Water-and-Energy Ethiopia 2015
Water-and-Energy Ethiopia 2015
Water-and-Energy Ethiopia 2015
Financed by the SCIP Fund: The SCIP Fund is supported by DFID UK, Aid, The Royal
Norwegian Embassy and The Royal Danish Embassy
Water Sector
Energy Sector
The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences (EAS) was launched in April 2010 and recognized by an act of
parliament (Proclamation No. 783/2013) as an independent institution mandated to provide, inter
alia, evidence-based policy advice to the Government of Ethiopia and other stakeholders. Its major
activities include undertaking consensus studies, conducting convening activities such as public
lectures, conferences, workshops and symposia on issues of national priority; as well as promoting
science, technology and innovation.
This book is part of the First Assessment Report of the Ethiopian Panel on
Climate Change (EPCC). The EPCC, established under the auspices of the
Ethiopian Academy of Sciences (EAS), primarily to, inter alia, produce periodic
assessments of climate change issues in Ethiopia, is a sub-project of the
“Environment Service and Climate Change Analyses Program (ESACCCAP)”
project jointly run by the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, the Climate Science
Centre (CSC) and the Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network
(HoA-REC&N) of Addis Ababa University. The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences
gratefully acknowledges the Department for International Development
(DFID) UK, the Danish Government and the Norwegian Government for their
support to the Project through the Strategic Climate Institutions Programme
Acknowledgement iii
Water Sector 1
Executive Summary 1
1. Introduction 5
2. Water Resource of Ethiopia 9
3. Observed and Projected Hydrological Varability and Changes 39
4. Adaptation and Managing Risks in Water Sector 75
5. Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities in the Water Sector 103
6. Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs and Concluding Remarks 107
References 110
Executive summary
All of the major rivers of the country are transboundary, and hence supply
the downstream riparian countries with the much needed fresh water. For
instance, the three major river basins (Abbay, Baro-Akobo and Tekeze), which
carry some 76% of the annual flow of the country, account for about 85% of
the Nile River waters in Egypt and Sudan.
Stream flow, available soil water, groundwater recharge and water quality
are all vulnerable to the projected changes in rainfall and temperature. For
most of the major river basins of Ethiopia, many studies projected reduction
of water yield. The reduction of water yield against the slightly increasing
rainfall projected for much of the country indicates the effects of increased
evapotranspiration loss of water due to the rising temperature. In general,
most studies suggest that in terms of rainfall change wet areas will become
wetter while dry areas will become drier. This means that southeastern,
northeastern and rift valley areas will become drier; while southwestern,
central and parts of western highland areas will become wetter. For instance,
a study in the Blue Nile basin estimated a 14% reduction of runoff with a 3%
increase in rainfall and 1.70C rise in temperature; and 11% runoff reduction
with 6% increase in rainfall and 2.60C increase in temperature. The same
study noted that higher low flows could be observed in the headwaters of
the Blue Nile because of the likely increase of rainfall in this region, and it
would be less likely that downstream communities suffer reduction of flow
even with increased water demands and population growth.
On the other hand, downscaled projection studies to the local scale show
that changes in runoff will be variable and inconsistent across different wa-
tersheds even within the same climatic regimes. There is a greater agree-
Climate change affects not only water quantity and quality but also water
demand and use.Water use in agriculture generally increases with increasing
temperature. However, as water demand is also driven by non-climatic factors,
there is no clear evidence for a climate-related trend in water use in the past
(IPCC 2007; Estrela et al., 2012). Inefficiencies in water use particularly in
agriculture have considerable influence on water demand. The efficiency
of surface irrigation which is widely practiced in Ethiopia varies on average
from 30-50% (Ayana, 2010). This indicates an unaccounted additional water
demand of 50-70%. With growing demand for water in all development
sectors and growing water stress due to climatic and non-climaticfactors,
such high inefficiency in water use needs to be improved.
Due to limited financial and technical capacity and capability, Ethiopia has been
considered as economical and technical water scarce country (Awulachew,
2010). It means, even if the country is endowed with vast physical water
resources potential, the resource could not be made available for use due
to inadequate water infrastructure. This low level of development of water
infrastructure exacerbates the country’s vulnerability to climate change.
