Sci Quiz B
Sci Quiz B
Sci Quiz B
Which of the following materials is a Which of the following factors can turn
gas? solid to liquid?
A. Smoke A. Cool air B. Moonlight
B. Water C. Sunlight D. Moisture
C. Alcohol Answer: C. Sunlight
D. Diaper
Answer: A. Smoke You play with your friends and you
sweat too much. What state of matter
What is the process of changing liquid is sweat?
to gas? A. Gas B. Liquid
A. Condensation C. Melting C. Solid D. Solid and gas
B. Evaporation D. Solidifying Answer: B. Liquid
Answer: B. Evaporation
Which of the following sources of heat
Which of these is the result of burning is commonly used in appliances at
a wood? home?
A. coal C. husk A. burning fuels B. geothermal heat
B. log D. lumber C. electricity D. sun
Answer: A. Coal Answer: C. Electricity
3.The following organs are part of the An instrument which measures the
human digestive system hotness and coldness of the
EXCEPT: environment.
A. Mouth Answer: thermometer
B. esophagus
C. small Intestine It is a continuous process of changing
D. gastro vascular cavity liquid water into water vapor (gas)
Answer: D. Gastro vascular cavity when heated and turns back to liquid
water when cooled above and below the
4.What would happen if your eyes were surface of the Earth.
exposed to the sun’s glare? Answer: Water Cycle
a. Eyes would bulge.
b. Eyes will get clear vision. The ____ plays a major role in the water
c. Vision would be impaired. cycle. It is the main
d. Eyes would become cross-eyed. source of heat that causes evaporation
Answer:C.Vision would be impaired process.
Answer: Sun
What is the largest internal organ of
the human body?
Answer: Liver