Propolis and Network Pharmacology
Propolis and Network Pharmacology
Propolis and Network Pharmacology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Propolis is a common remedy in Chinese medicine. We have previously demonstrated the anti-diabetic poten-
Nigerian propolis tials of Nigerian propolis. However, the underlying mechanisms against type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) remain
Network pharmacology unclear. This study used network pharmacology-based analysis to unravel the possible mechanisms of NP’s anti-
Type-2 diabetes
T2DM activity. Previously identified compounds in NP were retrieved from literature, screened for drug-likeness,
Bioactive compounds
and used to retrieve targets associated with T2DM, from which compound-target, protein-protein interaction,
and target-pathways networks were constructed. Network pharmacology-based and enrichment analyses were
conducted on the networks. Further, NP’s inhibitory activity against targets identified in network analyses was
assessed in-vitro. Library search revealed 202 previously reported compounds in NP; 96 were retained after
screening for drug-likeness. However, only 44 NP compounds interacted with T2DM-associated targets, with
2-ethyl-1,4-dimethoxybenzene as the most active component. Network analyses revealed 167 putative targets,
with HSP90AA1, JUN, ESR1, STAT3, CYP3A4, PTGS2, RELA, VEGFA, CYP2C9, and PPARG as the core anti-T2DM
targets of NP compounds. Gene ontology analyses indicated that these targets were predominantly localised in
the plasma membrane and cytoplasm and primarily involved in regulatory, signal transduction and cellular re-
sponse processes. KEGG pathway enrichment implicated metabolic pathways (involving lipids), AGE-RAGE, and
calcium/cAMP, among others, in the anti-T2DM effects of the compounds. Furthermore, in vitro pharmacologi-
cal assessment demonstrated appreciable inhibitory effects of 2-ethyl-1,4-dimethoxybenzene against 𝛼-amylase,
𝛼-glucosidase, and HMG-CoA reductase. This study provides holistic mechanistic insights into the anti-T2DM
activities of the constituents of Nigerian propolis.
1. Introduction diseases, such as obesity and overweight. It is also a risk factor for heart
disease – the leading cause of death globally [5].
Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the four major non- Although T2DM prognosis has improved and several anti-T2DM ther-
communicable diseases that has continually afflicted the global popu- apies have been formulated over the years, its prevalence continues to
lace and has been hallmarked as the epidemic of the millennium [1,2]. surge [6]. Pharmacological agents, such as sulfonylureas, glucagon-like
Globally, the prevalence of T2DM has increased by 49% since 1990. In peptide1 agonists, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, and 𝛼-glucosidase
2019, there were 437.9 million reported cases of T2DM, with the highest inhibitors, and lifestyle modification have been the mainstream anti-
proportion in low- and middle-income countries [3]. T2DM is a chronic T2DM therapies [6]. However, these agents are limited by adverse side
metabolic condition brought on by impaired insulin production by pan- effects and high costs. Besides, they often target one aspect of the other-
creatic beta cells and insulin resistance in peripheral insulin-sensitive wise multifaceted complications associated with T2DM [7]. Conversely,
organs [4]. The aetiology of T2DM stems from various environmental, natural products, encompassing herbal remedies, possess few side ef-
genetic and epigenetic factors and is associated with several metabolic fects and have increasingly been exploited by researchers in developing
therapeutic agents against T2DM [8].
Type of Paper: Original article.
Corresponding author at: Department of Biochemistry, College of Biosciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.I. Ugwor).
Received 28 August 2022; Received in revised form 12 October 2022; Accepted 20 October 2022
Available online 21 October 2022
2667-1425/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 5 (2022) 100183
Propolis is one of the natural products investigated for its efficacy 2.3. Compounds- and disease-associated targets
against T2DM [9–12] and is a common remedy in Chinese medicine
[9]. It is a resinous substance produced by honey bees from mixing their On the one hand, the SMILES of the screened compounds
salivary and enzymatic secretions with plant sap, buds, gums, and other were used to retrieve linked target genes from the Similarity
vegetal materials [13]. Propolis is abundant in bioactive compounds, Ensemble Approach (SEA; and (Swiss Tar-
such as flavonoids, terpenes, aromatic acids and their esters, which en- get Prediction (STP; databases
dow it with an extensive range of biological properties, including an- [23]. On the other hand, using the Homo sapiens mode and
tioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anticancer “type 2 diabetes mellitus” as the keyword, T2DM-linked targets
properties [11,12]. However, the chemical constituent of propolis is were recovered from the DisGeNeT (,
highly divergent, depending heavily on the bee species, the flora sur- Malacards (, and Kyoto Encyclopedia
rounding the collection site, and geographical zones [13]. In Nigeria, of Genes and Genomes (KEGG; databases
propolis has purportedly been used to treat ringworm, chickenpox, and [18]. Subsequently, overlapping targets between the compound-
measles and manage diabetes [12]. We have previously demonstrated associated and ND-associated targets were identified using VENNY 2.1
the anti-diabetic potentials of Nigerian propolis (NP), including hypo- ( and used for network con-
glycemic, hypolipidemic, and hepatoprotective properties, in rats with struction.
