GK Update For Combined Cash Preli Exam CABB
GK Update For Combined Cash Preli Exam CABB
GK Update For Combined Cash Preli Exam CABB
Father of Euro Currency - Robert Mundell. When was the inauguration of King Charles
Euro Currency Issued by European Central III (40th )take place? Ans: 6 May 2023.
Bank. When do diplomatic relations between Iran
Total Euro Currency Adopted by 26 and UAE re-established?Ans: 5 April 2023.
Countries. Which country mediates the peace talks
Last Adopted Country - Croatia between Saudi-Houthi to resolve the
conflict in Yemen? Ans: Oman.
Euro Currency Adopted by EU Country - 20.
Which country mediates to rebuild
BD‡iv‡Rv‡bim`m¨ - 20 wU|
diplomatic relations between Iran-Saudi?
BD‡iv‡Rv‡bi me©‡ kl m`m¨ - †µv‡qwkqv (1
Ans: China (10th March 2023)
jvRvbyqvwi, 2023)
Which County has replaced Russia as
European Central Bank (ECB)
Europe‟s top crude oil supplier?
Established: 1st June, 1998
Treaty for Establishment: Treaty of
Ans: The USA.
Amsterdam. Which organization is going to introduce a
Headquarters: Frankfurt, Germany. new international currency to stop the
Current President: Christine Lagarde. monopoly of the US Dollar? Ans: BRICS
Recent Update According to Forbes, who is the current
Which country is elected president of the richest man in the world? Ans: Bernard
IOC Regional Committee for the Central Arnault. (His Company‟s name is LVMH).
Indian Ocean for the year 2023-25? Which is the top city with traffic jams?
Ans: Bangladesh. Bank Ans: Lagos, Nigeria. (Dhaka 5th)
Which Country has recently passed the bill GK Which Country is going to Build the
in the House of Commons on International Review world‟s largest chip Canter? Ans: South
Mother Language Day? Ans: Canada. for Korea.
Where is “Bangladesh Street” located? What is the name of the deepest fish that has
Ans: New York. (Bangladesh Avenue and been filmed in Japan recently?
Bangla Bazar Avenue are also located in Preli, Ans:Snailfish (Pseudo Liparis Snailfish)
Writte What are the names of the first woman and
New York). n
Who is the first Muslim First Minister of & Viva African American astronauts to fly to the
Scotland? Ans: Humza Yousaf. moon?
When Myanmar‟s Junta Govt. declared the Ans:Christina Koch and Victor Glover.
dissolution of the National League for What is the name of the newly elected
Democracy? Ans: 28 March 2023. president of the World Bank?
Which former president was the first in Ans:Ajay Banga.
American history to be arrested for a Based on which president's life the movie
Criminal offense? The Prisoner in His Palace' will be
Ans: Donald Trump on 4 April 2023. made?Ans:Saddam Hussein.
Which country recently suspend its Nobel Prize-winning writer who is the latest
membership from New Start? addition to the forever stamp of the US
Ans: Russia (21 February 2023) Postal Service? Ans:Toni Morrison.
What is the name of the world‟s first Drone What is the name of the AI news presenter
Carrier battleship? introduced by Kuwait? Ans:Fedha
Ans: TCG Anadolu, Turkey. Which country has built the first successful
When UAE and Israel CEPA Agreement digital Society? Ans: Estonia.
came into force? Ans: 1 April 2023. When did Germany shut down nuclear
Recent GK Update
Career Aid for Bank And BCS
Compiled by: Kawsar Ahmed
→ Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder and valiant freedom fighter Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury
died on 11 april 2023.
→ Name of the Saree made from Banana tree : Kalabati Saree.
→ Bangladesh Natural History Museum has located in Cox‟s bazar.
→BD's 1st Submarine Station : BNS Sheikh Hasina, Pekua, Cox‟s Bazar.
→1st BD's National Browser : Torjoni.
→ BD's Diabetics Rice : BRRI Dhan 105.
→ Now Jute is a Agricultural Product.
→ BBS will publish quarterly GDP data from 2024.
→ Winner of Best Film in Bangladesh Film Festival 2023: Muhammad Quayum (Kura
Pokkhir Shunne Ura).
→ Current Name of the former Sonali Bank Limited : Sonali Bank PLC.
→ Jashore Land Port Introduced E-gate on 4th March 2023.
Recent GK Update
Career Aid for Bank And BCS
Compiled by: Kawsar Ahmed
রাষ্ট্রপতি মাচার
Present President (22nd) : Mohammed Shahabuddin (Chuppu).
→ Former district Judge and a Commissioner of Anti-Corruption
→ বিতমান রাষ্ট্রপতি বযক্তি তাবব ১৮ িম।
→ Current President takes oath on 24 April 2023.
→ Birth: 10 April, 1949 in Pabna.
→Book: এতগবে যাবব বাাংাবেল৷
Former President: Muhammad Abdul Hamid.
→ Books:
1) Amar Jibonniti, Amar Rajniti.
1) Swopno Joyer Iccha.
