Vegucation Over Medication
Vegucation Over Medication
Vegucation Over Medication
reserves the right to alter and update his opinions at any time. While
every attempt has been made to verify the information in this book,
the author and publisher do not assume any responsibility for any
information within this book. You will not find a reference section
for studies in this book because although studies have had utility, the
vast majority of them are biased, and none of them have advanced
author’s position and desire that we all begin to use our own
advice. It’s intentions are quite the contrary. The philosophies and
Contents vii
viii Vegucation Over Medication
r. Bobby J. Price is a certified plant-based nutritionist,
learning the magical arts of healing the mind, body, and soul. Now,
and truths about modern foods and medicines. He believes that when
aligned with nature, our bodies have an innate ability to heal and the
where it belongs.
Let Food Be Your Medicine, Medicine Be Your Food.
—Imhotep, 2600 BCE
n 2011, I was eating a lion’s share of meat daily and handing
believe that modern medicine could stop disease and, in some cases,
even cure patients. In pharmacy school, we had learned all about the
We all believed that one day, illness would be a thing of the past.
seemed like I was seeing a new patient who had been handed a life
or cancer.
with chemicals, and medical errors are the third leading cause of
death after heart disease and cancer. I was beginning to feel less and
sixteen, despite being an athlete with less than 8% body fat, I had
an exception. The concept “once you have it, you got it” was
lifestyle for 60 days as a means to lose my belly fat that the idea of
was only hoping to lose maybe ten pounds at best during the
challenge, and I was pretty skeptical about that. But instead, I lost 35
pounds and six inches off my waistline and eased the aches and
keg turned into a six-pack, and the elevated blood pressure I had
was asking me what I had done to lose the weight because it was
smoothies had healed me. I shared my recipes and told them the
stories. What was even more shocking was discovering they weren’t
just being cured of high blood pressure but almost every condition
for which they were being treated. Patients who suffered from
diabetes for decades balanced their blood sugars. The weight melted
would call and ask what they had to do to get better, so I would
quickly interrupt and say, “Not that way, doc. Your natural way!
This made me realize that while what I was doing wasn’t illegal, it
Vegucation Over Medication 5
criminal mischief.
understand and embrace a new approach to the food they ate and
and move to Okinawa, Japan, where I was able to study one of the
why so many younger patients were getting ill and dying so early, I
offer came in 2013, I realized I had been studying the same people
in the world. I lived on the island for more than three years,
nineties, and even over one hundred years old, riding bikes, walking
each other. What was even more impressive was the quality of life
life that was just above a death certificate. In stark contrast to the
the fried syrupy breakfast we prefer in the United States, herbal teas
of their family who were still spry at the age of 100 years or more.
witness to it. Walking through their gardens was like going into an
armory of weapons for good health. The foods they grew were an
Goya (bitter melon) that also helps to balance blood sugar and
8 Vegucation Over Medication
Then there was the luffa fruit (luffa gourd), which is extremely high
proven to prevent and fight cancer and lowers the risk of heart
These were just a few of the foods they grew and ate on a
daily basis. I also saw pineapples, oranges with green skins and
Imhotep had advised over four thousand years ago, these people
were literally making food their medicine and medicine their food.
and lifestyles both prior to and after the American war with Japan.
survey of 2,279 persons done after WWII before the U.S. turned
fact, eat very small portions of meat, most often as small cubes of
pork used for flavoring vegetables. They sparingly ate fish, usually a
portion size less than half the palm of their hands. All in all, meat
foods they ate were so nutritionally dense, they only ate about 1,800
than a typical meat eater would. This type of diet is high in fiber and
more than 50%. This heavily reduces their risk for cancer. This
antioxidant activity was the same as individuals who lived into their
means level). This statement translates to: “Don’t eat until you are
full (10), stop at 8.” However, the caloric restriction of their diet
average life expectancy of 83.3 and 85.7 years for men and women
Okinawan men, whose average age was 77.6 years in 2000, and
consistent exercise. The life expectancy for men was 87 and women
up to three times fewer deaths from colon cancer, are 5.5 times less
likely to die from breast cancer, seven times less likely to die from
food in America. Even the idea that Japanese are leaner and
World War II, the U.S. military occupied this tiny island for 27
had moved to the central parts of the islands adopted the American
tradition of fast food. For the first time, the elders saw disease and
the American invasion was the introduction of burgers and fries with
young soldiers, and now more than a dozen KFCs on the island.
spoke of sons and nephews who had moved near American bases
and had fallen in love with the foods that catered to the military
and its by-products, 63% processed foods, and 12% plant foods.
Some form of white potato is 50% of the 12% of plant foods eaten
Studying in India
When I moved to India to learn yoga, meditation, and
In India, I learned our body is the temple for our soul. It’s how we
experience, not vice versa. Our bodies and minds are our tools to
of life in top shape to better enhance our perceptions and have the
spiritual focus that is guided by the breath and moved by the body.
heal, and restore the body back to its factory settings. While the
balance that calms the nervous system, alleviates stress and reduces
digest zinc but the tissues around it. However, the cells
steel, yet it weighs three times less. One cubic inch of human
body you so greatly identify with is a very fluid concept, and you
Vegucation Over Medication 17
are much younger than you think. However, if you eat fast and
cheap foods, you will age quickly and deteriorate at the same pace.
live a higher quality of life with less disease and have the
literally are what you eat. But just like any other highly
manufacturer’s requirements for optimal use. Like gas for cars, our
fuel (food) should be of the highest quality and packed with energy
to give us the vitality that defines life and not a zombie-like state of
keep people healthy, only to treat them when they’re sick. Our
line between life and death riddled with chronic diseases, each organ
system failing slowly and one at a time. If it’s the pancreas, we call
with not being able to cure you as you are with not being cured.
intended) are heart disease and stroke. At a price tag of $432 billion
Vegucation Over Medication 19
number one cause of death for both men and women in the United
knowledge that the number one cause of premature death in the U.S.
is directly related to the SAD diet, not heredity. What we inherit are
the eating habits of our family. And yet it seems that whenever there
much medical spending, yet Americans are getting sicker and dying
understand that people have a right to choose what they eat, and so
kill. The purpose of this book is to educate and explain how many of
today it still remains at the center of healing disease. Did you know
The ancient Egyptians used willow bark for the same aches
plants, they are very different from their natural parents. The
pharmaceutical drugs are filled with chemicals, dyes, and fillers that
end up creating the long list of potential side effects you experience.
receive the medicinal benefits but also the nutritional and cleansing
This also increases the potential for blood cells to stick together and
form clots. These clots can form in the leg and cause deep vein
thinning the rodents’ blood so much they died from massive internal
thinner! The risk for bleeding is so high that it requires the patient’s
along with the side effects of the drug can potentially be fatal.
enough youthful vigor to still dance the night away, and I was a
Vegucation Over Medication 23
grabbed a tissue and sat him down. I knew that he had been taking
Warfarin for years, and it was a few days after Thanksgiving, so the
diet, he had eaten several plates of his mother’s tasty collard greens.
vegetables all together at this point, but that’s where we allow our
avoid eating greens. The cause for concern is with dramatic shifts in
speak with your doctor so that it can be built into your therapy and
your blood will become naturally thin, and your physician can wean
When blood is stagnant and dehydrated, it sets the stage for blood
loaded with hydration and nutrients that naturally thin the blood
information from both credible and layman sources. But what can’t
every cell in our body. It’s essential for making vital hormones like
fats, sugars, and unhealthy proteins that are later converted into
instance, if you have two eggs every morning for breakfast (each
daily. You can easily see how quickly your cholesterol levels could
explode, considering you ate just two eggs, not even including the
a statin drug. It is well known that statins can deplete your body of
in the cells. This is what produces the side effect of fatigue that’s
your blood cholesterol levels, new studies are showing that this does
drugs. When compared with the absolute risk, it was discovered that
these drugs are only effective for 1% of the entire population (1 out
of 100 persons).
