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Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

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The genetic and morphological diversity of Haemogregarina infecting turtles

in Colombia: Are mitochondrial markers useful as barcodes for
these parasites?
Germán A. Gutierrez-Liberato a, b, 1, Ingrid A. Lotta-Arévalo b, 1, Leydy P. González b,
Mario Vargas-Ramírez c, d, Oscar Rodríguez-Fandiño e, Axl S. Cepeda b, f,
Martha Lucia Ortiz-Moreno g, Nubia E. Matta b, *
Departamento de Salud pública, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, PO 11321, Bogotá, Colombia
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, PO 11321, Bogotá, Colombia
Instituto de genética, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, PO 11321, Bogotá, Colombia
Estación Biológica Tropical Roberto Franco, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia
Dirección de investigación, Fundación Universitaria Internacional del Trópico Americano Unitrópico, Yopal, Casanare, Colombia
Institute for Genomics and Evolutionary Medicine (iGEM), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Departamento de Biología y Química, Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad de los Llanos-UNILLANOS, Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia


Keywords: Adeleorinid parasites commonly infect turtles and tortoises in nature. Currently, our knowledge about such
Adeleorina parasites is extremely poor. Their characterization is based on morphological and molecular approaches using
Mitochondrial molecular markers the 18S rDNA molecular marker. However, there is a limitation with the 18S rDNA due to its slow rate of
Species delimitation
evolution. For that reason, the goals of this study were to 1) design primers for new molecular mitochondrial
markers to improve the phylogenetic reconstructions of adeleorinid parasites and 2) to determine the morpho­
logical and genetic diversity of Haemogregarina infecting turtles and tortoises in Colombia. Turtles from 16
species representing six families were examined for the presence of haemoparasites. We analyzed 457 samples
using PCR, and 203 of them were also analyzed by microscopy. Using a mitochondrial genome of Haemogregarina
sequenced in this study, we designed primers to amplify fragments of the cytochrome oxidase I (coxI), cyto­
chrome oxidase III (coxIII), and cytochrome b (cytb) mitochondrial markers in adeleorinid parasites. Lineages
obtained from nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers clustered according to the turtle lineages from
which they were isolated. It is noteworthy that we found different evolutionary lineages within the same mor­
photype, which may indicate heteroplasmy and/or cryptic diversity in Haemogregarina. Due to this situation, we
could not make a species delimitation, even when integrating the different lines of evidence we had in this study.
However, the primers presented here are useful for diagnosis and, moreover, according to the available infor­
mation, all three genes retain phylogenetic signals; thereby fragments amplified can be used in reconstructing
evolutionary relationships. This effort contributes to the knowledge of the diversity of these parasites infecting
continental turtles from Colombia.

1. Introduction their hosts’ communities in wildlife (Martinsen et al., 2008; Ricklefs

et al., 2014). The main parasitic infections in turtles reported are
Parasitic infections have a determining role in the composition of amoebas, nematodes, flatworms, and protozoans (Lainson, 2012;

