SOAL + JAWAB BHS Inggris HAL 1-15
SOAL + JAWAB BHS Inggris HAL 1-15
SOAL + JAWAB BHS Inggris HAL 1-15
19. discussed before the director 23. Facing hard times, people with very low
26. The child hid behind his mother........he was 31. My sister put their money in the bank........I
afraid of the dog. work.
a. For a. Whom
b. And b. Which
c. Or c. What
d. So d. Where
e. when e. When
27. When you arrive on the 6th floor, give me 32. “What a lovely evening gown you’re
note to the secretary and she ...... you to wearing!”
my office. “Did you make it yourself?”
a. Directs “No, I ......
b. To direct a. To be made
c. Directing b. Had it made
d. Will direct c. Had to make it
e. should direct d. Having made it
e. Have make it
28. “You seem to like him very much.”
“Yes, he is such a nice man......” 33. He told me a lot about the Mexicans.
a. Talked to He.......there a long time.
b. To be talked to a. Might be living
c. Be talking to b. Should be living
d. Talking to c. Must have lived
e. To talk to d. Ought to have lived
e. Having live
29. ...... all the student were seated, the
teacher started the lesson. 34. ...... By mountains, the city has cool
a. If climate.
a. Be surrounded 39. Please remind me to return the book and
b. Surrounded ...... my library card.
c. Having surrounded a. That I renew
d. It was surrounded b. To I renew
e. Were surrounded c. Renewing
d. Have to I renew
35. “I forgot to return this book to the library e. I have renew
last week.”
“Well, I’m afraid you ...... a fine when you 40. “I didn’t see Elli at Rina’s party yesterday”.
return it.” “Oh, she ...... for her class presentation
a. Had to pay Monday”.
b. Having to pay a. Had to prepare
c. Have had to pay b. Must prepare
d. Will have to pay c. Should prepare
e. Have been to pay d. Could prepare
e. Has to prepare
36. The picture is not here anymore, it must
have .. 41. We was sentenced two years imprisonment
a. Being taken away after he confessed ......
b. Took away a. Steal the jewels
c. Taken away b. When stealing the jewels
d. Take away c. He stole the jewels
e. Been taken away d. To be stealing
e. To stealing the jewels
37. Father so happy about his promotion ......
he promised to taken us to an expensive 42. The secretary asked me ...... with Mr.
restaurant. Slamet.
a. Until a. Did I have an appointment
b. When b. When is my appointment
c. Although c. How was my appointment
d. That d. That I had an appointment
e. but e. If I had an appointment
38. This very popular TV program. Every week 43. Annoyed by the five−hour delay in the millions of people. plane’s departure.
a. Watches Budi wrote an angry letter to airline.
b. Being watch The underlined words mean: ......
c. Is watched a. After he was annoyed
d. To be watched b. Whereas he was annoyed
e. Was watched c. That he was annoyed
d. Because he was annoyed c. Will make ever families
e. But he was annoyed d. Families make ever will
e. Ever families will make
44. It is often difficult for new university
students ...... themselves to their new 49. My mother needs help him run
environment. the store.
a. They adapt a. Mechanics
b. To adapt b. Carpenters
c. Adapting c. Instructors
d. Adapt d. Coachs
e. adapted e. Assistants
45. The bus came after I........for about twenty 50. “I haven’t heard anything from Leni.” “.....“
minutes. a. So have I
a. Have been waiting b. I haven’t also
b. Have waited c. Either have I
c. Am waiting d. Neither have I
d. Had been waiting e. I haven’t neither
e. Had waited
51. Consider the following sentence.
46. This is the best picture of my mother........I 1. Ong’s lawyer Eddie Koh will be making
have ever taken. representations to the court. The case
a. Whom will next be mentioned in December.
2. The incident was captured in a two−
b. Of which
minute video and uploaded on YouTube.
c. Where 3. The man who pus hed an old woman
d. Which down a bus along Upper Thomson Road
e. How has been charged in court.
4. Ong is said to have used his right hand
47. “Do I hear something?” to push the old woman on her back,
“Yes, somebody ...... at the door” causing her to fall on the steps of the
a. Knocks bus.