This was especially odd because my father was always able to recall
for exercise, he said he wasn’t able to walk forty yards away from
the house because he would get tired and have extreme leg pain. In
my father.
from the ill effects of statin drugs or subsequently have had his
gallbladder removed.
Vegucation Over Medication 29
the lap of the physician. After all, at the vast majority of medical
schools, students are not required to take even a single course on the
Our common sense tells us that in each case, the subject matter is
related to the professional, but in both cases, they are most often ill-
despite the fact we have the best medical technology and spend
more health care dollars than any other country in the world, the
system is failing.
If prevention can be accomplished, then cures will not be
needed. –Dr. J.H. Tilden
ince 1938, over 1,453 drugs have gained FDA approval
Yet not one of these drugs has even cured the simplest
dishes. This is why I say we don’t have a health care system; what
we have is sick care. It’s only designed to treat the sick and dying.
While healthy individuals are sent home until they can join the
results will show increased blood cell formation, and you will
paralysis. Both vitamin B12 and folate are part of the B-complex
The use of whole foods to cure disease isn’t some new age
suffered as a result.
Vasco de Gama’s crew discovered that “when life gives you scurvy,
make lemonade.” This was at a time when scurvy was the leading
killer of men who took to the seas, and citrus fruits became their
34 Vegucation Over Medication
Did you know that most vitamins made today, whether they
the vitamins present in whole foods, but their activity in the body is
not. Even vitamins that are labeled ‘natural’ only require that 10%
as a whole food had a success record much like the 1996 Chicago
lifestyle flips the switch on for genes that code for disease.
that they have been cured when taking the traditional medicine
route. Yes, there are many patients who receive symptom relief, but
most often the relief they experience is because the disease has run
its course and the body has an innate ability to heal itself. Because
prescribe. Take a trip to the doctor’s office, and you’re bound to get
Most people are completely unaware that they are either pre-diabetic
For men, often the canary in the mine (so to speak) is erectile
dysfunction. This is the first sign that shows us circulation has been
quite simple: metformin (for blood sugar control) and a little HCTZ
(‘water pill’ for blood pressure), and the patient thinks no harm, no
foul. But blood pressure can never be regulated by urination for very
disease will worsen when the cause goes unaddressed. Blood sugar
converted into fat, you now have a cholesterol issue (if you didn’t
have one before), and so a statin drug is added on. At some point,
diabetes becomes the sniper in the tower, picking you off piece by
The Cause of Disease: Toxic Overload 39
bank, and then you begin to lose the sensation in your feet
working’? Of course not, but as you can see, diabetics are the
father. With my family history, I could have easily just tossed in the
a certainty that I should prepare myself for the same diseases. But
themselves in some but not all family members? Now we often hear
of dangerous cancer genes that are passed on and put you at high
normal cell development. Gene regulation can occur at any point but
The Cause of Disease: Toxic Overload 41
retired because we now know that genes only cause 5% or less of all
cycle is the seat of disease that is digging an early grave for modern
chose to eat out of boxes, cans, jars, and anything that requires a
food label.
creates this beautiful symphony we call life and food. But on the
grocery stores are filled with endless aisles of shelf items with
stop to think how these boxed, bagged, canned, and jarred items
44 Vegucation Over Medication
shelf life. This is how a food product that should contain only two or
including the dairy products you feed your family. Often these
conditions they’re subjected to, and these diseases will also end up
on your plate.
The Cause of Disease: Toxic Overload 45
hygienic and cosmetic products that seep into our skins and get into
away hours, days, and years of our lives in such a gradual fashion
our guts are constipated with backed up sewage. Our health is vitally
would cause those foods to rot and become toxic. Once the body
reaches its toxic threshold, disease will most certainly appear. If the
The great news is that as long as the tissue has not been
removed from the diet. But even if that weren’t the case, it’s never
too late to enjoy the fruits of the labor from embracing a whole-
not only were many of the food products in America not available
outside the U.S., but many of them were banned because many of
citizens’ health.
The Cause of Disease: Toxic Overload 47
wildlife and laboratory rodents. The study also found that the
dental cavities.
connected to asbestos.
safety during the 1950s and 1960s. However, this is the same
all the markers for cancer had been downgraded to obscure the
for companies like Alcoa, US Steel, and others, you might wonder
during this period, Edward Bernays, who was hired by the National
entire modern world is littered with toxins that chip away at our
industry and American government have assured the people that this
52 Vegucation Over Medication
have banned this food. And now China and the largest country in the
rename the bill The Deny Americans the Right to Know (DARK)
on food labels. The Act was created to unravel labeling laws that
the fact that here in the U.S. the studies have been mixed as to
whether GMOs are safe, the act itself takes away the consumer’s
GMOs. This contradicts a 2012 Mellman Group poll that found 91%
CBS/New York Times poll found that 53% of consumers would not
we eat. The foods we eat today look and smell like the foods our
disease in our bodies because most often we don’t want to see it.
Then there are others who are searching for real answers, and they
only find lies and myths that lead them right back to where they
ever done. The study was conducted over a 20-year period spanning
Here are just a few parameters that will help you understand
other studies related to nutrition and its link to disease examined test
The Cause of Disease: Toxic Overload 55
foods, dairy, unrefined grains, and heavy meat content. This variable
promotes disease.
The Protein Myth
If you think you cannot build muscle on bananas, I challenge
you to pick a fight with an ape.
— Garth Davis, M.D., author of Proteinaholic
any people have a love affair with meat that
entire day, sends them into a frenzy as if you were asking them to
stop breathing.
much anxiety.
in 2011, and here I am, alive, well, and fit, people still don’t believe
people embrace the idea that because we are made mostly of muscle,
become synonymous?
can have?
from the Greek word protease, meaning ‘of prime importance.’ This
acids, of which eight are called ‘essential’ because they must come
life. However, the belief that because our muscles are made of
crowned king because there was a time when only the rich, wealthy,
and royalty could afford it. During these times, obesity and opulence
until the 1950s, the vast majority of Americans ate meat only on
The Protein Myth 59
then be passed on into the small intestines unfit for assimilation and
methane gas and other toxins into the body, and creating disease
grams per day, while today that requirement has been reduced to
and breakdown of the body’s proteins. The proteins that are broken
used to synthesize new proteins, some are used for energy, and
to as protein turnover.
skin shedding. This is not even equivalent to one ounce, yet it’s
The Protein Myth 61
in the body from amino acids, not from complete proteins. All
dietary protein must be digested and then broken down into its
acid. When we eat animal protein, our body has to break those
complete proteins down into amino acids, sift through the remaining
62 Vegucation Over Medication
It does not care where these amino acids come from. The
example) are exactly the same amino acids you get from
raw materials.
protein peers for bodybuilding and high protein fad diets are not
you; there are no shortcuts to massive muscle gains and weight loss
both that are long-term in nature and can provide the same results
Olympia, and Mr. Universe, is 71 years old and still looks primed
The Protein Myth 63
is vegan.
