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4 authors, including:
J. Danie Kingsley
VIT University
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All content following this page was uploaded by J. Danie Kingsley on 04 September 2020.
*Communicating author – Dr. Danie Kingsley, Asst. Prof. Sr, SBST, VIT, Vellore –
1, 2, 3Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India 632014
Despite the immense technological advancement, blood bank systems are either manual or valuable data is easily retrievable.
Consequently, one of the major issues in blood bank systems, as talked about in many research papers and articles, is the lack
of data security. People always doubt whether their personal information and medical records are safely stored and secured.
Therefore, our project aims to develop an online blood donation system applying the concepts of database security and
The following is what our project aims to achieve: Any person who is willing to donate blood will have to register first, even if
the user is a new donor, or the user can directly login if he/she has an account already. Whenever they want to donate blood, a
form will have to be filled. In the user account, the user will be able to view all the details and records of all earlier donations
as well as information about upcoming blood donation events. There will be a link provided to find blood donors in the region
of the users’ choice. All this is related to the blood bank system. Apart from this, we will be using concepts of database
encryption to make sure that the users’ information is kept secure and confidential. This will help us keep their donation
records protected from any threats from individuals with potentially malicious intentions, or any unforeseen hazards to the
security of the data.
Keywords: Blood banks; Management Systems; Data Encryption; Healthcare; Data Security;
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1284
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1285
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
2. Materials and Methods database and the objects inside it [12].The need to
protect confidentiality and avoid unauthorized
In our application we aim to achieve high levels disclosure is relatively well understood in healthcare,
of data security using encryption algorithms and and is driven by the desire to avoid breaches of sensitive
database management, therefore providing a secure information. In healthcare, the confidentiality of
alternative. This study focus on designing a new system sensitive information must be protected end-to-end
to maintain donation process by providing computerized while the data is stored, used, and exchanged [35].
system that saves donor information and blood tests
details, using a programming language PHP which is a In the healthcare industry, the importance of
server-side scripting language, and My SQL database data security spreads across a wide use from securing
which is a program that can store large amounts of access to interfaces and computer systems that store
information in an organized format that’s easily private data such as medical records to ongoing research
accessible through scripting languages like PHP. developments and confidential hospital information. The
extensive digitization of information in the healthcare
Fig. 1 describes how all the web pages are linked sector has improved healthcare services by making them
to each other on the web-application portal in fast and efficient, but it has also allowed real risks
accordance with all the services provided to the user. A involving data being accessed by the wrong people.
user who doesn’t have an existing account has to first Given the sensitivity of data in healthcare, it is necessary
create an account through the sign up option on Main to have robust and reliable information security systems
page and then can login to access other facilities. The and services in place at all times. Two-factor
user is then directed to the Homepage where they get authentication and One-Time passwords are widely used
access to other options such as: a donor can go to the across several other industries and are now
Donate page, or can visit the Events page to know about implemented in healthcare forums. The data collected
any upcoming events and, a patient can find a donor in from data providers may contain individuals’ sensitive
case of emergency. If they have any queries related to information. Directly releasing the data to the data miner
our website or other processes, they can also contact us will violate data providers’ privacy, hence data
modification is required. On the other hand, the data
2.1. Data Security should still be useful after modification, otherwise
collecting the data will be meaningless [33].
The healthcare industry is innovating and
adopting new technologies to keep up with the Data Encryption is a method that involves
exponential growth in the global acceptance of storing data in an unreadable and illegible manner,
automation and digitization. The Information keeping it confidential so that unauthorized individuals
Technology sector is being widely accepted, often used cannot access or use the information, even if they are
to assist both doctors and patients to improve healthcare able to find the information in a database or network.
services. One of the most important sections of a hospital Healthcare organizations are constantly receiving,
information system today, is the Electronic Health managing and distributing large amounts of medical and
Record, where personal patient information is stored. personal information which must be kept confidential to
There are countless number of applications used by outsiders. Encrypting data before sending or storing it
hospitals, healthcare industries where patients use can reduce security breaches to a minimum.