Abbreviations: H., Hepatozoon; Hae., Haemogregarina.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato), [email protected] (I.A. Lotta-Arévalo), [email protected] (L.P. González),
[email protected] (M. Vargas-Ramírez), [email protected] (O. Rodríguez-Fandiño), [email protected] (A.S. Cepeda),
[email protected] (M.L. Ortiz-Moreno), [email protected] (N.E. Matta).
contributed equally to this work as first authors.
Received 14 April 2021; Received in revised form 4 August 2021; Accepted 12 August 2021
Available online 14 August 2021
1567-1348/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Miñana-Morant and Ponce-Gordo, 2018; Telford, 2009). The genus haemoparasites in a representative group of Colombian turtles.
Haemogregarina is one of the most common haemoparasite in turtles
(Davis and Sterrett, 2011; Dvořáková et al., 2014; Rossow et al., 2013; 2. Materials and methods
Soares et al., 2014). In Colombia, the haemoparasite diversity present in
turtles remains unknown. Only a few studies have addressed this issue, 2.1. Samples and microscopic analysis
which reports the infection with Haemocystidium sp. in Podocnemis vogli-
Savanna Sideneck Turtle (González et al., 2019) and Rhinoclemmys We analyzed samples from 458 turtles and tortoises belonging to 16
melanosterna-Colombian Wood Turtle (Gutierrez-Liberato et al., 2021). species found on both sides of the Colombian Andes mountains (Table 1,
Those results are only a little piece of the puzzle of blood parasites in Fig. 1). Individuals were captured by hand as well as using funnel traps
turtles from Colombia. and fishing nets. Blood samples were collected by puncture of the
Haemogregarina are grouped along with Hepatozoon, Hemolivia, coccygeal vein and the subcarapacial venous sinus and did not exceed
Karyolysus, Dactylosoma, Desseria, and Cirilia within the Adeleorina 1% of the sampled individual’s weight.
suborder (Adl et al., 2019). They are vector-borne blood parasites of the Blood films from 203 turtle individuals were fixed with methanol for
Apicomplexa phylum, a highly diverse group of intracellular protozoa five minutes and stained with Giemsa 4% pH 7.2 for 45 min (Rodríguez
that infects birds, reptiles, and mammals (Morrison, 2009). However, it and Matta, 2001). The remaining samples did not have film preparations
is almost exclusively found in turtles (da Costa Maia, 2015; Lainson, since those samples belong to a biological collection whose main
2012; Telford, 2009) and is transmitted by leeches (Arizza et al., 2016; objective is to investigate the genomes of the hosts. Part of the blood
Paterson and Desser, 1976; Siddall and Desser, 1990). As for all hae­ sample was stored in an EDTA buffer (0.05 M Tris, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 8.0)
moparasites, the diagnosis of Haemogregarina has been made tradition­ or ethanol for molecular analysis. The samples were kept at room tem­
ally through the study of blood films stained with Giemsa under the light perature in the field and then frozen at − 20 ◦ C in the laboratory.
microscope (Telford, 2009; Valkiūnas, 2005). Thus, parasite identifica­ We examined the blood films by double-blind under light microscopy
tion relies on morphological and morphometrical features and the ef­ (Table 1) and obtained digital images from positive smears using an
fects of these parasites on their host cell. Unfortunately, for most Olympus DP27 digital camera coupled with an Olympus CX41 micro­
Adeleorina, those features remain insufficient for species determinations scope (Olympus Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The morphological deter­
(Ball, 1967; Sloboda et al., 2007; Telford, 2009). mination was performed by comparing the taxonomic characters of the
Molecular diagnosis has gained relevance for its sensitivity (Bensch parasite forms observed on the slides with the original descriptions and
et al., 2004; Maia et al., 2016; Martinsen et al., 2008). For adeleorinid previous reports of Haemogregarina (Siddall and Desser, 1992; Soares
parasites, molecular diagnosis relies on the amplification of 18S rDNA et al., 2014; Telford, 2009; Úngari et al., 2018).
nuclear gene fragments. This molecular marker has a slow evolutionary
rate, making it ideal for reconstructing the evolutionary relationships 2.2. Mitochondrial genome sequencing, primer design, and analysis of
between distantly related groups, rather than being a barcode sequence cytb, coxI, and coxIII
useful in discerning and estimating the phylogenetic hypotheses be­
tween closely related groups. For that reason, the 18S rDNA nuclear 2.2.1. Sample collection, gDNA extraction, and sequencing
gene has limitations for species determinations. Almost 1 mL of anticoagulated blood (EDTA) was taken from the
Furthermore, the presence of highly divergent paralogous copies of Podocnemis vogli (GERPH-PVM26, lineage PVM26_ 18S_POVOG_002)
18S rDNA in parasites such as Eimeria spp. and Plasmodium spp. is known infected with Haemogregarina sp., with an intensity of infection of 1.7%.
(Corredor and Enea, 1994; El-Sherry et al., 2013; Nishimoto et al., DNA was extracted using the standard phenol-chloroform protocol
2008). Consequently, it may lead to an overestimation of parasites di­ (Sambrook et al., 1989). The DNA concentration obtained was 1200 ng/
versity and to unclear phylogenetic estimations. μL as determined by a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Thermoscientific
In other Apicomplexa such as malaria parasites, the extrachromo­ nanolite). The NGS sequencing library was prepared from 1.2 μg gDNA
somal genomes like apicoplast and mitochondrial genomes are widely by random fragmentation of the DNA sample, followed by 5′ and 3′
used for taxonomic purposes and for the study of the evolutionary re­ adapter ligation according to the TruSeq DNA PCR free sample prepa­
lationships of the group (Pacheco et al., 2018b; Valkiūnas et al., 2019). ration kit (insert size average 350 bp; Illumina). Sequencing and library
Moreover, while haemosporidian parasites like Plasmodium, which ex­ preparation was conducted using an Illumina Hiseq X. One full lane was
hibits syngamy without syzygy, have a high synteny in mitochondrial used for this experiment.
genomes (Böhme et al., 2018), in Adeleorina parasites, some rear­
rangements make it challenging to design primers for those genomes 2.2.2. Raw data, pre-processing, and assembly
(Léveillé et al., 2019a). Currently, there is mitochondrial information The Illumina HiSeq X generated raw images and base calling were
from a few Hepatozoon species, and only one sequence from the apico­ analyzed through an integrated primary analysis software called RTA2
plast genome is available (Léveillé et al., 2019a). (Real-Time Analysis 2). The BCL (base calls) binary was converted into
The evolutionary history of turtles reflects millions of years of evo­ FASTQ using the Illumina package bcl2fastq2-v2.20.0. Read quality was
lution and multiple biogeographical events that have resulted in more determined using the FastQC software (Brown et al., 2017). Low quality
than 350 species worldwide at present (Rhodin et al., 2017). Here, we read ends and adapter sequences were removed using Trimmomatic
explore the hemoparasites associated with some of the turtle species software (Bolger et al., 2014). The trimmed reads were mapped using
found in different ecosystems in Colombia. The species analyzed are the Podocnemis expansa-Giant South American River Turtle representa­
mainly distributed in the northern countries of South America (Rhodin tive genome (accession number GCA_007922195.1) using Burrows-
et al., 2017). within the country, some of these species belonging to the Wheeler aligner long-read alignment (BWA-mem; Li and Durbin,
same suborder share a sympatric distribution (i.e., Podocnemis vogli, 2010). Reads mapped to the P. expansa genome were removed, and only
Podocnemis unifilis, and Podocnemis expansa); but also, some species from unmapped reads were used for de novo assembly processes. De novo
different suborders share their distribution (i.e., Rhinoclemmys mela­ assembly was done using St. Petersburg genome assembler (SPAdes;
nosterna, Podocnemis lewyana, and C. carbonaria) (Rhodin et al., 2017; Bankevich et al., 2012) with default parameters and k-mers of 33, 55, 77
Rueda-Almonacid et al., 2007). Therefore, the goals of this study were to and 99.
1) design primers for the amplification of new molecular markers from
the mitochondrial genome of Haemogregarina and 2) test them so using 2.2.3. Primer design for mitochondrial molecular markers
molecular information from the nuclear and mitochondrial markers Seven Haemogregarina primer sets were designed (Table 2, Fig. 2)
along with morphological information to characterize the diversity of based on an alignment using the conserved regions between the

