Banking Awareness - IBPSGuide
Banking Awareness - IBPSGuide
Banking Awareness - IBPSGuide
The way in which a bank keeps money in a It is a financial ratio which gives us an idea or a
deposit account in the same way the Depository measure of a company’s ability to meet its
company converts share certificates into financial losses.
electronic form and keep them in a Demat Liquidity
account. It is the ability of converting an investment
Dishonour of Cheque quickly into cash with no loss in value.
Non-payment of a cheque by the paying banker Market Capitalization
with a return memo giving reasons for the non- The product of the share price and number of
payment the company’s outstanding ordinary shares.
E-Banking Mortgage
It is a type of banking in which we can conduct It is a kind of security which one offers for
financial transactions electronically. RTGS, taking an advance or loan from someone.
Credit cards, Debit cards etc come under this Mutual Fund
category. These are investment schemes. It pools money
EFT – (Electronic Fund Transfer) from various investors in order to purchase
In this we use Automatic teller machine, wire securities.
transfer and computers to move funds between Monetary Policy
different accounts in different or same bank. it refers to the Central Government policy with
Fiscal Deficit respect to the quantity of money in the
It is the amount of Funds borrowed by the economy, the rate of interest and the exchange
government to meet the expenditures. rate
Inflation Non-bank ATM / White labeled ATM
It is an increase in the quantity of money in An ATM or cash machine that does not
circulation without any corresponding increase prominently display a bank’s name or logo. A
in goods thus leading to an abnormal rise in the fee will be charged for cash withdrawals in
price level these ATMs and they don’t accept deposits
Initial Public Offering (IPO) Non-performing Assets (NPAs)
It is the time when a company makes the first NPA or non-performing loans are loans given
offering of the shares to the pubic. by a bank on which repayments or interest
Kiosk Banking payments are not being made on time
Doing banking from a cubicle from which food, Permanent Account Number (PAN)
newspapers, tickets, etc are also sold PAN is a number issued by the Income Tax
Leverage Ratio Department to their tax payers.
The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) was established on April 1, 1935
The Central Office of the Reserve Bank was initially established in Calcutta but permanently moved
to Mumbai in 1937.
The board is appointed by the Government of India in keeping with the Reserve Bank of India Act
There are seven major functions of the Reserve Bank of India. They are,
1. Issue of Bank Notes:
The Reserve Bank of India has the right to issue currency notes except one rupee notes
which are issued by the Ministry of Finance.
The Commercial banks hold deposits in the Reserve Bank and the latter has the custody of
The Reserve Bank has the custody of the country’s reserves of international currency, and
this enables the Reserve Bank to deal with crisis connected with adverse balance of
payments position.
The commercial banks approach the Reserve Bank in times of emergency to tide over
financial difficulties, and the Reserve bank comes to save from their danger from higher
rate of interest.
6. Central Clearance and Accounts Settlement:
It is easy to deal with each other and settle the claim of each on the other through book
The clearing of accounts has now become an essential function of the Reserve Bank.
7. Controller of Credit:
The supply of money has important implications for economic stability and the importance
of control of credit becomes obvious
Credit is controlled by the Reserve Bank in accordance with the economic priorities of the
In every country there is one organization which works as the Central Bank.
The function of the central bank of a country is to control and monitor the banking and
financial system of the country
In, India the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the Central Bank.
RBI is the Regulator of Financial System. The objectives of these regulation include:
Controlling money supply in the system,
Monitoring different key indicators.
RBI is the Controller and Supervisor of Banking systems. These banks may be:
Public sector banks
Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956: It regulates the government securities market.
Indian Coinage Act, 2011: Governs laws related to currency and coins.
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973/ Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999:
Governs foreign exchange market.
Payment and Settlement System Act, 2007: Provides for regulation and supervision of
The Industrial Development Bank (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 2003.
The Industrial Finance Corporation (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 1993.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act.
National Housing Bank Act.
Estimates GDP growth at 7.8% in financial year 2016, up from 7.5% in the year 2015.
Types of Banks
There are seven types of Banks in India, and they are given below.
1.) Savings Banks:
A savings bank is a financial institution whose primary purpose is to accept savings deposits. It
may also perform some other functions. These banks are helpful for salaried people and low income
groups. The deposits collected from the customers are invested in bonds, securities etc,. At present,
most of the commercial banks carry out the functions of Savings Banks; Postal Department also
performs the functions of savings bank.
A Commercial Bank is an institution which accepts deposits, makes business loans and offers
related services. Commercial Banks also allow for a variety of deposit accounts, such as current,
savings and time deposit. These institutions are run to make profit. Commercial Banks provide various
services like collection cheques, bills of exchange, remitting money from one place to another place. In
India, Commercial Banks have been established under Companies Act, 1956. In 1969, 14 Commercial
Banks were nationalized by the Government of India.
Development Banks are those financial institutions engaged in the promotion and development
of industry, agriculture and other key sectors. These banks react to the socio-economic needs. They
satisfy the developmental needs of the economy and their success is linked to the satisfactory growth
of the economy. The main objective of these banks is to provide long term loans for expansion and
modernization of industries. In India, such banks were established o a large scale after independence.
They are Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of
institution called as Land Development Banks. The structure of these banks is a two-tier one-at the
state level there are Central Land Development Banks and at the district or taluka level, there are
primary Land Development Banks. In a few States, e.g Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir and UP, the
structure is unitary i.e., there are Apex Land Development Banks which operate directly through their
public and grant loans to the needy persons out of their own funds as well as from deposits. These
indigenous banks are popular in villages and small towns. They perform combined functions of trading
and banking activities. Certain well-known Indian communities like Marwaries and Multanis even today
Federal Reserve and in UK, Bank of England are example of the Central Banks. These Central Banks
are the bankers of the other banks. They perform specialized functions, i.e., issue of paper currency,
work as bankers to governments, supervise and control foreign exchange. A Central Bank is a non-
profit making institution. It does not deal with the public but it deals with the other banks. The principal
responsibility of the Central Bank is thorough control on currency of a country.
7.) Co-operative Banks:
In India, Cooperative Banks are registered under the Cooperative Societies Act 1912. They
generally give credit facilities to small farmers, salaried employees, small scale industries, etc.
Cooperative banks are in rural as well as in urban areas. The functions of these banks are just similar
Saving Account
Cash is deposited in this account for a fixed period. This is not transferable. If the depositor
stands in need of the amount before the expiry of the fixed period, he can withdraw the same after
paying the penalty to the bank. This type of deposit attracts high rate of interest. Longer the period of
deposit higher is the rate of interest. It is also called Time Liability of the Bank.
Current Account or Demand Deposit Account:
A depositor can deposit his funds any number of times he likes and can withdraw the same any
number of times he wishes. Ordinarily businessmen deposit their funds in this account. No interest is
paid by the bank on this account. The bank demands some charges from the depositors if the amount
lying in the account falls below the minimum limit.
Saving Account:
In this account, interest is given now on per day basis between 10th and 30th of every month.
Recurring Deposit Account:
Under this account, a specified amount is deposited every month for a specific period, such as,
12, 24, 36, or 60 months it can be even for 120 months. This amount cannot be withdrawn before the
expiry of the given period except under exceptional circumstances. Interest on the amount deposited is
also credited to the account of the depositor. Like time deposit account, interest paid on this account is
make cheque payments, we need to open a demat account in order to buy or sell shares.
A Cheque is called “Open” when it is possible to get cash over the counter at the bank. The
holder of an open cheque can do the following,
writing ‘Account Payee’ or ‘Not Negotiable’. These lines are usually drawn on the upper left hand corner
of the cheque.
