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Cladistics (/kləˈdɪstɪks/; from Ancient Greek κλάδος (kládos)  'branch')[1] is an approach to biological
classification in which organisms are categorized in groups ("clades") based on hypotheses of most recent
common ancestry. The evidence for hypothesized relationships is typically shared derived characteristics
(synapomorphies) that are not present in more distant groups and ancestors. However, from an empirical
perspective, common ancestors are inferences based on a cladistic hypothesis of relationships of taxa whose
character states can be observed. Theoretically, a last common ancestor and all its descendants constitute a
(minimal) clade. Importantly, all descendants stay in their overarching ancestral clade. For example, if the
terms worms or fishes were used within a strict cladistic framework, these terms would include humans.
Many of these terms are normally used paraphyletically, outside of cladistics, e.g. as a 'grade', which are
fruitless to precisely delineate, especially when including extinct species. Radiation results in the generation
of new subclades by bifurcation, but in practice sexual hybridization may blur very closely related

As a hypothesis, a clade can only be rejected if some groupings were explicitly excluded. It may then be
found that the excluded group did actually descend from the last common ancestor of the group, and thus
emerged within the group. ("Evolved from" is misleading, because in cladistics all descendants stay in the
ancestral group). Upon finding that the group is paraphyletic this way, either such excluded groups should
be granted to the clade, or the group should be abolished.[6]

Branches down to the divergence to the next significant (e.g. extant) sister are considered stem-groupings
of the clade, but in principle each level stands on its own, to be assigned a unique name. For a fully
bifurcated tree, adding a group to a tree also adds an additional (named) clade, and a new level on that
branch. Specifically, also extinct groups are always put on a side-branch, not distinguishing whether an
actual ancestor of other groupings was found.

The techniques and nomenclature of cladistics have been applied to disciplines other than biology. (See
phylogenetic nomenclature.)

Cladistics findings are posing a difficulty for taxonomy, where the rank and (genus-)naming of established
groupings may turn out to be inconsistent.

Cladistics is now the most commonly used method to classify organisms.[7]

The original methods used in cladistic analysis and the school of taxonomy derived from the work of the
German entomologist Willi Hennig, who referred to it as phylogenetic systematics (also the title of his
1966 book); the terms "cladistics" and "clade" were popularized by other researchers. Cladistics in the
original sense refers to a particular set of methods used in phylogenetic analysis, although it is now
sometimes used to refer to the whole field.[8]

What is now called the cladistic method appeared as early as 1901 with a work by Peter Chalmers Mitchell
for birds[9][10] and subsequently by Robert John Tillyard (for insects) in 1921,[11] and W. Zimmermann
(for plants) in 1943.[12] The term "clade" was introduced in 1958 by Julian Huxley after having been
coined by Lucien Cuénot in 1940,[13] "cladogenesis" in 1958,[14]
"cladistic" by Arthur Cain and Harrison in 1960,[15] "cladist" (for an
adherent of Hennig's school) by Ernst Mayr in 1965,[16] and "cladistics" in
1966.[14] Hennig referred to his own approach as "phylogenetic
systematics". From the time of his original formulation until the end of the
1970s, cladistics competed as an analytical and philosophical approach to
systematics with phenetics and so-called evolutionary taxonomy. Phenetics
was championed at this time by the numerical taxonomists Peter Sneath and
Robert Sokal, and evolutionary taxonomy by Ernst Mayr.

Originally conceived, if only in essence, by Willi Hennig in a book

published in 1950, cladistics did not flourish until its translation into English
in 1966 (Lewin 1997). Today, cladistics is the most popular method for Willi Hennig 1972
inferring phylogenetic trees from morphological data.

In the 1990s, the development of effective polymerase chain reaction

techniques allowed the application of cladistic methods to biochemical and
molecular genetic traits of organisms, vastly expanding the amount of data
available for phylogenetics. At the same time, cladistics rapidly became
popular in evolutionary biology, because computers made it possible to
process large quantities of data about organisms and their characteristics.