Einstein, and Steve Jobs. Not a bad list to be on. Most of the current
populations who live the longest with the highest quality of health,
youth. What we also discover is that heart disease, the number one
heart disease but can also alter the function and structure of the
Americans, and 25% of those affected are not even aware. The
cause the blood to become acidic. This will ultimately increase renal
removing your foot from the accelerator of a car that’s been pressed
The same goes for gout patients. Many types of meats are
high purine compounds that elevate uric acid levels in the blood,
but everything from red meat to fish can lead to a flare-up. A good
rule of thumb for overall health is animal protein of any kind will
does also include fish and dairy products. The impact of a dramatic
for type 2 diabetes. Both animal protein and dairy are known to
stimulate insulin and burn out the insulin-producing beta cells in the
individuals that were observed for 11.7 years and found that for
eat more meat per person than any other people on Earth, and we’re
paying the price in health care bills. As a result, Americans are twice
as obese and have twice as much diabetes and nearly triple the
The Protein Myth 67
killed every hour for food, or that 15 times more protein could be
our own biology. Paleobiologists primarily use the teeth and jaws
from fossils to determine their diet. Sharp serrated teeth and strong
jaw structures are indicative of carnivores to tear into flesh and bite
Herbivores had flat, dull, rounded teeth like ours that are
exceptional for chewing and grinding plant foods. The fact that our
68 Vegucation Over Medication
jaws move side to side to assist with grinding when carnivores like
proof of this.
This is why humans must cook their meats. The cooking process
animal that eats both plants and flesh) is on average 3−6 times the
length of their body torso. This anatomical design allows for rapid
from rotting.
intestine comparison of 7−10 feet for carnivores vs. 20−25 feet for
walls are smooth. The colon for herbivores and humans is long, with
increases the bowel transport time, allowing food to rot and ferment.
begins seeping into the bloodstream, poisoning the body along with
the weakest areas of the body. The longer the tissue is exposed to
72 Vegucation Over Medication
eating animals for muscle really makes sense. In general, people eat
cows, pigs, chickens, and fish to get the protein they need for
muscle. Don’t you find it odd that all of these animals eat a plant-
based diet, and yet magically they all have muscle? If you think
and rhinos eat? They all eat a plant-based diet and are some of the
This is why they are often tragically used in clinical trials and
primate cousins, mountain gorillas, can grow to six feet tall and
strength can be up to ten times that of a human. And what does their
must be shocking and poking at every shred of your moral fiber, but
I can assure you I’ve experienced all the thoughts you’re thinking. Is
You can, and you will, even more vibrantly once you
You don’t have to explain it. Share the health benefits you
eating is not the same as your grandparents, and your health today
I’m the same guy who decided his reward for graduating pharmacy
anytime I wanted for the sacrifices I made, and the same guy who
ate meat during every meal of his life up until the point I decided not
four decades who sold his farm and became vegetarian in light of
openly talked about the dangers of eating beef, for which he and
rights advocate and author on related subjects. He has said, “My life
consume animal products, we’re not just killing the animals. In the
long run, we’re killing the planet, and ourselves. No animal has to
water consumption. The reassuring lie that fossil fuels and carbon
inconvenient truth among staunch meat eaters and the $100 billion
service providers.
attributors to this fact is because methane (yes, from cow farts) has a
up with our demand for animal protein and our growing population.
we still will exceed our carbon dioxide limit by the year 2030.
animals and the grains grown to feed them occupy 45% of the
earth’s total land, and in the U.S., half of the land is used for animal
The Protein Myth 77
but overgrazing has also desertified 1/3 of the planet and destroyed
Earth’s lungs, producing the air you and I breathe. Every second, up
to two acres of rainforest are destroyed, and 137 plant, animal, and
And if you think this has gone unnoticed, just refer to the
1,100 land activists who have been killed in Brazil in protest of this
missionary nun who was gunned down in Brazil for speaking out
the insult has been taken to the seas. Each year, some 100 million
fishless ocean.
Ditch the Dairy
The human body has no more need for cows’ milk than it
does for dogs’ milk, horses’ milk, or giraffes’ milk.
—Michael Klaper, MD
he very thought of the word ‘dairy’ probably creates
public that “Beef—It’s what’s for dinner” and “Milk does a body
good.” It has to make you wonder, What logic did we use to replace
With the exception of humans, all other mammals are weaned off
cow’s milk.
swapped out as an even exchange for cow’s milk as if the two were
80 Vegucation Over Medication
pound baby calf into a 500-pound cow in less than a year. We’re
breast milk.
Take a look at these symptoms and think about how common they
for parents with children suffering from asthma and chronic ear
Ditch the Dairy 81
in how these two proteins impact our health is how they are
hormone for normal development, but for adults, it can cause the
if you buy milk organic or raw, it will still contain these cancer-
promoting hormones.
Both breast and cow’s milk contain casein; however, it’s 300
measure of the mother-infant bond. It turns out that it’s not all
the baby’s brain that ensures that the baby will bond with Mom and
Ditch the Dairy 83
continue to nurse and get the nutrients all babies need. But like
why adults often find that cheese can be constipating and addictive,
and casein protein filled with opiate compounds. This is why for
heart disease. It’s the number one source of saturated fat in the
candy, pizza crust, and even medications. A quick glance at the label
hidden dairy in the form of casein and soy lecithin. Casein can also
on the front label. Do you really want to drink or eat something that
161 degrees Fahrenheit. This kills all nutrients and denatures many
Ditch the Dairy 85
consideration the diet of the vegan and raw enthusiast, who will
seeds daily, you will never have to concern yourself with a calcium
Vitamin D
Ironically, vitamin D isn’t a vitamin at all but a hormone.
Or is it?
from the sun. The plants we eat receive the same vitamin D via the
same photons. For a fair skinned person, exposing the face, hands,
and back without sunscreen for 20 minutes four times a week would
Ditch the Dairy 87
we consume acidic foods like dairy, they cause our blood to become
acidic. In order to restore alkalinity in the blood, the body will begin
pulling from its alkaline reserves. The irony is, the body pulls
calcium from the bones to restore the blood pH. So, inevitably, this
producer of disease; most people are caught in between the two like
own research and ask better questions. Always find out who funded
88 Vegucation Over Medication
The project was jointly funded by both universities and the Chinese
of the study and was seeking real answers. Does this sound like a
however, the bulk of their advertisement has always been for beef
and dairy. They are primarily financed by the meat industry and
be easily seen today on our kids’ lunch menus. They now consider
and ketchup laden with high fructose corn syrup remotely resemble
any vegetable?
The support for the campaign was posted on their July 2014 edition
You might ask, “What would prompt the USDA to recall its
helping you get more nutrition from the calories you take in.”
One thing that’s for sure is, if beef (cow) were able to tell its
and fish raised in factory farms that drench these poor animals with
ranked 37th in the world’s health polls. These numbers don’t lie. But
(that’s half of what you drink), and that 2% milk (the proposed
Sugar feeds cancer cells and stimulates tumor growth.
Cancer cells have ten times more insulin receptors than
normal cells. —Dr. David Jockers
e have a bittersweet relationship with sugar. Most
person was 18 pounds. Next time you’re in the grocery store, grab
18 pounds of sugar and hold it in your hand if you can just to get a
fuel our bodies need for energy to perform the majority of our
medicine does, I look at the whole to see how all the parts work in
unison so that I can see how nature heals itself. So when I hear the
a whole. In very much the same way if I were to remove your heart
The Bitter Truth About Sugar 95
from your body, you would cease to exist, and your heart would lose
transported in the blood to the brain, muscles, and other critical cells
ratio as water (H2O), which comprises roughly 75% of the earth and
our bodies.
humans did not develop an obsession for the taste of white sugar
slave trade in the Caribbean. In 1537, the first sugar refinery was
was swept by the bubonic plague, and over 68,000 people died.
which was the primary source of sugar coming from British colonies
come up with ways to make food cheaper. HFCS made its way into
the American food supply because it was cheaper and sweeter than
table sugar.
98 Vegucation Over Medication
nothing like glucose, the sugar your body uses for energy. It can’t
But I can assure you all sugar isn’t created equal, especially
The Bitter Truth About Sugar 99
from corn stalks is so secret that Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland
Metabolizing Sugars
It is of importance to note that the human body metabolizes
the body can metabolize glucose, the liver cells are alone in their
flag, as the liver is the primary organ for metabolizing all toxins and
poisons that enter the body. When we consume HFCS in any food,
promotes fat build up around visceral organs (belly fat), and makes
to cardiovascular disease.