3.) Bearer Cheque:
A Cheque which is payable to any person who presents it for payment at the bank counter is
called ‘Bearer Cheque’. A bearer cheque can be transferred by mere delivery and requires no
4.) Order Cheque:
An order cheque is one which is payable to a particular person. In such a cheque the word
‘bearer’ may be cut out or cancelled and the word ‘order’ may be written. The payee can transfer an
order cheque to someone else by signing his or her name on the back of it.
Categorization of Cheques:
Ante-dated cheques: Cheque in which the drawer mentions the date earlier to the date of
presenting it for payment. For example a cheque issued on 20th August, 2014may bear a
Stale Cheque: A cheque which is issued today must be presented to the bank for payment
within a stipulated period. After expiry of that period, on payment will be made and it is then
Mutilated Cheque: In case a cheque is torn into two or more pieces and presented for
payment, such cheque is called “Mutilated Cheque”. The bank will not make payment
against such a cheque without getting confirmation of the drawer. But is a cheque is torn at
the corners and no material fact is erased or cancelled, the bank may make payment
Post-date Cheque: Cheque on which drawer mentions a date which is subsequent to the
presented on 5th April 2015 bears a date of 20th April 2015, is is a post dated cheque. The
bank will make payment only mon or after 20th April 2015.
Types of Loans:
Cash Credit
Loans and Advances
Discounting of the Bill of Exchange
Investment in Government Securities
Cash Credit:
The debtor is allowed to withdraw a certain amount against a given security. The debtor
withdraws the amount within this limit, as per his requirement and also repays it. Interest is charged by
the bank on the actually withdrawn.
Clients who have current account with the bank get the sanction to withdraw more money than
is lying in the said account. It is called Overdraft. This facility is availability for short term to reliable
Loans and Advances:
These loans are given in the form of a fixed amount. Bank credits the amount of loan in the
account books of the debtor. The latter can withdraw it any time. The interest is chargeable on the
whole amount from the day; the loan is disbursed irrespective of the fact that the debtor withdraws the
Under this, banks give advance to their clients on the basis of their bills of exchange before the
maturity of such bills. (A deduction is made out of the not clear face value of the bill of the period the bill
is yet to run). This deduction is called Discounting to the Bill.
Investment in Government Securities:
Purchasing of government securities by the banks tantamount to advancing loans by them to
the government. Banks prefer to buy government securities as these are considered to be the safest
Negotiable Instruments
There are certain Documents used for payment in business transaction and are transferred
freely from one person to another. Such documents are called Negotiable Instruments like Cheque,
Bank Draft, bill of exchange, Promissory notes, etc.
Features of Negotiable Instruments:
It is a written document.
A Negotiable Instrument payable to bearer is transferable merely by delivery, whereas a
Negotiable Instrument payable to order is transferable by endorsement and delivery.
The holder of a Negotiable Instrument can sue upon it in his own name.
The consideration is not mentioned on the Negotiable Instrument. It is presumed that the
Negotiable Instrument has been drawn for a valuable consideration.
It works in the same manner as money and like money; it may also be transferred from one
person to another.
The transferor does not need to give notice to any person at the time of transferring the
Promissory Note
Bill of Exchange
Exchequer Bill
Circular Note
Dividend Warrant
Share Warrant
Bearer Debenture
Bank Note
Bank Draft
Lok Sabha has passed the Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Bill, 2015 that amends
the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 that makes the Cheque-bounce filing cases more
The main amendment is the stipulation that the offence of rejection/return of cheque
under the section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act will be enquired into and tried only
by a court within whose local jurisdiction the bank branch of the payee, where the payee
Section 138 of the Negotiable Act deals with the offence pertaining to dishonor of
cheque for insufficiency, etc of funds in the drawer’s account on which the cheque is
drawer for the discharge of any legally enforceable debt or other liability.
The bill adds provision to specify the territorial jurisdiction of the courts in cases related
It says that cases in this regards need to be filed only in a court in whose jurisdiction the
bank branch of the payee lies.
It also adds provision related to more than one case is filed against the same person
before different courts for bouncing of cheques. In this matter, the case will be
The bill also amends the definition of cheque. Now it defines it as cheque in the
electronic form which is signed in a secure system with a digital signature or using
electronic system and drawn in electronic medium using any computer resource.
1). A credit card is a payment card issued to users as a system of payment which allows the card
holder to pay for goods and services based on the holder’s promise to pay for them
2). The size of most of the credit cards are 85.60 × 53.98 mm according to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1
3). The front of a typical credit card consists of the following parts:
Issuing bank logo
EMV chip
Card number
Card Network Logo
Expiration Date
Card Holder name
Contactless Chip
4). Similarly the reverse side of a credit card consists of the following parts:
Magnetic Strip
Signature Strip
Merchant – the individual or business accepting credit card payments for the products or
Transaction networks – the system that implements the mechanics of the electronic
Affinity partner – an institution that lends their names to an issuer to attract customers that
have a strong relationship with that institution and get paid a percentage of the balance for
each card issued using their name
6). The transaction steps that are involved in the usage of a credit card are as follows:
Authorization – verification done by the acquiring bank on the card number, the transaction
type and the amount with the issuing bank
Batching – the authorized transactions are stored in batches which are sent to the acquirer
Clearing and Settlement – the acquirer sends the batch transactions through the credit card
association which debits the issuers for payment and credits the acquirer
Funding – once the acquirer has been paid, the acquirer in turn pays the merchant
Chargebacks – is an event initiated by the cardholder where the money in a merchant
Secured credit cards – it’s a card that is secured by a deposit account owned by the
cardholder. The cardholder must deposit between 100% to 200% of the total amount of
credit needed
8). Advantages of credit card system to the banks
Scope and potential for better profitability out of share earned from the merchant’s income
1). Letter of Credit (LC) is a document from a bank guaranteeing that a seller will receive payments in
full as long as certain delivery conditions have been met
2). If the buyer is unable to make payments on the purchase then the bank will cover the remaining
3). LC are often used in international transactions where buyer and seller may not know each other and
are from different countries thus exposing the seller to credit and legal risks caused by
Differing laws
Difficulty in knowing each party personally
4). The bank that writes the LC will act on behalf of the buyer and will make sure that all delivery
conditions have been met before making the payment to the seller
5). LC are governed by guidelines given by the International Chamber of Commerce known as Uniform
Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP)
6). LC is widely used in the importing and exporting companies and also in land development
7). To receive payments an exporter must present the documents required by the LC. The Payee
presents a document proving that the goods were sent instead of showing actual goods
8). Bill of lading (BOL) – is the document accepted by the bank as proof that goods have been shipped
9). Types of documents required by the LC are as follows
Financial documents
a) Bill of exchange
b) Co-accepted draft
Commercial documents
a) Invoice
b) Packing list
Shipping documents
a) Transport document
b) Insurance certificate
c) Commercial, official or legal papers
Official documents
d) Phytosanitary certificate
Transport documents
a) Bill of Lading
b) Airway bill
c) Lorry/truck receipt
d) Railway receipt
Insurance documents
a) Insurance policy/certificate
10). The bank’s obligation is defined by the terms of the LC alone and the sale contract is irrelevant
according to the Article 4a of UCP
11). Article 5 of the UCP states that banks deal with documents only and they will not be accountable
for the goods
Import/Export LC
a) For importer – Import LC
Restricted LC - Only one advising bank can purchase a bill of exchange from the seller
Unrestricted LC – the confirmation bank is not specified that means the exporter can show
the bill of exchange to any bank and receive a payment
Transferrable LC
Deferred/Usance LC
a) A credit that is not paid immediately after the presentation but after an indicated
period that is accepted by both the seller and buyer
b) Seller allows buyer to pay the required money after taking the related goods and
selling them
At Sight LC – a credit that the announcer bank immediately pays after inspecting the
a) A pair of LCs in which one is to the benefit of a seller who is not able to provide the
corresponding goods for unspecified reasons
b) In that situation a second credit is opened for another seller to provide the desired
the bank
The term short-term means generally a period up to one year and near substitutes to money is used to
denote any financial asset which can be quickly converted into money with minimum transaction cost.
