2021 Audi A5 14
2021 Audi A5 14
2021 Audi A5 14
2021 AS
Your new Audi will allow you to experience the best in groundbreaking technology and premium quality
equipment that a vehicle has to offer. Audi recommends that you read your Owner's Manual thoroughly
so that you quickly become acquainted with your Audi and make use of all of its features.
In addition to explaining how the different features work, there are many useful tips and information
concerning your safety, how to care for your vehicle, and how to maintain your vehicle's value. Audi also
gives you useful tips and information on how to drive your vehicle more efficiently and in an environ-
mentally-friendly manner.
Audi hopes you enjoy driving your vehicle and wishes you safe and pleasant motoring.
ZA\ warNiNc
Operating, servicing and maintaining a passenger vehicle or
off-highway motor vehicle can expose you to chemicals includ-
ing engine exhaust, carbon monoxide, phthalates, and lead,
which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm. To minimize expo-
sure, avoid breathing exhaust, do not idle the engine except as
necessary, service your vehicle in a well-ventilated area and
wear gloves or wash your hands frequently when servicing
your vehicle. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.
Table of contents
Brivirigy cy mieirles. cies i 6 scious 6 6 esses 6 118 Using the telephone.................. 175
Audi drive select............00
eee eee 118 SettingS 00... . cece cee eee eee eee 178
SUSPENSION: + yews a x mem a e Bees se CeRRE L19 MOSSAGES cours « s eauu § 2 eueeS Fo EGE FE BS 179
StOOKIING cms a v ves 8 ceawem ¥ sen ¥ erzaees LIS. Troubleshooting sic ss wes oe ween es owe 181
All wheel drive (quattro) .............. 120
Electronic Stabilization Control......... 121 Audi CONNECE : «6: = i e665 st ees so 182
General information................. 182
Trailer towing.................0-. 124 Audi connect Infotainment............ 182
Driving with atrailer................. 124 Using a Wi-Fi hotspot 183
Audi connect Infotainment services..... 183
Assist systems................... 126 Functions on demand................ 184
Assist systems................00. 126 Audi connect vehicle control services.... 184
General information................. 126 SOttingS sews + 9 cae ¥ eee ¥ perms we pee 185
Surrounding area detection............ 127 Troubleshooting..............--.0005 186
Supported media and file formats...... 216 JUIMIPFSTANEING 5 x exces 6 w erates @ a cawcens vw ae 280
Troubleshooting..............000eeee 218 TOWING... cece ete 282
In this manual, Audi provides important informa- => A\ Cross reference to a “WARNING” within a
tion, tips, suggestions, and warnings for using section. Ifa page number is indicated, the
your vehicle. “Audi” refers to AUDI AG, the re- WARNING is located outside of the section.
spective importer in a country, as well as joint
ventures. IN WARNING
It has always been Audi's policy to continuously Text with this symbol contains information
improve its products. Audi reserves the right to about safety and how to reduce the risk of se-
make changes in design and specifications, and rious personal injury or death.
to make additions or improvements in its prod-
ucts without incurring any obligation to install C) Note
them on products previously manufactured. This Text with this symbol contains information
owner's manual is based on the current data about reducing the risk of damage to your ve-
available when it was printed. Text, illustrations, hicle.
and specifications in this owner's manual are
based on the most current information available (@) For the sake of the environment
at the time of printing, and shall not constitute a Text with this symbol contains information on
basis for liability claims. protecting the environment.
G) Tips
Keep this manual and any other applicable docu-
Text with this symbol contains additional use-
ments in your vehicle at all times. This is espe-
ful information.
cially important if you loan your vehicle to others
or sell it.
Quick access
Fig. 1 Cockpit
@) Center armrest with storage com- turn on when you switch the ignition on and must
partment. Depending on vehicle turn off when the drive system is switched on or
equipment, it may have: while driving.
— Audi music interface .......... 211 With some indicator lights, messages may ap-
—Audi phone box ............... 173 pear and warning signals may sound. The indica-
— Starting the engine if there is a tor lights and messages may be covered by other
MALFUMERION since oo sxosoue x 2 seems ss 103 displays. To show them again, select the second
@) Electromechanical parking brake tab for messages with the multifunction steering
BUGGOT sieves so cman « 2 ewes 2s men 2 114 wheel > page 13.
@) Selector lever (automatic transmis-
Some indicator lights in the display can display in
SIOM) seo so neon & v Howe & eRe Fa 105
several colors.
@4 Storage compartment .......... 92
@) [START ENGINE STOP]button .... 103
OMe ere ella Uf
@6 Audi music interface ............ 211
@) Steering wheel adjustment ...... 73 If the wA or AN] indicator light turns on, check
the message in the instrument cluster.
Lever for:
— Cruise control system ......... 136
(oTT\ i
— Audi adaptive cruise control .... 139
@9) Button for switching the head-up The following indicator lights may be available,
display on and off, adjusting the depending on the vehicle equipment:
height ........ 2... cee eee eee 26
Red indicator lights
60 Instrument illumination ......... 63
@) Connection port for the On Board Central indicator light
Diagnostic System (OBD) ........ 290 => page 7,
Instrument cluster
@2 Headlight control switch ........ 58
=>page 12
@3) Hood release .............-.0-% 231
Cooling system
@4 All-weather lights button ........ 58
=> page 14,
@5) Luggage compartment lid button . 41
=> page 236,
G8 Exterior mirror adjustment ...... 63 => page 236
6 Buttons for: Safety belt
— Power windows ...........00. 45 => page 77
— Central power window switch ... 45
—Child safety lock .............. 45
=> page 109
Quick access
Instrument cluster
trument clu
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the follow- @) Right additional display with speed-
ing items may appear in the instrument cluster: ometer
Left dial @® Left additional display with:
—Tachometer .........00..
000s 14 SIG OOM wice es eosenes 2 a were 2 8 wate @ oe 105
Tab af@a « < sees se oes x eee gee 13 — Audi drive select mode ......... 118
Centralarea .............0.000. 13 Display
Status line (one or two lines) — Engine coolant temperature ~E .. 14
Right dial i
— Convenience display ZX WARNING
— Speedometer Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit
Instrument cluster
— The following pages primarily show illustra- > Press the D button ©).
tions of the Audi virtual cockpit*. The dis-
Opening and closing the menu
play or location of the items that are shown
may vary on the different versions of the in- » Press the [=] button ©).
strument cluster.
Selecting and confirming a function
— You can select the units used for tempera-
ture, speed, and other measurements Requirement: a menu or list must be displayed.
=> page 221. > To select a function, turn the left thumbwheel
— Speeds are displayed in mph (miles per @ to the desired function.
hour) or km/h (kilometers per hour). > To confirm a selection, press the left thumb-
— Certain instrument cluster content can also wheel (7).
be displayed in the head-up display*
=> page 26. Switching the view
> Press the VIEW button @) > page 13.
The following tabs may be available, depending
on vehicle equipment:
Information is organized within various tabs @) Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit
in the instrument cluster. The tab contents are Fig. 6 Center display: adjusting the display
displayed in the central area (2).
Switching the view
Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
Instrument cluster
Adjusting the layout To reduce the risk of engine damage, please ob-
Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit serve the following notes about the temperature
Depending on the vehicle equipment, various lay- ranges.
outs may be available.
Cold range
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: If only the LEDs at the bottom of the gauge turn
SETTINGS > Display & brightness > Audi virtu- on, the engine has not reached operating tem-
al cockpit. perature yet. Avoid high engine speeds, full accel-
> To adjust the desired layout, press @). eration, and heavy engine loads.
Setting the automatic layout change Normal range
Applies to: RS model with Audi virtual cockpit
The engine has reached its operating tempera-
Requirement: depending on vehicle equipment,
ture once the LEDs up to the center of the gauge
the RS Performance or RS Runway layout must
turn on. If the BB indicator light in the instru-
be set.
ment cluster display turns on, the coolant tem-
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: perature is too high > page 236.
SETTINGS > Display & brightness > Audi virtu-
al cockpit > Configure > Automatic activation C) Note
of RS layout. — Auxiliary headlights and other accessories in
Depending on vehicle equipment, the RS Per- front of the air intake impair the cooling ef-
formance or RS Runway layout will be automati- fect of the coolant. This increases the risk of
cally set when switching into the RS modes the engine overheating during high outside
=>page 118. temperatures and heavy engine load.
— The front spoiler also helps to distribute
Adjusting the additional display cooling air correctly while driving. If the
Applies to: Audi virtual cockpit
spoiler is damaged, the cooling effect will
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the addi- be impaired and the risk of the engine over-
tional displays that can be selected may vary. heating will increase. See an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
cility for assistance.
SETTINGS > Display & brightness > Audi virtu-
al cockpit > Configure.
> Select the desired additional display. Tachometer
Reducing the display The tachometer (@) 9 page 12 displays the engine
speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). The be-
Depending on the vehicle equipment, you can
ginning of the red zone in the tachometer indi-
hide the central area in the instrument cluster.
cates the maximum permissible engine speed for
> Select on the instrument cluster: vehicle func- all gears once the engine has been broken in. Be-
tions tab > [I] button > Reduced display, or fore reaching the red zone, you should shift into
> Press the VIEW button on the multifunction the next higher gear, select the "D" or "S" selec-
steering wheel. tor lever position, or remove your foot from the
accelerator pedal.
Coolant temperature Engine speed limitation
display If the tA indicator light turns on, the engine will
Applies to: vehicles with a coolant temperature indicator
be automatically limited to the RPM displayed in >
The coolant temperature display @) > page 12
only functions when the ignition is switched on.
Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster
cause for concern as long as the B or 3 indica- Opening sport displays in the MMI
tor lights do not turn on. > Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE-
HICLE > RS monitor.
Boost indicator > Browse to the desired display if necessary.
Applies to: vehicles with boost indicator
G meter
Depending on vehicle equipment, the current en- Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit
gine load (meaning the current boost pressure)
The G meter displays the longitudinal and lateral
may be indicated by a bar in the instrument clus-
acceleration. The current values are displayed in
the instrument cluster while driving. The maxi-
> Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit: mum values that are reached are stored and dis-
Open the vehicle functions tab and switch to played when the vehicle is stationary. Only the
the enhanced view > page 13. maximum values that are reached are displayed
> Applies to: vehicles with analog instrument in the MMI.
cluster: Open the lap timer > page 133.
> To reset the stored values, press and hold the
left thumbwheel on the multifunction steering
Shift light indicator wheel for one second.
Applies to: RS models
Tire pressure
The shift light indicator informs the driver when
the RPM limit is reached. The tire pressure monitoring system displays the
current tire pressures and temperatures. Also see
» Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit: => page 263, Tire pressure monitoring system.
Set the RS Performance or RS Runway layout if
necessary > page 13. Engine data
» Applies to: vehicles with analog instrument Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit
cluster: Open the lap timer > page 133. The engine data in the instrument cluster shows
which percentage of the maximum output or
The shift light indicator is displayed with green,
yellow and red ranges in the upper areas of the maximum torque is currently being used.
tachometer. The shift light indicator will blink red Temperature
when approaching the engine speed limit. Shift
to the next highest gear at the right time. The temperature display in the MMI shows the
temperature of various fluids and vehicle compo-
nents, such as the engine oil or sport differential.
Sport displays
Applies to: RS models
Vehicle functions
Various sport displays, such as a G meter or tire
pressure indicator, may be available depending (OTe TWN]
on vehicle equipment. The trip computer is displayed in the first tab of
Opening sport displays in the instrument the driver information system. Additional vehicle
cluster functions can be accessed depending on the vehi-
Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit cle equipment.
> Select in the instrument cluster: Vehicle func- > Press the =] button on the multifunction steer-
tions tab > EE] button > Sport displays. ing wheel.
> Turn the left thumbwheel on the multifunction
steering wheel until the desired sport display — On-board computer > page 17
appears in the instrument cluster. — Sport displays > page 16
— Lap times > page 133
Instrument cluster
— Lap statistics > page 133 bar is green, your vehicle is saving fuel (for exam-
— Acceleration measurement > page 134 ple, using recuperation).
— Reduced display > page 14
Energy consumers
Average consumption
Touch display
Touch displa > Press and hold an item until the associated op-
tions are displayed.
General touch display
operation Teen LCR ite
Applies to: touch display
@) Tips
Certain gestures are not available in every
>» Press and hold an item, and then use your fin-
ger to pull it to the desired location.
Accessing options
For some items, you can access additional op-
tions that are not directly visible.
Touch display
Touch display
> Press the General button. > To switch the MMI on, press the On/Off knob.
> If the Date & time button is not displayed,
Restarting the MMI
swipe upward or downward with one finger un-
tilit appears. > Press and hold the On/Off knob for at least 10
> Press the Date & time button. seconds.
Sica memes
Touch display
[cae O)
ea Ec
ae oO ane
Label Description
Displays selected information tiles and provides quick access to
Overview screen
certain functions > page 21
© | ©
Go back one level Overview screen
Close the menu The overview screen is the first menu page in the
Search for content MMI. Information about certain vehicle functions
Open explanations for a menu such as media, time, and phone is displayed in
tiles. The available information tiles can be rear-
Open settings for the selected
ranged on the overview screen or replaced with
others. Depending on the system context, you
Open the submenu may be able to operate certain functions directly,
Adjust the settings such as muting the sound.
Set as favorite
Switching between the overview screen and
Switch functions on or off the home screen
Touch display
You can freely change the location of the buttons Arranging information tiles
on the home screen display area. > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Configuring the display area
>» Press and hold the desired information tile.
> Press and hold a button on the home screen > Pull the information tile into the desired posi-
display area. tion.
> To adjust the placement of the buttons, pull > Press Done to confirm the configuration.
them to the desired locations.
> Press Done to complete the configuration.
Touch display
Oo OB OB om Ce ay
eA eee pe tceri or
PCr cog esa Cuneo
Fig. 16 Center display: frequently used symbols in the sta- Fig. 17 Center display: notification center
tus bar
Notifications can be displayed in the center dis-
The symbols in the status bar show you informa- play. After a specified time, they will be hidden
tion at a glance, such as ifa mobile device is con- and a corresponding symbol will appear in the
nected or if there is a data connection. The most status bar©) > page 21, fig. 15. In the notifica-
common symbols are listed in the table. tion center, you can view these notifications @)
Description > fig. 17, apply quick settings @), and operate
functions @).
There is a data connection. The bar indi-
@ | cates the signal strength of the data con- Using the notification center
nection. Data:is being transmitted now: > To open the notification center, pull the status
There is a data connection. The bar indi- bar downward, or
@ | cates the signal strength of the data con- > Press the E=] button on the status bar.
nection. No data is being transmitted now. > To turn quick settings on or off, press the re-
A mobile device is connected. The bar indi- spective symbol @).
cates the signal strength of the cell phone > To apply quick settings, press the respective
The audio source is muted.
Privacy settings are enabled. The additional > To set the displayed content, press ©&, or
symbol indicates which privacy settings are > Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen:
Touch display
Touch display
Head-up display
@ Tips
— Sunglasses with polarization filters and un-
favorable lighting conditions can impair visi-
bility of the display.
— An optimal display depends on the seat po-
sition and the height adjustment of the
head-up display.
— A special windshield is needed for the head-
up display function.
The head-up display projects certain warnings or — For information on cleaning, see > table In-
selected information from the assist systems on terior cleaning on page 270.
the windshield. The display appears within the
driver's field of vision.
> Make sure you are seated correctly > page 69.
> Turn the knob &? to the right or left.
Possible settings:
— Display rotation
— Brightness
— Display contents: you can set which informa-
tion should be displayed. The display of certain
information and some of the red indicator
lights cannot be hidden.
Voice recognition system
Voice recognition system
> To pause voice recognition, say or press Pause screen: SETTINGS > General > (Speech dialog
@. To reactivate voice recognition, press @) system) > Activate the speech dialog system
again or briefly press the «€ button on the mul- with "Hey Audi".
tifunction steering wheel. >» Say the activation phrase “Alexa” together with
the desired command.
Additional functions
Applies to: vehicles with voice recognition system () Note
Command during voice output Read the information about Audi connect, and
be sure to note the connectivity costs section
If the function is switched on, you can simply say =@ in General information on page 182.
a new command during a prompt.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: Gi) Tips
SETTINGS > General > Speech dialog system > Audi provides access to services from third
Allow commands during voice output. party providers. Permanent availability cannot
be guaranteed, because that depends on the
Online recognizer
third party provider.
Applies to: vehicles with online recognizer
Voice recognition system
Global functions
Fast forward/rewind
> Press and hold the <j / DDI button @, or
press the On/Off knob to the left or right until
the desired playback position is reached.
Personalization @) Tips
Users — Certain Infotainment and vehicle settings
(such as mirrors, last radio stations) may be
General information stored, depending on vehicle equipment.
Applies to: vehicles with personalized user settings
You can find additional information in the
Depending on vehicle equipment and your coun- MMI. Select on the home screen: SETTINGS
try, your vehicle may be able to manage various > General > Legal notes > About Audi con-
users in the MMI. Each user will be assigned the nect.
settings that they last used. — Applies to: myAudi users: The stored set-
tings can only be transferred to vehicles
Before you begin driving, you can select a user in
that are capable of receiving the transmit-
the MMI and load personalized Infotainment and
ted information. There may be restrictions
vehicle settings.
that prevent this, particularly in other coun-
Possible users in the MMI: tries.
— myAudi user: as a myAudi user, you can use — Applies to: myAudi users: The settings can
Audi connect services that require a myAudi ac- only be transferred and loaded when there
count. Certain settings are transferred online to is coverage from the applicable mobile
your myAudi account. If you log into your phone service provider.
myAudi account in another vehicle, you can — Applies to: myAudi users with PIN protec-
load your settings in the other vehicle. tion switched on: If the MMI displays a de-
— Local user: as a local user, you can only store tected user but you simply start driving or
settings in the current vehicle. Your settings wait without entering the 4-digit PIN, then
cannot be transferred to other vehicles. Audi the guest user will be selected. Some set-
connect services that can only be used with a tings for the detected myAudi user will be
myAudi account will not be available. transferred to the guest user.
— Guest: as a guest, you can store settings in the
vehicle without changing the settings for other OTe e le (ta 4
users. Audi recommends only using the guest Applies to: vehicles with user management
Depending on vehicle equipment, the following > Press USER on the home screen.
options may be used to detect the active user so
that the user settings can be loaded automatical- Selecting a user
Applies to: MMI
ly before you start driving.
— Vehicle key > Press on the desired user.
> Enter the 4-digit myAudi PIN, if necessary.
Requirement: the driver's door has been opened.
Adding myAudi users
The detected user must be shown in the MMI.
Applies to MMI and Audi connect
Confirm the user shown, select another user
= page 31, or add another user > page 31. Requirement: you must have successfully regis-
tered at my.audi.com and have created a 4-digit
It may not be possible to load Infotainment > Press Add user.
and vehicle settings, or they may only load > Press Log in now to log in with your myAudi
@) Tips
— Depending on the country, you may be able
to use the myAudi app or my.audi.com.
— You do not need to log into the vehicle with
a myAudi user in order to use Audi connect
vehicle control services, which depend on
the vehicle equipment.
— If you sell your vehicle, reset all settings to
the factory default settings.
— Store the vehicle code in a secure place. It
may be necessary to re-enter the vehicle
— When entering the vehicle code, please note
that the code is case-sensitive.
— If you do not have the 10-digit vehicle code,
contact an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility.
Opening and closing
Opening and closing
The following applies when locking the vehi- You can adjust the central locking system to your
cle: preferences. The settings depend on the vehicle
— If the vehicle key that was last used is de- equipment.
tected inside the passenger compartment,
> Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE-
then the vehicle cannot be locked from the
HICLE > Settings & Service > Central locking.
outside using the sensor. Take the vehicle
key with you and lock the vehicle again. Oth- Door unlocking
erwise, the vehicle will not be protected
—If you select All, all doors and the luggage
against unauthorized access.
compartment lid will be unlocked when unlock-
— If you try to lock the vehicle using the but- ing the vehicle.
ton on the vehicle key while the front pas-
— If you select Driver's door, only the driver's
senger's or rear door is open, and you acci-
door will be unlocked. To unlock all doors and
dentally place the vehicle key inside the pas-
the luggage compartment lid, press the (9 but-
senger compartment and close the door,
ton on the vehicle key twice. In vehicles with a
the vehicle will lock at first. But if the key-
convenience key”, only the driver's door will un-
less system detects a vehicle key inside the
lock when you pull the driver's door handle. If
vehicle after it locks, then the vehicle will
you pull another door handle, the entire vehicle
unlock again. The turn signals will flash sev-
will be unlocked.
eral times to indicate this. If you do not
open the vehicle to remove the vehicle key The entire vehicle will always be locked f you
within a brief period, then the vehicle will press the &@ button.
lock automatically. This prevents the vehicle
Long press to open windows
from being left unlocked for long periods of
time. The vehicle key will then be locked in- You can select if all windows and the panoramic
side the vehicle. glass roof* should open using the vehicle key
— If the luggage compartment lid closes and = page 46, Convenience opening and closing. If
the system detects that the last vehicle key you press and hold the f button on the vehicle
that was used is inside the luggage com- key, all of the windows and the panoramic glass
partment, then the luggage compartment roof* will close.
lid will open again. The turn signals will
Disable rear lid handle
flash several times to indicate this. The
doors will lock. Always take the vehicle key You can select if the luggage compartment lid
with you, or unauthorized persons may be can open with the handle. If you activate this
able to enter the vehicle. function, the luggage compartment lid can only
be opened with the <¥ or 4s button on the vehi-
@ Tips cle key or in the driver's door. In vehicles with a
convenience key*, you can still open the luggage
— Do not leave valuables unattended in the ve-
compartment lid using the handle if an author-
hicle. A locked vehicle is not a safe!
ized convenience key is detected > page 41.
—The LED in the driver's door rail blinks when
you lock the vehicle. If the LED turns on for Fold mirrors
approximately 30 seconds after locking,
You can select if the exterior mirrors automatical-
there is a malfunction in the central locking
ly fold in when locking.
system. Have the problem corrected by an
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility.
Opening and closing
— Observe the safety precautions > page 34.
— The central locking button works when the
ignition is switched off.
Opening and closing
Mechanically unlocking and locking the Locking the front passenger's door and rear
doors doors* using the mechanical key
If the central locking fails, you must unlock or The mechanical lock is located on the edge of the
lock the doors separately. doors
(@) or in the latch opening @) > fig. 25. It is
only visible when the door is open.
Fig. 24 Driver's door: door lock cylinder Once the front passenger’s door or rear doors*
[RAz-1149| close, it will no longer be possible to open them
from the outside. The front doors can be opened
from the inside by pulling the door handle one
time. The rear doors* can be unlocked from the
inside by pulling the door handle one time and
then opened by pulling the door handle again. If
the child safety lock in one of the rear doors is ac-
tivated, you must first pull the door handle from
the inside. Then you can open the door from the
Observe the safety precautions > page 34.
OMe aa)
Applies to: vehicles with anti-theft alarm system
Opening and closing
Interior/towing protection monitor
The alarm will be triggered if there are move-
ments detected in the vehicle interior (for exam-
ple, by animals) or if there is a change in the vehi-
cle angle (for example, when the vehicle is being
Opening and closing
@ PANIC button
@) Tips
In an emergency, you can press the PANIC button
— The vehicle key function can be temporarily
to trigger the alarm for the anti-theft alarm sys-
disrupted by interference from transmitters
tem. The vehicle horn and emergency flashers
near the vehicle working in the same fre-
will turn on if you trigger the alarm.
quency range (such as a mobile device or ra-
—To trigger the alarm, press the [PANIC] but- dio equipment). Always check if your vehicle
ton @)° fig. 26. is locked.
—To turn the alarm off, press the [PANIC] button — Applies to MMI: You can view the number of
again. keys programmed to the vehicle by selecting
on the home screen: VEHICLE > Settings &
Lost key/replacing a key Service > Vehicle information.
If a vehicle key is lost, contact an authorized Audi — The system complies with United States FCC
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility. Have regulations and ISED regulations
this vehicle key deactivated. It is important to => page 297.
bring all keys with you.
If a key is lost, you should report it to your insur- Unlocking and locking the vehicle
ance company.
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer prevents unauthorized use of
the vehicle.
() For the sake of the environment > To unlock a door or the luggage compartment
XE Do not dispose of vehicle keys in household lid, grasp the door handle or luggage compart-
trash. They contain materials that can be re- ment lid handle.
cycled. Contact an authorized Audi dealer or > To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch
authorized Audi Service Facility for more in- the sensor on the door handle once >fig. 27.
formation. Do not grasp the door handle while locking the
vehicle, or else the vehicle will not lock. The >
Opening and closing
door cannot be opened for a brief period direct- the vehicle key
ly after locking it. This way you have the oppor-
tunity to check if the doors locked correctly.
Unlocking and locking with the Audi connect
vehicle control service!)
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect vehicle control
Observe the safety precautions > page 34.
G) Tips
— Only use the vehicle key when you can see
the vehicle.
— The vehicle can only be locked when the "P”
selector lever position is engaged.
— Do not use the vehicle key to lock and un-
lock when you are inside the vehicle. Other- Fig. 29 Vehicle key (rear side): removing the battery holder
wise, you could trigger the anti-theft
alarm*. If this happens, press the @ unlock LED in the vehicle key
button. The LED (@) indicates the vehicle key function.
> If you press a button briefly, the LED blinks
@) Tips
Applies to: vehicles with convenience key
> If you press and hold a button (convenience
— When unlocking or locking the vehicle, the opening/closing), the LED blinks several times.
convenience key cannot be more than ap- > If the LED does not blink, the vehicle key bat-
proximately 4 feet (1.5 m) away from the tery is drained. Replace the battery in the vehi-
door handle or luggage compartment. cle key.
— Unlocking with the convenience key (keyless
access) can be deactivated in the MMI sys- Replacing the vehicle key battery
tem > page 35. > Press the release buttons (2) > fig. 28 and re-
— To prevent the vehicle battery from dis- move the mechanical key.
charging, the energy management gradual- » Press the release buttons @) > fig. 29 while
ly switches off convenience functions that pulling the battery holder out of the vehicle key
are not needed. You then may no longer be in the direction of the arrow.
able to unlock your vehicle with the sensors. > Replace the battery and insert the new battery
with the “+” symbol facing down.
> Slide the battery holder carefully into the vehi-
cle key.
> Insert the mechanical key.
D_Incertain countries
Opening and closing
not in use. Otherwise someone such as a — The ability to open the luggage compart-
child could enter the vehicle through the ment lid using the handle can be deactivat-
luggage compartment and become locked ed or activated in the MMI > page 35. >
Opening and closing
— Applies to: vehicles with fixed rear backr- omatic luggage compar nt lid
ests: The luggage compartment lid can be Applies to: vehicles with automatic luggage compartment lid
unlocked from the inside in an emergency.
Opening and closing
button in the luggage compartment lid. The ve- necessary to use more force when doing this.
hicle key must not be more than approximately Move the lid slowly to reduce the amount of
4 feet (1.5 m) away from the luggage compart- force needed.
ment and it must not be inside the vehicle. If
you press the &* button, then the vehicle will Opening and closing the luggage
lock. compartment lid with foot motion (kicking
Storing the luggage compartment lid Applies to: vehicles with sensor-controlled luggage compart-
opening position ment lid
Applies to: Sportback
The position must be at a certain height or higher 9
to store. go
Opening and closing
rage door. In some situations, the function
may be limited or temporarily unavailable.
This may happen if:
— You are standing too close to the bumper or
too far away from it
— The luggage compartment lid was closed or
opened immediately beforehand
— You park close to a hedge and the branches
move back and forth under the vehicle for a Applies to: vehicles with power top
Fig. 34 Luggage compartment lid: mechanical key in lock
long period of time
— You clean your vehicle, for example with a
pressure washer or in a car wash » Fold the backrest on the rear bench seat for-
— There is heavy rain ward > page 94.
—The bumper is very dirty, for example after > Remove the mechanical key > page 38.
driving on salt-covered roads > Using the mechanical key, pry the cover off the
— There is interference to the vehicle key's ra- luggage compartment lid trim panel.
dio signal, such as from mobile devices or > To unlock the luggage compartment lid, press
remote controls the lever in the direction of the arrow using a
suitable object (such as a screwdriver) or using
Mechanically unlocking luggage the mechanical key if necessary.
compartment lid > Fold the backrest backward until it locks into
Opening and closing
Child safety lock > To activate or deactivate the manual child safe-
Applies to: vehicles with child safety locks ty lock for the rear door handle, open the re-
spective rear door and turn the key switch with
The child safety lock prevents the rear doors
the mechanical key in the direction of the arrow
from being opened from the inside and the rear
or opposite the direction of the arrow > fig. 36.
power windows from being operated.
This will disable the function of the rear door
> Make sure the child safety lock is working by
checking the function on the rear power win-
dow switch and door handle.
Opening and closing
— Observe the safety precautions > page 34. — Never close the windows or the roof* care-
— Never close the windows carelessly or in an lessly or in an uncontrolled manner, because
uncontrolled manner, because this increases this increases the risk of injury.
the risk of injury. — For security reasons, the windows and the
roof* can only be opened and closed with
G) Tips the vehicle key at a maximum distance of
— The windows will automatically open slight- approximately 6.5 feet (2 m) away from the
ly when you open the doors. vehicle. Always pay attention when using
— If the window in the driver's or front pas- the f& button to close the windows and the
senger's door is completely open, it will roof* so that no one is pinched. The closing
raise slightly when the door is opened. The process will stop immediately when the f&
window will lower again when you close the button is released.
— You can still open and close the windows for
several minutes after turning the ignition
off. The power windows do not switch off
Opening and closing
To reduce the risk of injury, always pay atten-
tion when closing the roof. Always switch the
ignition off and take the key with you when
leaving the vehicle.
Fig. 38 Headliner: panoramic glass roof and sunshade*
buttons CG) Note
The control buttons are equipped with a two- Always close the roof when you leave the vehi-
stage function. cle and when there is precipitation to reduce
the risk of damage to the interior equipment,
Operating the roof sunshade particularly the electronic equipment.
> Opening and closing the sunshade: push the )
switch in the headliner @ briefly toward the @ Tips
rear or forward to the second level. — Interior airflow: wind inside the vehicle can
> Partially opening the sunshade: press the be reduced by the roof sunshade when the
switch to the first level until the sunshade panoramic glass roof is all the way open.
reaches the desired position. When the sunshade is all the way open,
close it approximately 4 inches (10 cm) until
Opersting the‘reur the wind inside the vehicle subsides.
» Tilting the roof: press the A> switch in the — After switching off the ignition, the roof and
headliner briefly up to the second level (@). sunshades can still be operated for several
> Closing the tilted roof: pull the 2> switch down minutes as long as neither of the front
briefly to the second level. doors have been opened.
> Opening the roof: slide the > switch back — It is not possible to open the roof when
briefly twice in a row to the second level @). temperatures are too low.
> Closing the opened roof: push the 2S switch
forward briefly to the second level. Valet pa rki ng
> Opening or closing partially: slide the A> Applies to: vehicles with valet parking function
switch to the first level and hold it there until
the roof reaches the desired position. The valet parking function can protect the lug-
gage compartment from unauthorized access.
Quick opening
The [VALET] button for valet parking is in the
You can also open the roof and roof sunshade in glove compartment.
one movement.
Opening and closing
You can switch the valet parking function on, for tems or house lights from inside your vehicle.
example when someone else is parking your vehi- These functions are operated in the MMI. Multi-
cle ). The vehicle can be driven, locked, and un- ple receivers can be programmed, which can con-
locked using the vehicle key, but access to the trol the functions of up to eight2) hand-held
luggage compartment is blocked. transmitters.
If the valet parking function is switched on, a rage door opener, first check the compatibili-
message will appear every time the ignition is
switched on. — Ask an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Service Facility or check at www.
@ Tips homelink.com. You can also find more infor-
mation about HomeLink there.
Please note that the luggage compartment
— You can display information about Home-
can still be accessed from the vehicle interior
Link (compatibility level/status/country
in vehicles with fixed rear seat backrests or
code/HomeLink generation) in the MMI:
ones that cannot be locked, even when the
— Select on the home screen: VEHICLE > Set-
valet parking function is switched on.
tings & Service > Garage door opener > @.
Opening and closing
must be within range of the system, and the igni- sired button: @). Follow the instructions in the
tion must be switched on. MMI.
> If you would like to reprogram systems that are
There are multiple options to open or close the
already programmed, select on the home
system (such as the garage door).
screen: VEHICLE > Settings & Service > Garage
> If you have only programmed one remote con- door opener. Press the Z button and select 7
trol transmitter, press the rs button on the for the system to be reprogrammed. Select:
display. Or Program. Follow the instructions in the MMI.
> If you have programmed multiple remote con-
With some systems, the garage door opener will
trol transmitters, press the 2 button on the
be immediately available after programming.
display and then press the respective system
With other systems, the garage door opener
button. Or
must also be synchronized.
> Applies to: vehicles with programmable steer-
ing wheel button: If you have configured the Synchronizing!)
programmable steering wheel button, press
Requirement: the hand transmitter must already
the *K button > page 30 and then press the re-
be programmed and the vehicle must be within
spective button for the system. Or
range of the system (such as the garage door).
> Applies to: vehicles with location pairing: If you
have programmed Location pairing, press the If the system synchronization is performed di-
button for this in the display (notification cen- rectly after the programming procedure, follow
ter > page 23). As you approach the system, the instructions on the MMI.
the button is displayed on the MMI.
If you would like to sync at a later time:
If transmission was successful, the message:
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Send to: XXX will appear.
VEHICLE > Settings & Service > Garage door
> Press the button for the system that you would
Applies to: vehicles with garage door opener like to synchronize.
You can program both fixed code and rolling code > Follow the instructions in the MMI.
systems in the MMI using the procedure that is Renaming programmed systems
You can rename the programmed systems indi-
Requirement: the ignition must be switched on. vidually (names may have a maximum of 10 char-
Programming the system acters).
Applies to: MMI >» Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Requirement: the hand transmitter must be VEHICLE > Settings & Service > Garage door
present and the vehicle must be within range of opener.
the system (such as the garage door) that you > Press the Z button.
would like to program. > Press the 7 button for the system that you
would like to rename.
> If you are programming the garage door opener
> Select: Rename. If necessary, delete the preset
for the first time, press the - button on the
name, such as Garage door opener 1.
display. Follow the instructions in the MMI. Or
> Follow the instructions in the MMI.
> If you would like to program other systems, se-
lect on the home screen: VEHICLE > Settings &
Service > Garage door opener. Select the de-
Opening and closing
Location pairing
G) Tips
Applies to: vehicles with location pairing
In some cases, the system may need to be
For easier operation, you can program your sys-
programmed in a different mode (“D mode”).
tem's location.
— Switch the ignition on.
Requirements: the respective hand transmitter — Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
must be programmed > page 49 and the vehicle VEHICLE > Settings & Service > Garage
must be located in front of the system. door opener.
» Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: — Press and hold the desired button @).
VEHICLE > Settings & Service > Garage door — Select Yes, in D mode and follow the in-
opener. structions on the MMI.
> Press the Z button.
> Press the 7 button for the system your vehicle
is facing.
> Select: Location pairing.
> Follow the instructions in the MMI.
@ Tips
— Make sure the batteries in the hand trans-
mitter are charged before starting the pro-
gramming process.
— The programming process may take up to
30 seconds. It may be necessary for the
hand transmitter to be pressed again in the
— The garage door opener may need to be
synchronized with the system after pro-
gramming. Follow the manufacturer's in-
structions for doing this.
Power top
Follow the care instructions to keep the power > Switch the ignition on.
top free of leaks and to maintain its appearance > To open the power top, pull and hold the switch
=> page 267, Care and cleaning. Also observe the @ during the entire process.
following: > To close the power top, pull and hold the switch
@ during the entire process.
— Open and stow the power top only when it is
clean and dry. Stowing the power top when it is Opening and closing the power top
damp can create imprints in it, and mildew and (automatic operation)
other damage can result if it is left stowed It is not necessary to hold the switch.
while damp for long periods of time.
Requirement: the speed must be between 4 mph
— To prevent scratching or damaging the power
(6 km/h) and 30 mph (50 km/h). There must be
top, do not use any sharp-edged objects to re-
no passengers or objects on the rear bench seat.
move ice and snow. The rear window may be
cleared of ice with a standard ice scraper. > Switch the ignition on.
— Do not leave the power top open for several > To open the power top completely, pull the
weeks or the creases in it may become discol- switch @ briefly.
ored. > To close the power top completely, pull the
— Do not open the power top when the tempera- switch @) briefly.
ture is below 32 °F (0 °C). The fabric in the
The status of the power top is shown in the in-
power top loses elasticity in sub-zero tempera-
strument cluster display when operating the
power top switch.
You can close the power top when the wind de-
flector is installed > page 54.