1980, it was rare to find individuals under the age of thirty with
tantalize children's taste buds with this unnatural sugar as the secret
to be 40% of sugar that is added to soft drinks and the drinks that are
chips, candy bars, salad dressing, and pretty much anything that isn’t
public policies like the Dark Act are abominable to the health of the
forms of sugars are acidic. Excess sugar feeds disease in the body.
critical alkaline pH, the body pulls from its alkaline reserves, like
more rapidly than the sugars that result from eating fruits. This
There are two types of diabetes, but in either case, the burden
insulin makes the blood viscous, which causes vessel and organ
behind acid residues that eat away at the enamel of our teeth. And of
Sugar Is a Drug
Although sugar is viewed as a food, it is technically a drug
ingested. This is especially the case for HFCS. Like most drugs and
toxins, HFCS can only be metabolized in the liver. When the liver
by-product called uric acid is produced, which can cause gout and
occurs, and ultimately all these factors can lead to cirrhosis of the
The Bitter Truth About Sugar 105
brain’s pleasure and reward centers. These areas are located in the
‘feel good’ vibe, and the opioids release produce the ‘stoner-like’
sensation. These same effects can be seen with nicotine, heroin, and
prolonged usage, just like any other drug with addictive potential.
perfectly explains the sugar addiction, which has been nicely gift-
106 Vegucation Over Medication
patients are always the sickest. This is most often attributed to the
change in weather that begins in early October and lasts until April.
But let’s examine how eating habits and culture play their part:
Here’s an epiphany that will knock your socks off: Why does
the infamous flu season tend to rear its ugly head the same time
108 Vegucation Over Medication
every year? You got it! There’s nothing special about the annual
strains of flu bug (by the way, the predictions of which represent
sauce, it’s all processed sugar in the body that will create an acidic
from the common cold to cancer. The immune system isn’t just our
become cancerous. This isn’t just for those who develop cancer; this
has natural killer cells (NK cells) to stomp out these cancerous cells
The Bitter Truth About Sugar 109
accumulate in the body, are the same. They all eat sugar and excrete
lactic acid. In the same way, lactic acid accumulates after vigorous
exercise in the muscles; this lactic acid will eventually make the
acid, the body will begin pulling from alkaline reserves again. The
back into sugar (glucagon). And this is how the liver becomes a
course, all tissues in the body are capable of absorbing glucose, but
cancer cells use a much more significant amount of energy and thus
killing us. The saying what we don’t know can’t hurt us couldn’t be
farther from the truth. Sugar is so cleverly hidden behind the mask
heavy.’ What they don’t explain is, all that excess sugar will be
converted into fat in the body. So think about that next time you’re
eating fat-free yogurt after a workout. One of the biggest lies ever
told was ‘sugar-free’ drinks like Coke Zero. If you think a sugar-free
drink is too good to be true, it’s probably because it is. I’m not
picking on Coke because, the truth is, the majority of other soda
drinks are just as horrible. But Coke makes itself an easy target.
1980s. The drink didn’t go over well with men because they
associated the word ‘diet’ with being feminine. So, in 2005, they
reinvented the drink and gave it the new name ‘Coke Zero.’
The Bitter Truth About Sugar 111
contains 44 grams of sugar, all derived from HFCS, and 140 empty
sugar and zero calories sounded like we finally could have our cake
and eat it too. But what you don’t know is, the Coca-Cola chemists
refills are free at fast food restaurants and sodas are so cheap. What
it doesn’t explain is, why is there HFCS in the hamburger bun and
tantalize our taste buds. As you debate between which of the added
112 Vegucation Over Medication
truth remains:
have to accept that we don’t have a sweet tooth; what we really have
is a well-masked addiction.
whole form, it can become a poison. This is why wherever you find
As Dr. Robert Lustig states in The Bitter Truth About Sugar, “When
based foods, which lowers the need for insulin and makes you feel
The Bitter Truth About Sugar 113
full. So whole natural fruits are never an issue, especially if they are
There are over fifty different alias names for added sugar
produce section of the grocery store that doesn’t contain added sugar
in some form. Below are some of the aliases sugar goes by:
opinion, even the recommendations made by the AHA are too much
when you consider the addictive nature of added sugar and how sick
we are.
year. The very idea of no added sugar for a day would cause most
backlash from the kids whining. But the Schaub’s took on the task,
and one year later, one of the most noticeable changes was their
taste buds had completely changed. Their cravings for sugar had
tooth and became their primary desserts. Their palates had become
enjoyed were now repulsive. Their entire family had more energy,
got sick less, and the kids missed significantly fewer school days.
Then God said, I give you every seed bearing plant on the
face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed
in it. They will be yours for food. —Genesis 1:29
here are seeds of deception carefully woven into the
doing the research for themselves and tapping into their own
common sense.
cause of the affliction. So, despite being the pink elephant in the
function to the point of dialysis, and then die of heart attack without
ever recommending they remove the foods that caused the condition
to begin with?
maintain our bodies in the same way we maintain our cars, with the
actually touch anything; our middle ear can detect the body losing
which we are not consciously aware of; our immune system can
mount a response.
is confused about what its natural food is, as it begins suckling at the
onset of hunger when the mother is lactating, and her breast is near.
Infants and animals seem to understand that the food from nature
from and is grown alone in nature without the need for human
a sprout is formed, a tree grows toward the sun, the tree blossoms
with fruit, the fruit ripens to be dispersed around the earth and eaten
glucose and causes damage to both the liver and pancreas. This is
why many of today’s fruits are much sweeter than those grown in
are sterile and will not germinate. These hybrid foods are not
given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the
120 Vegucation Over Medication
earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of the tree yielding
In plain language, this means that all of our food has been
seed and bear a seed; and every tree will produce fruit, and in that
fruit shall be a seed, and that fruit can be used for food. The word
The vast majority of food sold by the food industry isn’t food
naturally should have been a cautionary sign that this was not the
hybrid foods do not naturally occur and will not grow without
human intervention and protection. Most are seedless and will not
original grain was not starch based, but cross-breeding has changed
metabolized into carbonic acid in the body, which in excess can lead
to flourish.
for the development of heart disease and diabetes, which is why for
more rapidly than the sugars in green leafy vegetable and natural
like an avocado that will prolong the digestion of the sugars and
membrane, and the sugars feed the fungus candida in your body.
According to a 2012 report by Consumer Reports, rice eaten
the grain, and because brown rice retains its outer shell, it retains a
Modern corn, unlike ancient black corn, is one of the most
hybridized plants in the world. The hybridized version depletes the
soil of vital minerals and microorganisms, making the land
impossible to be farmed in the future. Over 58% of the land in
America is being used to produce crops like corn to feed livestock,
which explains why the fertile Midwestern plains have been
converted into a virtual dust bowl in less than 100 years. Today’s
Franken-corn is larger, sweeter, and more yellow and white
compared to its ancient ancestor.
Garlic is touted not only by natural healers; traditional medicine
also commonly make recommendations for patients to use garlic.
