print2(char* at, char* msg) { lda #>screen+2*$28
char j=0; sta
for(char i=0; msg[i]; i++) { jsr print2
at[j] = msg[i];
hello: .text "hello world!@"

j += 2; }
} print2: {
} .label at = 2
ldy #0
ldx #0
lda main.hello,x
sta (at),y
lda main.hello,x
cmp #0
bne b1

The KickC compiler uses the following insights to optimize the helloworld2 program:
- The screen pointer is never modified and is therefore a constant location in memory.
- The second parameter to the print2-function (msg) always has the same value
main.hello, so that can be hardcoded inside the method body instead of parsing it.
- The contents of msg[i] (ie. the hardcoded main.hello string) can be addressed using
simple indexing.
- The at-parameter in print2 is truly variable, so it is placed on zero-page ($2 and $3) and
indirect indexing can be used for addressing the contents of at[j].
- The X-register is optimal for the i variable in the print2 function as it is good at indexing
and incrementing.
- The Y-register is optimal for the j variable in the print2 function as it is good at indirect
indexing and incrementing.
- When 2 is added to the j-variable it is better to do INY twice than to use addition.
- The A-register is optimal for holding the current character c of the message being moved
to the screen as LDA and STA can be efficiently indexed by X and indirect indexed by Y.

When generating Kick Assembler code the KickC compiler tries to ensure that the assembler
code is readable and corresponds to the source C program as much as possible. This includes
using the same names, using scopes and recreating constant calculations in assembler, when

The KickC Compiler creates readable 6502 assembler code for the helloworld2 program by:
- Using the variable and function-names screen, hello, main, print2, at in the generated
- Recreating the calculation of the constant screen+2*40 in the assembler code as
- Creating a local named scope in the assembler-code for the methods main and print2 by
enclosing them in curly braces.

- Placing method-local data and labels inside the method scope.This allows other
assembler code to access the local data/labels using dot-syntax eg. main.hello or

Getting Started
The KickC development is hosted on gitlab Here it is possible
to follow the development and to download the latest binary release.

You install KickC on your own computer by:

1. Download the newest KickC release from
2. Unpack the zip-file to a folder of your own choice.

The zip-file contains the following

○ bin Folder containing bat/sh-files for running KickC.
○ examples Folder containing some example KickC programs.
○ include Folder containing header-files for useful library functions usable in your
own program.
○ lib Folder containing C-files implementing the useful library functions usable in
your own program.
○ jar Folder containing the KickC JAR-file plus a few other JARs needed for
running KickC (antlr4-runtime, picocli and KickAssembler).
○ target Folder containing target platform specification and linker files for each
supported platform.
○ fragment Folder containing small asm-files used by the compiler to create the
assembler code.
○ This manual in PDF-format and some files with license-information.

KickC is written in Java. To use KickC you need to download and install a Java runtime from or Java must be added to your PATH, or the
environment variable JAVA_HOME must point to the folder containing the Java installation.

NOTE: KickC runs a lot faster on 64bit Java than on 32bit Java. You are therefore encouraged
to ensure that your Java is a 64bit version. You can check by executing java -version in a
Terminal/Command Prompt.

After installing KickC and you can compile a simple sample KickC program by doing the

1. Start a Terminal
2. cd to the folder containing KickC

3. Enter the command
bin/ -e examples/helloworld/helloworld.c

1. Start a Command Prompt
2. cd to the folder containing KickC
3. Enter the command
bin\kickc.bat -e examples\helloworld\helloworld.c

This compiles the helloworld KickC program examples/helloworld/helloworld.c and

produces assembler code in examples/helloworld/helloworld.asm.

The command line option -e instructs the compiler to both assemble the ASM code and execute
the resulting binary program in a suitable emulator.

If you prefer not to assemble and run the code then just leave the -e option out. The compiler
will then just produce an ASM-file that can then be assembled using KickAssembler, producing
a runnable program that can be executed using an emulator or transfered to the real 8-bit

The emulator must of course be installed on your machine and available in the PATH for (-e) to
work properly. KickC supports compiling for a number of different platforms, and uses different
emulators for each platform. The following are the emulators used by the built-in target
- VICE for Commodore 64, VIC 20 and Plus/4.
- Atari800 for Atari 8-bit (5200, 400/800/XL/XE).
- Nestopia for Nintendo NES.
- Stella for Atari 2600.
- Xemu for MEGA65.
- Commander X16 Emulator for Commander X16.

To compile, assemble and execute the example Commodore 64 program

simple-multiplexer.c (a sprite multiplexer moving 32 balloons in a sine on the screen) in the
VICE emulator use the following command in the kickc-folder (assuming MacOs)

bin/ -e examples/multiplexer/simple-multiplexer.c

To create your own KickC-programs use any text-editor to create a source file containing a void
main() function, save it to the file system (using the .c extension is recommended) and
compile it by passing it to (on MacOs) or kickc.bat (on Windows).

2 KickC Language Reference
KickC is a C-family language, and 95% of the syntax and semantics is the same as C99. In the
following the different parts of the language are explained. Finally the differences between
KickC and standard C are listed.

Variables are declared like in regular C by type name and can include an optional initialization
assignment. The following declares a signed char variable with the name size and the initial
value 12.

char size = 12;

If variables do not have an initial assignment they will be initialized with the default value zero.

It is possible to declare multiple variables with the same type by separating the names and
optional initializations with commas. Here two unsigned int variables a and b are declared, a
is initialized to 4 while b is initialized to the default value (zero).

unsigned int a = 4, b;

In KickC variables can be declared at any point in the program, outside functions or inside
function declarations.

Data Types

KickC supports the standard C integer data types (char, short, int, long), but also adds some
fixed size integer types, that have names more familiar on the 6502 platform (byte, word,

Type Name Description

char An unsigned 8 bit (1 byte) integer.

unsigned char Range is [0;255].
unsigned byte

signed char A signed 8 bit (1 byte) integer in two’s complement.

signed byte Range is [-128;127].

unsigned short An unsigned 16 bit (2 byte) integer
unsigned int Range is [0;65,535].
unsigned word

short A signed 16 bit (2 byte) integer in two’s complement.

signed short Range is [−32,767; +32,767].
signed int
signed word

unsigned long An unsigned 32 bit (4 byte) integer.

dword Range is [0, 4,294,967,295].
unsigned dword

long A signed 32 bit (4 byte) integer in two’s complement.

signed long Range is [−2,147,483,647, 2,147,483,647].
signed dword

If the 8bit integer types (char, byte) are declared without an unsigned/signed prefix they
default to unsigned. If the C 16+bit integer types (short, int, long) are declared without an
unsigned/signed prefix they default to signed, except char which defaults to unsigned. If the
16+bit 6502-friendly integer types (word, dword) are declared without an unsigned/signed
prefix they default to unsigned.

Integer literals can be either decimal, hexadecimal or binary. The syntax for hexadecimal integer
literals support both C syntax (prefixing with 0x) and 6502 assembler syntax (prefixing with $).
Similarly the syntax for binary supports both prefixing with 0b and %.

Prefix Format Examples

Decimal 12

0x Hexadecimal 0x40
$ $dc01

0b Binary 0b101
% %1100110011001100

Character literals are unsigned bytes / chars. The syntax for a character literal is the character
enclosed in single quotes. The following initializes the variable c to the character ‘c’.

char c = 'c';

Escape sequences can be used to represent special characters such as newline. The following
character escape sequences are supported

- '\n' newline
- '\r' carriage return
- '\f' form feed
- '\'' single quote
- '\"' double quote
- '\\' backslash
- '\\' backslash

Numerically a character is represented by whatever value the character has in the current
character encoding. The default encoding depends on the platform you are compiling for. You
can change the encoding by changing the target platform or by using #pragma encoding().