Power top
factors and that it does not interfere with Power top convenience opening and closing
other drivers. Applies to: vehicles with power top
“Ss paw-0149
ing the power top. Avoid operating the top
while driving in reverse.
— Never drive with the power top unlocked.
The wind from driving could cause the pow-
er top to open. This can result in injuries and
damage to the vehicle.
— Make sure no one will be injured by the pow-
er top supports or other moving compo-
nents when opening and closing the top.
Fig. 40 Driver's door: turning the key to open and close
— The headroom in the rear is reduced when
opening and closing the power top. Make Convenience opening with the driver door
sure the rear passengers keep enough dis- lock
tance from the power top to reduce the risk
> To unlock the vehicle, press the & button on the
of injury.
vehicle control key.
> Remove the mechanical key > page 38.
@) Note
> Turn the mechanical key in the driver door lock
To prevent damage to the power top: to the opening position one time @).
— do not store any objects in the power top > Turn the mechanical key to the opening posi-
storage compartment. tion a second time within two seconds and
— make sure there is enough space above the hold it there until the power top opens com-
vehicle when opening or closing the power pletely.
Convenience closing with the driver door lock
@) Tips > Remove the mechanical key > page 38.
— To avoid draining the vehicle battery unnec- > Turn the mechanical key in the driver door lock
essarily, do not open and close the power to the closing position one time ®).
top repeatedly when the engine is switched > Turn the mechanical key to the closing position
off. a second time within two seconds and hold it
— The power top can also be operated manual- there until the power top is completely closed.
ly temporarily if there is a malfunction
Convenience opening with the convenience
=> page 55, Power top emergency opera- key*
tion. Have the problem corrected as soon as
possible by an authorized Audi dealer or au- > Press and hold the & button on the vehicle key
until the power top is completely open.
thorized Audi Service Facility.
— If the vehicle is parked with the power top Convenience closing with the convenience
open, the vehicle interior is not protected key*
from damaging weather or unauthorized ac-
> Press the f& button on the vehicle key to lock
cess. Lock any items you leave behind in the
the vehicle.
luggage compartment. Close the power top
> Press the f button a second time within two
before leaving the vehicle.
seconds and hold it until the power top is com-
— The side windows automatically lower
pletely closed, or
slightly when opening or closing the power
> Touch the sensor* > page 39, fig. 27 on the
door handle long enough until the power top is >
Power top
Power top
Fig. 42 Rear of the vehicle: inserting the wind deflector (1) — Do not use the wind deflector to secure car-
— Be careful when installing so you do not
pinch your fingers.
— Pay attention to the traffic when installing
the wind deflector. Install the wind deflec-
tor from the side of the vehicle that is away
from traffic.
C) Note
Fig. 43 Rear of the vehicle: inserting the wind deflector (2) Do not lean against the vehicle when instal-
ling the wind deflector. Hard objects and dec-
The wind deflector reduces air movement in the orations on clothing such as belt buckles can
passenger compartment in order to make driving scratch the paint.
more comfortable.
@ Tips
The wind deflector is located in the luggage com-
partment inside the storage bag* or under the — The wind deflector works best when all of
cargo floor. the windows are rolled up while driving.
— Only store the wind deflector in the storage
Inserting and positioning the wind deflector bag* or under the cargo floor when it is dry.
> Open the rear window on the passenger's side.
> Remove the wind deflector from the luggage
compartment and fold it apart once. The wind
deflector is installed in the correct position
when the long side is toward the front and the
wind deflector frame is at the top.
> Insert both pins on the wind deflector (@) into
the mounts in the side trim panel on the driv-
er's side.
> Fold the handle @) upward and Lift the center of
the wind deflector slightly @).
> Now guide the wind deflector into the mounts
on the passenger's side @) and press lightly in
the middle of the wind deflector ©) until the
handle locks in place.
> Raise the wind deflector so that it is upright.
Power top
Power top emergency — Make sure all windows are lowered during
operation emergency operation.
— Do not reach into the power top supports
or other moving components.
Applies to: vehicles with power top
— Never drive with the power top unlocked.
The wind from driving could cause the pow-
er top to open. This can result in injuries and
damage to the vehicle.
Fig. 44 Luggage compartment: vehicle tool kit; release lev-
— The risk of pinching your hands or other peo-
Power top
> Press the power top onto the windshield frame
> fig. 47.
> Remove the cap from the inside of the power
> Insert the emergency release handle into the
opening and turn it clockwise until it stops
> fig. 48.
> Check to make sure the power top is latched by
Fig. 46 Rear of the vehicle: lifting the power top storage lifting at the front edge of the power top. If
compartment lid out and securing
locked correctly, the power top will not lift any
> Place the power top storage compartment lid in
the storage compartment ().
> Secure the raised power top storage compart- Step 4: Close the power to
Applies to: vehicles with power top
ment lid by inserting the screwdriver into the
hinge @). Make sure to insert the screwdriver
through both holes in the hinge.
> Allow the power top storage compartment lid
to lower slowly until it remains stationary.
Fig. 50 Rear bench seat: locking the power top storage
compartment lid with the emergency release handle
> Lift the rear edge of the power top and remove
the inserted screwdriver from the hinge.
> Close the power top storage compartment
lid @ and let the rear edge of the power top
Fig. 48 Inside of the power top: locking the power top with lower @>@.
the emergency release handle
Power top
Lights and Vision
Lights and Vision traffic if the vehicle load changes. The headlight
range adjusts automatically.
Exterior lighting
Audi adaptive light
Switching the lights on and off Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive light
Fig. 51 Instrument panel: light switch with button — Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
@ Light switch & cameras > page 126.
Turn the light switch @ to the corresponding po- — Automatic headlights are only intended to
sition when the ignition is switched on. The 2 assist the driver. The driver is still responsi-
symbol and the selected position will turn on (ex- ble for controlling the headlights and may
cept position 0). need to switch them on and off manually
depending on light and visibility conditions.
O - The daytime running lights* will automatical- For example, fog cannot be detected by the
ly turn on. In vehicles for some markets, you can light sensors. So always switch on the low
switch the automatic daytime running lights on beams ZO under these weather conditions
and off in the MMI. and when driving in the dark.
AUTO - The headlights will automatically adapt to
the surrounding brightness. (i) Tips
— If the vehicle battery has been discharging
300: — Parking lights
for a while, the parking light may switch off
2D - Low beam headlights automatically. Avoid using the parking
When the low beam headlights or parking lights lights for several hours.
are switched on, the corresponding BB or 200 in- — When using lighting equipment, the driver
dicator light will turn on depending on vehicle is responsible for adhering to any local ap-
equipment. plicable regulations while driving and when
parking the vehicle.
@ All-weather lights Zo — Only the front headlights turn on when the
Requirement: the light switch must be in the AU- daytime running lights are switched on*. In
TO or ZO position. vehicles in certain markets, the tail lights
will also turn on.
The headlights automatically adjust so that there
—Incool or damp weather, the inside of the
will be less glare, for example when the road sur-
headlights, turn signals, and tail lights can
face is wet.
fog over due to the temperature difference
Automatic headlight range control between the inside and outside. They will
clear shortly after switching them on. This
Your vehicle is equipped with automatic head-
does not affect the service life of the light-
light range control. It reduces glare for oncoming
Lights and Vision
The high beam assistant automatically turns the
high beams on or off depending on the surround-
ing conditions.
The lever operates the turn signals, the high Activating high beam assistant
beams and the headlight flasher. Requirement: the light switch must be in the AU-
Turn signals 15> TO position and the high beam assistant must be
switched on in the MMI > page 61.
The turn signal will activate when you move the
lever into a turn signal position while the ignition > To activate the high beam assistant, tap the
is switched on. The respective Kl or By indicator lever forward @) > page 59, fig. 52. The fa&4 in-
light will flash. dicator light will appear in the instrument clus-
ter display and the high beams will be switched
@ Right turn signal on or off automatically. The Ea indicator light
@® Left turn signal will turn on if the high beams are switched on.
The turn signal blinks three times if you tap the Activating and deactivating the high beam
lever (convenience turn signal). head lights manually
If an indicator light blinks twice as fast as usual, If the high beams did not switch on or off as ex-
a turn signal bulb has failed. Carefully drive to an pected, you may switch them on or off manually
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service instead:
Facility immediately to have the malfunction cor- > To activate the high beams manually, tap the
rected. lever forward @) > page 59, fig. 52. The & in-
High beams =O and headlight flasher dicator light will turn on.
> To deactivate the high beams manually, pull
> Move the Lever to the corresponding position: the lever back @) > page 59, fig. 52. The high
@) High beams on (vehicles with high beam assis- beam assistant is deactivated.
tant*) > page 59
Operating the headlight flasher
@ High beams off or headlight flasher
> To operate the headlight flashers, pull the lever
The =o) indicator light in the instrument cluster back @) > page 59, fig. 52. If the high beam
will turn on. headlights are not switched on, the high beam
assistant will remain activated.
High beams can cause glare for other drivers,
which increases the risk of an accident. For — Observe the safety precautions and note the
this reason, only use the high beams or the limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
headlight flasher when they will not create cameras > page 126.
glare for other drivers.
Lights and Vision
— High beam assistant is only intended to as- light into a white light using a luminescent mate-
sist the driver. The driver is responsible for rial.
controlling the high beam headlights and
Activating or deactivating laser lights
adjusting them to match the lighting and
visibility conditions. Requirement: the light switch must be in the AU-
— High beams can cause glare for other driv- TO position and the high beam assistant and the
ers, which increases the risk of an accident. laser lights must be switched on in the MMI
For this reason, only use the high beams or => page 61.
the headlight flasher when they will not cre- The high beam is controlled by the high beam as-
ate glare for other drivers. sistant. The laser high beams switch on shortly
after the LED high beams are switched on.
@ Tips
> To activate the high beam assistant, tap the
Adhere to any local applicable regulations lever forward @) > page 59, fig. 52. The Fa in-
when using the lighting equipment, for exam-
dicator light will appear in the instrument clus-
ple in regard to reducing glare for other driv-
ter display and the high beams will be switched
ers. The driver is always responsible for adher-
on or off automatically.
ing to the regulations applicable in the coun-
try where the vehicle is being operated. The laser high beams are switched on at speeds
above approximately 44 mph (70 km/h) when
the high beams are switched on. The Ed indicator
Laser lighting
Applies to: vehicles with laser lighting
light will turn on if the high beams are switched
on. The B indicator light turns on if the laser
lights are switched on.
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
— All repair procedures on the headlights must
be performed by an authorized Audi dealer
or authorized Audi Service Facility that will
perform the work according to Audi factory
specifications. Incorrect repairs could result
in eye injury, impair the function, and may
void the vehicle's operating license.
— Opening the laser module is not permitted
Fig. 53 Headlights: label and could cause permanent injuries to the
The laser high beams increase the range of the — Dangerous exposure to laser beams may oc-
headlights. cur if the covers are removed or if the head-
Technical changes to the headlights have signifi- lamp module housing is opened.
cantly increased the range. An additional module
integrated in the headlight converts a blue laser
Lights and Vision
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: The emergency flashers help to make other driv-
VEHICLE > Light & Visibility > Exterior light- ers aware of your vehicle in dangerous situations.
> Press the A @ button to switch the emergency
Automatic headlights flashers on or off.
You can adjust the following settings in the Auto- When the emergency flashers are turned on, the
matic headlights menu: a and By indicator lights will flash at the same
Activation time - You can adjust if the headlights
switch on Early, Medium, or Late based on the You can indicate a lane change or a turn when the
sensitivity of the light sensor. emergency flashers are switched on by using the
turn signal lever. The emergency flashers stop
High beam assistant - You can switch the high
beam assistant on and off.
The Entry/exit lighting illuminates the area You should switch the emergency flashers on
around the vehicle when the vehicle is unlocked ite
or when the driver’s door is opened while the ig- — you are the last car in a traffic jam so that
nition is off. The entry/exit lighting works when it all other vehicles approaching from behind
is dark and the light switch is in the AUTO posi- can see your vehicle
tion. The front and rear daytime running lights* — your vehicle has broken down or you are
switch on automatically each time the vehicle is having an emergency
Lights and Vision
You can still switch the high beams on or off Rear interior lighting
manually. Drive immediately to an authorized 3
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility to NI
have the malfunction repaired.
Lights and Vision
— Cockpit dimming
— Head-up display
© ©
— Audi virtual cockpit Fig. 58 Driver's door: knob for the exterior mirrors
Lights and Vision
0 - Deactivates all adjustment functions. way out. The mirrors will make a loud noise
when they latch into place. The mirror hous-
Q/ #- Selects the left or right exterior mirror.
ing must not be moved back into place by
To adjust the mirror glass in a mirror, press the
hand because this could impair the function
knob in the desired direction.
of the mirror mechanism.
GA - Heats the mirror glass depending on the — Applies to: vehicles without power folding
outside temperature. exterior mirrors: If the mirror housing was
©) - Folds the exterior mirrors*. To fold the mir- moved by outside forces (such as an impact
rors out, turn the knob to one of the other posi- when maneuvering), you must move it back
tions. In the MMI, you can select if the mirrors in place by hand.
fold in automatically when you lock the vehicle — If you wash the vehicle in an automatic car
=> page 35. wash, you must fold the exterior mirrors in
to reduce the risk of damage to the mirrors.
Front passenger's exterior mirror tilt Never fold power folding exterior mirrors*
function* by hand. Only fold them in and out using
Requirement: the knob must be in the position the power controls.
for the front passenger’s exterior mirror.
@) Tips
The mirror surfaces tilt slightly when reverse
If the power adjusting function malfunctions,
gear is selected to provide a better view, for ex-
the glass in both mirrors can be adjusted by
ample of the edge of the curb.
pressing on the edge of it by hand.
You can adjust the mirror surface by turning the
knob in the desired direction.
Dimming the mirrors
The mirror moves from the reversing position
Manual dimming rearview mirror
back to the original position:
> Pull the lever on the bottom of the mirror back.
— When you switch the ignition off
— When you drive forward at speeds faster than 9 Automatic dimming rearview mirror
mph (15 km/h). Applies to: vehicles with automatic dimming mirrors
— When the knob is no longer in the position for > The interior and exterior mirrors dim automati-
the front passenger exterior mirror cally when light shines on them, for example
from headlights on a vehicle behind you.
Curved mirror surfaces (for example convex) ZA WARNING
enlarge the field of vision. However, they Applies to: vehicles with automatic dimming mirrors
make objects in the mirror appear smaller and — Electrolyte fluid can leak out from broken
farther away. When using these mirrors to es- mirror glass. This liquid can irritate the skin,
timate your distance to vehicles behind you eyes and respiratory system. If there is con-
when changing lanes, you could estimate in- tact with the fluid, flush immediately with
correctly, which increases the risk of an acci- plenty of water. Consult a physician if neces-
dent. sary.
— Repeated or long-term exposure to electro-
@) Note lyte fluid can lead to irritation of the air-
— Applies to: vehicles with power folding exte- ways, especially in people with asthma or
rior mirrors: If the mirror housing was other respiratory conditions. Take deep
moved by outside forces (such as an impact breaths immediately after leaving the vehi-
when maneuvering), you must use the pow- cle or, if this is not possible, open all of the
er folding function to fold the mirror all the doors and windows as wide as possible.
Lights and Vision
@) Note
Applies to: vehicles with automatic dimming mirrors
@ Tips
> Move the windshield wiper lever 7 to the cor-
Applies to: vehicles with automatic dimming mirrors
responding position:
— If the light reaching the rearview mirror is
obstructed, the automatic dimming mirror @ Windshield wipers off
will not function correctly, @ Rain sensor/intermittent mode. The wind-
— The automatic dimming mirrors do not dim shield wipers switch on once the vehicle speed
when the interior lighting is turned on or exceeds approximately 2 mph (4 km/h) and it is
the reverse gear is selected. raining. The higher the sensitivity of the rain sen-
sor that is set (switch © to the right), the earlier
the windshield wipers react to moisture on the
windshield. You can deactivate the rain sensor
mode, which switches the interval mode on. In
intermittent mode, you can adjust the interval
time using the switch ©.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
VEHICLE > Light & Visibility > Rain sensor.
@ Slow wiping
@ Fast wiping
Lights and Vision
© Clean the windshield &. The number of wipes — Prior to using a car wash, the windshield
and afterwipes depends on how long the lever is wiper system must be switched off (lever in
held in position ©). position @). This prevents the wipers from
switching on unintentionally and causing
The wipers wipe one time after several seconds of
damage to the windshield wiper system.
driving to remove water droplets. You can switch
this function off by moving the lever to position
G) Tips
© within ten seconds of the afterwipe. The after-
wipe function is reactivated the next time you — The windshield wipers switch off when the
switch the ignition on. ignition is switched off. You can activate the
windshield wipers after the ignition is
If you hold the lever in position ©) for longer switched on again by moving the windshield
than half a second, the edge wiping feature will wiper lever to any position. The single wipe
be activated. This moves the windshield wipers function (lever in position @) also functions
closer to the edge of the windshield and per- when the ignition is switched off.
forms an afterwipe to clean the residue that re- — Worn or dirty windshield wiper blades result
sults from the wiping process from the edge of in streaking. This can affect the rain sensor
the windshield. The function is available when function. Check your windshield wiper
driving at speeds up to 75 mph (120 km/h).
blades regularly.
The headlight washer system* operates only — The washer fluid nozzles for the windshield
when the low beam headlights are on. If you washer system are heated when the ignition
move the lever into position ©, the headlights is on if the outside temperature is low.
will be cleaned at fixed intervals. — When stopping temporarily, such as at a
traffic light, the speed of the windshield
ZA WARNING wipers automatically reduces by one level.
— The rain sensor is only intended to assist the
driver. The driver may still be responsible for (eG ee a kes
PUT Xa Cel
manually switching the wipers on based on
visibility conditions.
— The windshield must not be treated with
water-repelling windshield coating agents.
Under unfavorable conditions, such as wet-
ness, darkness, and when the sun is low,
these coatings can cause increased glare,
which increases the risk of an accident. They
can also cause wiper blade chatter.
— Properly functioning windshield wiper
Fig. 61 Windshield wipers: changing the wiper blades
blades are required for a clear view and safe
driving > page 66, Cleaning/changing wip- Wiper blade replacement position
er blades.
> Switch off the ignition and hold the windshield
@) Note wiper lever in position @) > page 65, fig. 60 un-
til the windshield wiper moves into the wiper
— If there is frost, make sure the windshield
blade replacement position.
wiper blades are not frozen to the wind- > To bring the windshield wipers into the normal
shield. Switching on the windshield wipers position, switch the ignition on and hold the
when the blades are frozen to the wind-
windshield wiper lever in position @) until the
shield can damage the wiper blades. windshield wipers go back to the original posi-
tion, or drive faster than 8 mph (12 km/h). >
Lights and Vision
You can also turn the wiper blade replacement their original position and could damage the
position on or off in the MMI: hood and windshield.
> Switch the windshield wipers off (position @
=> page 65, fig. 60). G) Tips
» Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE- — You can also use the wiper blade replace-
HICLE > Settings & Service > Wiper change po- ment position for other reasons, for exam-
sition. ple if you want to protect the windshield
from icing by using a cover.
Cleaning the wiper blades
— You cannot activate the wiper blade replace-
Requirement: the windshield wipers must be in ment position when the hood is open.
the wiper blade replacement position.
> Fold the windshield wiper arm away from the WET [4
> For information on cleaning, see > table on If the & indicator light turns on, then there is a
page 268.
windshield wiper malfunction. The message that
is also displayed indicates the cause and possible
Replacing the wiper blades solutions. If one of the messages does not turn
Requirement: the windshield wipers must be in off, drive immediately to an authorized Audi deal-
the wiper blade replacement position. er or authorized Audi Service Facility to have the
malfunction repaired.
> Fold the windshield wiper arm away from the
windshield. a Automatic wipers: malfunction! See owner's
> Press the locking knob @ on the wiper blade. manual
Hold the wiper blade firmly. The light/rain sensor is malfunctioning. You can
> Remove the wiper blade from the windshield still control all functions that are not controlled
wiper arm mount (2). by the rain sensor using the windshield wiper lev-
> Insert the new wiper blade into the mount on er. Drive immediately to an authorized Audi deal-
the wiper arm until it clicks into place. er or authorized Audi Service Facility to have the
> Place the wiper arm back on the windshield. malfunction repaired.
> Exit the wiper blade replacement position.
Digital compass
Sialic meal Semele
— For safety reasons, the windshield wiper
Applies to: vehicles with digital compass
blades should be replaced once or twice
each year.
@) Note
— The windshield wipers must only be lifted
up when in the wiper blade replacement po-
sition. Otherwise, you risk damaging the
paint on the hood or the windshield wiper
motor. Fig. 62 Rearview mirror: digital compass is switched on
Lights and Vision
Fig. 63 Magnetic zone map
The magnetic zone must be adjusted correctly for > Press and hold the button @ untilaC
the compass to read accurately. => page 67, fig. 62 appears in the rearview mir-
> Press and hold the button @ > page 67, fig. 62
> Drive in a circle at about 6 mph (10 km/h) until
until the number of the magnetic zone appears
a direction is displayed in the rearview mirror.
in the interior rearview mirror.
> Press the button () repeatedly to select the
correct magnetic zone. The selection mode
turns off after a few seconds. To reduce the risk to yourself and other driv-
ers, calibrate the compass in an area where
there is no traffic.
Applies t : vehicles with digital compass
Sitting correctly and safely
— Never stand inside the vehicle. — The distance between your knees and the in-
— Never stand on the seats. strument panel is at least 4 inches (10 cm) >
Sitting correctly and safely
— Your thighs are lightly supported by the front window, or on the seat surfaces. This also
surface of the seat applies to passengers in the rear seats.
— The backrest is in an upright position and your
back is resting against it (@) Note
— You have a sufficient view of the area around Applies to: vehicles with manually adjustable head re-
the vehicle straints
— You have a clear view of the instrument cluster, To reduce the risk of damage, be very careful
indicator lights, and the head-up display* when adjusting the seat to make sure the
head restraints do not come into contact with
Z\ WARNING the headliner or the sunroof*.
— If you are too close to the steering wheel or
instrument panel, the airbag system cannot Power seat adjustme
provide the optimal protection, which in-
creases the risk of injury and death.
— To reduce the risk of injury in the event of
sudden braking maneuvers or accidents,
never drive with the backrest reclined very
far. The airbag system and seat belts can on-
ly provide optimal protection when the back-
rest is in an upright position and the driver
is wearing the seat belt correctly. If the
backrest is angled back too far, the safety
belt can shift to soft areas of the body, such
as the stomach, which increases the risk of
—To reduce the risk of an accident, only adjust
the seats when the vehicle is stationary.
— Be careful when adjusting the seat. Lack of
control or attention when adjusting can re-
sult in injuries due to pinching to vehicle oc-
cupants both in the front seats and rear
— Never place objects in the driver's footwell. Fig. 65 Front seat: adjusting the seat (version B)
Objects could shift and enter the area
around the pedals, which could prevent you The settings depend on the vehicle equipment.
from using them. You would then be unable
to use the pedals if sudden driving or brak- Adjusting the backrests
ing maneuvers were needed, which increas- > To move the backrest forward or backward,
es the risk of an accident. press the button @) forward or backward.
— Make sure that the floor mats are always se-
Adjusting the seat position
curely attached.
— To reduce the risk of an accident, never place > To move the seat forward or backward, push
additional floor mats or other floor covers the button @) forward or backward.
over the installed floor mats, because this > To adjust the seat upward or downward, push
reduces the pedal's range of motion and can the rear section of the button @) upward or
impair pedal operation. downward.
—To reduce the risk of injury, never place your > To adjust the seat surface, press the front part
feet on the instrument panel, out of the of the button @) upward or downward.
Sitting correctly and safely
Adjusting the lumbar support The settings and the number of menus and but-
tons depend on the vehicle equipment.
> To adjust the lumbar support, press the button
@) in the desired direction. Operating
Applies to: MMI
Adjusting the upper thigh support
> Select on the home screen: VEHICLE > Seats.
> To increase or decrease the upper thigh sup-
> To access the various menus (4), swipe to the
port, lift the handle @) and move the upper
left or right.
thigh support.
> To display the various seats, press ) or ( @.
Massage function The red coloring in the symbol
@) indicates which
> To switch the massage function on or off, press seat is selected.
the button ©) > fig. 65.
Adjusting the side supports See > page 71
You can adjust the side bolsters using the multi-
Additional seat settings
function button @) > fig. 65.
See > page 71
—To reduce the risk of an accident, only adjust aces cetera (ol)
the driver's seat when the vehicle is station- Applies to: vehicles with massage function
this impairs the effectiveness of the safety > To adjust the massage type, press the desired
belts and airbag system, which increases the button on the MMI, for example Wave.
risk of injury. > To adjust the intensity of the massage, press
Intensity on the MMI repeatedly until the de-
ON em amie MR sired level is reached.
Applies to: vehicles with seat settings in the MMI
G) Tips
OX CTT eerie Mg
Sitting correctly and safely
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the follow- > To move the seat all the way forward or to the
ing options may be available. original position, press the (2) button briefly.
You can stop the seat by pressing the button
Reset seat position
You can adjust the position of the front passeng- > You can move the seat all the way forward even
er’s seat to match the driver's seat. when the backrest is upright. Press and hold
the button @) until the seat reaches your pre-
Driver seat entry assistance
ferred position.
Entry assistance makes it easier to enter or exit
Power entry assistance (version 2)
the vehicle.
Pull on the loop @ ©fig. 68 and fold the back-
Front passenger seat adjustment
rest forward (2).
You can adjust the front passenger's side with the
> To move the seat all the way forward or to the
driver's seat buttons.
original position, press the @) button briefly.
You can stop the seat by pressing the button
SSA stele (Fatt) again.
Applies to: vehicles with easy entry function
@) Tips
To prevent the head restraints from running
into the headliner, the power adjustable head
restraints* automatically move forward or up-
ward when the seat is adjusted.
eames Cera ti
Applies to: vehicles with a front center armrest
Fig. 68 Front seat: power entry assistance (version 2)
The front center armrest is located between the
Entry assistance makes it easier for the rear pas- front seats.
sengers to enter and leave the vehicle. Adjusting the center armrest
Power entry assistance (version 1) The settings depend on the vehicle equipment.
> Lift the handle @ © fig. 67 and fold the seat > To adjust the armrest forward or backward,
backrest forward. move the armrest in the desired direction. >
Sitting correctly and safely
> To adjust the angle, raise the armrest in stages. Adjusting the steering wheel positi
> To move the armrest back into the original posi- Tarte L ig
tion, raise it slightly out of the top level and Applies to: vehicles with manual steering wheel adjustment
fold it downward.
The steering wheel position is adjustable up and
down and forward and back.
In certain positions, the front center armrest
can interfere with the driver’s arm movement,
which increases the risk of injury.
Steering wheel
(ee eile laced)
Sitting correctly and safely
— The upper edge of the head restraint is as even head restraint. Release the button and slide the
as possible with the top of your head head restraint farther until it locks into place.
— The head restraint is as close as possible to the
Power head restraint adjustment
back of the head
Applies to vehicles with power adjustable head restraints
— The head restraints in any occupied rear seats
are all the way up > To adjust the head restraint upward or down-
ward, press the button @ > page 70, fig. 64 or
Z\ WARNING => page 70, fig. 65 upward or downward.
> To adjust the head restraint forward or back-
— There is one head restraint for each seat. All
ward as needed, press the side button and slide
vehicle occupants must adjust the head re-
the head restraint in the desired direction until
straint correctly before every trip. Having
it locks into place.
head restraints that are not adjusted cor-
rectly or not installed in the vehicle increas-
es the risk of a neck injury during sudden or mae Mee ay
Applies to: vehicles with adjustable head restraints
unexpected driving or braking maneuvers or
in a collision.
— Only remove the rear seat head restraints if
it is necessary to install a child safety seat
=> page 84. Stow the removed head re-
straints securely, for example in the luggage
compartment. Reinstall the head restraints
immediately once the child safety seat has
been removed. Driving without head re-
straints increases the risk of serious neck in-
Fig. 72 Rear seat: adjusting or removing the head restraint
Sitting correctly and safely
> Press the button (2) and slide the head restraint who do not wear safety belts not only en-
all the way down. It should not be possible to danger themselves, but also other people in
remove the head restraint from the backrest the vehicle.
without pressing the button. — Only one person may be fastened with a
safety belt at a time. Never secure more
Safety belts than one person, including children, with a
single safety belt.
— Never allow children or infants to ride on an-
Each seat is equipped with a three-point safety other person's lap and be belted into the
belt. Safety belts that are worn correctly are the safety belt with them.
most effective way to reduce the risk of serious or — Insert the belt buckle only in the belt latch
fatal injuries in a collision. Therefore, wear your belonging to the corresponding seat, so that
safety belt correctly and make sure that all vehi- the protective function is not impaired.
cle passengers are also wearing their safety belts — To ensure the maximum protective function
correctly when the vehicle is moving. of the safety belts, all vehicle passengers
must sit in the correct seating position
Even though your vehicle is equipped with an air-
=> page 69.
bag system, every vehicle passenger must still al-
— Check the condition of your vehicle’s safety
ways wear the appropriate safety belt. In addi-
belts regularly > page 268. If you find dam-
tion to their normal protective function, safety
age to the belt webbing, the belt connec-
belts also hold vehicle occupants in the correct
tions, the retractor, or the buckle, have the
seating position in the event of a collision so that
damaged safety belt replaced by an author-
the airbags can deploy correctly and provide addi-
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
tional protection. Safety belts provide protection
during collisions when the airbags do not deploy
— The safety belts must not be removed or
or if they have already deployed.
modified in any way. Do not attempt to re-
ZA WARNING pair the safety belts yourself.
— Safety belts that are strained during an acci-
The risk of serious or fatal injury increases if
dent must be replaced by an authorized
the safety belt is not fastened, if it is worn in-
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
correctly, or if it is damaged.
— All vehicle occupants, including the driver,
must fasten their safety belts correctly be-
fore every trip and must always keep their
safety belts fastened during the trip, regard-
less of whether the seat is equipped with an
airbag or not. This also applies to children
that are seated in a child safety seat that is
appropriate for their weight and age and
that is secured with a safety belt.
— In the event of a collision, vehicle occupants
that are not wearing safety belts could be
propelled through the vehicle interior and
collide with vehicle components, such as the
steering wheel, instrument panel, wind-
shield, or doors. In some situations, vehicle
Sitting correctly and safely
rious injury in the event of an accident or dur-
ing sudden braking or driving maneuvers.
— Never drive with the backrest reclined ex-
tremely far. The more the backrest is tilted
back, the greater the risk of injury due to the
safety belt being routed incorrectly.
— The safety belt itself or a loose safety belt
can cause serious injuries if it shifts onto
soft areas of the body, such as the stomach.
— The shoulder portion of the safety belt must
lie over the center of the shoulder and
chest, and never under the arm, behind the
back, or across the neck or face.
— The lap portion of the safety belt must lie
across the lap and never over the stomach.
— The safety belt must lie flat and securely on
the upper part of the body and the lap.
— The belt webbing must not be pinched or
twisted, or rub against sharp edges.
Fig. 74 Safety belt positioning for pregnant women
— If the safety belt height is set incorrectly
Fastened safety belts only offer optimal protec- and/or the safety belt is routed incorrectly,
tion during an accident and reduce the risk of se- then the safety belt's protective function
rious injury or death when they are positioned will be impaired in the event of an accident.
correctly. Furthermore, the correct safety belt Make sure the safety belt is at the right
position holds the vehicle occupant in place so height and is routed correctly for the pas-
that a deployed airbag can provide maximum senger using it.
protection. Therefore, always fasten the safety — A safety belt that is too loose may lead to in-
belt and make sure it is positioned correctly juries during an accident, because your body
> fig. 73. will move farther forward due to kinetic en-
ergy and will be stopped abruptly by the
To ensure the safety belt is positioned correctly,
make sure of the following points:
— Heavily bulky, loose clothing (for example, a
—The lap portion of the safety belt must be locat- coat over a sports jacket) may prevent the
ed across the lap. seat and safety belts from functioning cor-
—The shoulder portion of the safety belt must rectly.
rest over the center of the shoulder. — Do not position the safety belt over hard or
— The safety belt must always rest flat and se- breakable objects (such as glasses, pens,
curely on the body. etc.).
— The lap belt portion of the safety belt must
For pregnant women, the safety belt must rest
sit as low as possible on the lap of pregnant
evenly across the chest and as low and flat as
women and lie flat under the belly.
possible on the lap, so that no pressure is applied
to the lower abdomen. This should be done
throughout the entire pregnancy > fig. 74.
() Note
Make sure that there are no hook-and-loop
fasteners or sharp objects such as zippers or >
Sitting correctly and safely
rivets on clothing in the area where the safety a
belt is worn. Otherwise, the safety belt could a
be damaged.
Fig. 77 Releasing the belt buckle from the belt latch
Sitting correctly and safely
> To move the belt higher, slide the safety belt re- you start driving. If the safety belt is too loose, it
lay @) upward. will be tightened so that the belt will rest closer
> To move the belt lower, press the release but- to the body.
ton @ and slide the safety belt relay2) down-
In some collisions, pyrotechnic belt tensioners
may secure the safety belts so that they cannot
> To check if the safety belt relay is securely
loosen. This reduces forward movement by the
locked in place, pull firmly on the belt.
vehicle passengers.
You can also adjust the height of the front
The pyrotechnic system can only provide pro-
seats to change the position of the safety
tection during one collision. If the pyrotechnic
belt tensioners deploy, the pretensioning sys-
tem must be replaced by an authorized Audi
ON eal ime ad olay dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility.
Belt retractor lock
@ Tips
The safety belts on the rear seats and on the
Smoke may be released when pyrotechnic belt
front passenger seat are equipped with a belt re-
tensioners deploy. This is not a sign of a vehi-
tractor lock.
cle fire.
> If you secure a child safety seat with a safety
belt, the belt retractor lock on the safety belt Memory function
may need to be activated. Follow the instruc-
tions from the child safety seat manufacturer. General information
> When a vehicle passenger has fastened a safety Applies to: vehicles with memory function
Sitting correctly and safely
briefly. The seat will be fully adjusted to the wheel, on the instrument panel, on the
settings in the seat profile. doors, on the windows, or in the footwell.
> If the door is closed or the ignition is switched — Never put stickers on the airbag system cov-
on, press and hold the memory button until the ers or cover them with any objects.
seat is fully adjusted to the settings in the seat — Only lightweight clothing should be hung
profile. from the garment hooks in the vehicle. Do
not use clothes hangers to hang clothing.
ZX WARNING The pockets of the clothing must not con-
— To reduce the risk of an accident, the seat tain any heavy, breakable, or sharp-edged
setting can only be recalled when the vehicle objects. This could impair the effectiveness
is stationary. of the side curtain airbags.
— In an emergency, the recall process can be — You must not use seat or protective covers
canceled by pressing the seat adjustment that are not specifically approved for use on
button on that seat. Audi seats with side airbags. Since the side
airbags deploy from the seat backrest, such
covers could impair the protective function
Airbag system
of the side airbags.
— Damage to the original seat covers in the
side airbag deployment area must always be
ZA WARNING repaired by an authorized Audi dealer or au-
— If you have not fastened your safety belt, thorized Audi Service Facility.
you are in an incorrect seating position, or — Airbag system components are installed at
you are too close to the airbag system, the various locations in your vehicle. Incorrect
airbag system will not be able to protect work or repairs on the vehicle could damage
you. This increases the risk of serious or fa- the airbag system components or impair
their functionality. This may prevent the air-
tal injuries. Make sure that every vehicle
passenger has their safety belt correctly fas- bags from deploying or cause them to de-
tened and is sitting in a correct seating posi- ploy incorrectly in the event of an accident,
tion > page 69. This is necessary regardless which increases the risk of serious or fatal
of whether the seat is equipped with an air- injuries. Only have an authorized Audi dealer
bag or not. or authorized Audi Service Facility make re-
— Never place your feet on the instrument pairs or modifications to a vehicle.
panel, out of the window, or on the seat sur- — The airbag system can only provide protec-
faces. To help ensure that the airbag system tion during one collision. If there is another
can deploy correctly, never bend forward or collision, the airbag system will not deploy
lean on the door or the side window. Other- again. If the airbag system has deployed,
wise, serious and possibly fatal injuries can have it replaced immediately by an author-
occur if the airbags deploy. ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
— People, animals, or objects between the
passengers and the airbag system can inter- — Fine dust may appear if the airbags deploy.
fere with the correct deployment of the air- This is completely normal and does not indi-
bag or can be thrown through the vehicle in- cate a fire in the vehicle. The fine dust can ir-
terior, increasing the risk of serious or fatal ritate the skin and mucous membranes in
injuries. Make sure that nothing is located the eyes and can cause difficulty breathing,
between the vehicle occupants and the air- particularly for individuals who have or have
bag system. Do not secure or transport any had asthma or other health issues that af-
objects within the deployment zone of the fect breathing. Exit the vehicle or open the
airbag systems, especially on the steering windows or doors to get access to fresh air.