Some of the important money market instruments are briefly discussed below;
1. Call/ Notice Money
2. Treasury Bills
3. Term Money
4. Certificate of Deposit
5. Commercial Papers
1. Call/Notice- Money Market: 1. Call/Notice money is the money borrowed or lent on demand for a
very short period. When money is borrowed or lent for a day, it is known as Call (Overnight) Money.
Intervening holidays and/or Sunday are excluded for this purpose. Thus money, borrowed on a day and
repaid on the next working day, (irrespective of the number of intervening holidays) is “Call Money”.
Notice Money: When money is borrowed or lent for more than a day and up to 14 days, it is “Notice
3. Treasury Bills: Treasury Bills are short term (up to one year) borrowing instrument of the union
government. It is a promise by the Government to pay a stated sum after expiry of the stated period
from the date of issue (14/91/182/364 days i.e. less than one year). They are issued at a discount to the
face value, and on maturity the face value is paid to the holder. The rate of discount and the
corresponding issue price are determined at each auction.
4. Certificate of Deposits: Receipt issued by a depository institution (such as a bank, credit union, or a
finance or insurance company) to a depositor who opens a certificate account or time deposit account.
Issued in a negotiable or non-negotiable form, it states the (1) amount deposited, (2) rate of interest,
and (3) minimum period for which the deposit should be maintained without incurring early withdrawal
5. Commercial Paper: An unsecured obligation issued by a corporation or bank to finance its short-term
credit needs, such as accounts receivable and inventory- Commercial paper is available in a wide
range of denominations, can be either discounted or interest- bearing, and usually have a limited have
for resolution of complaints relating to certain services rendered by bans. The Banking Ombudsman
Scheme is introduced under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI with effect from
Who is a Banking Ombudsman?
The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by the Reserve Bank of India to redress
customer complaints against deficiency in certain banking services.
How many Banking Ombudsmen have been appointed and where are they located?
As on date, fifteen Banking Ombudsmen have been appointed with their offices located mostly in the
state capitals. The addresses and contact details of the Banking Ombudsman offices have been
provided in the annex.
Priority Sector refers to those sectors of the economy which may not get timely and
Priority Sector Lending is an important role given by RBI to the banks for providing a
specified portion of the bank lending to few specific sectors like agriculture and allied
activities, micro and small enterprises, poor people for housing, students for education and
Agriculture and Allied Activities (Direct and Indirect finance) - Direct finance to agriculture
shall include short, medium and long term loans given for agriculture and allied activities
directly to individual farmers, Self-Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) of
individual farmers without limit and to others (such as corporates, partnership firms and
Small Scale Industries (Direct and Indirect Finance) - Direct finance to small scale
industries (SSI) shall include all loans given to SSI units which are engaged in
Small Business / Service Enterprises - shall include small business, retail trade,
professional & self-employed persons, small road & water transport operators and other
service enterprises
Micro Credit - Provision of credit and other financial services and products of very small
amounts not exceeding Rs. 50,000 per borrower to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban
areas, either directly or through a group mechanism, for enabling them to improve their
Education loans - Education loans include loans and advances granted to only individuals
for educational purposes up to Rs. 10 lakh for studies in India and Rs. 20 lakh for studies
abroad, and do not include those granted to institutions
Housing loans: Loans up to Rs. 28 lakh in metropolitan cities where population is above
Rs.10 lakh and Rs. 20 Lakh at other center s for construction/purchase of a dwelling unit
per family provided total cost of the unit in metropolitan centres and at other centres does
Central Banking
They act as regulators of their country's interest rates by controlling the amount of
They act as lenders of last resort, should another bank get into trouble
Retail Banking
They take deposits from individuals, provide saving facilities and pay interest on these
They also lend money to individuals, in the form of loans and overdrafts, and charge
Commercial Banking
They help companies raise finance to expand their businesses and to maintain their
Investment Banking
Investment banks distribute and underwrite (guarantee the sale of) share and bond
They trade securities on the financial markets and advise corporations on capital market
Investment banks originally developed in the US and these banks have now taken over
Indian Financial System Code is an alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank-
branch participating in the NEFT system
This is an 11 digit code with the first 4 alpha characters representing the bank, the 5th
character is 0 (zero) and the last 6 characters representing the bank branch
IFSC is used by the NEFT system to identify the destination banks and also to route the
messages appropriately to concerned bank
MICR is 9 digit numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank branch participating in
electronic clearing scheme
It is used to identify the location of a bank branch
City (3 digits), Bank (3 digits) and Branch (3 digits)
The MICR code is allotted to a bank branch is printed on the MICR band of cheques
MICR used for electronic credit system
National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) system is a nationwide funds transfer system to
facilitate transfer of funds from any bank branch to any other bank branch
Step-1: The remitter fills in the NEFT Application form giving the particulars of the
and authorises the branch to remit the specified amount to the beneficiary by raising
a debit to the remitter's account. (This can also be done by using net banking
Real Time - the processing of instructions at the time they are received rather than
The fundamental difference between RTGS and NEFT, is that while RTGS is based
bunching with other transactions. As for a Deferred Net Basis (DNS), or net-
Here, all transfers will be held up until a specific time. RTGS transactions are
RTGS transactions involve large amounts of cash, basically only funds above Rs
100,000 may be transferred using this system. For NEFT, any amount below Rs
100,000 may be transferred, and this system is generally for smaller value
during the given working day. This causes a NEFT transaction that is initiated later
Bank of India(RBI) established on July 15, 1979 under Deposit Insurance and Credit
Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961 for the purpose of providing insurance of deposits and
Objective – to provide for the benefit of depositors in bank, insurance against the loss of all
Governor of the RBI is the Chairman. The Board consist of the following members besides
the Chairman
five Directors nominated by the Central Government in consultation with the RBI
four Directors, nominated by the Central Government in consultation with the RBI,
small scale industry or any other matter which may be considered to be useful to
the Corporation
The Corporation maintains the following 2 separate funds which are funded by the premium
One more fund called General Fund is maintained which holds the capital of the
The following are the types of deposits covered DICGC insures all bank deposits
The following are the deposits which are not covered by DICGC
Financial Inclusion
1). Financial inclusion or inclusive financing is the provision of financial services to low income
and disadvantaged sections of the society at affordable costs. Financial Inclusion Committee is
2). Globally about 2 billion working age adults have no access to any type of formal financial
3). The goals of Financial inclusion as defined by the United nations is as follows
To provide sound and safe institutions governed by clear regulation and industry
performance standard
To provide financial services like savings, deposit, payments, transfer, credit and
4). Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) – world’s largest and most prominent network of
financial inclusion
It is a Bill & Melinda Gates foundation funded project supported by AusAid to speed
Its main aim is to adopt and expand effective inclusive financial policies in
In 2011 GPF, AFI adopted Maya Declaration – a set of principles and goals for
financial inclusion
5). In partnership with NABARD the United Nations aims to increase financial inclusion of the
7). In India the term financial inclusion was 1st used in the Annual Policy Statement presented
8). Some of the services provided under the term Financial Inclusion in India
Mangalam – 1st village in India where all households were provided banking facilities
Norms of banks were relaxed for people intending to open accounts with annual
General Credit Cards(GCC) were issued to poor and the disadvantaged to help
RBI asked the commercial banks in different regions to start 100% financial inclusion
Pondicherry, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala announced 100% financial inclusion
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna – a national financial inclusion mission which aims
9). Deposit Penetration – key driver of financial inclusion, the number of savings account - 624
