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Well-Being and Stress Management of High School Teachers: Experiences, Coping Strategies, and Performance

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Volume: 10
Pages: 280-287
Document ID: 2023PEMJ852
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8104844
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-30-6
Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 280-287 Document ID:2023 PEMJ852, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8104844, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Well-being and Stress Management of High School Teachers: Experiences,

Coping Strategies, and Performance
Rosie C. Baldelovar*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
A qualitative-phenomenological study highlighted the high school teachers’ lived experiences in the new normal
with their well-being, stress management, factors, coping strategies, and performance. The researcher
interviewed ten (10) purposely selected teachers. Results revealed that teachers experienced factors that
contribute to stress, too many workloads, additional papers work, urgent submission of reports, time pressure,
financial constraints, students’ performance, learners' behavioral issues, overlapping tasks or activities, no robust
support system, and others. In addition, teachers emphasized that all those factors contribute effects to their job
and well-being can lead to becoming unfocused, experiencing difficulties in dealing with and managing a large
number of learners, body fatigue or physical sickness, lack of sleep including headaches, finding hard get the
proper balance when work needs to bring at home and sometimes family time is compromised. Furthermore, the
researcher also found out that teachers applied strategies in coping with and improving their stress skills
management by giving themselves a break to relax during weekdays, doing meditation, watching TV, eating a lot
of favorite foods, listening to music, spiritual sermons, increasing intrinsic motivation by recognizing the beauty
of own good teaching practices, being resourceful, finding time to talk to husband/wife or even on a trusted
friend. Consequently, even teachers become a stress to their daily work; they can serve school to the fullest and
maintain a very satisfactory (vs.) rating. Lastly, this study recommends the following : (1) Government or higher
office must conduct revisiting and monitoring the implementation of the Department of Education school rules,
policies, guidelines, regulations, and curriculums, (2) The Department must realignment of work of teachers
based on their positions and educational standards, (3) Divisions School Superintendent, District Supervisors,
and school administrators must improve their management styles, (4) Technical assistance must be given
importance to all teachers and learners with appropriate resources needed for more efficient and effective
learning in the field of education.Moreover, (5). Administrators, teachers, and parents must work hand-in-hand
by motivating and encouraging the students to pursue what they have started so that they would be assessed
accordingly and would produce quality, competent graduates, (6) Parents must monitor, supervise and support
the progress and development of their children by communicating the teacher's concerns which will help to
lessen .teachers stress, (7) Teachers must have the chance to undergo stress management and financial skills
training to improve their managerial abilities and financial status, (8) The result of this study can be used as a
reference for those who will conduct further studies in the future, (9) Further study should be pursued to test the
extent of stress levels and the result of this on the lives of the teacher, teaching jobs, and well-being. Lastly,
(10). This study should be disseminated to the school administration, teachers, parents, and students for
information through LAC sessions, demonstrations, lectures, training, or even public symposium.

Keywords: stress management, well-being, psychological, emotional, physical, experiences,

phenomenological data analysis, results performance management system (RPMS), rating
Cipriano et al. (2020) cited that the COVID-19
Introduction pandemic created new challenges and stressors for
The teaching profession nowadays is more complex educators and highlighted existing pressure points and
than before but always requires teachers capable inequities within the education system. As schools were
enough to do the prescribed and additional tasks with closed to face-to-face instruction and
high-quality standards. In the past century, teachers' implemented the modular learning modality for the past
tasks only involved preparing daily attendance, two years, the educational process was
computing grades, and securing complete records of interrupted, and the learners started to learn education
their students. However, due to technological independently at home without the presence of
advancement and the presence of the COVID-19 teachers to continue the teaching-learning process. Two
pandemic, down to the implementation of face-to-face years ago, the Department of Education Negros Oriental
instruction, it has affected almost all other areas of life selected some of the teachers who became lesson
and caused stress to teachers, learners' lives, and well- plans and module writers, TV lesson
being. It brought problems, challenges, and effects on demonstrators, assigned with different coordinator ships
the educational system, teaching-learning and bombarded with many other overlapping ancillaries,
environments, and even teaching methods worldwide. requiring teachers to spend enough timeand efforts,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 280-287 Document ID:2023 PEMJ852, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8104844, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

