Validity of The Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (Rast) For Assess Anaerobic Power and Predicting Performances: 2138

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Validity Of The Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (Rast) For Assess Anaerobic
Power And Predicting Performances: 2138

Article  in  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise · May 2008

DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000322650.40862.f6


7 7,826

3 authors:

Alessandro Moura Zagatto Wladimir Rafael Beck

São Paulo State University Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Claudio Alexandre Gobatto

University of Campinas


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Laboratory of Research in Exercise Physiology, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil; and
Department of Physical Education, Laboratory of Sport Physiology Applied, Sao Paulo State University, Rio Claro, Brazil

ABSTRACT KEY WORDS running test, anaerobic component, running

performance, Wingate test, lactate
Zagatto, AM, Beck, WR, and Gobatto, CA. Validity of the
running anaerobic sprint test for assessing anaerobic power
and predicting short-distance performances. J Strength Cond
Res 23(6): 1820–1827, 2009—The purpose of this study was INTRODUCTION

to investigate the reliability and validity of the running anaerobic everal procedures have been developed to estimate
sprint test (RAST) in anaerobic assessment and predicting the power and/or capacity of the skeletal muscle
short-distance performance. Forty members of the armed energy production in the anaerobic pathway. Some
forces were recruited for this study (age 19.78 6 1.18 years; of these procedures used to estimate this parameter
body mass 70.34 6 8.10 kg; height 1.76 6 0.53 m; body fat are maximum accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) (11,14),
15.30 6 5.65 %). The RAST test was applied to six 35-meter Wingate test (WAnT) (2,4,7), maximal anaerobic running test
(MART) (17), Margaria staircase running test (16), tethered
maximal running performances with a 10-second recovery
tests (8,9,17), vertical jump tests (17), and many others.
between each run; the peak power, mean power, and the
However, even though these procedures are the most com-
fatigue index were measured. The study was divided in two
monly used, there is not a gold standard procedure for
stages. The first stage investigated the reliability of the RAST evaluating anaerobic capacity and power (17). The MAOD
using a test-retest method; the second stage aimed to evaluate and WAnT are the best known and accepted protocols in
the validity of the RAST comparing the results with the Wingate this category, measuring anaerobic capacity and anaerobic
test and running performances of 35, 50, 100, 200, and 400 m. power and capacity, respectively (26). The practical uses of
There were not significant differences between test-retest some these tests do not normally require the use of expen-
scores in the first stage of the study (p . 0.05) and were found sive equipment and/or much time for application. The
significant correlations between these variables (intraclass cor- WAnT is easier to apply as it only needs 30 seconds on a
relation coefficient @0.88). The RAST had significant correla- cycle ergometer (1,4,7). It has been shown to be an excellent
tions with the Wingate test (peak power r = 0.46; mean power predictor of anaerobic power (10,26), is reproducible (27),
and is a good performance predictor in short-distance
r = 0.53; fatigue index r = 0.63) and 35, 50, 100, 200, and
sporting events (7,13,22).
400 m performances scores (p , 0.05). The advantage of using
Because of its scientific acceptance as a good procedure for
the RAST for measuring anaerobic power is that it allows for the
assessment of anaerobic power and capacity, the cycling
execution of movements more specific to sporting events that WAnT has been used as standard procedure to verify the
use running as the principal style of locomotion, is easily applied validity of anaerobic evaluation tests in different sportive
and low cost, and due to its simplicity can easily be incor- modalities, such as MART (17) and the tethered running test
porated into routine training. We concluded that this procedure (14,30) in running, anaerobic work capacity from the critical
is reliable and valid, and can be used to measure running power model (AWC) in table tennis (29), and others. The
anaerobic power and predict short-distance performances. WAnT has also been used to evaluate the anaerobic training
status of runners (9) and is a good predictor of short-distance
performances in running (15,22,24). However, for more
Address correspondence to Dr. Claudio A. Gobatto, cgobatto@ specificity in the evaluation procedure, the cycling WAnT has been adapted to other motor events, such as the
23(6)/1820–1827 arm ergometer (6,10), tethered swimming (specifically for
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research swimming) (18,20), tethered running (14,30), and recently
 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association the running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) (28).
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The RAST was developed by Wolverhampton University tests require expensive equipment and sophisticated tech-
(United Kingdom) adapted from the original WAnT to assess nological apparatuses (e.g., MART and tethered running) or
the anaerobic power and capacity measuring the peak power are performed in running up and down staircases, which is
