Importance of History of Education To A Teacher

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Name: Bea Marie B.

Quintino Date: April 13, 2023



The study of history of education helps teachers in training to

appreciate the various aspects of their past educational process so as to
link them to the present; It enables teachers in training to know what type of
education we had and the purpose it served in the past; It gives teachers in
training the opportunity of knowing our past mistakes in our education with
the view to making necessary amends; History of education gives teachers
in training the opportunity of studying other people’s educational ideas and
programmed with the aim of developing ours; It also gives teachers in
training a solid foundation to plan for our present and future educational
development; History of education guides teachers in training to pro ffer
some positive solution to our present-day educational problems; It helps
teachers in training to understand some major trends and developments in
our educational system; It helps teachers in training to formulate and
implement better philosophies of education; History of education is a good
academic exercise to improve teachers in training knowledge; It widens the
scope and knowledge of the teacher and makes him more comfortable and
competent in his class; Knowledge of history of education can help
teachers in training to be competent in handling any political appointment
on education, nationally or internationally .History of Education will help you
to understand how the past events shaped the present education systems,
theories and related phenomenon in the area of teacher education in
particular and education in general. Secondly, it will enable you to
appreciate the importance of education to mankind since time immemorial
across the generations. By so doing, you are will be able to critically
examine the fundamental part which education plays in the transformation
of society. Note that as a teacher, you are a change agent so learning the
history of education will prepare teachers in training to examine present
trends and dynamics in education, draw practical lessons from the past,
avoid possible mistakes, and initiate more viable plans for the benefit
of Society. The teaching and learning of History of Education in Nigeria is
therefore justified for many reasons, some of these include the fact that it
would enable teachers in training to have adequate knowledge of; what our
educational policies are and what they are not; the philosophical ideas
guiding the Nigerian education; the contributions of the ancient nations and
scholars to the development of the country’s education and the major
trends in the development of our education in Nigeria which may
encourage them to be willing to contribute their own quota to the
development of education in the country whenever they are in the position
to do so.

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