Sitting correctly and safely
Sitting correctly and safely
Sitting correctly and safely
The locations of the airbags are labeled with Each deployed airbag is filled with gas. When this
“AIRBAG”. The following airbags are installed in occurs, the airbag covers open and the airbags
your vehicle: unfold with great force into the deployment zone
within milliseconds. Inflated airbags reduce the
Driver's airbag
movement of passengers wearing safety belts in
Airbags offer the best possible protection in your The airbag system only works when the ignition
vehicle during an accident when they are used to- is turned on.
gether with safety belts that are fastened cor-
If you or other vehicle passengers have physical
rectly, and when passengers are sitting in the cor-
limitations that prevent sitting in a correct posi-
rect seating position. Airbags are a supplementa-
tion, modifications to the vehicle may be neces-
ry restraint system and do not replace safety
sary. For more information, contact an author-
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
Applies to: vehicles without power top: Airbags ty, or call Audi customer support at
may deploy during head-on, side-impact, or roll- 1-800-822-2834.
over collisions.
Sitting correctly and safely
According to these requirements, the front Ad- — The electrical capacity is higher than the
vanced Airbag System on the passenger’s side threshold stored in the control module
has been certified for “suppression” for infants — The electrical capacity is the same as or greater
approximately 12 months old and younger, and than the electrical capacity of a typical adult
for “low risk deployment” for children aged 3 to
The passenger's airbag is deactivated if:
6 years old (as defined in the standard).
— The electrical capacity is lower than the thresh-
The advanced airbag system will activate or deac-
old stored in the control module
tivate the front passenger's airbag based on the
— The electrical capacity is the same as or less
occupancy of the seat. If a front airbag deploys
than the electrical capacity of a typical one-
during an accident, the deployment force will
year-old child in a child safety seat that has
adapt to the passenger.
been used for certification in accordance with
Components FMVSS 208
The advanced airbag system consists of the fol- If the front passenger's airbag is activated, the
lowing components: PASSENGER AIR BAG ON @ indicator light
will turn on. If the front passenger's airbag is de-
— Front airbags in the steering wheel and in the
activated, the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF #;
instrument panel on the front passenger's side:
indicator light will turn on.
these can protect the front passengers during
an accident The deployment force of the front airbags adapts
— Passenger occupant detection sensor in the based on whether or not the safety belt is used
front passenger's seat: this detects if the front and the distance between the seat and the steer-
passenger's seat is occupied (for example, by a ing wheel/instrument panel. For example, if a
person or a small child in a child safety seat) person is too close to the front airbag, the front
— Seat position sensors on the front seats: these airbag will deploy with less force to help reduce
determine the distance between the seat and the risk of injury.
the steering wheel or instrument panel
— Sensors in the front seat belt latch: these de- ® indicator light
tect if the safety belts are fastened
— PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF 8; ON ® indi- When the ignition is switched on, the system de-
cator light in the headliner:this indicates if the tects whether the front passenger's seat is occu-
front passenger's airbag is activated or deacti- pied. PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF #; ON @
vated will turn on for several seconds during this proc-
- indicator light in the instrument cluster: ess. Then it will indicate whether the front pas-
this monitors the function of the Advanced Air- senger's airbag is activated or deactivated.
bag System components to ensure they are — PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF 8%: the front
functioning correctly passenger's airbag is deactivated and will not
deploy in the event of an accident.
How the components function together
— PASSENGER AIR BAG ON ®: the front pas-
The passenger occupant detection sensor in the senger's airbag is activated and could deploy in
front passenger's seat detects if the front pas- the event of an accident.
senger's seat is occupied. The passenger occu-
If a change to the occupancy status of the front
pant detection sensor measures the electrical ca-
pacity on the front passenger’s seat. The pas- passenger's seat is detected
senger's airbag is activated or deactivated de-
flash for several seconds and will then display the
pending on the electrical capacity that is meas-
status of the front passenger's airbag. >
Sitting correctly and safely
Always make sure the indicator light corresponds front passenger's seat, always make sure
to the occupancy of the front passenger's seat. that PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ; stays
— An adult or individual of similar size in the on while driving. If
front passenger's seat: the front passenger's PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF &¥; does not
airbag must be activated, therefore turn on, remove the child safety seat and in-
PASSENGER AIR BAG ON @ must remain stall it again according to the child safety
turned on. seat manufacturer instructions. If
— An individual of smaller size (for example, an PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF &%; still does
adolescent or small adult) in the front pas-
not turn on, the front passenger's seat must
senger's seat: the front passenger's airbag not be used. Drive to an authorized Audi
must be activated, so dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
PASSENGER AIR BAG ON @ must stay on. and have the airbag system inspected.
— Child in a child safety seat on the front pas- — Fluids, electronic devices, or mechanical
senger's seat: the front passenger's airbag
damage on the front passenger's seat may
must be deactivated, so cause the front passenger seat occupant de-
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF 3%; must stay on. tection to malfunction. The system may
then incorrectly detect if the front passeng-
— Front passenger's seat not occupied: the front
er's seat is occupied. As a result, it could de-
passenger's airbag must be deactivated, so
ploy the front passenger’s airbag incorrectly
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ; must stay on.
or fail to deploy it, which increases the risk
ZA WARNING of serious or fatal injury. Make sure that no
wet objects (such as a wet hand towel) and
— An adult or a person with a small stature
no fluids come into contact with the front
(such as a young person or small adult) seat-
passenger's seat cushion. If the front pas-
ed on the front passenger's seat will not be
senger's seat becomes wet, dry it immedi-
protected by the passenger's airbag in the
ately. Make sure no electronic devices (such
event of a collision if the passenger's airbag
as a laptop or a retrofitted seat heater) are
is deactivated. This increases the risk of in-
on the front passenger's seat. Do not trans-
jury and death. Always make sure that
port any objects on or under the front pas-
senger's seat.
while driving. If
— Seat covers or protective covers may prevent
the advanced airbag system from correctly
turn on, make sure the front passenger is
detecting child safety seats or passengers in
sitting correctly in the seat > page 69 and
the front passenger's seat. You must not use
that there is nothing covering the front pas-
seat covers or protective covers on the front
senger's seat (such as blankets or pillows).
passenger's seat that are not specifically ap-
If PASSENGER AIR BAG ON ®@still does
proved for use on Audi seats with an ad-
not turn on, the front passenger's seat must
vanced airbag system.
not be used. Drive to an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
and have the airbag system inspected. Child safety seats
—Achild ina child safety seat on the front
General information
passenger's seat - especially in a rear-facing
child safety seat - can receive a severe im- When installing and using child safety seats, fol-
pact if the front passenger's airbag deploys, low the information in this Owner's Manual, the
which increases the risk of serious or fatal applicable state and federal regulations, and the
injury. Always secure child safety seats on manufacturer instructions for the child safety
the rear seats. If special circumstances re- seat.
quire the use of a child safety seat on the
Sitting correctly and safely
You can also obtain useful and current informa- jury during a sudden braking maneuver or
tion from the following sources: accident. This especially applies to children
U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- in the front passenger's seat or children who
tration have their head near the side airbag deploy-
http://www.nhtsa.gov ment area, if the airbag system is deployed
http://www.safercar.gov during an accident. This incorrect seating
position can cause severe or even fatal inju-
National SAFE KIDS Campaign ries.
http://www.safekids.org Make sure there is enough space in front of
SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. the child in the child safety seat. If necessa-
http://www.carseat.org ry, adjust the angle and position of the seat
in front of the child safety seat.
Transport Canada Information Centre
The rear side ofa forward-facing child safety
seat should be positioned as close as possi-
Audi Customer Experience Center ble to the backrest on the vehicle seat. If the
https://www.audiusa.com/help/contact-us head restraints make it difficult to install a
https://www.audi.ca/ca/web/en/models/layer/ child safety seat, adjust or remove them if
contact.html necessary > page 73. Reinstall the head re-
straints immediately once the child safety
Z\ WARNING seat has been removed.
To reduce the risk of serious or fatal injuries, Always make sure that the backrest on the
children must always be secured in the vehicle seat where the child safety seat is installed
with a child safety seat that is appropriate for is securely locked in place and cannot move
their body size, weight, and age. forward. Otherwise, the backrest where the
— Children ages 12 and under must be trans- child safety seat is secured could move for-
ported using the appropriate child safety ward in the event of an accident or other
seat. Note differences in regulations be- emergency situation.
tween states and countries. NEVER use a rear-facing child safety seat on
— Child safety seats secured incorrectly in the a seat with an ACTIVATED FRONT AIRBAG;
vehicle may cause serious or fatal injuries in this could cause DEATH or SERIOUS INJU-
the event of an accident. Always secure the RIES to a CHILD.
child safety seat according to the manufac- — Always secure child safety seats on the
turer instructions. rear seats. If exceptional circumstances re-
— Children or babies must not under any cir- quire the child safety seat to be placed on
cumstances be held on the lap of the driver the front passenger's seat, then the front
or other passengers while driving. Passenger's airbag must be deactivated.
— Do not secure more than one child in a child Always make sure that
safety seat. PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF #; stays on
— Never allow a child to sit in a child safety while driving. If
seat unsupervised. PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF #%; does not
— Never allow children to ride unsecured in the turn on, remove the child safety seat and
vehicle or to stand or kneel on the seats install it again according to the child safe-
while driving. In the event of an accident, a ty seat manufacturer instructions. If
child could be propelled through the vehicle. PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF %;; still
This can cause serious or fatal injuries for does not turn on, the front passenger's
the child and passengers. seat must not be used. Drive to an author-
— If children use an incorrect seating position ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
while driving, they have a higher risk of in-
Sitting correctly and safely
Facility and have the airbag system in- tion for this > page 82, Advanced airbag system.
spected. If you must secure a forward-facing child safety
— If you must use a forward-facing child safety seat, move the front passenger's seat as far back
seat on the front passenger's seat, move the as possible so that it is as far as possible from the
seat as far back as possible so that it is as front passenger's airbag. While doing this, make
far as possible from the front passenger's sure the seat can be adjusted all the way.
airbag. While doing this, make sure the seat
Only switch to a larger child safety seat when
can be adjusted all the way. A child in a child absolutely necessary
safety seat on the front passenger's seat can
Switch to a larger child safety seat only when ab-
receive a severe impact if the front passeng-
solutely necessary. Secure your child using a safe-
er's airbag deploys, which increases the risk
of serious or fatal injury. ty belt without a child safety seat only if all of the
following statements are true:
— Replace the child safety seat after an acci-
dent because there could be damage that is — The child is large enough to sit upright in the
not visible. seat
— Even if a child is not sitting in the child safe- — The child is able to sit with his or her back rest-
ty seat, the child safety seat must be se- ing completely on the seat backrest
cured. An unsecured child safety seat may —The child is able to sit with his or her knees
be thrown through the vehicle interior dur- bent over the edge of the seat surface
ing sudden braking maneuvers or an acci- —The child is able to sit with both of his or her
dent. feet completely touching the floor in the foot-
Correct positioning for children — The lap portion of the safety belt lies flat and
securely over the hip area and never over the
Always secure children in a child safety seat de- stomach
signed for the body size, weight, and age of the — The shoulder portion of the safety belt lies flat
child. and securely over the center of the shoulder
You can secure child safety seats in your vehicle and the chest, and never under the arm, behind
using the lower LATCH anchors or the safety the back, or over the neck or face.
belts. You can also secure child safety seats to —The child is able to maintain this seating posi-
the top tether anchor. Depending on the child tion throughout the entire trip
safety seat, it may also be necessary to secure it Read and follow the important information and
to the top tether anchor. In Canada, securing for- warnings regarding the correct use of safety belts
ward-facing child safety seats to the top tether => page 75.
anchors is required by law.
Sitting correctly and safely
the fastening systems or safety belts do not > Pull on the child safety seat to check if both
impair those in an adjacent seating position. sides are engaged correctly in the LATCH an-
— All child safety seats are constructed so that chors.
they can be secured using the lap safety belt > If possible, also secure the child safety seat to
in the vehicle. the respective top tether anchor in the vehicle
— Child safety seats with a load leg can only => page 89.
be secured to the outer rear seats and to the
front passenger's seat. ZA WARNING
The LATCH anchors in the vehicle are only de-
Yate ie Man Cm eA Lm RMCLICLe signed for child safety seats with the LATCH
LATCH anchors system. To reduce the risk of serious or fatal
injury, never secure other child restraint sys-
tems, belts, or objects to the anchors.
@® Tips
The LATCH anchors are designed for a total
weight (child and child safety seat combined)
up to 65 lbs (29 kg). If the total weight is
Lt Lg ce gpa lil greater than this, the child safety seat must
Fig. 82 Rear bench seat: lower LATCH anchors
be secured with the vehicle safety belt.
Sitting correctly and safely
> If the child safety seat is secured on the front vated if the child safety seat manufacturer
passenger's seat, adjust the front passenger's instructions require it.
seat backrest until it rests flat against the child — Due to the risk of fatal injury, never place a
safety seat. Also make sure that the upper safe- rear-facing child safety seat on the front
ty belt fixture is behind the child safety seat. passenger's seat when the front passenger's
> If you secure a child safety seat on the rear airbag is switched on.
seat, also secure it to the correct top tether an- — For the child safety seat to offer the maxi-
chor if possible > page 89. mum protection, it is especially important
Activating the belt retractor lock to route the vehicle safety belt correctly. Al-
ways follow the instructions from the child
If you secure a child safety seat using the vehicle safety seat manufacturer for routing the
safety belt, you must activate the belt retractor safety belt correctly. Incorrectly fastened
lock. Follow the child safety seat manufacturer safety belts can cause injuries, even during
instructions. minor accidents.
The belt retractor lock prevents the safety belt
from becoming loose while driving, which could
result in the child safety seat no longer being ad-
equately secured.
—A safety belt that is not locked by the belt
retractor lock or a locking device cannot se-
cure a child safety seat while driving or in
the event of an accident, which increases the
risk of fatal injury. Always make sure the
belt retractor lock on the safety belt is acti-
Sitting correctly and safely
> Pull the belt tightly so that the child safety seat
rests at the top of the seat backrest.
> If necessary, move the head restraint behind
the child safety seat downward.
Sitting correctly and safely
Ke ¥
wl me el SSOS*«sTS
Fig. 85
c= Ll!
Rear bench seat: securing unused safety belts
Storage and convenience
The 12 volt sockets are labeled with the 12V
symbol. They are located in the front center con- =s
sole, in the rear* and on the side trim panel in the
luggage compartment*.
USB ports
Applies to: vehicles with USB port
Storage and convenience
Storage and convenience
— Applies to: vehicles with luggage compart- ing pinched, pay attention and check when
ment cover: The luggage compartment cov- folding backrests forward.
er must always be securely fastened when in — The backrest must be securely latched so
use to reduce the risk of an accident. objects cannot slide forward out of the lug-
— Loose objects can be thrown around the ve- gage compartment during sudden braking.
hicle interior during sudden driving or brak- — The backrest must be latched securely to en-
ing maneuvers, which increases the risk of sure that the safety belt is protecting the
an accident. Always stow objects securely in center seating position.
the luggage compartment and secure them — Always pull forward on the backrest to make
at the tie-downs. Use straps suitable for sure it is check if it is correctly locked in
heavy objects. place.
— If pieces of luggage or objects are secured
to the tie-downs with unsuitable or dam- () Note
aged straps, this can increase the risk of in-
—To reduce the risk of damage, move the rear
jury during braking maneuvers or accidents.
head restraints down > page 74 before fold-
— When transporting heavy objects, the vehi- ing the rear backrests forward.
cle characteristics will change due to the
— When folding the backrest forward, make
shift in the center of gravity, which increases
sure the outer safety belts are in the belt
the risk of an accident. You may need to
guide recess so that they do not get pinched
adapt your driving style and speed to the in the backrest lock and damaged. Other ob-
current conditions. jects should be removed from the rear
— The cargo net* is only strong enough to se- bench seat to protect the backrest from
cure light objects. Heavy objects are not ade- damage.
quately secured. Attempting to secure heavy —To reduce the risk of damaging the front
objects increases the risk of injury.
seats, make sure there is enough space be-
— Never exceed the permitted axle and load
tween the front seat and the rear seat
and vehicle weight > page 300. equipment when folding the center backrest
— Never secure a child safety seat to the tie- forward.
downs. — If you move the front seat back when the
— Never leave your vehicle unattended, espe- rear seat backrest is folded forward, you
cially if the luggage compartment lid is could damage the head restraints on the
open. Children could enter the luggage com- rear seat.
partment and close the luggage compart- — Make sure that the heating grid strips for
ment lid from the inside. This creates the the rear window defogger are not damaged
risk of fatal injury, since the children would by abrasive objects.
be locked in and may not be able to escape
by themselves. @) Tips
— Do not allow children to play in or on the ve-
— The tire pressure must be adapted to the
hicle. Close and lock the luggage compart-
load > page 254.
ment lid as well as all other doors when you
— You can purchase straps at specialty stores.
leave the vehicle.
— Never transport passengers in the luggage
compartment. Every passenger must be cor-
rectly secured with the safety belts in the
vehicle > page 75.
Storage and convenience
Luggage compartment c
Applies to: vehicles with luggage compartment cover
W\\ E= i!
Fig. 87 Luggage compartment: luggage compartment lid
cover Fig. 89 Outer backrest: release lever, securing knob, and
Fig. 88 Luggage compartment: cover behind the rear
bench seat Fig. 90 Center backrest: folding in* the center backrest
Observe the safety precautions > page 92. Depending on the vehicle equipment, it may be
possible to fold the backrests forward separately
Removing and installing the luggage
or together.
compartment lid cover
> To remove the cover, turn the knob to a hori-
Observe the safety precautions > page 92.
zontal position. Folding the outer* rear backrests forward
> Pull the cover out of the retainers in the direc- and backward
tion of the arrow &fig. 87.
> Pull the release lever (
> To install the cover, slide it forward on the re-
arrow and fold the backrest forward.
tainers until they engage.
> Fold the backrest back up again until it locks in-
> Turn the knob to a vertical position.
to place and the red marking (@) is no longer
Removing and installing the cover behind visible.
the rear bench seat
Folding the center rear backrest forward and
> To remove the cover, pull it in the direction of backward
the arrow >fig. 88. Applies to: Sportback
> Pull the cover upward to release.
> Pull on the upper release lever( ) and fold the
> To install the cover, insert the left and right
backrest forward 2
sides of the cover into the mounts on the side
> Fold the backrest backward until it locks into
trim panel.
> Slide the cover forward until it locks into place.
Storage and convenience
Applies to: vehicles with lockable backrests in the rear and a > To set up the backrest again, fold it back until it
lockable pass-through.
locks or the red marking (8) > page 94, fig. 89
To prevent access to the luggage compartment
is no longer visible.
from the vehicle interior, the backrest can be
locked with the mechanical key © when it is
latched in place and the pass-through can be
Applies to: vehicles with pass-through
locked = page 95. You can only enlarge the lug-
gage compartment if the backrest is not locked.
Storage and convenience
Fig. 95 Luggage compartment: luggage compartment net*
stretched out
There are tie-downs (@ in the luggage compart- If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the roof,
ment to secure pieces of luggage and objects. you must observe the following:
» Use the tie-downs to secure the cargo. — These roof racks are the basis for a complete
roof rack system. Only roof racks that are suita-
Cargo net
Applies to: vehicles with cargo net
ble for your vehicle may be used. Audi recom-
mends roof racks and attachments from the
Use the cargo net (2) to secure lighter objects in Audi Genuine Accessories program.
the luggage compartment
— Make sure the roof rack is mounted on the vehi-
> Fold the clip for the tie-downs upward. cle only at the specified locations.
> Attach the hooks for the cargo net to the tie- — Note the permitted axle load, permitted total
downs. weight, and permitted roof load of your vehicle
=> page 300. The roof load is the total of the
weight of the roof rack, the attachments and
the cargo you are carrying. However, you must
also note the permitted load of the carrier sys-
tem being used.
Storage and convenience
Warm and cold
C) Note
Your vehicle has a deluxe automatic climate con-
To reduce the risk of damage to the seat heat-
trol system with 3 zones where the temperature,
ing* elements, do not kneel on the seats or
air distribution, and air supply can be set sepa-
place heavy pressure on one area of the seat.
rately on the left front side, the right front side,
and in the rear. @) For the sake of the environment
The climate control system warms, cools, dehu- Energy can be saved by switching off the A/C
midifies, and filters the air in the vehicle interior. mode.
It is the most effective when the windows and
Panoramic glass roof* or power top* are closed. Gi) Tips
If there is a build-up of heat inside the vehicle,
—To prevent interference with the heating or
ventilation can help to speed up the cooling proc- cooling output and to prevent the windows
ess. from fogging over, the air intake in front of
The automatic climate control system automati- the windshield must be free of ice, snow,
cally maintains a temperature once it has been and leaves.
set. In all heating mode functions except defrost, — Condensation from the cooling system can
the blower only switches to a higher speed once drip and form a puddle of water under the
the coolant has reached a certain temperature. vehicle. This is normal and does not mean
there is a leak.
Pollutant filter — The energy management system may tem-
The pollutant filter removes pollutants such as porarily switch off certain functions, such as
dust and pollen from the air. the seat heating” or rear window defogger.
These systems are available again as soon as
Z\ WARNING the energy supply has been restored.
— You should not use the recirculation mode — If the front passenger's seat heating* is
for an extended period of time, because no turned on, it will not turn on again automat-
fresh air is drawn in and the windows can ically if more than 10 minutes have passed
fog when cooling mode is switched off. This between switching the ignition off and on
increases the risk of an accident. again.
— Individuals with reduced sensitivity to pain
or temperature could develop burns when
Warm and cold
Applies to: vehicles with 3-zone deluxe automatic climate control system
Fig. 98 3-zone deluxe automatic climate control system: cockpit controls
Fig. 99 3-zone deluxe automatic climate control system: rear controls
Press the knobs, buttons or rocker switches to Observe the safety precautions > A\ in Descrip-
turn the functions on or off. When the function is tion on page 98.
switched on, the LED in the respective button or
OFF] Climate control system
knob turns on.
The [OFF] button switches the climate control
Some rocker switches can be assigned with multi-
system on or off. It also switches on when you
ple functions. The various functions can be acti-
press another button or a knob. Airflow from out-
vated by pressing on the switch multiple times.
side is blocked when the climate control system
On right-hand drive vehicles*, the functions of
is switched off.
the rocker switches @) and ©) are reversed.
The driver and front passenger settings can be A/C / A/C MAX* Cooling mode
adjusted separately. You can adjust the settings You can switch the respective cooling mode on
for the rear of the vehicle using the controls in and off with the rocker switch @).
the rear > fig. 99.
Warm and cold
The cooling mode only functions with the blower sure a continuous exchange of air inside the vehi-
turned on. The air is not cooled and humidity is cle. To have the blower regulated automatically,
not reduced when cooling mode is switched off. press one of the knobs (@).
This can cause fog on the windows. The cooling
Air distribution
mode switches off automatically at low outside
temperatures. You can use the rocker switches (2) to adjust the
vents where the air will flow out of. Press the
If you activate A/C ON, the cooling mode will be
rocker switches (2) repeatedly until the desired
automatically regulated. A/C OFF switches cool-
air distribution setting is displayed in the climate
ing mode off.
control system controls. To have the air distribu-
If you activate A/C MAX*, the cooling mode will tion regulated automatically, press one of the
operate with maximum output. To reduce unnec- knobs @).
essary energy usage, only use this function brief-
ly. SYNC Synchronization
Use the rocker switch (5) to select the function.
<= Recirculation mode
When synchronization is switched on, the set-
In recirculation mode, the air inside the vehicle is tings for the driver's side are applied to the front
circulated and filtered. This prevents the unfil- passenger's side and the rear (except for seat
tered air outside the vehicle from entering the heating/ventilation*). If the settings on the front
vehicle interior > A\ in Description on page 98. passenger's side or in the rear are changed, the
synchronization will automatically switch off and
Pressing the <> button switches recirculation
3-ZONE will appear in the display.
mode on or off manually. You can also switch the
recirculation mode off by pressing the knob @ or SET REAR Function
the §% button.
Use the rocker switch G) to select the function.
AUTO Automatic mode When the function is switched on, you can adjust
all settings for the rear using the climate control
Automatic mode maintains a constant tempera-
system controls in the cockpit. The rear climate
ture inside the vehicle. Air temperature, airflow
control system controls cannot be operated at
and air distribution are controlled automatically.
the same time. This function switches off auto-
You can switch automatic mode on or off by
matically after a certain period of time or after
pressing the knob @).
leaving the menu.
a Seat heating*
You can adjust the temperature between 60°F
The seat heating temperature can be set at mul-
(+16°C) and 84°F (+28°C) by turning the knob
tiple levels. Press the w button once to switch on
©. If outside of this range, LO or HI will appear
the highest level. Press the button again to de-
in the climate control system display. In both set-
crease the temperature one level at a time. The
tings, the climate control runs constantly at the
seat heating is off when all of the LEDs are off.
maximum cooling or heating level. The tempera-
ture is not regulated. #4 Seat ventilation*
The temperature can be adjusted in the rear us- The seat ventilation intensity can be set to multi-
ing the rear controls > fig. 99. ple levels. Press the £J button once to switch on
the highest level. Press the £4 button again to
$= Blower
decrease the intensity one level at a time. The
You can adjust the volume of air generated by the seat ventilation is off when all of the LEDs are off. >
blower to your preference using the rocker switch
@. The blower should always run at a low setting
to prevent the windows from fogging and to en-
Warm and cold
Warm and cold
must press the §& button if fog forms on the win- Symbol | Meaning
e The A/C system must only be serv-
iced by qualified technicians.
Steering wheel heating
& Flammable refrigerant
Scale Le mola
Applies to: vehicles with steering wheel heating Make sure all components are dis-
posed of correctly and never install
> Press the @ button on the multifunction steer-
oi components in the vehicle that have
ing wheel to switch the steering wheel heating
been removed from old vehicles or
on and off.
taken from recycling.
Symbol Meaning
Warning: the A/C system must only
be serviced by qualified technicians.
He Refrigerant type
at Lubricant type
(only available for authorized Audi
dealers or authorized Audi Service
— The Start/Stop system must have stopped the
— You must have left the vehicle for longer than
Fig. 100 Center console: starting the engine
30 seconds.
— The ignition must be switched on.
Requirement: the key must be in the vehicle.
Among other indicators, the system detects that
Starting the engine
you have left the vehicle based on the following
> Press and hold the brake pedal. factors:
> Press the [START ENGINE STOP] button. The
— The driver's door has been opened.
engine will start.
— The driver's safety belt has been unbuckled.
Equipment that uses a lot of electricity is switch- — The brake pedal is not being pressed.
ed off temporarily when you start the engine. If
The ignition will also be switched off after 30 mi-
the engine does not start immediately, the start-
nutes or if you lock the vehicle from the outside.
ing procedure stops automatically after a short
time. If this is the case, repeat the starting pro-
cedure after approximately 30 seconds.
—To reduce the risk of asphyxiation, never al-
Stopping the engine low the engine to run in confined spaces.
> Bring the vehicle to a full stop. — Never turn off the engine before the vehicle
> Press the [START ENGINE STOP] button. The has come to a complete stop. Switching it
engine will switch off. off before the vehicle has stopped may im-
pair the function of the brake booster and
Applies to: vehicles with steering lock: The steer-
power steering. You would then need to use
ing is locked when you turn off the engine and more force to steer and brake the vehicle.
open the driver's door. The steering lock helps
The fact that you cannot steer and brake as
prevent vehicle theft. “P” must be engaged on usual may increase the risk of accidents and
vehicles with an automatic transmission. serious injuries.
Stopping the engine in an emergency — Secure the vehicle against rolling before ex-
iting the vehicle > page 104.
If necessary in an emergency, the engine can also
be stopped while driving using the emergency off
CG) Note
— Avoid high engine speed, full throttle, and
> Press the [START ENGINE STOP] button twice in heavy engine load if the engine has not
a row or press and hold it one time. reached operating temperature yet. You
could damage the engine.
— If the engine has been under heavy load for Service Facility to have the malfunction correct-
an extended period of time, heat builds up ed.
in the engine compartment after the engine
is switched off and there is a risk of damag- When driving
ing the engine. For this reason, let the en-
gine run at idle for approximately two mi- Starting to drive, stopping, and parking
nutes before shutting it off.
Starting from a stop
do not inadvertently press the accelerator — The hill hold assist cannot hold the vehicle
pedal and always shift into “P” when the ve- on inclines in every scenario (for example,
hicle is stopped. on slippery or icy ground).
— If you leave the vehicle, switch the ignition
off and take the key with you. This is espe- Gears and driving programs
cially important when leaving persons or an-
imals in the vehicle. Otherwise, the vehicle
R (y—
could start unintentionally, the parking
brake could release, or electronic equipment
could activate, which increases the risk of an (2—*
accident. N
— No persons or animals should be left in a
locked vehicle. Locked doors make it more
difficult for emergency workers to enter the D/S
vehicle, which puts lives at risk. NEI
— If you do not begin driving immediately af- Fig. 101 Center console: selector lever
ter releasing the brake pedal, your vehicle
may begin to roll backward. Press the brake The automatic transmission shifts automatically
pedal or set the parking brake immediately. depending on the selected gear and the current
driving style. When driving with a moderate driv-
@) Note ing style, upshifting early and downshifting late
will help to improve fuel economy. When driving
If you have to stop on an incline, always press
with a sporty driving style, the transmission per-
the brake pedal to hold the vehicle in place to
mits higher RPMs.
reduce the risk of the vehicle rolling back-
ward. Do not try to hold the vehicle in place The gears are displayed next to the selector lever.
by pressing and holding the accelerator pedal.
— P (Park)
The transmission can overheat, which increas-
—R (Reverse): driving in reverse
es the risk of damage.
—N (Neutral): idle
—D (Drive)
Hill hold assist
Selecting a gear
If you take your foot off of the brake pedal when
driving on hills, the braking force will be held for Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
several seconds. At that time, you can start driv- — Bring the vehicle to a full stop and press the
ing without the vehicle rolling backward. brake pedal.
Requirement: the driver's door must be closed, — Press the release button (@ on the selector lev-
the engine must be on, and the vehicle must be er.
traveling uphill. —To select the nearest gear, move the selector
lever forward or back until you feel the first
> To activate hill hold assist, press and hold the pressure point.
brake pedal for several seconds while the vehi-
—To skip a gear (for example, move from “D” to
cle is stationary. “R”), move the selector lever past the pressure
point in the desired direction.
ZA WARNING —The label next to the selector lever for the se-
— If you do not begin driving immediately af- lected gear will light up.
If you stop using the shift paddles temporarily,
the transmission will switch back to automatic
mode. To keep shifting manually, tilt the selector
lever toward the front passenger's side.
G) Tips
— The transmission only allows manual shift-
Fig. 102 Center console: shifting manually with the selec- ing when the engine speed is within the per-
tor lever mitted range.
— The transmission automatically shifts up or
down before critical engine speed is
— Applies to: RS models: When accelerating,
the transmission will not automatically shift
to the next gear shortly before the maxi-
mum permitted engine RPM is reached.
Shift to the next highest gear at the right
Fig. 103 Steering wheel: shift paddles*
Accelerator pedal
You can shift the gears manually when in “D”
mode. The transmission must be in tiptronic You can accelerate the vehicle using the accelera-
mode. You can shift into manual shifting mode tor pedal.
while the vehicle is stationary or while driving. Maximum acceleration
Shifting with the selector lever If you press the accelerator pedal all the way
> To switch to manual shifting mode, tilt the se- down, the motor’s full power will be used and
lector lever toward the front passenger's side you will reach maximum acceleration, also called
=> fig. 102. “M” will be displayed in the instru- “kick-down’”.
ment cluster.
> Upshifting: push the selector lever forward G). Z\ WARNING
> Downshifting: push the selector lever toward The driving wheels could spin and the vehicle
the rear ©). could swerve on slick or slippery road surfaces
> To switch back to automatic mode, tilt the se- when using kick-down, which increases the
lector lever toward the driver's side. risk of an accident.
and hold the ©) shift paddle.
— The engine must be at operating temperature.
— The steering wheel must not be turned. >
— Driving program “S” > page 106 or the Dynam-
ic Audi drive select* mode must be selected
=> page 118.
— Once the engine reaches a constant speed, re-
move your foot from the brake pedal.
Only use Launch Control when road and traffic
conditions allow it and other road users will
Fig. 105 Front cup holder: parking lock emergency release
not be endangered or impacted by your driv-
ing and the vehicle's acceleration. The driving
The emergency release is located in the front cup
wheels could spin and the vehicle could
holder under a cover.
swerve, especially on slick or slippery road
surfaces, which increases the risk of an acci- You will need the screwdriver and the socket
dent. wrench from the vehicle tool kit in order to re-
lease > page 274. Use the flat side of the reversi-
@) Note ble screwdriver blade.
When accelerating using Launch Control, all Releasing the parking lock using the
vehicle components are subject to heavy emergency release
loads. This can result in increased wear.
> Secure the vehicle against rolling > page 104.
> Remove the rubber mat.
@ Tips
> Pry the cover off the opening using the screw-
After accelerating using the Launch Control, driver inserted in the slot.
the temperature of some vehicle components > Insert the socket wrench from the vehicle tool
may increase greatly. If that happens, the kit into the opening.
function will not be available for a few mi- > Turn the socket wrench clockwise until it stops
nutes to reduce the risk of damage. After a @ and press it downward until it locks into
cool-down period, Launch Control will be place @).
available again. > Leave the socket wrench inserted.
> Turn the engine off again. thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
> Grasp the socket wrench with both hands and Facility soon to have the malfunction corrected.
carefully pull it upward to remove.
fl Transmission: malfunction! You can contin-
> Reinsert the cover and rubber mat.
ue driving with limited function. Please contact
There is a system malfunction in the transmis-
— Only use the parking lock emergency release
sion. The transmission is switching to emergency
if the vehicle is secured against rolling
mode. This mode only shifts into certain gears or
= page 104. An unsecured vehicle may roll,
may no longer shift at all. The engine may stall.
which increases the risk of an accident.
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
— Only activate the emergency release while
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the
on a level surface or a slight slope.
malfunction corrected.
—To reduce the risk of an accident, you must
not drive when the emergency release is ac- [@] Transmission: malfunction! You can contin-
tivated. ue driving with limited function. No reverse
@) Note There is a system malfunction in the transmis-
Due to the risk of damage, carefully remove sion. The transmission is switching to emergency
the socket wrench when you reset the parking mode. This mode only shifts into certain gears or
lock. may no longer shift at all. The engine may stall.
You cannot engage the reverse gear. Drive to an
Messages authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
Facility immediately to have the malfunction cor-
& Transmission: malfunction! Safely stop vehi- rected.
[8] Transmission: malfunction! You can contin-
Do not continue driving. Stop the vehicle as soon ue driving in D until engine is off
as possible in a safe location and secure it so it
does not roll > page 104. See an authorized Audi There is a system malfunction in the transmis-
sion. The transmission is switching to emergency
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as-
sistance. mode. If you turn the engine off, you will not be
able to select any other gears after restarting the
fi Transmission: too hot. Please stop vehicle engine. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or au-
Do not continue driving. Select "P" and contact an thorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service the malfunction corrected.
Facility for assistance. i Danger of rolling away! P not possible.
[8] Transmission: too hot. Please adapt driving Please apply parking brake
style — The parking lock was released using the emer-
The transmission temperature has increased sig- gency release > page 108. Or
nificantly. Drive very cautiously or take a break — The parking lock can no longer be engaged.
from driving until the temperature returns to the Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or author-
normal range and the indicator light turns off. ized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
the malfunction corrected. Secure the vehicle
[8] Transmission: malfunction! You can contin- against rolling before exiting the vehicle
ue driving. See owner's manual => page 104.
There is a system malfunction in the transmis- il Selector lever: malfunction! Gear change on-
sion. You may continue driving. Drive to an au- ly possible if using both shift paddles. >
— The vehicle battery will gradually drain if Switching the Start/Stop system off and on
the vehicle is not driven for long periods of The @)* button is located above the selector lev-
time, or if electrical equipment is used er in the center console. The LED in the button
when the engine is not running. To ensure turns on when the function is switched off.
that the vehicle can still be started, the
electrical equipment will be limited or > Press (A)>F to switch the system on or off.
switched off. If you switch the system off during a Stop phase,
the engine will start again automatically.
ICTe lt
Basic requirements
B Drive system: malfunction! Safely stop vehi-
— The driver’s door and the hood must be closed
and the driver’s safety belt must be fastened.