experiences affect performance ratings and to support

bringing their additional work at home, burning their the teacher's endeavors in the realm of teaching.
candles every night, waking up early to submit reports
in an urgent time, attending pieces of training and Research Questions
seminars to level up their professional growth, coping,
This study aimed to discover teachers' lived
adapting and finding time with so many changes to
experiences in dealing with stress. Specifically, this
comply with all the educational teaching requirements
study sought answers to the following questions:
and to survive in the fast- changing educational
teaching demands. Most teachers who quit during the 1. What are the lived stress experiences of teachers?
pandemic cited stress as the driving factor in their 2. How do teachers manage stress?
decision, followed by a dislike for how things were run
at their school (Diliberti et al., 2021). These happenings
produced adverse effects not just on learners but a Literature Review
significant impact on the lives of Negros Oriental
teachers leading some to resign and work abroad. A
large-scale teacher survey by the RAND Corporation Teachers’ Stress and Well-being
found that one in four teachers reported they were
likely to leave the profession by the end of the 2020– It was highlighted in the early research that teachers'
2021 school year. stress and well-being is an established area spanning
over 40 years of educational research. Stress can be a
Another article published by the World Economic motivating factor in some cases, which lead to a
Forum (2022) on its annual meeting and official change of behavior and improved work ethics among
website pointed out that teachers and students are not pre-service and regular teachers. In defiance of that, it
excepted as the world carries on adapting and has been recognized that stress creates undesirable
adjusting to many crises with the COVID-19 teachers, Results in Performance Management
pandemic, and while learners are so much affected by Systems (RPMS), low confidence, professional
the crisis. More attention, consideration, or identity, and morale. Stress can cause psychological
observation needed to be given to an equally essential distress and symptoms, physiological ailments
teacher. There was some evidence that school teachers associated with anxiety, and depression, leading to
have experienced heightened stress and burnout. So, to decreased productivity and performance. With that,
ensure teachers' well-being last year, UNESCO and those who enter the teaching profession must have
UNICEF, and the World Bank called for the ideological motivation based on empathy and service
importance of learning recovery efforts. Last October to others (Hepburn & McCuaig (2022). Henderson
2022, educational leaders and exceptional groups (2022), Chair for Teachers in Crisis Contexts at the
gathered and reflected on their experiences, making Inter-Agency for Education in Emergencies, narrated
efforts to ensure teachers' well-being and concluding that teacher well-being as "what a teacher can do, and
the classroom, research, policies, and lessons during what a teacher is free from, depends not only on their
working conditions but also their sense of self-
the celebration of world teacher day.
efficacy. He added that adequate remunerations and
In addition, Andreas Schleicher, Director of working conditions are the keys to teachers' well-being
Education and Skills at the OECD, explained that there and that teachers must feel effective and empowered.
would only be learning recovery in the presence of According to a study by Henderson et al. (2020),
well-prepared, appreciated, and empowered teachers. teacher well-being in crisis contexts is affected by their
Schleicher pointed out that an essential indicator for working conditions and self-efficacy. The study found
learning loss was not the hours of homework or the that teachers who reported high levels of self-efficacy
access to technology but the student-teacher were more likely to cope with the demands of teaching
relationship. Educators experienced burnout from in crisis contexts, such as natural disasters or conflict,
stressful tasks of ensuring learning continuity during and to experience greater well-being. This is supported
school closures and dealing with learning losses as by other recent studies that have found a positive
schools reopened. relationship between teacher self-efficacy and job
satisfaction (Jung, Kim, & Jo, 2022; Liu, Hu g, &
More than ever, effective teachers are the most crucial Zhang, 2021). In addition, recent research suggests
factor in ensuring students learn. So, effective learning that teacher well-being is also influenced by factors
is only possible with supportive teachers. Moreover, such as social support (Koc, 2020), workload (Gao et
teachers are students' most excellent resource (Thorpe, al., 2022), and professional development opportunities
2022). With these concerns in mind, this research was (Cetin, 2021). Promoting teacher well-being in crisis
conducted to determine how teachers' lived contexts requires addressing their working conditions