KickC also has a boolean type called bool. The boolean literals are true and false.Underlying
the boolean type is a byte containing either 0 (if false) or 1 (if true). The following is an example
of a boolean variable called enabled.

bool enabled = true;

Pointers to all integer types and booleans are supported and declared using the syntax type*.
The following is an example, where screen is a pointer to a char and pos is a pointer to a signed

char* screen;
int* pos;

Pointers to pointers are also supported. Here an example of a pointer to a pointer to an

unsigned char.

unsigned char** screenptr = &screen;

For functions it is only possible to use pointers to functions that has no return value and take no

Arrays are supported using the syntax type a[] or type a[size]. For most practical purposes
array variables are treated exactly like pointers.

Arrays can be initialized by an array literal written as comma-separated values inside curly
braces eg. { 1, 2, 3 }. They can also be initialized with all zero values just by declaring the
array to have a specific size.

String literals can also be used to initialize an array of unsigned bytes. The syntax for a string
literal is a string enclosed in double quotes. Strings can use escape sequences to represent
special characters such as newline. See character literals above for a list of the escape
sequences. Stings are per default zero terminated. It is possible to create a string that is not
zero terminated by adding the special suffix z after the last double quote.

Arrays that are initialized will allocate the memory needed for the size.

In the following example, sums is array of 3 signed chars initialized with zeros, fibs is an array of
6 signed integers containing the first Fibonacci numbers. msg is an unsigned char array
containing the numeric value of the 5 characters ‘h’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’ and ‘o’ plus a sixth value that is
zero (because strings are zero terminated) while msg2 only has the 5 characters without the
final zero. Finally bs is simply a pointer to a boolean.

signed char sums[3];

int fibs[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 };
char msg[] = "hello";
char msg2[] = "hello"z;
bool bs[];

Arrays of arrays are not supported.

Constants can be declared by using the const keyword.

const char SIZE = 42;

The compiler is quite good at detecting constants automatically, so it is not strictly necessary to
declare any constants. However declaring a constant can help make the code more readable
and will generate an error if any code tries to modify the value.

When an array is declared constant only the pointer to the array is constant. The contents of the
array can still be modified.

No Floating Point Types

KickC has no floating point types, as the 6502 processor has no instructions for handling these.

Expressions in KickC consist of operands and operators. Operands are either data type literals
or names of variables or constants. All well known expression operators from C and similar
languages also exist in KickC. An example of an expression is (bits & $80) != 0

Arithmetic Operators
The arithmetic operators support performing simple numeric calculations
● a + b Addition
● a - b Subtraction
● - a Negation
● + a Positive
● a * b Multiplication
● a / b Division
● a % b Modulo

Multiplication, division and remainder are allowed, however there is limited run-time support for
these operators as the 6502 has no instructions supporting them. Any
multiplication/division/remainder that is a part of a calculation of a constant value is allowed.
There is also runtime-support for unsigned multiplication of a variable by a constant.

Bitwise Operators
The bitwise operators operate on the individual bits of the numeric operands.
● a & b Bitwise and
● a | b Bitwise or
● a ^ b Bitwise exclusive or
● ~ a Bitwise not
● a << n Bitwise shift left n bits
● a >> n Bitwise shift right n bits

Relational Operators
The relational operators compare values and has a boolean value result.
● a == b Equal to
● a != b Not equal to
● a < b Less than
● a <= b Less than or equal to
● a > b Greater than
● a >= b Greater than or equal to

Logical Operators
The logical operators operate on boolean operands and has a boolean result.
● a && b Logical and
● a || b Logical or
● ! a Logical not

When && and || are used in if, while, do-while or similar statements they are short
circuit-evaluated meaning that if a evaluates to true in if(a || b) { … } then b is never
evaluated. Similarly if a evaluates to false in if(a && b) { … } then b is never evaluated.

Conditional Operator
The conditional operator is also called ternary operator because it is the only operator using
three operands. It is used to choose between two different values.

● a ? b : c Conditional

It evaluates the first operand, which should be boolean. If the first operand evaluates to true it
returns the value of the second operator. If the first operand evaluates to true it returns the value
of the third operator. It uses short-circuit-evaluation meaning that only one of the two last
operands are evaluated depending on the value of the first operand.

In this example d will be set to the value of c if c is positive and to -c if c is negative.

char d = c>0 ? c : -c;

Comma Operator
The comma operator can be used to evaluate multiple values in place of an expression. It
evaluates the first operand and discards the results. Then it evaluates the second operand and
returns the results.

● a , b Comma

Using it can produce code that is hard to read, however it can come to good use in
for()-statements to increment multiple variables. Here an example of a for()-loop with two
loop-variables i and j.

for(unsigned char i=0, j=0; i<32; i++, j+=2) { … }

Assignment Operators
Assigning a value to a variable is also an expression operator that returns the value assigned.
This means that assignments can be nested inside expressions, and that they can be chained if
multiple variables should be assigned the same value like a = b = 0. An assignment of course
has side effects, as it modifies the assigned variable.

Compound assignment operators, such as a += b is a convenient shorthand for updating the

value of a variable. It works exactly like a = a + b.

● a = b Assignment
● a += b Addition assignment
● a -= b Subtract assignment
● a *= b Multiply assignment
● a /= b Divide assignment
● a %= b Modulo assignment
● a <<=b Left shift assignment
● a >>=b Right shift assignment
● a &= b Bitwise and assignment
● a |= b Bitwise or assignment
● a ^= b Bitwise exclusive or assignment

Increment/decrement Operators
The pre-increment/decrement and post-increment/decrement operators is a convenient way of
incrementing/decrementing the value of a numeric variable just before or just after the value is
used in an expression.

● ++a Pre-increment
● --a Pre-decrement
● a++ Post-increment
● a-- Post-decrement
Pre-incrementing works just like incrementing the value of c before the statement, meaning that
a = b + ++c; is the same as c += 1; a = b + c; Similarly post-incrementing works just like
incrementing the value after the statement, meaning that a = b + c--; is the same as a = b +
c; c -= 1;

Pointer and Array Operators

The two basic pointer operators are the &a address-of operator, which creates a pointer to a
variable and the *a pointer dereference operator, which supports reading and writing the value
pointed to by the pointer.

The array indexing operator a[b], which supports reading and writing of array elements, is in fact
also a pointer operator. Because an array variable is actually a pointer to the start of the array
the array dereference operator a[b], which is actually shorthand for *(a+b).

● &a Address of
● *a Pointer dereference
● a[b] Array indexing

Low/High Operators
An extension in KickC is the inclusion of operators that allow addressing the low/high byte of a
word, and the low/high words of a dword. These are well known from 6502 assemblers.

The low-operator <a addresses the low-byte of the word a, or the low-word if a is a dword.
Similarly the high-operator >a addresses the high-byte of a word or high-word of a dword.

The low/high operator can also be used on the left side of assignments to modify only the
low/high byte of a word or low/high word of a dword.

● <a Low part of

● >a High part of

The following example sets the low part of the word in a to 0. If a was $0428 before the
assignment it will be $0400 afterwards.

<a = 0;

Function Calls
Function that returns a value can be called as part of an expression. Functions are called by the
normal parenthesis-syntax with parameter values separated by commas. How to create a
function is described in the section Functions.

● f(a,b) Function Call

Automatic Type Conversion and Type Casting

KickC handles automatic type conversions differently than standard C. Where standard C
converts all small integers to int before evaluating expressions, KickC supports evaluating
operators for all types and only performs conversions if they are strictly necessary. Limiting the
number of automatic type conversions helps creating better optimized 6502 assembler. In many
cases KickC can even handle operators for two values of different type directly. For instance
adding a byte to a word can be done in more optimal 6502 code than first converting the byte to

a word and then adding the two words. In practice the difference to standard C rarely has any

Like standard C, KickC will ensure automatic type conversion (if necessary) as long as the type
of one value can contain all values of the type of the other. For instance an unsigned char can
be automatically converted to a signed int as signed ints can hold all possible unsigned char
values. An unsigned char can not be automatically converted to a signed char, since a signed
char cannot hold all possible unsigned char values.