Climate change represents a challenge for water resourcesdevelopment. The
course of water resource development strategies need to consider means of
All of Ethiopia’s major rivers originate in the highlands and flow outward
in many directions through deep gorges. The Ethiopian landmass
ishydrographically divided into 12 River Basins (Figure. 1).
Ethiopia has three distinct seasons which are commonly recognized in the
country (viz. Belg, Kiremt and Bega), each with different rainfall distribution
pattern and amount. The Belg season, approximately extends from March to
the end of May, and is considered the small rainy season in most of the river
basins; and it is generated by weather systems that originate over the Indian
Ocean. The Kiremt season, approximately extend from June to the end of
September. It is considered as the main rainy season. The seasonal oscillation
of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is the predominant mechanism
for the rainfall during Kiremt (Seleshi and Zanke, 2004; Mohammed et al.,
2005; Korecha, 2013; Reda et al., 2014). Bega is the dry season and it extends
from October through the end of February.
Mean annual rainfall ranges from about 2000 mm over some pocket areas
in the southwest to about less than 250 mm over the Afar lowlands in the
northeast and Ogaden in the southeast. Rainfall decreases northwards and
eastwards from the high rainfall pocket areas in the southwest (NMSA, 2001).
Based on the annual rainfall distribution patterns over the country, three
major rainfall regimes are identified (World Bank, 2006; Reda et al., 2014):
A Blue Nile
1 Abbay 199,912 11.4 25.5 2220 800 1420 1300 54.4
2 Baro-Akobo 75,912 <17 >28 3000 600 1419 1800 23.2
3 Tekeze 82,350 <10 >22 1200 600 1300 1400 8.2
4 Mereb 5,900 18 27 2000 680 520 1500 0.7
B Draining to Indian
5 Wabi She- 202,220 6 27 1563 223 425 1500 3.4
6 Genale 172,259 <15 >25 1200 200 528 1450 6.0
C Draining to Lake Turkana
Except Awash River, all of the eight wet basins drain to the neighboring
countries. As a result of differences in rainfall amount and distribution across
the country, there is considerable difference in runoff amounts generated
from the basins. Thebasins located to the western side of the Great Rift Valley,
namely Abbay, Tekeze, andBaro-Akoboand Omo-Gibe receive considerably
high amounts of mean annual rainfall. They account for about 83% of the
country’s annual surface runoff (102.4 BCM), while coveringonly 39% of
the country’s area. These basins host about 50% of the population of the
country. Runoff from Abbay, Tekeze, Baro Akobo and Mereb represents the
contribution of Ethiopia to the main Nile River which amounts to about 85.5
BCM.The most remarkable contribution in terms of volume of runoff comes
from the Abbay River, the second largest basin next to Wabi Shebele in terms
of area, and it is also commonly called the Blue Nile River. This river alone
accounts for about 43% of the annual flow in the country. About 70-80%
of the annual flow of almost all rivers in Ethiopia is attributed to the heavy
Kiremt rains that occur between July and September (NBI, 2008).
The Wabi Shebele and Genale Dawa basins which drain the southeastern
part of the country towards Somalia cover about 33% of the country and
contribute only 7.6% of the total annual runoff.The Omo Gibe basin is located
in the southwest of the country and drains into Lake Turkana of Kenya through
Baro River.
Abbay, Tekeze, and Baro-Akobo rivers account for about half of the country’s
water outflow. In the northern half of the Great Rift Valley flows the Awash
River. The Awash flows northeast wards and vanishes in the saline lakes near
the border with Djibouti. The southeast is drained by the Ganale, Dawa and
The very high variability exhibited by the climate components of the country
over time and space is the main reason behind the spatial and temporal
variability in the availability of water. The surface runoff potential varies
across the basins depending on other climatic variables such as rainfall and
temperature and topography. This is evidenced by the fact that the wet
southwest and western part of the country, viz. Abbay, Baro Akobo and Omo-
Gibe, produce about 76% of the annual runoff whereas the southeast, east,
and north comparatively produce very small amount of surface runoff.