5. Twenty−five−year−old Ong Kok Hao is
b. Knocked accused of hurting 76−year−old Hwang
c. Is knocking Li Lian Nee Lye on bus service number
d. Was knocking 167 at about 3pm on June 5 this year.
e. Has knocked 6. A shouting match then ensued and
during the heated spat, Ong threatened
48. Land and houses are often the largest to slap the woman, before pushing her
single investment that most ...... down the bus.
a. Will make families ever 7. The video shows Ong suddenly flying
into a rage at Madam Hwang for
b. Families will ever make
pressing the bell at the last−minute along Mr. Hasan Renaldi
Upper Thomson Road. PT Jaya Sentosa
Sumber: Jl. Hasanudin 73
Arrange the sentences above based on the
appropriate procedural text…. Dear Mr. Hasan Renaldi,
In response to your letter of December 20,
A. 3 − 4 − 5 − 2 − 7 − 6 − 1
2019 we apologize for the error in
B. 3 − 4 − 5 − 2 − 7 − 1 − 6
shipment. We are sending immediately the
C. 3 − 5 − 4 − 2 − 7 − 6 − 1 additional 500 boxes of glossy photo
D. 3 − 5 − 4 − 2 − 7 − 1 − 6 papers, that were not included in the
E. 5 − 3 − 4 − 2 − 7 − 1 − 6 shipment.
We value our relationship with your
company, and we regret the
52. My daughter ...... a lot of photographs of
inconvenience. You can be assured that this
the Borobudur when she went there on her will not happen again in the future. We also
last vacation. enclose some catalogues of our new
A. Has taken products.
B. Has been taking
C. Would take Sincerely yours,
D. Took Hilman
Manager of order Department
E. Had taken
We know from the text that the first
53. I heard Baron speak English, French, Dutch,
shipment was…
and even Japanese to tourists; he.........the
A. not complete.
best tourists guide in town.
B. not insured.
a. Should be
C. damaged.
b. Must be
D. wrong.
c. Had better be
E. late.
d. Would rather be
e. Will be
56. “Is your car new?”
“No, brother’s garage.”
54. “Why do those people panic?”
a. Had only painted it
“Their semi−permanent houses......”
b. Only had it painted
a. Are being demolished
c. Had to paint it only
b. Are demolishing
d. Only it had painted
c. To be demolished
e. Had only painted
d. To demolish
e. To demolishing
57. Until Kartini opened a school, Indonesian
women.......allowed going to school.
55. Consider the following letter.
a. Have not been
b. Are not
c. Would not be 59. “If all students pass their final examination,
d. Had not been the teacher will give a party for them at his
e. Were not houses.”
This means that ...... at the teacher’s
58. Consider the following letter. houses.
Hello Felyta! a. There will possibly be a party
It’s been too long since our last visit, and I b. There has been a party
thought I’d write to you to see how c. There is no party at all
everything is. So, how are you and the
family doing? I remember precisely and d. There has to be a party
perfectly Janice is just about to start e. There was party
kindergarten, right? That must be exciting;
she was always such a bright girl. And what 60. We are going on a long trip, so we must .....
grade is Silas going into? 7th or 8th? He’s a. Has checked the car
growing up so fast. They both are, really. b. Have had the car checked
My kids are getting ready for the
c. To have the car checked
school year as well. Galen just mentioned
you guys the other day while we were at d. Have the car checked
the park. He remembered how Janice was e. Has been to check
throwing the pebbles last time and asked
when he’d get to play with her again. I 61. He was never interested in mathematics
really hope that I can tell him you’ll all be until he got a very good teacher.
visiting soon. You guys should drive up for a We may conclude that at present ......
weekend out with us. There’s a new
a. He likes mathematics
restaurant in town, and I think you’d like it;
it’s very simple and cozy. b. He hates mathematics
We all miss you very much, Felyta, and c. He finds mathematics boring
the family is welcome to come visit any d. He avoid doing mathematics
time at all. I hope all is well with everyone. e. He reject mathematics
Please send hellos from all of us to your
family. Talk to you soon.
62. When we were in Singapore, was asked a
Love, police man the museum.