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 280-287 Document ID:2023 PEMJ852, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8104844, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and sense of self-efficacy, social support, workload, Philosophy of Education with Management Ethics.
and professional development. Betéille (2022) Then, after collecting all research suggestions, a
discussed that the educational school system researcher compared them to the topic that a researcher
reopened for the new academic year, and returning to observed and was interested in being investigated. The
its normal working conditions will not be enough. researcher finalized three titles and presented them to a
However, a well-prepared, supported, systematic school Teacher In-Charge (TIC). When one (1) of the
investment, resilience, and feelings of efficacy are title approved, a researcher constructed another
needed to support teacher well-being. Numerous communication letter and produced a Written
studies have emphasized the importance of managing Interview Form (WIF) to be attached and used to
stress in promoting teacher well-being in crisis capture the participant's responses orally or in writing
contexts. For instance, O'Connor et al. (2020) found to the research questions to be signed and intended for
that teachers who participated in a mindfulness- the final approval of a Senior High School Teacher In-
based stress reduction program reported reduced Charge (TIC) and Junior High School Principal. When
stress and improved well-being. the school administrators approved the letter, the
researcher purposely selected ten (10) participants
Similarly, a study by Kizilcec et al. (2022) highlighted composed of one (1) Junior High School Master
the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral stress Teacher 1, four (4) Teacher 1, two (2) Senior High
management techniques in reducing stress among School Teacher III, and three (3) Teacher II whose
teachers. Furthermore, research indicates that service is more than 3 to five years. Next, a researcher
providing social support can help teachers manage asked the participants for their comfortable vacant time
stress. Wang and colleagues (2021) found that social to set dates for the said interview. Distributed the
support from colleagues and supervisors was Written Interview Form (WIF) in advance to give
positively related to teachers' stress management teachers ample time to think, reflect and jot down
abilities and well-being.Similarly, a study by Wach et some of the answers they might forget to answer during
al. (2020) found that social support from peers and the interview period. During the interview, a researcher
mentors was critical in reducing stress and burnout gathered the ready-answered WIF of the teachers. As
among teachers in crisis contexts. Managing stress is a one way of the researcher's confirmation technique, the
crucial aspect of promoting teacher well-being in crisis researcher asked the same questions, let the participants
contexts. By utilizing effective stress management answer them orally, and recorded some details they
techniques, such as mindfulness and cognitive- should have included in their written answers.
behavioral techniques, and providing social support, Furthermore, after the interview, the participants
educators and policymakers can help create a positive could decide whether to reflect their s i g n a t u r e s on
and supportive learning environment for teachers and the WIF to r e s p e c t t h e i r confidentiality. To clearly
students. explain the procedures, the following steps adapted
from Delve qualitative phenomenological thematic
analysis method (Fraenkel, Wallen & Hyun, 2012)
and Sabidalas and Esparar (2022) were used in the data
This research study followed the qualitative-
phenomenological type of research. A semi-structured Phase 1. Data Reading and Understanding
interview was utilized face-to-face to determine the
lived experiences, specifically on high school teachers' After conducting a written and oral interview, data has
well-being and stress management, factors, coping gathered, and a researcher performs multiple reading
strategies, and performance. The data gathered during activities to understand the content of the participant's
the interview was subjected to Thematic Content response. This step is known as the data reading and
Analysis using the Colaizzi (1978), (Creswell, 2007), understanding of the familiarization of the gathered
Sabidalas (2022) approach and a combination of data. It gives a researcher better enlightenment or
inductive and deductive methods of analysis of Delve, meaning of the participants as to teachers' stressful
which is an approach used in interpreting qualitative experiences during the pandemic.
research data to identify meaningful information and
Phase 2. Recognition of the Important Affirmation
organized information into themes and categories to
find out the factors, coping strategies and performance
This step is considered to recognize the crucial
and their lived experiences during the new normal
experiences affirmation of the participants written and
delivery of education. Before writing a study title, a
orally answered by the teachers. Here, analysis is made
researcher asked colleagues or even school
by getting the essential details and sentences from each
administrators for topics that fit a subject under the
descriptive related to the actual experiences of well-
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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 280-287 Document ID:2023 PEMJ852, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8104844, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

being and stress management of high school teachers,

coping strategies, and performance.