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Table 1
Occurrence of Haemogregarina sp., in colombian turtles sampled during this study.
Species Locality nT nmic Haemogregarina

Chelidae Bolívar
Mesoclemmys dahli San Juan de Nepomuceno. (16) 1 0 0
9.945930 N; − 75.081577 W.
Lorica.(5) 4 3 0
9.2442 N; − 75.864 W
Pivijay. (20) 1 0 0
10.467272 N; − 74.625079 W
Sincelejo. (12) 5 0 0
9.289743 N; − 75.378355 W
Mesoclemmys gibba Cundinamarca
Medina.(29) 7 4 1
4.43222 N; − 73.34 W
El Retorno. (38) 1 0 1
2.540278 N; − 72.714167 W
Mesoclemmys sp. Guaviare El Retorno. (38) 1 0 1
2.540278 N; − 72.714167 W

Trachemmys medemi Chocó
Unguía(2). 5 0 0
8.041538 N; − 77.095164 W.
Trachemys venusta callirostris Córdoba
Lorica. (5) 11 11 0
9.2442 N; − 75.864 W

Rhinoclemmys melanosterna Antioquia
Yondó*(23) 5 4 4
6.8053611 N; − 74.2065 W
Puerto Berrío. (8) 1 0 0
7.8712778 N; − 75.32742 W
Caucasia. 11 0 0
7.87128 N; − 75.327 W.
Bolívar Arjona. (17) 12 0 0
10.267 N; 75.336 W.
Chimichagua. 1 0 0
9.25 N; − 73.81 W
Terraplén. (22) 7 0 0
7.88283 N; − 73.744 W
Loma Corredor. (21) 4 0 0
8.1358 N; − 73.775 W
Lorica. (5) 10 0 4
9.2442 N; − 75.864 W
Rhinoclemmys diademata Cundinamarca Bogotá. (28) 1 0 0
4.6397 N.-74.083 W

Kinosternon scorpioides Atlantico
Sabanalarga. (19) 3 0 0
10.63 N; − 74.923611 W
San Juan de Nepomuceno. 9.945930 N; − 75.081577. 1 0 0
Córdoba 0
Ayapel. (9) 1 0 0
8.316507 N; − 75.139045 W.
Ciénaga de Oro. (6) 1 0 0
8.871498 N. -75.626825 W
Lorica. (5) 7 3 0
9.2442 N; − 75.864 W
Montería. (4) 1 0 0
8.749348 N. -75.899789 W
Planeta Rica (7). 1 0 0
8.419428 N. -75.577301 W
Sahagún. (11) 11 0 0
8.906797 N. -75.418705 W
Valencia.(3) 11 0 0
8.250278 N. -76.143621 W
Pivijay. (20) 3 0 0
10.467272 N; − 74.625079 W
(continued on next page)

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Table 1 (continued )
Species Locality nT nmic Haemogregarina

Colosó. (14) 8 0 0
9.493125 N. 75.346848 W
Sincelejo. (12) 8 0 0
9.289743 N; − 75.378355 W
Tolú Viejo. (13) 6 0 0
9.459174 N. -75.451792 W

Peltocephalus dumerilianus Guainía(37) 2.800577 N. -69.283369 W 1 0 0
Podocnemis erythrocephala Guainía(37)
Puerto Inírida. 21 0 3
3.871 N. -67.931 W
Vichada(35) 4.989261 N. -68.502987 W 1 0 1
Podocnemis expansa Guainía(37) 3 0 0
Puerto Inírida.
3.871 N. -67.931 W
Podocnemis lewyana Antioquia Yondó. (23) 1 0 1
6.8053611 N; − 74.2065 W
Chimichagua. 2 0 0
9.25 N; − 73.81 W
4.365176 N. -74.665544 W 1 0 0
Lorica. 27 11 0
9.2442 N; − 75.864 W
Prado. (27) 12 0 1
3.755476 N; − 74.918795 W
Melgar. (26) 1 0 0
4.212085 N. -74.681424 W
Podocnemis vogli Casanare
Paz de Ariporo*.(32) 134 134 134
5.705 N; − 71.2464 W
Villavicencio. (30) 12 12 12
4.064195 N; − 73.617260 W.
Puerto Carreño*.(34) 6.2852778 N; − 67.8372 W 13 13 13
Podocnemis unifilis Arauca
Cravo Norte. (33) 1 0 1
6.2419 N; − 70.241958 W
Cumaribo (36) 1 0 1
3.3741111 N; − 69.51342 W

C. carbonaria Antioquia
Yondó. (23) 5 5 0
6.81 N. -74.20 W
Cravo Norte. (33) 3 0 0
6.2419 N; − 70.241958 W
Puerto Carreño. (34) 1 0 0
6.2852778 N; − 67.8372 W
Luruaco. (18) 7 0 0
10.608717 N. -75.147307 W
Sabanalarga. 5 0 0
10.63 N; − 74.923611 W
San Juan de Nepomuceno. 9.945930 N; − 75.081577 W. 5 0 0
Zambrano. (15) 5 0 0
9.754135 N. -74.817447 W
Aurora. (31) 2 0 0
6.016587 N. -71.369955 W
Paz de Ariporo. (32) 1 1 0
5.705 N; − 71.2464 W
Lorica. (5) 8 0 0
9.2442 N; − 75.864 W
Sahagún. (11) 5 0 0
8.906797 N. -75.418705 W
(continued on next page)