various health monitoring applications and devices to
monitor their vitals and communicate with doctors 2.2. Algorithms and proposed system
through mobile and wireless technologies. As computers
have become an essential part of our daily lives, it has In our project, a person who is willing to donate
become increasingly important for data security. Attacks blood will have to register first, or the user can directly
over the Internet are becoming more and more complex login if they already have an existing account. When they
and sophisticated. How to detect security threats and enter their password, it will be encrypted by the hashing
measure the security of the Internet arises a significant method. Whenever they want to donate blood, a form
research topic. For detecting the Internet attacks and will have to be filled. The details entered by the user will
measuring its security, collecting different categories of also be encrypted using their username as a key, then
data and employing methods of data analytics are storing it in the database. The user can view the
essential [32]. Protecting the confidential/sensitive data information about upcoming blood donation events and
stored in a repository is actually the database security. It also contact the admin if they have any queries. There
deals with making database secure from any form of will be a link provided to find blood donors in the region
illegal access or threat at any level. Database security of the users’ choice. Apart from this, we will be using
demands permitting or prohibiting user actions on the concepts of database encryption to make sure that the
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1286
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
users’ information is kept secure and confidential. We need. This matter has been partially solved in the
have designed our own algorithm for the same. This will existing system “A Novel Technique for Online Blood
help us keep their donation records protected from any Bank Management” [2]. There is also a system in which
threats or breaches from individuals with potentially to remove the communication barrier direct call routing
malicious intentions, or any unforeseen hazards to the technique using Asterisk hardware is applied which also
security of the data. tackles fake callers, fake donors, follow up
communication with the donor. However, privacy
We will be using Application Level Encryption to regarding the personal information of the donor or the
encrypt the database. In the application-level encryption, user is not secured [13].
the process of encrypting data is completed by the
application that has been used to generate or modify the We compared our approach with other systems
data that is to be encrypted. Essentially this means that that have developed unique solutions to problems such
data is encrypted before it is written to the database. as overcoming the communication barrier between the
This unique approach of encryption allows for the needy and the donors, by directly forwarding the call to a
encryption process to be tailored to each user based on suitable donor or reaching the willing donors through
the information (such as entitlements or roles) that the SMS, using automatic call routing [3], interconnecting
application knows about its users. blood banks, hospitals and donors into a single network
and storing various data and information of blood and
If encryption and decryption is done within the health records of individuals to find nearby hospitals
application, sensitive data (including the key) is never online instantly by tracing its location using GPS [5].The
revealed outside of the application server. An individual proposed system ensures that the blood donor can find
would have to compromise both the web server and out the nearest blood banks available according to his or
database server to access all of the data stored. Given her current location based on the GPRS feature used in
that the data is encrypted before it is written to the the system, and also tries solving the issue of blood
server, a hacker would need to have access to the wastage; however other important issues like donor
database contents as well as the applications that were information security and encryption, and spreading
used to encrypt and decrypt the contents of the database awareness about the need to donate blood have not been
in order to decrypt sensitive data. One of the most given importance they require [4]. Aiming to design
important advantages of application-level encryption is systems such that hospitals have availability of blood
the fact that application-level encryption has the bags anytime, supports fast searching and manage
potential to simplify the encryption process as a information about the donor however not considering
secondary encryption tool will not need to be integrated blood donors, patients/recipients as users and even the
into the system. system excluded the consideration of system security
measures [6].
2.3. Comparisons with other methods
We came across an android based project [8],
There are several issues that can be seen in where the Apriori algorithm was used, which is an
already existing blood bank databases and systems. algorithm that is useful in mining frequent item sets and
Issues in applicability of the system to various health relevant association rules. It mainly focused on web
centers and hospitals, as one solution is given, keeping in applications for blood donation management, managing
mind the obstacles faced in the blood bank environment blood donations and controlling blood transfusion
of particular infirmaries [1]. A major concern is that of processes [14]. A research proposed in [43], researchers
donor information security and encryption. This is an developed a framework for centralized data that stored
issue, as willing people hesitate in donating blood due to the data collected from several sensing units. This
a feeling of insecurity. Accessibility to blood resources research aims to ensure the privacy and confidentially of
from the required location is an unresolved problem the system. They used two cryptographic methods. The
which needs an appropriate solution, as the lives of attribute based and the functional encryption methods,
millions depend on whether or not the required type and where they were combined together. Authors proposed
the quantity of blood is available at the right times. One an authentication schema for securing healthcare
problem that remains to be addressed is the spreading of systems. It is basically two security protocols that have
awareness about the time, venue and need for various been proposed [42].
blood donation events that take place.