Phase 3. Devising of Meaning and Decoding

After phase 2, the researcher recognizes meanings,

tallying, compressing related answers, and picking out
the information that possesses high points turning into
themes and decoding. These were encoded to a
Microsoft Excel and performed tallying to identify the
respective points as to the number of teachers
answered. After seeing the tallied result, some
statements with the lowest scores were removed, and
the remaining highest were ranked. The researcher,
together with her co-teacher, analyzed the results and

Phase 4. Classification of Statements into Themes

and Structure Making

Phase 4 is known as the classification or grouping of

statements into themes. Applying a combination of
inductive and deductive methods of Delve thematic
analysis research design structure under different
themes is made. At this pace, the researcher produced
a more concise, brief representation and explanation of Table 1 presents the lived experiences of teachers that
high school teachers' well-being and stress contributed to stress; teachers described that the most
management, factors, coping strategies, and stressful tasks for them were the additional paper
performance. works required by the department, including some of
the paperless electronic reports, urgent submission of
Phase 5. Evaluation and Revision of Themes
reports, time pressure or constraints, extra-curricular
reports activities or responsibilities, ancillaries like
In this phase, thematic analysis is an iterative process.
administrator's tasks, community involvement and
Reviewing and revising them is significant because
long hours standing in front of the class for more than
each theme has enough data to support and be distinct.
6 hours a day could be the most stressful and
Here, the main three (3) themes are stress factors,
challenging tasks. Overlapping tasks, management
coping strategies, and the performance of teachers
styles, dealing with complex school heads, and hectic
monitoring contribute to teachers' stress. On the other
Phase 6. Verification of the Fundamental Structure side, teachers cited that, first and foremost, they are
also human beings who find stress in financial matters
A researcher in this last phase goes back to the primary and their careers. This includes financial constraints,
source of data to conduct face-to-face validity by lack of school resources that teachers need to purchase
throwing the same set of questions to be answered by and spend their own money from their pockets to
them to make certain clarifications and where to have provide school needs, insufficient salary, financial
comments to gather updates and feedback further. demands on schools and families, and the teachers'
Moreover, the researcher secured a copy of the RPMS distance from school. Furthermore, students'
ratings from the two (2) offices for a more reliable p erfo rmance and behav ioral issues, poor
result. To find out whether stress affects teachers' performances, lack of discipline, absenteeism, and
performance. laziness of learners in making required tasks burden
teachers' teaching careers. Results show that most
participants encountered different factors that
Results and Discussion contributed to the stress experienced by a teacher in
the teaching field.

Table 1. First Theme (Factors Contribute Stress to


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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 280-287 Document ID:2023 PEMJ852, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8104844, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Moreover, as support to the result, it was evident that disposition, emotional, relational state, nervousness,
sources of stress experienced by teachers are unique to and fear in dealing with their administrator.
the individual and differ based on the teacher's
circumstances, temperament, ability to cope, and Moreover, one teacher emotionally discussed her
personal strengths and weaknesses (Kyriacou, 2001). issues and concerns with herself. Based on her she is
For instance, a survey of teachers who quit at the end sometimes easily carried away by her emotions, but
of the 2021 school year found that younger teachers she always reminds herself to think carefully and never
were more likely to leave the profession because of let her emotions destroy her inner peace. On the other
concerns related to childcare responsibilities, while side, teachers described that too many workloads
older teachers were more likely to cite health risks as significantly affect their well-being to become being
their top concern (Diliberti et al., 2021). Inherently,
bothered by such reports makes them unfocused on
stress can emerge during the pandemic as teachers
their lectures and students, for they need to prioritize
must also manage relationships with students, families,
papers works from time to time to cope with the
teachers, and school leadership. A study on burnout
deadlines, which brings them to become mentally and
during the pandemic included 359 teachers in K-12
and found that the majority reported significant emotional stress. They also added that less
anxiety from teaching demands, managing parent appreciation and recognition of great done jobs or
communication, and lack of administrative support good teaching practices would decrease their
(Pressley, 2021). motivation. In addition, the Junior High School
teachers claimed that aside from experiencing
Table 2. Second Theme (The Well-being Status emotional and mental stress, they also experienced
Experiences of Teachers) physical stress like headache, body fatigue, fever, and
sore throat due to long hours of teaching, doing paper
works on extra-curricular activities, administrators'
tasks, financial demands in school and family,
students' performance and issues, classroom
instruction or preparedness.

