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Transfusion Medicine Reviews 30 (2016) 197–201

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Transfusion Medicine Reviews

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Pediatric Section

Red Blood Cell Antigen Genotyping for Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia,
and Other Transfusion Complications
Ross M. Fasano a,⁎, Stella T. Chou b
Transfusion, Tissue, & Apheresis, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Departments of Clinical Pathology & Pediatric Hematology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Department of Pediatrics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 28 May 2016 Since the discovery of the ABO blood group in the early 20th century, more than 300 blood group antigens have
been categorized among 35 blood group systems. The molecular basis for most blood group antigens has been
Keywords: determined and demonstrates tremendous genetic diversity, particularly in the ABO and Rh systems. Several
Red blood cell antigen genotyping blood group genotyping assays have been developed, and 1 platform has been approved by the Food and Drug
Sickle cell disease Administration as a “test of record,” such that no phenotype confirmation with antisera is required. DNA-based
red blood cell (RBC) phenotyping can overcome certain limitations of hemagglutination assays and is beneficial
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
in many transfusion settings. Genotyping can be used to determine RBC antigen phenotypes in patients recently
Rh transfused or with interfering allo- or autoantibodies, to resolve discrepant serologic typing, and/or when typing
antisera are not readily available. Molecular RBC antigen typing can facilitate complex antibody evaluations and
guide RBC selection for patients with sickle cell disease (SCD), thalassemia, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
High-resolution RH genotyping can identify variant RHD and RHCE in patients with SCD, which have been associ-
ated with alloimmunization. In the future, broader access to cost-efficient, high-resolution RBC genotyping tech-
nology for both patient and donor populations may be transformative for the field of transfusion medicine.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Inc.


Challenges in Transfusion Management of SCD, Thalassemia, and Those With Warm Autoantibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Molecular Background of Blood Group Antigen Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Red Blood Cell Genotyping Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Indications for RBC Genotyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Recent or Chronic Transfusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Sickle Cell Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Thalassemia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Warm Autoantibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Blood Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Summary/Research Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Conflict of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Genetic characterization of blood group antigens has demonstrated

significant diversity among populations. Genomic data are increasingly
incorporated into standard clinical care, and molecular methods to
⁎ Corresponding author at: Ross M. Fasano, MD, Transfusion, Tissue, & Apheresis, predict red blood cell (RBC) antigen phenotypes have improved our
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Departments of Clinical Pathology & Pediatric Hematology, approach to transfusion practice. Hemagglutination using RBCs and
Emory University School of Medicine, 7105B Woodruff Memorial Building, 101 Woodruff
Circle, Atlanta, GA, 30322.
blood group antigen-specific antisera is a simple and robust method for
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (R.M. Fasano), [email protected] RBC antigen typing of blood donors and patients, but has some limitations
(S.T. Chou). for which DNA-based testing provides an alternative. These include

0887-7963/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Inc.
198 R.M. Fasano, S.T. Chou / Transfusion Medicine Reviews 30 (2016) 197–201