The cladistic method interprets each shared character state transformation as
a potential piece of evidence for grouping. Synapomorphies (shared,
derived character states) are viewed as evidence of grouping, while Peter Chalmers Mitchell in
symplesiomorphies (shared ancestral character states) are not. The outcome 1920
of a cladistic analysis is a cladogram – a tree-shaped diagram
(dendrogram)[17] that is interpreted to represent the best hypothesis of
phylogenetic relationships. Although traditionally such cladograms were
generated largely on the basis of morphological characters and originally
calculated by hand, genetic sequencing data and computational
phylogenetics are now commonly used in phylogenetic analyses, and the
parsimony criterion has been abandoned by many phylogeneticists in favor
of more "sophisticated" but less parsimonious evolutionary models of
character state transformation. Cladists contend that these models are
unjustified because there is no evidence that they recover more "true" or
"correct" results from actual empirical data sets [18]

Every cladogram is based on a particular dataset analyzed with a particular

method. Datasets are tables consisting of molecular, morphological,
ethological[19] and/or other characters and a list of operational taxonomic Robert John Tillyard
units (OTUs), which may be genes, individuals, populations, species, or
larger taxa that are presumed to be monophyletic and therefore to form, all
together, one large clade; phylogenetic analysis infers the branching pattern within that clade. Different
datasets and different methods, not to mention violations of the mentioned assumptions, often result in
different cladograms. Only scientific investigation can show which is more likely to be correct.

Until recently, for example, cladograms like the following have generally been accepted as accurate
representations of the ancestral relations among turtles, lizards, crocodilians, and birds:[20]


⁠  ▼
⁠ ⁠Crocodylomorpha   crocodilians
⁠Diapsida   ♦

⁠ ⁠Archosauria


If this phylogenetic hypothesis is correct, then the last common ancestor of turtles and birds, at the branch
near the ▼ lived earlier than the last common ancestor of lizards and birds, near the ♦ . Most molecular
evidence, however, produces cladograms more like this:[21]

⁠Lepidosauria   lizards


⁠Diapsida   ♦
⁠ ⁠Archosauromorpha▼ ⁠Crocodylomorpha  
⁠ crocodilians
⁠ ⁠Archosauria  

⁠ birds

If this is accurate, then the last common ancestor of turtles and birds lived later than the last common
ancestor of lizards and birds. Since the cladograms show two mutually exclusive hypotheses to describe the
evolutionary history, at most one of them is correct.

The cladogram to the right represents

the current universally accepted
hypothesis that all primates, including
strepsirrhines like the lemurs and
lorises, had a common ancestor all of
whose descendants are or were
primates, and so form a clade; the
name Primates is therefore recognized
for this clade. Within the primates, all
anthropoids (monkeys, apes, and
humans) are hypothesized to have had
a common ancestor all of whose
descendants are or were anthropoids,
so they form the clade called
Anthropoidea. The "prosimians", on
the other hand, form a paraphyletic
taxon. The name Prosimii is not used Cladogram of the primates, showing a monophyletic taxon (a clade:
in phylogenetic nomenclature, which the simians or Anthropoidea, in yellow), a paraphyletic taxon (the
names only clades; the "prosimians" prosimians, in blue, including the red patch), and a polyphyletic
are instead divided between the clades taxon (the nocturnal primates – the lorises and the tarsiers – in red)
Strepsirhini and Haplorhini, where the latter contains Tarsiiformes and Anthropoidea.

Lemurs and tarsiers may have looked closely related to humans, in the sense of being close on the
evolutionary tree to humans. However, from the perspective of a tarsier, humans and lemurs would have
looked close, in the exact same sense. Cladistics forces a neutral perspective, treating all branches (extant or
extinct) in the same manner. It also forces one to try to make statements, and honestly take into account
findings, about the exact historic relationships between the groups.

