Unit - 4 DBMS
Unit - 4 DBMS
Unit - 4 DBMS
A database system provides an ultimate view of the stored data. However, data in the
form of bits, bytes get stored in different storage devices.
In this section, we will take an overview of various types of storage devices that are
used for accessing and storing data.
o Primary Storage
o Secondary Storage
o Tertiary Storage
Primary Storage
It is the primary area that offers quick access to the stored data. We also know the
primary storage as volatile storage. It is because this type of memory does not
permanently store the data. As soon as the system leads to a power cut or a crash, the
data also get lost. Main memory and cache are the types of primary storage.
o Main Memory: It is the one that is responsible for operating the data that is available
by the storage medium. The main memory handles each instruction of a computer
machine. This type of memory can store gigabytes of data on a system but is small
enough to carry the entire database. At last, the main memory loses the whole content
if the system shuts down because of power failure or other reasons.
1. Cache: It is one of the costly storage media. On the other hand, it is the fastest one. A
cache is a tiny storage media which is maintained by the computer hardware usually.
While designing the algorithms and query processors for the data structures, the
designers keep concern on the cache effects.
Secondary Storage
Secondary storage is also called as Online storage. It is the storage area that allows the
user to save and store data permanently. This type of memory does not lose the data
due to any power failure or system crash. That's why we also call it non-volatile storage.
There are some commonly described secondary storage media which are available in
almost every type of computer system:
o Flash Memory: A flash memory stores data in USB (Universal Serial Bus) keys which
are further plugged into the USB slots of a computer system. These USB keys help
transfer data to a computer system, but it varies in size limits. Unlike the main memory,
it is possible to get back the stored data which may be lost due to a power cut or other
reasons. This type of memory storage is most commonly used in the server systems for
caching the frequently used data. This leads the systems towards high performance
and is capable of storing large amounts of databases than the main memory.
o Magnetic Disk Storage: This type of storage media is also known as online storage
media. A magnetic disk is used for storing the data for a long time. It is capable of
storing an entire database. It is the responsibility of the computer system to make
availability of the data from a disk to the main memory for further accessing. Also, if
the system performs any operation over the data, the modified data should be written
back to the disk. The tremendous capability of a magnetic disk is that it does not affect
the data due to a system crash or failure, but a disk failure can easily ruin as well as
destroy the stored data.
Tertiary Storage
It is the storage type that is external from the computer system. It has the slowest
speed. But it is capable of storing a large amount of data. It is also known as Offline
storage. Tertiary storage is generally used for data backup. There are following tertiary
storage devices available:
Storage Hierarchy
Besides the above, various other storage devices reside in the computer system. These
storage media are organized on the basis of data accessing speed, cost per unit of
data to buy the medium, and by medium's reliability. Thus, we can create a hierarchy
of storage media on the basis of its cost and speed.
In the image, the higher levels are expensive but fast. On moving down, the cost per
bit is decreasing, and the access time is increasing. Also, the storage media from the
main memory to up represents the volatile nature, and below the main memory, all
are non-volatile devices.
File Organization
File Organization defines how file records are mapped onto disk blocks. We have four types
of File Organization to organize file records −
File Operations
Operations on database files can be broadly classified into two categories −
Update Operations
Retrieval Operations
Update operations change the data values by insertion, deletion, or update. Retrieval
operations, on the other hand, do not alter the data but retrieve them after optional
conditional filtering. In both types of operations, selection plays a significant role. Other than
creation and deletion of a file, there could be several operations, which can be done on files.
Open − A file can be opened in one of the two modes, read mode or write
mode. In read mode, the operating system does not allow anyone to alter data.
In other words, data is read only. Files opened in read mode can be shared
among several entities. Write mode allows data modification. Files opened in
write mode can be read but cannot be shared.
Locate − Every file has a file pointer, which tells the current position where the
data is to be read or written. This pointer can be adjusted accordingly. Using
find (seek) operation, it can be moved forward or backward.