Maria a. Information
b. Permission
From the text we know Maria remembered c. Advice
that ... d. Drop off
A. Felyta was her neighbor. e. Direction
B. they used to be classmates.
C. their children went to the same university. 63. “I have forgotten my pen again.”
D. they always celebrated Christmas together. “Well, you can use one of ......
E. Felyta’s daughter was going to enter a. Me
kindergarten. b. Myself
c. My
d. I C. Carbon
e. Mine D. Calcium
E. Sulfur
64. The tourist bus came to our school thirty
minutes late ...... we had repeatedly told 69. Reservoir where the water can be stored
the driver to be on time. will be after eruption and resupplying again
a. Even though ......
b. So that a. Unstable
c. Because b. Narrow
d. In order that c. Open
e. But d. Empty
e. Rejected
65. “How long has he been the principal of our
school?” 70. Steam and hot water shootout of the
“Since I.......this school. surface because of ......
a. Was entering a. Hot rock and water
b. Have entered b. Temperature and pressure
c. Had entered c. Greater pressure
d. Had been entering d. High temperature and increased pressure
e. Have been entered e. Water vibration
66. Mike hoped.......his letter. 71. He ... bacon and eggs every morning.
a. Would she answer a. Is used to eat
b. That she would answer b. Had used to eat
c. Why she answered c. Will to eat
d. She was answering d. Has been used to eating
e. That She was answering e. Was used to eat
67. The school has a lot of classrooms each of 72. The team really looks good tonight because
them.......equipped with projector. the coach had them... every night this
a. Are week.
b. Is a. Practice
c. Being b. To practice
d. To be c. Practiced
e. were d. Practices
e. Practical
68. Which of the following ele ments is not
taken up from the soil? 73. Reading
A. Potassium A train accident occurred in northern Italy.
B. Magnesium The train traveled at 180 mph when the
first car on the train left the rails and from place to place 16… the districts of
separated from the train. It hit a nearby Nishapur and Merv to the borders of
railroad building, killed two railway Khorasan, seeking an opening for his
workers, and injured 27 people. talents. Qabus, the generous ruler of
Police explained that there was some work Tabaristan, himself a poet and a scholar,
on the railway the evening before; with whom Ibn Sina had expected to find
however, work on railways happens very asylum, was on about that date (1012)
often. Police have to investigate the starved to death by his troops who had
accident because they do not know if the revolted. Ibn Sina himself was at this time
work caused the accident. stricken by a severe illness. Finally, at
Rail workers’ unions will go on strike on Gorgan, near the Caspi n Sea, Ibn Sina met
Friday. They said that the accident was very with a friend, who bought a dwelling near
serious and not acceptable. his own house in which Ibnu Sina 17... on
logic and astronomy. Several of Ibn Sina's
What happened after the incident? treatises were written for this patron; and
A. The railway was closed. the commencement of his Canon of
B. A protest would be held. Medicine also dates from his stay in
C. Police would close the case. Sumber: https:ƒƒ
D. The government would take action.
E. People became afraid to take the train. Which of these following words is
appropriate to fill the g p above?
74. Reading A. dangerous
Ibn Sina's first appointment was that of B. rare
physician to the emir, Nuh II, who owed C. benevolent
him his recovery from a 15… illness (997).
D. malevolent
Ibn Sina's chief reward for this service was
access to the royal library of the Samanids, E. mischief
well−known patrons of sch larshipo and
scholars. When the library was destroyed 75. There is often disagreement as the
by fire not long after, the enemies of Ibn better students, Bob or Helen
Sina accused him of burning it, in order for a. Which
ever to conceal the sources of his b. Whom
knowledge. Meanwhile, he assisted his
father in his financial labors, but still found c. Whose
time to write some of his earliest works. d. where
When Ibn Sina was 22 years old, he lost his e. Who
father. The Samanid dynasty came to its
end in December 1004. Ibn Sina seems to 76. A few of….are planning to drive to Florida
have declined the offers of Mahmud of today.
Ghazni, and proceeded westwards to
a. We girls
Urgench in modern Turkmenistan, where
the vizier, regarded as a friend of scholars, b. Girls we
gave him a small monthly stipend. The pay c. Girls us
was small, however, so Ibn Sina wandered d. Us girls
e. We of girls What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform public holidays in Nigeria.