Terminology for character states

The following terms, coined by Hennig, are used to identify shared or distinct character states among

A plesiomorphy ("close form") or ancestral state is a character state that a taxon has
retained from its ancestors. When two or more taxa that are not nested within each other
share a plesiomorphy, it is a symplesiomorphy (from syn-, "together"). Symplesiomorphies
do not mean that the taxa that exhibit that character state are necessarily closely related. For
example, Reptilia is traditionally characterized by (among other things) being cold-blooded
(i.e., not maintaining a constant high body temperature), whereas birds are warm-blooded.
Since cold-bloodedness is a plesiomorphy, inherited from the common ancestor of
traditional reptiles and birds, and thus a symplesiomorphy of turtles, snakes and crocodiles
(among others), it does not mean that turtles, snakes and crocodiles form a clade that
excludes the birds.
An apomorphy ("separate form") or derived state is an innovation. It can thus be used to
diagnose a clade – or even to help define a clade name in phylogenetic nomenclature.
Features that are derived in individual taxa (a single species or a group that is represented
by a single terminal in a given phylogenetic analysis) are called autapomorphies (from
auto-, "self"). Autapomorphies express nothing about relationships among groups; clades
are identified (or defined) by synapomorphies (from syn-, "together"). For example, the
possession of digits that are homologous with those of Homo sapiens is a synapomorphy
within the vertebrates. The tetrapods can be singled out as consisting of the first vertebrate
with such digits homologous to those of Homo sapiens together with all descendants of this
vertebrate (an apomorphy-based phylogenetic definition).[25] Importantly, snakes and other
tetrapods that do not have digits are nonetheless tetrapods: other characters, such as
amniotic eggs and diapsid skulls, indicate that they descended from ancestors that
possessed digits which are homologous with ours.
A character state is homoplastic or "an instance of homoplasy" if it is shared by two or
more organisms but is absent from their common ancestor or from a later ancestor in the
lineage leading to one of the organisms. It is therefore inferred to have evolved by
convergence or reversal. Both mammals and birds are able to maintain a high constant body
temperature (i.e., they are warm-blooded). However, the accepted cladogram explaining
their significant features indicates that their common ancestor is in a group lacking this
character state, so the state must have evolved independently in the two clades. Warm-
bloodedness is separately a synapomorphy of mammals (or a larger clade) and of birds (or a
larger clade), but it is not a synapomorphy of any group including both these clades.
Hennig's Auxiliary Principle[26] states that shared character states should be considered
evidence of grouping unless they are contradicted by the weight of other evidence; thus,
homoplasy of some feature among members of a group may only be inferred after a
phylogenetic hypothesis for that group has been established.

The terms plesiomorphy and apomorphy are relative; their application depends on the position of a group
within a tree. For example, when trying to decide whether the tetrapods form a clade, an important question
is whether having four limbs is a synapomorphy of the earliest taxa to be included within Tetrapoda: did all
the earliest members of the Tetrapoda inherit four limbs from a common ancestor, whereas all other
vertebrates did not, or at least not homologously? By contrast, for a group within the tetrapods, such as
birds, having four limbs is a plesiomorphy. Using these two terms allows a greater precision in the
discussion of homology, in particular allowing clear expression of the hierarchical relationships among
different homologous features.

It can be difficult to decide whether a character state is in fact the same and thus can be classified as a
synapomorphy, which may identify a monophyletic group, or whether it only appears to be the same and is
thus a homoplasy, which cannot identify such a group. There is a danger of circular reasoning: assumptions
about the shape of a phylogenetic tree are used to justify decisions about character states, which are then
used as evidence for the shape of the tree.[27] Phylogenetics uses various forms of parsimony to decide
such questions; the conclusions reached often depend on the dataset and the methods. Such is the nature of
empirical science, and for this reason, most cladists refer to their cladograms as hypotheses of relationship.
Cladograms that are supported by a large number and variety of different kinds of characters are viewed as
more robust than those based on more limited evidence.[28]

Terminology for taxa

Mono-, para- and polyphyletic taxa can be understood based on the shape of the tree (as done above), as
well as based on their character states.[23][24][29] These are compared in the table below.

Term Node-based definition Character-based definition

Holophyly, A clade, a monophyletic taxon, is A clade is characterized by one or more apomorphies:

Monophyly a taxon that consists of the last derived character states present in the first member of the
common ancestor and all its taxon, inherited by its descendants (unless secondarily lost),
descendants.[30] and not inherited by any other taxa.