(PP), mean power (MP), and fatigue index (FI) variables (28). not performed in a sporting activity (e.g., Margarita staircase
The RAST consists of six 35-m maximal sprints with a 10- test). Thus, this study aimed to verify the reliability and
second recovery. By measuring body mass and running times, validity of a simple running test application. This study also
it is possible to determine the power of effort in each sprint aims to show whether a significant correlation exists between
(power = (body mass 3 distance2)/time3). The results of the the RAST scores and short-distance performances.
RAST can give an estimate of the neuromuscular and energy
determinants of maximal anaerobic performance, and it Experimental Procedures
seems to be a good option for the evaluation protocol for The research was conducted in the Laboratory of Research
to be used in sports that have the running as principal in Exercise Physiology, Federal University of Mato Grosso
form of locomotion, such as soccer, athletics, basketball, and do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The study was performed
handball (1). in two stages. The first stage aimed to evaluate the reliability
In recent studies, the RAST has been significantly cor- of the RAST test performed twice (test and a retest) with
related with AWC and WAnT, which suggests that the RAST a minimum interval of 48 hours between assessments; the
could be used to assess the anaerobic power and capacity in second stage aimed to evaluate the validity of RAST as an
running (28). The RAST is a very attractive procedure for anaerobic test verifying correlation with the WAnT and with
practical application because it is an easily applied method. the 35-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and 400-m performances. Before each
In practice, however, the RAST test still needs more procedure, the participants performed a 5-minute moderate
investigation about the test-retest reliability and validity of intensity warm-up and the tests were started approximately
this protocol of evaluation. Therefore, the purposes of this 5 minutes after warm-up. All procedures were applied at the
study were: (a) to evaluate of the RAST test-retest reliability; same time of day, with the RAST and running performances
(b) to investigate the validity of the RAST as a protocol for test performed on a 400-meter running track and the WAnT
assessing anaerobic power; and (c) to determine if the RAST performed on a Monark cycle ergometer (Monark Ergomedic
is a good predictor of performance in short-distance events. 894 E, Monark, Sweden). The subjects performed the tests
The research hypotheses in the study were that test-retest with clothes and shoes specifically designed for running.
RAST scores give similar results in all variables; there are Verbal encouragement was used in all tests to maintain the
significant correlations between RAST and WAnT scores; maximum effort.
and the RAST is a good predictor of 35-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and Subjects
400-meter performances. Forty members of the armed forces were recruited to
METHODS participate in the study, all male volunteers (age 19.78 6
1.18 years; body mass 70.34 6 8.10 kg; height 1.76 6 0.53 m;
Experimental Approach to the Problem body fat 15.30 6 5.65%; body mass index 22.67 6 2.08
The muscle strength, power, FI, and aerobic and anaerobic kgm22). The subjects were moderately active; performed
capacity of the athletes and nonathletes can be measured military training including exercise; and some subjects were
using field and laboratory tests. The WAnT is an important involved in soccer, basketball, volleyball and athletics
tool for measuring anaerobic power and capacity of humans recreationally. They all attended military training sessions
(2,4,7,20,23,30) and it has been commonly used to evaluate 6 days a week for at least 3 years. Not all of the subjects
sporting performance by measuring muscle power and participated in both stages of the study, but in each stage the
obtaining knowledge about muscle metabolism during same participants performed all the tests (n = 24 in first stage
short-term, high-intensity exercise (3). The WAnT has been and n = 17 in second stage; only one subject participated in
an important test for validation of other anaerobic tests, and both stages). The subjects were informed of the risks and the
not only used in cycling, but also in specific tests for running benefits of the tests and then signed an informed consent
(14,17,28,30), table tennis (29), and other ergometers and form prior to testing approved by the Ethics Committee of
sports, and used for prediction of performance in running the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
(15,24). Because of the scientific acceptance of WAnT, it was
used to verify the validity of RAST, which is an adaptation of Running Anaerobic Sprint Test
WAnT for running. The development of anaerobic specific Initially, the body mass was measured with all clothes used in
tests for running that are easily applied and low cost is very the RAST test. The RAST was applied with the participants
interesting for practical application. performing six 35-m maximal sprints with a 10-second
For it to be applied in track running events and without use interval between each sprint. The time for each run was
of sophisticated equipment or ergometer, the RAST has an measured by two photocells (CEFIS standard photocells,
advantage over other anaerobic tests, such as the MART (17), Brazil) and the start for each sprint (10-second interval)
tethered running (14,30) or Margaria staircase test. The other occurred with a beep from the photocell equipment. Velocity

