Pre-Sea Rating Training (Electrical)
Pre-Sea Rating Training (Electrical)
Pre-Sea Rating Training (Electrical)
2. Scope With reference to convention Imo Model Course: This course is intended for fresh trainees who have
not previously served on board a ship to prepare them for working as engine ratings. This training, together with
the Basic Safety Training (STCW Code A-VI/1.2) and company arranged Training will cover the mandatory
minimum training requirement prescribed in Regulation VI/1 and III/4-2.2.2 of International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), (as amended) Code.
Main content of the course covers orientation and familiarization of ship in general and machinery space and
machinery, equipment & plants therein in particular. This includes training on duties, functions, responsibilities
and watch keeping in addition to Emergency, Safety and Survival.
3. Objective:
1. This Course will provide sufficient knowledge for a person intending to go to sea as an Engine Rating to operate
and work on
the shipboard machinery and systems typical of either motor or steam ship in a safe and efficient manner.
2. On successful completion of this Course, the participant should be able to:
a. Describe the basic layout of a typical engine room and its piping systems with the essential
components, their functions, interconnections and safety and pollution hazards.
b. Identify the common types of fuels, lubricants, solvents etc used on board, stating their purpose
and safety hazards.
c. Identify the individual components, which make up the items of shipboard machinery used in the
engine room and elsewhere.
d. Understand the requirements and procedures for watch keeping in the machinery space as an
engine rating.
4. Course Outline Shore base & On board Training:
Subject Area Hours
1. Ship and Shipping Familiarization Lectures Practical
2. Electrical Systems
2.1 DC Machines 4.50
2.2 AC Machines 7.50 5.00
2.3 Transformer 4.00 4.00
2.4 Switch board 2.00 2.00
2.5 Distribution 1.50 1.50
2.6 Control gears 1.50 1.50
2.7 Elementary Instrumentation 1.50
2.8 Basic Control Concepts 1.50
24.00 14.00
3. Deck Machinery
3.1 Winches and windlass 3.00
3.2 Lifting gears 2.00 2.00
3.3 Hydraulics 2.50 2.50
7.50 4.50
5. Machinery Operation
5.1 Pumps 4.50
5.2 Air Compressors 2.00
5.3 Purifiers 2.00
5.4 Diesel Engines 2.50 2.50
5.5 Air conditioning and Refrigeration plant 4.50 4.50
5.6 Boiler 2.50
5.7 Pollution prevention and control equipment 1.50 1.50
5.8 Safe working practice in machinery space 1.50 1.50
21.00 10
6. Workshop Practice
6.1 Personal, general and machine safety 1.50
6.2 File and filing 3.00
6.3 Drilling machines and drills 4.50
6.4 Measuring, testing and gauging tools 3.00
6.5 Electrical Fitting 7.50
6.6 Hand tools 7.50
6.7 Welding, brazing and soldering 15.00
8. English 34.5
7. Visits
7.1 Ship 4.50
7.2 Dry-dock 4.50
7.3 Marine Workshop 4.50
Learning Objectives
2.2 AC Machines 7.5
.1 Introduction
.2 Kinds of AC machine
.3 AC Generators operation
.4 Generator excitation method
.5 Automatic voltage regulation
.6 Generator in parallel operation
.7 Emergency Generators
.8 Generator protection
.9 Generator maintenance
.10 AC motor construction
.11 Enclosures & ratings
.12 Control equipments
.13 Reduced voltage starting