Paraphyly A paraphyletic assemblage is one A paraphyletic assemblage is characterized by one or more

that is constructed by taking a plesiomorphies: character states inherited from ancestors
clade and removing one or more but not present in all of their descendants. As a consequence,
smaller clades.[31] (Removing one a paraphyletic assemblage is truncated, in that it excludes
clade produces a singly one or more clades from an otherwise monophyletic taxon. An
paraphyletic assemblage, alternative name is evolutionary grade, referring to an
removing two produces a doubly ancestral character state within the group. While paraphyletic
paraphylectic assemblage, and so assemblages are popular among paleontologists and
on.)[32] evolutionary taxonomists, cladists do not recognize
paraphyletic assemblages as having any formal information
content – they are merely parts of clades.

Polyphyly A polyphyletic assemblage is one A polyphyletic assemblage is characterized by one or more

which is neither monophyletic nor homoplasies: character states which have converged or
paraphyletic. reverted so as to be the same but which have not been
inherited from a common ancestor. No systematist
recognizes polyphyletic assemblages as taxonomically
meaningful entities, although ecologists sometimes consider
them meaningful labels for functional participants in
ecological communities (e. g., primary producers, detritivores,

Cladistics, either generally or in specific applications, has been criticized from its beginnings. Decisions as
to whether particular character states are homologous, a precondition of their being synapomorphies, have
been challenged as involving circular reasoning and subjective judgements.[33] Of course, the potential
unreliability of evidence is a problem for any systematic method, or for that matter, for any empirical
scientific endeavor at all.[34][35]

Transformed cladistics arose in the late 1970s [36] in an attempt to resolve some of these problems by
removing a priori assumptions about phylogeny from cladistic analysis, but it has remained unpopular.[37]



The cladistic method does not identify fossil species as actual ancestors of a clade.[38] Instead, fossil taxa
are identified as belonging to separate extinct branches. While a fossil species could be the actual ancestor
of a clade, there is no way to know that. Therefore, a more conservative hypothesis is that the fossil taxon is
related to other fossil and extant taxa, as implied by the pattern of shared apomorphic features.[39]

Extinction status

An otherwise extinct group with any extant descendants, is not considered (literally) extinct,[40] and for
instance does not have a date of extinction.

Hybridization, interbreeding

Anything having to do with biology and sex is complicated and messy, and cladistics is no exception.[41]
Many species reproduce sexually, and are capable of interbreeding for millions of years. Worse, during
such a period, many branches may have radiated, and it may take hundreds of millions of years for them to
have whittled down to just two.[42] Only then one can theoretically assign proper last common ancestors of
groupings which do not inadvertently include earlier branches.[43] The process of true cladistic bifurcation
can thus take a much more extended time than one is usually aware of.[44] In practice, for recent radiations,
cladistically guided findings only give a coarse impression of the complexity. A more detailed account will
give details about fractions of introgressions between groupings, and even geographic variations thereof.
This has been used as an argument for the use of paraphyletic groupings,[43] but typically other reasons are

Horizontal gene transfer

Horizontal gene transfer is the mobility of genetic info between different organisms that can have
immediate or delayed effects for the reciprocal host.[45] There are several processes in nature which can
cause horizontal gene transfer. This does typically not directly interfere with ancestry of the organism, but
can complicate the determination of that ancestry. On another level, one can map the horizontal gene
transfer processes, by determining the phylogeny of the individual genes using cladistics.