extended RBC phenotype determination in patients recently transfused or 75% and from 4% to 37% in patients with SCD and thalassemia respectively
with interfering allo- or autoantibodies, discrepant serologic typing [3,7]. The wide range of prevalence results from differences in
results and/or when typing antisera are not readily available, paternal exposure frequency, patient age (pediatric vs adult), and donor/recipient
RhD zygosity testing for pregnancies at risk for RhD hemolytic disease RBC antigen discordance. Alloantibodies to Rh (primarily C and E) and K
of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), and prenatal determination of fetal comprise over two thirds of antibodies detected. In an effort to reduce
blood group antigen status in allosensitized mothers at risk of HDFN RBC alloimmunization, many transfusion services have implemented
(Table) [1]. Red blood cell genotyping is also an efficient method for prophylactic phenotype matching for C, E, and K antigens for patients
donor centers to identify RBC units with rare or uncommon antigen with SCD and thalassemia. For SCD, this transfusion strategy has been
phenotypes, or simply to meet demands for antigen-negative units associated with a reduction in alloimmunization prevalence from
(Table) [2]. In particular, maintenance of large pools of African American 18% to 75% (rate: 1.7 to 3.9 antibodies/100 U transfused) with ABO/
blood donors with extended RBC antigen characterization is needed to Rh(D) matching only, to 5% to 24% (0.26 to 0.50 antibodies/100 U trans-
support patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Although identification fused) with C-, E-, and K-matched RBCs, and further reduced to 0% to
of these donor units has historically been done serologically, automated 7% (≤0.10 antibodies/100 U transfused) with extended antigen matching
DNA-based antigen testing can potentially improve the efficiency, (beyond C, E, and K) [8].
reliability, and extent of matching for this heavily transfused population. Despite receiving Rh phenotype–matched RBCs, many patients with
SCD form Rh antibodies that may appear like autoantibodies since the
Challenges in Transfusion Management of SCD, Thalassemia, and patient's own RBCs type positive for the corresponding Rh antigen
Those With Warm Autoantibodies with standard serologic tests. RBC genotyping for RHD and RHCE has
revealed that many of these patients carry variant alleles that encode
Transfusion therapy is a key component of the comprehensive partial D, C, and/or e antigens, and suggests that these were alloanti-
management of patients with SCD and thalassemia [3]. Current clinical bodies directed toward common Rh epitopes the patient lacks. Many
guidelines recommend RBC transfusion for patients with SCD to treat of these Rh antibodies have been associated with laboratory evidence
acute complications including acute chest syndrome, stroke, aplastic of delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions or demonstrated decreased
crisis, and splenic sequestration, and before surgical procedures involving survival of transfused RBCs [9,10]. Anti-D has also been reported
general anesthesia [4]. Primary and secondary stroke prevention is the in D+ patients with thalassemia, but it is unknown whether these
major indication for chronic RBC transfusion therapy, with approximately patients had variant RH genotypes that could predispose them to D
10% of children with SCD requiring regular transfusions [5]. Chronic immunization [11].
transfusions are used to reduce ineffective erythropoiesis for patients Transfusion management of children with autoimmune hemolytic
with severe thalassemia (β thalassemia major) and are used intermit- anemia or warm autoantibodies present additional challenges. In most
tently for patients with milder forms of thalassemia [6]. cases, autoantibodies interfere with standard pretransfusion antibody
Transfusion therapy for patients with SCD and thalassemia is screening and compatibility testing. This is most problematic if the
complicated by high rates of alloimmunization. The prevalence of child has been previously transfused and underlying alloantibodies
alloimmunization with ABO/Rh(D) matching alone ranges from 18% to have formed [12]. Time- and resource-consuming absorption tech-
niques primarily available at reference laboratories are required for
alloantibody evaluation and may not be effective in cases of high titer
Table or tightly bound autoantibodies.
Indications for RBC antigen genotyping

Clinical indication Examples Molecular Background of Blood Group Antigen Systems

Patient typing
Recently or multitransfused Hemoglobinopathies (SCD, thalassemia More than 300 blood group antigens in 35 blood group systems
major/intermedia) exist, and the molecular basis for almost all blood group antigens and
Congenital or acquired hemolytic anemias phenotypes is known. DNA-based prediction of a blood group antigen
Presence of interfering antibodies Autoantibodies, multiple alloantibodies,
is simple and reliable for most antigens because most result from single
antibodies to high-prevalence antigens,
antibody of undetermined specificity nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Molecular assay design and inter-
Suspected antibody against antigens for Doa/b, Jsa/b, Kpa/b, V/VS pretation are thus straightforward for the prediction of most RBC anti-
which typing antisera are not readily RBC antigen variants gen phenotypes, which are determined by a limited number of alleles
available or SNPs. However, DNA-based prediction of some blood group systems
Serologic typing discrepancy RhD typing discrepancy (due weak D,
partial D)
remains challenging, most notably the ABO and Rh systems due to the
To detect silencing genes or genes To detect the GATA site mutation in the high number of variant alleles and their genetic complexity. In the
responsible of a weakly expressed DARC gene in individuals who are Fy(b-) ABO system, more than 100 alleles encode the glycosyltransferases
antigen responsible for the ABO type, and a single nucleotide change in an A
Apparent autoantibody with Identify Rh variants (eg, anti-C, -e, or -D
or B allele can result in an inactive transferase and a group O phenotype.
antigenic specificity or unexplained in patients typing C+, e+, or D+)
antibodies despite antigen matching Mistyping of ABO antigens could lead to transfusion of ABO-
To identify fetal risk for HDFN Paternal RhD zygosity testing incompatible blood and a subsequent severe hemolytic transfusion
Determining weak D status in pregnant reaction. Genotyping methods have been developed to decrease the
females risk for erroneous ABO prediction [13] but are unlikely to replace ABO
Prenatal fetal blood group antigen
typing by hemagglutination, which is extremely reliable, inexpensive,
determination in allosensitized mothers
Blood donor typing and has a quick turnaround time.
To screen for antigen-negative and/or Screening for rare combinations of In the Rh system, molecular testing for the common Rh antigens D, C,
rare donors antigen-negative RBCs c, E, and e is uncomplicated for most populations. The RHD and
Screening for RH genotype matched RBCs
RHCE genes are each composed of 10 exons in opposite orientation
for SCD patients with anti-Rh antibodiesa
To detect silencing genes Screening for ethnic African blood donors and share 97% nucleotide sequence homology. Their close proximity,
by Fy(a-b-) phenotypea sequence homology, and opposite orientation have resulted in many
Large-scale donor molecular screening for RH variant phenotypes in African blood
variant and hybrid alleles evolving on both loci [14]. Over 200 RHD
donors (established by Fy[a-b-] phenotype) has been reported to meet the transfusion alleles encoding partial and weak D, and approximately 100 RHCE
needs of patients with SCD and anti-Rh antibodies [37]. alleles encoding altered or partial Rh antigens have been described.
R.M. Fasano, S.T. Chou / Transfusion Medicine Reviews 30 (2016) 197–201 199