77. Please go to … to pick up your ID card. B. To announce the Veteran's Day celebration.
a. Third window C. To invite the staff of the Consulate General
b. The windows third of Nigeria to the White House.
c. The window three D. To tell Nigeria about th Veteran's Day hold
d. The third window by the United States of America.
e. The three window E. To announce the Consulate General of
Nigeria closing due to the US Veteran’s
78. Tom : Mother, I have to go to school. Day.
But, look at the sky. It’s very
cloudy. I think it”s going to rain. 81. It is …... day that travel advisories have
Mother : . . .
been issued for most the major highways.
a. Such a snowy
What is the best response from Tom’s
b. So snowy
c. Such snowy
A. You don’t take an umbrella.
d. So snow
B. I should take an umbrella e. Such so snowy
C. You are going to take an umbrella
D. I may take an umbrella
82. I like these dieses, but...… is a little too
E. You should take an umbrella
a. The tea cup
79. She hasn’t seen her family….three years
b. Cup of tea
c. The tea’s cup
a. Since
d. Cup the tea
b. From
e. The cup tea
c. Before
d. After
83. I will return your notes as soon as …...
e. when
copying them.
a. I will finish
80. Public Notice
b. I do finish
This is to inform all members of Staff and
c. I finish
the General Public that the Consulate
General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, d. I will finish
Atlanta, will be closed on Monday e. I finished
November 11, 2019 to observe the
Veteran's Day holiday decl ared by the 84. Although she is very popular, she is not...…
United States Government. her sister.
2. Normal business will resume on
Thursday, November 12, 2019. a. As pretty like
b. Pretty than
Consulate General of Nigeria, Atlanta c. Prettier than
d. Pretty as a. A new integration
e. Prettier as b. That new integration
c. And new integration
85. Environments are earnestly trying to d. An integration
determine........of the ozone layer over the e. New integration
a. Is causing the deterioration 89. ...... was backed up for miles on the
b. What the cause of the deterioration freeway
c. What is causing the deterioration a. Yesterday
d. causing of the deterioration b. In the morning
e. is not causing of the deterioration c. Traffic
d. Cars
86. Skin colour is determined by a chemical e. The train
called melanin, ...... in greater or lesser
amounts. 90. The packages …… mailed at the post office
a. Who human skin contains will arrive Monday
b. Which human skin contains a. Have
c. In human skin contains b. Were
d. There is in human skin c. Them
e. when human skin contains d. Just
e. had
87. Woman : Have you finished the work on
my car? 91. ……, George, is attending the lecture
Man : I’m afraid not. a. Right now
Woman : Can I collect it tomorrow b. Happily
Man : I’m sorry. I don’t think you can. c. My Friends
We’re getting some of the parts d. Because of the time
tomorrow. e. Today
Consider did the dialog
the following letter.take place? 92.
A. At a garage
B. At a parking lot Dear Mr. Ferguson,
C. At a gas station On the behalf of Domina Sales & Marketing
Pvt Ltd, I am glad to invite you for the
D. At a car showroom
business summit 2020 to be held at the
E. At a used car dealer head office of our company on Friday
February, 21st, 2020. The subject of this
88. During the decades after the united states business meet is the distribution of all
civil war, a host of technical advances made saleable products. We have enclosed a
possible ....... and uniformity of railroad business meet imitation containing all
service. essential detail of summit including venue,
meeting hours and subjects of discussions during the trip. We need 2 hours stright
for your ready reference. before we reached the summit. The strom
We request you to bring all official clouds were heading right toward us and
documents in order to discuss all financial you could actually see the rain falling from
and distribution issues which you have the cloud. It was like a wall of water moving
been through in the year of 2019. at an alarmingly ... (95) pace ready to
engulf us.
Yours Sincerely,
Manager− Sales & Marketing 93. A. Experience
B. influence
Why is the text written? C. experiment
A. To announce an office move. D. expedition
B. To inform the company’s growth. E. Independence
C. To invite Mr. Ferguson to the business
summit 2020. 94. A. Bought
D. To present Domina Sales & Marketing Pvt B. Brought
Ltd and its clients. C. Broke
E. To inform the new location of Domina Sales D. Took
& Marketing Pvt Ltd. E. Put