Virtual blood banks are the computer-
As we all understand the rising importance of controlled, electronically linked information
sustainable resources, systems that address the issue of management systems that allow online ordering and
shortage and wastage of blood units are in demand and real-time, remote delivery of blood for transfusion. Thus,
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1287
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
the virtual blood bank can help ensure that the right digitized systems. Another reasons of implementation is
patient receives the right amount of the right blood in order to provide authentic and authorized features to
component at the right time [15]. current systems where private and confidential data can
only be viewed by authorized users. To propose a one
Another already existing system helps control a web-based application where blood donors can register
blood transfusion service and create a database to hold themselves to donate therefore eliminating the
data on stocks of blood in each area as data of donors in drawbacks of the existing system problem i.e. database
each city [9]. Although the systems mentioned above insecurity.
stores information about blood transfusion services in a
database, it does not specify any information about 3.1. Business Model Canvas
security of donor details and other data. The project
aims to provide all the functionality related to blood The key features of the proposed application system are
stock. Blood stocks will be managed by an administrator highlighted below in Fig.2.
and the user will be able to see the blood stocks [10].
3.1.1. Key Partners
Several existing blood banks have been
extensively compared [7] and have stated that the Our main partners and suppliers are healthcare
automation and digitization of things have become a facilities such as hospitals and clinics, organizations that
normal and if most information, products and services help in acquiring volunteers for blood donations such as
are available with the click of a few buttons and keys, Red Cross and individual volunteers. Another main
then it is only appropriate that healthcare services be partner includes those in need of blood (patients).
among those offered. The digitalization of things has
become a need-base for the functioning of man-kind and 3.1.2. Key Activities
with that comes several aspects of sensitivity to
information and privacy. The requirement of security Our website helps organizations or individuals find
across all fields of medicine is rising globally as more the required blood in an appropriate amount of time and
industries take their businesses online and increase their any individual that wishes to donate his/her blood can
susceptibility to malicious threats and security easily make use of our website. Data is encrypted and
violations. stored resulting in the security of ones’ personal
information. Moreover, it also notifies users about any
3. Objectives and Motivations upcoming or ongoing blood camps across the nation.
The main purpose of a secure online blood bank 3.1.3. Key Resources
system is to simplify and automate the process of
searching for blood in case of emergency and maintain Website management is a key resource of our blood
the records of blood donors, recipients, blood donation bank management system so as to ensure servers are
programs and blood stocks in the bank in a safe, secure working properly and individuals or other hospitals /
manner. pharmacies are able to get the required information on
time with no issues related to accessing data. Teams
To assist in the management of blood donor organizing blood donation camps act as a key resource
records, plan and share information in a more as well because they should provide their information to
confidential, secure and convenient way using database the website manager prior to conducting the event so
security. To allow a quick and timely access to donor that it can be mentioned and available to every citizen.
records. The benefit of easy registration and
participation in any upcoming events aims to encourage 3.1.4. Value Propositions
more volunteers to take part in such activities. The
current donation camp locations will be available to Our website provides numerous services to the
users in different areas. citizens and organizations such as storing their data into
the database in a secure, encrypted form to prevent any
There are several reasons behind hacks and finding the required blood in any required
implementation of project; manual systems being used location in a sufficient quantity. It is easy to use and can
in blood bank management systems are time consuming be accessed anywhere anytime provided that one has
and are prone to mistakes, the lack of data security i.e. no registered and signed up before using. The website is
centralized database used to keep donors’ records makes made keeping in mind the level of every citizen so it is
it an unsafe way of storing private information and the easy to maintain and is simple to understand.
percentage of accuracy is less in manual systems than
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1288
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3.1.5. Customer Relationships benefits of this system with ease so that these people can
also get help and help others in need.
Customers can call us or contact us via the website’s
Contact page when in need of any help. Their personal
3.1.8. Cost Structure
information is encrypted and saved in the database
keeping in mind that their information is valuable and
The website bears the cost of buying server space,
privacy is of the utmost importance.
domain space and renewal values. Even blood donation
camps being organized requires the fund to conduct
3.1.6. Channels
successful events. Promotions and referrals’ fee is also
required for the website to work efficiently and to make
There are several channels we are and would like to be
accessible to everyone. Moreover, anyone using it
linked to such as hospitals, pharmacies and other places
requires the use of internet therefore they have to make
which provide any medical or healthcare services. We
sure they have required data or Wi-Fi to use. So, cost for
would also like to have channels with many other
internet and phone is also required.