Figure 3 shows the general flow characteristics of some of the Ethiopian rivers
which exhibit seasonality. As rainfall that produces runoff all over the basins
is seasonal, the river flows are also seasonal. About 76% of total annual flow
is generated during the months of July to October. This variability in water
availability necessitates water storage infrastructure. However, the current
per capita storage of the country is only 160m3 which is only 20% of South
Africa’s and 2.6% of North America’s (World Bank, 2006; Awulachew, 2010).
The major lakes and their hydrologic characteristics are given in Table 3. The
total surface area of the major natural and artificial lakes is about 7,500 km2.
This surface area is considerably higher when small lakes and wetlands are
considered. An estimated storage capacity of these major lakes is about 95.46
BCM (Table 3). All of these lakes, except Tana, are found in the Rift Valley.
The streams feeding the rift valley lakes are increasingly being used for
irrigation. Studies show that many of the lakes are undergoing considerable
change in their levels and sizes (Chernet et al. 2001; Ayenew, 2002; Tamiru
et al, 2006; Ayenew, 2007). As a result of their volcano-tectonic origin
and increasing land degradation for agriculture most of these lakes are
characterized by high concentration of dissolved solids. The high content of
fluoride reaches 300 mg/l and affects the health of the population who live
in the main Ethiopian Rift valley. Furthermore, high level of alkalinity and
sodicity of most of these lake waters degrade structure and productivity
of agricultural soils (Chernet et al., 2001). Excessive land degradation,
deforestation and over-irrigation are increasingly aggravating sedimentation
in lakes and increase in soil salinity (Legesse and Ayenew, 2006). Except Lake
Ziway and Abaya, irrigation directly from the lake waters is not practiced in
the rift valley due to quality constraints. Lake Abiyata has been exploited
for production of soda ash and hence, experiencing anthropogenic induced
Apart from their economic importance in terms of water supply for irrigation,
recreation, fishery, and soda abstraction these chain of lakes harbor endemic
birds, wild animals and provide ecosystem services. However, with increasing
population growth, land degradation and related soil erosion and uncontrolled
access to and use of these resources, sustainability of the lakes systems has
become area of considerable concern that need attention. Several studies
indicated that unwise water and land use systems from and around the lakes
have led to changing conditions of the lakes especially in terms of their level,
size, and water quality (Ayenew, 2004; Alemayehu et al., 2006; Legesse and
Ayenew, 2006; Ayenew and Legesse, 2007).
As can be seen from Table 2, the water quality of all lakes except Ziway,
Hawassa and Tana is above the range of permissible level for irrigation.
The management of freshwater lakes becomes a concern when they are
overexploited. In this regard, Lake Ziway is the case in point. According to
Ayenew (2004), the levels of some of the lakes have changed dramatically
over the last three decades. Some lakes have shrunk due to excessive
abstraction of water; others have expanded due to increases in surface runoff
and groundwater influx from percolated irrigation water. Tiruneh (2007) has
reported that the salinity levels of Abaya and Chamo lakes haveincreased by
60% and 67%, respectively, between 1964 and 2003.
An estimated amount of 2.6 BCM has been widely quoted. Following the
results of recently completed assessment for parts of the country, there
is consensus that the 2.6BCM figure is extreme underestimate and that it
needs to be considerably revised. Best estimates in this respect range from
12-30BCM or even more if all aquifers in the lowlands are assessed (MoWR,
2011). According to rough estimates based on the information given in Table
3 and Figure 5, the annual groundwater recharge may reach up to 60 BCM.
Recharge (mm/
Physio- Highlands of western and southwestern Ethiopia 250 - 400
Eastern (high peaks) and central Ethiopian high- 150 – 250
2.4.1. Irrigation
The development of irrigation and agricultural water management holds
significant potential to improve productivity and reduce vulnerability to
climactic volatility in Ethiopia. Irrigation can contribute to the national
economy in several ways. At the micro level, irrigation leads to an increase
in yield per hectare and subsequent increases in income, consumption and
food security. Irrigation enables smallholders to diversify cropping patterns,
and to switch from low-value subsistence production to high-value market-
Although Ethiopia has abundant rainfall and water resources, its agricultural
system does not yet fully benefit from the technologies of water management
and irrigation (Awulachew, 2010). Based on information from river basin
master plans the irrigation potential of the country is estimated at about 3.7
Mha. With consideration of groundwater irrigation (1.1 Mha) and rainwater
harvesting (0.5 Mha), the irrigation potential is estimated at 5.3 Mha
(Awulachew, 2010; Gebremeskel, 2011).