10). The top three states/ union territories which tops in financial inclusion are as follows
Pathanamthitta – Kerala
Karaikal – Pondicherry
Thiruvananthapuram – Kerala
1). When Automated Teller Machines (ATM) are owned and operated by private non-banking
2). Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given permission to non-banking companies with minimum
net worth of Rs. 100 crore to apply for setting up White Label ATMs
As per RBI norms, non-bank company that owns white labeled ATMs should provide
4). In 2013 RBI started issuing license for setting up White Label ATMs to non-bank
5). Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd. – 1st company to receive license from RBI to
open White Label ATMs, they started their business under the brand name of ‘Indicash’
6).The following organizations plays an important role in the functioning of the White Label
RBI – it provides license to open White Label ATMs under the Payment and
Sponsor Bank
b. Ensures that counterfeit currency notes are not circulated through these
a. Visa
b. Mastercard
o Any customer belonging to any bank can carry out transactions in White Label
o Value added services like mobile recharge and utility bill payments can also be
8).On 9th September 2015, Union Cabinet approved 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
under the automatic route for White Label ATM Operations (WLAO)
9). Before the approval of the government FDI in WLAO was allowed through government
10).This approval will make FDI inflows in WLAO easier thus promoting financial inclusion in
11).Some important non-bank companies that own and operate White Label ATMs in India are
as follows
Muthoot Finance
Srei Infrastructure
Vakrangee Software
Prizm Payments
1). On 26 June 1974 a number of banks had released Deutschmarks (the German currency) to
the Herstatt Bank in exchange for dollar payments deliverable in New York
2). Due to differences in the time zones, Herstatt Bank ceased operations between the times of
the respective payments and before the dollar payments could be effected in New York, the
3). The G-10 nations responded to this incident by forming the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision in late 1974, under the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) located in Basel,
1). In1988 the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in Basel published a set of
It mainly focused on credit or default risk i.e., the risk of counter party failure
It defined the capital requirement and structure of risk weights for banks
3). Assets of banks were classified and grouped in five categories according to credit risk,
carrying the following risk weights
AAA rating
4). Banks with an international presence are required to hold capital equal to 8% of their risk-
5).From 1988 this framework was introduced within the G-10 nations initially and then over 100
1). Basel II was introduced in 2004 with more refined definitions for capital adequacy, risk
2). It used external rating agencies to set the risk weights for corporate and banks
3). Disclosure requirements allowed market participants to access the capital adequacy of the
Scope of application
Risk exposure
4). In Basel II norms Operational Risk has been defined as the risk of loss resulting from
a. The credit risk component can be calculated in three different ways of varying
degree of sophistication, namely standardized approach, Foundation IRB,
Advanced IRB and General IB2 Restriction. IRB stands for "Internal Rating-
Based Approach"
b. For operational risk, there are three different approaches – basic indicator
approach or BIA, standardized approach or TSA, and the internal
measurement approach
c. For market risk the preferred output its value at risk
supervisory review
a. This is a regulatory response to the first pillar, giving regulators better 'tools'
over those previously available
b. It also provides a framework for dealing with systemic risk, pension risk,
concentration risk, strategic risk, reputational risk, liquidity risk and legal risk,
which the accord combines under the title of residual risk
c. Banks can review their risk management system
d. The Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) is a result of
Pillar 2 of Basel II accords
1). The Basel II regulations did not have any explicit norm on the debt that banks could take
but focused on financial institutions ignoring the systematic risks
2). Therefore to ensure that banks don’t take excessive debt and not rely on short term funds
the Basel III norms were proposed in 2010
3). Basel III promoted a more resilient banking system on the following 4 important banking
parameters namely
o Capital
o Leverage
o Funding
o Liquidity
4). Requirements of common equity and Tier 1 capital will be 4.5% and 6% respectively
5). Leverage ratio calculated by dividing Tier 1 capital by the bank’s average total consolidated
assets will be greater than 3%
6). The minimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) will reach upto 100% by 1st January 2019 to
prevent situations like Bank Run
1). The Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced several steps for monetizing gold in
the Budget 2015-16 speech, one of them being Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS)
2).As per the Budget speech the stocks of gold in India were estimated to be over 20,000
3).The Gold Monetization Scheme will replace the already existing Gold Deposit and Gold
To provide a push up to the gems and jewellery sector in the country by making gold
To be able to reduce the dependency on import of gold over time to meet the
domestic demand
5). Features of GMS are as follows
Once the gold is deposited in metal account, it will start earning interest on the same
The banks would also be able to monetize the gold under this scheme
6). When a customer takes gold to deposit in a specified bank or agency the purity of the gold
is determined by a preliminary test which includes melting the gold and checking with the
7). A preliminary XRF machine test is also conducted to tell the customer the approximate
8). If the customer agrees then he will have to fill a Know Your Customer (KYC) form to allow
9). A fire array test will be conducted and the gold will be melted in the presence of the
10).The removed dirt or studs will be handed over to the customer and the purity of the gold
will be informed. After which the customer will be given a choice if he/she is willing to deposit
11). If the customer is willing to deposit the gold in the metal account then he/she will be given
a certificate by the Collection Center certifying the amount and purity of the deposited gold
12).The minimum quantity of gold that can be deposited by a customer is set as 30gms to
13).The deposited gold will lent by the banks to jewelers at an interest rate little higher than the
14).Both the principal and interest to be paid to the depositors of gold will be valued in gold
15).The tenure of gold deposits is likely to be for a minimum of 1 year. The customers will have
a choice to take cash or gold on redemption as per the preference stated at the time of deposit
Payments Bank
2). On 23rd September 2013, RBI formed a Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services
for Small Businesses and Low Income Households under the chairmanship of Nachiket Mor
3). The Nachiket Mor Committee submitted its report on 7th January 2014 recommending the
4). On 27th November 2014 RBI released the final guidelines for payments banks
5). 41 entities had applied to the RBI for Payments bank license and an External Advisory
6). During the presentation of the Union Budget it was announced that the India Post will use
7). On 19th August 2015 RBI gave in-principle licenses to 11-entities to establish payments
bank with a validity period of 18 months. The following are the 11-entities which were granted
Department of Posts
Reliance Industries
Vodafone M-Pesa
Tech Mahindra
8). The RBI will consider to grant full licenses under Section 22 of the Banking Regulation Act
1949 after it is satisfied that all the conditions have been satisfied the above entities
9). Payments bank can only receive deposits and provide remittances
Migrant laborers
Small businesses
12). The minimum capital requirement to establish a payments bank is Rs. 100 crore
13). For the 1st 5 years the stake of the promoter should be 40% minimum
14). The voting rights in payments bank are regulated by the Banking Regulation Act 1949
15). The voting right of any shareholder is capped at 10%, it can be increased to 26% by the
17). Foreign investments will be allowed in these banks as per the rules of FDI in private banks
of India
18). Payments bank can accept utility bills but cannot form subsidiaries to undertake non-
banking activities
19). Initially the deposits will be capped at Rs. 1,00,000 per customer but can be raised by the
20). 25% of branches of payments banks should be in the unbanked rural areas
21). A bank will be licensed as ‘Payments bank’ by the RBI under the Section 22 of the
Banking Regulation Act 1949 and will be registered as Public Limited Company under the
Bandhan Bank
Bandhan Bank Ltd on 9 July 2015 appointed its Chairman and Board of Directors. The bank
will commence its operations in India from 23 August 2015. It will be the first bank to be
established in Eastern India post Independence. Ashok Kumar Lahiri, former Chief Economic
Advisor to the Union Government, was appointed as the Chairman of the bank. While,
Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, Founder of Bandhan Financial Services Ltd, was appointed as the
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the bank. They both will be in the board of
directors as well.