websites related to similar work such as NGO’s so that
people around the entire country can make use of it from
3.1.9. Revenue Stream
We have several revenue streams such as online
3.1.7. Customer Segments
advertisements on apps and websites. There is a usage
fee for kiosks placed in hospitals and public places and a
All the members of society across India can be a part
customer acquisition fee from stores and medical labs
of this. However, our initial target is to cover the urban
and semi urban areas of population and slowly extend it
to rural areas as well. The reason behind mainly
targeting the urban area is that the density of population
in a city is much higher and people are more associated
with the use of internet as compared to rural areas. We
will make sure that people in rural areas also reap the
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1289
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Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1290
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
5. Results
healthcare industries can make a user more comfortable
After conducting a small survey, we were able to with using online portals safely, increasing the number
conclude that there are several people who are willing to of volunteers donating their blood. The results of the
donate their blood. However, the sensitivity and privacy survey are shown. We have also provided pictures taken
of their personal information makes them wary of from the actual website.
donating. We’ve proposed the idea of making a system
which will ensure data protection with the mechanism of
database encryption. Providing such systems to
Website Screenshots
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Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Fig. 4. Homepage
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Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Fig. 3 is the display of the website’s main page. Here, the 49].Therefore, the use of Big Data Analytics (BDA) and
users can either login in or sign up in case they are using database encryption in healthcare can be very
it for the first time and then can get access to other web productive. BDA involve the methods of analyzing the
pages by logging in. wide amount of electronic data related to patient
healthcare and well-being. BDA. It also leads to better
Fig. 4 is the Homepage where the user can navigate to all
diagnosis for personalized healthcare, automated
the other available web pages such as: Find a Donor,
decision algorithms, data transparency, and protecting
Contact, and Events and can also go to the Donate
privacy and so on [47]. In this paper they identified the
webpage to donate their blood if he/she wishes to.
relationships among big data analytics capabilities, IT-
Fig. 5 is the Find a Donor page where the user, in case of enabled transformation practices and benefits, using the
emergencies, can search for the required blood units and healthcare sector as their case study [48]. Moreover,
blood groups in the system and it will display the encryption at the database level provides more flexibility
available units, name of hospital and the cost to the user. in terms of granularity of encryption. Data can be
encrypted at the table level, row level or column level.
Fig. 6 shows the Donate page where the user can
This type of encryption affects the indexes and need
volunteer to donate their blood by filling out the form.
special retrieving queries using indexes that can work
The details of the donor will be encrypted and saved so
with such encrypted data [50]. In the whole security
that their details are safe.
system database encryption is the last line of defense
Fig. 7 shows that the user can contact the admin in case and also is reliable for the information security, but also
of any queries. They also can drop a message through it is a dynamic safety means that the safety degree can be
subject box and submit or send a mail if they have any estimated. So, it is a necessary safety method for
issues. information security, also is the final solution [51]. Many
recent study has observed that the existing workflow of
Fig. 8 shows that the user can view and know the details
blood banks needs to be strengthened, both in terms of
regarding the events being organized in the future. They
planning and monitoring. Also, there are many gaps in
can also visit and participate in these events as
the management of blood supply. The need for
automating blood banks have been there for a long time
Fig. 9 shows that the data entered by the donor is [52]. The manual system of blood collection and
encrypted and stored in the database. The encryption requisitions has long waiting time in queues, which in
technique used is symmetric key encryption. The turn leads to delay in issue of blood. Similarly,
algorithm uses the username of the user as the key and maintenance of records during non-peak hours and
then computes to get the encrypted value. notifying about blood donation camps to registered
donors is a major challenge & time consuming. Keeping
Fig. 10 describes the login table where the passwords everything in mind we came up with the solution of an
have been saved using hashing so that user can feel free automated blood bank management system with
to provide their information database encryption.
Fig. 11 is the table storing data which includes cost,
quantity, city and hospital in which we can find the 7. Conclusion
required blood group.
After going through multiple research papers we
Fig. 12 shows the table which contains the data and
analyzed that there is no such system through which
information regarding the recipients in hospitals.
people can donate their blood and can feel safe with
6. Discussions regards to their information which they have provided
during any registration. There is no database security
Implementation of IT technologies in the provided for donors. So we created a website which
healthcare facilities has raised protection and security involves the login and signup option and people can
fears. Privacy and security risks are a concern due to donate their blood through the same website freely as
hackers, identity theft, illegal access and modification of we have symmetric encryption which secures the
patient data. Security practices include management database of the individual. Therefore the main aim of our
processes for detecting and mitigating information risks project was to create a website involving the database
as well as the implementation of technical safeguards. which is encrypted after insertion of the values thereby
Many healthcare organizations follow a responsive path protecting one’s information.
of implementing technical stopgaps because information
security has been considered to be largely a technical
issue Data without encryption mechanism may provide
direct access to data with its original content [46,
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1296
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 06 | June 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1297
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
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