streptozotocin-induced diabetes [13]. Other studies have reported sim-
ilar anti-diabetic properties of NP [10,12,15]. However, the underlying 2.4. Network construction and analyses
mechanisms of NP anti-T2DM effects have not been elucidated.
The varied bioactive components in natural products and their po- Three networks – compound-target (CT), protein-protein interaction
tential to act synergistically on multiple targets pose limitations to elu- (PPI), and target-pathways (TP) networks) – were constructed using Cy-
cidating their mechanisms of action [16]. However, recent advances in toscape 3.9.1 software ( to visualise the in-
computer-aided drug designs, such as network pharmacology, now al- teraction between the screened bioactive compounds, selected targets,
low a holistic view of the multicomponent-multi target paradigm of nat- and associated pathways [24]. First, the screened compounds and the
ural products, thus revealing the putative mechanisms of action against associated overlapping targets were used to construct the CT network.
different diseases via interacting targets and associated pathways [17– Next, the overlapping targets were uploaded onto the STRING database
19]. Network pharmacology is a scope in systems biology that visualises (Version 11.5; ( to predict the PPI [25]. Protein
the interactions of the bioactive compound(s) with both the interactome interactions with confidence level > 0.7 within the Homo sapiens mode
and the diseasome, thus heightening the understanding of the multi- were then used to construct the PPI network in Cytoscape. Core com-
target mechanism of the phytochemical constituents of natural products pounds and targets were identified using the degree algorithm of the
via a compound–target–pathway-disease network constructs [16,19]. CytoHubba plugin in the Cytoscape to analyse the CT and PPI networks,
Therefore, this study utilised a network-based pharmacology anal- respectively. Further, the nodes in the PPI network were aggregated into
ysis to unravel the possible mechanisms of NP anti-T2DM activity and clusters using the MCODE plugin within Cytoscape with the following
identify responsible bioactive components. In addition, the inhibitory parameters: Degree cutoff = 2, Node Score Cutoff = 0.2, and K-Core = 2.
activity of NP’s bioactive component against some targets identified was Information about each cluster was fetched directly from the STRING
also evaluated. database using its application programming interface domiciled in Cy-
The overlapping targets were mapped onto the Comparative Tox-
2. Methods icogenomics Database (CTD; to extract the
canonical pathways highly associated with these proteins. Within CTD,
2.1. Assembling of compounds database for Nigerian propolis gene inputs identify pathways involving these genes based on annota-
tion from the KEGG and REACTOME databases. Non-specific and non-
A database of ligands in Nigerian propolis was compiled from pre- diabetes-related terms were removed, and the TP network was con-
viously reported works conducted on the characterisation of propolis structed in Cytoscape to present a global view of the interactions be-
within Nigeria. The canonical SMILES of each compound were retrieved tween targets and associated pathways.
from PubChem ( One compound
(riverinol) had no deposition in PubChem, so its SMILES was deduced 2.5. Gene ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway enrichment analyses
from its structure using Marvin JS plugin in SwissADME online server
( The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery
(DAVID; server was used for enrich-
ment analyses [16]. The overlapping genes were uploaded onto DAVID,
2.2. Screening of compounds the identifier was OFFICIAL GENE SYMBOL, species was set as Homo
sapiens, and information on the cellular component (CC), biological pro-
Compounds were screened based on their absorption, distribution, cess (BP), molecular function (MF), and KEGG pathways pertinent to
metabolism and excretion (ADME) properties, bioavailability score, and each target were retrieved. Only GO terms and KEGG pathways with
violations of the rules of the Lipinski et al. [20], Veber et al. [21], and a p-value of less than 0.05 and Benjamini value of less than 0.5 were
Ghose et al. [22] drug-likeness approaches, which was computed on retrieved. Within the DAVID server, the p-values were adjusted for the
the SwissADME server. Compounds with two or more violations and false discovery rate (i.e., Q-values) [23]. GraphPad Prism 9.3.1 was used
estimated oral bioavailability < 50% were excluded from further analy- to visualise the top ten most enriched components of the GO and KEGG
ses. In addition, 37 FDA-approved drugs for T2DM were from DrugBank enrichment analyses.