.14 Motor protection
.15 Motor maintenance
2.3 Transformer 4.0
.1 Working principle of transformer
.2 Types of transformer
.3 Elementary theory of an ideal transformer
.4 EMF equation of a transformer
.5 Voltage transformation ratio
.6 Transformer oil tests
.7 Regulation of a transformer
.8 Efficiency of transformer
.9 Auto transformer
.10 Three-phase transformer
.11 Three-phase transformer connection
a) star-star, b) delta-delta, c) star-delta, d) delta-star
2.4 Switch Board 2.0
.1 Main switch board (MSB)
a) 440V supply switch board
b) 110V supply switch board
.2 Emergency switch board (ESB)
a) 440V supply emergency switch board
b) 110V supply emergency switch board
2.5 Distribution 1.5
.1 Power distribution system
.2 Insulated & earthed neutral system
.3 Significance of earth faults
.4 Distribution circuit breakers
.5 Shores supply connection
2.6 Control gears 1.5
.1 Switch gear
.2 Necessity of switch gear
.3 Air circuit breaker
.4 Busber
.5 Feeder
2.7 Elementary Instrumentation 2.0
.1 AVO meter
.2 Watt meter
.3 Energy meter
.4 Clamp meter
.5 Mugger
.6 Frequency meter
.7 Volt meter
.8 Ampere meter
.9 Test lump
2.8 Basic Control Concepts 2.0
.1 MCB
.3 Type of MCB
.4 Fuse
.5 Relay
.6 Types of relay
3 Deck machinery 12.0
3.1 Winces and Windless 3.0
3.2 Lifting gears 2.0
.1 Lists all the lifting equipment and there accessories used on board
.2 Describes the safe use of lifting equipment
.3 understands the code of hand signals for use with lifting appliances
3.3 Hydraulics 2.5
.1 Lists the hydraulics power system available onboard ships
.2 Understands the principles of fluid power
.3 Describes the care maintenance and safety associated with hydraulic
4 General Electrical Knowledge 12.0
4.1 Lighting system 2.0
.1 Ship’s lighting
.2 Many types of lights
.3 Discharge lamps
.4 Voltage effects on lighting
.5 Navigation and signal lights
.6 Emergency lighting
.7 Maintenance of lighting
4.2 Batteries 2.0
.1 Explains the use and applications of batteries onboard ships
.2 Describes basic construction of shipboard batteries
.3 Understand the importance’s and procedure of battery maintenance
4.3 Electrical safety 2.0
.1 Lists the electrical safety device and protections e.g. earthling, fuses,
circuit breakers, trips etc.
.2 States correct use and application of different types of meters e.g.
multimeter, megger instrument, tong tester etc
.3 Identifies the hazards of eclectic shock
.4 States how to avoid electric shock and immediate actions to be taken
incase of electrocution
.5 Describes proper procedure for electrical isolation of components and
4.4 Fault finding 2.0
.1 Insulation resistance
.2 circuit testing
.3 insulation and continuity testing
.4 Multi meters
.5 Diode tests
.6 Current clamp meters
.7 Live line tests
.8 Line to line faults & line to earth faults
5 Machinery Operation 38.0
5.1 Pumps 4.5
.1 States the function of pumps
.2 List the names of different types of pumps and their
applications onboard
.3 Understands that a centrifugal pump needs priming
.4 States that a positive displacement pump may be rotary or
.5 Explains why a positive displacement pump must have
pressure relief arrangement
.6 Describes the procedures for starting and stopping a
centrifugal pump and a positive displacement pump.