Patients with partial Rh antigens who lack certain Rh epitopes are at risk The major limitation to current molecular platforms is their restric-
of Rh alloimmunization. These same individuals may also lack high- tion to detect known SNPs. Novel mutations, large deletions, hybrid al-
prevalence Rh antigens such as hrB or hrS, and alloantibodies to these leles, and complex genes such as ABO and RH pose challenges for
antigens can be difficult to identify. Conversely, variant RH alleles may current array-based platforms that are primarily designed to detect
encode new Rh antigens (eg, V, VS, Go a) that are not routinely typed SNPs and cannot accommodate every known variant. Target enrichment
for but are potentially immunogenic. RH variation is frequent in indi- next-generation sequencing alleviates some of these limitations by
viduals of African descent, and nearly 90% of patients with SCD of providing comprehensive sequence information focused on specified
African descent carry at least one altered allele compared with 1% of in- genomic regions. Target enrichment next-generation sequencing can
dividuals with European background. Variant RH alleles in patients with detect both established and novel SNPs, insertions and deletions, and
SCD have been associated with persistently high alloimmunization structural variations, and should be feasible for blood group typing as
rates to Rh antigens despite C-, E-, and K-phenotype matched RBCs the assay cost and ease of data interpretation improves [15,16]. Next-
from minority donors [9]. An additional complicating factor is that generation sequencing is capable of sequencing the whole genome
altered RHCE and RHD encoding partial Rh antigens are often co- (WGS) but is neither cost-efficient nor practical for application in clinical
inherited. Once alloimmunized, these patients pose significant challenges transfusion medicine. However, as WGS is increasingly performed on
to transfusion services in providing compatible RBCs in the absence of certain patients with chronic disease, blood group antigen phenotypes
access to RH genotyped donors. including variants can be predicted [23]. Although rare, all PCR-based
techniques can fail to amplify alleles due to mutations in primer binding
sites (allele dropout), or conversely, amplify pseudogenes, both resulting
Red Blood Cell Genotyping Methods in false results.