Furthermore, Senior High School teachers need help

managing their time. They irritate that it is hard to get
the proper balance when they bring their work home,
and family time is compromised when this happens.
They also added that adjusting to the management
style of school heads could affect how they managed
their class. They believe that improper management of
administrators will decrease productivity, efficiency,
and effectiveness. The findings supported by the study
of Robinson et al. (2022) revealed that teachers
experienced stressors during the academic year related
to their personal and professional roles, concerns for
Table 2 shows the general concept of the well-being students' well-being beyond academics, and
status of teachers experienced during a new normal frustrations with administration and other institutional
that genuinely contributes to stress in the lives of entities around COVID safety measures. Without
educators. The participants were able to honestly enough support and inclusion of teacher perspectives,
shared their economic status. According to them, job-related stress may lead to teacher shortages,
salary is another factor because of inflation. The digit deterioration of teacher mental health, and ultimately
of the teacher's salary may seem so big, but for them, worse student outcomes. The study's findings showed
it cannot even sustain their family needs, including the that those stressors mentioned in general based on
school's financial needs, for some time. Most of them teachers' answers affect well-being leading them to
have loans from banks and some lending companies, become emotionally, mentally, physically,
economically, and developmentally stressed. Because
which leads them to need more salary to finance their
at the start of the pandemic, they retained these same
needs. Teachers also experienced psychological
stressors effects, with added their fears surrounding
physical health, safety, and well-being (Will, 2021).

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Research Article

Table 3. Teacher’s Ways to Cope with Stress Lower Secondary School Teachers with Master’s
Degrees in Norway. The study shows that the teachers
manage stress through a) openness with and support
from colleagues and family, b) shielding and escape, c)
learning established stress-coping strategies, and d)
planning, structuring, and lowering ambitions. Lastly,
another result from the Teacher’s Result
Performance-Based System (RPMS) School Year
2021-2022, school records show that out of 10
respondents, nine teachers got a very satisfactory (vs.)
rating, and one (1) got an outstanding rating.


Based on the above findings, the teachers' stress is

attributed by many several factors (as shown in Table
1), workloads and school tasks, financial capability,
and student performance handling. Although they
encounter many experiences that affect their well-
being (as shown in Table 2) economically, mentally,
emotionally, physically, and developmentally, the
teachers still cope with their stress and burnout
through various things and activities (as shown in
Table 3). The results revealed that even teachers
Table 3 shows the coping strategies of teachers in experienced many factors that contribute to becoming
dealing with stress. Results show that they can still stressed and affect their well-being. It always helps
manage their stress through; giving a break to relax teachers maintain a satisfactory (vs.) or outstanding
during weekdays, meditating, watching TV, eating a
rating. Meaning teachers are still effective and
lot of favorite foods, listening to music and spiritual
efficient in times of pandemic.
sermons, increasing intrinsic motivation by
recognizing the beauty of their excellent teaching Based on the findings and conclusions, the following
practices and resourceful, find time to talk to their actions are recommended. (1) Government or higher
husband/wife or even on a trusted friend, obeying office must conduct revisiting and monitoring the
administrator’s order first before complaining. They implementation of the Department of Education school
also learned to practice not worrying, just continuing rules, policies, guidelines, regulations, and
to work, and always staying optimistic, even how hard curriculums.(2)The Department must do something to
the work is. Moreover, they can still eat a healthy and realign and lessen the work of teachers based on their
proper amount of food even in their hectic schedules, positions and educational standards to improve the
stay focused, always be ready and expect the educational system. (3) Divisions School
unexpected, learn how to say no sometimes and try not Superintendent, District Supervisors, and school
to bring their work home if it is not needed. They administrators must improve their management styles.
emphasized that playing musical instruments, singing (4) Technical assistance must be given importance to
with friends, and hiking will lessen their stress. They
all teachers and learners with appropriate resources for
also find happiness and satisfaction in things money
more efficient and effective learning in education.
cannot buy. For them, it is their nice thing to do: live
(5)Administrators, teachers, and parents must work
within the budget, keep a small circle of non-toxic
together by motivating and encouraging the students to
companionship, and make fun of the students and co-
pursue what they have started so that they would be
workers. They also realized that family bonding,
assessed accordingly and would produce quality,
outing, and window shopping would make them
competent graduates. (6) Parents must monitor,
survive daily stress. These results were supported by
supervise, and support the progress and development
the study of Bejorndal et al. (2021) titled Stress-coping
of their children by communicating the teacher’s
Strategies amongst Newly Qualified Primary and
concerns which will help to lessen teachers’ stress.
(7)eachers must have the chance to undergo stress

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Research Article

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2022https;//doi.org/10.3389/spsy.2020.620718. Rosie C. Baldelovar, LPT, TM, MAEM
Benedicto P. Tirambulo Memorial National High School
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