Apart from appointing the directors, the bank unveiled its logo as well, an image of the
traditional Indian ‘Diya’. The extensive use of the colour red in the logo is associated with all
that’s auspicious. The flame or the Diya symbolizes a ray of hope, a new morning.
Between the red colour and the flame, the Bandhan Bank logo holds the promise of good
Micro-lender Bandhan Financial Services in June 2015 received approval from the Reserve
Bank of India to set up a universal bank.”Bandhan Bank will have 630 branches across 27
States. Nearly 247 of these new branches are expected to be in West Bengal.
The bank will have two distinct wings. One will cater to the micro-banking segment, targeting
the rural and un-banked areas. The other will look at general banking.
1). Non Bank Financial Companies (NBFCs) are financial institutions that provide banking
2).The NBFC is a financial institution which carries out the following operations as their
principle business
Housing finance
Equipment leasing
3). According to the RBI (Amendment Act) 1997, a NBFC is an institution which can be defined
4). The Reserve Bank of India (Amendment Act) 1997 demands compulsory registration with
the RBI of all the NBFCs irrespective of their public deposits for commencing and carrying out
They should create a Reserve Fund and transfer 20% of profit after tax annually to
the fund
A new NBFC seeking registration with the RBI should satisfy the entry point norm of
6). Based on their Liability Structure NBFCs are divided into 2 categories as follows
transactions as its principle business where loans for purchase of goods and
houses and plots. It also helps in construction of houses and development of plots
business organizations
Loan Company – a small partnership company which obtain funds in the form of
deposits from the public and give loans to wholesale, retail traders, small scale
finances for leasing business. They raise fund from other companies, banks and the
Mutual Benefit Finance Company – any company that comes under the Section
620A of the Companies Act 1956. The main source of funds are share capital and
Chit Fund Company – a company which collects subscriptions from the public
periodically and in turn distributes the same as prizes back to them. These
HDFC – established in 1977 provides mortgages, life Insurance, mutual funds and
Micro Finance
Rural Electricity Corp. – 1969 – provides investment and private banking and asset
Shree Ram Transport Finance – 1974 – provides consumer vehicle finance, city
M & M financial – 1991 – financial services, micro finance and asset management
1). The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator for the securities
market in India
2). It was established by the Government of India in 1988 as a replacement of the Controller of
Capital Issues (CCI) which was the regulatory authority before SEBI
3). CCI acquired its authority from the Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1947
4). Initially SEBI was a non-statutory body without any statutory power but in 1995 the
government added statutory power to SEBI through the Securities and Exchange Board of
To protect the rights of investors and ensure the safety of their investment
Issuers – SEBI provides a market place in which the issuers can raise finance fairly
Investors – SEBI provides protection and supply of accurate and correct information
1 member from the Reserve Bank of India – Anand Sinha (Deputy Governor, RBI)
Protective Functions are performed to protect the interest of investors and provide
b. It involves prevention of insider trading i.e., a person from the company with
sensitive information that can affect the prices of securities uses that
c. To prohibit Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices i.e., not allowing the
Developmental Functions are performed by the SEBI to promote and develop the
b. SEBI promotes the activities of the stock exchange by adopting flexible and
adoptable ways like internet trading and initial public offer of primary market
Advisory Committee for the SEBI Investor Protection and Education Fund
1). National Housing Bank (NHB) is an apex financial institution for housing and wholly owned
2). It was established on 9th July 1988 under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987
3). High Level Group under the Championship of Dr. C. Rangarajan, the then Deputy Governor
of RBI, recommended the setting up of the National Housing Bank as an autonomous housing
finance institution
4). The National Housing Bank Bill (91 of 1987) provided the legislative framework for the
To augment resources for the sector and channelize them for housing
To integrate the housing finance system with the overall financial system
for housing
Alok Tandon – IAS, Joint Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Finance
Sanjeev Kumar – IAS, Joint Secretary (RAY) to Government of India and Mission
Dirtector (JNNURM), Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
7). Vision of NHB – Promoting inclusive expansion with stability in housing finance market
1). National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is an apex development
bank in India
3). It was established by the Committee set up by RBI to Review Arrangements for Institutional
Credit for Agriculture and Rural Development (CRAFICARD) under the Chairman Shri. B.
4). Its main aim is to uplift rural India by increasing the credit flow for evaluation of agricultural
6). The government of India now holds 99% of NABARD’s shares which were sold by RBI
11). NABARD takes measures towards institutions which help in improving absorptive capacity
Training of personnel
Government of India
State Governments
13). NABARD refinances financial institutions which finance the rural sector. These refinances
Commercial Banks(CB)
14). It has 336 District offices across the country including 1-sub office at Port Blair and one
16). NABARD is also known as Self Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme. About 22
17). NADARD has a portfolio of Natural Resource Management Programmes in the following
Watershed development
Tribal development
Farm innovation
18). The RBI and NABARD has laid out guidelines for commercial, Regional Rural and
Cooperative banks to provide data regarding loans given by banks to the microfinance
1.) MUDRA bank is a public sector financial institution that provides loans at low rates to
2.) This bank comes under the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana scheme to provide services to
3.) Initial capital fund allotted for the bank is 20,000 crore.
5.) Initially the bank functions as non-banking financial company and a subsidiary of the Small
6.) Will act as a regulator for the micro finance institutions(MFI), providing refinancing services
8.) Additional fund of Rs.1,00,000 crore was allotted to MUDRA increasing the percentage of
40% to Shishu
35% to Kishore
25% to Tarun
9.) Customers who are eligible to avail loans from MUDRA bank are as follows.
1). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization of 188 countries
working together to
Assist the reconstruction of the world’s international payment system post the World
War II
8). Now the role of IMF is much more active managing the economic policy instead of just
exchange rates
9). Low income countries can borrow on concessional terms i.e., there is a period of time with
10). IMF also provides non-concessional loans which has interest rates as follows
Standby Arrangements(SBA)
11). IMF provides emergency assistance to all its members facing urgent balance of payment
12). To become a member of IMF, a country must apply and then be accepted by a majority of
Each member is assigned a quota based on its relative size of their economy upon
A member must pay its subscription – 25% to be paid in the IMF’s own currency
called as Special Drawing Rights(SDR) and the remaining 75% in the member’s own
13). Each member of IMF has 250 Basic votes and one additional vote for each SDR 100,000
of quota.