The automatic conversions that Kick can perform for each type are the following

Type Can be automatically converted to

unsigned char unsigned int, signed int, unsigned long, signed long

signed char signed long, signed long

unsigned int unsigned long, signed long

signed int signed long

unsigned long -

signed long -

The cast operator can be used to perform explicit type conversion. Casting also allows
conversions to a type that cannot hold all possible values, and where some information may be
lost in the conversion, for example casting a signed char to an unsigned char.

● (type)a Casting

For sub-expressions containing only constants the KickC compiler tries to infer the type of the
sub-expression. This is done by performing the calculation and then checking which types can
hold the calculated value. For instance the calculation $4000/$80 is inferred to match any
integer type except signed char (since a signed char cannot hold 128) . This also differs from
standard C, where all constant integer numbers are ints unless specified otherwise.

Operator Precedence and Parenthesis

Operators precedence decides which operators are applied first when multiple operators are
combined in an expression. For instance multiplication is performed before addition in a*b+c. In
KickC operators generally have the same precedence as in standard C.

Precedence rules can be overridden by using explicit parentheses in expressions. For instance
to perform addition before multiplication (a+b)*c.
● ( a ) Parenthesis

The following table shows KickC operator precedences. Operators at the top of the table binds
most tightly.

Precedence Operators Associativity

1 a++ a-- f( ) a[b] Left-to-right

2 ++a --a +a ~a Right-to-left

!a (t)a *a &a

3 a*b a/b a%b Left-to-right

4 a+b a-b Left-to-right

5 a<<b a>>b Left-to-right

6 <a >a Left-to-right

7 a<b a<=b a>b a>=b Left-to-right

8 a==b a!=b Left-to-right

9 a&b Left-to-right

10 a^b Left-to-right

11 a|b Left-to-right

12 a&&b Left-to-right

13 a||b Left-to-right

14 a?b:c Right-to-left

15 a=b a+=b a-=b a*=b Right-to-left

a/=b a%=b a<<=b a>>=b
a&=b a^=b a|=b

16 a,b Left-to-right

The statements of a KickC program control the flow of execution. KickC supports most
statements supported by standard C.

Statements are separated by semicolons stmt; stmt; and can be grouped together in blocks
using curly braces { stmt; stmt; }.

Expressions and Assignments

All expressions are valid statements.There are two typical ways of using expressions as
statements. The first is an assignment, which is an expression, modifying the value of a

a += 2;

The second is calling a function that has a side effect.


The body of an if-statement is only executed if the condition is true. The if-statement can have
an else-body, that is executed if the condition is not true.

The following if-statement prints “even” to the screen if a is even.

if((a&1)==0) { print(“even”); }

The following if-statement increases b if a is less than 10 and decreases b otherwise.

if(a<10) { b++; } else { b--; }

If the condition is an integer or pointer expression then a value of zero is considered false and
a non-zero value is considered true. The following if-statement decrements i if it is non-zero

if(i) i--;


The switch-statement is used to choose between a number of cases. It is usable when you
would otherwise use several consecutive if-statements. Switch works by examining a single
expression and comparing the value to a number of cases labelled with a constant value. The
execution starts at the case where the label matches the value. Execution then continues
forward until through the statements of the following cases. A break-statement can be used to
break out of the switch. At the end a special default-case can be used for catching values that
were not matched by any other case.

The following switch-statement examines the char c and chooses what to do: if c is a zero it
exits the function, if c is a TAB or newline it prints a space - and for all other values of c it prints
c itself.

switch(c) {
case 0:
case '\t':
case '\n':
print(' ');

Notice how the TAB case is empty, but since switch continues to execute statements from
following cases the execution will start at the print(' '). The return-statement in case 0 also
breaks the execution of the switch.

Switch has the following syntax

switch(expr) {
case const1:
case const2:


Where expr is an expression giving the value to examine and const1, const2, … are
expressions that must evaluate to constants. Finally body1, body2, … are sequences of

The body of a while-loop is executed repeatedly as long as the condition is still true. The
while-loop is executed by first evaluating the condition. If the condition is true the body is
executed and the loop starts over. If the condition is not true execution continues after the loop.
If the condition is not true the first time the loop is encountered then the body is never executed.

The following while-loop prints i dots on the screen, while counting i down to zero.

while(i!=0) { print(“.”); i--; }

The do-while-loop is very similar to the while-loop. The body of a do-while-loop is executed
repeatedly as long as the condition is true. In the do-while-loop the body is executed first and
then the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true the loop starts over. If the condition is not
true execution continues after the loop.The body of the loop is always executed at least once.

The following do-while-loop keeps scanning the keyboard until the space key is pressed.

do {
} while (keyboard_event_get()!=KEY_SPACE)

The for-loop is a convenient way of creating a loop, where a loop-variable is initialized, the body
is executed, the loop-variable is incremented and finally the condition is evaluated to determine
whether to repeat the loop again.

A for-loop has the following syntax

for(init; condition; increment) { body }

and is equivalent to the following KickC code

while(condition) {

The condition is evaluated before the body and increment, enabling for-loops where the body
and increment is never executed.

KickC has an additional convenience syntax for creating simple for-loops that loop over an
integer range. The following for-loop executes the body 128 times with i having values

for(char i : 0..127) { body }

And is equivalent to

for(char i=0; i!=127+1; i++) { body }

This convenience syntax only accepts constants or expressions evaluating to constants as the
ends of the integer interval. It can loop both backwards and forwards.

Break and Continue

The break statement terminates a loop or a switch, whereas a continue statement forces the
next iteration of a loop. These statements are very useful when creating complex loop logic.

The following loop prints a string on the screen, skipping all spaces by using the continue
statement. When it encounters a zero char in the string it stops printing using the break

char* screen = $400;

char str[] = "hello brave new world!";
for( char i: 0..255) {
if(str[i]==0) break;
if(str[i]==' ') continue;
*screen++ = str[i];

Functions are named pieces of code that can be reused by calling them and passing different

Calling functions
In the following code a function called max is called 3 times. The max-function takes 2 chars
parameters and returns the maximal value of the two. After this code m will have the value 31
and n will have the value 47.

char m = max(31, 9 );
char n = max(m, max(47, 7));

In general, a function is called using the syntax:

name(param1, param2, …)

● name is the name if the function
● param1 is the value of the first parameter
● param2 is the value of the second parameter

The number of parameters passed must exactly match the number of parameters the function

If the function returns a value then the function call can be used as part of any expression. An
example of this can be seen in the nested call to max above.

Creating functions
Functions are created by adding function declarations to your program. The following is a
declaration of the max-function used above. It expects two char value parameters, finds the
largest one and returns it.

char max(char a, char b) {

if(a>b) {
return a;
} else {
return b;

In general a function declaration has the following syntax:

return-type name(param-type1 param-name1, param-type1 param-name1, ...) { body }

● return-type is the type of value that the function returns
● name is the name if the function
● param-type1 is the type of the first parameter
● param-name1 is the name of the first parameter
● param-type2 is the type of the second parameter
● param-name2 is the name of the second parameter
● body is the code performing the task of the function

If a function does not return a value it must declare the return type as void.

The parameter declaration inside the parenthesis describes how many parameters must be
passed when calling the function, the types of the parameters to be passed and names the
parameters have inside the functions body code. The max-function above takes 2 chars
parameters, named a and b.

The function body is the code executed when calling the function. In the body code the declared
parameters can be used as variables and will have the values passed by the call.

The special statement return is used to return a value to the caller. The return statement exits
the function immediately.

The following statement exits the function and returns the sum of values a and b.

return a+b;

The main() function

All KickC programs must have exactly one function called main. The main function is the
starting point of the program. In KickC the main() function takes no parameters and returns no

The following is a very simple KickC program with a main function that turns the screen
background color black and exits.

#include <c64.h>

void main() {

When compiling the main-function generates a C64 BASIC program containing a single SYS
command which starts the execution of the compiled KickC program.

The following is the KickAssembler code resulting from compiling the KickC program above.
BasicUpstart is KickAssemblers way of creating a BASIC-program with a single SYS command.

