The Gladiators
The Gladiators
The Gladiators
The Gladiator Top Ten.
Scissor Dimachaeri Bestiarii Thracian Retiarius
Little is written about this type of Were light and fast, equipped for They were known as the ‘beast They wore broad rimmed Griffin A very common type of gladiator that
gladiator. It is thought they used a close-combat fighting. This gladiator fighters’ and were trained to fight shaped helmets that covered the carried a three pronged spear
special short sword with two blades used a two curved swords (scimitar or wild and sometimes exotic animals. whole head. They were protected by / trident , a dagger, net and a large
that looked like a pair of open gladius ). Their swords were used for They had very little protection and a small round or square-shaped arm guard / manica extending to the
scissors ( perhaps to trap their attack and defence. The Dimachaeri were armed with a spear or knife / shield / parmula , and their legs shoulder and left side of the chest.
opponents' weapons between the were probably one of the most dagger. These gladiators were usually protected by two thigh-length They often fought Secutores or
twin blades) . They also had a metal skilled, experienced and popular type criminals that were sent to fight guards / greaves. Their only weapon Murmillos. More protection was
tube that covered the arm, the of gladiator. They would have been dangerous animals with a high was the Thracian curved sword. given by a metal shoulder shield /
hand end capped with a dagger ideally suited to fight heavily probability of death for the human. galerus, to cover the neck and
attached to it the end. armoured opponents or other lower face.
You are going to buy, equip and train a gladiator who will fight in the emperor's upcoming gladiatorial games. The first thing you need to
do is buy your gladiator at the market. Below are the fine specimens up for sale today - ( women did fight as gladiators although they
were much less common than men ). You have a maximum of 15 gold coins to spend today, however, you will also need to save some
money to buy weapons and equipment for your gladiator at a later time. Look for a bargain and spend wisely.
Sale! 25 %
Last Great Special Discount
One! Value! Offer!
Design A Glorious Gladiator ( part 2 of 4 ) Equipment.
Mission 1 : to buy or design the equipment , armour and weaponry to give your gladiator the best chance of survival and glory!
Now you have bought your gladiator the next step is to equip your gladiator. Below is a list of weapons, armour and equipment to help. You also have the option to
add ‘customised items’ of your choice. The cost of an item is shown by the number of gold coins next to each . You can buy items twice. Custom made items cost
only 1 coin but your design must be significantly different from those on display! You can spend the number of gold coins left I over after buying your gladiator.
Note : you pay for what you can see and no refunds!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Custom?
Leather straps
On Sale!
Rome And The Gladiators
( Free unit samples )