DLL - MAPEH 7 (Week 4)

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Teaching Dates and Time: Mon to Fri 10:45 – 11:45AM Quarter: FIRST (Week 4 - Sep 12-16, 2022)


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons,
I. OBJECTIVES exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the
learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
Music Arts P.E. Health
A. Content Standards: Demonstrates 1. art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying The learner demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of the prior understanding of understanding of holistic
musical characteristics of knowledge and skills guidelines and principles in health and its
representative music from 2. the salient features of the arts of Luzon (highlands and exercise program design to management of health
the lowlands of Luzon lowlands) by showing the relationship of the elements of achieve personal fitness concerns, the growth and
art and processes among culturally diverse communities in development of
the country adolescents and how to
3. the Philippines as having a rich artistic and cultural manage its challenges.
tradition from pre-colonial to present times

B. Performance performs music of the 1. create artworks showing the characteristic elements of The learner designs an appropriately
Standards: lowlands with appropriate the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) individualized exercise manages concerns
pitch, rhythm, expression program to achieve and challenges
and style 2. exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and personal fitness during adolescence
critiquing to achieve holistic

C. Learning explores ways of producing traces the external (foreign) and internal Describes the nature and explains the proper health
Competencies/Obje sounds on a (indigenous) influences reflected in the design of background of the sport appraisal procedures
ctives:Write the LC E7GS-Id-h-4 H7GD-Ii-j-22
variety of sources that is an artwork and in the making of a craft or artifact
Code for each
similar to the A7PL-Ih-4
instruments being studied;

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Ways of Producing
Normal Changes in
Sounds on a Variety of Influences in the making of a Craft or Artifact Swimming: A Way to a
II. CONTENT Different Dimensions
Sources from the (Highlands and Lowlands) Healthy Living
during Adolescence
Lowlands of Luzon

III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is
RESOURCES a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages Page 4 to 15 of Music SLM Page 4 to 7 of Arts SLM Page 5 to 16 of PE SLM Page 4 to7 of Health SLM

2. Learner’s
Materials Pages Page 4 to 15 of Music SLM Page 3 to 9 of Arts SLM Page 5 to 16 of PE SLM Page 4 to 7 of Health SLM

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resources Television and downloaded Pictures Rulers, measuring tape, pictures
audio and Video weighing scale, yoga mat,
stop watch
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which
IV.PROCEDURES you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their
learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous What I Know What I Know What I Know What I Know
Lesson or Instructions: Write only the Before starting with this Directions: Write YES if you
Presenting the New
letter of the correct answer. Part I. CLASSIFICATION Directions: Classify the pictures module, let us see what you experience the following
below whether Foreign or Philippine artwork. already know about changes during your
1. Which of the following Swimming. Answer the adolescence stage and NO if
Hornbostel-Sachs questions below. you do not. Write your
classification played such as Test I. JUMBLED LETTERS answers in your MAPEH
being struck, scraped, Directions: Rearrange the activity notebook.
rubbed, shaken, and letters below to form a __________1. There is a
plucked? word or words about rapid increase of height and
swimming. weight.
A. Aerophones __________2. The head,
D. Idiophones hands, and feet grow faster
B. Chordophones first, then the arms and
E. Membranophones legs.

B. Establishing a What I Need to Know What I Need to Know What I Need to Know What I Need to Know
Purpose for the
Lesson 1. discuss the nature and
1. identify the instruments 1. identify the changes that
based on Hornbostel-Sachs 1. identify the Asian art and its contribution to Philippine background of swimming; are normal during
classification; artwork; 2. enumerate the different adolescence stage;
events, basic kicks, strokes
2. differentiate the 2. draw and design own craft that has a foreign influence; 2. illustrate through a
and equipment of
instruments producing swimming; graphic organizer on how
3. value the importance of foreign influence in making
sounds from other sources; 3. reflect on the importance you can manage the
craft and artifact.
and of engaging in swimming as different changes during
a sport or recreational adolescence stage; and
3. value the contribution of
each member in producing activity. 3. appreciate the
sounds from various sources importance of the changes
available at home. during adolescence stage.