Read − By default, when files are opened in read mode, the file pointer points
to the beginning of the file. There are options where the user can tell the
operating system where to locate the file pointer at the time of opening a file.
The very next data to the file pointer is read.
Write − User can select to open a file in write mode, which enables them to
edit its contents. It can be deletion, insertion, or modification. The file pointer
can be located at the time of opening or can be dynamically changed if the
operating system allows to do so.
Close − This is the most important operation from the operating system’s point
of view. When a request to close a file is generated, the operating system
o removes all the locks (if in shared mode),
o saves the data (if altered) to the secondary storage media, and
o releases all the buffers and file handlers associated with the file.
The organization of data inside a file plays a major role here. The process to locate the file
pointer to a desired record inside a file various based on whether the records are arranged
sequentially or clustered.
Indexing is a data structure technique to efficiently retrieve records from the database files
based on some attributes on which the indexing has been done. Indexing in database systems
is similar to what we see in books.
Indexing is defined based on its indexing attributes. Indexing can be of the following types −
Primary Index − Primary index is defined on an ordered data file. The data file
is ordered on a key field. The key field is generally the primary key of the
Secondary Index − Secondary index may be generated from a field which is a
candidate key and has a unique value in every record, or a non-key with
duplicate values.
Clustering Index − Clustering index is defined on an ordered data file. The data
file is ordered on a non-key field.
Ordered Indexing is of two types −
Dense Index
Sparse Index
Dense Index
In dense index, there is an index record for every search key value in the database. This makes
searching faster but requires more space to store index records itself. Index records contain
search key value and a pointer to the actual record on the disk.
Sparse Index
In sparse index, index records are not created for every search key. An index record here
contains a search key and an actual pointer to the data on the disk. To search a record, we
first proceed by index record and reach at the actual location of the data. If the data we are
looking for is not where we directly reach by following the index, then the system starts
sequential search until the desired data is found.
Multilevel Index
Index records comprise search-key values and data pointers. Multilevel index is stored on the
disk along with the actual database files. As the size of the database grows, so does the size
of the indices. There is an immense need to keep the index records in the main memory so as
to speed up the search operations. If single-level index is used, then a large size index cannot
be kept in memory which leads to multiple disk accesses.
Multi-level Index helps in breaking down the index into several smaller indices in order to
make the outermost level so small that it can be saved in a single disk block, which can easily
be accommodated anywhere in the main memory.
B tree vs B+ tree
Before understanding B tree and B+ tree differences, we should know the B tree and
B+ tree separately.
Properties of B tree
The following are the properties of the B tree:
o In the B tree, all the leaf nodes must be at the same level, whereas, in the case of a
binary tree, the leaf nodes can be at different levels.
In the above tree, all the leaf nodes are not at the same level, but they have the utmost
two children. Therefore, we can say that the above tree is a binary tree but not a B tree.
o If the Btree has an order of m, then each node can have a maximum of m In the case
of minimum children, the leaf nodes have zero children, the root node has two children,
and the internal nodes have a ceiling of m/2.
o Each node can have maximum (m-1) keys. For example, if the value of m is 5 then the
maximum value of keys is 4.
o The root node has minimum one key, whereas all the other nodes except the root node
have (ceiling of m/2 minus - 1) minimum keys.
o If we perform insertion in the B tree, then the node is always inserted in the leaf node.
As we know that each node can have 2 maximum keys, so we will split this node
through the middle element. The middle element is 2, so it moves to its parent. The
node 2 does not have any parent, so it will become the root node as shown below:
Step 4: The next element is 4. Since 4 is greater than 2 and 3, so it will be added after
the 3 as shown below:
Step 5: The next element is 5. Since 5 is greater than 2, 3 and 4 so it will be added after
4 as shown below:
As we know that each node can have 2 maximum keys, so we will split this node
through the middle element. The middle element is 4, so it moves to its parent. The
parent is node 2; therefore, 4 will be added after 2 as shown below:
Step 6: The next element is 6. Since 6 is greater than 2, 4 and 5, so 6 will come after 5
as shown below:
Step 7: The next element is 7. Since 7 is greater than 2, 4, 5 and 6, so 7 will come after
6 as shown below:
As we know that each node can have 2 maximum keys, so we will split this node
through the middle element. The middle element is 6, so it moves to its parent as
shown below:
But, 6 cannot be added after 4 because the node can have 2 maximum keys, so we will
split this node through the middle element. The middle element is 4, so it moves to its
parent. As node 4 does not have any parent, node 4 will become a root node as shown
What is a B+ tree?