.pc = $801 "Basic"

.pc = $80d "Program"
.label BGCOL = $d021
.const BLACK = 0
main: {
lda #BLACK

Two types of comments are supported in KickC. Anything inside a comment has no effect on the
generated code.

Block comments, started with /* and ended with */ can span multiple lines. They can sometimes
be useful for commenting out large parts of programs.

/* A multi-line
block comment */

Single line comments are started with double-slash // and ends at the next newline

// a single-line comment

Splitting code into multiple files

Like in C you can split code into multiple files by creating header-files (extension .h) and
code-files (extension .c). The header-files typically contain only the interface of the module, ie.
function declarations without body, extern variable declarations and #defines.

For one C-file to be able to use the functions/variables from another file you can include the
header using

#include “other.h”

When including files the compiler first searches through the current folder where the file that has
the #include statement is located, then it searches each library folder added by the -I /
-includedir option to the compiler.

Include can be told to look in subfolders by prefixing the filename with a slash-separated path.
Here is an example where graphics code files are located in a subfolder:

#include “graphics/character.h”

Using #include <file.h> instead of #include “file.h” will cause the compiler to not look
for the file in the current directory, only looking in the search folders. This is useful when
including libraries.

Unlike a normal C-compiler KickC does not support compiling each C-file individually and linking
them later. Instead KickC insists on compiling all needed C-files in one go to be able to optimize

When you include a header-file using #include the compiler will try to automatically find the
matching C-file. This is done by looking for a file with the same name, but extension .c in the
current folder and each library folder added by the -L / -libdir option to the compiler.

You can also choose to pass multiple C-files directly to the compiler main.c other.c

KickC also differs from standard C by automatically ensuring that any included file is only
included once by automatically keeping track of which files have been included. This, combined
with compiling all files in one go, means that with KickC you can skip the header-files and
include C-files directly instead. This may be more convenient for you if you do not plan to port
your code to other C-compilers.

Variables Directives
KickC has a number of directives can be used for controlling how a variable works. Variable
directives are can be added before or after the type of the variable.

The const directive is used to declare that a variable cannot be modified by the program. The
declaration must also contain an assignment and the compiler will issue an error if the variable
is assigned anywhere else.

const char SPRITES = 8;

For pointers the const directive can either be used to declare a constant pointer to a value or a
pointer to a constant value. Which you declare is determined by the location of the const
keyword relative to the *.

A constant pointer to a value means that the pointer cannot be modified, but the value that it
points to can be modified. It is declared by placing the keyword after the *

char * const SCREEN = 0x0400 ;

A pointer to a const value means that the program is not allowed to modify whatever the pointer
points to, but that the pointer itself can be modified. It is declared by placing the keyword before
the *

const char * ROM = 0xA000 ;

The register directive is used to instruct the compiler to optimize a variable, putting it into a
CPU-register if possible. The compiler is quite good at optimizing register usage, so using this
directive should not be needed.

char register i;

It is also possible to add a specific register in parenthesis to force the variable into a specific
CPU-register. Using this directive can cause the compiler to fail if it is impossible to compile the
program with the variable assigned to the register.

char register(X) i;

The __align directive is used to control the placement of arrays and strings in memory. For
instance __align(0x40) will ensure that the memory address where the data is placed is a
multiple of 0x40 bytes. This can be useful when trying to optimize the performance of your

char __align(0x100) sine[0x100];

The __address() directive is used to place a variable at a specific address in memory. For
instance the following will place the integer variable at address 250 (on zeropage)

__address(250) int num;

You can also use the directive for placing arrays at specific places in memory. This is quite
useful for handling graphics data that must often be placed at specific addresses. The following
places the array SPRITES at the memory location 0x2000.

__address(0x2000) SPRITES[64*10];

For graphics it can be especially useful to use inline KickAssembler for initializing the data array
directly from a graphics file in a modern file format. See the section “Inline KickAssembler data
array initialization”.

Please note that only global variable arrays can be placed at specific memory locations.
__address() is not supported for local array variables.

The volatile directive tells the compiler that the value of the variable might change at any
time. The volatile keyword must be used for variables that are shared between code running
“simultaneously”. An example is when coding with interrupts (see the interrupt directive).

The directive prevents the compiler from using all optimizations, where it assumes it can guess
the value of the variable from the surrounding code. It will also ensure that the compiler does
not produce code where the value of the variable is held in a register.

volatile char sprite_ypos;

For pointers the location of the volatile keyword relative to the * is used to distinguish
between a volatile pointer and a pointer to volatile data. See const for a more thorough

The extern keyword on a variable specifies that this variable is defined somewhere else. The
extern keyword is typically used in header-files, when a variable defined in the C-file should be
usable by other C-files.

extern char cursor_onoff;

The export directive tells the compiler that the value of a data-variable must be included in the
resulting ASM even if it is never used anywhere and would normally be deleted by the optimizer.
The export keyword is only usable for global variables containing data, typically arrays.
The directive prevent the compiler from deleting the variable during optimization.

export char MESSAGE[] = “Hello World!”;

Function Directives
KickC also has a few directives that instruct the compiler to treat functions in a specific way.

The inline function directive instructs the compiler to inline the whole function body
everywhere the function is called. This can be used for optimizing your code since it allows the
compiler to optimize the code of each function call independently, for instance by identifying
constants in each call. It also saves the CPU cycles normally needed to call the function and
return from it. The trade-off is that your program will compile into more bytes of code.

inline char sum( char a, char b) {

return a+b;

The __interrupt function directive is used for creating interrupt handler functions.

__interrupt void irq() {


The directive can be used with parenthesis to specify a specific type of interrupt handler
function. Different interrupt handler function types will generate slightly different code for
entering/exiting the interrupt. For instance __interrupt(rom_sys_c64) specifies that the C64
interrupt should exit by calling the kernel standard interrupt service routine at 0xea31, which
scans the keyboard and more.

If you do not specify a type in parenthesis then the default interrupt type for the platform is used.

The following are the supported interrupt types:

- rom_min_c64 C64 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xea81, which restores the registers and exits. (Default for c64)
- rom_sys_c64 C64 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xea31, which runs the normal kernal service routine that
includes checking and handling keyboard input .
- rom_min_vic20 VIC20 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xeb18, which restores the registers and exits. (Default for
- rom_sys_vic20 VIC20 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xeabf, which runs the normal kernal service routine that
includes checking and handling keyboard input.
- rom_min_plus4 Plus/4 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xfcc3, which restores the registers and exits. (Default for
- rom_sys_plus4 Plus/4 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xce0e, which runs the normal kernal service routine that
includes checking and handling keyboard input.
- rom_min_cx16 CX16 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xe049, which restores the registers and exits. (Default for
- rom_sys_cx16 CX16 Interrupt served by the kernal called through 0x0314-5. Will exit
through the kernal using 0xe034, which runs the normal kernal service routine that
includes checking and handling keyboard input.

- hardware_all Interrupt served directly from hardware through 0xfffe-f or 0xfffa-b.
Will exit through RTI and will save/restore all registers. (Default for atari2600, atarixl and
- hardware_clobber Interrupt served directly from hardware through 0xfffe-f or
0xfffa-b. Will exit through RTI and will save necessary registers based on a clobber
analysis of the interrupt handler code.
- hardware_none Interrupt served directly from hardware through 0xfffe-f or
0xfffa-b. Will exit through RTI and will save/restore NO registers.

The hardware-interrupt types can be used on all platforms, since they do not rely on any code in

In general interrupts are set up by assigning a pointer to an interrupt handler function to one of
the interrupt vectors placed a specific address in the memory. Below is a C64 example of setting
up the kernal IRQ vector (at $314 in memory) to run the irq() function declared above. When
setting up interrupts it is good practice to surround the code with the SEI/CLI instructions to
prevent any interrupt from occuring during the setup itself.