C. Presenting What’s In What’s In What’s In What’s IN

Examples/Instances Activity 1: Watch Me! Directions: Identify elements or principles of the following In this phase, you will be Directions: Copy the table
of the Lesson
Instructions: Identify the arts and crafts. introduced to an activity below in your MAPEH
different instruments that that will lead you to activity notebook. Identify
can be seen in this picture diagnose, and activate your whether the statement
and try to answer these prior knowledge of belongs to physical, mental,
simple questions. swimming. social, emotional, and
1. Have you seen woodwind Activity 1: KW moral-spiritual dimension
instruments? Directions: List down the by putting a (/) check to
things you already know which it corresponds.
2. How about the brasswind and the things you still want
and percussion? Can you to know about swimming.
easily name them? Copy the table in your
3. Would you like to become MAPEH activity notebook.
one of those (All answers are accepted)
instrumentalists? Why?
D. Discussing New What’s New What’s New What’s New What’s New
Concepts and Activity 2: Name Game! Activity 1: Think and Write Directions: Observe the Activity 2: Real Hero Activity 1: My Issues and
Practicing New
The videos below show a pictures below. Identify which artwork is influenced by the Have you heard of stories Concerns
Skills #1
group of musicians playing following Asian countries: China, Egypt, and India. about people who put their Directions: Inside each
improvised musical lives in danger if not circle, write some issues
instruments. sacrificed their lives in order and concerns that you
1. Name the things that the to save other people’s experience during
group used. lives? These people who adolescence stage. Take
2. Are the things found in manifested such acts of note of the example below.
your home? courage and bravery are Write your answers in your
real heroes. MAPEH activity notebook.
Directions: Read the
following excerpt on “Hero
teenager saves more than
30 lives before he is swept
away by Philippines floods.”
By Richard Shears Last
updated at 1:44 PM on 28th
September 2009

E. Discussing New What is It What is It What is It What is It

Concepts and Hornbostel-Sachs Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling In this phase you will be You may experience rapid
Practicing New
Classification of Musical values and translating experiences across space and time. provided with different and uneven growth during
Skills #2
Instruments Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from reading sources to further adolescence. You may feel
In the present time, music different culture and different times to communicate with enhance your knowledge awkward because the
studies introduce the each other via images, sounds and stories. Art is often a and skills about swimming. hands and feet may seem
classification of musical vehicle for social change. Reading 1: Nature and too big for the rest of the
instruments called the Background of Swimming body. This development is
Hornbostel-Sachs system. THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL INFLUENCES OF AN Swimming is the act of normal and temporary so
Erich Moritz von Hornbostel ARTWORK IN CHINA, EGYPT AND INDIA TO THE propelling the body forward there is no need to worry
(Austrian music scholar) and PHILIPPINE ARTS POTTERY CHINA Chinese pottery, also through water with arm and about it.
Curt Sachs (German called Chinese ceramics, are objects made of clay and leg motions. The movement These are the changes you
organologist) devised a hardened by heat: earthenware, stoneware, and of the legs and feet are are experiencing in
system for classifying porcelain. Nowhere in the world would give pottery such called kicks. These different dimensions:
musical instruments. importance as in China, and the influence of Chinese movements, combined with
porcelain on later European pottery has been great. movements of the arms and
… hands are called strokes.
F. Developing What’s More What’s More What’s More What’s More
Mastery Directions: List down Activity 2: Changes in Me
(Leads to Formative Activity 3: Identify Me! Activity 2: LET’S WORK IT OUT! the procedures for each Directions: Identify the
Assessment 3)
Instructions: Identify the Directions: Fill in the arrows with the countries’ names swimming stroke. statement if it is related to
instruments listed below that have the most influenced on the following artworks. Crawl physical, mental, social,
according to Hornbostel- Breaststroke emotional, sexual or moral-
Butterfly Stroke spiritual changes. Copy the
chart and write your answer
in your MAPEH activity
G. Finding Practical What I Can Do What I Can Do What I Can Do What I Can Do
Applications of Activity 5: Compare me! Activity 8: Swimming Activity 4: Managing
Concepts and Skills
Instructions: Below is a list Activity 2: Trace and Cut Directions: Draw and design Pool Visit Myself
in Daily Living
of things that can be found your own craft that have a Chinese influence. Follow the Directions: Visit a standard Directions: Based on your
at home. Ask members procedure and answer the question below. swimming pool near your answers in Activity 1 What’s
of the family to hold any of area. In case you don’t have New (Issues and concerns),
them. Let these things one in the locality where think of ways on how you
produce a sound. Compare you live, be resourceful can manage to solve your
the sounds to the enough to look for posters issues and concerns. Copy
instruments being studied in in your school if not, the chart and write your
this module. Then, complete browse the internet and answer in your MAPEH
the table. make a research about it. activity notebook.
Consider the following
when you visit the
swimming pool:
a. Swimming Facilities and
b. Safety measures followed
by the swimmers.
c. Common kicks and
strokes performed by the

