मतदान कराने के अगले दिन अवकाश

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are Pate ariht ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Te: 012-23052246 Fax 011-23052001 aire ae. at Website: www. eci.pov.in a0 Nirvachan Sadan, i 7 : seaneyeaveiens Ashoka Road, New Delhi-11000% Dated: 17" April, 2019 To The Chief Electoral Officer, Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Subject: General Election to Lok Sabha, 2019 — Declaring Public Holiday on the next day of poll — regarding Sir, With reference to your letter No. ELG-1019-1743-CHH, dated 06.04 2019 and Commission's instruc! tion vide letter No. 5876/1 1/94/JS.1l dated 15141994 on the am directed to stale that the Commission has agreed to your to instruct all District Election Officer to consider the polling staff as next day of poll day and the next day of re-poll (if any subject cited, | proposal ‘on duty” on the ) and they are not requiredto e day after the poll day, Keeping in view urs on poll day remain present in their respective offices on th their considerably tong tring duty ho Yours faithfully oe (Jayde Lahiri) S) Secretary WP © won an Frater mea biipaeroot soni alg, ad Fere-1100011 FEET: wweweect gown Piatt rattan asf Refi geoooty 464 / onion 12009 / tg Resta: 17 ante, 2019 #, cy yn Fafa after, 1peT, Tier | fawn: temerity, 2019 - Haas & set A HAN afta ane di ated A gqedk um aortas ELC-1019-1743-CHH, eres 06.04.2019 oe ora pagar cryatear 5 76/11/9475 1 Peat 15 111994 & aes A aeaps Raa oe, EE age are oR go rer OT te rere Te (HAL aga reer aatarfeat at “ays ae AFA agar (She Prater orfttenrat ant Eat 32 opr eg Te te wR ore ere af we rece ah eB et ae i eee, A Re ATA, aS eee ceca ad ae eet ah a a ee ET oe (oma anf) & fa Fi ’

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