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Table 1 (continued )
Species Locality nT nmic Haemogregarina

Nilo. (25) 3 0 0
4.304408 N. -74.618090 W
Pivijay. (20) 10 0 0
10.467272 N; − 74.625079 W
San Andrés
San Andrés(1). 2 0 0
12.548626 N; − 81.71965 W.
La Unión. (10) 2 0 0
8.833639 N; − 75.300279 W
Sincelejo. (12) 7 0 0
9.289743 N; − 75.378355 W
Tolú Viejo. 2 0 0
9.459174 N. -75.451792 W
Puerto Carreño.(34) 1 0 0
6.2852778 N; − 67.8372 W
Chelonoidis denticulata Vichada
Cumaribo*(36) 2 2 0
3.3741111 N; − 69.51342 W
0.520826 N. -76.556687 W 1 0 0

Total 457 203 177

Overall prevalence of infection 38.7%

nT: Total individuals analyzed, nmic: Samples analyzed by microscopy, *: samples with other infections detected. Super-index numbers correspond to the localities
mapped in Fig. 1.

mitochondrial genome of Klosiella equi (GenBank accession number 2.5. Phylogenetic analyzes and genetic divergence
MH203050.1, Léveillé et al., 2019b) which is the closest species to the
parasite sequenced and the fragments of each one coxI, coxIII and cytb All sequences were edited manually, and for each gene, an alignment
obtained from the NGS sequencing process. PCR reactions were per­ was constructed using MEGA 7 (Kumar et al., 2016). For 18S rDNA se­
formed following the premix profile used by Pacheco et al. (2018a). quences, two alignments were constructed: the first one using fragments
of 585 bp and the second one with sequences of 1450 bp. In these
2.3. DNA extraction and 18S rDNA gene amplification alignments, sequences of five Haemogregarina species reported in Gen­
Bank along with the lineages produced in this study were included.
DNA was extracted from blood samples using DNeasy Blood and Additionally, two Hepatozoon sequences, H. catesbianae (Léveillé et al.,
Tissue Kit (QIAGEN, Valencia, CA, USA), quantified using a NanoDrop 2014) and H. griseisciuri (Léveillé et al., 2020), were used as an outgroup.
Lite spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Massachusetts, USA) and its These parasite lineages were aligned in the online tool MAFFT ver7
integrity checked by performing electrophoresis in agarose gel. (Katoh and Standley, 2013,,
PCR amplifications of the 18S rDNA were done using the primers using the Q-INS-i option, which considers the secondary structure of
HepF300 / Hep900 (Ujvari et al., 2004), from which a fragment of about RNA.
600 bp was expected. PCR products’ purification was carried out using To assess the phylogenetic resolution of each fragment, evolutionary
the ethanol and ammonium acetate protocol (Bensch et al., 2000). Af­ relationships of each marker were estimated independently. The align­
terwards, purified PCRs were sequenced in both directions using a ments constructed with sequences of each of the mitochondrial molec­
3730xl DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). To ular markers amplified did not include sequences of the five species
corroborate that the lineages obtained corresponded to true sequences identified used in the 18S alignment since these species did not have
rather than chimeric products generated by the presence of multiple mitochondrial sequences available. For these analyzes only the se­
infections, all samples were tested at least two times in independent quences generated in this study and the lineages from the two Hep­
assays. The electropherograms were carefully inspected and edited. atozoon species used as outgroup were included and aligned using the
Clustal Omega tool (McWilliam et al., 2013). In all cases, the best fit
2.4. Index of substitution saturation model of nucleotide substitution was estimated using the corrected
Akaike criterion implemented in JModeltest 2.1.1 (Darriba et al., 2012).
The mtDNA is prone to substitution saturation that can lead to loss of Phylogenetic reconstructions were performed using both Bayesian
the phylogenetic signal. Therefore, the entropy-based index of substi­ inference (BI) using MrBayes version 3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck,
tution saturation (Xia et al., 2003) was calculated for each molecular 2003) and maximum likelihood (ML), using the online tool PhyML 3.0
marker fragment independently, using the software Dambe v6.4.81 (Xia, (Guindon et al., 2009) available at
2017). For this purpose, three alignments were constructed, including yml/. For BI two independent Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
different lineages of Haemogregarina produced in this study (16 for coxI, simulations were run simultaneously using 10 × 106 generations for
25 for cytb, and 17 for coxIII) along with sequences of Klosiella equi both 18S analyzes and 5 × 106 generations for mitochondrial molecular
(GenBank acc. N◦ MH203050), Eimeria maxima (GenBank acc. N◦ markers, sampling every 500 generations. Majority-rule consensus
HQ702481), Hepatozoon catesbianae (GenBank acc. N◦ NC_044466), and phylogenies were obtained from 30,000 trees for the 18S and 75,000
Hepatozoon griseisciuri (GenBank acc. N◦ MK452389). trees for mitochondrial molecular markers, after discarding 25% of the
trees as a burn-in period. For the ML analyzes, the nodal values were
calculated using a bootstrap of 1000 replications. All phylogenies were
observed and edited using FigTree 1.4.1 (Rambaut, 2016). Genetic