Garlic, however, is highly acidic. On the food chart, garlic registers
at a whopping pH of 3.3, almost equivalent to battery acid. Due to
an oxide allyl compound it contains, it weakens the cell and vessel
membranes, which produces the artificial reduction in blood
pressure. Not by any means will it kill you in small doses, but it’s
important to understand both the good and bad aspects of garlic’s
Seeds of Deception 125
Carrots and carrot juice are often regarded as beneficial for
eyesight. But in a society where the blind lead the blind, most health
It is well known that carrots are highly starch based, but this
Lace and the wild yam. This vegetable was hybridized in Holland
126 Vegucation Over Medication
On the other hand, soy isn’t necessarily a hybrid, but I could
book that I suggest you read called The Whole Soy Story, by Kaayla
T. Daniel. Soy products, like tempeh, tofu, and all meat and dairy
body. This sulfide depletes the body of both iron and oxygen.
soybean. In his genius, he was able to make rubber, ink, paint, glue,
‘the father of the peanut,’ was by profession a botanist and said the
soy, which was not considered safe for human consumption, and put
$7 billion.
genetically modified?
health of the world’s citizens and the earth itself are genetically
transgenic organism.
at least one GMO. An even more astounding factoid is, the SAD diet
result of extracting a gene from the Arctic flounder fish that allows
tomato which nature only allows to grow in summer. Now you can
have tomatoes that can be easily grown during winter. If this appears
safe, which we all know now couldn’t be the furthest thing from the
back into the FDA and becoming the senior advisor to the FDA
Commissioner in 2009.
individual to hold the position, which was created with a new Office
agencies, and rewritten laws and policies regarding the food we eat
Seeds of Deception 131
conflicted interest.
Research Institute (the top nutritional research lab in the UK) was
ten days, the mice that consumed the GM potatoes experienced pre-
atrophy of the liver, and damaged immune systems. Only the mice
Here is a direct quote from the study: “From the results, the
celebrated, until there was a call from the pro-GMO prime minister
wasn’t until his gag order was lifted by Parliament that he was
Engineering (CRIIGEN).
Monsanto’s Roundup
GM crops are sprayed with the chemically engineered
the soil, this chemical binds to many of the minerals needed by the
absorbed into the foliage and transferred to the growing points of the
plants, so merely washing the crops does not remove the herbicide.
pig. In the United States, factory farms raise 99% of all chicken,
99% of all turkeys, 97% of all hens, 95% of all pigs, and 78% of all
cows that end up in the meat case at your local supermarket. These
thousands, infested with disease, and grow so quickly that many are
incapable of walking.
animals are being altered, our genes will also be altered as result of
rice, papaya, beets, squash, apples, and many more. Most recently,
the FDA slipped GM salmon into our food supply as the first animal
created by taking the genes from the king salmon and using the
promoter gene from an eel (ocean pout). The ocean pout grows and
solely for regulating and ensuring the food and drugs the public
consumes are safe. Yet foods are being engineered in a lab and then
doused with chemical pesticides, and the FDA has yet to require one
foods clearly indicates that these foods are not the same by
farmer could, for instance, pluck an apple from a tree and request a
no special testing.
convinced the U.S. Patent Office that GM foods are unique and
and Roundup alone (from 0.1 pp. in water; the level permitted in US
The control group that was fed non-GMO corn had a death
rate of 20% for females and 30% for males as compared to the GM
corn fed mice that had a death rate of 70% for females and 50% in
died prematurely. The first females to die did so less than a year
after starting the GM corn diet and developed huge breast tumors.
The females at 21 months fed GM corn had a death rate that was six
18 months, well beyond the 90-day limit for food safety testing set
by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the FDA. The earliest
the majority of the effects occurring around year thirty. Despite the
fact that the origins of GMOs appeared in the early 1990s, we have
only been consuming these products for roughly 16 years (far too
system for the food industry but prohibits the FDA from ever
140 Vegucation Over Medication
same rights as the other 64 countries that require GMO labeling. The
organisms are concerned, we have made the decision not to use any
its citizens killed on impact and some still trapped beneath the
corn and vegetable seed. Although there were no laws regulating the
Monsanto’s donation.
have the potential to make our lands produce enough to feed the
need for this to happen is food sovereignty, where the county has the
right to define its own agricultural policies, to grow first for the
family and then for the local market, to grow healthy food in a way
would no longer be able to reuse natural seeds that had been in the
their seeds would grow there after using GMO crops. So, in a
Eat to live, not to Die. —Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Darrington
his next concept is critically important to you
time you grab a bite to eat, you will be able to easily decipher
promoter of death.
So let’s begin.
that are passed off as food it makes shopping for real food a
would constitute ‘true food,’ and even many of those choices are
food’; there’s junk, and then there is food, simply put. Too many of
us are eating with the purpose of satisfying our taste buds without
to nature, and the source of what you and I are made of.
The old adage “You are what you eat” is literally true,
meaning the food you eat becomes the body you are made of.
may be born weighing just eight pounds, the body through divine
Shaquille O’Neal.
replace the cells lining the stomach and colon every four or five
days, the entire skin in 28 days, a large portion of your liver in six
144 Vegucation Over Medication
months, and your skeletal system every ten years. Your body
generates the cells that become your new liver, skin, and bone
directly from the foods you eat. Old cells die by a process known as
‘apoptosis,’ and new cells are generated from the foods you eat. So,
live whole plant-based foods, you will be filled with youthful vigor
this case foods) and magnifies the energy fields present, producing a
visual image.
The light you see being emitted from these plants are bio-
raw organic foods display the highest energy levels versus the
cooked and processed foods that give off a dull vibratory signature.
146 Vegucation Over Medication
impulse originates at the sinus node located in the right atrium of the
your heart to produce a heartbeat, and down your spine and into
alkaline environment, and every single person who has cancer has a
day, and the brain is roughly 75% water. The primary method of
Begin your day with water as soon as you rise; drink water before
decision of what we eat and drink can make us happy, but the
it, it nourishes us, and it cures our loneliness when no one else is
even talk to plants and say “I love you,” they grow stronger.
energy system called the root chakra. This chakra is related to your
physical body’s need for survival, stability, and our relationship with
our mother. The chakra is located at the base of your spine, and
entire being that says, “You are not valuable enough to take the time
150 Vegucation Over Medication
security, and connectedness between the mind and body. It tells the
body, “I respect you for housing my mind and soul in your sacred
temple.” The body tells the mind, “I honor and trust you for spiritual
from your heart (love) chakra, manifest the physical love you create
preparation, you are also infusing loving energy into the food via
your hands from your heart. This energy is transferred only from
one organic substance to another, and when living foods are eaten,
Program, so elegantly stated, “The food you eat can be either the
poison.” Only foods powered by the sun and nurtured by earth are
today’s society is that we are not eating real foods; we are ingesting
exchange for drugs. Our well-being has been put in the hands of
have your best interest at heart and have chosen their profession in
same companies that profit off your misery and ignorance. Here’s
real money is snuggled right in between the two: the fat, sick, and
they do not address the actual cause of the disease. True health can
China only a mere 5.6 percent. Even more shocking is the fact that
medical technology and drugs, Americans are the sickest and most
from this is health cannot be purchased even with the most advanced
freely when you obey the natural laws that come with this
are far beyond exceptional. However, if you decide that you want to
fuel your Rolls Royce with liquid gold or jet fuel instead of the
your car.
154 Vegucation Over Medication
yourself, your children, and your family crap food, then you will
look, feel, and have the health that crap food provides. The food
every cell in the body has an intrinsic ‘shelf life’ set to expire at
constant maintenance. If you eat the SAD diet, it’s the equivalent of
and mortar. What’s even more fascinating about the concept of ‘we
less achy, no bloating, and have more clarity. No sooner than a week
glowing skin and vibrant mood. And before you know it, all the
skeptics will be curious about what and how you’re achieving such
great health!
H2O: The Perfect Solution
It's time to rethink what you drink. —Dr. Bobby Price
ur planet is mostly covered by water, but not always
more precious commodity than gold, diamonds, or oil; yet with the
eliminate six cups via defecation and urination. This is where the
for the importance of having the right kind and amount of water.