5.2 Air compressors 2.0
.1 States the functions and duties of air compressors and
compressed air on board the ships
.2 Lists the names of different types of marine air
.3 Identifies the major components of multistage
reciprocating air compressor
.4 Sates the purpose and location of the following fittings
and safety devices of an air compressor intake air filter,
pressure gauges, relief valves, drains, bursting discs, high
temperature alarm & shut down, low lube oil
pressure/level alarm & shut down
.5 Describes the procedures for starting and stopping an air
compressor manually
.6 States the functions of an air receiver
.7 Names the mountings fitted to an air receiver
.8 Explains the importance of regular draining of an air
.9 Understands the different pressures are maintained in the compressed
air system
5.3 Purifiers 2.0
.1 Lube oil purifier
.2 Heavy oil
5.4 Diesel Engines 2.50
.1 Classification characteristics
.2 Construction and components
.3 Starting and reversing
.4 Supercharging
.5 Cooling, lubricating and fuel systems
.6 Engine safely and interlocks
5.5 Air conditioning and Refrigeration plant 4.50
.1 Describes the applications of refrigeration and air
conditioning systems onboard ships
.2 Understands the lay out and basic working principle of a
vapor compression refrigeration system as found onboard
.3 Identifies the four major components i.e. compressor,
condenser, TX-valve and evaporator and describes their
.4 Lists the names and knows the functions of common
fittings and safety devices as fitted to a shipboard vapor
compression system
.5 States the precautions necessary when handling
refrigerants and working on refrigeration systems
.6 Aware of the environmental hazards associated with CFCs
5.6 Boilers 2.5
.1 States the function and duties of a boiler
.2 Understands the basic constructions of a fire tube and a water tube
.3 States the difference between oil fired, exhaust and composite boilers
.4 Defines low pressure, high pressure and dual pressure boilers
5.7 Pollution control equipment, systems and procedure 4.5
.1 Lists the names of pollution control equipment normally found
onboard ships
.2 Understands the basic working principles of an oily water separator
.3 Describes the starting and stopping procedures of an oily water
.4 States that some ships may have a stop tank to collect bilge
.5 Explains the actions to be taken to minimize the effects in case of an
oil pollution from the ship
.6 Aware of the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
5.8 Safe Working Practice in machinery space 1.5
.1 Introduction
.2 Personal safety gears
.3 Lifting equipment
.4 Isolation of systems
6 Workshop Practice 42.0
6.1 Personal , general and machine safety 1.5
.1 Knows the use of items in the Workshop
.2 Identifies the hazards associated with Workshop Practice
.3 Describes the safe work practice in the Workshop
6.2 File and filling 3.0
.1 Recognizes different types of files
.2 Detects different grades and cut of teeth
.3 Performs filling of a surface and tests for fairness
6.3 Drilling machines and drills 4.5
.1 Identifies different types of drilling machines and drills
.2 Performs countersigning, counter boring and spot facing
.3 Calculates correct drilling speeds and identifies causes of
drill failure
.4 Performs setting up holding work
.5 Sharpens the drill correctly
6.4 Measuring, testing and gauging tools 3.0
.1 Recognizes different measuring, testing and gauging tools
.2 Uses protractors, straight-edge, combination set
.3 Works with different types of gauges and calipers
6.5 Electrical fitting 7.5
Navigation lights, riding light on stem, exhaust pipe, vent, life ring,
chain plate, trawl winch, propeller, propeller shaft & prop, port light,
bar fitting, side light boards, rigging screw, copper wire, searchlight on
stand, life ring, cowl vent, rubbing strake, stanchion 3-ball, navigation
light boards, flagstaff, single bollard, anchor-plastic, flag staff, fairlead,
davit, capstan wheel on stand, rubbing strake, steam siren, capstan
W/hand spokes, ships wheel, belaying pin, side light, ships bell, stock
anchor-plastic, binnacle on stand, vent-plastic, slewing crane, block,
single-plastic, mushroom vent, rigging thread, light, direction finding
frame, cannon barrel, funnel, stern light, manual anchor winch, electric
winch, lifebelt, warping end winch reel, horn-bugle, prop shaft bracket,
stanchion 3-ball, electric anchor winch, radar receiver, direction finding
frame trawl winch
6.6 Hand tools 7.5
.1 Identifies different types of tester, family set
(screwdriver), Screw driver (flat), screw driver (star),
multi meter, clip-on meter, adjustable whence, tie cutter, hammer,