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 6 | SEPTEMBER 2009 | 1821

Validity of the RAST for Assessing Anaerobic Power

and acceleration were deter-

mined by Speed Test Version
6.0 (CEFISE, Brazil), and the
power in each sprint was then
calculated by the formula
Power = (Body Mass 3 Dis-
tance2)/Time3. After the
RAST, 25 mL of blood were
collected from the ear lobe
at 1, 3, 5, and 7 minutes to
determine lactatemia. This pro-
cedure was applied three times:
in the first stage of the study
to analyze reliability (test and
Figure 1. Results of the power generated in each sprint (35 meters) of RAST obtained in test and retest. Results
retest method) and also in the are reported as mean and SE.
second stage to evaluate asso-
ciations with the other
after calculated the peak power (PP) in the initial 5-second
Wingate Test period, mean power (MP) for 30 seconds, peak power per
Initially, the warm-up was performed (5 minutes) with 2- to 3- weight (PP/Wkg), mean power per weight (MP/Wkg), and
second duration flat-out sprints performed at the beginning of the fatigue index (FI = (peak power – minimum power/peak
the fourth minute of warm-up. Tests were started 5 minutes power) 3 100).
after the end of the warm-up period. The WAnT consisted of
exercise performed at maximal power for 30 seconds with an Running performance Tests
external resistance corresponding to 75 gkg21 body mass. Five running performances tests were randomly applied
The cycle ergometer (Monark Ergomedic 894-E, Sweden) in distances of 35, 50, 100, 200, and 400 meters. The subjects
protocol began without external resistance, which was added were instructed to perform the runs in the shortest time
immediately after the test was initiated. Exercise time was possible. Times of runs were recorded using two photocells
recorded only after the external resistance was applied After (CEFISE standard photocells). The shortest RAST time was
30 seconds of effort, blood samples were collected at 1, 3, 5, considered as the 35-m performance value. The minimum
and 7 minutes for analysis of blood lactate concentration. interval between each distance was 24 hours. After each run,
Pedal revolution rate was determined by Monark Anaerobic blood samples were collected (25 mL) at 1, 3, 5, and 7 minutes
Test Software. Values were obtained at 5-second intervals and to lactatemia analysis. The absolute time of each run was

TABLE 1. Results of running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) and the intraclass correlation between variables obtained in first
stage of study.

RAST test (n = 24) RAST retest (n = 24)

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range correlation

Peak power (W) 751.04 6 123.63 538.30–961.41 730.33 6 89.90 560.73–899.58 0.92*
Mean power (W) 590.62 6 90.79 388.86–736.48 591.08 6 86.10 437.28–722.98 0.97*
Peak power per weight (Wkg21) 10.38 6 1.74 7.81–13.48 10.19 6 1.30 8.57–12.62 0.94*
Mean power per weight (WKg21) 8.20 6 1.34 5.78–10.33 8.19 6 1.12 6.50–10.24 0.97*
Fatigue index (%) 40.62 6 9.11 28.03–56.74 38.42 6 6.56 23.04–54.54 0.70*
Peak blood lactate 14.23 6 2.68 8.67–19.44 14.16 6 2.65 9.24–18.81 0.65*
concentration (mmolL21)
Peak speed (ms21) 7.09 6 0.38 6.50–7.80 7.07 6 0,29 6.70–7.60 0.94*
Mean speed (ms21) 6.54 6 0.37 5.80–7.10 6.55 6 0.31 6.03–7.08 0.95*
Total effort time (s) 32.47 6 2.05 29.73–36.47 32.36 6 1.50 29.79–35.19 0.90*

*p , 0.05.

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Figure 2. Reliability analysis of the RAST verified by Bland-Altman plots of RAST test-retest. A) Peak power. B) Mean power. C) Peak power per weight. D) Mean
power per weight. E) Fatigue index. F) Peak blood lactate concentration. G) Peak speed. H) Mean speed.