#include <c64.h>
#include <6502.h>

void main() {
*KERNEL_IRQ = &irq;

If your interrupt code needs to utilize global variables to communicate with other parts of the
program or to store state between interrupt calls these variables should be declared as

Inline Assembler Code

Programs can include inline assembler code inside a function body. This can for instance be
useful for interfacing to machine code such as the BASIC/KERNAL or for modifying processor
flags (such as the interrupt flag or decimal flag).

Inline assembler is created using the asm statement with a body containing the assembler code.
The following is an example setting the processor interrupt flag.

asm {

The assembler language usable within the curly braces is pretty limited standard syntax
6502/65C02/65CE02/45GS02 assembler using the same syntax as KickAssembler (and most
classical 6502 assemblers). The following is supported:
● All 6502/6510 instructions and addressing modes
○ Immediate lda #%10101010
○ Absolute eor 1024
○ Zeropage rol 2
○ Relative bne nxt
○ Absolute indexed X adc $2000,x
○ Absolute indexed Y cmp sintab,y
○ Zeropage indexed X sbc 2,x
○ Zeropage indexed Y stx $fe,y
○ Zeropage indexed indirect X lda ($20,x)
○ Zeropage indirect indexed Y ora (14),y
○ Indirect jmp ($1000)
○ Implied (no operand) tax
● The 65CE02 instructions and addressing modes
○ Indirect Zeropage Indexed by Z lda ($12),z
○ Stack Pointer Indirect Indexed sta ($12,sp),y
○ Immediate Word phw #$1234
○ Long Relative lbra #$1234
● The 45GS02 instructions and addressing modes
○ 32-bit Indirect Zeropage Z lda (($12)),z
○ 32-bit Indirect Zeropage stq (($12))
● Labels
○ Normal labels next:
○ Multi labels !next:
● Data
○ Bytes .byte $10, $20

The parameters for instructions and the data bytes can be written as expressions supporting
● Literal numbers in decimal, binary or hexadecimal using the same syntax as KickC literal
numbers eg. 1024, $3fff, %10101010
● Literal characters eg. ‘q’
● Constant variables declared in the C-code eg. SCREEN
● Labels declared within the assembler code
● Math operators + - * / < > << >>
● Parenthesis using [ and ] to avoid the assembler interpreting them as indirect
addressing mode.

The ability to reference constant variables declared outside the assembler code allows the inline
assembler to interact with data in the C-part of the program. The following is an example
referencing the constant variable SCREEN.

const char* SCREEN = $400;

void main() {
asm {
lda #’c’
sta SCREEN+40

There is also support for referencing labels declared inside inline ASM in other functions using
the special . operator (eg. clearscreen.fillchar ) . This makes it possible for ASM in one
function to modify the code of ASM inside other scopes.

The KickC compiler understands the inline assembler code and attempts to optimize it during
the compilation process. For instance it can analyze which registers are clobbered by the inline
assembler, and optimize surrounding KickC-code register usage.

If your inline ASM contains a JSR call the compiler assumes that all registers are clobbered.
However, it is possible to add a clobbers directive in parenthesis specifying exactly which
registers are clobbered by your inline assembler code. Here is an example of inline assembler
where the directive is used to specify that the JSR only clobbers the A- and X-registers.

void playMusic() {
asm(clobbers “AX”) {
jsr $1000

Since the compiler understands the inline assembler it will also modify the assembler code if this
leads to faster execution, for instance removing an immediate load-instruction that loads a value
that the register is already guaranteed to contain.

Inline KickAssembler Code

The inline assembler code described above can be very useful, but only supports rudimentary
assembler features. The limitations allow the compiler to understand the assembler code and
include it in optimizations.

If you need advanced assembler features in your code such as macros, loops or importing
binary files or images it is possible to include inline KickAssembler code in your KickC program
using the kickasm statement. The body of the kickasm statement must be enclosed in double
curly braces and is passed directly to KickAssembler. The KickC compiler does not make any
attempt to parse or understand the KickAssembler code. All advanced KickAssembler features
are described in the manual here

The following is an example of inline KickAssembler code creating assembler for really fast
screen clearing (1000 STA operations with no looping).

void clearscreen() {
kickasm(uses screen) {{
lda #0
.for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
sta screen+i

Inline KickAssembler can reference constant variables declared in the surrounding C-code. To
ensure that the KickC compiler knows that the inline KickAssembler uses a constant you should
add a uses directive in parenthesis. This will ensure that KickC knows that the symbol is used,
and for instance prevent the compiler from removing the symbol entirely if it is not used
anywhere else.

Inline KickAssembler data array initialization

Inline KickAssembler can also be used to initialize data arrays. Here it allows utilizing
KickAssemblers powerful macro language. The following is an example of a sine table

char sintab[0x100] = kickasm {{

.fill $100, 127.5 + 127.5*sin(i*2*PI/256)

To specify exactly where the resulting data bytes ends up in memory the __address() directive
can be used. Here an example of generating a table with sine values at a specific location.

__address(0x1000) char sintab[] = kickasm {{

.fill $100, 127.5 + 127.5*sin(toRadians(i*360/256))

Please note that the __address() directive is only allowed for global variables.

It is also possible to use inline KickAssembler for loading pictures, music or other binary files
and generating data bytes from these. When loading binary files in the inline KickAssembler
code it is necessary to inform the KickC compiler using a resource directive within
parentheses. This is needed because KickC may have to copy the used resource files to the
output directory where the compiled assembler code is written. Here an example of including a
sprite from a PNG image file and placing it at a specific memory address.

__address(0xc00) char SPRITE[] = kickasm(resource "balloon.png") {{

.var pic = LoadPicture("balloon.png", List().add($000000, $ffffff))
.for (var y=0; y<21; y++)
.for (var x=0;x<3; x++)
.byte pic.getSinglecolorByte(x,y)

Controlling the Compilation

KickC offers a number of ways for you to tell the compiler how to perform the compilation.

This can either be done through #pragma commands in the source code or through command
line options. The #pragma commands can offer the advantage that your compilation options are
documented directly in the source code.

Target Platform
You can specify which target platform the compiler should compile for by using #pragma
target(name) or the command line options -t name or -p name.

The target platform collects a linker file and a number of other compilation options into a single
convenient choice that makes it easy to create binary files for a specific platform. The target
platform also specifies the default emulator used to execute the binaries.

The target platforms are specified through the tgt-files in the target folder in the KickC
installation. You can add your own target platform by creating a new tgt-file and an ld-file (a
linker specification file).

The KickC-compiler includes the following target platforms out-of-the-box:

- Commodore VIC 20
- Commodore 64
- Commodore Plus/4 ( also usable for Commodore 16 and Commodore 116)
- Atari 2600

- Atari XL/XE
- Nintendo NES
- MEGA65
- Commander X16

Linker Specification
You can create your own linker specification describing exactly how to generate a binary file
from the code and data of your program.

You can tell the compiler to use a custom linker specification file the by using #pragma
link(“filename”) or the command line options -T filename.

The linker specification file uses the KickAssembler segment format, as described in chapter 10
and 11 of the KickAssembler manual. See

KickC expands the following strings in the linker script before passing it on to KickAssembler:
- %E Expands to the name of the entry point in the KickC program (ie. the label of the code
that starts the program. Typically main or __start )
- %P Expands to the start address, where the generated code should be located in
memory. See #pragma start_address()
- %O Expands to the name of the output file that the resulting binary should be saved to.
The output filename is the same as the primary input file with the extension of a binary
program. The binary file extension depends on the target platform or can be specified
using #pragma extension.
- %_O Expands to a lowercase version of output file name from %O.
- %^O Expands to an uppercase version of output file name from %O.

KickC includes linker specifications for all supported target platforms. These are the files with
extension ld in the target folder. These can be used as a starting point for your own linker
specification files.

Some of the included example programs demonstrate how to use custom linker files. For
instance the example program kernalload.c uses a custom linker file for generating a binary
D64 disk image.

Code and Data Segments

By default your code is compiled into the segment named “Code” and your data is compiled into
the segment named “Data”.