combination pliers, cutting piers, torch light, cable cutter, round cutter,
drill machine, blower, hydraulic puncher, hand puncher, megger, tools
bag/box, lock, spammer set , Ring set, wreset set, T-10 set, electric tape,
mercer pen, marking paper, L-N- key set, hydro meter, soldering iron,
Lid, test lamp, nose aiers
6.7 Welding, brazing and soldering 15
.1 Identifies welding and gas cutting equipment and their components
.2 Welding
.3 brazing
.4 soldering
7 English 34.5
7.1 Spoken English 27.0
.1 Knows how to greet, show etiquette, order, request, question and use
.2 Uses pronouns, prepositions, correlatives, active and passive voices,
temporal, emphasis, countable nouns and idiomatic sentences correctly
.3 Makes sentences of invitation, meeting, parting, gratitude,
congratulations, good wishes, refusal, relating to meals, permission,
encouragement, consolation, affection, negation, consent, apologies and
.4 Understands the common terms regarding health, doctors, hospitals,
animals, games, post office, restaurants, shopping, transport, law, drugs
and contraband items, police, immigration and all day to day affairs
.5 Knows correct spelling, pronunciation, abbreviations and phrases
.6 Understands common words and terms used onboard by
multinational crew
7.2 Marine & Electrical Related Vocabulary
.1 Understands words and expressions relating to shipboard
procedures, responses, urgent messages, position, courses,
bearings, distances, speed, numbers, geographical names and
.2 Knows the terms associated with dangers to Navigation,
warnings and assistance
.3 Discusses events relating to anchoring, arrival, berthing,
departure,, maneuvering, pilot age, fairway navigation, canal
and lock operations and routing.
.4 Knows common shipping terminology associated with course,
radar, tide, storms, ports, weather, fishing, helicopters, ice-
breakers etc.
.5 Knows how to communicate between ship-to-ship, ship-to-
shore and witching sip by wireless or VHF sets
.6 Electrical Related Vocabulary
8 Visits 13.5
8.1 Ship 4.5
.1 Guided tour of ships available in Chittagong port
8.2 Dry-dock 4.5
.1 Supervised visit to the Chittagong Dry-dock
8.3 Marine workshop 4.5
.1 Guided tour of BSC Marine Workshop of other suitable marine
9. Qualification and experience of assessors: The practical exercises must be conducted and achievement of
competency must be assessed under the supervision of a retained or serving fire fighter (or a person with equivalent
qualifications and experience). The person conducting the practical training must be in possession of a recognized
First Aid qualification. The ratio of staff to students for the practical exercises involving live fires or the use of
breathing apparatus should not exceed 1:8.
10. Details Facilities & Equipment, materials and resources available for the training; Visual aids lecture
Notes, Library facilities, Rental documents, Workshops Training Equipment: Navigational, Engineering,
Communication, Seamanship etc:
To be in corporate.
11. Conduct of Training with number of classroom lectures, practical work use of simulator, video etc:
12. Total duration of Training; Duration of Practical’s:
Theory- 101.0 hrs.
Practical- 88.0 hrs.
Assessment- 13.5 hrs.
13. Assessment procedure, whether independent of instruction or continuous performance evaluation:
Short answer, multiple choice, fill in the blanks, hot spot, true/false and sketch labeling type questions in a written
test are used for assessment, Practical assessment includes direct observation of ability under realistic situation.
14. Formats of certificate to be issued with correct reference to STCW and reference to approval and
authorization by the Department of Shipping and contact point of the issuing institution for verifying
15. Maintenance of records in Data-base for facilitation of checking including assessments:
NMI will maintain a data-base of all the students who have completed the course. The following records for each
individual will be kept so as to ensure that the certificate is issued to a candidate who has met the requirements as
laid down by the governing authority regarding issuance of a certificate on Bridge Resource Management.
• Application form
• Assessment papers after completion of course
• Attendance Sheet
• Attested Xerox copy of the issued certificates & licenses
• A registered data-base in hard copy and soft form
16. Internal Quality Standard System if any. Students Impressions, past results:
The institute maintains quality standard system ISO 9001:2008, Certified by DNV GL
17. Course notice served, course conducted as per course notice, progression report served:
Will be complied as per DOS Instruction.