There is a malfunction in the drive system. The —"P","N", or"D" must be engaged.
brake booster and the power steering may stop —The steering wheel must not be turned far in ei-
working. Stop the vehicle immediately or as soon ther direction.
as possible and do not continue driving. Secure — The vehicle must have driven faster than 2 mph
the vehicle against rolling before exiting the vehi- (3 km/h) since the last time it stopped.
cle > page 104. Have the problem corrected by — The vehicle is not in trailer mode.
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility. @) Note
B Drive system: malfunction! Please contact Always switch the Start/Stop system off when
Service driving through water > page 111.
In Start/Stop mode, the engine shuts off auto- Stopping and starting the engine
matically when stopped, for example at a traffic Applies to: vehicles with Start/Stop system
light. If certain conditions are met, the engine
> Press and hold the brake pedal until the vehicle
may stop before the vehicle has come to a com-
has stopped. The @J indicator light appears in
plete stop. If you press the accelerator pedal
the instrument cluster once the engine stops
when this happens, the engine will start and driv-
ing power will be transmitted.
> The engine starts again when you remove your
The ignition and important assist systems such foot from the brake pedal. The indicator light
as the brake booster will remain available during turns off.
the Stop phase. The engine will restart automati-
If the parking brake is set, the engine will only
The system checks if certain conditions are met The response time from the brakes depends on
before and during the Stop phase, and deter- the weather and environmental conditions. To
mines if the engine stops and how long it re- ensure the optimal braking effect, the brake sys-
mains stopped. For example, if power usage is tem is cleaned at regular intervals. This is done
high, the engine will not be stopped. Along with by applying the brake pads to the brake rotors for
other conditions, the following factors influence a short period of time when driving at high
the automatic engine start or stop: speeds when the windshield wipers are switched
— Environmental conditions (slopes, inclines, ele-
vation, temperature) If the brake system becomes damp, for example
— Battery (charge status, temperature, power us- after driving in heavy rain, the braking effect may
age) be delayed. Other factors that could temporarily
— Engine temperature increase the response time of the brakes include:
— Assist systems — Wet conditions
— Driving behavior — Low temperatures, ice, and snow
Depending on the engine, the indicator light — Roads covered in salt
may appear if the engine is not stopped. — Dirty brake pads
Corrosion may form on the brake rotors if there is
Applies to: vehicles with Start/Stop system
no heavy braking, if the vehicle is not driven for
Drive system: please start the vehicle manually long periods of time, or if the vehicle is not driv-
en frequently or for long distances. In this case, >
There is a malfunction in the brake system. If lize the vehicle will no longer be available.
ES/@ana BAalso turn on, there is a malfunc- This could cause the vehicle to swerve, which
tion in the ABS, ESC, and braking distribution. If increases the risk that the vehicle will slide.
the brake booster is not working, you have to use Do not continue driving. See an authorized
much more force when braking the vehicle. Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
Do not continue driving. See an authorized Audi for assistance.
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as-
sistance. Read and follow the other safety pre- Electromechanical
cautions > A\. parking brake
fie / @ Brake pads: wear limit reached. You
Operating the parking brake
can continue driving. Please contact Service
The electromechanical parking brake is used to
The brake pads are worn. Drive to an authorized
secure the vehicle from rolling away unintention-
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility as
soon as possible to have the malfunction correct-
ed. The ©) switch is located under the selector lever
in the center console. It turns on when the park-
Brake booster: limited functionality. You can
ing brake is set. You can release the parking brake
continue driving. Please contact Service
manually or automatically when you start to
There is a brake booster malfunction. The brake drive.
booster is available, but its effectiveness is re-
duced. The braking performance may be different Setting and releasing the parking brake
compared to the usual performance. Drive to an > Setting: pull the ®) switch.
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service > fiin/ appears, the parking brake is hold-
Facility immediately to have the malfunction cor- ing the vehicle. You can remove your foot from
rected. the brake pedal.
> Releasing: when the ignition is switched on,
Brake booster: deactivated. See owner's manual
press and hold the brake pedal and press the ©)
The brake booster remains active for a brief peri- button.
od of time after switching off the ignition. Secure
If the red indicator light flashes, the braking
the vehicle against rolling > page 104.
force has not built up enough or it has decreased.
Other indicator lights You can also secure the vehicle by selecting the
When you switch the ignition on, the BRRMa / @ “P” gear or pressing the brake pedal. Make sure
indicator light turns on briefly to check the func- the indicator light is off before you start driving.
tion. If the indicator light does not turn on, there Automatically releasing the parking brake
is a system malfunction. when starting to drive
If Be / @ stays on, there is a malfunction in Requirement: the driver's door must be closed
the brake system. and the driver’s safety belt must be fastened.
© - Ahigh load was placed on the brakes from > Press the accelerator pedal to start to drive.
driving downhill for a long period of time. Follow
the instructions in the message to utilize the en- ZA WARNING
gine braking effect and to relieve the brakes.
—To reduce the risk of an accident, always
ZA WARNING make sure the vehicle is situated
while stationary.
Take over!
The vehicle cannot be held in place automatically. down the hill and will attempt to maintain the
Press the brake pedal to secure the vehicle from speed at which the vehicle was traveling at the
rolling away unintentionally. time the brake pedal was pressed. Press the
brake pedal if necessary. The hill descent con-
Special driving situations trol will switch off once the hill levels out or
you press the accelerator pedal.
Sporty driving — Utilize the engine braking effect when driving
Applies to: RS models
downhill by selecting the “S” driving program
When driving in a sporty style, the wear on all ve- => page 106. This especially applies when tow-
hicle components is greatly increased, especially ing a trailer. This reduces the load on the
on the engine, transmission, tires, brakes, and brakes.
suspension. This can result in increased wear. Al- — Apply the brakes in intervals and do not press
so note the following points: the brake pedal continuously.
Driving dynamic
Audi drive select When the ignition is being switched on, indi-
vidual systems, such as the drive system, will
Introduction be reset to a balanced setting. Select the cur-
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
rent mode again to attain its full configura-
Drive select makes it possible to experience dif- tion.
ferent types of vehicle characteristics in one vehi-
cle. With different driving modes, the driver can Selecting RS mode
switch the setting, for example from sporty to Applies to: RS models
comfortable. This allows you to adjust the set-
In RS models, there are two individual adjustable
tings to your personal preferences. This makes it
RS modes instead of the individual mode.
possible to combine settings such as a sporty
drivetrain setting with comfortable steering. Selecting the mode
> Press the fase button on the multi-function
Selecting an Audi drive select mode steering wheel to switch between the RS modes
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
and the last selected Audi drive select mode.
The sie button is located above the selector lever Or:
in the center console. > Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE-
HICLE > Audi drive select.
> Press the left or right arrow key until the de-
sired mode appears in the MMI. Or: Adjusting the mode
» Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE- > Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE-
HICLE > Audi drive select. HICLE > Audi drive select.
You can change the driving mode when the vehi- > Press ¥ to configure the respective RS mode
=> page 118, Individual settings.
cle is stationary or while driving. If traffic per-
mits, briefly remove your foot from the accelera-
tor pedal after changing modes so that the mode Individual settings
you have selected will be activated for the drive Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
The equipment in your vehicle will determine
The following modes may be available depending which settings you can adjust.
on the equipment:
Comfort - Provides a comfort-oriented vehicle
The drive system will react to accelerator pedal
setup and is suited for long drives on highways.
moves more quickly or in a more balanced man-
Auto - Provides an overall comfortable yet dy- ner. The shift points are located in higher or low-
namic driving feel and is suited for everyday use. er engine speed ranges on vehicles with automat-
ic transmissions.
Dynamic - Gives the driver a sporty driving feel
and is suited to a sporty driving style. The “S” Depending on the setting, the drive power at the
driving program is selected. rear axle will be distributed with the sport differ-
ential* to be more sporty or moderate
Individual - Provides the option for personalized
=> page 121.
vehicle settings. Press to configure the mode
= page 118, Individual settings. In RS models, the sport differential is adjusted
using a separate menu item.
Driving dynamic
CG) Note
The power steering will adapt. Light steering is
Always make sure there is enough clearance
suitable for long trips on highways or smooth
above and below the vehicle. This is especially
driving around curves, for example.
important for entrances with height restric-
Suspension tions, for example, before driving into under-
ground garages. You could also scrape the
The suspension adjusts to be tighter or more
ground when driving over the edges of curbs
comfort-oriented when it comes to compensat-
or on steep ramps, which could damage your
ing for uneven spots on the road.
Engine sound
The engine sound adapts and can be subtle to
sporty. In the automatic setting, the engine 1 o | Suspension: malfunction! You can continue
sound depends on the selected driving program. driving
quattro with sport differential There is a malfunction. See an authorized Audi
Applies to: RS models
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as-
Depending on the setting, the drive power at the sistance.
rear axle will be distributed with the sport differ-
ential* to be more sporty or moderate Steering
> page 121.
Driving dynamic
= page 104. Do not continue driving. See an au- —Ifthe a or Ee indicator light only stays on
thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service for a short time, you may continue driving.
Facility for assistance.
There is a malfunction in the steering system. Applies to: vehicles with quattro ultra: If the driv-
Steering may be more difficult or more sensitive. ing situation does not require all wheel drive,
Adapt your driving style. Have the steering sys- then the rear section of the drivetrain will decou-
tem checked immediately by an authorized Audi ple to save fuel. The system constantly deter-
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility. Please mines and anticipates if all wheel drive is needed.
note that the red indicator light may turn on af- This allows the rear drivetrain to recouple shortly
ter restarting the engine. Do not continue driving before it is needed.
if it does.
The all-wheel drive system is designed for high
|@—<| Steering lock: malfunction! Please contact engine power. Your vehicle is exceptionally pow-
Service erful and has excellent driving characteristics
both under normal driving conditions and on
There is a malfunction in the electronic steering
snow and ice. Always read and follow safety pre-
lock. Drive immediately to an authorized Audi
cautions > A\.
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility to have
the malfunction repaired.
Dynamic steering: correcting steering wheel — Even in vehicles with all wheel drive, you
position should adapt your driving style to the cur-
The steering is reinitializing. The steering wheel rent road and traffic conditions to reduce
will move easily after starting the vehicle. Reiniti- the risk of an accident.
alization might be necessary if the steering wheel — The braking ability of your vehicle is limited
was moved while the engine was switched off. to the traction of the wheels. In this way, it
The display turns off if the initialization was suc- is not different from a two wheel drive vehi-
cessful. cle. Do not drive too fast because this in-
creases the risk of an accident.
Z\ WARNING — Note that on wet streets, the front wheels
can “hydroplane’” if driving at speeds that
Do not tow your vehicle if there is a malfunc-
tion in the electronic steering lock because are too high. Unlike front wheel drive
vehicles, the engine RPM does not increase
this increases the risk of an accident.
suddenly when the vehicle begins hydro-
planing. Adapt your speed to the road condi-
@ Tips
tions to reduce the risk of an accident.
— If there is a malfunction, the steering wheel
may be crooked when driving straight.
Driving dynamic
Driving dynamic
Driving dynamic
Trailer towing
Trailer towing
Adhere to the legal speed limits. Follow the legal
regulations that are applicable in the country
where you are operating the vehicle.
Assist systems
emergency vehicles, vehicle distance, speed, or dips that obstruct visibility, intersections,
parking location, wheel placement, etc. The toll stations, or city traffic.
driver is always responsible for following — The detection of the surrounding area can
the laws that are applicable in the location be limited, for example by vehicles driving
where the vehicle is being operated. ahead or by rain, snow, heavy spray, or light
— You can cancel a steering or braking inter- shining into the camera.
vention by the system, by braking or accel- — The steering wheel touch recognition may
erating noticeably, steering, or deactivating be limited when you wear gloves. Steering
the respective assist system. intervention requests from the steering as-
— Always check the assist systems settings be- sist systems may occur more frequently.
fore driving. The settings could have been — If accessories have been mounted on the
changed, for example by other drivers. steering wheel, the steering assist systems
may be limited. The frequency of steering
intervention requests from the steering as-
sist systems may vary as well.
Assist systems
Ultrasonic sensors
Use the camera image on the display to assist you
only if it shows a good, clear picture. Keep in
mind that the image in the display is enlarged
Fig. 107 Rearview camera coverage area and distorted. Under certain circumstances, ob-
jects may appear different and unclear on the dis-
The assist systems analyze the data from various
sensors and cameras installed in the vehicle. Do
not use any assist systems if there is damage in The rearview camera can only detect the area
there area of the sensors and cameras or on the marked in red > fig. 107. Only this area is dis-
vehicle underbody. Damage can impair the func- played on the center display. > A\.
tion of the sensors and cameras or cause mal-
functions. Have an authorized Audi dealer or au- ZA WARNING
thorized Audi Service Facility check their func- Sensors and cameras have spots in which the
tion. surrounding area cannot be detected. Objects,
animals, and people may only be detected
Assist systems
surroundings directly and do not become dis- — External ultrasonic sensors, such as those in
tracted. other vehicles, can interfere with the sen-
C) Note — The coverage areas of the sensors > fig. 106
and cameras > fig. 107 are diagrams and do
— Obstacles may disappear from the measure-
not represent a true-to-scale image of the
ment range when approaching them, even if
sensor ranges.
they were already detected.
— The system complies with United States FCC
—Insome situations, the ability of the sen-
regulations and ISED regulations
sors and cameras to detect and display cer-
=> page 297.
tain objects may be limited.
— Objects located above the coverage area,
Locations of the sensors and cameras
such as bumpers on parked cars, garage
doors that are partially open, or objects
that are hanging
— Low obstacles
— Narrow objects, such as barrier chains, fo-
liage, poles, or fences
— Projecting objects, such as trailer draw
— Objects with certain surfaces and struc-
tures, such as fabric
Fig. 108 Front area: sensors and cameras
@) Tips
— The sensors and cameras and the areas
around them must not be obstructed be-
cause this can impair the function of the
systems that depend on them. Make sure
that the sensors and cameras are free of
snow, ice, and other deposits. Do not use
any accessories, stickers, or other objects
that extend into the range of the sensors
and cameras.
Fig. 109 Rear area: sensors and cameras
— On vehicles that have factory-installed li-
cense plate brackets on the front of the ve- Front area
hicle, the brackets may only be replaced
with ones that are the same size and made
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the follow-
of the same material. Do not install any li- ing sensors and cameras may be installed:
cense plate brackets on the front of vehicles — Camera behind the windshield
that do not have factory-installed brackets. — Peripheral cameras on the exterior mirrors
Otherwise, the function of the system could — Front peripheral camera in the radiator grille
be impaired. — Front and side ultrasonic sensors
— The function of the sensors and cameras — Front radar sensors at the corners of the bump-
may be limited when light and visibility con- er
ditions are poor, for example when driving
into a tunnel, when there is glare, or when
there are reflective objects.
Assist systems
Rear area
G) Tips
— The locations of the sensors may differ
slightly depending on vehicle equipment.
— Some sensors are installed under vehicle
components and cannot be seen from the
Driving information
Driving information
> Select in the instrument cluster: vehicle func- If this message appears on vehicles without cam-
tions tab > Traffic signs. era-based traffic sign recognition, then the traffic
light information function is currently unavaila-
Setting a traffic sign based speed warning ble. See > page 133.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
VEHICLE > Driver assistance > Speed warning.
Driving information
— When traffic light information is shown, al-
so always pay attention to the traffic situa-
tion, the distance to other vehicles, and the
area around the vehicle. The driver is always
responsible for assessing the traffic situa-
Fig. 111 Instrument cluster: traffic light information dis-
— Always adapt your speed to the current
weather, road and traffic conditions. The dis
The traffic light information gives you a speed played information must never cause you to
recommendation in order to reach the next traffic ignore legal traffic regulations and pose a
light when it is green @, or it informs you of the safety risk.
wait time at the next red light (2). Once traffic — Regardless of the traffic light information,
light data is received, the traffic light information you should always monitor your speed using
will be displayed in the instrument cluster and in the speedometer and make sure you are ad-
the head-up display*. If the vehicle is in an area hering to the legal speed limit.
with traffic light information but cannot receive a — The traffic light information does not adjust
traffic light signal, then a gray traffic light sym- your vehicle's speed to the speed recom-
bol will be displayed @). mendation shown in the display.
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
General information limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
The traffic light information is subject to system cameras > page 126.
limitations and may be unavailable or only parti-
ally available in the following situations: (i) Tips
— Ifthe permitted speed limit is exceeded — Traffic light information was only available
— If driving below a certain speed limit in select cities at the time this manual was
— If the next traffic light is less than approxi-
— Traffic light information is not available na-
mately 100 feet (30 m) away
— Ifthe estimated wait time at a red light is less
than four seconds
— The functions depend on the navigation da-
ta* being up-to-date and correct identifica-
—If there is no traffic light data available
tion by the traffic sign recognition*.
— If emergency response vehicles or public transit
— Incorrect values from the camera-based
systems are active
traffic sign recognition* or outdated naviga-
— If traffic lights are in construction zones or be-
tion system* map data can result in missing
ing serviced
or incorrect display images.
— If there are warnings from the camera-based
— Certain traffic lights can automatically ad-
traffic sign recognition*
just to the current traffic situation. If this
— If the camera-based traffic sign recognition* is
occurs, the display of traffic light informa-
malfunctioning or not available
tion can change suddenly.
— If the data connection has been interrupted
Driving information
— The traffic signs on the road always take pri- — The vehicle is not equipped with traffic sign rec-
ority over the display. The driver is always ognition.
responsible for adhering to the regulations — There is no valid license
applicable in the country where the vehicle — Traffic light information is not available in that
is being operated. area
— Units of measurement and language set-
tings are displayed based on how they were Lap timer
set in the MMI system settings > page 221.
Applies to: vehicles with lap timer
Applies to: vehicles with traffic light information You can record and evaluate lap times with the
Switching traffic light information on and lap timer. You can operate the lap timer using the
off multifunction steering wheel > page 13.
» Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: Opening the lap timer
VEHICLE > Driver assistance > Traffic light in-
> Select in the instrument cluster: Vehicle func-
tions tab > [| button > Lap times.
Accessing traffic light information An additional indicator appears in the head-up
> Select in the instrument cluster: vehicle func- display*.
tions tab > Traffic signs.
G) Tips Your focus should always be on driving your
If another tab or another function is selected vehicle safely. As the driver, you have com-
in the instrument cluster, the traffic light in- plete responsibility for safety in traffic. To re-
formation will appear in the status bar on the duce the risk of an accident, only use the lap
instrument cluster. timer functions in such a way that you always
maintain complete control over your vehicle in
all traffic situations.
Applies to: vehicles with traffic light information
(i) Tips
Malfunction! See owner's manual
You can retrieve information from the trip
The system could not be configured, for example computer while the lap timer stopwatch is
due to a network malfunction. Switch the igni- running.
tion off and shut down the vehicle to restart the
system. Wait several minutes until the vehicle ey eae |
has shut down completely and then switch the Applies to: vehicles with lap timer
ignition back on.
Requirement: the lap timer must be open
Function currently unavailable. See owner's => page 133.
Timing laps
There is a temporary system malfunction. Check
if one or more of the following situations applies > To start timing manually, select Start lap 1 in
and correct the issue if necessary: the menu.
> To start timing automatically as soon as you be-
— Traffic light information is switched off gin to drive, select Start lap 1 by driving off or
Driving information
> To start timing a new lap after driving a lap, se- > Turn the thumbwheel down or up to display the
lect New lap in the menu. This starts timing individual lap times.
the next lap at the same time. > To return to the lap timing that was started, se-
lect the =] button > Lap times.
After completing a lap, the difference between
the last lap and the previous best lap time will be Resetting lap statistics
indicated witha won“~” or un“+”.
Requirement: the lap statistics menu must be
Pausing timing and displaying a split time displayed.
> To insert a pause @ select Pause in the menu. > To reset the lap statistics, press and hold the
> To resume timing, select Resume in the menu. left thumbwheel until the message No lap
> To display a split time, select Split time in the times have been recorded yet. appears.
menu. The split time appears for approxi-
mately ten seconds in the instrument cluster. G) Tips
The current lap timing will continue running.
The lap statistics list the lap times for the last
Canceling lap timing 30 laps. The fastest and slowest lap times out
of up to 99 measured laps are also displayed.
The timing of the current lap will stop. The lap
time will be erased and will not be included in the
> Select Cancel lap in the menu.
Resetting the time Applies to: vehicles with acceleration measurement
Driving information
detecting toll fees. The system electronics are in- The selected number of passengers is displayed
tegrated in the rearview mirror housing. in the MMI status bar > page 23.
To use the ITM in toll zones, you must register The i symbol in the status bar and a notifica-
and activate it. tion in the MMI will indicate if there is a faulty
Registration connection between the ITM and the MMI or if
the ITM is faulty. If the connection interference
» Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE- continues or the ITM is faulty, drive immediately
HICLE > Settings & Service > Vehicle informa- to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
tion Toll module. Service Facility.
> Note the Integrated Toll Module ID.
> To register the ITM, go to the displayed web ad-
dress and follow the instructions.
> To activate the ITM, press CD in the MMI.
Driver assistance
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
Fig. 112 Operating lever: switching the system on
— Always pay attention to the traffic around
your vehicle when the cruise control system
Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
is in operation. As the driver, you are always
responsible for controlling your vehicle > To switch the system on, pull the lever toward
speed and the distance between your vehicle you to position (@).
and other vehicles.
The Ga or i$) indicator light and the corre-
— For safety reasons, cruise control should not sponding message will appear in the instrument
be used in the city, in stop-and-go traffic, on cluster.
winding roads, and when road conditions are
poor (such as ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain,
and conditions that could lead to hydroplan-
ing), because this increases the risk of an ac- If the brakes are malfunctioning (for example,
cident. overheating) while the cruise control system
— Switch the cruise control off temporarily is switched on, the regulating functions may
shut off automatically.
when driving in turning lanes, highway exits,
or in construction zones.
—To reduce the risk of an accident, you should acyl (ladies Meme Laelia me Mem elaldace)|
only resume the stored speed if it is suitable speed
for the current traffic conditions. Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
Driver assistance
Overriding or deactivating the cruise Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
control speed
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system Gs / 3) Speed control system: currently un-
available. See owner's manual
You can override or deactivate the cruise control
system. When you deactivate the system, your If the indicator light turns on and this message
cruise control speed will be stored and you can appears, the cruise control system has been deac-
resume that speed. tivated. There is a temporary malfunction, for ex-
ample the brakes are overheating. Switch the
Requirement: the system must be switched on
cruise control system on again later.
and the regulated speed must be activated.
Driver assistance
Driver assistance
switched on. The driver is always responsible jam assist can assist the driver to stay within the
for assessing the traffic situation. lane detected by the system > page 147.
Within the limits of the system, the adaptive Fig. 113 Example: driving into a curve
speed and distance control assists the driver in
controlling the speed and the set distance to the In some situations, the adaptive cruise control
vehicle driving ahead. If the system detects a ve- function is limited and you must assume control
hicle driving ahead, the adaptive cruise control of the vehicle when necessary, for example by ap-
can brake and accelerate your vehicle within the plying the brakes.
limits of the system. On open roads with no traf-
— When driving into a curve > fig. 113 and out of
fic, it functions like a cruise control system. The
a curve, the system may react to a vehicle in the
stored speed is maintained. When approaching a
neighboring lane and apply the brakes. You can
vehicle driving ahead, the adaptive cruise control
override the system by pressing the accelerator
system automatically brakes to match that vehi-
pedal briefly.
cle's speed and then maintains the set distance
— The system works with the various sensors and
as much as possible. As soon as the system does
cameras in the vehicle. Vehicles can only be de-
not detect a vehicle driving ahead, adaptive
tected once they are within the area and range
cruise control accelerates up to the stored speed.
covered by the sensors > page 127, fig. 106.
In stop-and-go traffic, the vehicle may brake to a — When driving around tight curves, a vehicle
full stop and then may also start driving again driving ahead that was previously detected may
automatically under certain conditions. no longer be detected, and the system may ac-
Applies to: vehicles with traffic jam assist: In celerate unexpectedly. >
traffic jams or in stop-and-go traffic, the traffic
Driver assistance
— The system does not react to a stationary vehi- @-@, you can find more detailed information
cle in the same lane if it expects that you can about the system. The displays depend on the
easily drive around the stationary vehicle by country and equipment.
turning the steering wheel.
Display in the speedometer
— The system cannot react to stationary objects,
such as vehicles at the end of a traffic jam, es- @ Marking for the set speed
pecially when traveling at high speeds. @ Current vehicle speed
— The system has a limited ability to detect ® Available speed range for the adaptive cruise
vehicles that are a short distance ahead, off to control (example)
the side of your vehicle, or moving into your
lane. Image in the Driver assistance display
— Objects that are difficult to detect, such as mo- The display only appears when the Driver assis-
torcycles, vehicles with high ground clearance, tance display is open in the on-board computer
or vehicles with an overhanging load, may be => page 17.
detected late or not detected at all. Messages and settings
— The system does not respond to people, ani-
Detected vehicle driving ahead
mals, or objects that are crossing or approach-
Set target distance
ing from the opposite direction.
If you fall below the set distance, the dis-
ZA WARNING tance bars turn red from the bottom upward.
Your vehicle
Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and Availability of Audi active lane assist
cameras > page 126. Availability of traffic jam assist
Indicator lights
Display overview
A - The speed/distance control is active. No
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise control
vehicles were detected ahead. The stored speed
is maintained.
Driver assistance
» While driving: Press the brake pedal.
Resuming regulation
The previously set speed can be resumed at any
time after a pause.
> To resume cruise control when stationary, pull
the lever toward you in the direction of the ar-
row while pressing the brake pedal.
> To increase or decrease the set speed in smaller
increments, briefly tap the lever toward () or
© to the first level.
> To increase or decrease the set speed in larger
increments, briefly tap the lever toward G@) or
Fig. 117 Operating lever: changing the speed © to the second level.
> To increase or decrease the set speed quickly,
Switching on hold the lever toward () or G) until the mark-
> To switch on the adaptive cruise control, pull ing in the speedometer (4) > page 140, fig. 114
the lever up to position @ until it engages. has reached the desired speed.
Storing the speed and activating regulation Applies to: vehicles with efficiency assist: Predic-
tive control can automatically adjust the set
If you have switched the system on, you can set
speed based on traffic and road condi-
the current speed as the “regulated speed” and
tions > page 142.
activate regulation:
Preselecting a speed
> Press the SET button @). The set speed is indi-
cated with a marking in the speedometer (@) You can also preselect the speed when adaptive
=> page 140, fig. 114 and shown in the instru- cruise control is not active by moving the lever in
ment cluster > A\. the desired direction @)/(©). Activate the previ-
> To save the speed while the vehicle is station- ously selected speed by pulling the lever toward
ary, also hold the brake pedal down. you in the direction of the arrow. >
Driver assistance
Driver assistance
rules and does not respond to traffic lights, system adapts to the route provided by the
so lack of driver attention in these situations navigation system. Driving without route
can increase the risk of an accident. guidance or leaving a route can result in
— The speed when driving through curves may faulty control.
be different from what you as a driver would
do or may not be suitable for the weather Setting the distance
and road conditions. If necessary, apply the Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise control
@) Tips
— Predictive control can exceed or drop below
the maximum permitted speed. The driver
is responsible for adhering to the permitted
speed limit. Fig. 118 Operating lever: setting the distance
— The traffic signs on the road always take pri-
ority over the display. The driver is always If you adjust the speed, you must also change the
responsible for adhering to the regulations time gap to the vehicle driving ahead. The higher >
D In certain countries
Driver assistance
the speed, the greater the distance that is need- Sym- |Meaning
ed. bol
> Tap the rocker switch to display the distance The time between is approximately 2.4
that is currently set. Z seconds. This setting corresponds toa
> To increase or decrease the distance in incre- = distance of approximately 219 feet
ments, tap the switch again toward @) or ©). lame (100 m) when traveling at 62 mph
(67 m/h).
The newly-set distance will be shown briefly, for
example with the [eg indicator light. In the Driv- The time between is approximately 3.6
er assistance display, a graphic display is shown seconds. This setting corresponds toa
instead of the indicator lights > page 140, Ea distance of approximately 328 feet
fig. 115. The display matches the functions of ieee (100 m) when traveling at 62 mph (100
the indicator lights. km/h).
Driver assistance
Overriding control
You can completely override the control, for ex-
ample when passing or if you would like to accel-
erate more quickly.
Driver assistance
This may also occur in some situations when The display @ only appears when the Driver as-
there is no apparent obstacle. sistance display is open in the on-board comput-
er > page 17.
> Press the brake pedal to slow your vehicle
ZA WARNING Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
— Observe the safety precautions and note the cameras > page 126.
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
— If the message B& ready to drive!) appears, Adjusting adaptive cruise control
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise control
your vehicle will start driving even if there is
an obstacle between your vehicle and the ve- You can adjust the system individually. The set-
hicle ahead. To reduce the risk of an acci- tings depend on the vehicle equipment.
dent, always make sure there are no obsta-
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
cles between your vehicle and the vehicle
VEHICLE > Driver assistance > Audi adaptive
driving ahead.
cruise control.
@) Tips Possible settings:
For safety reasons, the adaptive cruise control
Applies to: vehicles without Audi drive select
will only be active if
Driving program - Depending on the selected
— The driver's safety belt is fastened
driving program and distance, the vehicle han-
— All doors and the hood are closed dling will be adjusted from Sport to Moderate.
— Your vehicle is not stopped for a long period
of time
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
Driver assistance
handling with predictive control, for example the Traffic jam assist supports the driver when driv-
speed for driving through curves. ing in traffic jams or in heavy traffic.
A message that indicates the cause and possible Requirements for using traffic jam assist:
solution may appear with some displays. The
> The traffic jam assist is preselected in the MMI
weather conditions may be too poor or a sensor
settings: Select on the home screen: VEHICLE >
may be covered. Clean the area in front of the
Driver assistance > Traffic jam assist.
sensors > page 128 and try to turn on the sys-
> Adaptive cruise control must be switched on
tems again later.
and active > page 141.
If the malfunction remains, drive to an author-
If you open the Driver assist display in the on-
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
board computer > page 17, the indicator
ty immediately to have the malfunction correct-
light and the message Traffic jam assist will turn
on when a traffic jam is detected.
Please take over!
Activating or deactivating traffic jam assist
This message appears if the vehicle rolls back
> To activate or deactivate traffic jam assist,
when starting on a slight incline, even though the
press the > fig. 122 button.
systems are active. Press the brake pedal to pre-
vent the vehicle from rolling or starting to move. Always switch off traffic jam assist in the
following situations:
Traffic jam assist — When increased attention is needed from the
Indicator lights
Traffic jam assist is available.
Fig. 122 Turn signal lever: button for traffic jam assist and Vehicles driving ahead were detected. Your vehi-
Audi active lane assist cle adapts while driving. >
Driver assistance
7} - Traffic jam assist switches off if the driver responsible for following the laws that are
does not take over steering after multiple driver applicable in the location where the vehicle
intervention requests. The system brakes the ve- is being operated.
hicle until it is stationary. — If traffic jam assist was deactivated through
the MMI, you can continue operating the
Steering intervention request
Audi active lane assist using the > fig. 122
If no steering activity is detected or the steering button > page 150. The traffic jam assist
power from the system is not sufficient, the driv- functions are no longer available.
er steering intervention request will alert the — You are not necessarily guided to the center
driver using audio and visual signals, such as of your lane.
or EE. Take over the steering and keep your
hands on the steering wheel so that you will be Messages
ready to steer at any time. Applies to: vehicles with traffic jam assist
If the driver does not take over steering, adaptive If BS. or |i is displayed when there is a mal-
cruise control (with traffic jam assist) will be function, the traffic jam assist functions may be
switched off. The system brakes the vehicle until
unavailable or may be limited.
it is stationary.*
A message that indicates the cause and possible
ZA\ WARNING solution may appear with some displays. The
weather conditions may be too poor or a sensor
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
may be covered. Clean the area in front of the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
sensors > page 128 and try to turn on the sys-
tems again later.
— The activated traffic jam assist is only an as-
sist system, and the driver is still responsi- If the malfunction remains, drive to an author-
ble for controlling the vehicle. The driver is ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
especially responsible for braking, steering, ty immediately to have the malfunction correct-
starting to drive, and controlling the speed ed.
and the distance from other vehicles.
— Turn on the traffic jam assist only if the sur-
rounding conditions permit it. Always adapt
your driving style to the current visual,
weather, road, and traffic conditions.
— Switch the traffic jam assist off temporarily
when driving in turning lanes or highway ex-
its. This prevents the vehicle from accelerat-
ing to the stored speed when in these situa-
G) Tips
— Always keep your hands on the steering
wheel. The driver is always responsible for
adhering to the regulations applicable in
the country where the vehicle is being oper-
— Pay attention to applicable local regulations
relating to driving tasks, leaving space for
emergency vehicles, etc. The driver is always
Driver assistance
Driver assistance
Audi active lane assist/ The system functions in the speed range of ap-
proximately 40 mph - 155 mph (65 km/h -
lane departure warning
250 km/h).
General information
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise control and traf-
Applies to: vehicles with Audi active lane assist fic jam assist
The Audi active lane assist/lane departure warn- If the conditions are met, traffic jam assist
ing (called only Audi active lane assist in the vehi- switches on at speeds under approximately
cle displays and in the information that follows in 40 mph (65 km/h) > page 147.
this Owner's Manual) can detect lane marker
lines within the limits of the system. If you are
approaching a detected lane marker and it ap- Observe the safety precautions and note the
pears likely that you will leave the lane, the sys- limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
tem can warn you with corrective steering anda cameras > page 126.
steering wheel vibration, if necessary.
Driver assistance
Steering intervention request — The system does not provide any corrective
If Audi active lane assist intervenes multiple steering or steering wheel vibrations if it de-
times when no steering activity is detected, the tects that you are passing another vehicle.
steering intervention request will provide a warn- — The image in the Driver assistance display
ing using audio and visual signals, such asia only appears if it was opened in the on-
Take over the steering and keep your hands on board computer > page 17.
the steering wheel so that you will be ready to
steer at any time. The system may no longer be Sica Ree Roll
ready to provide warnings after a short time, and Applies to: vehicles with Audi active lane assist
If the driver does not take over steering, Audi ac-
tive lane assist will be switched off.
Possible settings:
@) Tips
— Steering correction - In the Late setting, the
— Always keep your hands on the steering
steering correction will only occur shortly be-
wheel so you can be ready to steer at any
fore a wheel crosses a detected lane marker
time. The driver is always responsible for
line. In the Early setting, steering correction
Driver assistance
steering correction cannot be set, the steering — Audi pre sense rear monitors the rear traffic
correction will function in the Late setting. behind your vehicle and can react to an impend-
— Vibration warning - You can select if you would ing rear impact.
also like to be warned using a vibration in the — The swerve assist can help you to steer the ve-
steering wheel. hicle around an obstacle during an evasive ma-
neuver that is detected as critical.
@) Tips — The turn assist can detect vehicles in the oppo-
Certain settings are automatically stored and site lane as critical during a turning maneuver
assigned to the remote control key being and react with braking maneuvers.
Audi pre sense safety measures
Messages Applies to: vehicles with Audi pre sense
G@) Tips
Audi pre sense
— Depending on the risk situation that is de-
Introduction tected and the selected Audi drive select*
Applies to: vehicles with Audi pre sense
mode, not all preemptive safety measures
Within the limits of the system, the Audi pre may be initiated under certain circumstan-
sense functions can initiate measures in certain ces. Certain functions can be adjusted or
driving situations to protect the vehicle occu- skipped if necessary.
pants and other road users. Depending on the ve- — Audi pre sense may also be limited or un-
hicle equipment, various Audi pre sense systems available under certain circumstances, for
may be installed: example if:
— There are passengers with unfastened
— Audi pre sense basic can react during emergen-
safety belts
cy and dangerous braking maneuvers and un-
— After turning on the ignition, as long as
stable driving situations (such as oversteering
the FJ or ndicator light is on.
or understeering).
— When driving in reverse.
— Audi pre sense city and Audi pre sense front
— The front passenger's airbag is switched
can detect an impending frontal impact and re-
act with warnings, braking interventions, and
— There is an airbag control module mal-
preemptive safety measures for the vehicle oc-
Driver assistance
— Pedestrians are moving inside your lane — Audi pre sense cannot overcome natural
physical laws. It is a system designed to as-
sist and it cannot prevent a collision in every
Driver assistance
increased safety provided tempt you into Audi pre sense rear
taking risks. This could increase your risk of Applies to: vehicles with Audi pre sense rear
a collision.
Within the limits of the system, Audi pre sense
— Audi pre sense city does not react to certain
rear uses data from radar sensors at the rear cor-
objects, such as animals, crossing or oncom-
ners of the vehicle and calculates the probability
ing vehicles, bars, railings, or railcars.
of a rear-end collision with the vehicle behind
— Audi pre sense may be limited or unavailable you.
in curves or when it is dark.
