Part-II, (Sub/Gen)
•If one species is resistant to certain infection and the other species is
susceptible to the same infection then it is called as species immunity.
•Anatomic, physiological and metabolic differences between species determine
species immunity. For example, Birds are resistant to anthrax but Human are
susceptible. It is simply because higher body temperature of birds
kills Bacillus anthracis.
•Anatomic differences between species also determine species immunity. For
example, Human are more susceptible to skin infection whereas Cattles are
more resistant to the same skin infection. It is because of tough and hairy skin
(hides) of Cattles.
2. Racial immunity:
•If one race is susceptible while other race is resistant to same infection, then it
is called Racial immunity.
•For examples; certain African race are more resistant to malaria and yellow
fever where are Asian or Americans are susceptible to same infection.
Similarly Orientals (East Asia) are relatively resistant to syphilis.
•Racial immunity is determined by difference in Socio-economic status, habitat,
culture feeding habits, environments, genetic, etc.
3. Individual immunity:
•If one individual of certain race or cast is resistant while other individuals of
same race or cast are susceptible to certain infection, then it is called as
individual immunity
•Individual immunity is determined by various factors such as health status,
nutritional status, previous illness, personal hygiene, genetic differences etc.
•For examples; Individual with genetic deficiency of glucose-6 phosphate
dehydrogenase are resistant to Malaria.
•Immunity which is developed later in life after microbial infection in host is
called as Acquired or developed immunity. For example, If an individual is
infected with chicken pox virus, he/she become resistant to same virus in later
•Acquired immunity is provided by Antibodies and certain T-lymphocytes.
•Components of acquired immunity such as Antibodies and T- cells are specific
to particular microorganism. Therefore acquired immunity is also known as
Specific immunity.
1. Active immunity:
•If host itself produces antibodies, it is called active immunity.
•It is of two types; artificial active immunity and natural active immunity.
•Artificial active immunity: Immunity provided by vaccination.
•Natural active immunity: immunity provided by natural infection.
2. Passive immunity:
•If host does not produce antibodies itself but antibodies produced in other host provides
immunity, than it is known as Passive immunity.
•It is of two types; natural passive immunity and Artificial passive immunity
•Natural passive immunity: IgG antibody produced in mother cross placenta and protects
fetus up to 6 month old age.
•Artificial passive immunity: if preformed antibody are injected into host for immunity. E.g.
Anti-venom, Rabies vaccine (* it is not a vaccine, it is preformed anti rabies antibody)