Many methods for RBC genotyping exist and vary in their complexity. Indications for RBC Genotyping
Several semiautomated platforms exist for testing common RBC anti-
gens, but evaluation for variants typically requires manual polymerase Recent or Chronic Transfusion
chain reaction (PCR)–based assays, such as allele-specific primer PCR
or restriction fragment length polymorphism. Prototype RHD and RHCE For recently transfused patients for whom an extended RBC pheno-
platforms to test for multiple RH variants have been developed, but type is indicated, DNA-based assays are a reliable method to predict RBC
each of these target many, but not all, known alleles. antigen status. Individuals who receive chronic transfusion therapy may
Most currently available semiautomated RBC molecular typing also benefit from RBC genotyping to establish their extended antigen
platforms are DNA-based assays that use multiplex PCR amplification profile (N30 antigens) including those for which antisera are not
of multiple genes encoding various blood group antigens, hybridization commercially available. This is especially helpful when patients develop
to RBC antigen allele-specific oligonucleotide probes embedded on serologic reactivity that complicates alloantibody evaluation such as
either glass slides colored silica beads or fluidic bead suspensions, and autoantibodies, multiple alloantibodies, antibodies to high-prevalence
detection of fluorescence signals to predict a RBC phenotype [15–17]. antigens, or antibodies against antigens for which typing antisera are
At present, only one platform (PreciseType HEA; Immucor, Norcross, not readily available (eg, Doa/ b, Jsa/ b, Kpa/ b, V/VS) [1,18,24]. Currently,
Georgia) is approved in the United States for both patient and donor there is 1 Food and Drug Administration-approved array for molecular
typing by the Food and Drug Administration. Approved as a “test of typing as a test of record [19].
record,” no confirmatory typing with antisera is required, which is likely
to save time, reduce costs, and provide additional phenotype data that Sickle Cell Disease
are clinically relevant [18]. PreciseType HEA detects 24 polymorphisms
for the prediction of 38 RBC antigens including Rh (C/c, E/e, V, VS), Kell The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends extended
(K/k, Js a/Js b, Kp a/Kp b), Duffy (Fy a/Fy b, Fy bweak, Fy bnull), Kidd (Jka/Jk b), RBC antigen typing for patients with SCD aged more than 6 months and
MNS (M/N, S/s, U), Lutheran (Lu a/Lu b), Dombrock (Doa/Do b, Hy, Joa), transfusion with prophylactic C-, E-, and K-matched RBCs [25]. Most
Landsteiner-Wiener (LW a/LW b), Diego (Di a/Di b), Coltan (Co a/Co b), institutions obtain extended RBC phenotypes on patients with SCD
and Scianna (Sc a/Scb) blood group systems. It also includes the hemo- within the first year of life using serologic techniques. DNA-based RBC
globin S mutation in the β-globin gene; however, this is not intended typing has been implemented as the primary method for extended
or approved as a diagnostic test for SCD. Validation studies performed RBC typing for patients with SCD at both of the authors' institutions
in four U.S. laboratories demonstrated a greater than 99.4% agreement [18] and is feasible on buccal swab specimens in infants and young
to serology and 99.8% concordance with DNA sequencing [19,20]. children with SCD [26]. An additional benefit is the ability to detect the
Another commercially available high-throughput RBC molecular GATA site mutation in the DARC gene, which is common in individuals
typing assay is the BLOODchip ID CORE XT (Progenika Biopharma, of African descent. This mutation prevents expression of Duffy glycopro-
Biscay, Spain), which has been CE-marked in the European Union for tein on erythrocytes only while permitting expression in nonerythroid
molecular typing of ABO (33 haplotypes), RHD (91 haplotypes including cells. Individuals with this mutation are not at risk for alloimmunization
many alleles which result in D-negative, partial D, weak D, and Del against Fyb despite typing as Fy(b−) and can receive Fy(b+) RBCs,
phenotypes), RHCE (9 alleles), KEL (8 alleles), JK (4 alleles, including allowing for the preservation of Fy(b−) units [27,28].
2 JKnull), FY (4 alleles), MNS (9 haplotypes), DI, DO, and CO. This platform RH variants are found frequently in individuals of African descent
demonstrated a global accuracy of 99.8% when compared with whose RBCs express partial D, C, and e and may lack common Rh
serology and other molecular typing methods, with the exception epitopes (hrB, hrS) or be express new antigens (V, VS, Go a) (Figure)
of ABO [17,21]. Other high-throughput RBC genotyping assays and [29]. Patients with SCD may form an alloantibody to the Rh epitope
customizable platforms available include Luminex xMAP, GenomeLab they lack, but appear to have formed an autoantibody since their sero-
SNPstream (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, California), and TaqMan logic typing for that antigen is positive. High-resolution RH genotyping
Open Array (Applied Biosystems, Grand Island, New York) [15]. can distinguish a potential alloantibody from an apparent autoantibody.
Recently, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight Thus, when unexplained Rh antibodies are detected in patients despite
mass spectrometry–based blood group genotyping showed greater Rh antigen matching, an evaluation for RH variants by genotype is
than 99.2% concordance with serologic typing and proved useful in recommended. In addition, patients who develop antibodies to high-
identifying blood donors with rare phenotypes in the Kell, Kidd, and prevalence Rh antigens often have the same panagglutination pattern
Duffy systems [22]. as autoantibodies. RH genotyping can identify individuals who lack
200 R.M. Fasano, S.T. Chou / Transfusion Medicine Reviews 30 (2016) 197–201

Figure. RH variants encoding partial Rh antigens, new Rh antigens, or lacking high-prevalence antigens. Examples of RHD and RHCE*ce variant alleles found in individuals of African
descent that encode partial D, C, c, and e antigens. RH variant alleles often result in a lack of high-prevalence antigens, including hrB, hrS, CEAG, and CELO or encode new antigens including
DAK, Go(a), V, VS, and RH43 [29].