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Fig. 1. Geographical location of the sampling sites. Names are provided in Table 1, according to the numbering. Localities dot colors are as follow: Antioquia: salmon
pink, Arauca: light purple; Casanare: medium blue; Córdoba: cyan; Cundinamarca: pale green, Guainía: pink, Guaviare: dark yellow; Meta: pale yellow; Tolima: light
grey; Vichada: brown; San Andres: pale blue; Sucre: dark red; Bolivar: white; Atlántico: orange; Putumayo: black; Cesar: dark grey, Choco: dark purple; and
Magdalena: dark blue. As for dot borders, light blue indicates insular lands, red corresponds to cis-Andean localities, black to trans-Andean sites and dark green for
Andean sites. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Table 2
Primers designed in the present study for amplification of coxI, coxIII and cytb.
Primer name Molecular marker Sequence (5′ -3′ ) PCR type Fragment size (bp) T◦ Anneal

HaemogCOXIIIF2 coxIII GACGCTTACTTCCCGGTC Nested (outer) 863 50

HaemogCOXIIIF3 GCATTCSTTGGWTATGTATTRC Nested /Direct (inner) 528 50
HaemogCYTBF2 cytb GCYCATCTMCAATCWTATCC Direct 735 56 ◦ C

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the partial mitochondrial genome of Klosiella equi (Léveillé et al., 2019b) with the location of the primer sets developed in this
study. The dark and pale blue fragments indicate the genes from which the information was obtained during the Whole Sequencing Genome (WGS) proceedings.
Primer detailed information and expected product size for each oligonucleotide combination presented are provided in Table 2. (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

distances between lineages were estimated using a Kimura two- P. unifilis. (Yellow-spotted Sideneck Turtle).
parameter model of substitution, implemented in MEGA 7.0 (Kumar
et al., 2016).
3.2. Mitochondrial genome sequencing, primer design and analyzes of
3. Results cytb, coxI, and coxIII

3.1. Microscopic analyses 3.2.1. Raw data, assembly of the mitochondrial genome, and genetic
Samples from 458 individuals belonging to six families of continental A total of 1,019,330,560 reads were produced during the NGS
turtles and 16 species were analyzed (Table 1). In the peripheral blood sequencing process. The GC content (%) was 44.62%, and Q20 was
smears, we identified meronts (Fig. 3A), trophozoites, and immature and 96.7%. Eight partial sequences were obtained, corresponding to the
mature gametocytes. Based on the morphological characteristics iden­ three protein-coding mitochondrial genes: coxIII (3 sequences), coxI (4
tified in the gametocytes as described by Telford (2009), we identified sequences), and cytb (1 sequence). Also, we obtained partial sequences
four morphotypes (Fig. 3), which were found in coinfection in 66.7% of of the genes LSUE and LSUF which were adjacent to coxIII, and coxI
the positive samples revised by microscopy (Table 1). Morphotypes 1 respectively, but these gene sequences were not used for the analyzes.
and 2 were the most common, while morphotype 4 was found only in Genetic distances between the different lineages of coxI and coxIII
ranged between 0.16 and 0.24 (Table 3).

Fig. 3. Haemogregarina spp. morphotypes found in turtle species of Colombia. Merozoite (A) stages were scarce, and present only in samples with more than one
morphotype. Mature gamonts of morphotype 1 from P. vogli (B) and R. melanosterna (C). Morphotype 1 may present variations in the width and length of the parasite
as observed in images B and C. Morphotype 2 from P. vogli of Casanare (D) and Vichada (E), which may show variability in the configuration of the nucleus and the
length of the parasite; and morphotype 3 (F-G) found in P. vogli. The gamonts of morphotype 3 may exhibit a cap in one of the poles, as well as an intense granulation.
Morphotype 4 from P. unifilis (H). Black arrows indicate the host cell nucleus; the white arrows show the parasite nucleus; black arrowheads indicate granular
cytoplasm on morphotype 3, and white arrowheads, the merozoites in meronts. Double black arrowheads are placed in the cytoplasmic space. Giemsa-stained blood
films. Scale bar = 10 μm.

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Table 3 3.2.2. Efficiency of primers