The B+ tree is also known as an advanced self-balanced tree because every path from
the root of the tree to the leaf of the tree has the same length. Here, the same length
means that all the leaf nodes occur at the same level. It will not happen that some of
the leaf nodes occur at the third level and some of them at the second level.
A B+ tree index is considered a multi-level index, but the B+ tree structure is not similar
to the multi-level index sequential files.
A B+ tree is used to store the records very efficiently by storing the records in an
indexed manner using the B+ tree indexed structure. Due to the multi-level indexing,
the data accessing becomes faster and easier.
The node structure of the B+ tree contains pointers and key values shown in the below
As we can observe in the above B+ tree node structure that it contains n-1 key values
(k1 to kn-1) and n pointers (p1 to pn).
The search key values which are placed in the node are kept in sorted order. Thus, if
i<j then ki<kj.
Non-Leaf node
Let 'm' represents the number of children of a node, then the relation between the
order of the tree and the number of children can be represented as:
Let k represents the search key values. The relation between the order of the tree and
search key can be represented as:
As we know that the number of pointers is equal to the search key values plus 1, so
mathematically, it can be written as:
Therefore, the maximum number of pointers would be 'b', and the minimum number
of pointers would be the ceiling function of b/2.
Leaf Node
A leaf node is a node that occurs at the last level of the B+ tree, and each leaf node
uses only one pointer to connect with each other to provide the sequential access at
the leaf level.
Root Node
The maximum number of children in the case of the root node is: b
Case 1: If the root node is the only node in the tree. In this case, the root node becomes
the leaf node.
In this case, the maximum number of children is 1, i.e., the root node itself, whereas,
the minimum number of children is b-1, which is the same as that of a leaf node.
In the above figure, '.' represents the pointer, whereas the 10, 20 and 30 are the key
values. The pointer contains the address at which the key value is stored, as shown in
the above figure.
Example of B+ tree
In the above figure, the node contains three key values, i.e., 9, 16, and 25. The pointer
that appears before 9, contains the key values less than 9 represented by ki. The pointer
that appears before 16, contains the key values greater than or equal to 9 but less than
16 represented by kj. The pointer that appears before 25, contains the key values
greater than or equal to 16 but less than 25 represented by kn.
In the B tree, all the keys and records In the B+ tree, keys are the indexes stored in the internal
are stored in both internal as well as nodes and records are stored in the leaf nodes.
leaf nodes.
In B tree, keys cannot be repeatedly In the B+ tree, there can be redundancy in the
stored, which means that there is no occurrence of the keys. In this case, the records are
duplication of keys or records. stored in the leaf nodes, whereas the keys are stored in
the internal nodes, so redundant keys can be present in
the internal nodes.
In the Btree, leaf nodes are not linked In B+ tree, the leaf nodes are linked to each other to
to each other. provide the sequential access.
In Btree, searching is not very efficient In B+ tree, searching is very efficient or quicker because
because the records are either stored in all the records are stored in the leaf nodes.
leaf or internal nodes.
Deletion of internal nodes is very slow Deletion in B+ tree is very fast because all the records
and a time-consuming process as we are stored in the leaf nodes so we do not have to
need to consider the child of the consider the child of the node.
deleted key also.
In Btree, sequential access is not In the B+ tree, all the leaf nodes are connected to each
possible. other through a pointer, so sequential access is possible.