— Loose objects can be thrown around the ve- Audi pre sense preemptive safety measures can
hicle interior during sudden driving or brak- be initiated if the risk of a collision with the vehi-
ing maneuvers, which increases the risk of cle behind you is detected.
an accident. Store objects securely while
driving. Z\ WARNING
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
G) Tips limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
Certain system functions may not be available
if the ESC is limited or switched off — Audi pre sense rear does not react to pedes-
trians, animals, crossing objects, and ob-
= page 122 or if there is a malfunction.
jects not detected as vehicles.
— Observe the safety precautions > A\ in Audi
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
pre sense city on page 153.
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
— Observe the safety precautions and note the cameras > page 126.
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and — Swerve assist does not react to pedestrians,
cameras > page 126.
animals, crossing objects, and objects not
— Audi pre sense front does not react to cer- detected as vehicles. >
tain objects, such as pedestrians, animals,
crossing or oncoming vehicles, bars, railings,
or railcars.
Driver assistance
@) Tips
— System functions may not be available if the Applies to: vehicles with Audi pre sense
ESC is limited or switched off, or if there is a
malfunction. rs or & is displayed when there is a malfunc-
— An indicator in the instrument cluster will tion, the Audi pre sense functions may be un-
inform you when there is an intervention. available or may be limited.
Driver assistance
Warning stage
Once you activate a turn signal, the system will
inform you about objects classified as critical by
turning on the display in the respective exterior
Driver assistance
very quickly.
fg or Eg is displayed when there is a malfunc-
tion, the side assist and exit warning system
functions may be unavailable or may be limited.
— If the window glass in the driver's door or
A message that indicates the cause and possible
front passenger's door has been tinted, the
solution may appear with some displays. The
display in the exterior mirror may be incor-
weather conditions may be too poor or a sensor
may be covered. Clean the sensor area at the rear
— The coverage areas of the sensors > fig. 127
corners of the vehicle > page 128, fig. 109 and
are diagrams and do not represent a true-
try to turn the systems on again later.
to-scale image of the sensor ranges.
—The system complies with United States FCC If the malfunction remains, drive to an author-
regulations and ISED regulations ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
=> page 297. ty immediately to have the malfunction correct-
Adjusting side assist
Applies to: vehicles with side assist Exit warning
You can adjust the side assist to your preferences.
The settings depend on the vehicle equipment. Applies to: vehicles with exit warning system
Possible settings:
@ Tips
— If you switch side assist on or off, the exit Fig. 129 Front door: exit warning
warning will also switch on or off.
— Certain settings are automatically stored General information
and assigned to the remote control key be- Within system limits, the exit warning system
Driver assistance
=> fig. 128. The system uses the data from the ra- — The display brightness for the exit warning
dar sensors at the rear corners of the vehicle. system cannot be adjusted.
—The coverage areas of the sensors > fig. 128
Displays and warnings
are diagrams and do not represent a true-
If a door is opened while the vehicle is stationary, to-scale image of the sensor ranges.
the warning strip @ on that door and the display — The system complies with United States FCC
@ on that side of the vehicle will blink if another regulations and ISED regulations
road user is detected in a critical situation, If an- => page 297.
other road user that is classified as critical is ap-
proaching while a door is already open, the dis-
plays on that door will turn on.
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
— Always pay attention to traffic and to the
area around your vehicle. The exit warning
system does not replace the attention of the
vehicle occupants. The vehicle occupants are
always responsible for opening the doors
and exiting the vehicle.
— The exit warning system does not respond
to people and cannot warn you about every
type of approaching objects, such as cyclists.
Always monitor the traffic as well as the ve-
hicle's surroundings with direct eye contact.
— The display may not appear in time when
vehicles are approaching very quickly.
— The exit warning system does not react to
stationary objects or pedestrians.
— The exit warning system will not provide
alerts if your vehicle is pulled too far into
the parking space so that it is hidden by ad-
jacent vehicles.
@) Tips
— The exit warning is switched on or off by the
side assist warning > page 157.
— The exit warning system can be available for
up to approximately three minutes after un-
locking the vehicle and opening the door as
well as after switching off the ignition. Then
the displays flash briefly and the system
switches off.
Parking and maneuvering
The rearview camera shows the area behind the Activating and deactiva
Applies to: vehicles with parking aid plus
vehicle in the center display. The lines in the rear-
view camera image help you to park and maneu-
ver > page 161.
Assisted parking
General information
Park assist helps you to locate suitable parking
The parking aid assists when parking and maneu-
spaces and to park in them and exit them. Park
vering by providing warnings about obstacles. If
assist controls the steering movements when
the ultrasonic sensors on the vehicle > page 128
parking in free parking spaces. The driver is still
detect an obstacle, the system will provide audio
responsible for accelerating, braking, and shift-
and visual warnings.
ing gears. The driver must always monitor the
area around the vehicle and supervise the parking Activating and deactivating
procedure > page 166.
Requirement: the vehicle speed must be under
Settings options approximately 6 mph (10 km/h).
You can adjust parking aid functions individually. > Press the Pa button in the center console.
The adjustment options depend on the vehicle When activating, a brief tone will sound and
equipment. the LED in the button will turn on.
— Automatic activation > page 159
Automatic activation
— Front and rear volume > page 160
— Entertainment fader > page 160. > The system activates automatically when re-
— View > page 163 verse gear is engaged while the engine is run-
ning. A brief tone will sound.
Parking and maneuvering
speeds below approximately 6 mph (10 km/h), If the sensors detect an obstacle, audible and vis-
the parking aid will switch on automatically. Au- ual signals will warn you.
dible signals will sound once the obstacle is with-
Visual warnings
in the sensor detection area.
» Applies to: MMI: To switch Automatic activa- The visual warnings in the center display help you
tion on or off, select on the home screen: VEHI- to detect the critical vehicle area and to estimate
CLE > Parking aid > Automatic activation. the distance to an obstacle.
Possible settings:
Fig. 131 Center display: distance display Front volume - Volume for the front and side*
Parking and maneuvering
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
— Sensors and cameras have spots in which
the surrounding area cannot be detected.
Objects, animals, and people may only be
detected with limitations may not be detect-
ed at all. Always monitor the traffic and the
vehicle's surroundings directly and do not Fig. 132 Orientation line display when parking
become distracted.
Depending on the vehicle equipment, a rearview
@) Note camera or multiple peripheral cameras may be
— Keep enough distance from the curb to available.
avoid damage to the rims. The rearview camera helps you to park or maneu-
— Applies to: vehicles with park assist: If you ver using the orientation lines.
park in short parking spaces using park as-
sist, a continuous tone sounds from the The peripheral cameras expand the vehicle over-
view to include various views around the vehicle
Parking and maneuvering
a Fig. 134 Center display: aiming at a parking spot
The system will deactivate automatically once If $2/&8/< is displayed and the display area
the vehicle exceeds a certain speed while driving represented by that symbol is not available, then
forward. the camera on the that side is not available. The
power exterior mirrors may have been folded in
Z\ WARNING or a door or the luggage compartment lid may
have been opened.
Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and If # is displayed, there is a system malfunction
cameras > page 126. and the display area represented by that symbol
is not available. The camera is not working in this
If one of the symbols continues to be displayed,
drive immediately to an authorized Audi dealer or >
Parking and maneuvering
authorized Audi Service Facility to have the mal- ing, based on the steering wheel angle. The
function repaired. front of the vehicle swings out more than
the rear of the vehicle. Maintain plenty of
ZA WARNING distance so that an exterior mirror or a cor-
— Observe the safety precautions and note the ner of the vehicle does not collide with any
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and obstacles.
cameras > page 126. — Keep enough distance from the curb to
— Sensors and cameras have spots in which avoid damage to the rims.
the surrounding area cannot be detected. — Only use the images provided by the camera
Objects, animals, and people may only be on the rear of the vehicle when the luggage
detected with limitations may not be detect- compartment lid is completely closed. Make
ed at all. Always monitor the traffic and the sure any objects you may have mounted on
vehicle's surroundings directly and do not the luggage compartment lid do not block
become distracted. the rearview camera.
@) Note
— The orange orientation lines @) show the di-
rection the rear of the vehicle will be travel-
On vehicles with peripheral cameras, you can se- > Select |- -| > View in the center display when the
lect among different views. parking aid is active.
Parking and maneuvering
Front corner This view makes it easier to drive out of tight parking spaces or areas and
or Display selection intersections with poor visibility. It shows an almost 180° panorama view
© |O/} © |/O] ©
This view helps you to maneuver and position the vehicle more precisely.
Surroundings The area around the vehicle is shown using the camera images. The vehi-
cle image is shown by the system > A\.
This view assists you in using the full area for maneuvering behind the ve-
hicle. This is the rearview camera image.
This view can assist you when driving out of tight parking spaces or areas
Rear corner with poor visibility. It shows an almost 180° panorama view behind the
This view helps you to see the distance between the front tires and the
Front tires
curb and the steering wheel angle when parking.
This view helps you to detect the distance between the rear wheels and
Rear tires
the curb when parking.
Steering wheel an- The red lines represent the estimated direction of travel based on the
gle steering wheel angle >@.
@) Note
— Only use the images provided by the camera
on the rear of the vehicle when the luggage
compartment lid is completely closed. Make
sure any objects you may have mounted on
the luggage compartment lid do not block
the rearview camera.
— The front of the vehicle swings out more
than the rear of the vehicle. Maintain plenty
of distance so that an exterior mirror or a
corner of the vehicle does not collide with
any obstacles.
Parking and maneuvering
re or >% is displayed when there is a mal-
function, the rear cross traffic assist functions
may be unavailable or may be limited.
Fig. 137 Center display: rear cross-traffic assist display
A message that indicates the cause and possible
General information solution may appear with some displays. The
weather conditions may be too poor or a sensor
The rear cross-traffic assist monitors the area be-
may be covered. Clean the sensor area in the ve-
hind and next to the vehicle using radar sensors
hicle rear and try to turn the systems on again
at the rear corners of the vehicle. The system can
detect moving objects that are approaching, such
as vehicles > fig. 136. A display in the MMI and If the malfunction remains, drive to an author-
various warnings provide assistance when exiting ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
a parking space. ty immediately to have the malfunction correct-
— The parking aid is switched on > page 159 or
reverse gear is selected. — Observe the safety precautions and note the
— The speed when driving in reverse must not be limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
higher than approximately 9 mph (15 km/h). cameras > page 126.
— The rear cross-traffic assist will not provide
Displays, warnings, and braking
alerts about people and cannot warn you
— Display: the display @ appears only when the about every type of approaching objects,
parking aid is active. For vehicles with peripher- such as cyclists. Always monitor the traffic
al cameras, this only happens in the Rear and as well as the vehicle's surroundings with di-
Rear corner camera views. Arrows show the di- rect eye contact.
rection from which the cross traffic is approach- — The system may not react if objects are ap-
Parking and maneuvering
Parking options
Assisted parking
@ Backing into parallel parking spaces
(err Melero)
@ Backing into perpendicular parking spaces
Applies to: vehicles with park assist
@®) Driving forward into perpendicular parking
If your vehicle is equipped with park assist, this spaces that you have already driven past
system helps you find suitable parking spaces. @) Driving forward into perpendicular parking
Parking spaces are measured using ultrasonic spaces if you have already driven to the space
sensors on the sides of the vehicle. yourself and the front of the vehicle is al-
The system helps you to park while the driver ready in the space
monitors the vehicle's surroundings with the
Options for exiting parking spaces
parking aids, cameras*, and direct eye contact.
The vehicle moves the steering wheel autono- @ Exiting parallel parking spaces
Parking and maneuvering
> Keep the vehicle as parallel as possible to the
parked vehicles or to the side of the road.
>» Make sure that the parking space is suitable for
Maneuvering area
Fig. 140 Center display: activated parking space search The vehicle can go off course during the parking
process > A\. If there are obstacles within the
Activating the parking space search maneuvering area that block or endanger the
> To activate the parking space search, press the parking process, for example on the opposite
Pe button in the center console, or side of the street, a message may appear. You
> To activate the parking space search when the may need to drive farther forward and stay closer
parking aid is switched on, press P@ in the cen- to the row of parking spaces.
ter display.
Parking and maneuvering
General information
Parking with the park assists
Applies to: vehicles with park assist
Applies to: vehicles with park assist
Parking and maneuvering
brakes or changing the direction. Park assist au- tomatically steers the vehicle out of the parking
tomatically steers the vehicle into the parking space while the driver presses the pedals.
space while the driver presses the pedals.
> Start the engine.
» After stopping the vehicle briefly, make sure > Press the Pe button in the center console.
the actual direction the vehicle is traveling > Wait until a message appears in the center dis-
matches the direction indicated by the park as- play that specifies the direction of travel re-
sist. quired to exit the parking space.
> Remove your hands from the steering wheel. > Activate the turn signal on the desired side or,
> Pay attention to the path of the vehicle. If the depending on vehicle equipment, press that
traffic situation permits, accelerate carefully side next to the vehicle in the center display.
> AX. The maximum parking speed is approxi- » Make sure the actual direction the vehicle is
mately4 mph (7 km/h). traveling matches the direction indicated by the
> Follow the visual instructions in the center dis- park assist.
play and the warning tones until the parking > Remove your hands from the steering wheel.
process has ended. > Pay attention to the path of the vehicle. If the
traffic situation permits, accelerate carefully
ZA WARNING > AX. The maximum speed for exiting a parking
space is 3 mph (5 km/h).
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
> Follow the visual instructions in the display and
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
the warning tones until the vehicle has finished
cameras > page 126.
exiting the parking space.
— The park assist is an assist system. The driv-
>» The process of exiting the parking space has
er is still responsible for monitoring the ve-
ended if additional corrective movements are
hicle's surroundings and preventing colli-
no longer necessary and the specified steering
sions when using the system.
wheel angle is sufficient to drive out of the
— When using park assist to drive into or out
parking space. Resume control of the steering
of a parking space, the steering wheel turns
wheel >@).
quickly on its own. Reaching into the steer-
ing wheel spokes while this is happening can
result in injury.
— Observe the safety precautions and note the
G) Tips limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
You can also cancel the driving direction set
— The park assist is an assist system. The driv-
by the system by shifting between a forward
er is still responsible for monitoring the ve-
gear and reverse gear. Based on the position
hicle's surroundings and preventing colli-
of the vehicle, the system then calculates the
additional steering and driving directions for sions when using the system.
maneuvering. — When using park assist to drive into or out
of a parking space, the steering wheel turns
quickly on its own. Reaching into the steer-
Exiting parking spaces with park assist
ing wheel spokes while this is happening can
Applies to: vehicles with park assist
result in injury.
If you parked the vehicle in a parallel parking
space, park assist can help you drive out of it. CG) Note
In the center display, arrows and symbols on the Resume steering immediately after the last
corrective movement and the takeover
Parking and maneuvering
Observe the safety precautions and note the
limits of the assist systems, sensors, and
cameras > page 126.
Applies to: vehicles with park assist
— Medical experts warn that mobile devices
Connecting a mobile phone via Bluetooth
can interfere with the function of pacemak-
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
ers. Always maintain a minimum distance of
about 7.9 inches (20 cm) between the mo- Requirement: the vehicle must be stationary and
bile device antennas and the pacemaker. the ignition must be switched on. The Bluetooth
— Do not carry the mobile device in a pocket settings must be open on your mobile device dur-
directly over the pacemaker when the ing the connection setup. The mobile device to be
phone is switched on. connected must not be actively connected to any
— Switch the mobile device off immediately other Bluetooth device. The MMI must only be
if you suspect it may be interfering with connected to one mobile device.
the pacemaker. > Enable the Bluetooth function and visibility on
— Do not use the voice recognition system* the MMI = page 222 and the mobile phone.
= page 27 in emergencies because your > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
voice may change in stressful situations. The PHONE.
system may take longer to dial the number > Follow the system instructions. The available
or may not be able to dial it at all. Dial the Bluetooth devices will be displayed after sever-
emergency number manually. al seconds.
— Switch your mobile device off in areas where > Press on the desired mobile device in the list of
there is a risk of an explosion. These loca- displayed Bluetooth devices.
tions are not always clearly marked. This > To update the list, press OQ.
may include gas stations, fuel and chemical
A PIN for a secure Bluetooth connection will be
storage facilities or transport vehicles, or lo-
cations where fuel vapors (such as propane
or gasoline vapor in vehicles or buildings), > Confirm the PIN on your mobile device.
chemicals or large quantities of dust parti- > Follow the system instructions.
> Pay attention to any other system prompts on
cles (such as flour, sawdust or metal) may
be present in the air. This also applies to all the MMI and on your cell phone.
other locations where you would normally After connecting successfully
turn your vehicle engine off.
The cell phone contacts are automatically loaded
— The demands of traffic require your full at-
in the MMI. This process can take several mi-
tention. Always read the chapter > page 20,
nutes, depending on the number of contacts.
— When leaving the vehicle, the Bluetooth the MMI and on your cell phone.
connection to the mobile device will auto- After connecting successfully
matically disconnect. Depending on your
mobile device, phone calls in progress may See > page 171, After connecting successfully.
be automatically redirected from the MMI Switching between two mobile devices
to your mobile device so that you can con-
tinue the call on your phone. Requirement: phone 1 and phone 2 must be con-
nected to the MMI.
Using two telephones > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Applies to: vehicles with telephone, and Audi phone box PHONE > <1.
You can connect two mobile phones to the MMI
@) Note
at the same time using the Bluetooth HFP, for ex-
ample a business phone and a private phone. You Read the information about Audi connect, and
can be reached in your vehicle through both mo- be sure to note the connectivity costs section
bile phones. => page 182.
— You MUST cease operating this device im- Charging a mobile device wirelessly
mediately if requested by ISED or a licensed Applies to: vehicles with Audi phone box
wireless service provider.
You can charge your mobile device wirelessly us-
— WARNING: £911 location information may
ing the Audi phone box.
not be provided or may be inaccurate for
calls served by using this device. Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
Your mobile device must meet the Qi standard.
@) Tips > Make sure that the wireless charging function is
The system complies with United States FCC switched on:
regulations and ISED regulations > page 297. > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
SETTINGS > General > Reminder signal and
Making phone calls using the exterior mobile device charging.
ental ar-) > Switch the Mobile device wireless charging
Applies to: vehicles with Audi phone box function on.
With the Audi phone box, you can make calls us- > To charge your mobile device wirelessly, lay it
ing the exterior antenna on the vehicle. Using the on the @ symbol@ © page 173, fig. 141 in the
external antenna helps when there is a low signal center of the Audi phone box with the display
and also provides better reception quality. facing up.
Mobile device reminder signal > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Applies to: vehicles with Audi phone box PHONE.
When the device reminder signal is switched on, The following phone functions will be available:
you will be notified that your mobile device is still @ Search
in the Audi phone box when you leave the vehicle. OS) GAMUT ISE oc sesone 2 0 cweeme oe comes as 175
Requirement: your mobile device must be located @) Favorites eco: ss esses yeeeys vows 176
in the Audi phone box (if Qi-capable) or connect- @ Contacts .............0.0.000. 176
ed to the Audi music interface with a USB adapt- (BS) “Voicemail sie: «2 ceca 2 2 wiccovs 2 4 snsoa 177
er, and the Audi smartphone interface must be
© Dial phone number ............ 177
active or your iPhone must be connected to the
@ Switch telephones ............. 178
MMI via Bluetooth and charging using a USB
adapter connected to the Audi music interface.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: Applies to: icles with telephone
SETTINGS > General > Reminder signal and
mobile device charging.
Pe DP | catttist
Te ny o—@
The following settings may be available, depend- Prec rer a
ing on vehicle equipment: Albert, Simon (3)
a) CremeZEY |
Albinson, Mary (2)
— Signal tone esCM Are 27)
(34 001718765432 (1)
— Off
Spoken cue Fig. 143 Center display: call list
this setting is switched on at the factory. Opening call lists using the MMI
Mobile device notes: reminder, charge level > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
PHONE > Call list.
When this function is switched on, the charge
status of your mobile device is displayed. You will Opening call lists using the multifunction
also be reminded not to forget your mobile de- steering wheel
vice when leaving the vehicle.
> Select in the instrument cluster: Telephone tab
> 2) button > Call list.
Using the telephone
Possible call list symbols:
Accessing the telephone functions
Missed calls
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
Dialed numbers
Accepted calls
Editing a telephone number
Display business card ........... 177
Number of interactions with a con-
ee oo nn
ar @y tact
Depending on your mobile device, the following Requirement: a mobile device must be connected
options may be available: to the MMI.
— Store as favorite > page 176.
Opening the directory
— Send text message > page 179.
— Send e-mail > page 180. > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
PHONE > Contacts.
Edit number
The contacts will be displayed. You can change
Edit a phone number before dialing it. the sort order > page 179, Sort order.
Show history Deleting imported contacts
Requirement: you must have had more than one Requirement: you must have imported at least
interaction with a contact. one contact > page 179.
All interactions with a contact or a number are > Select: Contacts > Z > one or more text mes-
displayed. sages > Delete > (Done). The imported contacts
are deleted.
Managing favorites
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
Directory options
> Press and hold a contact in the directory until
You can store contacts for all connected mobile
the Options menu appears.
devices as shortcuts in the favorites list.
Depending on your mobile device, the following
Selecting favorites using the MMI
options may be available:
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
PHONE > Favorites. — Store as favorite > page 176.
— Send contact: you can select Text message or
Opening favorites using the multifunction E-mail > page 179.
steering wheel
— Send text message > page 179.
> Select in the instrument cluster: Telephone tab — Send e-mail > page 180.
> 2) button > Favorites.
i) Tips
Storing favorites
— Pay attention to any synchronization
> Press Y¥ > page 177 in the business card, or prompts on your mobile device when down-
> Press Store as favorite in the options loading contacts.
>page 175.
— The contacts from the mobile device may
Deleting favorites not be transferred in alphabetical order. If
there are too many entries, contacts with
> Press Ww © page 177 in the business card, or different first letters may be missing in the
> Select: Favorites > Z > one or multiple favor- MMI.
ites or Select all > Delete > (Done).
— Only the contacts from the active connected
mobile device are displayed.
G) Tips — The contacts in the local MMI memory are
The favorites can only be edited via the MMI. always visible and can be accessed by other
Managing the directory — After switching off the ignition and exiting
Applies to: vehicles with telephone the vehicle, the mobile device directory will
be loaded when the MMI is started again if
You can manage up to four directories in the
the mobile device is within range and the >
Bluetooth function is switched on in the mo- — Using text input in the MMI = page 24.
bile device and the MMI. — Using voice operation > page 27.
— Only the contacts in the local MMI memory
can be deleted. Call options
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
Switch to hands-free > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Transfer the current call from your mobile device PHONE > ©}.
to the MMI.
The following options may be possible, depend-
Add call ing on your mobile device:
You can start a new call. The current call will be — Decline with text message
put on hold. — Edit voicemail number
the phone by pressing the button. Requirement: your mobile device must be con-
The directory for the selected phone will be dis- nected to the MMI via Bluetooth Message Access
played. Profile (Bluetooth MAP).
Hide grayed-out contacts > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
MESSAGES > (®) > e-mail (phone 1)/e-mail
When this function is switched on, contacts that
(phone 2)*.
have no phone numbers stored for them will be
hidden. The following functions are available:
Depending on the country, the following options If necessary, user-defined folders will be copied
may be available: to your mobile device.
— Read out
Message options
— Reply
— Forward Press on an e-mail.
— More Depending on the country, the following options
To switch between messages, press < or >. may be available:
— Read out
Press More. Depending on your mobile device
— Reply
and the selected mailbox, additional options may
— Reply all
be available:
— Forward
- Call
— More
— Forward
— Navigate To switch between messages, press < or >.
— Extract numbers Press More. Depending on your mobile device
— Send again and the selected mailbox, additional options may
be available:
— Call
Press ©}.
— Forward
New text message notification — Extract e-mail
— Navigate
When the function is switched on, an envelope
— Extract numbers
in the MMI status bar will indicate when there is
— Show all recipients
a new text message.
— Send again
G) Tips Settings
Only new received messages may be displayed
Press ©}.
depending on your mobile device.
New e-mail notification
When the function is switched on, an envelope M
Applies to: vehicles with telephone in the MMI status bar will indicate when there is
a new e-mail.
Requirement: your mobile device must be con-
nected to the MMI via Bluetooth Message Access
@) Note
Profile (Bluetooth MAP).
Read the information about Audi connect, and
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
be sure to note the connectivity costs section
MESSAGES > (©) > e-mail (phone 1)/e-mail => page 182.
(phone 2)*.
— New e-mail
— Inbox
— Sent
— Outbox
— Drafts*
— Deleted*
User defined*
afety belt Cy date} The safety belt microphone activates when you
Applies to: vehicles with safety belt microphone buckle the safety belt. Make sure that the micro-
al8 phone is on the side of the safety belt that is fac-
ing outward.
If you unbuckle the driver's safety belt, the sys-
tem switches from the safety belt microphone to
the roof microphone.
G) Tips
A dirty microphone opening can affect hands-
free call quality. If this happens, clean the
Fig. 144 Driver's seat: safety belt microphone safety belt microphone using a brush.
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
Problem Solution
Pairing the mobile device to the Make sure the requirements for connecting a mobile phone have
MMI failed. been met > page 171, or
make sure you did not accidentally decline the PIN for establishing
a connection on your mobile phone. If necessary, repeat the pair-
ing process > page 171.
After pairing, not all contacts or Avoid using special characters in names.
no contacts have been loaded in- Avoid using contact groups on your mobile device.
to the MMI. Check for prompts on your mobile device when connecting via
Certain telephone functions are The telephone functions depend on the mobile device service pro-
grayed out or not available. vider and the mobile device you are using.
Some telephone functions may Check if the Bluetooth settings on your cell phone are limited or
be switched off or not available, individual Bluetooth settings are deactivated. This may be the
even though the mobile device is case with business cell phones.
The MESSAGES menu is not avail- Make sure your mobile device has an option to show messages op-
able. tion and that it is enabled.
Wireless cell phone charging is Check if wireless charging with the Audi phone box is switched on.
not working or is interrupted. Check if your mobile device is Qi-capable.
Make sure your mobile device is positioned correctly in the Audi
phone box > page 173 and that there are no objects located be-
tween the phone box and the phone.
Audi connect
Audi connect
and vehicle equipment, the Internet connection > Follow any additional system prompts on your
may be established using an embedded SIM card Wi-Fi device if necessary.
Your device is successfully connected with the
Audi connect
tion, press on the location that is marked with Depending on the country and vehicle equip-
the crosshairs. ment, you can purchase functions on demand
Requirement: route guidance must be active. through a myAudi account in the myAudi app at
> To display the weather at your destination, any time.
press on the location that is marked with the The following options are available for displaying
flag FB. purchased functions in the vehicle.
Adding a location: select: WEATHER > G4 > Ina > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
new city > a location. PURCHASES.
Removing a location: select: WEATHER > 44 > Z
> one or more locations or Select all > Delete. Gi) Tips
— Equipment installed at the factory may be
Online news
displayed as purchased functions.
>» Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: — The availability of functions in the myAudi
NEwWs. app varies depending on the country. For
Access to the calendar additional information, visit my.audi.com.
— At the time this manual was printed, func-
Requirement: the myAudi app must be installed tions on demand was a planned function.
and open on your mobile device. Access to your Functions on demand is not available in your
calendar must be enabled on your mobile device. vehicle.
You must be logged into the myAudi app with
your myAudi login data and you must have select-
ed your vehicle. The Wi-Fi function on your mo-
Applies to: vehicles with functions on demand
bile device and the MMI must be enabled and
your mobile device must be paired to the MMI Ifa message about a function that requires a li-
Wi-Fi hotspot > page 185, Wi-Fi. cense is displayed, the function is no longer avail-
able. Check the MMI Purchases menu to see if
You can display the your mobile device calendar
you have a license for this function or if the li-
on the MMI.
cense has expired. Purchase the function if neces-
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: sary using functions on demand.
Audi connect vehicle
ZA WARNING control services
Always follow the information found in > AV
in General information on page 182. Services
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect vehicle control
Audi connect
changes over the service life of the vehicle. Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
Audi connect
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect Infotainment
Audi connect Infotainment serv- | Some Audi connect Infotainment services must be activated or
ices: individual Audi connect Info- | configured through your personal myAudi account before using
tainment services are grayed out or | them for the first time. You can find detailed information online
not available. at my.audi.com.
Wi-Fi hotspot: it is not possible to | Check if Wi-Fi is activated in the MMI > page 185.
connect through Wi-Fi. Delete all existing Wi-Fi connections on your mobile device and
restart it.
Emergency call
Emergency call work coverage area for the mobile phone service
provider selected by Audi.
Applies to: vehicles with emergency call function
An emergency call is a combination of data trans- —The emergency call function cannot be deac-
mission and a phone call. The data transmission tivated in the Infotainment system settings.
from your vehicle forwards important informa- — The availability of the TPS emergency call is
tion, such as the vehicle and position data, to the limited to certain times.
emergency call center. —The costs for call and data connections for
TPS emergency calls is included in the price
Depending on the country and the vehicle equip-
of the services.
ment, the following functions may be available:
In areas with poor GPS reception or outside
the coverage range of the respective cell
phone service provider, some functions and/or
mi l
services may not be available, it may not be
possible to send or receive data, or functional-
ity may be limited. Fig. 145 Front headliner: cover for the emergency call but-
Emergency call
the emergency call button () will blink. The Audi Service Facility immediately to have the
emergency call will be made. The emergency call malfunction corrected.
cannot be canceled.
LED status
Online roadside
— Green - The emergency call function is availa-
— Red - There is a malfunction in the emergency Applies to: vehicles with online roadside assistance
ceive the following warning: see > page 188, LED
status and > page 188, Messages.
@) Tips
If the emergency call is canceled due toa
poor connection, then the system automati-
cally tries to connect again.
508 Emergency call function: malfunction! Lim- Calling online roadside assistance
ited availability. Please contact Service
> Press the button @). The LED in the button
If this indicator light turns on and this message turns red. The online roadside assistance call
appears, the emergency call function is restrict- will be made.
ed. For example, you cannot call the emergency > If you press the button @) by mistake, then
call center, but data may still be transmitted un- press it again.
der certain circumstances. Drive to an authorized
Audi incident assistance
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility im-
mediately to have the malfunction corrected. A minor accident may be detected by the vehicle
electrical system. You are able to select between
BS Emergency call function: malfunction! Func-
online roadside assistance and an emergency call
tion unavailable. Please contact Service
in the MMI.
If this indicator light turns on and this message
appears, you cannot make an emergency call.
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Emergency call
() Note
Read the information about Audi connect, and
be sure to note the connectivity costs section
Fig. 147 Route guidance not started =@ in General information on page 182.
To load destinations in the vehicle automatically, > To display all categories and search for a POI,
Audi recommends logging into the vehicle with a select: |---| > a category (such as restaurants) >
myAudi user > page 31. a POI.
— You can send destinations and routes from the Requirement: route guidance must be active.
myAudi app to the vehicle > page 193. > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
— Active route guidance in the myAudi app can be NAVIGATION > &.
continued in the MMI. > To change the search area, press (a) / 29 /Pre-
— Depending on the situation, it may be possible peatedly until the desired search area is select-
to continue active route guidance from the MMI ed.
in the myAudi app to continue navigating to the
destination after leaving the vehicle. Online search
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system and online search
Entering a destination You can use the results from a search engine pro-
vider to find a navigation destination.
Intelligent search for navigation
CS Ear Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
Internet > page 182, Audi connect.
Using the intelligent search, you can enter the > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
data for a navigation destination in any order all NAVIGATION > © >G.
> Enter one or more search terms into the input
at once (for example, 5th Avenue New York).
Likewise, you can search for points of interest, field.
contacts, previous destinations, or favorites in or-
> The search engine provider shows suggestions
§ to narrow down the search.
der to navigate to the desired destination.
> Press on suggestions until the desired destina-
Opening a menu tion appears in the results list. If necessary, use
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: one finger to swipe upward or downward until
NAVIGATION > 2. the suggestions © or destinations 9 appear.
> Press on the desired destination 9. The Details
Intelligent search menu will be displayed.
> Enter one or more search terms into the input > Press Start.
field. See > page 24, Text input. Route guidance will be activated and the map will
>» Press on the desired destination in the results be displayed > page 194, fig. 150.
list. The Details menu will be displayed.
> Press Start. Route guidance will be activated
and the map will be displayed > page 194,
@ Tips
— The MMI input suggestions depend on the
fig. 150.
last navigated destinations.
Online Points of Interest — The navigation system always searches for
the fastest route. You can have alternative
> Searching for points of interest: enter the
routes displayed if necessary > page 196.
name of a POI.
>» Select: a symbol for a POI category (such as — If the destination cannot be found, it may
not be stored in the navigation database. >
Eb > «Pot, or
Check the spelling of the term that was Accessing previous destinations
searched or check the search area > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
> page 191.
NAVIGATION > (Ga) > Last destinations > select
— Distances to points of interest are displayed a destination > Start.
as a straight-line distance from your current > Applies to: multifunction steering wheel: Select
location. The actual distance from your cur- in the instrument cluster: Navigation tab > [=]
rent location to the point of interest is up- button > Last destinations > a destination.
dated automatically. The list of points of in-
terest that were found is not resorted when Deleting previous destinations
this happens. > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
NAVIGATION > (88) > Last destinations > Z >
Select destinati select one or more entries or Select all > Delete
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system > (Done).
eer er RAX-0146
Gi) Tips
cr) m
& wv The last route will be automatically deleted
CeeLast need from the list if you start a new route guidance
> Adding a stopover: Select: Add destination > Enter a destination using intelligent search
select a destination > Add to route. =>page 191
> Moving a stopover: press Z. Touch the > sym- Cancel route guidance > page 194
bol and move the entry to the desired position. Current route
Press Done.
Request spoken prompt
> Deleting a stopover: Select: Z > one or more
Alternative routes > page 196
entries or Select all > Delete > (Done).
Display active destinations, stopovers, or
route plan > page 194. The distance to the
Stopping route guidance
destination including the calculated arrival
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
time is displayed.
Requirement: route guidance must be active and Online traffic information > page 199
Adjust the scale. Press the magnifying glass Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
to switch automatic zoom > page 200 on or You can operate the map > page 194, fig. 150
off directly on the map. The © symbol ap- with the movements described in the following
pears when this function is switched on. information.
Marked destination. See > page 193, Select-
Additional functions
G@) Tips > Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
NAVIGATION > %} > Map settings > Satellite
— After deleting the home address or business
address, only the address is deleted and the
entry will still be displayed in the favorites. The map view is based on data packets received
— Please note when moving favorites that from the Internet in the form of satellite images,
items 1 and 2 are reserved for the home ad- which are then combined with the roadways from
dress and business address. the > page 194, fig. 150 standard map view.
display automatically switches to the 2D You can check the status of the download process
map type when driving through tunnels. and the installation in the notification center
— Depending on the Internet connection, the > page 23.
standard map may also be displayed when
the satellite map is switched on ). @) Note
Read the information about Audi connect, and
Map update be sure to note the connectivity costs section
=@© in General information on page 182.
Using map update online, you can update the > Install the myAudi app on your mobile device
map material in your navigation system directly and log in with your login information. Use the
from your vehicle. same myAudi account that you use in the vehi-
cle for your myAudi user.
The MMI determines regions based on the vehicle
> Download the map material in the myAudi app.
position. Based on this, update data for these re-
gions are available for your MMI. Installing updates
Map update using the USB connection The following information can be displayed
Applies to: vehicle map updates using the USB connection > fig. 154:
With the map update, you can update the map @ Amessage will appear if the MMI calculates a
material in your navigation system. better route for the current route guidance.
The predicted delay takes into account future
Requirement: you must have created a myAudi
changes to the traffic situation on the route.
account at my.audi.com. Your vehicle must be
Press on an item ina list @ and select the
registered in your myAudi account.
better route. More information can be found
Downloading updates under > page 196.
@ Atraffic message is displayed. The distance
> Download the map update at my.audi.com and
to the hazardous area is calculated from the
store it on a USB flash drive. For additional in-
current vehicle position.
formation, visit my.audi.com.
@® The traffic messages are only shown when
Installing updates route guidance is active. Press ona line to
> Connect the USB flash drive to the Audi music display details about it.
interface > page 211.
> Open the notification in the notification center
@) Tips
on > page 23 and press on the notification. — Particularly critical traffic information, such
> Press Next. The status of the installation is as warnings about wrong-way drivers, is au-
shown in the display. tomatically displayed as a notification.
— Traffic information is not available in some
Traffic incidents countries.
Traffic rerouting
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system and online traffic
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
press < or. list entry @ > page 199, fig. 154. Press on the
information window for the better route (for
example (2) > page 196, fig. 153).
Online traffic information Please note that a setting applied to the multi-
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system and online traffic function steering wheel is only valid for the in-
information strument cluster map.