If you create your own linker specification file, you can also declare new named segments that
the linker file then outputs into the binary file.
In your program you can specify which named segment the code should be compiled into using

#pragma code_seg(name)

Similarly you can specify which named segment the data should be compiled into using

#pragma data_seg(name)

These two #pragmas can be used multiple times in your source code. They take effect when
encountered and are used for all following code and data until you instruct the compiler to use
another named segment using the #pragma once more.

Target CPU
You can specify which CPU the compiler should create assembler code for by using #pragma
cpu(name) or the command line option -cpu name.

The following CPUs are supported:

- rom6502 Vanilla MOS 6502 CPU running in ROM
(no illegal opcodes, no self-modifying code).
- rom6502x MOS 6502 CPU running in ROM
(allows illegal instructions, no self-modifying code).
- mos6502 Vanilla MOS 6502 CPU
(no illegal opcodes, allows self-modifying code).
- mos6502x MOS 6502 CPU
(allows illegal instructions, allows self-modifying code).
- wdc65c02 WDC 65C02 CPU
(More addressing modes and instructions, no self-modifying code).
- csg65ce02 CSG 65CE02 CPU
(Even more addressing modes and instructions, no self-modifying code).
- mega45gs02 MEGA65 45GS02 CPU
(Even more addressing modes and instructions, no self-modifying code)

Support for the 65CE02 and 45GS02 CPUs is achieved by using a modified version of
KickAssembler. The modified KickAssembler will be retired when the KickAssembler officially
adds support for these CPUs. It is available here

Character Encoding
You can specify which character encoding the compiler uses to find the numerical value of a
character or string by using #pragma encoding(name).

The following character encodings are supported:

- petscii_mixed Commodore PET Standard Code of Information Interchange mixed
- petscii_upper Commodore PET Standard Code of Information Interchange
- screencode_mixed Commodore screen codes mixed case. (Default for vic20, c64,
plus4, mega65)
- screencode_upper Commodore screen codes uppercase.
- atascii ATARI Standard Code for Information Interchange (Default for atari2600)
- screencode_atari ATARI screen codes. (Default for atarixl)
- ascii American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Interrupt Type
You can specify the interrupt type that is used for functions with the __interrupt directive by

#pragma interrupt(type)

This instructs the compiler what interrupt type to use for a function with an __interrupt
directive without a parenthesis.

You can see the available interrupt types in the section Interrupt above.

Program Start Address

You can specify the program start address in memory by using #pragma

The program start address is passed on to the linker script, which uses it to place the program in

The default start address for each target platform is specified in the tgt-file.

Zeropage Address Reservations

If you want the compiler to avoid using some parts of the zeropage, because you plan to use
them for other purposes, then you can specify this using

#pragma zp_reserve(number, number, ...)

If you want to avoid a whole range of zeropage addresses you can specify that using the syntax
number..number as one of the parameters.

As an example the following instructs the compiler to not use zeropage addresses 2, 7 and

#pragma zp_reserve(2, 7, 0x10..0x1f)

You can specify which emulator to use for running the compiled binary program by using

#pragma emulator(“command”)

When the program is compiled with the -e command line option KickC will run the emulator
command and pass it the generated binary program.

The target platform tgt-files defines the default emulator command for each platform, so you
only need to use the pragma if you want to override the default.

Binary Output File Extension

You can override the filename extension used for binary output files by using

#pragma extension(“ext”)

The default extension for the binary output files is specified in the target platform tgt-file.

Library Init Code

If you are coding a library, you can specify that a function is init-code that needs to run before
the main() program is started.

If you specify the following then the compiler will automatically add a call to the function init()
before calling main() to any program that uses the functions proc1, proc2 or proc3.

#pragma constructor_for(init, proc1, proc2, proc3)

If proc1, proc2 or proc3 are never used then the init function is not called, and the KickC
optimizer will delete it unless it is explicitly called elsewhere.

Comparison with standard C99

Not supported/implemented
● Floating point types float, double
● Runtime multiplication a*b
(except constants)
● Runtime division a/b
(except powers of 2)
● Runtime modulo a%b
(except powers of 2 - 1)
● Union union { char b; int w; } u;
● Array of arrays char baa[4][4];
● Function pointers w. param void(char)*;
● Function pointers w. return char()*;
● Recursive functions char fib(byte n) { return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)}
● Alignof operator char s = alignof(word);
● Variadic functions sum(int i1, ...)
(except printf )

Limitations / Modifications
● Multiplication, division and modulo has limited support.
○ Multiplication is supported for constant values
○ Division is supported for constant powers of 2
○ Modulo is supported for constant powers of 2 minus 1
○ Multiplication of a variable with an unsigned constant is supported and converted
to shifts/additions.
○ There is no general runtime support for multiplication/division/modulo without
using a library and a function call.
● Arrays and strings are always statically allocated (as data bytes in the resulting
● Alignment directive __align($100)
● Register directive register(X)
● Inline assembler asm { SEI CLD };
● Main-function void main() { … }

● Forward referencing variables in the outer scope
● Ranged for-loops for( char i: 0.. 10) { }
● Word operator unsigned int w = { hi, lo };

● Lo/hi-byte operator char lo = <w; <w = 12;

Tips for Optimizing KickC Code

● Use char/byte anywhere possible. It is way faster than int/word.
● Use unsigned types unaware possible - they are faster than signed types.
● Use array indexing instead of incrementing pointers.
● Use do {} while() instead of while() {} for loops that always execute at least once.
● Booleans are not always very efficient. Often chars are better.
● Use inline functions
● Use (experimental) inline loops
● Use normal optimization techniques
○ Put calculated results that is used multiple times into a variable instead of
repeating the calculation
○ Create arrays for lookup instead of repeating a calculation many times
○ Unroll loops (manually)

3 Working with KickC

Controlling output files

Running the compiler will generate a number of output files. The directory and name of the
output files all have sensible defaults, and can be controlled through configuration or command
line options.

The following output files generated are:

- An ASM-file containing the assembler code for all the C-files. This ASM-file collects
assembler code for all C-files passed to the compiler and all used functions in all
included libraries.
- A copy of all resource-files needed to compile the ASM-file. Resource-files are defined in
inline kickass and typically contain images, music, data tables etc. Resource-files are
copied to the output-directory if it is not the same as the input directory.
- A binary program file that is the result of assembling the ASM-file. The binary output file
is generated when instructing the compiler to also do the assembly by command line
options -a or -e. The contents and specific format of the binary program file is controlled
by the linker specification of the target platform (or any custom linker specification). The
linker specification can potentially generate multiple binary output files. In the linker
specification %O is used to expand the binary output file name.

The binary program output file name generated has the following file name components:

output-path / output-basename . output-extension

Where each component is determined in the following way:

Output-path is the directory where the output files are generated. The following is a prioritized
list specifying how the compiler finds this folder:
1. If the -o command line option is passed and the passed file name contains a directory
part, then this directory is used.
2. If the -odir command line option is passed, then this directory is used.
3. If the first C-file passed to the compiler contains a directory part, then this directory is
4. Otherwise the current directory is used.

Output-basename is the file name of the output file without path and extension. The following is
a prioritized list specifying how the compiler finds the output basename:
1. If the -o command line option is passed, then the basename of the passed file name is
2. The basename of the first C-file passed to the compiler is used.

Output-extension is the file extension of the output file. The following is a prioritized list
specifying how the compiler finds the output extension:
1. If the -o command line option is passed and the compiler has been instructed to
assemble the program (using -a, -e or -d), then the extension of the passed file name is
2. If the program contains #pragma extension(...) then the specified extension is used.
3. If the -oext command line option is passed, then this extension is used.
4. Otherwise the extension specified in the platform target (.tgt) file for the chosen platform
is used.

