Eng Lit - 1
Eng Lit - 1
Eng Lit - 1
(i) What amazing thing happened in the poem, ‘Nine Gold Medals’?
(c) All the gold medals were awarded to the nine runners.
(d) All the runners gave their gold medals to the fallen athlete.
Answer: (d) All the runners gave their gold medals to the fallen athlete.
(ii) What does Bassanio beg the court to do for Antonio's sake?
(iii) Which Greek musician had the power to move trees, stones, and streams with the power of his
(a) Aeneas
(b) Orpheus
(c) Diomedes
(d) Pyramus
(iv) Who was assigned the task of handing over Bassanio’s ring to Portia?
(a) Lorenzo
(b) Antonio
(c) Gratiano
(d) Launcelot
(vii) The narrative ‘My Greatest Olympic Prize’ is set in the summer of _.
a) 1932
b) 1934
c) 1936
d) 1946
(viii) Which of the following descriptions of the sun was not given by Margot?
(ix) Abou requests the angel to write his name as one who _ .
(x) Why did the youngest athlete give out a cry of frustration and anguish?
Answer: (a) All the other athletes had completed their race.
(xii) Who among Antonio's friends speaks harshest words for Shylock in the court?
(a) Salarino
(b) Gratiano
(c) Bassanio
(xiv) The phrase 'bars of rage' refers to the.... of/on the black Americans.
(a) oppression
(b) suppression
(c) exploitation
a) Auditory imagery
b) Olfactory imagery
c) Visual imagery
d) Tactile imagery
Section B. Drama
Question 2:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings. (Act IV - Sc. I)
1. On what occasion does Portia utter these words? What makes her beg for mercy from Shylock?
Answer: Portia utters these words during the trial scene in The Merchant of Venice. She begs for
mercy from Shylock because he insists on the enforcement of the bond that requires him to take a
pound of Antonio's flesh as repayment for the loan.
Answer: Mercy is considered a divine quality because it is often associated with godly attributes. It is
seen as an act of compassion, forgiveness, and leniency, which are virtues associated with the divine.
4. How does Shylock turn down Portia's plea for mercy? What does he insist on?
Answer: Shylock turns down Portia's plea for mercy and insists on his right to claim a pound of
Antonio's flesh according to their bond. He argues that the law is on his side and demands justice
rather than mercy.
5. How does he later turn down three times the amount of the loan offered by Bassanio?
Answer: Shylock later turns down three times the amount of the loan offered by Bassanio because he
is driven by his desire for revenge and wants to exact his pound of flesh as stated in the bond. He
values the fulfillment of the bond more than any monetary compensation.
Question 3:
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
1. Who is being addressed by Lorenzo? What has prompted him to dwell on the power of music?
Answer: Lorenzo is addressing the other characters present. He dwells on the power of music
prompted by the arrival of musicians who are about to perform.
2. What has the speaker told about the effect of music on wild horses?
Answer: The speaker, Lorenzo, tells that even wild horses can be tamed and their nature changed by
music. They become calm and less aggressive when exposed to the harmony of sweet sounds.
Answer: The poet referred to here is not mentioned in the given extract. However, Lorenzo is
referring to a poet who imagined that Orpheus, a Greek musician, had the power to draw trees,
stones, and floods through the influence of his music.
4. What does the speaker think of a man who has no love for music?
Answer: The speaker believes that a man who has no love for music is untrustworthy and capable of
engaging in acts of treason, stratagems, and spoils. Such a person's spirit is dull, and his affections
are dark.
5. Who enters immediately after this speech? From where have they come?
Answer: The musicians enter immediately after this speech. They have come from outside and are
present to perform their music.