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 6 | SEPTEMBER 2009 | 1823

Validity of the RAST for Assessing Anaerobic Power

TABLE 2. Results of running anaerobic sprint test and Wingate test.

Running anaerobic sprint test (n = 17) Wingate test (n = 17)

Mean 6 SD Range Mean 6 SD Range

Peak power (W) 695.46 6 107.46 484.78–898.02 778.40 6 115.74† 518.99–922.65

Mean power (W) 555.20 6 77.30 408.83–745.88 629.28 6 84.25† 437.85–752.42
Fatigue index (%) 36.01 6 8.79 16.33–45.78 41.07 6 9.71† 21.74–53.57
Peak power per weight (WKg21) 10.17 6 1.54 8.05–13.54 11.34 6 1.31† 8.38–13.69
Mean power per weight (WKg21) 8.10 6 1.03 6.37–10.29 9.16 6 0.71† 7.54–10.19
Peak blood lactate concentration 15.70 6 3.39 10.68–21.75 13.77 6 2.67* 10.11–18.48
*p , 0.05.
†p , 0.01.

taken as running performance (T35, T50, T100, T200, the second stage, analysis of variance repeated measure
and T400). was used to compare lactate concentrations in the RAST,
Wingate, and performance tests, and product-moment
Blood Analysis correlation analysis among RAST, WAnT and running
Blood samples (25 mL) were collected from a participant’s ear performances. In all cases, a probability level of 95% (p #
lobe and transferred to a 1.5-mL Eppendorf tube containing 0.05) was used for statistical significance.
50 mL NaF (1% sodium fluoride). The homogenate was
injected (25 mL) into an electrochemical lactate analyzer
(YSI 1500 Sport, Yellow Springs, OH). The electrochemical
lactate analyzer was calibrated after every 5 blood
samples with standard 5.0 mmolL21 lactate solution. Blood First Stage
lactate concentrations are expressed in millimoles per liter The aim of this stage was verify the reliability of the RAST.
(mmolL21). These results of RAST test performed twice are showed in
the Table 1. No significant differences were found between
Statistical Analyses RAST variables in two tests (test and retest), and these
Results are expressed as mean 6 SD or SE (Figure 1). Initially variables showed significant correlation in the ICC test
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Liliefors tests were used to (Table 1), verifying the reliability of test. Figure 1 shows
analyze variable normality. All scores showed normality. In the power generation in each sprint of the RAST obtained in
the first stage, the RAST reliability was analyzed using test and retest methods. The other factors that corroborated
the Student’s t-test for dependent samples, the intraclass RAST’s reliability were Bland-Altman plots (5), which
correlation test (ICC; two-way fixed model, consistency showed excellent results of concordance in all variables
option, single score) and the Bland-Altman plots (1,3,5). In (Figure 2).

TABLE 3. Results of 35-, 50-, 100-, 200-, and 400-meter performance tests (n = 17).

35 m 50 m 100 m 200 m 400 m

Speed (ms21) 6.90 6 0.39 6.86 6 0.44 7.21 6 0.30*† 6.93 6 0.41‡ 6.01 6 0.38*†‡§
Time (s) 5.09 6 0.29 7.32 6 0.47* 13.90 6 0.56*† 28.96 6 1.83*†‡ 66.85 6 4.49*†‡§
Peak blood lactate — 7.31 6 2.19 9.96 6 1.00† 12.31 6 1.53†‡ 14.26 6 1.60†‡
concentration (mmolL21)
*p , 0.01 versus 35-m score.
†p , 0.01 versus 50-m score.
‡p , 0.05 versus 100-m score.
§p , 0.01 versus 200-m score.

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TABLE 4. Correlations between the running anaerobic sprint test (RAST) variables and performances scores of 35 (T35),
50 (T50), 100 (T100), 200 (T200) and 400 (T400) meters.