Naming stability

If there is unclarity in mutual relationships, there are a lot of possible trees. Assigning names to each
possible clade may not be prudent. Furthermore, established names are discarded in cladistics, or
alternatively carry connotations which may no longer hold, such as when additional groups are found to
have emerged in them.[46] Naming changes are the direct result of changes in the recognition of mutual
relationships, which often is still in flux, especially for extinct species. Hanging on to older naming and/or
connotations is counter-productive, as they typically do not reflect actual mutual relationships precisely at
all. E.g. Archaea, Asgard archaea, protists, slime molds, worms, invertebrata, fishes, reptilia, monkeys,
Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Homo erectus all contain Homo sapiens cladistically, in their sensu lato
meaning. For originally extinct stem groups, sensu lato generally means generously keeping previously
included groups, which then may come to include even living species. A pruned sensu stricto meaning is
often adopted instead, but the group would need to be restricted to a single branche on the stem. Other
branches then get their own name and level. This is commensurate to the fact that more senior stem
branches are in fact closer related to the resulting group than the more basal stem branches; that those stem
branches only may have lived for a short time does not affect that assessment in cladistics.

In disciplines other than biology

The comparisons used to acquire data on which cladograms can be based are not limited to the field of
biology.[47] Any group of individuals or classes that are hypothesized to have a common ancestor, and to
which a set of common characteristics may or may not apply, can be compared pairwise. Cladograms can
be used to depict the hypothetical descent relationships within groups of items in many different academic
realms. The only requirement is that the items have characteristics that can be identified and measured.

Anthropology and archaeology:[48] Cladistic methods have been used to reconstruct the development of
cultures or artifacts using groups of cultural traits or artifact features.

Comparative mythology and folktale use cladistic methods to reconstruct the protoversion of many myths.
Mythological phylogenies constructed with mythemes clearly support low horizontal transmissions
(borrowings), historical (sometimes Palaeolithic) diffusions and punctuated evolution.[49] They also are a
powerful way to test hypotheses about cross-cultural relationships among folktales.[50][51]

Literature: Cladistic methods have been used in the classification of the surviving manuscripts of the
Canterbury Tales,[52] and the manuscripts of the Sanskrit Charaka Samhita.[53]

Historical linguistics:[54] Cladistic methods have been used to reconstruct the phylogeny of languages using
linguistic features. This is similar to the traditional comparative method of historical linguistics, but is more
explicit in its use of parsimony and allows much faster analysis of large datasets (computational

Textual criticism or stemmatics:[53][55] Cladistic methods have been used to reconstruct the phylogeny of
manuscripts of the same work (and reconstruct the lost original) using distinctive copying errors as
apomorphies. This differs from traditional historical-comparative linguistics in enabling the editor to
evaluate and place in genetic relationship large groups of manuscripts with large numbers of variants that
would be impossible to handle manually. It also enables parsimony analysis of contaminated traditions of
transmission that would be impossible to evaluate manually in a reasonable period of time.

Astrophysics[56] infers the history of relationships between galaxies to create branching diagram
hypotheses of galaxy diversification.

See also
Coalescent theory
Common descent
Glossary of scientific naming
Language family
Phylogenetic network
Scientific classification
Three-taxon analysis
Tree model
Tree structure

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Notes and references

1. Harper, Douglas. "clade" ( Online Etymology
2. Columbia Encyclopedia
3. "Introduction to Cladistics" ( Retrieved 6 January 2014.
4. Oxford Dictionary of English
5. Oxford English Dictionary
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External links
Media related to Cladistics at Wikimedia Commons
OneZoom: Tree of Life – all living species as intuitive and zoomable fractal explorer
(responsive design) (
Willi Hennig Society (
Cladistics ( (scholarly
journal of the Willi Hennig Society)
Collins, Allen G.; Guralnick, Rob; Smith, Dave (1994–2005). "Journey into Phylogenetic
Systematics" ( University of California
Museum of Paleontology. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
Felsenstein, Joe. "Phylogeny Programs" (
html). Seattle: University of Washington. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
O'Neil, Dennis (1998–2008). "Classification of Living Things" (
0100111134458/ San Marcos CA: Palomar
College. Archived from the original ( on 11
January 2010. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
Robinson, Peter; O'Hara, Robert J. (1992). "Report on the Textual Criticism Challenge 1991"
( Retrieved 21 January 2010.
Theobald, Douglas (1999–2004). "Phylogenetics Primer" (
mdesc/phylo.html). The TalkOrigins Archive. Retrieved 21 January 2010.

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