The MMI can receive real-time online traffic infor- Map settings
mation about congestion, accidents, road con-
struction, and other incidents. Satellite map: see > page 197.
Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the Traffic: you can display current traffic informa-
Internet > page 182, Audi connect. Traffic infor- tion on the map.
mation must be switched on in the MMI — Free flowing traffic
=> page 200. — Traffic obstructions
— Traffic incidents
Traffic information will be displayed on the
standard map > page 194, fig. 150. Map colors
— Automatic: the map display adapts to the light-
Online traffic information is also displayed on the
ing conditions (for example, by changing from
standard map > page 197.
day to night when driving through a tunnel).
— Day or Night
G) Tips
— Having the online traffic information func- Map orientation
tion switched on provides the most accurate — 2D heading-up map/2D north-up map: the
reports of traffic situations and traffic fore- current vehicle position is displayed. The map is
casting. Your vehicle transmits and process- oriented in the direction of travel or to the
es its anonymous, encrypted position infor- north.
mation at regular intervals to the traffic da- — 3D heading-up map: the current vehicle posi-
ta provider. You can switch off data transfer tion is shown on a three-dimensional map and
at any time > page 291. is aligned to the direction of travel.
— The online traffic information network is — Overview: the entire route from the vehicle po-
not available in all countries, and the cover- sition to the destination or the next stopover is
age is not nationwide. displayed on the map. The map is oriented to
the north.
Settings Automatic zoom
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
— On: the map scale is adapted automatically de-
You can adjust the navigation system settings in pending on the type of road being traveled (ex-
the instrument cluster and in the MMI display pressway, highway, other roads) so that you al-
separately. The settings depend on the country ways have an optimal overview of the road
and vehicle equipment. ahead. When route guidance is active, the scale
is adjusted automatically for a better detailed
Accessing settings view when there are upcoming maneuvers.
» Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: — Intersection: when route guidance is active, the
NAVIGATION > ©}. scale is adjusted automatically for a better de-
tailed view when there are upcoming maneu-
Accessing settings using the multifunction vers.
steering wheel — Off
> Applies to: multifunction steering wheel: Select
MMI map contents/Map content: you can switch
in the instrument cluster: Navigation tab >
the display of additional information (such as
POIs) on the map in the center display on or off. >
Voice guidance
Voice guidance: you can adjust the navigation
prompts. With the Traffic setting, the MMI will
only give prompts if there are traffic incidents on
your route.
Route criteria
You can adjust which route criteria should be al-
lowed or avoided for the route calculation.
HOV/carpool lanes
Toll roads
Route information
When this function is switched on and route
guidance is active, route information
=> page 194, fig. 150 is displayed. The next ma-
neuver will be displayed at the bottom. POIs and
traffic information will also be displayed. Press
route information to display a preview of the next
maneuver on the map. You can switch the follow-
ing information on or off in route information.
— Points of interest along the route
— Traffic incidents
Presentation mode
In presentation mode, the system simulates driv-
ing on the display along the planned route with-
out the vehicle actually moving. You can use
Specify starting point when you would like to
calculate a route starting from a location other
than the current vehicle position, for example.
Simulating route guidance: start route guidance
and press presentation mode.
@) Tips
You can change the volume of navigation an-
See) os 2 ) ® No reception
\S ™
3 Pa): 4 The station cannot be received.
ro In addition to the symbols for the usual frequen-
* 106.7 ana a cy bands, the following information may also be
available depending on vehicle equipment:
Symbol | Description
The station provides information in
the background for an online station
Saray alternative. Online station tracking
22 Lim) must be switched on for this
4 Qi:
=> page 208.
The station is received through the In-
Fig. 156 Center display: SiriusXM station list ternet.
The system attempts to receive the
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the radio
station/podcast through the Internet.
may support the FM, AM, and SiriusXM (satellite
radio) frequency bands. Using the HD Radio re-
G) Tips
ceiver* also allows you to receive radio stations
on the FM and AM bands in digital format. — Contact the SiriusXM* provider if you would
like to receive satellite programming.
Depending on the vehicle equipment and the se- — Buildings, tunnels, bridges, open areas, oth-
lected station list, the following information will er vehicles or objects on the vehicle roof can
be displayed: affect reception.
@ Station list — Satellite radio* is not available in all re-
Shows the stations that are currently availa- gions.
ble. The station list updates automatically.
@ Stations Adjusting the radio using the MMI
For example, the station name may be dis-
> Applies to: MMI: To set a frequency band, select
played depending on availability.
on the home screen: RADIO > Source a catego-
HD Radio technology
FM/AM stations that can be received by digi- > Applies to: MMI: To set a station, select on the
tal radio are marked with the HD Radio tech- home screen: RADIO > Source > a category >a
nology symbol H). station/podcast*.
If reception quality declines, the radio auto- > To select a frequency, follow the instructions
matically switches to the analog FM/AM sta- under > page 204, Free text search.
tion depending on availability.
@ Additional audio programs Adjusting the radio using the multifunction
Digital HD Radio stations may contain multi- steering wheel
ple additional audio programs. If you lose re-
ception, the additional audio programs will Requirement: radio mode must be on. >
> Select the radio/media tab in the instrument > To select a station or a source, turn and press
cluster. the left thumbwheel.
> To switch between radio and media, select the
button > Switch to radio/Switch to media. @) Tips
> Turn the left thumbwheel to display the station Applies to: multifunction steering wheel: De-
list. : ‘ f
. . = pending on the selected function, operation
> fo switch to a different source, press the [=] through the MMI may be required.
Radio functions
Lea TN]
Fig. 157 Center display: left side: playback view of radio functions, right side: sources
Symbol/Description |Description
® ao Displaying categories in a frequency band.
@ Source Displays sources in the Radio menu.
© Frequency band Shows the current station frequency band.
Indicates that on demand content is playing. The MMI must be con-
© ON nected to the Internet and a data plan must be available for this
=> page 186.
@ wie See > page 205.
& Settings > page 208.
Depending on availability, you can switch between the image views:
press on the station logo. Use one finger to swipe to the right or left
Station logo
to switch between the Station logo and Cover art (album cover). Al-
Symbol/Description | Description
© a Go back one level.
@ Search See > page 204.
@ Last stations See > page 205.
® Presets See > page 205.
FM Displays stations from the FM frequency band.
® Online See > page 206.
Displays stations from the SiriusXM frequency band.
@ SiriusXM Combines SiriusXM Live channels and on demand content, depend-
ing on vehicle equipment.
@ AM Displays stations from the AM frequency band.
Start over Go to the beginning of the broadcast.
Related Channels, artists, and shows related to the content that is currently
® Subscribe Log in to be able to play the content.
Switch to WEB Switch manually to Internet reception.
Switch to SAT Switch manually to satellite reception.
@® More Access options for the current station > page 207.
Selecting the previous or next track: press /I< or >I.
@ aca Going to the beginning of the recording: press and hold Ni<.
Going to the live program: press and hold >I. The i symbol will
be displayed.
@ K/>I Select the previous/next station.
DAI Start or stop playback
® Msg Unmutes or mutes playback.
@ List The station list is displayed > page 202.
Depending on availability, the station name as well as program in-
@ Info section formation, for example, may be displayed. Also see > page 208,
Online additional data.
Symbol | Description
Free text search 2
Results from the list: Last stations
Using intelligent search, you can search for sta- vy Results from the list: Presets
tion names, frequencies, program types (such as
News), podcasts*, or online radio stations*.
(| Results from a Station list > Deleting presets: press Ww in the playback view,
For ex- or
ample, Station frequency band > In the presets list, select: Z > one or more sta-
tions or Select all > Delete > (Done).
Requirement: a list with radio stations must be Program information (for example, general text
displayed > page 202, fig. 155. messages, artist, composer, song) is displayed in
> Press and hold an entry in the list until the Op- the radio text.
tions menu appears.
Requirement: the selected radio station must
> Press Store as preset.
support the radio text function.
The following functions are available in the pod- Requirement: the podcast favorites list must be
cast playback view: displayed. At least one podcast favorite must be
Displaying podcast episodes
> Press All.
> Press List.
Editing podcast favorites
Starting/stopping podcast playback
> Deleting podcast favorites: press W in the
> Press D /II. playback view, or
> In the podcast favorites list, select: All > Z >
Previous/next podcast
one or more podcasts, or Select All > Delete >
> PressKI/ DI. (Done).
Changing the playback position Requirement: the podcast favorites list must be
> You can adjust the playback position using the displayed.
> Moving podcast favorites: Select: All > Z.
> Touch the $ symbol and move the entry to the
Displaying the online radio menu desired position.
> Press Done.
> Press Ba.
> Press and hold an entry in the list until the Op-
tions menu appears.
> Press Save podcast.
Depending on the selected source and vehicle be loaded depending on the availability from the
equipment, the following functions may be avail- different providers.
Online station tracking
— Store as preset > page 205. Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the
— Radio text > page 205. Internet. A data plan must be available
— Save podcast > page 207, Podcast favorites. => page 186. A station provides information in
Related content the background for its online station alternative
and is identified with the ™} symbol.
Channels, artists, and shows related to the con-
tent that is currently playing. During reception loss in the FM frequency band,
the radio tuner can establish a data connection
and switch to an online station alternative, if it is
available. If available, you can receive your local
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: radio stations in every region of your country on-
RADIO > ©}. line. This may result in additional costs >@®. The
symbol indicates a station that is currently be-
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the follow- ing received online.
ing settings may be available: — Automatic/Off: activates or deactivates auto-
HD Radio FM/HD Radio AM matic switching to online station alternatives.
— With request: switching to online station alter-
You can switch HD Radio reception on or off.
natives must be confirmed manually.
SiriusXM Tune Start
Preferred online radio data rate
If you play a Smart Favorite when this function is
Depending on the selected radio station, you may
switched on, the song currently playing on the
be able to adjust the data rate for Internet radio
channel will play from the beginning.
=> page 206 and for the Online station tracking.
SiriusXM subscription status For optimal sound playback, press High. To re-
This option is available when your subscription is duce data usage, press Low.
about to expire or has already expired. The expi-
ration date for your license is displayed. ©) Note
Call SiriusXM: the telephone number and radio Read the information about Audi connect, and
be sure to note the connectivity costs section
ID of your satellite radio provider are displayed.
=@ in General information on page 182.
To call your satellite radio provider using the
MMI, press Call SiriusXM.
G) Tips
Online additional data Delays may occur when switching automati-
Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the cally between normal frequency bands and
Internet. A data plan must be available online radio.
=> page 186.
The information that follows lists some trouble-
shooting options. They depend on the equip-
A station is no longer displayed in the sta- | Store the station as a preset in advance. Access the pre-
tion list. sets using the presets list > page 205.
Online radio: no playback from online ra-_ | Check if a data plan has been purchased for the applicable
dio. country and it is available > page 186.
— Note the volume setting on your Bluetooth @ USB adapter for devices with a mi-
device. Audi recommends setting your mo- cro USB connection
bile device to the maximum volume when @ USB adapter for Apple devices with
using it as a Bluetooth audio player. a Lightning connection
—Aselection of supported Bluetooth devices @ USB adapter for devices with USB
can be found in the database for tested mo- type C connection
bile devices at www.audi.com/bluetooth.
() Note
Amazon Alexa Handle the USB adapter carefully. Do not al-
Applies to: vehicles with Amazon Alexa Integration low it to be pinched.
You can play various Amazon Alexa content using
@ Tips
the MMI. The voice recognition system is used to
operate it. Apple devices with a dock connector can only
be charged using a USB adapter designed for
Requirement: Amazon Alexa must be activated
devices with a dock connector. Data cannot be
> page 28.
> Start Amazon Alexa using the voice recognition
system. Audi music interface
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
MEDIA > Source > Amazon Alexa. Connect your mobile devices to the Audi music in-
terface in order to operate them through the
@) Note MMI and charge the batteries.
Read the information about Audi connect, and The Audi music interface USB ports are located in
be sure to note the connectivity costs section the center console in the front and in the rear*
=> page 182. and are labeled with the «> symbol. If multiple
USB devices are connected to the USB ports (for
Multimedia connections example, a smartphone and a USB flash drive),
all of these devices can be used as the playback
USB adapter cable source.
a USB adapter
> Connect the matching USB adapter to the Audi
music interface USB port and connect it to the
@/ sz mobile device, such as a smartphone.
Fig. 158 Audi Genuine Accessories: USB adapter
Mobile devices connected to the Audi music inter-
face can be started and operated using the MMI
=> page 212.
You can connect your mobile devices through the Disconnecting a mobile device from the Audi
Audi music interface to the MMI using the USB music interface
adapter and charge the battery at the same time. > Remove the USB adapter cable from the Audi
You can purchase the USB adapter cable from an music interface.
Ieee susie
Smart playlists
Last played tracks: the tracks that were dis-
played last are displayed.
You can control your podcasts through the MMI. and be sure to note the connectivity costs
section >© in General information on
> Select: a podcast > a podcast episode. page 182.
G) Tips
All available genres are displayed.
— Only the categories supported by the medi-
>» Select: a genre > an artist > an album > a song. um are available.
— For safety reasons, the video image is only
displayed when the vehicle is stationary. On-
All available video files are displayed. ly the sound from the video plays while driv-
> Press ona video.
-When synchronizing a portable device with
Tracks Cloud services, playlists may display incor-
rectly in the MMI. Use the media center in
All available tracks are displayed.
the device.
> Press ona track. — Applies to: iPod touch/iPhone: Note the in-
formation about the Audi music interface
and the supported devices > page 211.
All available albums are displayed.
@ Note
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect Infotainment
tele mitaraatelary
eo hic
Bina aeC a)
The Rock Band
Fig. 160 Center display: left side: playback view; right side: playlist
Symbol/Description Description
The media center categories are displayed based on the active
® oo
source > page 213.
Not all functions are available in every source You can search across all active sources, for ex-
and on every touch display. ample for tracks and video files.
Opening the search The following table gives an overview of the as-
Requirement: the selected source must support pect ratios. The possible aspect ratios depend on
the search function. the source or video file being played.
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen: Aspect ra-
MEDIA > Search. tio D
The MMI detects the picture for-
Entries that contain the entered search term are
Auto mat of the source and displays the
listed in the results list. Each result is marked
image in the optimal ratio.
with the symbol for a category in the media cen-
The image is fixed in the corre-
ter > page 213.
sponding ratio. Select one of these
You can search for the following categories: options if the image is distorted or
— Artists a section of the image is cut off or
— Albums blurry when Auto is selected.
— Tracks The image is enlarged to fill the en-
— Genres alah tire display.
— Videos The image is displayed in the ratio
of the source format. Select this
Options and settings Original option if the image is distorted or a
section of the image is cut off or
blurry when Auto is selected.
Context-dependent functions and settings may
be available depending on the selected source, Sse
the connected mobile device, and the connection
Accessing settings
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Requirement: the playback view must be dis-
played @ > page 214, fig. 160.
MEDIA > ©.
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the follow-
> Press More @)).
ing settings may be available:
Play more like this
Online additional data
The track currently playing is quickly analyzed for
Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the
features such as artist, genre, mood, and beat,
Internet. A data plan must be available
and a smart playlist with similar tracks will be
=> page 186.
When the function is switched on, additional in-
Aspect ratio
formation (such as album cover, artist, track) will
Audi recommends the Auto setting for the pic- be loaded depending on the availability from the
ture format. If you press on an aspect ratio, you different providers.
will see a preview of the setting on the screen.
Press OK to apply the selected aspect ratio.
Audio/video files
Audi music interface: mobile devices > page 211 such as iPhones,
MTP players, and USB storage devices in “USB Device Subclass 1 and
Supported media
6” that conform to USB 2.0: USB sticks, USB MP3 players (Plug-and-
Play capable), external USB flash drives, and hard drives
USB storage devices: exFAT, FAT, FAT32, NTFS.
File system USB storage device partitions (primary/logical*): 2 per USB connec-
Album cover: GIF, JPG, PNG with max. 800x800 px. The album cover
Metadata from the medium or from Gracenote®* is displayed, depending on
Playlists -M3U; .PLS; .WPL; .M3U8; .ASX
USB mass storage device: max. 50,000 files per medium; max. 1,000
Number of files
files per playlist/folder
Audio files
Format File extension
MPEG 1/2 Layer 3 -mp3
Up to maximum 320 kbit/s
Windows Media Audio 9/10
wins 48 kHz sampling frequencies
MPEG 2/4 .m4a; .m4b; .aac
Opus .OpuUS; .0gg; .oga
FLAC flac
ALAC .m4a 48 kHz sampling frequency
Monkey's Audio -ape
Video files
Format File extension
MPEG 1/2 -Mpg; .mpeg
MPEG4 AVC (H.264) .mp4; .m4v; .mov; .avi
up to maximum 15 Mbit/s and
Windows Media Video 9 wmv;
wn 35.asf 1920x1080 px at maximum 30 fps
MPEG-H (H.265/HEVC) -mp4; .mov
VP8/VP9 .webm
Flash video flv; fav
The information that follows lists some trouble-
shooting options. They depend on the equip-
Problem Solution
Audi music interface/Bluetooth Read the instructions in the chapter > page 211, Multimedia
audio player: the mobile device is connections/> page 210, Bluetooth audio player.
not supported.
Audi music interface: the mobile For many mobile phones or mobile devices, playback is not possi-
device is not recognized asa ble when the battery level is too low (less than 5% charge level).
source. The mobile device will only be recognized as a media source in
the MMI after connecting if the battery charge level is sufficient.
Audi music interface: malfunc- The Bluetooth audio player function is switched on. Switch this
tions during audio playback function off > page 222 when you are not using the Bluetooth
through an iPod touch/iPhone. audio player.
Audi music interface: audio play- Make sure the USB mode MTP is selected in the settings on your
back through the connected mo- mobile device.
bile device is not possible.
Bluetooth audio player: interfer- Playback interference can occur when using the Bluetooth audio
ence with track display and audio player if a music player app from a third party provider is open.
playback. Audi recommends using the integrated media player on your
Bluetooth device (such as a smartphone).
Audi smartphone interface
Audi smartphone interface
— The menu language shown in the MMIis — Usage of the Audi smartphone interface de-
based on the settings in your smartphone. pends on the availability of services through
— Some MMI functions are not available when third party providers.
there is an active Audi smartphone interface — Audi merely provides access to third party
connection. services through the MMI and does not as-
— You cannot connect any mobile devices via sume any responsibility for the content of
Bluetooth when an Audi smartphone inter- these services.
face connection is active.
Applies to: vehicles with Audi smartphone interface
Problem Solution
Audi smartphone Check the battery charge level on your smartphone.
interface cannot be | Check the USB cable and use a different one if necessary.
opened. Check if Android Auto or Apple CarPlay is available in the country where the vehi-
cle is being operated.
Android Auto: check if the Android Auto app is installed on your smartphone.
Connecting the Make sure that you are using the correct USB adapter and check if the USB
smartphone to the | adapter is connected correctly to your smartphone and the Audi music interface
MMI failed. => page 211.
Apple CarPlay: check if Apple CarPlay is activated on your iPhone.
Android Auto: check in the Android Auto app if Android Auto permits new
Wireless connection: open the settings for Bluetooth and Apple CarPlay on your
iPhone. Remove your vehicle. Open the connection manager in the MMI
= page 223. Delete your iPhone in the Telephone 1 and Audi smartphone inter-
face submenus. Repeat the connection process. Restart the MMI > page 20. Re-
start your iPhone.
The smartphone is | Make sure that you are using the correct USB adapter and check if the USB
not automatically adapter is connected correctly to your smartphone and the Audi music interface
detected. => page 211.
Check if the requirements needed to connect a smartphone have been met.
Additional settings
Additional settings
System settings Keyboard
See > page 24.
nition system.
set level when the MMI is switched on.
Additional settings
You can select a setting for visibility of the MMI ZA\ WARNING
to other Bluetooth devices. To connect a new
— Perform the installation only when the vehi-
Bluetooth device, the Visible setting must be se-
cle is stationary. Otherwise, this increases
lected. If Invisible is selected, a Bluetooth con-
the risk of an accident
nection will only be possible with paired devices.
— If the installation fails, contact an author-
If Off is selected, no Bluetooth device can be con-
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
Facility immediately to have the malfunction
Bluetooth audio player corrected.
Bluetooth name With the online system update, you can update
the software directly in the vehicle.
The MMI’s Bluetooth name is displayed and can
be changed. Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the
Internet > page 182, Audi connect.
Additional settings
Online system update: incomplete. Warning! > Press on a menu item, such as Telephone 1.
Vehicle functions limited > To search for and connect your mobile device,
press New connection = page 171.
If an error occurs when installing an online sys-
tem update, certain functions such as the emer- Selecting a connected device
gency call function may not be available. Drive to > Press on a menu item, such as Telephone 1.
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi > Press on the desired mobile device in the list of
Service Facility immediately to have the malfunc- displayed devices. The connection will be made.
tion corrected.
Disconnecting a connected device
Connected devices > Press on a menu item, such as Telephone 1.
> Press on the connected mobile device. The se-
Displayed connected devices
lected mobile device will be disconnected from
Requirement: the vehicle must be stationary and the MMI.
Additional settings
> Press and hold an element until the Options — About Audi connect
menu is displayed.
> Press Delete. ONT lad pela M nla
Applies to: vehicles with Audi smartphone interface
If a device is listed multiple times, it will be de-
leted from all menu items. Requirement: a smartphone must be connected
to the MMI > page 219.
Additional options
> Applies to: MMI: Select on the home screen:
Depending on the selected function, additional SETTINGS > Connected devices > Audi smart-
options may be available. phone interface.
> Press and hold an element until the Options
Requirement: the connected devices menu must
menu is displayed.
be displayed > page 223.
> Press Legal notes.
> Press ona menu item, such as Telephone 1.
> Press and hold an element until the Options
menu is displayed.
Requirement: the vehicle must be stationary and
Bluetooth profile the ignition must be switched on.
You can switch desired profiles on or off sepa- > Select in the instrument cluster: vehicle func-
rately in the MMI. tions tab > page 13.
Favorite > Press and hold the [=] button on the multifunc-
tion steering wheel until the display appears.
To set a paired mobile device as the default
phone, activate this function in the MMI. Possible options:
When the mobile device is in range and the Blue- — Engine code
tooth function on the mobile device and in the — Software information
MMI is switched on, the default phone will be — Version information
given priority over the other Bluetooth devices
and will be connected directly to the MMI.
Head-up display
Applies to: vehicles with head-up display
Legal information
Requirement: the vehicle must be stationary and
erreur) the ignition must be switched on. The head-up
display is switched off.
Information on the software licenses can be
found online at www.audi.com/softwareinfo. > To display the license text in the head-up dis-
play, press and hold the S? button @
Item elem tarts) => page 26, fig. 19 until the display appears.
Version information
Legal notes
Possible options:
— Software information
Additional information
Additional information
Brands and licenses
This manual does not contain any symbols, such
as ® or ™, to identify trademarks or registered
trademarks. However, the absence of these sym-
bols does not constitute a waiver of any rights as-
sociated with these names.
Checking and Filling
The headings below match the sticker in the fuel Gasoline with alcohol or MTBE (Methyl-Tert-
filler door (examples): Butyl-Ether)
You can use unleaded gasoline mixed with alco-
hol or MTBE (generally labeled as oxygenated
Regular/ MIN. RON 91 Regular
compounds) as long as the fuel meets the follow-
Use regular gasoline with minimum 87 AKI / ing conditions:
91 RON > ©.
Gasoline with methanol content (methyl alco-
Audi recommends using premium gasoline with hol or methanol)
minimum 91 AKI / 95 RON to achieve the rated — Anti-Knock Index is at least 87 AKI
horsepower and torque.
—No more than 3% methanol
UNLEADED FUEL ONLY PREMIUM MIN. (R — More than 2% solvent
+M)/2 91 / SUPER MIN. RON 95
Gasoline with ethanol content (ethyl alcohol or
Using premium gasoline with minimum 91 AKI / ethanol)
95 RON is recommended. — Anti-Knock Index is at least 87 AKI
If premium gasoline is not available, you can also —No more than 15% ethanol
use regular gasoline 87 AKI / 91 RON. However Gasoline with MTBE content
this does reduce the engine power slightly.
— Anti-Knock Index is at least 87 AKI
+M)/2 93 / SUPER PLUS MIN. RON 98
Gasoline adapted to the season
Using premium plus gasoline with at least 93
Many gasoline fuels are adapted to the seasons.
AKI / 98 RON is recommended.
When the season changes, refueling at high-traf-
If no premium plus gasoline is available, you can fic gas stations is recommended. It is more likely
also use premium gasoline with 91 AKI / 95 RON. that the gasoline will be suitable for the season
However this does reduce the engine power there.
@) Note
— Gasoline with methanol content that does
not meet the specified conditions may cause >
Checking and Filling
Gasoline additives
Fig. 161 Right rear side of the vehicle: opening the fuel
An important issue for many automobile manu- filler door
facturers is combustion residue in the engine
that results from the use of certain fuels.
— Only gasoline additives that have been ap- fuel filler neck.
proved by Audi may be used. > Begin fueling. Once the fuel pump nozzle turns
off the first time, the fuel tank is full. Donot =>
Checking and Filling
Checking and Filling
Catalytic converter
Checking and Filling
The indicator light can also turn on if the fuel fill- suddenly, even when the ignition is switched
er cap is not closed correctly > page 227). off.
— Never open the hood when there is steam or
Engine compartment coolant escaping from the engine compart-
ment, because there is a risk that you could
General information
be burned. Wait until no steam or coolant is
Special care is required if you are working in the escaping.
engine compartment — The cap on the coolant expansion tank must
never be opened when the coolant is hot.
For work in the engine compartment, such as The cooling system is under pressure. There
checking and filling fluids, there is a risk of in- is a risk of burns
jury, scalding, accidents, and burns. For this
—To protect your face, hands, and arms from
reason, follow all the warnings and general
hot steam or coolant, cover the cap with a
safety precautions provided in the following in-
thick cloth when opening.
formation. The engine compartment is a dan-
— Do not remove the engine cover under any
gerous area in the vehicle. > A.
circumstances. This increases the risk of
Explanation of warnings (sticker in the engine burns.
compartment): — Due to the risk of electric shock, never touch
— Select the “P” (Park) selector lever position. long hair can be caught in moving engine
— Allow the engine to cool. components. Before any work, always re-
move any jewelry and/or ties, tie back long
— Keep children away from the engine com-
hair, and make sure all clothing fits close
to the body to reduce the risk of anything
— Never spill fluids on a hot engine. These flu-
becoming caught in engine components.
ids (such as the freeze protection contained
— Pay attention to the following warnings list-
in the coolant) can catch fire.
ed when work on the fuel system or on the
— Avoid short circuits in the electrical system.
electrical equipment is required.
— Never reach into the radiator fan. The fan is
temperature-controlled and can turn on — Do not smoke.
Checking and Filling
— Never work near open flames. Opening and closing the hood
— Always have a working fire extinguisher
The hood is released from inside the vehicle.
— All work on the battery or electrical system
in your vehicle can result in injuries, chemi-
cal burns, accidents, or burns. Because of
this, all work must be performed only by an
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility.
— Limit your exposure to exhaust and chemi-
cals to as short a time as possible.
California Proposition 65 Warning:
— Engine exhaust, some of its constituents,
and certain vehicle components contain or
emit chemicals known to the State of Cali-
fornia to cause cancer and birth defects and
reproductive harm. In addition, certain flu-
ids contained in vehicles and certain prod-
ucts of component wear contain or emit
chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and birth defects or other ig. 166 Unlocked hood: lever
reproductive harm.
— Battery posts, terminals and related acces- Make sure the wiper arms are not raised up from
sories contain lead and lead compounds, the windshield. Otherwise the paint could be
chemicals known to the State of California damaged.
to cause cancer and reproductive harms.
Wash hands after handling. Opening the hood
> With the door open, pull the lever 2 below
0) Note the instrument panel in the direction of the ar-
When filling fluids, be sure not to add any flu- row > fig. 165.
ids to the wrong reservoirs. Otherwise severe > Raise the hood slightly > page 230.
malfunctions and engine damage will occur. » Press the lever > fig. 166 in the direction of the
arrow. This releases the hooks.
@ For the sake of the environment > Open the hood.
You should regularly check the ground under Closing the hood
your vehicle in order to detect leaks quickly. If
> Push the hood down until you override the
there are visible spots from oil or other fluids,
force of the struts.
bring your vehicle to an authorized Audi deal-
> Let the hood fall lightly into the latch. Do not
er or authorized Audi Service Facility to be
press it in. > /\.
B Warning! Hood is not locked. Stop vehicle
Checking and Filling
The hood latch is not locked correctly. Stop im- this, always check the hood after closing it
mediately and close the hood. to make sure it is latched correctly. The hood
is latched if the front corners cannot be lift-
— Never open the hood when there is steam or — If you notice that the hood is not latched
coolant escaping from the engine compart- while you are driving, stop immediately and
ment, because there is a risk that you could close it, because driving when the hood is
be burned. Wait until no steam or coolant is not latched increases the risk of an accident.
— For safety reasons, the hood must always be
latched securely while driving. Because of
Fig. 167 Typical location of the reservoir and the engine oil filler opening (example)
Observe the safety precautions > page 230. Coolant expansion tank (L) > page 237
a Brake fluid reservoir (OC) > page 238
Washer fluid reservoir (>) > page 242
Jump start points: (+) under the cover The coolant expansion tank and the engine oil
= page 241, Charging the 12 Volt vehicle filling opening may be located in different places
battery > page 280, Preparation within the engine compartment, depending on
Engine oil filler opening (%57) > page 234 the engine version.
() Sticker* for engine oil specifications
=> page 233
Checking and Filling
If you need to add engine oil, use an oil that is =) Please reduce oil level
listed on the sticker. The sticker is located at the There is too much oil in the engine and there is a
front of the engine compartment > page 232, risk of damaging the catalytic converter or en-
fig. 167. When using the engine oil listed on the gine. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or au-
sticker, you can adjust the oil level as often as thorized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
needed. engine oil extracted if necessary. Avoid high en-
If engine oil that meets the recommended speci- gine speeds, full acceleration, and heavy engine
fication is not available, in an emergency you loads.
may add a maximum of 1 quart (1 liter) of Bs Oil level sensor: oil change necessary. Please
ACEA C3 or API SN engine oil one time until the contact Service
next oil change.
Fuel has entered the engine oil. This will cause
For more information on the correct engine oil the engine oil level to rise slowly and the engine
for your vehicle, contact an authorized Audi deal- oil quality to decrease. Do not extract engine oil
er or authorized Audi Service Facility. Have the oil to reduce the level, because this will increase the
changed by an authorized Audi dealer or author- risk of engine damage. Drive to an authorized
ized Service Facility. Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility im-
mediately to have engine oil extracted.
G) Tips
& Oil level system: malfunction! Please con-
Audi recommends using engine oils provided
tact Service
by Audi Genuine Parts.
The sensor that checks the engine oil level has
malfunctioned. Drive immediately to an author-
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
Biturn off engine. Oil pressure too low ty to have the malfunction repaired.
Stop driving and switch the engine off. Check the 2 Oil pressure sensor: malfunction! Please
engine oil level > page 234. contact Service
— If the engine oil level is too low, add engine oil The sensor that checks the engine oil pressure
=> page 234. Only continue driving once the in- has malfunctioned. Drive immediately to an au-
dicator light turns off. thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
— If the engine oil level is correct and the indica- Facility to have the malfunction repaired.
tor light still turns on, turn the engine off and
i Please drive to warm up engine
do not continue driving. See an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as- Fuel has entered the engine oil, either due to low
sistance. outside temperatures or frequent short drives.
Drive until the engine is warm so that the fuel in
Applies to: vehicles with oil level warning
the engine oil will evaporate. Avoid high engine
2 Please add oil immediately.
speeds, full accelerating, and heavy engine loads
Stop driving and switch the engine off. Check the when doing this.
engine oil level > page 234 and add engine oil
immediately > page 234. (i) Tips
3 Add max. x qt (x J) oil. You can continue The oil pressure warning B is not an oil level
driving indicator. Always check the oil level regularly.
Checking and Filling
Checking the engine oil level — Under normal conditions, oil consumption
depends on the quality and viscosity of the
The engine oil level can be checked in the MMI.
oil, the engine RPM, the climate conditions,
Observe the safety precautions > page 230, Gen- and the road conditions. The dilution of oil
eral information. from condensation or fuel residue as well as
the age of the oil also play a role. Because
>» Park the vehicle on a level surface. engine wear increases with mileage, oil con-
> Shut the engine off when it is warm. sumption will increase again over time until
> Switch only the ignition back on. it may be necessary to replace worn compo-
> Wait approximately two minutes. nents.
> Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE- — Because all these variables play a role, it is
HICLE > Settings & Service > Oil level. not possible to define an oil consumption
> Read the oil level in the display. Add engine oil standard. Therefore, the oil level must be
if the bar in the oil level indicator is just below checked regularly.
“min” > page 234.
— If you believe that your engine has in-
creased its oil consumption, contact an au-
@) Note thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
If the engine oil level is too low or too high, Service Facility to determine the cause.
there is a risk of engine damage. Please note that an exact oil consumption
measurement must be done with the neces-
@) Tips sary care and accuracy and may take time.
The oil level indicator in the display is only an An authorized Audi dealer or authorized
informational display. If the oil level is too Audi Service Facility is trained in accurately
low, a minimum oil warning appears in the in- measuring the oil consumption.
strument cluster. Add oil and close the hood. — You can find information on engine oil and
The current oil level will be displayed on the engine oil capacities for the USA at www.
MMI the next time the ignition is switched on. audiusa.com/help/maintenance, or for Can-
ada at www.audi.ca/ca/web/en/
@) Tips customer-area/care-and-maintenance/
audi-service-schedules.html, or call
The engine oil consumption may be up to
0.5 quart/600 miles (0.5 liter/1,000 km), de-
pending on driving style and operating condi-
tions. In RS models, the oil consumption may Adding engine
be up to 0.8 qt/600 mi (0.8 L/1,000 km).
Checking and Filling
Checking and Filling
— Maintain enough distance when you are re- The coolant level is too low.
moving the oil drain plug. While doing this, Stop driving and switch the engine off. Check the
keep your forearm parallel to the ground to coolant level > page 237.
reduce the risk of hot oil dripping down your
— If the coolant level is too low, add coolant
— Drain the oil into a container designed for => page 237. Only continue driving once the in-
this purpose that is large enough to hold the dicator light turns off.
full amount of oil in your engine. |_| Coolant temperature: too high. Please let
— Engine oil is poisonous. Always store out of engine run while vehicle is stationary
reach of children.
Let the engine run at idle for a few minutes to
— Prolonged contact of used engine oil with
cool off, until the indicator light turns off.
the skin may cause skin damage. Always
wash oil off immediately with soap and wa- — If the indicator light does not turn off, do not
ter to protect your skin. continue driving the vehicle. See an authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
@) Note for assistance.
Do not mix any additives with the engine oil. || Coolant system: malfunction! Please turn
Additives may cause engine damage that is off engine
not covered by your New Vehicle Limited War-
Do not continue driving, shut the engine off, and
switch the ignition off.
@ For the sake of the environment — See an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
— Before changing the engine oil, make sure Audi Service Facility for assistance.
you can dispose of the used engine oil cor-
Coolant additive
— Engine oil must always be disposed of cor- The coolant additive is made of anti-freezing and
rectly. Do not dump it in the yard, in the for- corrosion protection agents. Only add the follow-
est, or in open water, river channels, or sew- ing coolant additives mixed with distilled water.
Coolant additive Specification
— Have your used engine oil recycled by bring-
Gl12evo TL774L
ing it to a used oil collection site or contact
a gas station. The amount of coolant additive that needs to be
mixed with water depends on the climate where
Cooling system the vehicle will be operated. If the coolant addi-
tive percentage is too low, the coolant can freeze
and damage the engine.
The engine cooling system is filled with a mixture Coolant Freeze protec-
of purified water and coolant additive at the fac- additive tion
tory. This coolant must not be not changed.
Warm min. 40% min. -13 °F
The coolant level is monitored using the g indi- regions max. 45% (25°)
cator light. However, occasionally checking the Cold min. 50% max. -40 °F
coolant level is recommended. regions max. 55% (-40 °C)
@) Note
& Turn off engine and check coolant level. See
— Before the start of winter, have an author-
owner's manual
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
Checking and Filling
Facility check if the coolant additive in your The coolant expansion tank for some engines is
vehicle matches the percentage appropriate located in the water drip tray under a cover. If
for the climate. This is especially important necessary, remove the cover that is located under
when driving in colder climates. the windshield wiper on the front passenger's
— If the G12evo coolant additive is not availa- side.
ble in an emergency, do not add any other > Check the coolant level in the coolant expan-
additive. You could damage the engine. If sion tank > page 232, fig. 167 using the outer
this happens, only use distilled water and markings (2) > fig. 169. The coolant level must
restore the correct mixture ratio with the be between the markings (2) when the engine is
specified coolant additive as soon as possi- cold. When the engine is warm it can be slight-
ble. ly above the upper marking.