high-prevalence Rh antigens such as hrB and hrS and facilitate antibody extended RBC antigen profiling for reasons discussed above for chronic
evaluation and donor selection. transfusion recipients.
Although currently limited by cost and donor availability, use of
patient RH genotype information can improve donor RBC selection to Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia and Warm Autoantibodies
minimize Rh alloimmunization. A frequent variant allele in patients
with SCD is the hybrid RHD*DIIIa-CE(4–7)-D gene that encodes a partial Knowledge of the patient's RBC phenotype can guide alloantibody
C antigen and does not encode D antigen [30]. Red blood cells are phe- evaluation and donor RBC selection, but is usually not available for
notypically C+, but individuals are at risk for anti-C if exposed to C patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Advanced serological
antigen encoded by a conventional allele. Patients with this allele and phenotyping techniques such as enzyme treatment can be used to
who lack conventional RHCE*Ce should receive C− RBCs, consistent remove autoantibodies from the RBC membrane but may degrade
with a prophylactic C matching policy [8]. For patients whose RH some blood group antigens leading to false-negative or inconclusive
genotypes predict exclusive expression of partial D and/or e antigens, results [1]. Alternatively, molecular RBC antigen typing may be used to
selection of appropriate RBC units is more complex. D-negative units improve transfusion safety by determining the patient's extended RBC
are more likely to be identified among European donors. Therefore, antigen profile, facilitating absorption studies and alloantibody evalua-
providing D-negative RBCs to patients with partial D antigen status tions, guiding provision of prophylactic antigen-matched RBCs, and
may increase alloimmunization risk to other antigens (Fy a, Jk b, and circumventing pretransfusion adsorption studies [24,35].
S) more common in Europeans compared with Africans. Approximately
80% of African individuals are E negative. Therefore, providing e-negative Blood Donors
RBCs for patients with partial e status may result in unwanted anti-E
alloimmunization. In the future, minimizing Rh alloimmunization will Large-scale donor genotyping facilitates identification of donors
require recruitment and retention of repeat African American donors with rare blood types or uncommon RBC phenotypes that are negative
with molecular RBC characterization including RH. Studies are needed for multiple antigens. Studies have demonstrated that donor RBC
to determine whether RH genetically compatible RBCs could prevent genotyping to provide antigen-negative RBCs regionally fulfilled greater
Rh alloimmunization and improve clinical outcomes. than 90% of requests [2,33,34,36]. Further, large-scale RHD and RHCE
Prophylactic antigen matching beyond C, E, and K has been proposed molecular analysis performed on African blood donors in France
to further reduce alloimmunization in SCD [31,32], which would require (established by Fy[a-b-] phenotype) provided indirect evidence that
extensive recruitment of ethnically matched donors. The availability of the transfusion needs of patients with SCD and anti-Rh antibodies
high-throughput RBC genotyping for both patient and donor popula- may potentially be met by screening very large populations of donors
tions and a national donor database could facilitate an extended RBC for RH variant phenotypes [37]. Combined with real-time inventory
matching strategy. To date, a few feasibility studies have investigated databases shared between blood centers and transfusion services,
whether molecular typing of patients and donor inventories could large-scale donor genotyping has the potential to improve the efficiency
provide extended matched RBCs to patients with SCD (matched at of supplying antigen-negative RBC units. See Table for potential patient
ABO, RhD, C/c, E/e, K, Fy a/Fy b, Jk a/Jk b, S/s, +/−Dombrock, and +/− and blood donor RBC genotyping indications.
Diego) [33,34]. A small fraction of patients (7%–8%) had no extended
matched components available due to a predominantly Caucasian Summary/Research Priorities
donor pool in 1 study [33] or infrequent or rare patient phenotypes
[34]. Further research is needed to determine whether maintenance of The application of blood group genotyping into clinical practice will
a large pool of ethnically matched, molecularly typed donors is feasible necessitate cost-efficient technology, broader adoption by transfusion
and could reduce alloimmunization. service laboratories, and determination of its impact on patient out-
comes. As next-generation sequencing methods improve, accurate
ABO and Rh blood group prediction will likely become feasible. The
Thalassemia clinical relevance of RH variation in SCD and weak D status in pregnant
females for RhIg prophylaxis are 2 areas already identified that may
Alloimmunization is common in patients with thalassemia requiring justify genotyping cost. However, future efforts are needed to identify
chronic RBC transfusions. Red blood cell genotyping has not been used specific genetic variants that predispose to alloimmunization, to find
routinely in this patient population but should be considered for efficient approaches for patient-donor matching by DNA-predicted
R.M. Fasano, S.T. Chou / Transfusion Medicine Reviews 30 (2016) 197–201 201

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