In Btree, the more number of splitting B+ tree has more width as compared to height.
operations are performed due to which
height increases compared to width,
In Btree, each node has atleast two In B+ tree, internal nodes contain only pointers and leaf
branches and each node contains some nodes contain records. All the leaf nodes are at the same
records, so we do not need to traverse level, so we need to traverse till the leaf nodes to get the
till the leaf nodes to get the data. data.
The root node contains atleast 2 to m The root node contains atleast 2 to m children where m
children where m is the order of the is the order of the tree.
B+ Tree
A B+ tree is a balanced binary search tree that follows a multi-level index format. The leaf
nodes of a B+ tree denote actual data pointers. B+ tree ensures that all leaf nodes remain at
the same height, thus balanced. Additionally, the leaf nodes are linked using a link list;
therefore, a B+ tree can support random access as well as sequential access.
Structure of B+ Tree
Every leaf node is at equal distance from the root node. A B+ tree is of the order n where n is
fixed for every B+ tree.
Internal nodes −
Internal (non-leaf) nodes contain at least ⌈n/2⌉ pointers, except the root node.
At most, an internal node can contain n pointers.
Leaf nodes −
Leaf nodes contain at least ⌈n/2⌉ record pointers and ⌈n/2⌉ key values.
At most, a leaf node can contain n record pointers and n key values.
Every leaf node contains one block pointer P to point to next leaf node and forms a
linked list.
B+ Tree Insertion
B+ trees are filled from bottom and each entry is done at the leaf node.
If a leaf node overflows −
o Split node into two parts.
o Partition at i = ⌊(m+1)/2⌋.
o First i entries are stored in one node.
o Rest of the entries (i+1 onwards) are moved to a new node.
o ith key is duplicated at the parent of the leaf.
If a non-leaf node overflows −
o Split node into two parts.
o Partition the node at i = ⌈(m+1)/2⌉.
o Entries up to i are kept in one node.
o Rest of the entries are moved to a new node.
B+ Tree Deletion
B+ tree entries are deleted at the leaf nodes.
The target entry is searched and deleted.
o If it is an internal node, delete and replace with the entry from
the left position.
After deletion, underflow is tested,
o If underflow occurs, distribute the entries from the nodes left to
If distribution is not possible from left, then
o Distribute from the nodes right to it.
If distribution is not possible from left or from right, then
o Merge the node with left and right to it.
The data model in which data is kept in the form of objects, which are instances of
classes, is known as an object-oriented database management system, or ODBMS. The
object-oriented data model is made up of these classes and objects.
A database management system (DBMS) that facilitates the modeling and generation
of data as objects is called an object-oriented database management system (ODBMS),
which is frequently abbreviated as ODBMS for object database management system.
Inheritance of class attributes and methods by subclasses and their objects is also
included, as is some sort of support for object classes.
Although the Object Data Management Group (ODMG) produced The Object Data
Standard ODMG 3.0 in 2001, which outlines an object model and standards for
defining and querying objects, there is no commonly accepted definition of what an
OODBMS is. Since then, the group has broken up.
Nowadays, a well-liked substitute for the object database is Not Only SQL (NoSQL)
document database systems. NoSQL document databases offer key-based access to
semi-structured data as documents, generally using JavaScript Object Notation, even
if they lack all the features of a full ODBMS (JSON).
Object-Oriented Data Model Elements
The three main building blocks of the OODBMS are object structure, object classes,
and object identity. The following explains them.
Object Structure: An object's structure refers to the components that make up the
object. An attribute is a term used to describe certain characteristics of an item. A real-
world entity with certain qualities that makes up the object structure is hence referred
to as an object. Also, an object contains the data code in a solitary piece, which in turn
creates data abstraction by shielding the user from the implementation specifics.
1. class JOB
2. { //variables
3. char name;
4. string address;
5. int id;
6. int salary;
7. //Messages
8. char get_name();
9. string get_address();
10. int annual_salary();
11. };
As we can see in the sample above, the class CLERK is where the object variables and
messages are stored.