The ASM output file has the following file name components.

output-path / output-basename . asm-extension

Asm-extension is the file extension of the ASM file. The following is a prioritized list specifying
how the compiler finds the output extension:
1. If the -o command line option is passed and the compiler has not been instructed to
assemble the program (using -a, -e or -d), then the extension of the passed file name is
2. Otherwise the extension “asm” is used

KickC Command Line Reference

kickc [-adeEhSvV] [-Ocoalesce] [-Oliverangecallpath] [-Oloophead] [-Onocache]

[-Onoloophead] [-Onouplift] [-Si] [-Sl] [-vasmoptimize] [-vasmout]
[-vcreate] [-vfragment] [-vliverange] [-vloop] [-vnonoptimize]
[-voptimize] [-vparse] [-vsequence] [-vsizeinfo] [-vunroll] [-vuplift]
[-Warraytype] [-Wfragment] [-calling=<calling>] [-cpu=<cpu>]
[-emu=<emulator>] [-F=<fragmentDir>] [-fragment=<fragment>]
[-o=<outputFileName>] [-odir=<outputDir>] [-oext=<outputExtension>]
[-Ouplift=<optimizeUpliftCombinations>] [-p=<targetPlatform>]
[-T=<linkScript>] [-var_model=<varModel>] [-D=<String=String>]...
[-I=<includeDir>]... [-L=<libDir>]... [-P=<targetPlatformDir>]...
[-Xassembler=<assemblerOptions>]... [<cFiles>...]


Compiles C source files. KickC is a C-compiler creating optimized and readable

6502 assembler code.

See for detailed information about KickC.

[<cFiles>...] The C source files to compile.

-a Assemble the output file using KickAssembler.
Produces a binary file.
-calling=<calling> Configure calling convention. Default is
__phicall. See #pragma calling
-cpu=<cpu> The target CPU. Default is 6502 with illegal
opcodes. See #pragma cpu
-d Debug the assembled binary file using C64Debugger.
Implicitly assembles the output.
-D=<String=String> Define macro to value (1 if no value given).
-e Execute the assembled binary file using an
appropriate emulator. The emulator chosen
depends on the target platform.
-E Only run the preprocessor. Output is sent to
standard out.
-emu=<emulator> Execute the assembled program file by passing it
to the named emulator. Implicitly assembles the
-F, -fragmentdir=<fragmentDir>
Path to the ASM fragment folder, where the
compiler looks for ASM fragments.
-fragment=<fragment> Print the ASM code for a named fragment. The
fragment is loaded/synthesized and the ASM
variations are written to the output.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

-I, -includedir=<includeDir>
Path to an include folder, where the compiler
looks for included files. This option can be
repeated to add multiple include folders.
-L, -libdir=<libDir> Path to a library folder, where the compiler looks
for library files. This option can be repeated
to add multiple library folders.

-o, -output=<outputFileName>
Name of the output file. By default it is the same
as the first input file with the proper
-Ocoalesce Optimization Option. Enables zero-page coalesce
pass which limits zero-page usage significantly,
but takes a lot of compile time.
-odir=<outputDir> Path to the output folder, where the compiler
places all generated files. By default the
folder of the output file is used.
Override the output file extension. The default is
specified in the target platform / linker
-Oliverangecallpath Optimization Option. Enables live ranges per call
path optimization, which limits memory usage and
code, but takes a lot of compile time.
-Oloophead Optimization Option. Enabled experimental
loop-head constant pass which identifies loops
where the condition is constant on the first
-Onocache Optimization Option. Disables the fragment
synthesis cache. The cache is enabled by default.
-Onoloophead Optimization Option. Disabled experimental
loop-head constant pass which identifies loops
where the condition is constant on the first
-Onouplift Optimization Option. Disable the register uplift
allocation phase. This will be much faster but
produce significantly slower ASM.
Optimization Option. Number of combinations to
test when uplifting variables to registers in a
scope. By default 100 combinations are tested.
-p, -t, -target, -platform=<targetPlatform>
The target platform. Default is C64 with BASIC
upstart. See #pragma target
-P, -targetdir, -platformdir=<targetPlatformDir>
Path to a target platform folder, where the
compiler looks for target platform files. This
option can be repeated to add multiple target
platform folders.
-S, -Sc Interleave comments with C source code in the
generated ASM.
-Si Interleave comments with intermediate language
code and ASM fragment names in the generated ASM.

-Sl Interleave comments with C source file name and
line number in the generated ASM.
-T, -link=<linkScript> Link using a linker script in KickAss segment
format. See #pragma link
-v Verbose output describing the compilation process
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
-var_model=<varModel> Configure variable optimization/memory area.
Default is ssa_zp. See #pragma var_model
-vasmoptimize Verbosity Option. Assembler optimization.
-vasmout Verbosity Option. Show KickAssembler standard
output during compilation.
-vcreate Verbosity Option. Creation of the Single Static
Assignment Control Flow Graph.
-vfragment Verbosity Option. Synthesis of Assembler fragments.
-vliverange Verbosity Option. Variable Live Range Analysis.
-vloop Verbosity Option. Loop Analysis.
-vnonoptimize Verbosity Option. Choices not to optimize.
-voptimize Verbosity Option. Control Flow Graph Optimization.
-vparse Verbosity Option. File Parsing.
-vsequence Verbosity Option. Sequence Plan.
-vsizeinfo Verbosity Option. Compiler Data Structure Size
-vunroll Verbosity Option. Loop Unrolling.
-vuplift Verbosity Option. Variable Register Uplift
Combination Optimization.
-Warraytype Warning Option. Non-standard array syntax produces
a warning instead of an error.
-Wfragment Warning Option. Missing fragments produces a
warning instead of an error.
Passes the next option to the assembler. The
option should generally be quoted. This option
can be repeated to pass multiple options.

4 The Compiler Architecture

The KickC compiler uses the following phases during compilation

1. Loading and Parsing

Loads the main source file and recursively loads all imported source files. Parses the
files creating a parse tree representation.
2. Creating Control Flow Graph and Symbol Table
Converts the parse tree to a symbol table containing all variables and functions and a
control flow graph in static single assignment form (SSA form) 1. SSA form consists of a


control flow graph which models all possible execution paths. Each control flow block
contains a number of statements (mostly assignments). Expressions are broken into a
number of simple assignments to intermediate variables ensuring that each SSA
statement only handles a single operator. In SSA form variables are also broken into
multiple versions to ensure that each variable is assigned a value exactly once in the
entire program. Finally transitions between blocks are handled through so called
Phi-functions that describe how variable versions are mapped when execution flows
from one block to another. SSA form has huge advantages in making a lot of
optimizations easier to program.
3. Optimizing the SSA Control Flow Graph
Optimizes the control flow graph by repeatedly calling 20+ micro-passes. Each
micro-pass examines the control flow graph and can perform a specific type of
optimization by modifying the graph. The optimizer keeps cycling through the
micro-passes until none of them can perform any more optimizations.
4. Control Flow Graph Analysis
Performs several analyses of the program in preparation of register allocation. This
includes call graph analysis (which functions call each other), variable live range analysis
(where is a variable defined, where is it used and where is it alive, meaning that it will be
used at a later point) and loop analysis (which loops exist in the code, which loops nest
each other, how deep is each loop).
5. Register Allocation
Allocates registers and memory locations to all variables. Initially in this phase the SSA
variables are grouped together into groups that will benefit from having the same register
allocation. The technique used for this is called PhiLifting and PhiMemCoalesce2. The
allocation is then essentially done by trying out a lot of different register combinations
and choosing the one that generates the best assembler code (uses fewest cycles). The
number of different combinations tested can be controlled by the compiler option
6. Assembler Code Generation using Assembler Fragments
6502 Assembler code is generated by converting each SSA statement to assembler
code using the chosen register allocation. Because SSA statements can only express
pretty simple operations ASM generation is essentially done by having a large library of
ASM fragment files containing the ASM code needed for a specific SSA statement with a
specific register allocations. This library of ASM fragments is stored in the fragment
folder in the compiler installation. The Fragment sub-system of the compiler loads
fragments from this folder, but also uses a bunch of rules for synthesizing more
advanced fragments from simpler ones. Even with the current 500+ fragment-files and
150+ synthesis-rules the compiler still occasionally runs into SSA statements it does not
know how to create assembler for. If you encounter this problem you can fix it yourself by
adding the right fragment-file in the fragments-folder. The fragment sub-system is
described in more detail below to help you do this in case you need to.