15). Palau is the last member country having voting power of 0.01% and 281 votes
16). The amount of finance that a member can obtain from IMF is based on its quota. There
1). New Development Bank or the BRICS Development Bank is a multilateral development
World Bank
3). Aims to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in
South Africa
7). Each country holds equal number of shares and equal voting rights
8). Idea for setting up NDB – 4th BRICS summit 2012, Delhi
9). Leaders agreed to set up NDB – 5th BRICS summit 2013, Durban, South Africa
10). BRICS states signed the Agreement of Articles for NDB – 6th BRICS summit 2014, Brazil
11). Initial capital for NDB – 100 billion, of which 12.5% to be paid by each member in 1st 7
12). Separate agreement for 100 billion reserve currency pool was also signed
13). 1st President of NDB from India – K. V. Kamath – former non-executive chairman of ICICI
Board of Directors
15). NDB will allow new member to join but the BRICS capital share cannot fall below 55%
1). Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank which facilitates the economic
development in Asia
4). Members include the non-regional developed countries and members of United Nations
Board of Governors
Takeshi Watanabe 1966-1972
Shiro Inoue 1972-1976
Taroichi Yoshida 1976-1981
Masao Fujioka 1981-1989
Kimimasa Tarumizu 1989-1993
Mitsuo Sato 1993-1999
Tadao Chino 1999-2005
Haruhiko Kuroda 2005-2013
Hard loans – from Ordinary Capital Resources (ORC) and Asian Development Fund(ADF).
Soft loans – from special fund resources including 50% paid-in and callable elements.
China – 6.47%
India – 6.35%
Australia – 5.81%
Japan – 12.84%
China – 5.47%
India – 5.38%
Australia – 4.94%
1). Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an international financial institution focused
37 – regional members
20 – non-regional members
8). 7-countries from the PFM did not sign the Articles of agreement. They are
9). Shares are based on the size of each member country’s economy
Basic votes: equal for all members and constitute 18% of the total votes
11). China is the highest share holder with 30.34% and voting share 26.06%
12). India 2nd highest share holder with 8.52% and voting share of 7.5%
13). Russia 3rd highest share holder with 6.66% and voting share of 5.92%
1). The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing
6). Founders – Lord Keynes and Harry Dexter White – Fathers of both the World Bank and the
8). President – same as the President of WBG – presently Jim Yong Kim
To provide guarantee for loans granted to small and large units and other projects of
member countries
a. Founder members
b. General members
12). Voting right of every member is based on the member country’s share in the total capital
of the Bank
14). Any member can be debarred from World Bank under the following conditions
By written notice to the bank, but such country has to repay the granted loans on
Any country working against the guidelines of Bank can be debarred by the Board of
Japan – 6.84%
China – 4.42%
Germany – 4%
16). The initial authorized capital of the World Bank was 10,000 million which was divided into
17). The authorized capital of the Bank has been increased from time to time with the approval
of the member countries. The member countries repay the share amount to the World Bank in
Remaining 80% share is deposited by the member country on the demand of World
18). World Bank can grant loans up to 20% of the member country’s share paid up as capital
20). 75% of its total loans are sanctioned to developing countries while 25% to developed
E-Banking Systems
1). E-banking is an electronic payment system that enables customers of a financial institution
Internet banking
Virtual banking
Online banking
3). A customer with internet access would need to register with the bank or financial institution
5). To access e-banking a customer should log-in to the online banking facility using the
A customer can carry out banking tasks through online banking like
Personal financial management support like importing data into personal accounting
7). Advantages of e-banking for both the banks and the customers are as follows
8). Some potential threats on e-banking for deceiving the user to steal login data and valid
Pharming – a cyber attack intended to redirect a website’s traffic to another fake site
web applications which enables attackers to inject client-side script into web pages
covert manner so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions
9). Some of the counter-measures that can be implemented to avoid such threats are as
Use of ‘Secoder’ card readers can avoid the manipulation of the transaction data
Virus scanners can be used to protect the customer’s account details against Trojan
for login
to authenticate transactions
A signature based online banking can be used where all the transactions are signed
1). RuPay is an Indian domestic card scheme launched by National Payments Corporation of
India (NPCI)
3). RuPay enables the electronic payments at all Indian banks and financial institutions
4). It was initially conceived as the IndiaPay scheme by NPCI to compete with the MasterCard
5). It was later renamed as RuPay scheme to avoid name conflicts with other financial
6). It was created to enable the RBI’s desire to have a domestic, open loop and multilateral
8). RuPay was dedicated to India by President Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhavan, New
9). All banks of India are authorized to issue RuPay debit cards to their customers for usage at
E-commerce websites
10). About 240 banks including all major public sector banks and 200 cooperative and rural
11). RuPay cards are accepted at all the ATMs across India under National Financial Switch
ATMs – 145,270
PoS terminals – 875,000
13). NPCI entered into partnership with Discover Financial Services(DFS) for enabling the
acceptance of RuPay globally as RuPay Global Cards on DFS’s payment network outside
14). RuPay chip cards launched by NPCI for high security transactions have an embedded
15). RuPay chip cards use EMV(Europay, Mastercard, Visa) chip technology
16). RuPay enables the banks to issue a unified Kisan Card for farmers under the Kisan Credit
Card scheme
17). The Punjab Grains Procurement Corporation Ltd.(PUNGRAIN) pays the commission
18). 75 cooperative societies of AMUL in regions of Burdwan and Hooghly of West Bengal
were enabled to get their payments directly into their bank accounts on the same day of sale of
milk through an initiative taken by the Kotak Mahindra Bank in partnership with RuPay
ATM (Automatic Teller Machines) When an account has insufficient funds the
They are machines that dispense cash, receive cheque is is not payable and is returned by the
cash, accept cheques, give balance details and bank with a reason “Exceeds arrangement” or
mini statements to the customers through “funds insufficient”.
Computer network Bank Account
Bancassurance It is account of nominal interest which can only
It is the distribution of insurance products and the be used for personal purpose and which has
insurance policies of insurance companies by some restrictions on withdrawal
banks as corporate agents through their Bank Rate
branches. Banks charge a fee for this service It is the rate of interest charged by a central bank
from insurance companies to commercial banks on the advances and the
Bouncing of a cheque loans it extends.
Base rate
It is the rate of interest on which banks base their It is a card issued by the bank so the customers
lending rates. Usually loans are given at a rate can withdraw their money from their account
higher than the base rates and saving rate is electronically.
below the base rate Demat Account
Basis Point The way in which a bank keeps money in a
One-hundredth of 1% point normally used for deposit account in the same way the Depository
indicating cost of finance company converts share certificates into
Call Money electronic form and keep them in a Demat
It is a loan that is made for a very short period of account.
a few days only with a low rate of interest Dishonour of Cheque
Cheque Non-payment of a cheque by the paying banker
It is written by an individual to transfer amount with a return memo giving reasons for the non-
between two accounts of the same bank or a payment
different bank and the money is withdrawn from E-Banking
the account. It is a type of banking in which we can conduct
Core Banking financial transactions electronically. RTGS,
It is a general term used to describe the services Credit cards, Debit cards etc come under this
provided by a group of networked bank branches category.
Core Banking Solutions (CBS) EFT – (Electronic Fund Transfer)
In this all the branches of the bank are connected In this we use Automatic teller machine, wire
together and the customer can access his/her transfer and computers to move funds between
funds or transactions from any other branch. different accounts in different or same bank.
CRR (Cash Reverse Ratio) Fiscal Deficit
the amount of funds that a bank keep with the It is the amount of Funds borrowed by the
RBI. If the percentage of CRR increases then the government to meet the expenditures.
amount with the bank comes down. Inflation
Current Account It is an increase in the quantity of money in
It is an account that can be opened generally for circulation without any corresponding increase
business purposes with no restrictions on in goods thus leading to an abnormal rise in the
withdrawals and no interest paid price level
Debit Card Initial Public Offering (IPO)
It is the time when a company makes the first
offering of the shares to the pubic.
It is a reserve asset (Paper Gold) created within issue of debit and credit card etc then it is
the framework of the International Monetary known as universal banking.