Weight Gain
When the body’s cells are depleted of water, they will then
send out a signal alerting the mind of the body’s need for water,
the body will resist the urge to metabolize fat because of the absence
of a safe medium to remove the toxins that are most often stored in
fat cells. That is, if the body lacks a sufficient amount of water to
neutralize the toxins that are stored in fat, the body will resist
Dermatological Issues
Did you know the skin is the largest organ system in the
body? During chronic dehydration, the skin is the first organ system
healthy oils, causing the pores to become packed with toxic waste,
Chronic Fatigue
Almost every bodily function requires water to take place.
redirect the blood away from the skin to the muscles and organs and
You can now see why simply resting will not cure you of
H2O: The Perfect Solution 159
The brain contains roughly 75% water. During bouts of
tyrosinase produced in the liver are critical for brain function, but
Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft (Sertraline). Within the brain, the
Sleep Deprivation
As mentioned in the previous section, dehydration thwarts
The levels rise during sleeping hours and then begin to gradually
get the internal engines running. This will allow you to improve
Blood pressure is the arterial pressure that blood exerts on
the overall systemic pressure. But here’s the catch: diuretics will
never cure the patient, and in fact, it’s a certainty that once you are
ways, do not address the cause, and they worsen the patient’s
Chronic Constipation
According to the Mayo Clinic, chronic constipation is
The truth is, your bowel movements are one of the greatest
you eat. The shape, texture, odor, size, color, and buoyancy are
dead bacteria, dead cells, and mucus. The SAD diet is deficient in
rightly justified that our internal biology would initiate what appears
The brain will take priority over all other systems; this is due
to the fact the brain is 85% water, receives 20% of the body’s blood
signs of thirst sufficient for the task: dry mouth, chapped lips, dry
skin, dry eyes, dark urine, or the sensation of thirst itself? As I said
eventually silenced.
and juices that contain massive calories and chemicals that cause
you feel about your morning’s brew), Starbucks does a magical job
age groups 20−45 years old was roughly 300 mg per day per person.
boost in energy and alertness. But like any drug, the abuse of its
love for caffeinated coffees and teas has been partnered with
caffeine per 12 ounce serving while the actual content was 240 mg,
bucket that has a large hole at the bottom. This constant loss of
a bit inaccurate. It does not account for strenuous exercise, hot and
that result in additional fluid loss, like exercise, you will need
chemicals and then pressured through aged piping right into your
clean glass. So the only thing clean about a glass of tap water is the
glass itself!
earth would exist without it. The Japanese researcher Dr. Masan
thoughts, words, and feelings, these plants grew healthier and more
including sleep.
counterbalance the acidic foods and drinks you consume. Once these
minerals from areas that you need them, such as the calcium in your
during its storage and transit through water main lines, tanks, and
an attempt to remove the chlorine residue and improve the taste. But
giardia), heavy metals such as lead that leach from the corrosion of
water with the same ferocity as we do, just with more ingenuity.
That’s how all the critters end up in our water supply. By the way,
other medical treatments can remedy this vagrant. This is why using
bottling companies that have ensured the plastic they use is free of
shown to seep into foods and beverages from plastic containers and
birth defects.
H2O: The Perfect Solution 171
product has higher purity than tap or filtered water. You’re probably
Dead water will eventually leach minerals from the body. So,
process. So, if those minerals are not added back organically, you
regulatory process and did not have to be bottled at the source until
recently. Spring water is the statutory name for water acquired from
Mount Fiji. These waters are naturally cleansed via the process of
alkaline with organic minerals from the earth, not alkalized with
These are just a few questions that you should know about
one of the most important nutritional and health decisions you make
on a daily basis.
Fruits and vegetables, unlike other foods, come equipped with their
own digestive enzymes that aid in their own digestion and prevent
you from using alkaline reserves. This is another reason why eating
a meal.
The great thing about water is, it passes straight into and out
can drink a small amount to simply clear your throat as you eat. As a
rule of thumb, you should allow two or three hours after a meal to
drink a large amount of fluids. You should also drink one or two
will aid in the sleep process and jumpstart you in the morning.
Digestive Rest
Man lives on one-fourth of what he eats, on the other three-
quarters lives the physician. —Egyptian Proverb
oday chronic fatigue is so common that caffeinated
people feel like their day doesn’t get started until they’re spiked up
after eight, sometimes ten, hours of sleep, you still wake up feeling
lethargic, hung over, beat up, and as if you’ve been doing P90 x the
energy in the morning that most people are annoyed by them! But
priceless commodity. So the big question is, after all that rest, where
does the energy go? Most people seem to be getting zero return on
into energy.
but it’s quite the contrary. Most people will sneer at anyone who has
is, once our foods are digested, what happens to this overabundance
of energy?
requires its share of energy for functionality. So, if you had to guess
178 Vegucation Over Medication
probably assume the cardiovascular system. After all, the heart beats
about 100,000 times per day and about 35 million times per year and
pumps 5.6 liters of blood through the entire body three times per
minute over a distance of 12,000 miles in one day. That’s four times
the distance across the United States from coast to coast or the
few short minutes of not breathing, we would die, and from birth to
We breathe 20,000 times per day without even noticing most of the
enteric nervous system (ENS) because, in very much the same way
experiences, the second brain does exactly the same. It uses many of
95% of all serotonin, ‘the happy molecule’ that is often the target of
for drugs like Valium and Xanax, are found in rich abundance in the
180 Vegucation Over Medication
The ENS is embedded within the gut wall and can operate
both independently and in conjunction with the brain. There are over
100 million more neurons in the gut compared to the spinal cord,
unwanted critters.
lack their own digestive enzymes and fiber, they will not be
metabolized, which will cause them to fester and rot in the bowels.
grave with our own forks and spoons. This process is known as
will eventually rot and become toxic. The toxins from that waste
will leach into our bloodstream. It doesn’t matter if you eat a vegan
or the SAD diet, the real testament to health is elimination. Our core
food in a pot sitting in the middle of the street on a hot summer day.
putrefy, and the fats and oils will become rancid. In the book
toxemia, for it is this state of the blood that makes disease possible.
accumulated in the blood beyond the toleration point, and the crisis,
rid the body of toxins. Any treatment that obstructs this effort at
across the bowel membrane into the bloodstream. They will begin
weakest tissues. If the toxins settle in the pancreas, then the disease
settle in the blood itself, the patient could experience high blood
tissue. As these cells begin to break down, so does the entire organ
system. The heart begins to fail when toxins are concentrated in the
checked elimination.
Digestive Rest 183
1. Skin
The skin is the first line of defense to all things foreign, but it
via sweat. The common toxins that are eliminated through the pores
are the metabolic products of rich foods like meat, dairy, and eggs.
2. Kidneys
Many of the same toxins will accumulate in the kidneys
because they are responsible for filtering our entire blood supply.
The kidneys are so essential to our biology that we have two, despite
the fact that we could survive quite easily with just one. The kidneys
not only filter our entire blood supply to remove toxic waste but also
essential nutrients and water back into the blood supply while
retaining some toxins and excess fluid. The toxins and excess fluids
3. Lungs
The lungs also play a critical part in detoxifying our bodies.
They remove toxic waste from the body in the form of gases. The
our lungs didn’t efficiently remove carbon dioxide from the body, it
years of smoking.