Although there may be several classes with comparable methods, variables, and
messages in a database, an OODBMS also extensively allows inheritance. As a result,
the idea of the class hierarchy is still used to illustrate the commonalities between
different classes.
An object-oriented data model also supports the idea of encapsulation, which is data
or information concealing. In addition to the built-in data types like char, int, and float,
this data architecture also offers the ability for abstract data types. ADTs are user-
defined data types that can carry methods in addition to the values they contain.
Hence, ODBMS offers a variety of built-in and user-defined features to its customers.
It combines the attributes of an object-oriented data model with those of a database
management system, and it supports the notions of programming paradigms like
classes and objects in addition to those of encapsulation, inheritance, and user-defined
ADTs (abstract data types).
Features of ODBMS
Malcolm Atkinson and colleagues defined an OODBMS in their important work, The
Object-Oriented Database Manifesto, as follows:
The type of DBMS that is now used the most frequently is a relational database
management system (RDBMS). Most IT workers have a solid understanding of the
relational abstraction of rows and columns accessible via Structured Query Language
Yet, object database systems may be more effective in managing and storing
complicated data relationships. Accessing data with several relationships spread across
various tables in an RDBMS might be more challenging for applications than accessing
the same data as an object in an ODBMS.
Data may be stored on several places in two ways using distributed data storage:
1. Replication - With this strategy, every aspect of the connection is redundantly kept at
two or more locations. It is a completely redundant database if the entire database is
accessible from every location. Systems preserve copies of the data as a result of
replication. This has advantages since it makes more data accessible at many locations.
Moreover, query requests can now be handled in parallel. But, there are some
drawbacks as well. Data must be updated often. All changes performed at one site
must be documented at every site where that relation is stored in order to avoid
inconsistent results. There is a tone of overhead here. Moreover, since concurrent
access must now be monitored across several sites, concurrency management
becomes far more complicated.
2. Fragmentation - In this method, the relationships are broken up into smaller pieces
and each fragment is kept in the many locations where it is needed. To ensure there is
no data loss, the pieces must be created in a way that allows for the reconstruction of
the original relation. As fragmentation doesn't result in duplicate data, consistency is
not a concern.
o Place unrelated
o Spread-out query processing
o The administration of distributed transactions
o Independent of hardware
o Network independent of operating systems
o Transparency of transactions
o DBMS unrelated
Architecture for a distributed database
Both homogeneous and heterogeneous distributed databases exist.
All of the physical sites in a homogeneous distributed database system use the same
operating system and database software, as well as the same underlying hardware. It
can be significantly simpler to build and administer homogenous distributed database
systems since they seem to the user as a single system. The data structures at each site
must either be the same or compatible for a distributed database system to be
considered homogeneous. Also, the database program utilized at each site must be
compatible or same.
The hardware, operating systems, or database software at each site may vary in a
heterogeneous distributed database. Although separate sites may employ various
technologies and schemas, a variation in schema might make query and transaction
processing challenging.
Various nodes could have dissimilar hardware, software, and data structures, or they
might be situated in incompatible places. Users may be able to access data stored at
a different place but not upload or modify it. Because heterogeneous distributed
databases are sometimes challenging to use, many organizations find them to be
economically unviable.
o Primary keys that point to a single database record are used to identify horizontally
fragmented data. Horizontal fragmentation is typically used when business locations
only want access to the database for their own branch.
o Using primary keys that are duplicates of each other and accessible to each branch of
the database is how vertically fragmented data is organized. When a company's branch
and central location deal with the same accounts differently, vertically fragmented data
is used.
o Data that has been edited or modified for decision support databases is referred to as
reorganised data. When two distinct systems are managing transactions and decision
support, reorganised data is generally utilised. When there are numerous requests,
online transaction processing must be reconfigured, and decision support systems
might be challenging to manage.
o In order to accommodate various departments and circumstances, separate schema
data separates the database and the software used to access it. Often, there is overlap
between many databases and separate schema data