7. Assembler Code Optimization
Finally the compiler performs optimization of the generated assembler code. This is also
done by repeatedly calling a bunch of micro-passes that each knows how to perform a
simple Assembler Code Optimization. The optimizer keeps cycling through the
micro-passes until none of them can perform any more optimizations. The assembler
optimizations include eliminating redundant register loads (eg.LDA #0 when A is already
zero), replacing double jumps with jumps straight to the destination, removing unused
labels, eliminating etc.

Assembler Fragment Sub System

Fragment file name

The format for values in a fragment name is always 5 letters, which describe the type and the
value and where it is stored. An example is vbuz1, which is an unsigned byte value stored in
zero-page memory.

The first 3 letters describe the type and the last 2 describe the storage.

Integer types are described by the following:

1. v value / p pointer / q pointer to pointer
2. b byte / w word / d dword
3. u unsigned / s signed

There are also a few special types with the following 3-letter names:
- vss struct value
- pss pointer to struct value
- vbo boolean value
- pbo pointer to boolean value

The storage of the value is described by 2 letters

- aa A-register
- xx X-register
- yy Y-register
- z1 zeropage-memory {z1}
- m1 main-memory {m1}
- c1 constant {c1}

When {c1} is used for values it is an immediate value, eg. in vbuc1, {c1} is a constant unsigned
byte value.

When c1 is used for pointers it is an address in main memory, eg. in pbsc1, {c1} is a constant
pointer to a signed byte. This means that {c1} is effectively an address in main memory.

vwuz1_gt_vbsc1_then_la1 for example means [if] variable word unsigned zero-page value
{z1} is greater than variable byte signed constant {c1} then [goto] label {la1}.

Fragments can use $ff as temporary storage (and $fe if 2 addresses are needed).

If you are wondering how a specific fragment looks you can ask the compiler using the
-fragment flag. The following command will show all the different variations of assembler the
compiler can use when needing to assign an unsigned byte in a zeropage variable {z1} to the
value found in a table of unsigned bytes {c1} indexed by another unsigned byte variable on
zeropage {z2}. -vfragment -fragment vbuz1=pbuc1_derefidx_vbuz2

Adding missing fragments

The following is my recipe for adding a fragment.

Say for instance that the fragment vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx is missing.

I start by calling the following command to see what different ways I can choose to add the
fragment. -vfragment -fragment vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx

The output from the command is a list of all the different fragments that the compiler could use
to synthesize the fragment that is missing. If I add any of these then the compiler can use that
fragment to create the missing fragment.

New fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx

New fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx - sub-option
New fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx - sub-option
New fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx - sub-option
Fragment synthesis vbum1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuaa - No file or synthesis
Fragment synthesis vbum1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuyy - No file or synthesis

Fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuyy - No file or synthesis
Fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuaa - No file or synthesis
Fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx - No file or synthesis

I look through the list and try to choose the most general of the fragments that I can write
optimal ASM for. By general I mean the fragment that will allow the compiler to synthesize as
many fragments as possible.

My rules of thumb for choosing the most general is

● A fragment that work on registers (like vbuxx) is more general than fragments that work
on zeropage/memory (like vbum1). The compiler is good at synthesizing memory-based
fragments from register-based fragments, so adding the register-based fragment will add
many more potential fragments than adding the memory-based fragment.
● Fragments that use main-memory (like vbum1) is more general than fragments that use
zero-page memory (line vbuz1). The compiler can convert main-memory access to
zero-page access, so adding that will effectively also add the zero-page fragment. Only if
the zero-page adressing is indirect I choose to make a zero-page-based fragment (since
6502 does not allow indirect adressing in main-memory)
● Fragments that are shorter are better than longer fragments. Sometimes the compiler
can synthesize a whole sub-part of the fragment, and you only need to add a short

For the example above I would choose to add the fragment


with the following body:

eor #$ff
adc ({z1}),y

After adding it I check that it can be used to create the fragment that was missing in the first
place, and that the ASM looks good by calling the command again: -vfragment -fragment vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx

This results in the same list as before, but now also has information about how the fragment
was synthesized and the actual ASM.

Fragment synthesis vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuaa - Successfully synthesized
from vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuxx_minus_vbuaa

synthesized vbuz1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx <
vbum1=pbuz2_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx < vbuaa=pbuz1_derefidx_vbuc1_minus_vbuxx <
vbuaa=pbuz1_derefidx_vbuyy_minus_vbuxx < vbuaa=pbuz1_derefidx_vbuyy_minus_vbuaa -
clobber:A Y cycles:16.5
ldy #{c1}
eor #$ff
adc ({z2}),y
sta {z1}

Handling clobbered registers

You do not need to restore any register values in fragments. In fact part of the optimizers
strength is that it keeps track of which registers are modified by which fragments.

The compiler analyses the ASM in each fragment and determines which registers are
clobbered. When allocating variables to registers it avoids any allocation where a fragment
clobbers a register holding a variable value that is needed later in the code. So it will avoid
holding a value in A that is needed after any fragment that clobbers A - and will instead look at
different options (X, Y or on zeropage).

This produces much better ASM than each fragment restoring register values since it allows the
compiler flexibility in choosing the register/zeropage allocation that minimises the number of
cycles the code consumes.

This is further improved by the compiler treating each assignment to a variable as a separate
variable - meaning it often ends up choosing to hold much used variables in different registers or
on zero page for different parts of the code.


Overall KickC has the following compile process:

1. Loading and Parsing

2. Creating Control Flow Graph and Symbol Table
3. Optimizing the SSA Control Flow Graph
4. Control Flow Graph Analysis & Register Allocation
5. Assembler Code Generation using Assembler Fragments
6. Assembler Code Optimization

The Control Flow Graph uses Single Static Assignment (where each variable is only assigned once - and
where statements are mostly assignments with 1 or 2 arguments and an operator.) See

The SSA of KickC has been specifically designed to inline pointer derefs or indexed pointer derefs -
because this improves the ASM that it generates significantly.

The SSA Optimization optimizes the control flow graph by repeatedly calling 20+ micro-passes. This is
where constants are propagated, unused code is removed and so forth.

Register Allocation decides which variables to put into registers (A/X/Y) and which to store on zeropage.
This is done based on variable range live range analysis, using PHI-lifting and register clobber analysis -
plus testing a lot of combinations to find the solution using the fewest CPU cycles. See

The SSA-statements are then turned into ASM using the fragment system. Each SSA-statement
combined with a specific register allocation becomes a fragment.

An example is the fragment

which matches a SSA-statement like
digit#1 = digit#3 + *(UTOA10_VAL#0 + i#2)
where digit#1 and digit#3 are unsigned bytes allocated to the same zeropage-address (which is possible
because digit#3 is never used again after this assignment so digit#1 can overwrite it), UTOA10_VAL#0 is
a table of unsigned byte values stored in memory at a constant address and i#2 is an index into the table
allocated to the X-register.

The fragment sub-system has two parts. First around 900 files with specific fragment ASM-code. Second
a fragment synthesizer that can make more complex fragments from simpler fragments.

The fragment above is actually synthesized from vbuaa=vbuaa_plus_vbuz1 (which is just adding a value
on zeropage to the A-register) using different synthesis rules.

synthesized vbuz1=vbuz1_plus_pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx < vbuz1=pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx_plus_vbuz1 <

vbuaa=pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx_plus_vbuz1 < vbuaa=vbuz1_plus_pbuc1_derefidx_vbuxx <
vbuaa=vbuz1_plus_vbuaa < vbuaa=vbuaa_plus_vbuz1 - clobber:A cycles:12.5
lda {c1},x
adc {z1}
sta {z1}

Finally the resulting ASM is optimized using peephole optimization.


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