Case and point is, after a night of drinking alcohol, our bodies go
5. Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is considered the garbage-collecting
lymph nodes are concentrated near the most active joints and folds
6. Digestive System
The king of all kings as it relates to elimination is the
actually taking place? Today 50% of Americans have less than one
including snacks.
none of the chunks of food we eat cross the intestines, just the
that our digestive tract is designed for filtering into the blood various
will eventually rot, putrefy, and ferment. The toxins will eventually
leak across the mucous membrane into our bloodstream. This causes
with the average American stuffing his or her face with three or four
Does the scenario sound eerily possible for most people you
explains a lot about the foods we eat and how well our bodies break
that food down. A trip to the bathroom to ‘do number two’ has
become a taboo conversation despite the fact we all do it. But I want
to encourage you to start taking a look at your poo before you flush
movements, you are accumulating toxins. So the body, using its own
kidneys, armpits, feet, sinuses, and even the scalp once it has
In addition to eating the wrong types of foods, we often eat
the SAD diet to remedy these potential ailments is fiber. The World
Digestive Rest 189
foods. The bowel’s inability to digest fiber is what gives its utility in
cleansing the digestive tract like a sweeping broom. Fiber also slows
You have soluble fiber, which turns into a viscous gel in the
found in the skins and peels of many fruits and vegetables, seeds,
proving that this may be yet another false narrative in the field of
the nutrients and fiber in grains can be easily obtained from eating
fruits and vegetables. Most people now know that any refined grain
removes the fiber-rich bran outer layer and nutrient-rich germ core
that contains all of the antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats. This
symptoms are less severe and may include bloating, indigestion, gas,
berries are just a shortlist of the many options you have to choose
perfectly designed into the fabric of plant-based foods. They will not
have the same medicinal effect on the gut. Whole foods are a perfect
world, it has been demonstrated that those who eat a diet high in
plant-based fiber live longer and maintain leaner body masses with a
bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. There are over 500 species
in your body, we would find that only 10% of the cells we observed
194 Vegucation Over Medication
was introduced by Dr. John Tilden and Dr. William Hay, and then
196 Vegucation Over Medication
We use these digestive juices and enzymes to break down food into
1. In the Mouth
The process begins mechanically in the mouth, via chewing
and the activation of the enzyme salivary amylase. This enzyme can
2. In the Stomach
The foods that primarily break down in the stomach are
proteins with starches (steak and potatoes) during meals will cause
cannot be used for nourishment, and thus will begin to putrefy and
than how efficient we can digest and assimilate those foods. If the
of the acidic nature of these foods. You should wait two hours to
consume any proteins after eating a starch or three hours to eat any
like fruits are reduced down to simple sugars that are quickly
Digestive Rest 199
environment that sets the stage for disease. For this reason, fruits
broken down then quickly passed into the small intestines where
other fruits. Fruit vegetables such as avocados and tomatoes are fine
into fatty acids, and the proteolytic enzyme rennin, which curdles or
coagulates milk in the stomach. Once a child has a full set of teeth,
equivalent of Elmer’s glue for the digestive tract and lead to many
tremendous boost to your health. As you can see, eating the most
Therapeutic Fasting
My final recommendation that can be used for digestive
ancient practice has been used to rejuvenate, heal, and cure the body.
the test of time, as America has become the most obese nation in the
poor fast foods. The Western diet is a protein heavy, chemical laden,
‘eat to die’ lifestyle in all parts of the world. At its foundation, the
that does not have food laced with chemicals. The aisles are stacked
feel satiated, so we just keep eating. This is a cue that our taste buds
meal brings a certain amount of anxiety, but I can assure you that
once you begin to abstain from food, you will begin to heal. Fasting
into both the muscle and brain tissues to be used as energy. Any
excess glucose will be transported to, and then stored in, the liver as
domestic pets when they are ill. Most dogs will refuse to eat and go
taking place.
more rapidly than the elimination channels can remove them. These
204 Vegucation Over Medication
temporary infections.
after the first 24 hours; however, the liver synthesizes new glucose
begin until the blood sugars are fully metabolized 72 hours into the
life that we allow ourselves to break routine and stretch our limits
had learned about food and healing. Fatigue set in that made normal
stomach, and then a little dizziness from all of the above as my brain
environment. Yes, Day 3 for me definitely was rough, but I’ve also
with addiction. The entire experience at that point was new territory
for me.
206 Vegucation Over Medication
hormones that cultivate disease. This, along with many other factors,
of a glycerol backbone and three fatty acid chains. Both the glycerol
backbone and the fatty acid chains can be used directly and
ketone bodies in the liver, which are capable of crossing the blood-
The aches and pains in my lower back and joints went away, my
fasting, but at this point, it had my full attention and helped me see
cold turkey and water fast for 21 days. I was a lunatic in search of
ways to heal the body naturally so that I could first heal myself and
hours for your first fast, and you should consult with your primary
If your physician does not agree, and you still feel inclined to
Concentrated juices you typically purchase in the store are not living
juices. If the expiration date is longer than a week, it will not serve
you. I understand we live in an ‘on the go’ society, but if you don’t
make the time to use your own juicer, and you choose the more
additives other than the juices from whole foods. If you check out
the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, you can witness the
210 Vegucation Over Medication
far the most effective. But there are alternatives such as mono-
able to feel your foods more. I once went dairy-free prior to both my
fast and introduction to veganism for 60 days and then made the
short, I experienced what felt like the initial signs of a heart attack:
You should first continue the juices and add small chunks of
seasonal fruit. Next, you can add raw vegetables and soups. You can
then slightly increase the fiber content of your meals with steamed
vegetables and whole grains like quinoa, nuts, and seeds. This is an
Digestive Rest 211
diet. By this time, you’ll be so excited about eating solid foods again
whole fruits and vegetables. Your taste buds will have undergone an
this chapter alone could save your life and produce a tremendous
“Hara Hachi Bu,” which means “Eat only 80%,” or in other words,
The reason “Hara Hachi Bu” makes biological sense is because our
of health.
212 Vegucation Over Medication
You and the people you love can enjoy the same benefits by
adopting these simple techniques that won’t cost you the arm or leg
Fruits for electricity, vegetables for grounding, herbs for
healing, nuts and seeds for building. —Dr. Sebi (Alfredo
Darrington Bowman)
hen it comes to adopting a plant-based lifestyle as
just like you. Because I am someone just like you, with the same
and the same previous desire to eat meaty, cheesy, salty, fatty,
nutrient-deprived foods.
family habituation.
Dieting always ends with the dieter gaining back all of the weight
they lost, and 67% end up gaining additional pounds. On the short
list of diet fads are Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig, Weight
Watchers, Zone diet, Blood Type diet, and DASH diet; all have
unsupported Paleo diet is the new kid on the block, boasting itself as
the-mark the idea of mimicking our caveman ancestors is, but I will
wealth loss, disease, our environment, and animal cruelty. But the
isn’t the extreme decision it’s so often made to be; it’s a return to
Going Green 215
fad, but it’s not a new concept at all. Scientists have discovered
Not a bad list to be on. In addition, people like Bill Clinton, R&B
to follow suit. The list is long and debunks every myth about the
This lifestyle isn’t just taking a small step away from the
health arena.
longevity of your life, and the world around you. These are just a
few of the amazing benefits that new studies have confirmed. Even a
216 Vegucation Over Medication
But being vegetarian, and for that matter just simply vegan,
isn’t sufficient, because these labels say much more about what you
don’t eat and less about what you do. Oreos and Doritos are vegan,
but I can assure you they’re just as bad as the other processed
cookies and chips. I’m not suggesting that you eat tasteless food;
downright annoying.
are. Some annoy the hell out of me. But it’s often from a place of
love. It’s not an attempt to belittle you or back you down into a
basement of shame, but it’s a cry out to love yourself, animals, and
the earth. To me, it’s absolutely amazing how such a simple decision
of what we choose to put at the other end of our fork becomes such a
powerful choice. It’s not only capable of changing your life, but it’s
Going Green 217
also powerful enough to save it, and even the life of another animal.
deemed safe for us to eat but still contradict a vibrant bill of health,
ballot to vote for healthy foods. What we really vote with is our
nutritional and hygiene products that are designed for bottom lines
and not for natural health, we support the corrupt system that says
it’s okay to spray our foods with pesticides, replace standard organic
increase the shelf life of products but reduce human lifespan. I see a
lot of people going green using less water and electricity, paper
218 Vegucation Over Medication
instead of plastic, or switching out their gas guzzler for a Prius, but
totally disregard what they’re eating and the hygienic products they
published in The BMJ that reported medical error is the third leading
cause of death in the U.S., accounting for roughly 10% of all deaths.