→1st President of Bangladesh: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Total Population : 16.98 crore (Population Census 2022 adjusted report)
Total Population : 16.51 crore (Population Census 2022 initial report)
Total Population : 16.91 crore (Economic Review 2022)
Reference books
Recent GK Update
Career Aid for Bank And BCS
Compiled by: Kawsar Ahmed
Famous Books
Chapter 18 weL¨vZ eB
Famous Books
Al-Biruni Kitabul Hind
Ibn-Battuta KitabulRihla
Plato The Republic
Aristotle The Politics
Machiavelli The Prince
Adam Smith Wealth of Nation
Russo The Social Contract
Karl Marx Das Capital
Maxim Gorky The Mother
Alfred North Whitehead and Principia Mathematica
Bertrand Russell
Isaac Newton Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Bangabandhu The unfinished Memoirs
The prison diaries.
The voice of freedom
New china:1952
Sheikh Hasina My Father My Bangladesh
Democracy in distress
Development for the masses
Sheikh Mujib Amar Pita
Living in tears
People and Democracy
Rahman Sobhan, Rounaq Jahan Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: Philosophy, Politics, and
Bill Gates How to prevent the next pandemic
The road ahead
How to avoid a climate disaster
Michael Lewis A Premonition: A Pandemic Story
Adam Tooze Shutdown
Md. Munir Hossain Khan Create the World Without Disease
Dani Rodrik The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World
AbdulrazakGurnah Paradise
Gravel Heart
After lives
Annie Ernaux (2022 Nobel) The Years
A Woman‟s Story
A Girl‟s Story
Damon Galgut The promise
The Impostor
Amartya Sen Development vs freedom
One economic inequality
Home in the World: A Memoir
Recent GK Update
Career Aid for Bank And BCS
Compiled by: Kawsar Ahmed
Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea
Leo Tolstoy War and Peace
Franz Kafka The Metamorphosis
Sun Tzu The Art of War
John Austin Pride and Prejudice
Fyodor Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment
Samuel P. Huntington The Clash of Civilizations
Jonathon Swift Gulliver‟s Travels
Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities
Oliver Twist
J.K. Rowling Harry Potter
H.G. Wells The Time Machine
David Diop At night all blood is black
Charles Robert Darwin The Origin of the Species
The Descent of Man
Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time
The theory of everything
Brief Answer to the Big Question
Steven Lee Myers The New Tsar: The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin
Joshua Cohen The Netamyahus
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex Spare (Autobiography)
Question Part
Part – 1: Multiple-Choice Questions
The author of the book „Unstoppable: My Life So Far‟ is
Ans: Maria Sharapova
The Harry Potter series is written by
Ans: J K Rowling
Paradise Lost was written by
Ans: John Milton
Part – 2: Written Questions
1) 'Mein Kampf' is the autobiography of whom? Uttara Bank PO-Written- 2021
Answer: Adolf Hitler
2) Who wrote the noble Gravel Heart (2017)? BB AD - Written-2021
Answer: AbdulrazakGurnah
3) Who wrote the novel „How to Prevent the Next Pandemic‟? Com. 9 Banks OG - Written-2018
Answer: Bill Gates
4) Who is the author of the book Principia Mathematica? Uttara Bank – Written - (AO-Cash) – 2022
Answer: Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell
Recent GK Update
Career Aid for Bank And BCS
Compiled by: Kawsar Ahmed
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g‡Wj‡U÷¸‡jv evmvq e‡m cixÿv w`‡eb Ges cixÿv †k‡l DËi¸‡jv wgwj‡q †`L‡eb|
Model Test - 01 Model Test - 03
1) BBC bangla radio stopped their broadcast on- 1) Which company manufactured Bangabandhu
2) Binimoy launched on- satellite-1 ?
3) Which city will host the summer Olympic 2028? 2) What is the name of the central bank of
4) Matarbari deep sea port will be opened at? Ukraine?
5) Full name of BAPEX, NPSB- 3) What is the new name of NAFTA?
6) What is the position of Bangladesh in the 4) What is Trips?
global peace index in 2022? 5) City of Golden Gate is in-
7) Which country decides to set up a robot in 6) What is the name of 12th Governor of
court? Bangladesh?
8) Starting and ending point of MRT - 1 is- 7) The Padma Bridge was inaugurated on-
9) How many books of Kazi Nazrul Islam was 8) What is the goal number 4 of the SDG 2030
banned? Agenda?
10) New prime minister of New Zealand named 9) The smallest bones in human body is found in
and he is from which party? the---
10) "World Literacy Day" is
Model Test - 02
1) BFIU stands for what? Model Test - 04
2) Where is the headquarters of 'Bank of 1) Which is the first illiteracy free district of
International settlements'? Bangladesh?
3) An unwanted repetitive message, such as 2) When free market economy started in
unsolicited bulk email is known as? Bangladesh?
4) What is the name of Turkish currency? 3) DIBOR stands for-
5) What is the Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
4) What is the name of the Chinese currency?
and Cash Reserve Ratio(CRR) for the Islamic
scheduled commercial banks in Bangladesh? 5) Where is the Mojave desert located at?
6) What is the slogan for the 2022 FIFA World Cup? 6) How many goals were set in the UN
7) Bangladesh will launch the second satellite of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda?
the country „Bangabandhu Satellite-2‟ by 7) How much doller IMF agrees to lend
which year? Bangladesh?
8) Who wrote the novel " How to prevent the next 8) Which country has introduced a minister for
pendemic" coffee in its cabinet?
9) What is the first private commercial bank in 9) When did Dr. Akber Ali Khan, the prominent
Bangladesh? economist of Bangladesh die?
10) Which Canal connects the Atlantic ocean with 10) The term" ARAMCO" is related to which of
the Pacific Ocean? the industries?
Recent GK Update
Career Aid for Bank and BCS