Genetic distances between mitochondrial molecular lineages of coxI, LSUF, Primers were tested in 83 Haemogregarina infections selected ac­
coxIII, and LSUE obtained from the whole genome sequencing of the Hemog­ cording to sample availability and quality detected in the following six
regarines sample. host species: Podocnemis erythrocephala-Red-headed Amazon River
Lineages Genetic distance ±SD Turtle (2 individuals), Podocnemis lewyana- Magdalena River Turtle (2
coxI LSUF coxIII LSUE ind.), P. unifilis (1 ind.), P. vogli, (70 ind.) Mesoclemmys gibba- Gibba
Turtle (1 ind.), and R. melanosterna (7 ind.) (Table S1). Using the primers
COXI_POVOG_001 vs. 0.1917 ± 0.0297 – –
sets shown in the Table 2 we obtained 119 sequences (GenBank acces­
COXI_POVOG_006 0.013 0.017
COXI_POVOG_001 vs. 0.173 ± 0.0097 ± – – sion numbers: cytb: MW418658-MW418702; coxI: MW418703-
COXI_POVOG_007 0.011 0.009 MW418742 and coxIII: MW418743- MW418776). The primer set used
COXI_POVOG_001 vs. 0.177 ± 0.0297 ± – – for cytb amplification was successful in 44/60 (73.3%) of the evaluated
COXI_POVOG_008 0.012 0.017
samples, from which only five corresponded to parasites isolated from
COXI_POVOG_006 vs. 0.181 ± 0.0196 ± – –
COXI_POVOG_007 0.012 0.014 species different from P. vogli. For coxI amplifications, the primer set
COXI_POVOG_006 vs. 0.157 ± 0.0000 ± – – COXIF3/COXIR2 was the most successful (65.6%, 21/32 samples
COXI_POVOG_008 0.012 0.00 tested), followed by COXIF2/COXIR3 (64.6%, 31/48), and lastly by
COXI_POVOG_007 vs. 0.177 ± 0.0196 ± – – COXIF3/COXIR3 45% (9/20). Despite being the most successful primer
COXI_POVOG_008 0.012 0.014
COXIII_POVOG_004 vs – – 0.238 ± 0.00 ±
set, COXIF3/COXIR2 oligonucleotides seem to show some specificity for
COXIII_POVOG_007 0.019 0.00 the lineages isolated from P. vogli since they were neither able to amplify
COXIII_POVOG_004 vs – – 0.206 ± 0.011 ± sequences of Haemogregarina infecting the other Podocnemididae spe­
COXIII_POVOG_017 0.018 0.011 cies nor parasites of the genus Mesoclemmys (Chelidae) or Rhinoclemmys
COXIII_POVOG_007 vs 0.195 ± 0.014 ±
– –
(Geoemydidae). Instead, with the primers COXIF2/COXIR3, two line­
COXIII_POVOG_017 0.017 0.014
ages, one from P. lewyana and one from R. melanosterna were amplified
(Table S1).
As for coxIII, the nested PCR using the combinations COXIIIF2/
COXIIIR1 as outer and COXIIIF1/COXIIIR2 as inner (success rate 75%,

Fig. 4. Phylogenetic reconstructions obtained from the Cytochrome b (cytb) with fragments of 730 bp. Color conventions of locality and host species are provided in
the figure’s upper left the associated morphotypes also are shown with different tip shapes. The nodal support values are indicated above the branches as BI/ML.
Nodal supports below 0.8/80 not shown.

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

33/44 samples) showed a better percentage of success as compared to (Table S3).

the primer set COXIIIF3/COXIIIR3 (64.7%, 22/34 samples). Besides, it is For the coxI, the clade A included all sequences isolated from P. vogli
noteworthy that the primer COXIIIF3 showed cross-reaction with the along with a lineage of R. melanosterna arranged in three subclades
sequence of cytb in 3.6% of the samples. Therefore, the use of the nested (Fig. 5, subclades AI, AII and AIII). Furthermore, the sequences isolated
PCR protocol COXIIIF2/COXIIIR1 and COXIIIF1/COXIIIR2 is advisable. from P. lewyana were placed in clade B. Additionally, lineages PZAT_105
and PZAT_083 appeared as successive sister lineages of the clade (AII +
3.2.3. Index of substitution saturation AIII). The high genetic divergences found within clade A are note­
Despite the high bias of A/T in most of the Adeleorinid parasite ge­ worthy, where the subclades AI and AIII are the most distantly related,
nomes and particularly the fragments amplified from Haemogregarina, diverging at 0.172 (Table S4).
no saturation was found for any of the genes analyzed (Table S2). Compared with the other mitochondrial markers, the hypothesis
obtained from coxIII was poorly resolved at the deep nodes of the phy­
logeny since lineages were arranged in a polytomy (Fig. 6). Podocne­
3.3. Phylogenetic analyzes and genetic divergence mididae parasite sequences were placed in four well-supported clades,
regardless of the species of the host. Genetic distances between these
3.3.1. Mitochondrial molecular markers (cytb, coxI, coxIII) clades ranged between 0.13 and 0.24.
Figs. 4–6 depict the Haemogregarina evolutionary relationships using Nevertheless, pairwise genetic divergences among the Haemogre­
the mitochondrial molecular markers cytb, coxI, and coxIII, respectively. garina sequences included in the analyses may reach values far higher,
As observed with the 18S rDNA, using mitochondrial markers, the like the lineages obtained from Mesochlemys gibba (ASM488_COX­
parasite lineages did not group according to the morphotypes they III_MEGIB_001) that showed divergences from 0.48 to 0.592 (Table S5)
exhibit but by the host species from which they were isolated. with the other Haemogregarina parasites.
As expected, a high genetic diversity of mitochondrial lineages was Furthermore, although lineages isolated from P. lewyana were
found compared to the nuclear haplotypes previously established using revealed in clade B along with sequences amplified from P. vogli (Fig. 6),
18S rDNA. Furthermore, the presence of multiple peaks in some se­ great genetic distances (0.12–0.18; Table S5) differentiated the isolated
quences, as well as the isolation of at least two different lineages indi­ sequences of hosts of these two species.
cating the presence of more than one PCR product in a unique sample,
were common (i.e., sample 109, lineages POVOG_019 and POVOG_020 3.3.2. 18S rDNA
for cytb; and sample 106, lineages POVOG_002 and POVOG_028 for We obtained thirty-one unique lineages of 585 bp, and forty-six se­
coxI). Consequently, data from all mitochondrial molecular markers quences of about 1500 bp, from the six positive turtle species analyzed.
could not be concatenated and further analyzed as a single locus. The host species dictated the groupings observed in the phylogenetic
For the cytb, all revealed lineages were arranged in five clades reconstructions (Fig. 7 A, B). Three well- supported clades were formed:
(Fig. 4). The clade A included the lineages isolated from P. lewyana, the first clade (A)containing clades AI-AIV, groups were most of the
P. unifilis, P. vogli, and two of the four samples of R. melanosterna lineages from the eastern plains (Fig. 7A clades AI-AIV, blue, brown, and
included in the analysis. The remaining samples from R melanosterna light-yellow tips). In the clade B, one of the lineages isolated from
lineages RMH011 and RMH015_Cytb_ RHMEL_001 were placed in clade P. lewyana lies basal to the clade BI that contains the lineages found in
F (Fig. 4). Genetic distances between the lineages Cytb_POVOG_019 and R. melanosterna sampled in a trans Andean location (see Fig. 1, dot 5, 4A
Cytb_POVOG_020 isolated from the sample PZAT109 was 0.146