Although traditional irrigation has long years of history, modern irrigation has
started in Ethiopia in the 1960s in the Awash valley with the objective of
producing industrial crops (Awulachew et al., 2007). For instance, sugar estate
irrigation schemes of Wonji Shoa and Metahara were established in 1954 and
1966, respectively; Bilate was established in 1967 as well as Amibara and
Nura Era in 1983.The country is presently committing huge investments to
develop irrigation infrastructure of different scales with the aim to enhance
agricultural production to feed the growing population, creating employment
opportunity, expand export earnings and supply raw materials to agro-
industries. Public investment, private, NGOs and farmers own initiatives are
involved in the development of irrigated agriculture.
Regarding the extent of the area currently covered with irrigated agriculture,
there is no reliable information and monitoring system. According to Hagos
et al (2009) area under irrigation in 2005/06 was about 625,819 ha. Estimate
made by Awulachew (2010) suggest that about 640,000 ha is under irrigation
that includes 128,000 ha micro irrigation using rainwater harvesting, 383,000
ha small-scale, and 129,000 ha from medium and large-scale irrigation. This
figure accounts 11.8% of the irrigable land which is still low as compared to
the potential and development of other countries.
The fact that close to 85% of the population is living in rural areas under
scattered settlements, provision of centralized water supply system is not
possible. Instead localized systems have been developed and implemented.
Most of the water supply schemes both in urban and rural areas are
characterized by low levels of service and lack of sustainability. Although
water supply systems in the larger cities have recently been improved, they
need to be expanded to meet the demands of rapid population growth and
the planned industrial zones. In rural communities, water supply systems
have too often been installed without adequately training the communities
to manage and maintain them (World Bank, 2006). Due to lack of technical
2.4.3. Hydropower
With increasing population growth and development, the demand for
energy is increasing. Expansion of manufacturing and agro-industries,
improved living standards and service needs adequate and reliable supply
of energy urgently. Close to 90% of the energy demand of the country has
been covered from biomass (Solomon, 1998), which has been considered as
one of the contributors to deforestation and land degradation. Ethiopia is
making exceptional progress in developing its renewable energy resources as
outlined in GTP and climate resilient green economy strategy. Among these
sources, hydropower has received greater attention.
Owing to the development needs and plans of the country, there are several
hydropower plants in pipeline (Table 6). As it can be seen from the same
table, the three River Basins, namely, Abbay, Omo Gibe and Baro Akobo,
that generate about 76% of the annual surface runoff of the country, can be
Soil erosion and sediment transport from degraded areas is a serious threat
for the growing development of water infrastructure like dams and reservoirs.
Rivers and streams that originate from highland areas are carrying enormous
sediment during rainy seasons and flooding events. With the current intensity
of land degradation, several dams and reservoirs will fall short of their useful
lives unless soil and water conservation practice is implemented rapidly.
Creation of institutions with short term objective rather than long term
Establishment through ad-hoc decisions rather than detailed
institutional investigation and analysis
Less emphasis given to institutional sustainability
Discrepancy between high expectation and low performance during
the first few years of institutions
Insufficient budgetary allocation and less attention given to capacity
Currently the water sector governance structure encompasses federal level
ministry, regional level water and energy bureaus and supporting zonal and
woreda level water resources development offices.
There are other ministries and institutions at federal level that are involved
directly or indirectly in water resources development. These are for instance:
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of
Urban Development and Construction, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
River Basin level: River Basin Organizations comprising a Basin High Council
and River Basin Authorities, as legalized by proclamation No. 534/2007, are
being established in order to ensure integrated water resources management
at the basin level
Zonal level: Zonal Water Resources Offices are the supporting arms of the
Regional Water Bureaus and are mandated to provide technical support to
Woreda Water Offices and Town Water Supply Offices. In addition, they are
responsible for coordinating activities, consolidating plans and reports of
woreda and relaying requests from Regional water bureaus and/or woreda
water offices. In general, Zonal Water Offices, in regions where they exist, are
the links between Regional Bureaus and woredas.