Fund in an attempt to increase international Virtual Banking
liquidity Internet banking is sometimes known as virtual
.SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio) banking. It is called so because it has no bricks
It is amount that a commercial bank should and boundaries. It is controlled by the world
have before giving credits to its customers wide web.
which should be either in the form of Wholesale Banking
gold,money or bonds. It is similar to retail banking with a slight
Teller difference that it mainly focuses on the financial
He/she is a staff member of the bank who needs of the institutional clients and the
cashes cheques, accepts deposits and perform industry.
different banking services for the general mass. Zero Coupon Bond
Universal Banking It is a bond that is sold at good discount as it
When financial institutions and banks undertake has no coupon.
activities related to banking like investment,
The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) was established on April 1, 1935
The Central Office of the Reserve Bank was initially established in Calcutta but permanently moved
to Mumbai in 1937.
The board is appointed by the Government of India in keeping with the Reserve Bank of India Act
There are seven major functions of the Reserve Bank of India. They are,
It represents the Government of India as the member of the IMF and the World Bank.
3. Custodian of Cash Reserves of Commercial Banks:
The Commercial banks hold deposits in the Reserve Bank and the latter has the custody of
the cash reserves of the commercial banks.
4. Custodian of country’s Foreign Currency Reserves:
The Reserve Bank has the custody of the country’s reserves of international currency, and
this enables the Reserve Bank to deal with crisis connected with adverse balance of
payments position.
5. Lender of Last Resort:
The commercial banks approach the Reserve Bank in times of emergency to tide over
financial difficulties, and the Reserve bank comes to save from their danger from higher
rate of interest.
6. Central Clearance and Accounts Settlement:
It is easy to deal with each other and settle the claim of each on the other through book
keeping entries in the books of the Reserve Bank.
The clearing of accounts has now become an essential function of the Reserve Bank.
7. Controller of Credit:
The supply of money has important implications for economic stability and the importance
RBI is the Regulator of Financial System. The objectives of these regulation include:
Foreign banks
Co-operative banks, or
Regional rural banks.
Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956: It regulates the government securities market.
Indian Coinage Act, 2011: Governs laws related to currency and coins.
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973/ Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999:
Governs foreign exchange market.
Payment and Settlement System Act, 2007: Provides for regulation and supervision of
Nationalization of Banks.
The Industrial Finance Corporation (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Act, 1993.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act.
National Housing Bank Act.
Types of Banks
There are seven types of Banks in India, and they are given below.
1.) Savings Banks:
A savings bank is a financial institution whose primary purpose is to accept savings deposits. It
may also perform some other functions. These banks are helpful for salaried people and low income
groups. The deposits collected from the customers are invested in bonds, securities etc,. At present,
most of the commercial banks carry out the functions of Savings Banks; Postal Department also
performs the functions of savings bank.
2.) Commercial Banks:
A Commercial Bank is an institution which accepts deposits, makes business loans and offers
related services. Commercial Banks also allow for a variety of deposit accounts, such as current,
savings and time deposit. These institutions are run to make profit. Commercial Banks provide various
services like collection cheques, bills of exchange, remitting money from one place to another place. In
India, Commercial Banks have been established under Companies Act, 1956. In 1969, 14 Commercial
Banks were nationalized by the Government of India.
Development Banks are those financial institutions engaged in the promotion and development
of industry, agriculture and other key sectors. These banks react to the socio-economic needs. They
satisfy the developmental needs of the economy and their success is linked to the satisfactory growth
of the economy. The main objective of these banks is to provide long term loans for expansion and
modernization of industries. In India, such banks were established o a large scale after independence.
They are Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI), Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of
institution called as Land Development Banks. The structure of these banks is a two-tier one-at the
state level there are Central Land Development Banks and at the district or taluka level, there are
primary Land Development Banks. In a few States, e.g Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir and UP, the
structure is unitary i.e., there are Apex Land Development Banks which operate directly through their
public and grant loans to the needy persons out of their own funds as well as from deposits. These
indigenous banks are popular in villages and small towns. They perform combined functions of trading
and banking activities. Certain well-known Indian communities like Marwaries and Multanis even today
Federal Reserve and in UK, Bank of England are example of the Central Banks. These Central Banks
are the bankers of the other banks. They perform specialized functions, i.e., issue of paper currency,
work as bankers to governments, supervise and control foreign exchange. A Central Bank is a non-
profit making institution. It does not deal with the public but it deals with the other banks. The principal
responsibility of the Central Bank is thorough control on currency of a country.
7.) Co-operative Banks:
In India, Cooperative Banks are registered under the Cooperative Societies Act 1912. They
generally give credit facilities to small farmers, salaried employees, small scale industries, etc.
Cooperative banks are in rural as well as in urban areas. The functions of these banks are just similar
Saving Account
Cash is deposited in this account for a fixed period. This is not transferable. If the depositor
stands in need of the amount before the expiry of the fixed period, he can withdraw the same after
paying the penalty to the bank. This type of deposit attracts high rate of interest. Longer the period of
deposit higher is the rate of interest. It is also called Time Liability of the Bank.
Current Account or Demand Deposit Account:
A depositor can deposit his funds any number of times he likes and can withdraw the same any
number of times he wishes. Ordinarily businessmen deposit their funds in this account. No interest is
paid by the bank on this account. The bank demands some charges from the depositors if the amount
lying in the account falls below the minimum limit.
Saving Account:
In this account, interest is given now on per day basis between 10th and 30th of every month.
Recurring Deposit Account:
Under this account, a specified amount is deposited every month for a specific period, such as,
12, 24, 36, or 60 months it can be even for 120 months. This amount cannot be withdrawn before the
expiry of the given period except under exceptional circumstances. Interest on the amount deposited is
also credited to the account of the depositor. Like time deposit account, interest paid on this account is
make cheque payments, we need to open a demat account in order to buy or sell shares.
A Cheque is called “Open” when it is possible to get cash over the counter at the bank. The
holder of an open cheque can do the following,
writing ‘Account Payee’ or ‘Not Negotiable’. These lines are usually drawn on the upper left hand corner
of the cheque.
3.) Bearer Cheque:
A Cheque which is payable to any person who presents it for payment at the bank counter is
called ‘Bearer Cheque’. A bearer cheque can be transferred by mere delivery and requires no
4.) Order Cheque:
An order cheque is one which is payable to a particular person. In such a cheque the word
‘bearer’ may be cut out or cancelled and the word ‘order’ may be written. The payee can transfer an
order cheque to someone else by signing his or her name on the back of it.
Categorization of Cheques:
Ante-dated cheques: Cheque in which the drawer mentions the date earlier to the date of
presenting it for payment. For example a cheque issued on 20th August, 2014may bear a
Stale Cheque: A cheque which is issued today must be presented to the bank for payment
within a stipulated period. After expiry of that period, on payment will be made and it is then
Mutilated Cheque: In case a cheque is torn into two or more pieces and presented for
payment, such cheque is called “Mutilated Cheque”. The bank will not make payment
against such a cheque without getting confirmation of the drawer. But is a cheque is torn at
the corners and no material fact is erased or cancelled, the bank may make payment
Post-date Cheque: Cheque on which drawer mentions a date which is subsequent to the
presented on 5th April 2015 bears a date of 20th April 2015, is is a post dated cheque. The
bank will make payment only mon or after 20th April 2015.
Types of Loans:
Cash Credit
Loans and Advances
Discounting of the Bill of Exchange
Investment in Government Securities
Cash Credit:
The debtor is allowed to withdraw a certain amount against a given security. The debtor
withdraws the amount within this limit, as per his requirement and also repays it. Interest is charged by
the bank on the actually withdrawn.