T35 20.99‡ 20.86‡ 20.47† 20.77‡ 20.57‡ 20.34 0.92‡

T50 20.78‡ 20.68‡ 20.34 20.63‡ 20.46† 20.02 0.78‡
T100 20.62‡ 20.64‡ 0.00 20.51† 20.45 20.31 0.57†
T200 20.67‡ 20.76‡ 20.12 20.52† 20.51† 20.17 0.78‡
T400 20.46† 20.68‡ 0.13 20.45† 20.59‡ 0.25 0.74‡

*PP = peak power; MP = mean power; FI = fatigue index; PP/WKg = peak power per weight; MP/WKg = mean power per weight;
LACpeak = peak blood lactate concentration; TT = total effort time.
†p , 0.05.
‡p , 0.01.

between the PP and the veloc-

ity at 35 m and between the
TABLE 5. Correlations between the Wingate test variables and performances scores MP/WKg and the velocity at
of 35 (T35), 50 (T50), 100 (T100), 200 (T200) and 400 (T400) meters.* 200 m (Table 5).
Wingate PP MP FI PP/WKg MP/WKg LACpeak

T35 20.44 20.47† 20.13 20.38 20.52† 20.10 DISCUSSION

T50 20.31 20.38 20.11 20.27 20.46 20.32 The intent of this study was to
T100 20.24 20.28 20.05 20.26 20.42 20.46
T200 20.36 20.34 20.26 20.41 20.51† 20.17
verify the reliability of the
T400 20.25 20.41 0.23 20.17 20.49 0.14 RAST variables in the first stage
of the study. There were no
*PP = peak power; MP = mean power; FI = fatigue index; PP/WKg = peak power per significant differences between
weight; MP/WKg = mean power per weight; LACpeak = peak blood lactate concentration.
†p , 0.05. the RAST using the test-retest
method, which showed signifi-
cant and high correlations veri-
fied by ICC test (1,3), and there
was a high level of concordance
Second Stage between scores verified by
This stage investigated the validity of RAST for assessment Bland-Altman plots (5). In these Bland-Altman analyses
the anaerobic power and its ability to predict short-distance (5), however, some results were outside the limits of agree-
performances. The total effort time (TT) found in RAST was ment (outliers); both means of differences and limits of
33.06 6 1.63 s. All the RAST variables were significantly agreement were found to be low, resulting in good reliability.
lower than WAnT scores (Table 2), but there were significant RAST reliability was initially investigated by Balciunas et al.
correlations found between the PP (r = 0.46), MP (r = 0.53), (1), which used young basketball athletes. They reported
and FI (r = 0.63). Peak blood lactate concentration high RAST reliability verified by product-moment coefficient
(LACpeak) from the RAST only was significantly correlated (r = 0.90). However, these authors did not mention which
with the FI (r = 0.48). However, in the WAnT, the peak variable of the RAST was analyzed. The reliability of the
lactate (LACpeak) was correlated with PP (r = 0.54), RAST is similar to that obtained in WAnT (7,29), maximal
PP/Wkg (r = 0.63), and MP/Wkg (r = 0.62). anaerobic running test (17), and tethered swimming (19).
The running performances ranged from 4.61–5.74 (T35), Verifying the reliability and reproducibility of an evaluation
6.47–8.09 (T50), 12.75–14.70 (T100), 27.03–34.18 (T200), and procedure is important for it to be scientifically accepted and
60.11–77.21 seconds (T400). The results of running perform- for its routine application in training (25). The RAST is an
ances are shown in Table 3. Nearly all the RAST variables adaptation of WAnT for running, in which the time of
(with exception of FI and LACpeak) were significantly exercise is very similar (@32 s in RAST and 30 s in WAnT),
correlated with all performances, but the MP/Wkg was not but in the RAST test the time and effort are dependent on the
correlated with the performance at 100 m (Table 4). For the physical ability of the subject to perform test. Spencer et al.
Wingate test variables, there were significant correlations (23) investigated a reliability of a similar test for hockey