and deem them as safe and harmless, when in most cases they are
quite the opposite. Every time you brush your teeth, roll on
any other hygiene product, you are consuming that product. What
most consumers don’t know is that the long and complicated list of
Going Green 219
about chemistry, and you then took a look at the average label, you
products are and what all those chemical names mean. We consume
these products on a daily basis fresh out of bed and often several
times a day all over our skin, on the scalps of our heads, and inside
the lymphatic system under the armpit, you would be able to see
how intimately connected the two are. The lymph nodes under the
armpit are the first place breast cancer is likely to spread. Lymph
nodes are located primarily in the folds of the body, such as behind
220 Vegucation Over Medication
the knee, groin, and the armpit. These are areas we sweat the most in
lymphatic channels and excreted out of the lymph nodes. Using anti-
apply to our skin is absorbed through our pores and rapidly passed
women are using ten or more beauty products daily, and often they
are expired.
fitness, and selecting natural products that are consistent with human
labels are difficult to trust; so find a strong brand that stands by its
for you to look out for. My rule of thumb is, if it has more than five
names), no matter how fancy it looks, it’s trash, and you should
1. Parabens
Used in a variety of cosmetics as preservatives. Suspected
commonly found in hair dyes and products listed for dandruff and
5. Diethanolamine (DEA)
Closely related to the chemicals TEA and MEA, DEA can
6. Phthalates
Phthalates are solvents commonly found in cosmetic
products and deodorants. They are also used to make plastics soft
and flexible. They can also be used as a plasticizer in some nail care
reading labels, look for the abbreviations DEP, DEHP, DBP, DMP,
7. Formaldehyde
Despite its presence in the United States, formaldehyde has
dyes, fake eyelash adhesives, hair extension glues, and nail products.
8. Fragrance (Parfum)
Parfum ingredients can often trigger headaches, dizziness,
9. Mineral oil
A by-product of petroleum often found in hair products to
linked to cancer.
hair color and other dyes. PPD can cause reactions ranging from
11. Talc
Talc has been linked to ovarian cancer. It is commonly found
12. Triclosan
Commonly found in antibacterial soaps, hand sanitizers,
226 Vegucation Over Medication
There are so many more chemicals that didn’t make the list
chemicals on the label. There are over 10,000 chemicals that are
allowed in the American food supply and personal care products that
are banned in the EU and countries like Japan. So you can easily see
why it’s tremendously important to go green not only with your food
the plant is deficient, and so insects attack and pesticides are used.”
overcooking it. Studies have shown that even when you lightly
prepare your food by steaming it, you kill crucial enzymes. In the
studies also showed that a diet that consisted of less than 51%
food when it has fewer chemicals and no genetic altering. It’s like
showed that in order to get the same amount of iron you would have
in 1998. This explains why food today doesn’t taste nearly as good
removed through a refining process, and then they are laced with
being the ‘magic pill’ to all of this madness. Well, I’m here to
Going Green 229
away from the SAD diet uncomfortable because you’ll have to chew
your food more than you ever have compared to the soft mushy
foods you’re used to, and initially, you probably won’t have enough
stomach acid to digest these foods in their entirety. This will initially
cause some gas and bloating as the bacteria in your digestive system
begin to adjust to your new way of living. Don’t worry; your body
will adjust, and you’ll have a new microbiome to thank yourself for.
actual meal that fills you up because of the fiber and nutritional
cells and is responsible for carrying oxygen from our lungs to organs
the beginning, you will find the transition will be harsh on your
chewing muscles, taste buds, and even your stomach. The digestive
of solar power in the form of chlorophyll for far too long, but once
The other huge plus with green smoothies that you won’t
receive from a SAD diet is, you get a massive amount of fiber,
which blunts the glycemic spike while cleansing and detoxing your
the full spectrum of nutrients that are available and also prevents
present in spinach and can combine with calcium from your bones,
avocados, flax or chia seeds, coconut meat, or nut butters. The key
‘investing,’ because you can either pay Big Pharma or the farmer—
fruit. These are natural sugars combined with fiber, which blunts the
refined foods. Nature’s already figured out the solution; just fall into
alignment, and your body will handle the rest. As long as the fruits
and Nutritionist.
After personally
holistic approach to healing. Since that time I’ve traveled the world
focuses not just on the body, but the mind and soul as well during
the healing process. I’ll show you easy and tasteful ways to
why diets don’t work and this lifestyle does. You’ll also learn how
by nature.
move at your own pace and embrace the journey. If it all seems like
236 Vegucation Over Medication
too much at once just embrace what resonates with you now and add
products wears off most are stuck trying to figure out what to
snacks not groceries. When you shop for meals and snacks
animal products out of your pantry allows you the time you
You Alive, Forks Over Knives, and Food Matters. This will
foods. Which means you can survive eating them, but cannot
salt, sugar, and fat. Also doing an herbal cleanse versus your
Once you remove the toxins from fat the pounds will start
Kale Onion
Cucumbers Zucchini
Olives Squash
Avocado Tomato (cherry & plum only)
Turnip greens Okra
All lettuce (except iceberg) Watercress
Green banana Bell peppers
Bok Choy Garbanzo beans/Chickpeas
Mushrooms (not shitake) Spinach (in moderation)
Romaine lettuce
Mangoes Berries
Dates Prunes
Grapes Pears
Peaches Cherries
Apples (organic) Peaches
Prickly Pear Banana (small or midsized)
Limes Plums
Cantaloupe Melons
*All fruits must be seeded
Quinoa Amaranth
Fonio Kamut
Spelt Amaranth
Wild rice Teff
Vegucation Over Medication 245
Pink Himalayan Sea Salt Oregano
Cayenne pepper Onion powder
Parsley Cilantro
Basil Clove
Dill Thyme
Bay leaf Turmeric
Pure agave syrup (cactus) Dates
Hempseed oil Avocado oil
Sesame oil Grapeseed oil
Coconut oil (do not cook) Olive oil (do not cook)
Natural Spring water (directly from the source)
Coconut water (directly from the coconut)
*You can infuse the spring water with cucumber, mint, key
limes, or oranges.
246 Vegucation Over Medication
1. Apples 1. Onions
2. Blueberries 2. Avocado
3. Walnuts 3. Pineapples
4. Cucumbers 4. Mango
5. Grapes 5. Sweet Peas
6. Kale 6. Eggplant
7. Peaches 7. Chickpeas
8. Potatoes 8. Asparagus
9. Papaya (esp. from 9. Kiwi
Hawaii) 10. Cabbage
10. Strawberries 11. Melons (seeded)
11. Sweet bell peppers 12. Soursop
12. Tomatoes 13. Quinoa
14. Zucchini
+ Corn 15. Coconuts
+ All soy products
248 Vegucation Over Medication
Great Guacamole
2 avocados
1 bunch of cilantro
1/4 of a medium sized red onion
1/2 of a lime squeezed (key lime)
Black Olives
Cherry tomatoes
Cayenne Pepper
Himalayan Pink Salt
Stone Ground Black Pepper
*1/2 Squeezed Mandarin Orange (optional)
1. Steam or boil the potatoes and carrots until tender.
2. Now place everything into a blender and run until smooth and
3. Add to macaroni, nachos, or lasagna
250 Vegucation Over Medication
Thank You!
As our journey together in this book comes to an end, I hope
that your plant-based journey towards good health and happiness has
just begun. Let me first say how proud of you I am for embracing
one of the greatest acts of self-love there is: improving your own
seamless. Enjoy it and apply it, and it will surely help you and your