(, and their pharmacological properties were
computed with SwissADME (Supplementary File 1). Principal compo- 2.6. In-vitro pharmacological validation
nent analysis (PCA) was conducted on the calculated properties [17];
the two most significant principal components were used to compare The anti-diabetic potentials 2-ethyl-1,4-dimethoxybenzene (identi-
the chemical space between the screened compounds and drugs in a fied from network analyses as the most active NP component) were
scatterplot. evaluated by assaying for the inhibitory activity against selected targets
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 5 (2022) 100183
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 5 (2022) 100183
Fig. 3. Protein-protein interaction network (A.) and the top ten (core) type-2 diabetes disease targets (B.) associated with screened compounds in Nigerian propolis.
Core targets were identified based on the number of degrees, betweenness, and closeness using the degree algorithm of the CytoHubba plugin within Cytoscape
(version 3.9.1).
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 5 (2022) 100183
Fig. 4. Cluster analysis of the targets in the protein-protein interaction network. Cluster analysis was performed with the MCODE plugin within Cytoscape (version
3.9.1) with the following parameters: Degree cutoff = 2, Node Score Cutoff = 0.2, and K-Core = 2.
Fig. 5. Compound-target network (A.) and top ten compounds in Nigerian propolis (B.) against overlapping type-2 diabetes disease targets. Compounds are ranked
for bioactivity based on the number of degrees, betweenness, and closeness using the degree algorithm of the CytoHubba plugin within Cytoscape (version 3.9.1).
Green nodes = compounds, blue nodes = targets.
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al.
Table 1
Bioactive compounds in Nigerian propolis against type-2 diabetes mellitus, as identified by network pharmacology analysis.
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 5 (2022) 100183
E.I. Ugwor, A.S. James, A.I. Amuzat et al. Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 5 (2022) 100183
These network-based analyses provide insights into the targets and Supplementary File 4 CytoHubba analysis of the compound-target
mechanisms potentially involved in the anti-T2DM effects of Nigerian and protein-protein interaction networks.
propolis. Supplementary File 5 GO and KEGG pathways information ex-
tracted from the DAVID bioinformatics resources.
3.3. Inhibitory activities of 2-ethyl-1,4-dimethoxybenzene against key
T2DM-associated targets Declaration of Competing Interest
Furthermore, to validate the anti-T2DM potential of Nige- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
rian propolis, we evaluated the inhibitory activity of 2-ethyl-1,4- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
dimethoxybenzene against 𝛼-amylase, 𝛼-glucosidase, and HMG-CoA re- the work reported in this paper.
ductase, compared it to referenced drugs (Fig. 9). HMGR and 𝛼-amylase
are among the 167 overlapping targets associated with NP anti-T2DM
CRediT authorship contribution statement
activity; acarbose and simvastatin, FDA-approved drugs for manag-
ing T2DM, are inhibitors of 𝛼-glucosidase and HMGR, respectively.
Emmanuel I. Ugwor: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft,
2-ethyl-1,4-dimethoxybenzene showed high inhibitory activity against
Project administration, Methodology, Formal analysis, Visualization.
𝛼-amylase and 𝛼-glucosidase, with IC50 values lower than acarbose.
Adewale S. James: Conceptualization, Project administration, Method-
Although the IC50 value of simvastatin (reference drug for HMGR
ology, Writing – review & editing. Adekunle I. Amuzat: Project admin-
assay) was lower, 2-ethyl-1,4-dimethoxybenzene showed appreciable
istration, Methodology, Resources. Emmanuel O. Ezenandu: Writing
HMGR inhibitory activity (IC50 = 111.2 ± 1.76 μg/ml compared to
– original draft, Methodology, Resources. Victory C. Ugbaja: Writing
60.54 ± 3.22 μg/ml for simvastatin). These results are concordant with
– original draft, Methodology, Resources. Regina N. Ugbaja: Supervi-
our network analyses and previous reports of propolis from Nigeria
sion, Writing – review & editing, Resources.
[10,14, 15] and other regions such as China [9], Taiwan [11], Morocco
[49], and Brazil [50]. Data Availability
3.4. Limitations of the study All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this
published article and its Supplementary Files.
A significant limitation of our study is that we did not evaluate the
effects of the identified bioactive compounds on cell viability nor their Acknowledgments
effect at the gene/protein level. However, our study provides a pipeline
of propolis compounds that be appraised for their anti-diabetic poten- None.
tials via in vivo and clinical studies.
Supplementary materials
4. Conclusion
Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in
The network pharmacology approach, which holistically consid-
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.prmcm.2022.100183.
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