Clients who have current account with the bank get the sanction to withdraw more money than
is lying in the said account. It is called Overdraft. This facility is availability for short term to reliable
Loans and Advances:
These loans are given in the form of a fixed amount. Bank credits the amount of loan in the
account books of the debtor. The latter can withdraw it any time. The interest is chargeable on the
whole amount from the day; the loan is disbursed irrespective of the fact that the debtor withdraws the
Under this, banks give advance to their clients on the basis of their bills of exchange before the
maturity of such bills. (A deduction is made out of the not clear face value of the bill of the period the bill
is yet to run). This deduction is called Discounting to the Bill.
Investment in Government Securities:
Purchasing of government securities by the banks tantamount to advancing loans by them to
the government. Banks prefer to buy government securities as these are considered to be the safest
Negotiable Instruments
There are certain Documents used for payment in business transaction and are transferred
freely from one person to another. Such documents are called Negotiable Instruments like Cheque,
Bank Draft, bill of exchange, Promissory notes, etc.
Features of Negotiable Instruments:
It is a written document.
A Negotiable Instrument payable to bearer is transferable merely by delivery, whereas a
Negotiable Instrument payable to order is transferable by endorsement and delivery.
The holder of a Negotiable Instrument can sue upon it in his own name.
The consideration is not mentioned on the Negotiable Instrument. It is presumed that the
Negotiable Instrument has been drawn for a valuable consideration.
It works in the same manner as money and like money; it may also be transferred from one
person to another.
The transferor does not need to give notice to any person at the time of transferring the
Promissory Note
Bill of Exchange
Exchequer Bill
Circular Note
Dividend Warrant
Share Warrant
Bearer Debenture
Bank Note
Bank Draft
1). A credit card is a payment card issued to users as a system of payment which allows the card
holder to pay for goods and services based on the holder’s promise to pay for them
2). The size of most of the credit cards are 85.60 × 53.98 mm according to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1
3). The front of a typical credit card consists of the following parts:
Card number
Card Network Logo
Expiration Date
Card Holder name
Contactless Chip
4). Similarly the reverse side of a credit card consists of the following parts:
Magnetic Strip
Signature Strip
Card – issuing bank – the financial institution or other organizations that issued the credit
Credit card association – an association of the card issuing banks that set transaction terms
for merchants, card issuing banks and acquiring banks.
Transaction networks – the system that implements the mechanics of the electronic
Affinity partner – an institution that lends their names to an issuer to attract customers that
have a strong relationship with that institution and get paid a percentage of the balance for
Funding – once the acquirer has been paid, the acquirer in turn pays the merchant
Chargebacks – is an event initiated by the cardholder where the money in a merchant
account is held due to a dispute relating to the transaction
Business credit cards – specialized credit cards issued in the name of a registered business
and can only be used typically for business purposes
Secured credit cards – it’s a card that is secured by a deposit account owned by the
cardholder. The cardholder must deposit between 100% to 200% of the total amount of
credit needed
Scope and potential for better profitability out of share earned from the merchant’s income
Helps in banking relationship with new customers
Provides additional customer service to the existing clients
Savings of expenses on manpower to handle clearing transactions
9). Advantages of credit card system to the merchants
Systematic accounting since sale receipts are routed through banking channels
1). Letter of Credit (LC) is a document from a bank guaranteeing that a seller will receive payments in
3). LC are often used in international transactions where buyer and seller may not know each other and
are from different countries thus exposing the seller to credit and legal risks caused by
Differing laws
6). LC is widely used in the importing and exporting companies and also in land development
7). To receive payments an exporter must present the documents required by the LC. The Payee
presents a document proving that the goods were sent instead of showing actual goods
8). Bill of lading (BOL) – is the document accepted by the bank as proof that goods have been shipped
9). Types of documents required by the LC are as follows
Financial documents
a) Bill of exchange
b) Co-accepted draft
Commercial documents
a) Invoice
b) Packing list
Shipping documents
a) Transport document
b) Insurance certificate
b) Origin certificate
c) Inspection certificate
d) Phytosanitary certificate
Transport documents
a) Bill of Lading
b) Airway bill
c) Lorry/truck receipt
d) Railway receipt
Insurance documents
a) Insurance policy/certificate
10). The bank’s obligation is defined by the terms of the LC alone and the sale contract is irrelevant
according to the Article 4a of UCP
11). Article 5 of the UCP states that banks deal with documents only and they will not be accountable
Import/Export LC
a) For importer – Import LC
b) For exported – Export LC
Revocable LC
a) The buyer and the bank that established the LC will be able to manipulate or make
corrections in the LC
b) This type of LC is obsolete
Irrevocable LC
a) Any changes or cancellation of LC is done by the applicant through the issuing bank
b) It must be authorized and approved by the beneficiary
Confirmed LC - A second bank will guarantee to honor a complying presentation at the
Unrestricted LC – the confirmation bank is not specified that means the exporter can show
Un-transferrable LC
b) Seller allows buyer to pay the required money after taking the related goods and
selling them
At Sight LC – a credit that the announcer bank immediately pays after inspecting the
b) In that situation a second credit is opened for another seller to provide the desired
c) It is issued to facilitate intermediary trade
Standby LC
a) Operates like a Commercial LC except that it is retained as a standby instead of
being the intended payment mechanism
Red Clause LC
The term short-term means generally a period up to one year and near substitutes to money is used to
denote any financial asset which can be quickly converted into money with minimum transaction cost.
Some of the important money market instruments are briefly discussed below;
1. Call/Notice- Money Market: 1. Call/Notice money is the money borrowed or lent on demand for a
very short period. When money is borrowed or lent for a day, it is known as Call (Overnight) Money.
Intervening holidays and/or Sunday are excluded for this purpose. Thus money, borrowed on a day and
repaid on the next working day, (irrespective of the number of intervening holidays) is “Call Money”.
Notice Money: When money is borrowed or lent for more than a day and up to 14 days, it is “Notice
Money”. No collateral security is required to cover these transactions.
2. Inter-Bank Term Money: Inter-bank market for deposits of maturity beyond 14 days is referred to as
the term money market. The entry restrictions are the same as those for Call/Notice Money except that,
as per existing regulations, the specified entities are not allowed to lend beyond 14 days.
3. Treasury Bills: Treasury Bills are short term (up to one year) borrowing instrument of the union
government. It is a promise by the Government to pay a stated sum after expiry of the stated period
from the date of issue (14/91/182/364 days i.e. less than one year). They are issued at a discount to the
face value, and on maturity the face value is paid to the holder. The rate of discount and the
corresponding issue price are determined at each auction.
4. Certificate of Deposits: Receipt issued by a depository institution (such as a bank, credit union, or a
finance or insurance company) to a depositor who opens a certificate account or time deposit account.
Issued in a negotiable or non-negotiable form, it states the (1) amount deposited, (2) rate of interest,
and (3) minimum period for which the deposit should be maintained without incurring early withdrawal
5. Commercial Paper: An unsecured obligation issued by a corporation or bank to finance its short-term
credit needs, such as accounts receivable and inventory- Commercial paper is available in a wide
range of denominations, can be either discounted or interest- bearing, and usually have a limited have
or nonexistent secondary market.
Scheme is introduced under Section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 by RBI with effect from
The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by the Reserve Bank of India to redress
customer complaints against deficiency in certain banking services.
How many Banking Ombudsmen have been appointed and where are they located?
As on date, fifteen Banking Ombudsmen have been appointed with their offices located mostly in the
state capitals. The addresses and contact details of the Banking Ombudsman offices have been
provided in the annex.