Fig. 5. Phylogenetic reconstructions obtained from the Cytochrome oxidase I (coxI) fragments of about 1160 bp. Color conventions of locality and host species are
provided in the figure’s upper left, the morphotype associated also are shown with different tip shapes. The nodal support values are indicated above the branches in
this way BI/ML. Nodal supports below 0.8/80 are not shown.

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

Fig. 6. Phylogenetic reconstructions obtained from Cytochrome oxidase III (coxIII) lineages of fragments of 500 bp approximately. Color conventions of locality and
host species are provided in the figure’s upper left; the morphotype associated also are shown with different tip shapes. The nodal support values are indicated above
the branches in this way BI/ML. Nodal supports below 0.8/80 are not shown.

Fig. 7. Phylogenetic tree based on 18S rDNA. (A) sequences of 585 base pair (bp) and(B) fragments of approximately 1450 bp. Tree topologies for both Bayesian
inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyzes were similar. Both posterior probabilities (for BI) / bootstrap (ML) values are indicated above branches. Color
conventions of locality and host species are provided in the figure’s upper left, the morphotype associated also are shown with different tip shapes. Nodal supports
below 0.8/80 are not shown.

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

light green branches), along with the parasite lineage amplified from critical (Iss.c) established by the test to determine the usability of the
M. gibba, and P. erythrocephala, both species captured in cis Andean lo­ sequences to “recover the true phylogeny” is highly dependent on the
cations (Fig. 1, dots 37 and 38, Table 1). number of taxa included (Xia et al., 2003). For Haemogregarina,
The clade CII grouped only parasite sequences of R. melanosterna currently, there are few sequences from closest taxa available. Then such
appears as sister taxa of clade CI containing Haemogregarina sequences lack of information might bias the estimation of substitution saturation.
from species previously reported in European and Asian hosts. Genetic
distances between the species H balli, H. Pellegrini, and H. stepanowi and 4.3. Phylogenetic analyses and genetic divergence
the lineages obtained in this study ranged between 0.048 and 0.10 while
with H. sacaliae divergences were from 0.05 to 0.11 (Table S6). Comparing the two reconstructions obtained using different
The lineages obtained from P. vogli (Fig. 7 clade A) clustered with sequence lengths of the 18S rDNA (585 bp, Fig. 7A and 1450 bp Fig. 7B),
lineages of P. unifilis (POUNI_001, POUNI_002, and MF476205 Hae. similarities between the two topologies could be observed. The differ­
podocnemis) and P. lewyana (POLEW_001). The lineages POUNI_001 and ences between both topologies might be due to a taxa subsampling in the
POUNI_002 were isolated from the same individual. The genetic dis­ reconstruction with the long fragment. In both phylogenetic re­
tance between the sequences obtained from a P. unifilis and Hae. constructions, the samples from Neotropical hosts differed by more than
podocnemis was about 1.8% (Table S7). 7% (Table S6.) concerning the Haemogregarina species sequences from
Furthermore, high variability on the 18S lineages from the old world. Also, using 18S rDNA we identified a single parasite
R. melanosterna was detected. The clades BI and CII where the parasite lineage associated with each morphotype (except for P. unifilis).
lineages isolated from this species differed at about 9.5%, larger than the However, for the amplified mitochondrial molecular markers, it was
divergence between the outgroup and the clade CI that contained the common to obtain sequences showing double peaks. This might indicate
described species in the old world (8%) (Fig. 7A). either 1) there are co-infections non-recognizable by morphology
Regarding the phylogenetic reconstruction performed with se­ (cryptic species) that are common in Apicomplexa (most of this research
quences of 1450 bp fragments, there were few variations when has been developed in haemosporida (Bensch et al., 2000; Galen et al.,
compared with the reconstruction obtained with the short fragment 2018; Lotta et al., 2016). Such cryptic species are a consequence of few
(Fig. 7B). For example, of the samples PZAT73, 102, 109, 112 and 122 diagnostic features of gametocytes or 2) there are multiple mitochon­
clustered in a small clade (Fig. 7A. Clade A) they were organized drial genotypes for the same lineage. The presence of one of those factors
differently within the polytomy compared with the group A of Hae­ (or both) made it impossible to concatenate the lineages from different
mogregarina lineages obtained in the reconstruction with the short molecular markers to obtain a more robust phylogenetic hypothesis.
fragment (Fig. 7A, Group A). Differences can be observed mainly in the Recent multilocus sequencing of mitochondrial genes of adeleorinid
values of the nodal supports. When longer fragment sequences were parasites indicate that under a single morphological species isolate,
used, the nodal values were more robust and the changes in the length of more than two different genotypes are found (Léveillé, 2019; Léveillé
branches were apparent, such as PZAT 73, 112, 122 (Fig. 7B). et al., 2020; El Hili et al., 2021). Thus, finding more than one sequence of
coxI and coxIII from the Haemogregarina sp. genome sequence obtained
4. Discussion in this study and multiple peaks in the sequences amplified from the
samples was not surprising. El Hili et al., 2021 using COI primers