Detection methods
The two most widely used tools in detecting hydrological changes are statistical
approaches and modeling. Trend, regime shift, frequency analysis and flow
duration curve analysis are widely used methods in statistical hydrological
change detection (Dahmen and Hall, 1990; Kunzewicz and Robson, 2004;
Westerberg et al., 2011). These detection methods consist of different
methodological procedures to differentiate whether changes are driven by
climate change or other anthropogenic effects; also there are procedures
to differentiate the natural variability from climate change induced impacts
(Burn and Hag Elner, 2002). Understanding the environment where data
are collected, nature of the data, methods used in pre-analysis will help for
application of appropriate change detection methods and procedures.
The whole natural system in the globe, including water, has entered into
the new era called “Anthropocene”. Thus all natural systems are liable to be
impacted by human induced changes. Climate change, land use change and
population growth are the main attributes for changes ofnatural systems.
Water, among other natural systems, is the most stressed resource with
climate change impacts and other changes. Every partof the hydrological
cycle is affectedby climate change (Bates et al., 2008). Especially increased
evapotranspiration because of increased temperature and thus affecting
the patterns of rainfall are major climate change impacts in water stressed
countries of Africa (Oestigaard, 2011).
Hydrological changes induced by land use change and population growth are
also prominent in eastern Africa and in Ethiopia (Urama and Ozor, 2010; Hurni
et al., 2005). Though, land use change and population growth have enormous
impacts on hydrology, climate change impacts are bigger with special effects
on hydrological regimesin the region (Bates et al., 2008).
Uncertainty in data and data analysis plays a major role in identification and
attribution of hydrological changes, such as what really is changing and how
modest prediction can be made based on observed records. Uncertainty in
hydrology could arise by many factors which could have particular or cumulative
effect on hydrological change analysis (Di Baldassare and Montanari, 2009).
Observational errors, weak representation of spatiotemporal variability,
methodological errors and model uncertainties have impacts on studies
related to hydrological changes. Errors in data acquisition and analysis lead
to ill design of water management infrastructure and hydrological prediction.
The spatial variability is more pronounced given the country’s wide range of
topography, climatic and ecosystem regimes. Ethiopia has 6 rainfall regimes;
where annual rainfall ranges from < 100mm yr-1 to 2000 mm yr-1 (Figure
7) (Berhanu et al., 2013; www.ethiomet.gov.et, 2014). Rainfall decreases
along the way from southwestern part of the country to northeastern
and southeastern parts. Wagesho et al. (2012) found that rainfall showed
Some variables like the inter- and intra- annual variability, rainfall duration
and intensity are the most important rainfall variables in the country in
relation to impacts of climate change (Haile et al., 2011; Mellander et al.,
2013). Cheung et al. (2008) indicated that the Kiremt rains were decreasing
in the southwest of the country; whereas Mellander et al. (2013) indicated
Belg rains were decreasing in the same part of the country. Cheung et al.
(2008) and Bewket (2009) found a slight decrease of the annual rainfall in
the recent decades in the northern highlands of Ethiopia over the last half-a-
century. The timing and the onset of rainfall are responsible for the observed
changesin some variables of the rainfall and in some areas of the country
(Cheung et al., 2008). For instance, the onset of rainfall is negatively related
to rainfall intensity in the northwestern highlands of Ethiopia (Mellander et
al., 2013).
