DeltaOhm 2305 Portatif PH
DeltaOhm 2305 Portatif PH
DeltaOhm 2305 Portatif PH
The HD2305.0 is a portable instruments with a large LCD display. It measures the Measurement of mV by Instrument
pH and the redox potential (ORP) in mV. It measures the temperature using Pt100 Measurement range -1999.9…+1,999.9mV
or Pt1000 immersion, penetration or contact probes. Resolution 0.1mV
The electrode calibration can be carried out on one, two or three points at 4.01pH, Accuracy ±0.1mV
6.86pH and 9.18pH. Drift after 1 year 0.5mV/year
The temperature probes are fitted with an automatic detection module, with the
factory calibration settings already being memorized inside. Measurement of temperature by Instrument
Pt100 measurement range -200…+650°C
The Max, Min and Avg function calculate the maximum, minimum or average Pt1000 measurement range -200…+650°C
values. Resolution 0.1°C
Other functions include: the relative measurement REL, the Auto-HOLD function, Accuracy ±0.1°C
and the automatic turning off that can also be disabled. Drift after 1 year 0.1°C/year
The instruments have IP67 protection degree.
Instrument Temperature probes Pt100 sensor using SICRAM module
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 140x88x38mm Model Type Application range Accuracy
Weight 160g (complete with batteries)
Materials ABS TP87 Immersion -50°C…+200°C ±0.25°C (-50°C…+200°C)
Display 2x41⁄2 digits plus symbols TP472I.0 Immersion ±0.25°C (-50°C…+350°C)
-50°C…+400°C ±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
Visible area: 52x42mm ±0.25°C (-50°C…+350°C)
TP473P.0 Penetration -50°C…+400°C ±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
Working conditions TP474C.0 Contact ±0.3°C (-50°C…+350°C)
-50°C…+400°C ±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
Operating temperature -5…50°C
Warehouse temperature -25…65°C TP475A.0 Air -50°C…+250°C ±0.3°C (-50°C…+250°C)
Working relative humidity 0…90%RH without condensation TP472I.5 Immersion ±0.3°C (-50°C…+350°C)
-50°C…+400°C ±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
Protection degree IP67 ±0.3°C (-50°C…+350°C)
TP472I.10 Immersion -50°C…+400°C ±0.4°C (+350°C…+400°C)
Batteries 3 1.5V type AA batteries Common characteristics
Autonomy 200 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries Resolution 0.1°C
Power absorbed with instrument off 20μA Temperature drift @ 20°C 0.003%/°C
ORDER CODES pH Buffer solutions
HD2305.0KE: The kit is composed of: instrument HD2305.0, KP30 electrode, HD8642: Buffer solution 4.01pH - 200cc.
TP87 temperature probe, 4.01pH and 6.86pH buffer solutions, 3 1.5V HD8672: Buffer solution 6.86pH - 200cc.
alkaline batteries, operating manual, case. HD8692: Buffer solution 9.18pH - 200cc.
HD2305.0K: The kit is composed of: instrument HD2305.0, TP87 temperature
probe, 3 1.5V alkaline batteries, operating manual. The electrodes must Redox Buffer solutions
be ordered separately. HDR220: Redox buffer solution 220mV 0.5 l.
HDR468: Redox buffer solution 468mV 0.5 l.
pH Electrodes
KP20: Combined pH electrode, gel-filled, with screw connector S7, body in Temperature probes complete with SICRAM module
Epoxy, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl. TP87: Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 70mm. Cable
KP30: Combined pH electrode, cable 1m, gel-filled, body in Epoxy, Ag/AgCl sat. length 1 metre.
KCl. TP472I.0: Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 3 mm, length 230 mm. Cable
KP60: Combined pH electrode, 1 diaphragm, gel-filled, with screw connector S7, length 2 metres.
body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl. TP473P.0: Pt100 sensor penetration probe, Stem Ø 4mm, length 150 mm. Cable
KP 61: Combined pH electrode, 3 diaphragms for milk, cream, etc. gel-filled, with length 2 metres.
screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl. TP474C.0: Pt100 sensor contact probe. Stem Ø 4mm, length 230mm, contact
KP 62: Combined pH electrode, 1 diaphragm for pure water, paints, etc. gel-filled, surface Ø 5mm. Cable length 2 metres.
with screw connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl. TP475A.0: Pt100 sensor air probe. Stem Ø 4mm, length 230mm. Cable length
KP 70: Combined pH electrode, micro diam. 6 x L=70mm, gel-filled, with screw 2 metres.
connector S7, body in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl. TP472I.5: Immersion probe, sensor Pt100. Stem Ø 6mm, length 500 mm. Cable
KP 80: Combined pointed pH electrode, gel-filled, with screw connector S7, body length 2 metres.
in glass, Ag/AgCl sat. KCl. TP472I.10: Pt100 sensor immersion probe. Stem Ø 6mm, length 1,000mm. Cable
CP: Extension cable 1.5m with BNC connectors on one side and S7 on the other length 2 metres.
side for electrode without cable.
CE: Screw connector S7 for pH electrode. Temperature probes without SICRAM module
BNC Female BNC for electrode extension. TP87.100: Pt100 sensor immersion probe, Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length 70mm.
Connection cable 4 wires with connector, length 1 metre.
ORP Electrodes TP87.1000: Pt1000 sensor immersion probe. Probe’s stem Ø 3mm, length
KP90: REDOX PLATINUM electrode, with screw connector S7, gel-filled, body 70mm. Connection cable 2 wires with connector, length 1 metre.
in glass. TP47: Only connector for probe connection: direct 4 wire Pt100 and 2 wire
HD8642 HD8772 HD8692