— Only refill with new coolant. > Applies to: vehicles with 6-cylinder engine:
— Radiator sealant must not be mixed with There is a float located in the coolant expansion
the coolant. tank. Read the coolant level using the coolant
— You can continue driving if the permitted level float. When the engine is cold, the float
G12evo coolant additive was not added. must be located between the MIN marking and
However, go to an authorized Audi dealer or the edge of the filler opening on the coolant ex-
authorized Audi Service Facility immediately pansion tank.
to have the coolant replaced to reduce the > When you add coolant to the expansion tank,
risk of engine damage. please refer to > page 236, Cooling system.
— Due to the risk of engine damage, the cool-
Adding coolant
ing system should only be refilled by an au-
thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Requirement: there must be a residual amount of
Service Facility. An authorized Audi dealer or coolant in the expansion tank >@).
authorized Audi Service Facility can also pro- If you must add coolant, use a mixture of water
vide you with important information about and coolant additive. Audi recommends mixing
the recommended coolant additive. the coolant additive with distilled water.
Checking and Filling
and have the cooling system inspected. If the
cooling system is not leaking, coolant loss can re-
sult from the coolant boiling due overheating
and then being forced out of the cooling system.
— The engine compartment in any vehicle is a
potentially dangerous area. Stop the engine,
switch the ignition off, and allow the engine Fig. 170 Engine compartment: cap on brake fluid reservoir
@) Note Stop the vehicle and check the brake fluid level.
See an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Do not continue driving if the coolant expan-
Service Facility for assistance.
sion tank is empty. Do not add any coolant,
because air could enter the cooling system Changing the brake fluid
and damage the engine. See an authorized
Brake fluid should be changed at regular inter-
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility
vals. Have the brake fluid changed by an author-
for assistance.
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
ty. The authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility will inform you of the replace-
ment intervals.
— If the brake fluid level is below the MIN
marking, it can impair the braking effect and
driving safety, which increase the risk of an
Checking and Filling
accident. Do not continue driving. See an au- Switch off all electrical equipment that is not
thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi needed. If necessary, some equipment will be
Service Facility for assistance. switched off automatically. Vehicle functions or
— If the brake fluid is old, bubbles may form in driving stability may be limited. Drive to an au-
the brake system during heavy braking. This thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
could impair braking performance and driv- Facility immediately.
ing safety, which increases the risk of an ac- = Electrical system: low battery charge. Bat-
cident. tery will be charged while driving
— The brake fluid in your vehicle must meet
the standard VW 501 14 and is available at The starting ability may be impaired.
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized If this message turns off after a little while, the
Audi Service Facility. If this brake fluid is not vehicle battery has charged enough while driving.
available, another high-grade brake fluid of
If this message does not turn off, drive immedi-
equivalent quality may be used, and it must
ately to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
meet the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Stand-
Audi Service Facility.
ard (FMVSS) 116 DOT 4, Class 6.
@) Note
When there is an electrical system malfunc-
— If the brake fluid level is above the MAX
tion, vehicle functions may not work and driv-
marking, brake fluid may leak out over the
ing stability may be limited, which increases
edge of the reservoir and result in damage
the risk of an accident. Do not continue driv-
to the vehicle.
ing and switch the ignition off. See an author-
— Do not allow any brake fluid to come into
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
contact with the vehicle paint, because it
cility for assistance.
will corrode the paint.
Electrical system
lala Memecd)
If the = f B or = indicator light turns on,
there is a malfunction in the power supply, the Because of the complex power supply, all work on
battery, or the vehicle electrical system. batteries such as disconnecting, replacing, etc.,
should only be performed by an authorized Audi
= f B Electrical system: malfunction! Safely
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility > A\.
stop vehicle
Multiple batteries with different technologies
Do not continue driving and switch the ignition
may be installed in your vehicle:
off > A\. See an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility for assistance. — Vehicle battery (for example, for starting the
engine, basic power supply) > page 240, 12
= Electrical system: malfunction! Restart not
Volt vehicle battery or > page 241, Other bat-
possible. Please contact Service
tery types
If you switch the ignition off, you will not be able — Auxiliary battery (for example, for recuperation
to restart the vehicle. Vehicle functions or driving or optional equipment) > page 241, Other bat-
stability may be limited. Drive to an authorized tery types
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility im-
mediately. Not running the vehicle for long periods of
Checking and Filling
that the vehicle can still be started, the electrical so that it will not be destroyed by “freezing”
equipment will be limited or switched off. Some = page 241, Charging the 12 Volt vehicle
convenience functions, such as interior lighting battery.
or power seat adjustment, may not be available — There are electrical components under the
under certain circumstances. The convenience cargo floor behind a trim panel that warm
functions will be available again when you start up during operation. To reduce the risk of
the engine. the components overheating, do not store
objects such as blankets under the cargo
Even when electrical equipment is switched off,
floor. If the components overheat, they will
the equipment can still drain the battery if the
switch off temporarily. This will be indicated
vehicle is not driven for Long periods of time.
by a message that will be displayed in the
Deep draining results in a chemical reaction that
instrument cluster until the temperature re-
destroys the inside of the battery. The battery
turns to normal.
must be charged every month to prevent this
= page 241. Contact an authorized Audi dealer or
authorized Audi Service Facility for more infor- 12 Volt vehicle battery
Explanation of warnings:
Winter operation
Always wear eye protection.
Cold weather places an especially high load on
the 12 Volt vehicle battery. Have the battery Battery acid is highly corrosive. Always
checked by an authorized Audi dealer or author- wear protective gloves and eye protection.
ized Audi Service Facility before cold weather be-
® Fire, sparks, open flame, and smoking are
@) Note
— If the vehicle will be parked for long periods
of time, protect the battery against the cold
Checking and Filling
Explanation of warnings:
Fire, sparks, open flame, and smoking are
& forbidden.
Always keep children away from battery
@) acid and the battery.
@/ | Always follow the instructions in the oper-
fQ | ating manual.
— Never connect a charging cable or jump
start cable directly to the 12 Volt vehicle
battery. Only use the connections in the en-
Checking and Filling
The windshield washer reservoir © contains the You can check the remaining distance or time un-
cleaning solution for the windshield/rear win- til the next oil change or next inspection in the
dow* and the headlight washer system* Infotainment system.
> fig. 172, > page 232. The reservoir capacity Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE-
can be found in > page 300. HICLE > Settings & Service > Service intervals.
To reduce the risk of lime scale deposits on the
Resetting the indicator
spray nozzles, use clean water with low amounts
of calcium. Always add window cleaner to the wa- An authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
ter. When the outside temperatures are cold, an Service Facility will reset the service interval dis-
anti-freezing agent should be added to the water play after performing service.
so that it does not freeze.
Checking and Filling
@) Note
— Only reset the oil change indicator if the oil
was changed.
— Following the service intervals is critical to
maintaining the service life and value of
your vehicle, especially the engine. Even if
the mileage on the vehicle is low, do not ex-
ceed the time for the next service.
©) Rim diameter
Size of the rim diameter in inches.
the tires are installed according to
the running direction indicated on
the tire sidewall > page 279.
Hidden damage
Damage to tires and rims can of-
ten occur in locations that are hid-
den. Unusual vibrations in the ve-
hicle or pulling to one side may
indicate that there is tire damage.
Reduce your speed immediately. TIRE COLD TIRE PRESSURE
Check the tires for damage. If no FRONT
svanT | a KPA, BM PSI
damage is visible from the out- AnricRe |
ve secours |
Use the tire pressure specified for —Overloading can lead to loss of
a normal vehicle load when the vehicle control and increase
vehicle is partially loaded > table the risk of an accident. Read
on page 256. If driving the vehi- and follow the important safe-
cle when fully loaded, you must ty precautions in > page 257.
increase the tire pressure to the —The tire must flex more if the
maximum specified pressure > A. tire pressure is too low or if
Checking and correcting tire the vehicle speed or load are
pressure too high. This heats the tire up
too much. This increases the
> Check the tire pressure at least
risk of an accident because it
once per month and also check it
can cause the tire to burst and
before every long drive.
result in loss of vehicle con-
> Always check the tire pressure
when the tires are cold. Do not
—Incorrect tire pressure increas-
reduce the pressure if it increas-
es when the tires are warm. es tire wear and has a negative
>Refer to the sticker > fig. 176 effect on driving and braking
behavior, which increases the
for the correct tire pressure.
risk of an accident.
>Correct the tire pressure if nec-
@) Note
>Store the new tire pressure
> page 263 or » page 265. Replace lost valve caps to re-
> Check the pressure in the spare duce the risk of damage to the
tire (compact spare tire)*. Al- tire valves.
ways maintain the maximum
© For the sake of the envi-
temperature that is specified for ronment
the tire.
Tire pressure that is too low in-
creases fuel consumption.
Always adapt the tire pressure
to your driving style and the ve-
hicle load.
The “GVWR” includes the weight that less weight can be carried as
of the basic vehicle, all factory in- luggage.
stalled accessories, a full tank of The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
fuel, oil, coolant and other fluids and the Gross Axle Weight Rating
plus maximum load. The maxi- are listed on the safety compli-
mum load includes the number of ance sticker on the front end of
passengers that the vehicle is in- the driver's door.
tended to carry (“seating capaci-
ty”) with an assumed weight of Z\ WARNING
150 lbs. (68 kg) for each passen- Overloading a vehicle can cause
ger at a designated seating posi- loss of vehicle control, a crash
tion and the total weight of any or other accident, serious per-
luggage in the vehicle. If you tow sonal injury, and even death.
a trailer, the weight of the trailer —Carrying more weight than
hitch and the tongue weight of your vehicle was designed to
the loaded trailer must be includ- carry will prevent the vehicle
ed as part of the vehicle load. from handling properly and in-
The Gross Axle Weight Rating crease the risk of the loss of
(“GAWR’”) is the maximum load vehicle control.
that can be applied at each of the —The brakes on a vehicle that
vehicle’s two axles. has been overloaded may not
The fact that there is an upper be able to stop the vehicle
limit to your vehicle’s Gross Vehi- within a safe distance.
cle Weight Rating means that the —Tires on a vehicle that has
total weight of whatever is being been overloaded can fail sud-
carried in the vehicle (including denly, including a blowout and
the weight of a trailer hitch and sudden deflation, causing loss
the tongue weight of the loaded of control and a crash.
trailer) is limited. The more pas- —Always make sure that the to-
sengers in the vehicle or passen- tal load being transported -
gers who are heavier than the including the weight of a trail-
standard weights assumed mean er hitch and the tongue
weight of a loaded trailer -
does not make the vehicle 4. The resulting figure equals the
heavier than the vehicle’s available amount of cargo and
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating. luggage load capacity. For ex-
ample, if the “XXX” amount
Determining correct load equals 1400 lbs. and there will
Talis be five 150 lbs. passengers in
Use the example below to calcu- your vehicle, the amount of
late the total weight of the pas- available cargo and luggage
sengers and luggage or other load capacity is 650 lbs.
things that you plan to transport (1400-750 (5 x 150) = 650
so that you can make sure that
your vehicle will not be overload- 5. Determine the combined
ed. weight of luggage and cargo
being loaded on the vehicle.
Steps for Determining Correct That weight may not safely ex-
Load Limit
ceed the available cargo and
1. Locate the statement “THE luggage load capacity calculat-
PANTS AND CARGO SHOULD 6. If your vehicle will be towing a
NEVER EXCEED XXX KG OR XXX trailer, load from your trailer
LBS” on your vehicle’s placard will be transferred to your vehi-
(tire inflation pressure label) cle. Consult this manual to de-
=> page 254, fig. 176. termine how this reduces the
2. Determine the combined available cargo and luggage
weight of the driver and pas- load capacity of your vehicle.
sengers that will be riding in >Check the tire sidewall
your vehicle. (= page 245, fig. 173) to deter-
3. Subtract the combined weight mine the designated load rating
of the driver and passengers for a specific tire.
from “XXX” kilograms or “XXX”
pounds shown on the sticker Wheel bolts and rims
@) For the sake of the environment
Rims with a bolted rim ring* or with bolted wheel
Reinstall summer tires at the appropriate
covers* consist of multiple pieces. These compo-
time, because they provide better handling
nents were bolted together using special bolts
when roads are free of snow and ice. Summer
and a special procedure. You must not repair or
tires cause less road noise, tire wear, and fuel
disassemble them > A\.
with them. Remove the wheel covers* first. All passenger car tires must conform to Federal
Use coated snow chains. Safety Requirements in addition to these grades.
When using snow chains, it may be advisable The tread wear grade is a comparative rating
to limit the ESC > page 122. based on the wear rate of the tire when tested
under controlled conditions on a specified gov-
ernment test course.
Low-profile tires
Applies to: vehicles with low-profile tires For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one
and one half (1 1/2) times as well on the govern-
Compared to other tire/rim combinations, low-
ment course as a tire graded 100.
profile tires offer a wider tread surface and a
larger rim diameter with shorter tire sidewalls. The relative performance of tires depends upon
This results in an agile driving style. However, it the actual conditions of their use, however, and
may reduce the level of comfort and increase may depart significantly from the norm due to
road noise when driving on roads in poor condi- variations in driving habits, service practices and
tion. differences in road characteristics and climate.
For example: Tread wear 200, Traction AA, Tem- The traction grade assigned to this tire is
perature A. based on straight-ahead braking traction >
tests, and does not include acceleration, cor- even if under-inflation has not reached the level
nering, hydroplaning or peak traction charac- to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pres-
teristics. sure telltale.
only monitors the tire pressure you have stored. roads), the tire pressure monitoring system
Refer to the tire pressure label for the recom- indicator may be delayed.
mended tire pressure for your vehicle
=> page 254, fig. 176. (i) Tips
Tire tread circumference and vibration character- —The tire pressure monitoring system can al-
istics can change and cause a tire pressure warn- so stop working when there is an ESC mal-
ing if: function.
— Green: the current tire pressure and the speci- Storing new tire pressures
fied tire pressure are approximately the same. Applies to: vehicles with tire pressure monitoring system
— Yellow: the current tire pressure is lower than The tire pressure specifications must be stored
the specified tire pressure.
correctly for the tire pressure monitoring system
— Red: the current tire pressure is much lower to function reliably.
than the specified tire pressure.
It is always necessary to store the tire pressures
The specified tire pressure is the last tire pressure
when the tire pressures are modified, for exam-
that was stored > page 265.
ple due to a change in load or when new sensors
Note that the tire pressure also depends on the are installed.
temperature of the tire. The tire pressure increas-
> Before storing the tire pressures, make sure the
es as the engine becomes warmer while driving.
tire pressures of all four tires meet the speci-
Z\ WARNING fied values and are adapted to the load
=> page 254, fig. 176. Only correct and store
Read and follow the important information the pressure in tires whose temperature is ap-
and notes > page 264. proximately the same as the ambient tempera-
ture. If the temperature of the tire is higher
@ Tips than the ambient air temperature, the tire
The tire pressure or temperature is not dis- pressure must be increased approximately
played while the vehicle is stationary and in 3 PSI (0,2 bar) above the value on the sticker.
> Switch the ignition on.
» Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE- — Using snow chains can affect the function of
HICLE > Settings & Service > Tire pressure the system because of the shielding effect of
monitoring > Store tire pressure > Yes, store the chains.
now. — The tire pressure monitoring system is not
> If the changed tire pressures are not displayed available due to a malfunction.
on the MMI, drive the vehicle for approximately — Transmitters with the same frequency, such as
10 minutes so that the sensor signal from the headphones or remote-controlled devices, may
wheels is received again. cause a temporary system malfunction due to
the strong electromagnetic field.
During this adaptation phase, --.-- is displayed
for the pressure and temperature and the tire The ia indicator light and the message turn off
pressure monitoring system is only partially once the tire pressure monitoring system is avail-
available. It only provides a warning if one or able again. If you cannot correct the malfunction
more tire pressures is below the minimum per- and the iis indicator light stays on, drive imme-
mitted specified pressure. diately to an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility to have the malfunction
@ Tire pressure: wheel change detected. Please
check all tires and store pressures in MMI
Read and follow the important information
and notes > page 264.
Applies to: vehicles with tire pressure monitoring system
Care and cleaning
Care and cleaning side windows, doors, the hood, the luggage com-
partment lid, or the panoramic glass roof* or at
General information tires, rubber hoses, insulating material, the pow-
er top*, sensors*, or camera lenses*. Keep a dis-
Regular, proper care helps to maintain your vehi-
tance of at least 16 inches (40 cm).
cle's value. It can also be a requirement when
submitting warranty claims for corrosion damage Do not remove snow and ice with a pressure
and paint defects on the body. washer.
The required cleaning and care products can be Never use cone nozzles or high pressure nozzles.
obtained from an authorized Audi dealer or au-
The water temperature must not be above 140 °F
thorized Service Facility. Read and follow the in-
(60 °C).
structions for use on the packaging.
Automatic car wash
ZA\ WARNING Spray off the vehicle before washing.
— Using cleaning and care products incorrectly
Make sure that the windows, the panoramic glass
can be dangerous to your health.
roof*, and the power top” are closed and the
— Always store cleaning and care products out
windshield wipers are off. Make sure that the ve-
of reach of children to reduce the risk of poi-
hicle is still able to roll during the washing proc-
ess in the car wash. Follow instructions from the
car wash operator, especially if there are accesso-
@ For the sake of the environment
ries attached to your vehicle.
— Purchase environmentally-friendly cleaning
products if possible. If possible, use car washes that do not have
— Do not dispose of cleaning and care prod- brushes.
ucts with household trash. Washing by hand
Clean the vehicle starting from the top and work-
Car washes ing downward using a soft sponge or cleaning
The longer that deposits such as insects, bird brush. Use solvent-free cleaning products.
droppings, tree sap or road salt remain on the ve-
Washing vehicles with matte finish paint by
hicle, the more the surface can be damaged. High hand
temperatures such as those caused by sunlight
increase the damaging effect. To reduce the risk of damaging the paint when
washing, first remove dust and large particles
Before washing, rinse off heavy deposits with from your vehicle. Insects, grease spots, and fin-
plenty of water. gerprints are best removed with a special cleaner
Stubborn deposits such as bird droppings or tree for matte finish paint.
sap are best removed with plenty of water and a Apply the product using a microfiber cloth. To re-
microfiber cloth. duce the risk of damaging the paint surface, do
Also, wash the underside of your vehicle once not use too much pressure.
road salt stops being used for the season. Rinse the vehicle thoroughly with water. Then
clean using a neutral shampoo and a soft micro-
Pressure washers
fiber cloth.
When washing your vehicle with a pressure wash-
er, always follow the operating instructions pro- Rinse the vehicle thoroughly again and let it air
vided with the pressure washer. This is especially dry. Remove any water residue using a chamois.
important in regard to the pressure and spraying
distance. Do not aim the spray directly at seals on
Care and cleaning
Exterior cleaning
Component Situation Solution
Windshield wiper | Deposits Soft cloth with glass cleaner, > page 67
Headlights/ Deposits Soft sponge with a mild soap solution® >
tail lights
Care and cleaning
Care and cleaning
Interior cleaning
Component Situation Solution
Window glass Deposits Glass cleaner, then wipe dry
Decorative parts {Deposits Mild soap solution®
Care and cleaning
a) Mild soap solution: maximum two tablespoons of neutral soap in 1 quart (1 liter) of water
Care and cleaning
Care and cleaning
Emergency assistance
Applies to: vehicles with vehicle jack in the storage bag
Emergency assistance
> Select the “P” position. drink a lot of water. Do not induce vomiting.
> Check if a repair with the tire mobility kit is pos- Seek medical attention immediately.
sible > page 275. — Change your clothing immediately if it
comes into contact with tire sealant.
Using the tire ia —If an allergic reaction occurs, seek medical
Applies to: vehicles with tire mobility kit attention immediately.
— Keep the tire sealant away from children.
— In vehicles with a tire pressure monitoring
system*, using tire sealant can result in an
incorrect display or a system malfunction.
Drive carefully to the nearest authorized
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
@ Tips
Fig. 178 Tire: tire damage that cannot be repaired — If sealant leaks, allow it to dry in place. You
can then peel it off like a sticker.
The tire repair is only meant for temporary use. — Note the expiration date on the sealant bot-
Change the damaged tire as soon as possible tle. Replace the tire sealant at an authorized
>A. Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
If the tire is pierced by an object such as a nail,
do not remove the object from the tire.
— Radio reception can be interrupted when
operating the compressor.
The tire mobility kit can be used at temperatures — Follow the legal regulations that are appli-
as low as -4 °F (-20 °C). cable in the country where you are operating
the vehicle.
The tire mobility kit must not be used:
—If the tire has cuts or punctures that are larger
than 0.16 in (4 mm) @ & fig. 178
— If the rim is damaged (@)
— If you have driven with very low tire pressure or
without air in the tire @)
See an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility for assistance in these situations.
— Please note that the tire mobility kit cannot
be used in all situations, and that it may on-
ly be used temporarily.
— The tire sealant must not come in contact
with skin, eyes, or clothing.
— If tire sealant comes into contact with your
eyes or your skin, thoroughly rinse the af-
fected area immediately with clean water.
Emergency assistance
> Inflate the tire to between 29 psi (200 kPA)
and 36 psi (250 kPA) and read the pressure on
the gauge.
> If this tire pressure is not reached, remove the
filler hose. Drive slowly approximately 33 feet
(10 m) forward or in reverse so that the sealant
can be distributed in the tire. Inflate the tire
again > A\.
— Read and follow the manufacturer's safety
precautions on the compressor and in the in-
structions on the bottle of sealant.
— Ifa tire pressure of 29 psi (200 kPA) cannot
reached after inflating for 6 minutes, then
the tire is too severely damaged. Do not con-
tinue driving.
— If the tire cannot be repaired with the tire
sealant, see an authorized Audi dealer or au-
Fig. 180 Tire mobility kit connection
thorized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
Requirement: the tire mobility kit must be laid
out and ready for use > page 274. (i) Tips
Do not operate the compressor for more than
Setting up the tire mobility kit
six minutes continuously, or it can overheat.
> Open the cover @) on the compressor) Once the compressor has cooled, you can con-
> fig. 179. tinue to use it.
> Remove the connector (4) and pressure hose (5)
from the housing. (eye) Clalare)
> Connect the compressor pressure hose (5) to Applies to: vehicles with tire mobility kit
the flange © on the tire sealant bottle @.
> Insert the sealant bottle with the flange at the > Affix the sticker that says "max. 50 mph (max.
bottom into the opening @) on the compressor. 80 km/h)" that is provided with the tire mobili-
> Remove the valve cap from the faulty tire. ty kit within the driver's field of vision.
> Connect the filler hose (8) to the valve (7) > Stop the vehicle after driving for about 10 mi-
© fig. 180. nutes and check the tire pressure.
> Connect the plug @ ° fig. 179 to an outlet in > If the tire pressure is lower than 19 psi (130
the vehicle. kPA), then the tire is too severely damaged. Do
> Switch the ignition on. not continue driving.
Emergency assistance
Pay attention to the following after repairing
the tire:
— Do not drive faster than 50 mph (80 km/h).
— Avoid hard acceleration or braking and driv-
ing fast around curves.
— The vehicle may become more difficult to
— If the tire is too severely damaged, see an
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility for assistance. Fig. 181 Wheel: wheel bolts with caps
@ For the sake of the environment > Slide the plastic clip from the vehicle tool kit
onto the cap until it engages > fig. 181.
You can give the used tire sealant bottle to an
>» Remove the cap with the plastic clip.
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility for disposal.
Loosening the wheel bolts
@ Tips
Remember to obtain a new bottle of sealant x©
from an authorized Audi dealer or authorized a
Changing a tire
> Read and follow the important safety precau- > Slide the wheel wrench* from the vehicle tool
tions > page 274. kit all the way onto the wheel bolt.
>» Set the parking brake. > Turn the wheel bolt approximately one turn to
> Select the “P” position. the left. To achieve the required torque, hold
>» When towing a trailer: disconnect the trailer the end of the wheel wrench*. If the wheel bolt
from your vehicle. will not loosen, press carefully on the wheel
> Lay out the vehicle tool kit > page 274 and the wrench* with your foot. Hold onto the vehicle
spare tire > page 280. securely while doing this and make sure your
> Switch the ignition off. footing is stable.
The vehicle must also be secured to prevent it To reduce the risk of an accident, only loosen
from rolling when using the vehicle jack”. Use the wheel bolts gently one turn before raising
suitable objects to block the front and back of the vehicle with the vehicle jack*.
the wheel that is diagonal from the wheel
with the flat tire.
Emergency assistance
— Make sure the vehicle jack is stable. The risk
of injury is increased when the ground is
slippery or soft, because the vehicle jack
could slide or sink.
— Only raise your vehicle with the vehicle jack
provided by the factory. If you use a vehicle
jack designed for another vehicle, your vehi-
cle could slip and cause injury.
— Position the vehicle jack only at the desig-
nated mounting points on the side sill and
align the jack. Otherwise, the vehicle jack
could slip and cause an injury if it does not
have sufficient hold on the vehicle.
—To reduce the risk of injury, do not raise any
other vehicles or other loads using the vehi-
cle jack provided by the factory.
—To reduce the risk of an accident, never start
the engine when the vehicle is raised.
Fig. 184 Sill: positioning the vehicle jack —To reduce the risk of injury, no work should
be performed under the vehicle while it is
> Place the vehicle jack from the vehicle tool kit raised.
ona firm surface. Use a flat, stable support if
necessary. On a slippery surface such as tile, () Note
you should use a non-slip pad such as a rubber Do not lift the vehicle by the sill. Position the
mat > /\. vehicle jack only at the designated mounting
> Find the marking on the sill that is closest to points on the side sill. Otherwise, your vehicle
the tire that will be changed > fig. 183. Behind could be damaged.
the marking, there is a lifting point on the side
sill for the vehicle jack.
> Turn the handwheel to raise the vehicle jack un-
der the lifting point on the side sill until the
bracket on the jack @) completely covers the
notch on the vehicle.
> Align the vehicle jack so the bracket (@) covers
the notch and the base (2) is flat on the ground.
The base (2) must be directly under the mount-
ing point @.
> Mount the crank on the vehicle jack: insert the
crank into the opening on the handwheel. Turn
the crank to the left or right to secure it.
> Continue raising the vehicle jack with the crank
until the wheel lifts off the ground slightly.
Emergency assistance
Removing and installing a wheel > Carefully lower the vehicle using the vehicle
Tt > Tighten the wheel bolts in a diagonal pattern
“ using the wheel wrench*.
— Read and follow the important information
and notes under > page 251.
— Never use the hex socket in the screwdriver
handle or the hex socket wrench with the
ratchet to loosen or tighten the wheel bolts.
This increases the risk of an accident, be-
cause you will not be able to achieve the cor-
rect tightening specification.
o Note
When removing or installing the wheel, the
rim could hit the brake rotor and damage the
Removing a wheel rotor. Work carefully and have a second per-
son help you.
> Remove the top wheel bolt completely using
the hex socket in the screwdriver handle from
the vehicle tool kit > fig. 185 and place it ona Unidirectional tires
clean surface.
A unidirectional tire profile is identified by arrows
> Then install the alignment pin from the vehicle
on the tire sidewall that point in the running di-
tool kit by hand in the empty wheel bolt hole
rection. You must always maintain the specified
> fig. 186”.
running direction. This is necessary to ensure the
> Remove the rest of the wheel bolts.
tire's optimal performance in regard to adhesion,
> Remove the wheel >(). The alignment pin re-
running noise, and friction, and to reduce the risk
mains in the hole while doing this.
of hydroplaning.
Installing a wheel To benefit fully from the advantages of the uni-
Read the directions on > page 279 when instal- directional tire design, you should replace faulty
ling unidirectional tires. tires as soon as possible and restore the correct
running direction on all of the tires.
> Slide the wheel on over the alignment pin >@.
> Install the wheel bolts and tighten them gently
using the hex socket.
> Remove the alignment pin and tighten the re-
maining wheel bolt.
Emergency assistance
The spare tire is intended for short-term use only. Jump starting
Have the damaged tire checked and replaced if
necessary by an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility as soon as possible. You should only perform the steps that follow if
you have the necessary tools and technical ex-
There are some restrictions on the use of the pertise.
compact spare tire. The compact spare tire has
been designed specifically for your type of vehi- If the engine does not start because the vehicle
cle. Do not replace it with the spare tire from an- battery is drained, you can jump start your vehi-
other type of vehicle. cle using another vehicle. Jump start cables are
needed to do this.
The compact spare tire is located in the luggage
compartment under the cargo floor cover Both vehicle batteries must have 12 V nominal
=> page 274. voltage. The voltage capacity (Ah) of the vehicle
battery that is giving power must not be less
The tire pressure must be adjusted to a specified
than the capacity of the drained vehicle battery.
value listed on the tire pressure sticker
= page 254, fig. 176. Jump start cable
Snow chains Only use a jump start cable with a large enough
diameter. Note the manufacturer's specifica-
For technical reasons, the use of snow chains on
the compact spare tire is not permitted.
Only use a jump start cable with insulated termi-
If you have to drive with snow chains and a front
nal clamps.
tire fails, mount the spare tire in place of a rear
tire. Install the snow chains on the rear tire that Positive cable - usually red.
Emergency assistance
— A drained battery can freeze at tempera-
tures around 32 °F (0 °C). If the vehicle bat-
tery is frozen, it must be thawed before con-
necting the jump start cables. If it is not,
the risk of an explosion and chemical burns
increases. After jump starting the vehicle,
drive to an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility immediately to
Fig. 188 Engine compartment: connectors for jump start
have the vehicle battery checked. cables or a charger
— Read the warnings when working in the en-
gine compartment > page 230. The jump start cable connections are located in
— Handling the jump start cables incorrectly the engine compartment.
may cause the vehicle battery to explode
Follow the information about the vehicle battery
and lead to serious injuries.
=> page 239.
Emergency assistance
> With the engines running, remove the cables in cumstances. Inexperienced drivers should not
reverse order of the way they were installed. tow.
> Close the cover on the positive terminal.
Notes on towing
Emergency assistance
(50 km), then transport the vehicle on a can use the turn signals, the horn, and the
special carrier. windshield wipers if needed > A\.
— If the vehicle is towed by a tow truck at the > Switching it off before the vehicle has stopped
axle that is not permitted, this can cause se- may impair the function of the brake booster
vere damage to the transmission. and power steering. You would then need to
— The vehicle must not be tow started for use more force to steer and brake the vehicle.
technical reasons. > Release the parking brake > page 114.
> Select the “N” selector lever position.
@® Tips > Make sure the towing cable is always taut.
— If the power supply is interrupted, then it
will not be possible to move the selector JN WARNING
lever out of the "P" position. The parking — Never tow a vehicle using a tow bar or tow-
lock must be released using the emergency ing cable if the vehicle does not have electri-
release before towing the vehicle cal power.
=> page 108. — If the vehicle runs out of power while it is
— Switch Audi pre sense* off > page 155 when being towed, stop towing the vehicle imme-
loading the vehicle onto a vehicle carrier, diately and consult an authorized Audi deal-
train, ship, or other type of transportation, er or qualified repair facility.
or when towing the vehicle. This can prevent
an undesired intervention from the pre
Rear towing loop
sense* system.
— Follow the local legal regulations for tow-
> Only secure the towing cable or tow bar at the
designated towing loop > page 283.
> Make sure the towing cable is not twisted. Oth-
erwise it could disconnect from the towing loop
while towing.
> Switch the emergency flashers on in both
vehicles > page 61. However, do not do this if it
prohibited by law.
> Make sure the ignition is switched on so that > Remove the towing loop from the vehicle tool
the steering wheel is not locked and so that you kit > page 274. >
Emergency assistance
Fuses and bulbs
Do not repair fuses and never replace a blown
Fuses and bulbs
@) Note Ss$
If a new fuse burns out again shortly after you 8
G@) Tips
— The following table does not list fuse loca-
tions that are not used.
— Some of the equipment listed in the follow-
ing tables applies only to certain model ver-
sions or certain optional equipment.
=& Fig. 194 Front passenger's footwell (right-hand drive vehi-
cle): fuse panel with plastic clip
Fuse panel
No. | Equipment
Catalytic converter heating
2 |Engine components
Exhaust doors, fuel injectors, radiator in-
let, crankcase housing heating
Vacuum pump, hot water pump, NOx sen-
4 |sor, particulate sensor, biodiesel sensor,
exhaust doors
Brake light sensor
6 | Engine valves, camshaft adjustment
Heated oxygen sensors, mass airflow sen-
sor, water pump
Fig. 193 Driver's footwell (left-hand drive vehicle): fuse Water pump, high pressure pump, high
panel with plastic clip 8 | pressure regulator valve, temperature
valve, engine mount
Hot water pump, motor relay, 48 V drive-
train generator, 48 V water pump
10 | Oil pressure sensor, oil temperature sensor
Clutch position sensor, 48 V drivetrain
11 | generator, water pump, 12 V drivetrain
12 | Engine valves, engine mount
13 | Engine cooling
Fuses and bulbs
Fuse panel
(4) (brown) Fuse panel © (black)
14 | Fuel injectors, engine control module 1 Left rear door control module, left rear
15 |Ignition coils, heated oxygen sensors power window
16 | Fuel pump 12 | Parking heater
Fuse panel
@) (red) Fuse panel (0) (black)
No. | Equipment No. | Equipment
Anti-theft alarm system Front seat electronics, seat ventilation,
2. [Engine control module rearview mirror, rear climate ‘control sys-
1 |tem control panel, neck heating, front pas-
3 Left front seat electronics, lumbar sup- senger's airbag warning light, diagnostic
port, massaging seat connection
Fuse panel
© (black) Fuse panel © (red)
No. | Equipment No. | Equipment
1 |Front seat heating 1 | Ignition coils
Fuses and bulbs
Fuse assignment - Driver's side of the Fuse assignment - Left side of the luggage
(ole 4) g compartment
Fig. 195 Driver side cockpit: fuse panel with plastic bracket
Fuse panel
No. | Equipment
1 Convenience access and start authoriza-
tion control module
2. | Audi phone box, USB input
4 |Head-up display
5S |Audi music interface, USB input
6 | Front climate control system control panel cian othe luggage comparimen’: fuse pane!
7 |Steering column lock
8 | Center display Fuse panel (@) (black)
9 |Instrument cluster No. | Equipment
10 | Volume control 2 |Windshield defroster
11 | Light switch, switch module 3 | Windshield defroster
12 | Steering column electronics 5 |Suspension control
14 | Infotainment system 6 |Automatic transmission
16 Steering column electronics, steering 7 |Rear window defogger
wheel heating 8 |Rear seat heating
9 | Left tail lights
10 Airbag control module
Luggage compartment lid lock, fuel filler
a door lock, convenience system control
12 Luggage compartment lid
Fuses and bulbs
Fuse panel
© (brown) Your vehicle is equipped with maintenance-free
headlights and tail lights. However, if a light bulb
2 | Audi phone box, safety belt microphone
needs to be replaced, please contact an author-
Right front seat electronics, lumbar sup-
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facili-
3 port, massaging seat
4 |Side assist
6 Interior monitoring, anti-theft alarm sys- ZX WARNING
tem, tire pressure monitoring system If you still would like to try replacing the
7 Convenience access and start authoriza- bulbs in your vehicle yourself, read the warn-
tion control module ings regarding working in the engine compart-
8 | Auxiliary heating, tank module ment > A\ in General information on
page 230.
9 | Power top control module
TV tuner, data exchange and telematics
@) Note
a control module
Make sure the covers are fitted correctly on
11 | Auxiliary battery control module
the headlight and tail light so that no water
12 | Garage door opener will leak in from the outside and the light
13 | Rearview camera, peripheral cameras function will not be impaired.
14 | Right tail lights
16 | Airbag control module
Fuse panel
(£) (red)
No. | Equipment
Right neck heating
MW) R] W]e
Exhaust treatment
Power top control module
Right trailer hitch light
Trailer hitch
Left trailer hitch light
Trailer hitch socket
All wheel drive control module, sport dif-
11 | Exhaust treatment
Replacing bulbs
LED lights*
Data privacy
Data privacy
— How various systems in your vehicle were oper- of Audi connect remote vehicle services, and
ating; adaptation to customer expectations. For exam-
— Whether or not the driver and passenger safety ple, various technical function data, environmen-
belts were buckled/fastened; tal data, driving data, and usage data will be col-
— How far (if at all) the driver was depressing the lected for a specific purpose and forwarded to
accelerator and/or brake pedal; and, Audi. The data will be sent from the vehicle at
— How fast the vehicle was traveling. the time the data was collected.