Ethiopia lies in high rainfall tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa (Figure
9). Because of the high rainfall, there are many streams flowing from the
uplands to the low lands. There are 12 river basins with a flow amount of ca
124 x 109 m3 yr-1, where75% of the flow comes from three rivers (Abbay, Baro-
Akobo and Omo-Ghibe) (Figure 10, Table 8). The total gauge stations of streams
are ca 550 in the 12 basins; where 80% of these stations are operational
(www.mowr.gov.et/2014). However, most streams in the country are yet to
be gauged. Denser gauge stations are found in the Abbay basin where 35%
of the streams have hydrological records at daily basis. Most of the gauging
stations are installed since 1960s when the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR)
River Basins
Rivers originating from the mountainous highlands adjacent to the rift valley
flow further to the periphery of the country. So, rivers from the northwestern
Abbay: The Abbay basin is located in the central, west and northwest part of
the country (Figure 10). It lies between 7045Ι – 12045Ι latitude and 34005Ι –
39045Ι longitude. Abbaystarts from Lake Tana (the biggest lake of the country)
and flows towards Sudan and consists of the largest flow amount, ca 45% of
the country’s total flow. Abbay basin covers 18% of the area of the country.
Abbay generates the biggest quantity of the Nile water (more than 62%
[Mohamed et al., 2005]). There are 160 established gauge stations in the
Basin; out of which131 of them are operational.
Awash: The Awash basin starts around the mountains close to Ambo some
100 km to the west of Addis Ababa. It flows to the eastern part of the country
acrossthe Rift Valley floor to the northeast. Awash basin stretches from 4195
m asl at Ginchi area west of Addis Ababa to Lake Abhe at 210 maslclose to the
border of Djibouti (Taddese et al., ILRI). Awash basin is the most utilized river
basinof Ethiopia for the purpose of water resources development. Ninety
seven gauge stations are found in the basin, out of which 72 of them are
functional (www.mowr.gov.et/2014).
Rift Valley Lakes Basin: It is located in the centrallowland part of the country.
It is characterized by rich biodiversity. Most of the wildlife reserves and lakes
of the country are found in this basin. The basin covers about 52 000 km2.
The elevation ranges from 500 m asl to 3000 m asl. This basin is more known
for its rich groundwater resources rather than stream flows. However, the
groundwater is fluoride rich. There were 70 gauge stations established in the
beginning, but only54 of them are functioning.
Tekeze: The Tekeze river basin is located in the northern part of the country,
and it is one of the three rivers flowing from Ethiopia to the Nile. It is bordered
by MerebRiver (partly located in Eritrea) to the north and by Abbay to the
south. Tekeze River starts flowing from the highest mountain of the country,
RasDashen (4620 m asl) and drops to a lowland of 500 m asl before leaving
to the Sudan. Tekezedrains the most rugged and dissected topography of
the country, mainly in Gondar and Tigray. Among the 40 gauging stations
established in the basin, all are functional except one.
Table 8 River basins and their respective area, population and runoff characteristics
Changes in stream flow depend on scale, location, climatic regime, and the
method of detection. Variability and changes of stream flow over the past
thousands of years in East Africa is highly related with the rainfall/climate
changes associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation (Gasse, 2000).
Changes in rainfall force manifold changes of stream flow in the East African
region. Expected changesof hydrology, which are increased runoff and
reduced base flow (Melesse et al., 2010; Gebrehiwot et al., 2014a) are variable
across scales and location in the country. Legesse et al. (2003) found a 30%
reduction of simulated discharge with a scenario of 10% change of rainfall,
while a 15% decrease in simulated discharge if air temperature increases
by 1.50C in southern part of Ethiopia. The effective rainfall or stream flow
generation is highly dependent on the pattern of rainfall (Figure 11). A 500
mm cumulative rainfall has been found as an effective rainfall in generating
streamflow in the highlands of Ethiopia (Liu et al., 2008).
Long term records of stream flow do not show any detectable trends
in most rivers (Figure 12). However, some of the variables of stream flow
like runoff coefficient and peak discharge have shown increment over the
years (Senay et al., 2009; Gebrehiwot et al. 2014a). The increased runoff
coefficient has resulted in increment of annual flow to downstream areas
as well. Such changes are partially attributed to land degradation and land
use change (Hurni et al., 2005; Senay et al., 2009). The common pattern of
land use change is from natural vegetation to cultivated or degraded land.
Urbanization caused an 80% increase of runoff coefficient between 1984 and
2002 in the upstream part of Awash basin; where the main urbanization refers
to the city of Addis Ababa and its surrounding (Berhanu and Ayalew, 2013).
