Regional change
Extreme measures
opty es Lett 34, 19708 2007)
Humans are primarily responsible for the
increase in extreme temperatures observed.
‘over the US continent since the 1950s,
anew study shows. Although the ink
between atmospheric CO, emissions from
fossil-fuel burning and increased global
average temperature is well established,
‘whether humans are influencing extreme
‘weather events such asheat waves, has
remained something of a mystery
Carbon capture vital
Geophys es. Lett, 84, L19703 (2007)
Removal of carbon dioxide directly from
the atmospheres essential for combating
climate change, suggests a new study. Mest
efforts to mitigate global warming focus on
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases,
‘most notably CO,, But that in itsl! will not
be enough, say scientists
‘A team led by Andrew Weaver at
the University of Victoria in Canada
used a well-tested climate model ofthe
‘oceans and atmosphere to simulate CO,
emissions and global temperature over
the next 500 years, They found that unless
emissions are reduced by more than 40%
over the next 40 years, the Earth will
warm by more than 2°C this century,
breaching the temperature threshold
beyond which many scientists think there
will be dangerous consequences. Even if
(CO,emissions were stabilised to a tenth of
current levels, temperatures would rise by
‘more than 2°C eventually. This suggests
‘that nothing short of active removal of CO,
from the atmosphere is necessary to avoid
‘unmanageable warming.
Capture and sequestration of CO,
directly from the atmosphere isnot yet
viable on alarge scale But this latest
research suggests the need to develop
Now, Gerald Meet! from the National
Centre for Atmospheric Research in
Colorado and colleagnes have simulated
the numberof frost deysand warm
nights as well as growing season lengths
‘and heat-wwave intensty that would
hhave occureed inthe US throughout the
torentieth century both with and without
‘human greenhouse-gss emissions. Using
climate simulations with human and
natural factors separately, they found
thatonly by includinghuman-generated
‘emissions could the model results match
the observed trends of fewer frost days,
more warm nights, greater heat-wave
intensity and longer growing seasons since
the 1970s
Extreme weather vents ave the
_greatest potential to cause climate-related
damage. This study is just one ofa number
toshow the influence o human activity on
temperature extremesregionally.
‘Alex Thompson
antficial carbon sequestration methods,
and fast
‘Alex Thompson
Nature's cure
Environ. St Tach.
i 10.1021/e30701816,2007)
Scientists have proposed a novel approach
to removing carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere based on the Earths natural
‘weathering process, Notonly could the
technology mitigate ghbsl warming, it could
also counteract continued acidification of the
‘ocean, which threatens marine ie
The technology, rvented by
Kurt Zen House, a PhD candidate at
Harvares Departmen: of Earth and
Planetary Scences, and co-workers involves
electrochemically removing hydrochloric
acid from the ocean, neutralizing it by
reaction with silicate rocks and returning
itto thesea By increasing ocean alkalinity,
the process would enhance the absorption
‘of atmospheric CO, Overtime, the CO,
would mix throughout the acean and
eventually preipitateas calcium carbonate
inocean sediments, This method of carbon
capture and storage could effectively transfer
from the atmosphere tothe ocean for
Ibundreds of years cr longer. And unlike
natural chemical weathering, in which weak
carbemicactd lowly dissolves silicate rock,
this process uses concentrated hydrochloric
acid to dissolve silicate thus accelerating the
pace to instead rates.
‘But the scientists acknowledge that
oflsettingeven around 15% of global
agreenhouse-gasemissions would be
aaconsiderable task. They say that
implementation ofthe technology would
beambitiousand costly, and could have
‘unknown environmental sks of ts own,
Olive Heffernan
Unequal impacts
5 EeoHeah do 10.1007/810989-007-0141-1(2007)
The health burden of climate change will be
greatest among those who have contributed
Teast to the problem, finds a stay that
{quantifies the growing ethical crises of
lobal warming.
Ted by environmental public-health
researcher Jonathan Patz ofthe University
‘of Wisconsin, Madison, the study compared
per capita carbon dioxide emissions
With the regional distribution of four
climate-senstive health effects: malaria,
‘malnutrition, diarrhoea and inland flood:
related fatalities. Overall, the researchers
founda striking disparity between countries
with the highest emissions and those with
the highest disease burden. For example,
per capita CO, emissions of the US are
Six times greater than the average among.
nations, yet the US also has a significanllylower disease busden than developing
nations, some of which have per capita
‘emissions 30-foldless than those of the US.
‘Notably, the study highlights that
88% ofthe disease burden attributable to
climate change affects children less than
five years old, who are a ‘non-consenting
part ofthe population. The inequity of
imate change further extends to some
of the proposed solutions; the scientists
cantion that biofuels for example, could
worsen the health impacts of climate
change by competing with food crops
forland and rainforests for biodiversity
conservation in developing nations.
Olive Heffernan
Climate impacts
Floods in a flash
Geophys. Res, Lett 34,121503 (2007)
Glacier lakes bounded by natural ice dams
can empty suddenly, causing massive
flooding, The floods, which empty
along subglacial paths and areknown as
jokulhleups, can be very large and last from
{days to weeks, Predicting the timing and the
peak flow ofthese loods has proven difficult,
but now researchers have found that their
‘occurrences linked to ale temperature
Felix Ng from the University of Sheffield
and colleagues have used thermochemical
models to study 39 ofthese events at
Merabacher Lake in the Kyrgyz Republic,
alake that completely emptieseach time it
foods. They found thatthe maximum flow
of water out of the lakes greater when the ait
is warmer owing tothe faster rate at which
meltwater enters the lake Air temperature
also controls the timeit takes the ake to refill
and therefore influences the timingofthe
next lood,
Asair temperatures inerease with climate
change, glacier lake outburst floods may
become more hazardous the researchers
warn. However itis also possible that the
{iming of floods will shift o cooler months
asthe dimate warms, otha the lakes may
become smalleras glaciers thin,
‘Alex Thompson
atc port late hang YOL
The big melt
Geophys es Lett 34,1505 (2007)
(pen ocean waters absorb almost ten
times more solar radiation than sea
{ce —a phenomenon