This study represents the first attempt to describe the Haemogregarina designed mainly in Eimeria spp., identify multiple lineages in two
diversity of parasites infecting continental turtles in Colombia by using freshwater turtles in Tunisia. Strikingly for Haemogregarina balli, the
information from new mitochondrial markers developed here and genetic distances between the four genotypes found in the same sample
standardized, in addition to the 18S rDNA and morphological features. are as high as 30% (Léveillé, 2019). However, this is not true in Hep­
Nevertheless, to date, for this parasite genus, there are primers for atozoon species, e.g., H. griseisciuri where the identities percentage for
amplification of a small fragment (about 500 pb) of coxI gene (El Hili coxI and coxIII are 92% and 89.9%, respectively (Léveillé et al., 2020).
et al., 2021). Then, to get more information, we designed primers for The genetic distances between sequences obtained in this study for coxI
longer gene fragments of the cytb, coxI, and coxIII based on the analysis and coxIII ranged between 0.16 and 0.25. Bearing these findings in
of the whole sequencing genome of a sample of Haemogregarina sp. mind, we can speculate that genetic distances above 30% (0.30) in
isolated from P. vogli. mitochondrial markers might be associated with different parasite spe­
cies; as observed here, with the distances between the Haemogregarina
4.1. Efficiency of primers lineages isolated from P. vogli and R. melanosterna or P. lewyana
(Table S4; S6).
Primer combinations CYTBF2/CYTBR1 for cytb, COXIF2/COXIR3 for The organization of the mitochondrial genome in Haemogregarina is
coxI and the nested PCR COXIIIF2/COXIIIR1, COXIIIF1/COXIIIR2 for little-known. A possible explanation of our results, which showed mul­
coxIII gave excellent results to obtain fragments from 528 to 1211 pb of tiple copies highly divergent for mitochondrial molecular markers might
such mitochondrial genes, for diagnosis of parasites infecting different be heteroplasmy. This process has been documented in other Apicom­
species of continental turtles of Colombia. Furthermore, the high num­ plexa. For example, Schmedes et al. (2019) demonstrate this phenom­
ber of lineages obtained revealed an astonishing diversity of lineages enon when they tried to trace the geographic origin of Plasmodium
hidden under the four morphotypes identified and the 18r DNA lineages falciparum lineages in U.S.A Furthermore, heteroplasmy is also reported
amplified. in other organisms closely related to Apicomplexa (Waller and Jackson,
2009), such as dinoflagellates (Santos et al., 2002). Also, in Trypanosoma
4.2. Index of substitution saturation cruzi heteroplasmy was demonstrated in the mitochondrial genome
using the maxicircle DNA’s deep sequencing methods (Messenger et al.,
Despite the high variability found among sequences, the mitochon­ 2012). 2) Non-functional copies, NUMTs show variable genetic dis­
drial molecular markers’ fragments showed low substitution saturation, tances with the functional copies in the mitochondrial genome (Hiko­
which indicates that they retain phylogenetic signal, thus being suitable saka et al., 2010). However, our results did not show stop codons within
for phylogenetic analysis. Similar results have been achieved with other the amplified sequence, a common feature in NUMTs.
Apicomplexa like Haemosporidians (Pacheco et al., 2018b). Yet, our The main limitations of data raised in this research are: 1) it was
results contrast with previous studies in the closest taxa Eimeria; whose impossible to link morphologies to a species. It was due the samples with
coxI shows a substantial saturation (Ogedengbe et al., 2018). In this single infections, the meronts (which can add valuable information for
regard, is important to note that the index of substitution saturation descriptions (Telford, 2009) were absent. 2) Although phylogenetic

G.A. Gutierrez-Liberato et al. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95 (2021) 105040

reconstructions performed with the nuclear molecular marker and the (SUSA)” and the biology laboratory of the “Universidad de los Llanos” in
mitochondrial coxI and cytb were highly congruent, the lack of concor­ Villavicencio - Meta for their collaboration during the field work. This
dance using coxIII was probably due to a low number of lineages ob­ study was supported by the “Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e
tained for this marker. 3) There are still few species of Haemogregarina Innovación” MINCIENCIAS (Projects code 1101-776-57872, Contract
with their mitochondrial genomes characterized. Therefore, there are no 80740-572-2020 code 75752, and program of postdoctoral stays con­
barcoding sequences identified yet. tract 400- 2019), the Vicerrectoría de investigación Universidad
For delimitation of species, the complete characterization of the life Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá project numbers 48445 and 50839;
cycles and the characteristics of the parasite forms at different stages of and the agreement of Universidad Nacional de Colombia -MINCIENCIAS
the cycle must be carried out. This should be done through experimental for the postdoctoral stays program - contract 400-2019.
infections using species with well-defined genotypes. Unfortunately,
unlike other Apicomplexa such as haemosporidia, based on our results, Appendix A. Supplementary data
the mitochondrial markers of the haemogregarines are not generating
enough information to make a clear delimitation of species. These Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
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