Write down your

observations in your
MAPEH activity notebook
H. Making What I Have Learned What I Have Learned What I Have Learned What I Have Learned
Generalizations Activity 4: Know Me! Directions: Copy and complete the table below. This Activity 7: Think About It Activity 3: Honesty Check
and Abstractions
Instructions: A. Read and activity will give you opportunity to assess on your own Directions: Reflect on the Directions: Answer the
about the Lesson
analyze the following learning. importance of engaging in questions in your MAPEH
situations. How does the swimming whether as a activity notebook.
sound of the following sport or a recreational What is/are the most
objects produce? Choose activity. How will you significant change/s that
your answer from the words benefit by participating in happened in your
inside the box. swimming? adolescence stage?
(Note that some of the
answers can be used more
than once.)

I. Evaluating Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment

Learning Instructions: A. Identify the Test I. Multiple Choice. Activity 5: True or False
following instruments Choose the letter of the Directions: Write TRUE if
according to Hornbostel- Part I. DESCRIBE ME best answer. the statement is correct
Sachs System. Directions: List at least two indigenous crafts and artifacts 1. Which kick is used for and FALSE if not.
1. Which of the following that you can find around you which are influenced by both the backstroke and _________1. Good posture
Hornbostel-Sachs foreign arts. Describe each by giving its benefits. (10 front crawl? helps maintain the body
classification played such as points) A. Breast Stroke C. Flutter alignment.
being struck, scraped, Example: Vase/Flower vase – adds beauty inside the house _________2. The bones and
rubbed, shaken and B. Dolphin D. Scissors muscles will not continue to
plucked? grow properly if you have a
Part II: IDENTIFICATION 2. What stroke is usually good posture.
A. Aerophones D. Directions: Below are examples of artworks which have regarded as the most _________3. The boys may
Idiophones foreign influences. Identify the country where the difficult? feel embarrassed when
B. Chordophones E. influence came from. A. Backstroke C. Butterfly their voice cracks.
Membranophones Stroke
… B. Breaststroke D. Front

J. Additional Additional Activities Additional Activities Additional Activities Additional Activities

Activities for Activity 6: Family
Application or Instructions: Choose a Directions: Complete the statement below by arranging Activity 6: It’s Show Time! Interview
familiar song. Sing it with the underlined jumbled letters. Directions: Watch and Directions: Interview at
your improvised musical
instruments. Record your observe recorded least 2 members of your
performance using your Swimming Competition. family and ask them how
mobile phone. 1. I will promote Philippine arts and crafts with Asian After watching they manage the problems
Then, submit it to your influence through the use of lsoiac emaid platforms like the video, write down your and changes during their
MAPEH teacher. posting and vggolign. observations in your adolescence stage. Do this
MAPEH activity notebook in your MAPEH activity
using the following notebook.
1. What are the strokes and
kicks performed during the
2. What are the events
3. How do competitors
perform in the


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
VI. REFLECTION Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?

G. What innovations or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Approved by:


Teacher – I Principal - I

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