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 6 | SEPTEMBER 2009 | 1825

Validity of the RAST for Assessing Anaerobic Power

applying 6 3 30 meter repeated sprints with 20 seconds Different studies have described correlations between
of recovery. WAnT and performances scores, and their findings are in
The RAST was first investigated by Zacharogiannis et al. investigations that used cycling WAnT and adapted the
(28), who verified significant correlations between the RAST Wingate test with muscular activities similar to sports
and the WAnT for PP and MP variables (r = 0.82 and r = 0.75, activities (10,20). When applying the procedures to running,
respectively) and related that the RAST could be used to body weight needs to be supported during effort in the same
measure the anaerobic capacity and power. Hodson and way as in specific running tests. Therefore, as well as the
Jones (12) also used the RAST test to evaluate the influence possibility of assessing anaerobic power, the evaluation
of caffeine ingestion on repeated sprint performance. In our procedure called RAST seems to also be best suited for short-
study, despite significant differences being found between the distance performance prediction confirming the hypotheses
RASTand Wingate scores, there were significant correlations generated from the study.
between PP, MP, and FI variables, but these correlations
were not high (r = 0.46; r = 0.53; and r = 0.63, respectively).
Nummela et al. (17) used the cycling WAnT to validate an PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
anaerobic running test called MART; there were significant
The findings of this study have shown the reliability and
correlations between the two tests. Zemková and Hamar (30)
validity of the RAST as an anaerobic evaluation procedure in
also found significant correlation between cycling WAnT
running. In many studies and also in daily routine training,
and a tethered running on the treadmill and concluded this
the WAnT test has been used as a method of measuring of
tethered running test as valid for measuring anaerobic power.
anaerobic power in several sports. However, the use of the
Similar results by Lima (14) found significant correlations
cycle ergometer for evaluation cannot be used to represent
between PP (r = 0.82) and PM (r = 0.79) of the WAnT and of
the complete muscular and motor activities found in most
the tethered track running tests.
sports. The advantage of using the RAST to measure
The RAST procedure can measure a power output of
anaerobic power is that it allows the execution of movements
inferior limbs similar to the WAnT, but uses running instead
more specific to sporting events that use running as their
of cycling and measures the power of effort using the
principal form of locomotion, and it can be easily applied by
individual body mass. The RAST, as well as WAnT, can be
trainers and coaches in training. To use RAST, one only needs
used to measure muscular strength and the capacity of the
to record the period of effort and measure body mass.
legs to generate power. In sports such as soccer, basketball,
Although there are other anaerobic running tests mentioned
and others, the use of this test is very interesting because of
in literature, such as MART (17), tethered running (30) on the
reduced financial costs and easy application. Anaerobic
treadmill and on the track (14), or the Margaria staircase test,
components are evaluated through repeated sprints such as
these tests need expensive equipment and sophisticated
those performed in several sports (12,21).
technological apparatuses, such as MART and tethered
The RASTalso seems to be a good procedure for prediction
running, or are performed in running on staircase, which is
of running performance, verified by high correlations between
not used in a sporting activity. Therefore, the RAST has
the RAST variables and the performances at 35, 50, 100,
practical advantages over these other running methods.
200, and 400 meters. The anaerobic contribution of these
Coaches and trainers can use a simple method of anaerobic
distances is very high and these correlations corroborate
assessment that does not require the use of sophisticated and
for the anaerobic characteristics of the RAST test. Only the
expensive equipment or running performed on a staircase or
FI and the LACpeak of the RAST did not show significant
inclination conditioning and performed in repeated sprints, as
correlations with the performance scores. Although FI and
occurs in some sports. However, more studies on this
LACpeak have been mentioned in literature as anaerobic
procedure are required, measuring other parameters of
glycolytic capacity predictors (2), the relationship between
RAST, such as anaerobic contribution and oxygen debit in
these variables and performances was not verified in this
tests. Our results have shown that the RAST is not only
study. But, the LACpeak found after RAST was approx-
a reliable and valid procedure to assess anaerobic power, but
imately 15 mmol.L21, exhibiting a significant contribution of
also a good predictor of short-distance running performances.
glycolytic pathway. Strangely, velocity over 100 m was
Because of its simplicity, it can easily be incorporated into
significantly higher than over 35 and 50 m. Possibly these
routine training.
individuals had a higher anaerobic glycolytic system in
relation to the phosphagenic system, verified by the high
mean velocities at 100, 200, and 400 m distances and by the
higher correlation values between MP than PP with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
performances over these distances. Lima (14) also adapted This study was supported by Fundacxão de Apoio ao
the WAnT for tethered track running and also found Desenvolvimento do Ensino, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado
significant correlations between performances over 60, 120, de Mato Grosso do Sul (FUNDECT 41/100.111/2006 and
240, and 300 m. 41/100.187/2006 and CNPq (301601/2006-2)).
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VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 6 | SEPTEMBER 2009 | 1827

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