These data can help provide a better understand- Applies to: MMI: You can find additional informa-
ing of the circumstances in which crashes and in- tion about data collection in the MMI. Select on
juries occur. NOTE: EDR data are recorded by your the home screen: SETTINGS > General > Legal
vehicle only ifa non-trivial crash situation occurs; notes > About Audi connect.
no data are recorded by the EDR under normal If you would like to deny data transmission to
driving conditions and no personal data (e.g. Audi, contact an authorized Audi dealer or au-
name, gender, age, and crash location) are re- thorized Audi Service Facility for more informa-
corded. However, other parties, such as law en- tion. You also have the option to deactivate data
forcement, could combine the EDR data with the transmission within the privacy settings.
type of personally identifying data routinely ac-
quired during a crash investigation.
Privacy settings
To read data recorded by an EDR, special equip- Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect
ment is required, and access to the vehicle or the
> Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen:
EDR is needed. In addition to the vehicle manu-
SETTINGS > Privacy settings.
facturer, other parties, such as law enforcement,
that have the special equipment, can read the in- When using Audi connect services or during data
formation if they have access to the vehicle or the collection, data will be transmitted from the ve-
EDR. hicle.
> To display additional information about the pri-
Data usage
vacy settings and the associated symbols in the
Audi can read out the information stored in the status bar, press @ in the MMI.
data memories or similar data, or give this infor-
mation to third parties, especially in the follow- Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
ing situations: Setting the maximum privacy settings
— If the vehicle owner or lessee agrees When the Activate privacy mode function is
— If there is an official request from the police switched on, the data connection is deactivated
— Ifa court or authorities request it or sending of data is restricted, but all safety-re-
If legally permitted, Audi can also use the data lated, legal, or contractually required Audi con-
for analysis of vehicle operation and safety per- nect services remain activated. The majority of
formance or provide this data to third parties for the Audi connect services are deactivated.
research purposes. When the function is switched off, the data con-
nection will be available in order to use Audi con-
Transmitted information nect services.
Data privacy
You can also deactivate individual services for vated by the key user, then they will re-
your vehicle at my.audi.com if you are logged into main available without restrictions and
the vehicle as the key user > page 31. These de- continue to transmit data.
activated services will not be available in the ve- — Stored destinations (favorites, last desti-
hicle. For additional information, visit my.audi. nations) are only stored in the vehicle. If
com.) you allow transmission of data again,
these destinations will be synchronized via
@) Note the myAudi account. To prevent synchroni-
You are responsible for all precautions taken zation of destinations, delete the destina-
for data protection, anti-virus protection, and tions before you allow data to be trans-
protection against loss of data on mobile de- mitted again.
vices that are used to access the Internet
through the Wi-Fi hotspot.
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect Infotainment
G) Tips
Audi collects, uses, stores and shares your per-
— The following interfaces are not affected by sonal information, such as contact data, vehicle
changes to the privacy settings: Bluetooth, data, usage data, driving data and precise geolo-
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi, Audi cation, in order to provide you with the products
smartphone interface (ASI), Near Field
and services you have purchased or requested,
Communication (NFC), charging communi- and for a number of other purposes, for example,
cation (high-voltage system), Electronic Toll
to track quality issues, to performance and safe-
Collect (ETC), On-Board Diagnostic System ty, to meet our internal compliance or legal re-
(OBD) if equipped. quirements and to market to customers and po-
— If the maximum privacy settings are switch- tential customers. For a more complete list of
ed on, your vehicle may not receive security the data we collect, how we use it and with
updates and certificates for establishing an whom we share it, please visit your Audi nation-
encrypted connection, depending on vehicle al/sales region website at www.audi.com.
equipment. In order to receive security up-
dates and certificates, switch the maximum The collection, use and sharing may vary depend-
privacy settings off for at least ten minutes ing on your model and model year, your subscrip-
every six months. Make sure that your vehi- tion status, or the service offering. For example,
cle is connected to the Internet. A symbol in collection, use and sharing may vary between
the MMI status bar indicates if the required Audi connect services, if you have designated a
data connection is available > page 23. key user, or if you are driving a model equipped
— If the transmission of data is limited, it will with persistent data logging. Please review the
have the following effects on the exchange complete Privacy Statement to understand our
of data for Audi connect services and emer- data handling practices with respect to a particu-
gency calls, if equipped: lar service.
— The emergency call function will remain You can find additional information about our da-
available without restrictions and will con- ta privacy practices in your MMI.
tinue to transmit data.
> Applies to: MMI: On the home screen, select:
— If an online roadside assistance call is ini-
SETTINGS > General > Legal notes > About
tiated, no data will be transmitted, but a
Audi connect.
call will be made.
— If the Geofencing Alert, Speed Alert, Information about our privacy practices in con-
and/or Valet Alert services have been acti- junction with the mobile Audi connect
D_ In certain countries
Data privacy
Accessories and technical changes
Accessories and technical changes
Usually maintenance and repair work requires — Never perform any work in the engine com-
special tools, measuring devices, and other partment unless you know exactly how to
equipment that is available to trained vehicle carry out the job and have the correct tech-
technicians in order to help ensure that your vehi- nical information and the correct tools.
cle and all of its systems operate correctly, relia- — If you are uncertain about what to do, have
bly, and safely. Performing work on the vehicle the work performed by an authorized Audi
incorrectly can impair the operation and reliabili- dealer, an authorized Audi Service Facility,
ty of your vehicle and may void one or more of or another qualified workshop. Serious per-
your vehicle's warranties. sonal injury may result from improperly per-
formed work.
Technical Modifications
Interference with electronic components, their @) Note
software, the wiring, and data transfer may cause
— Maintenance work, repairs, or technical
malfunctions. Because of the way electronic com-
modifications to the vehicle (such as instal-
ponents are interconnected, such malfunctions
ling additional equipment) that is not per-
can also impair systems that are not directly in-
formed correctly can cause vehicle damage.
volved. This means that you risk both a substan-
— If emergency repairs must be performed,
tial reduction in the operational safety of your ve-
take your vehicle to an authorized Audi deal-
hicle and increased wear of vehicle components.
er or authorized Audi Service Facility as soon
Some convenience functions, such as the conven- as possible.
ience turn signal function, individual door open- — Audi is not liable for damage to the vehicle
ing function, and displays, can be reprogrammed resulting from failure to comply with these
using special workshop equipment. If functions guidelines.
are reprogrammed, the information and descrip-
tions about these functions in this Owner's Man- @) For the sake of the environment
ual may no longer apply to the changed func-
— Regular maintenance can help protect the
tions. Audi recommends that an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility perform
— Technical modifications to the vehicle can
and verify any reprogramming procedures.
have a negative impact on fuel consumption
Maintenance work, repairs, or technical modi- @) For the sake of the environment
fications to the vehicle (such as installing ad-
Certain components in your vehicle such as
ditional equipment) that is not performed
undeployed airbag modules, pretensioners
correctly can cause serious injuries and in-
and remote control batteries may contain Per-
crease the risk of an accident.
chlorate Material - special handling may ap-
ply, See www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/
Z\ WARNING perchlorate. When the vehicle or parts of the
The engine compartment in any motor vehicle restraint system including airbag modules
is a potentially dangerous area and can cause and safety belts with pretensioners are scrap-
serious personal injury. ped, all applicable laws and regulations must
— Always use extreme caution when doing any be observed. Your authorized Audi dealer is
work in the engine compartment. Always familiar with these requirements and we rec-
follow commonly accepted safety practices ommend that you have your dealer perform
and use common sense. Never risk personal this service for you.
Accessories and technical changes
Accessories and technical changes
Accessories and technical changes
G) Tips
This device contains licence-exempt transmit-
Additional information or supplements about
ter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation,
the radio systems based on the vehicle equip-
Science and Economic Development Canada’s li-
ment and country can be found on the follow-
cence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the
ing website: www.audi.com/generalinfo
following two conditions:
RSS 102
Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information:
This equipment complies with FCC and ISED radi-
ation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrol-
led environment. This equipment should be in-
stalled and operated with minimum distance of
20 cm (8 inches) between the radiator and your
body. This transmitter must not be co-located or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna
or transmitter.
Technical data
© Optional equipment numbers
(Hae wrccnce XX XNKKKNKK
Frm XXX XX Vehicle identification number (VIN)
2 XX XXKKXKK XK KX XK The VIN is located in the following areas:
3 }—— MOTORS / GET. 8
eco au cone XXX XXX WX — Applies to MMI: Select on the home screen: VE-
CQ-ASRAINER YyNX XXX NOK HICLE > Settings & Service > Vehicle informa-
EOA 7D5 4UB 6XM 5SG SRW — On the vehicle identification label
3FC SMU 7X1 — At the front behind the windshield*
SG TLE 3KA 8EH U1A X9B QZ7 — Inthe motor compartment on the right side
1XW 8Q3 9Q8 8Z4 D2D
716 CV7 7KO 4X3 2K2
34 4KC 3Y0 413 5D2 Notes about technical data
The values may vary based on special equipment
ee as well as market-specific equipment and meas-
uring methods.
Fig. 198 Vehicle identification label Please note that the specifications listed in the
vehicle documentation always take precedence.
The vehicle identification label > fig. 198 is locat-
ed in the luggage compartment under the cargo G) Tips
floor cover. Any technical data that is missing was not
available at the time of printing.
The vehicle identification label information can
also be found in the Warranty & Maintenance
Vehicle data
Length (in (mm)) | Width (in (mm)) | Width across the | Height at curb
mirrors (in (mm)) | weight (in (mm))
AS Cabriolet 184.9 (4,697) 72.7 (1,846) 79.9 (2,029) 54.5 (1,384)
A5 Coupe 184.9 (4,697) 72.7 (1,846) 79.9 (2,029) 54.0 (1,371)
AS Sportback 187.3 (4,757) 72.6 (1,843) 79.9 (2,029) 54.6 (1,386)
S5 Cabriolet 184.9 (4,697) 72.7 (1,846) 79.9 (2,029) 54.5 (1,384)
S5 Coupe 184.9 (4,697) 72.7 (1,846) 79.9 (2,029) 54.0 (1,371)
Technical data
Fig. 199 Safety certificate
The maximum permitted load is listed on the tire
pressure label on the driver's door pillar.
Roof load
The maximum permitted roof load is:
Numbers and
Symbols ASR
3-zone deluxe automatic climate control.... 99 refer to Anti-Slip Regulation........
Audi active lane assist..............
A Cleaning the camera area..........
Audi adaptive cruise control
AIC cooling MOde:. « « vesiare «sas © wrens 6 avers 99
Cleaning the sensors..............
A/C system refrigerant oil............005 300 Predictive control................
Acceleration measurement.............. 134 Traffic jam assist..........-..00-.
Accelerator pedal....... 0... cece eee eee ee 107 Audi adaptive light.................
also refer to Accelerator pedal.......... 107 Audi connect
AGCOSSONICS © iiss 2s weer «wai + wave «6 o5a08 296 FefEr LO CONNECE ss = « awe + e wane seas
Active lane assist Audi drive selects: 2 : ssa as xeaas
x een
refer to Audi active lane assist.......... 150 Audi music interface...............
Adaptive cruise control................. 139 Audio files...............002--000-
Adaptive dampers............000
ee eee 119
Adjusting air distribution (automatic climate
control system) ............-. ce eee eee 100
Adjusting the brightness................. 63
Adjusting the sound.................00- 221
Adjusting the temperature (automatic climate
control system) ........
cee eee eee 100
Adjusting the volume..............2.-005 30 Safety measures .......
0c. ee eens
Adjusting the volume (announcements).... 221 Audi side assist
Adjusting the welcome sound............ 221 refer to Side assist................
Aitbag’syStem « « sams s seen + wees os reese es 79 Audi smartphone interface..........
Alarm system Legalinformation................
refer to Anti-theft alarm system.......... 37 Audi virtual cockpit
Alignment pin (changing the wheel)....... 274 refer to Instrument cluster.........
All-weather lights...............-..20--- 58 AUTO
Allseason tires..........2.220202200005 260 Automatic climate control system...
Automatic headlights.............
All wheel drive
refer tOQUAtEOmms: 5 = yews « w eam eo ewe 120 Auto Lock (central locking) ..........
Amazon Alexa integration Automatic climate control system....
Media playback’. « oii. eons 6 6 cris 6 0 ow 211 Automatic luggage compartment lid....
Operating...............0..0 000.0000. 28 Automatic transmission............
AMI Automatic wipe/wash system........
refer to Audi music interface........... 211 Average consumption..............
Android Auto Average speed............0.-
refer to Audi smartphone interface...... 219
Anti-lock braking system............0005 121 B
Anti-Slip Regulation. ................405 121
Bag hooks............--6-
eee sees
Anti-theft alarm system ..............000. 37
Apple CarPlay
refer to Frequency band...........
refer to Audi smartphone interface...... 219
Emissions control system..............- 229 Exterior lighting + « ¢ see: +» sees y sae ees
License plate bracket................... 296 Operating ’s « = swe v wemeness v cues as wen a oo 194
Lifting points (vehicle jack).............. 278 Setting the destination................ 193
Light/rain sensor MAP
Automatic headlights .................. 58 refer to Message Access Profile......... 179
Intermittent mode (windshield wipers).... 65 Map preview.......
0. ce eee eee eee eee 193
Lighting Map update...........
0.0 eee eee eee 198
EXteriOn : wes x = sewn @ s emu s 2 tows v Fees 58 MYAUGL app = sos « x acer: sp ees ee eS ee 198
EMtOTOleece: 2 2 emems so ene ov een oo wR oF 62 ONUING & sess & & sore oo seamen a 8 ene oo OO 198
BIQGHES swsos wv cisswse xe ameses 3 a avewon: wo oan DO om 58 USB connection...........5-. see cena 199
Listening to music Massage function
Vefertoi Medias « « wssen + 6 seen a x sess 210,:212 Front... 2... ccc eects 71
LOAD sevecss ov soso © eames @ 2 mere 2 a me 2 Bam 300 Mechanical key............00
0: eee ee eee 38
Local Users: « s sea ss meen ss news wae 6 ows 31 Media... . 2... 2. cece eee
eee 210, 212
Locking and unlocking Supported formats............-.00005 216
By remote:controls. sescce es cress a 6 asec owes 39 Media center... 0... 0... eee eee eee eee 213
Using the lock cylinder................. 37 Memory function..........-....--00
eee 78
With the convenience key..............- 39 Menu language
Low beam headlights.................--. 58 refer to Setting the language........... 221
LTE Menu paths......... 2.0.00. cee eee eee ee 19
refer to Exterior antenna.............. 174 Message Access Profile..........--..005 179
Luggage compartments . ves. ss een ee eeu 92 MessageS.... 22.0...
eee eee eee 179
COVED: & & suesca ao mavens oo cmamne so annie wo eee 94 Minor COmpasss. « cos » « sume % @ omnes wa neo 6 67
Increasing the size................. 94,95 Mirrors
PasS-through < = sees 7 = sea% i evens: eee si 95 Adjusting exterior mirrors..............- 63
POWEPSOURGES aia 6 8 aswiios so anerans oo eatiw « oe 91 DINIMING ¢ 2 xem. = » eee su ees s eee Ss oe 64
Tie-downs .... 0... 2. cee 96 Vanty:mirrors esas so cece 6 ee 2 cries oo 65
Valet ParkitiG: + exes < 3 ame ts eee trae ee 47
MMI Navigation plus
also refer to Luggage compartment...... 92
refer to Multi Media Interface........... 20
Luggage compartment lid
MMI radio
Closing BUttONs. « 5: soos «2 seems aw atwnene «0 uno 42
refer to Multi Media Interface........... 20
Generalinformation.................-- 4l
MMI Radio plus
Mechanically unlocking...............-. 44
refer to Multi Media Interface........... 20
Opening and closing................04. 42
Mobile device
Opening and closing with foot motion..... 43
refer to Telephone ...........eseeeeee: 171
Power opening andclosing.............. 42
Mobile device reminder signal............ 175
Luggage compartment net..............- 96
Mountain passes: « ces se ese se eee seas 116
Lumbar support........
0... eee eee eee ee 70
Mountain roads...............-00-0005 116
Multifunction steering wheel
M BULtONS's ¢ eqns & o sees & = see & = SY Gs 13; 30
2. eee eee ee eee 294 OPerating’s « = sense v scasenar ¥ snamene @ ¥ sueceas wo HE 13
Maintenance intervals..............0005 242 Programming buttons................-. 30
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)........ 229 Voice recognition system............... 27
Manualishifting’. « svessis ce eniosie 3 a aeavive 6 © arene 107 Multi Media Interface................... 20
Menus:and symbols « sess ss cses senses
ses 21
Changing the scale................... 193 Operatiingé. « a ssc « mensaee « samen @ 6 sets « 18, 21
Display « ees ss oss ¢ Fae ss pews ss Feaes 195 Switching on or off.............--00008 20
MUTI Gis 5 x secvess © v comers ov cumaees @ a sanawes ow 8 omens 30 Luggage compartment lid with foot motion . 43
MYAUGL 5 & swceis & o seesein 2 8 mime @ remenew © wee 31, 183 Panoramic glass roof.............00e ee 47
myAudi navigation................. 190, 193 POWEP tOPivess + manu 5 & mei x ¢ BOE & E emE 6 Ee 51
MYAUGI USERS « seus < & eee & = Hees ee Hew eee 31 Sunshade (nO) wor « « scsces ww wom x 8 swswace wa 47
Windows ...... 0.0.0 cece cece ee eee eee 45
Opening and closing
N refer to Unlocking and locking........ 34, 39
Natural leather care and cleaning......... 271 Operating
Navigation.....................0.000. 190 Head-up display..............-002eeeee 26
Betterroute cic: s nies se eeew s wae ss wen 199 ANStruMeNt CLUSTER « ssevers ¢ wcuscsin
aresnce a ¥ ae 13
Calling... 2... ee eee eee eee 193 Multifunction steering wheel............ 13
Changing the scale................... 193 Multi Media Interface « oy... ee se oe 18; 21
also referto Map : seas: ceea ss tees ee es 194 TOXIN PU Bis & 2 sscnaon & snawene ae veces ao peewee oo 24
Navigation database Touch display.........
0.0.0 eee eee eee 18
Version information................6.4 224 Voice recognition system............... 27
Navigation (instrument cluster) .......... 196 Optional equipment number............. 299
Neck heating =< =. gecs seve
s seve s bene 101 Options
NHTSA « seme: « 9 szae 2 2 see © 2 see 2 2 ee 296 Médidiwis = « ees se cow g s wawe & o Heme os eer 216
Notification center.............0ceeeeuee 23 RadiO wiswscs i 0 isivane wo aueuens a a woenire a 8 asmnoed oo 207
Overview (COCKpIt) ws: ss save ¥ 0 onesie oo wane ava 6
Octane rating (gasoline)................ 226
Odometer... ... ee cee eee eee eee ee 15 Paint COdGis < o wens so ners oe eee oe Hoe a 299
RESCUUING bac: « ewes & 2 EmeG Fy ReGE s x eeeH 8 15 Paint damage swe « = sews +s eee te eee ee ee 269
Office address PANIG@ BUttOMias s ¢ sure ae em zo ete eae 38, 39
refer to Business address.............. 196 PANIC function .............0.
0c eee eee 38
OFFADUttON)| + sy 5 < ame + 7 aauee & o wee 2 ge 99 Panoramic glass roof................200. 47
Oil Convenience opening and closing......... 46
refer tO EMgine Gib. 2. cwee 2 vse
s wean es 233: Emergency closing wr: «scien cman ae cere 47
On-board computer...........0...0000ee 17 Interior airflow................000 eee 47
On Board Diagnostic System (OBD)... 229, 290 QuICK OPENING wwe ss wows s i sews + bees oe: 47
Online map Park@SsiSt wan sx sane 5 ¢ HOINR s 3 eres oD eR 168
refer to Satellite map................. 197 Parking ..... 60. c cece eee eee ee 104
QALIMNG AIO « wrasse & & wees 5 & eeens « B Howe y oe 206 Parking aid... 1... eee eee 159
also refer to Online radio.......... 206, 207 Adjusting the volume..............0.. 160
Online roadside assistance.............. 188 Automatic activation.................. 159.
Online services Cleaning the sensors/camera........... 269
ee eee 182 Park ASSiSt’: = x came: 5 2 wean 5 x eH ss eee GE 168
Parkingraid Plus: = « sss x 6 were 26 wens 3 0 159
Online system update.................. 222
Parking space search.................. 166
Online traffic information............... 199
Peripheral cameras...............004- 161
Openings « = wen ss asssna se eam ae een 2 wee 34
Rearview came sviies so osea es eee ee een 161
Automatic luggage compartment lid...... 42
Parking and maneuvering..............- 159
Convenience opening............-.0e00- 46
Parking brake
Fueltillerdoor's 2 = swiss a 2 sanew wo ance <2 ae 227
refer to Electromechanical parking brake. 114
FOO « «scones» m vssnce i oi sean ow somes «0: omexeite 231
Luggage compartment lid............... 42 Parking lightsiess 2 + aces sa aera se nee se eee 58
Parking lock
Manually releasing.............000005 108
quattro... 2... eee eee 120
also refer to Gears... 00...
cece cece e eee 105
Selective wheel torque control.......... 121
PaSs*throuGl scx = = casas ¢ s eatem 3 ¢ Hae ¢ coe 95
Pedals... 0... cc eee e cece eee eee eens 107
Perchlorate. ... 0.2.0...
eee eee eee ee eee 294 R
Performance/torque display Radio’: < » seme s sams : Rome « ¢ ome & seme ee 202
refer to Sport displays.................. 16 RagiOteXtecsas «sina x wana 6 2 imeem «2 emwew 205
Peripheral cameras............---00000s 161 Station list........ 0... 202
Phone Radio communications equipment........ 296
Connecting a second mobile device...... 172 Radioequipment wai. <2 cee ee cee eee es 296
Disconnecting a mobile device.......... 173 Radio Standards Specification (RSS)....... 297
00.02 eee eee eee 178 Rain/light sensor
Phonebook Automatic headlights .................- 58
refer to Directory....... 0.0.00 cece eae 176 Intermittent mode (windshield wipers).... 65
PIN Random
4-digit myAudi PIN..............-..0005 31 réfer to Shutfle:: < s sess = 2 mee %s seen ee xe 214
Protection esc os was < v owiie + ¥ wou 2 ¥ ecoxmn 32 Range (fuel level) ................000000- 17
Playbacki(media) si cscs 2s sos so secu s 2 acs 212 Reading lights..............
0.0.00 eae 62
Podcast Rear cross-traffic assist.............00.. 165
refer to Online radio.............. 206, 207 Rear lid
Polishing ices o csenwes xo onesies vv vein ¥ w anewwn oe 269 refer to Luggage compartment lid........ 42
Pollen filter Rear seatS......... cee eee 94,95
refer to Pollutant filter.............0005 98 Rear shelf
Pollutamtfilter’. cxscsns + somes 2 0 onesies + 6 ncooee © 98 refer to Storage area behind the rear head
Power SOUPCES's + wx a 8 inne oo creme @ 8 91,211 RESEPAINES sisi > rome os weve a 6 ase 6 ZNO & 92
POWEPtOP sien oo cen 3 2 enna oo ee vo ee 51 Rearview camerals «wea ss evens ¢ wom a yo 161
Cleaning. .... 2... cece eee eee eee 269 Rear window defogger............--+0. 101
POWePWINGOWS « scsvine i o ssvirs & arene & wanes ee a 45 Recirculation mode..............+..05- 100
Malfunction Recuperation..........
000 cece eee eee ee 17
Power windows malfunction.............. 45 Refrigerant oil...
eee eee 300
Predictivercomtrols.. wise ss aves 0 aceon 0 0 some 142 Refueling. ........
0... cee eee eee eee 227
Predictive messageS..........00eeeeeeee 138 Remote access authorization (key user)..... 32
pre sense Remote control
refer to Audi presense................ 152 Garage door opener...........-0e
ee eee 48
Presentation modes. . « some « «smc = awamene = 201 Remote control key..............-.00005 38
Presets Convenience opening and closing......... 46
Radio... eee eee eee ee 205 Key replacement..............--0000-- 38
Presets list 1 40
Feferto Presets’. « «ccc. i aes de nas ses 205 PANIC function..............00 00 ee eee 38
Pressure Replacing the battery.................. 40
Tire pressure monitoring system.... 262, 263 Unlocking and locking................-- 39
AROS = vonsnas we wince 2 3 Hones 8 x cements oH ee 254 also refer to Vehicle key............00.. 38
Profile:picture « seca < s samo 2 wane 6% oem @ a oes 31 Removing the caps (wheel bolts)......... 277
S Navigation..............0..0.00 ee eee
RaGiO son x ¢ woe & o cme 2H Hee YB Ee
Safety belt microphone................. 181 SOUNG aiicssa x a isvars «+ cvenane 2 0 ncanews a 8 seauow oa 221
Safety belts... 0... 2... eeeeee 75 SysteM . 1... eee eee ee 221
Belt positioner... 0... 0... eee eee 77 TIMEZONE wis 2 = news a o eoeeR & & SOU GE PETE 221
Cleaning’: « ¢ saws ¢ ¢ sews oy cee ee ees eee 270 WisFihotspot. cscs 2 sec x 2 eens e 2 wns « 185
Locking... 0.6... cee eee eee eee eee 88 Setting the language................... 221
Securing child safety seats.............. 87 Setting the times: « + aes neen ee rea ee 221
Satellite map... ... eeeeee 197
Shift light indicator’: « escx « s wees se sors «ee 16
Saving fuel
Shit Pad dleSiacu « = misuse & = menue 2 § Hepes 2 Ese 107
Energy consumers..............-.--05- i?
5S) To)» 184
Recuperation « « eee ss ceww + ween & + wows ¢ 9 17
Shuffle... 0... eee ee 214
Side assist... 0... eee eee
eee 156
refer to Touch display..........00ees
eee 18
Cleaning the sensors...............0-. 269
SCrewahiver’s x + sxswive wo inane & o sama ow omncam a 274
SIM Card... 6... eee ee eee eee 183
Search function
Sliding/tilting sunroof
refer to Free text search............... 215
refer to Panoramic glass roof............ 47
Seat: heating secs so cane eo esawere 2 eases 100, 101
Smart Favorites
referto Presets sais so sews v een av were as 205
Adjusting. .......... 0. cee eee eee eee 70
ClGANING:: ¢ « saas ss Hess 2 o ReeS eo eRe eA: 270
refer to Telephone ..........ceeeeenees 171
Easy entry function................200. 72
Folding the rearseats............... 94,95
SNOW CHAINS is: os weeiies os eee 6 wow a 6 awa 260
Head restraints....................05. 73 Socket
Memory FUNCHON ¢ wie & 2 mas a ¢ ween » 2 ese 78 refer to Power sourceS..........--.00--- 91
Software information SUSPENSION « sous sw eaves ¥ seam @ Se oS EET LL
Legalinformation.................005 224 Audi drive select. ...........00000
eee 119
Software version (MMI) Swapping calls.............-.00
0-2 -a ee 177
Version information.................. 224 SWERVElASSISE 5 sccce «x menor oo mimes ow anes os 154
Sound Symbols
refer to Adjusting the sound............ 221 Navigation ........... 0.0 cece ee ee eens 194
Space-saving spare tire (compact spare tire) . 280 TrattiCewss < «mops s seen & = Baume ox ce et Ne 199
Spare tits: : caus 4 5 eeu io OSS FB eS oa 280 also refer to Indicator lights.............. 7
Speed limit information SYNG (BUERON) is so comin: oo cine oo cto oo seen 100
refer to Traffic sign recognition......... 130 SYStEINISELEINGS « wees ¢ x een s names ¢ Hew § 22:1,
Speed limits
refer to Traffic sign recognition......... 130
Speedometer « secs s voce ss wees ss ewes s ee 12
TACHGH@ter cia « x sscue 2 wepeew s woe x ¥ He 12,14
Speed warning system..........-..2-05. 130
Tail lights
Sport differentiales: ¢ sees ss wees se ees = 121
GlOANING’s =o same 2 o owe oe eee 2s ee Yo 268
Sport displays.............-.
0c eee eee eee 16
Technical-data:: « « seoe : same 2 nae a 2 cee 299
Sporty driving..........-..
ee eee eee eee 116
Technical modifications................. 294
Start/Stop system. ...........0--00 eee 111
Telephone: ¢ « scaa cs ieee ts dees te eae ea: 171
Switching: Off and Of : wows sz wees xo owes ¢ 111
Accepting/ending acall................ 177
Starting to drive..........
2... eee ee eee 104 Audi phone box............0. 0.0 eee ee 173
Starting (engine)...................... 111 Charging the battery (USB)............. 174
Steering............ 0.02 eee eee eee eee 119 Charging the battery (wireless) ......... 174
Audi drivé Sel@ct occ: s & nes 5 ¢ news so cas 119 Connecting a mobile phone............ 171
also refer to Steering...............-. 119 Dialing anumber.................200- 177
Steering locks « « sees ss eeee + yeast
eens 103 Exterior antenna): . «ses s+ sees sv oes s 174
Steering wheel Mobile device reminder signal.......... 175
AdjUStINGera 2 2 wae 2 5 stereo enews vv ener 73 Options during aphonecall............ 177
Adjusting manually.............0ee eee 73 Playing CHUSIC sues 2 ¢ veure = ¢ omeee x e eee 210
Shift:paddleés secs ¢ s eee ¢ x ween = y eee es 107 Temperature displays
Steering wheel heating « sis is oases 6 a sone 102 refer to Sport displays...............66. 16
also refer to Multifunction steering wheel. . 13 Temperature display (outside temperature)... 15
Steps for determining correct load limit... 259 Temperature gauge
Stopover (navigation) «wesc os cen 6 x cer » 194 COOLANE sscsus x + cmuncs a ancenes vw oomione i m asoeome wo 12
Stopping’ + & sees vs ovens ¥ o sees oo ores = we 104 TORII PUL, scones 3 & sowwans & & sommes & @ seameN TH saTRER 24
Stopping thevehicle:s; <5 ses s ences
s een 104 TOXUMESSAGES wen o « woes os nome oe eerEe a ee L739
Stopping (Engine): < «esas ss sews + ¢ Hess 11,1. SOEUINGS: secu <a meses @ wae © eenens mo Wenem 3 179
StOrage:s + ¢ eas ¢ oes & eee be ees Fe es 92 also refer to Text messages............ 179
Storage area behind the rear head restraints. 92 Tie-downs ... 2... 0. eee eee 96
Storage areaS..... 2... eee 92 Tightening specification
Stored stations Wheel DOltSiss « 5 sas 2s nea «2 eee 3 ae 280
FEE EO PIOSCtS:s « s sews ss ween x eee aos 205 Tightening specification (wheel bolts) ..... 280
Straps... eee eeeeee 92 TIMG eet eee 17
Sunshade tiptronic
TAPES scvere wo suewes ao caeues © w aneeees ww crmvaue ww one 244 Unlocking and locking.................-- 34
Changing. .......... cece eee eee eee ee 277 By remote control. ... 2... eee eee eee 39
Low-profile‘tires « ssa< 2 wasws 2 xewn sy ran 261 Using the lock cylinder................. 37
Repaitisets + wexcs: ss maven & x ance v6 anes oY 274 With Audi connect vehicle control........ 40
Service life... 2.2.2... 0.0... e eee eee 253 With the central locking switch.......... 36
Tite PressStfese< : ese © : nowy & 2 seuee bp xe 254 With the convenience key..............- 39
Tire pressure monitoring system.... 262, 263 Update (software)...................-. 222
Tire pressure table.................0.. 256 USB
Tire pressure (trailer mode)............ 124 ACAptGr as + xavsu sx semis s = que so See a 174
Treadwear indicators.................. 253 USB charging POtt: = = scm : seams s naam ct xe 91
Unidirectional...............0.0. 246, 279
USB drive
Uniform tire quality grading............ 261
Supported types/formats.............. 216
Tires and wheels USB stick
Glossary of tire and loading terminology .. 247
refer to Audi music interface........... 211
Tires and vehicle load limits............ 257
Toll Module Localusers...... ee eee eee eee eee 31
refer to Integrated Toll Module......... 135
MyAudi USErS... 6... ee eee eee eens 31
TO OMSiasore = ceases o = ssctses a amen so casio so oe 274
Using residual heat.................00. 101
Top tether anchor (securing the child safety
S@at) 0. eee 89
Touch display
Adjusting the brightness.............005 20 Valet parking...................
cece eee 47
Operating’. « ssi w x aareve wv sawses 6 o aroma so aes 18 Vanity Mirror... 2.2... eee eee eee eee 65
TOWINGies ¢ 2 weg s eeeys ¢ peeeu ¢ 2 eeree s x Be 282 Vehicle
TOWING'LOOD = seas ¢ seems 2 y eee e 2 ween ge ee 283 Care/cleaning...............25
eee ee 267
Towing protection monitoring............. 37 DIMENSIONS « cows ss eee s ees § nae a a 299
Identification data................00. 299
Out of service... 6... eee eee eee 273
Indicator light . cess is ewes s esse eens 266
Raising’: + < sees + ¢ snes + + eae ss ees + oe 278
Tire pressure monitoring system.... 262, 263
SEAN Geiss 6 v svvine 6 o saieinn wo ounces © a mUTEDS 0 103
Traffic incidents
Unlocking and locking............-...-- 39
refer to Online traffic information....... 199
Vehicle care... 2. eee eeeeee 267
Trafficdn formation . vss os sso 0 series ave 200
Vehicle control services..............--- 184
Online traffic information.............. 199
Vehicle data label.................0000- 299
Traffic jam assist...
0... e eee 147
Vehicle identification number............ 299
Traffic light information................ 132
Traffic sign recognition................- 130
Vehicle jacki: « ¢ sews 5 = sae 5 2 ewes 5 2 ows 3 274
Lifting points..................00000. 278
TrATRSIQMS wiccsre xo csesoss oo cumnsie oo ccetorn 6 & ana 133
Weliicle- key: « 2 snes = 2 ameee 2 aeseme » eevee 34, 38
Trailer tOWinG? cess wsrewa s waren 3 6 esarem 6 + vanw 124
Tongue weight...............002-000. 124 Vehicle starting system................. 112
Trailehlodd s + saa ¢ 2 wees : hea eRe aR 124 Vehicle tool kit. s ¢ sacs se eaen yc iwew sv eee 274
Turn assist... . 02... cece eeeee eee 155 Ventilationtss + ¢ weve « a wees ¢ s eee oo eee 7 98
Turn signals ..... 2.0...
e cece e eee 59 VIEW BUCtOM axis ¢ s wan.e = sted 2 See Ge Ree 13
Voicemail. ... 2... eee
eee eee 177
Voice recognition system..............0-5 27
U External scx « x soi « ¥ ater & p Rees oe eee 28
Uniform tire quality grading............. 261 Operating’: « = ssn <6 wwwn oo sows +o ome ve 27
Ww Winter tite cress so ccwsso vo comune ¥ 0 oxocons + & aoe 260
Wireless Apple CarPlay
Warning lights
refer to Audi smartphone interface...... 219
refer to Indicator lights................5. 7
Wireless charging...............--.05. 174
Washing matte finish paint.............. 267
Wave band
refer to Frequency band............... 202
Weights 300
Wheel bolts . . 259
Changing atire swsrc ss eews se meee = a ere 277
Wheels accu : scxee ¢ 2 sem « x ues g 2 meee eo 244
GLEAMING » 5. sesssas so awioans a 0 oneuaes we o aumians me nee 269
Glossary of tire and loading terminology .. 247
REPLACING cows v « qa & x qewa so aaa s Hoam 277
Tire pressure monitoring system.... 262, 263
Tires and vehicle load limits............ 257
Wheelwrench....................000. 274
Hotspot settings .............-.00000. 185
Using a hotspot «2.5: . eee s sees eens 183
Winid'deflectors +» msex + wan a meme oy mom g 54
Cleaning « « cesses 5 = sso 2 v some wo amvane @ o see 269
Child safety lock........ 2.0.00 eee eee 45
Cleaning and removing ice............. 270
Convenience opening and closing......... 46
Defrosting........ 2.0.0. e eee eee eee 101
Opening and closing.................-. 45
PoWer WIndOWS:: « = sss: = y sees 5 ¢ Rew & oo 45
Cleaning « « seve: a ix cmos a amas vo anew ov 2 wc 65
Defrosting........ 0... eee eee eee eee 101
also refer to Windshield................ 65
Windshield washer system........... 65, 242
Windshield wipers...............-.00-0- 65
Winter operation
Gar WaSHeS saws: 2 x wenn ¢ ¢ aeme x eee gs 267
Gooling'systeM « ace «+ ease oem 6 ome 236
Defrosting the windows..............- 101
Neck heating ............seeeeeeeneee 101
Rear window defogger................ 101
Removing ice from windows............ 270
Seat heating...............-.05. 100, 101
SNOWICNAINS ese ss news ae woes 3 pee os HO 260
Steering wheel heating................ 102
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Owner's Manual
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