Gebrehiwot et al. (2014a) found that few changes were detected in low flow,
high flow and low flow index, which are following inconsistent direction of
trend among 12 rivers in northwestern highlands of Ethiopia. Trend analysis
in some of the streams in the Abbay basin showed decline of low flow from
1990s on wards (Melesse et al., 2010; Gebrehiwot et al., 2014a).Awash River
showed reduction of flow amount between 1968 and 1997, mainly because
of water utilization in the upstream (Berhanu and Ayalew, 2013).
Variability and changes in flow regimes are more pronounced at small spatial
scales than big rivers (Melesse et al., 2010. Hurni et al. (2005) found that
the long-term trends of stream flow/runoff are highly influenced by land
degradation and population growth at plot and micro-watershed levels. As
forested landscapes werechangedinto cultivated lands, runoff increased by
5-40 times. Farm level or small scale watersheds showed changes in stream
flow, which are not consistent across locations in the country (Hurni et al.,
2005; Bayabil et al., 2010). In semi-arid parts of the country, soil conservation
activities induced reduction of runoff and increased baseflow (Hurni et al.,
2005). Bayabil et al. (2010) also indicated that topography plays a key role in
changes of runoff at small scale than land use and climate.
Figure 12 Time series flow data for some rivers in the northwestern highlands of
The variability of flows across basins is high. Among the 12 basins; Abbay,
Baro-Akobo, Omo-Ghibe and Tekeze show higher seasonality than Genale-
On the other hand, spatial and inter-annual variability are widely observed
than trends over time; this has been seen in some of the gauged streams in
the northwestern highlands of Ethiopia (Figure 12). Stream flow is variable
across stations, similar to the variability of rainfall (Figure 11). The spatial
distribution of stream flow follows the rainfall regime classification indicated
above. Higher flow amount is from the southwestern part of the country, and
75% of total annual flow of the country is observed from Abbay, Omo and
2.1.4. Groundwater
East Africa, including Ethiopia, is next to Southeast Asia and North Africa
in groundwater depletion (Doll et al., 2014). However, in many reports,
groundwater is yet to be exploited to optimum level (Awulachew et al.,
2007). Because of land degradation in the highlands, the trend of recharge of
groundwater is reducing; because of this, springs are drying up in downstream
areas. Recently, watershed management programs in the highlands are
creating conducive environment for the recharge and some springs have
reappeared. Long lasting well-water production is related with fault lines and
permeable sediments, both in the rift valley and in the highlands (Ayenew
et al., 2008).The big gap in knowledge about the distribution and extent of
groundwater hinders to draw the trend of groundwater utilization. Megetch-
Seraba, in northern Ethiopia, is the largest project so far known designed
to irrigate 4 000 ha of land through pumping groundwater (www.mowr.gov.
3.1.5. Evapotranspiration
Temperature is the main climatic variable used in the analysis ofthe trend
of potential evapotranspiration. Trends and changes of temperature are
better studied than evapotranspiration over the country. Temperature has
been increasing in many parts of the country, as it has been the case in many
places in the world (www.ethiomet.gov.et, 2014). Mean annual temperature
increased by more than 10C in the years between 1960 and 2006 (McSweeney
et al., 2010). Mekasha et al. (2014) investigated the trend of temperature
from 1967 to 2008 for 11 stations across the country; and they found that
daily maximum temperature increased in all stations except two stations,
while daily minimum temperature partly increased and partly decreased. In
addition, the frequency of coldest nights, those causing frost, decreased in
the years between 1960s and 2000s (ACCRA, 2011).
Soil erosion has been happening for centuries in Ethiopia (Derbyshire et al.,
2003). However, it has been accelerated (> 42 t ha-1 yr-1) since a century ago
following the fast growth of population and enhanced deforestation (Hurni,
1988). Soil erosion is widespread all over the highlands of the country, which
covers some 43% of the land mass. The Ethiopian highlands are inhabited
by about88% of the total population and 95% of regularly cultivated land is
found here (Bewket, 2007). The high population pressure and steep hillside
cultivation are the major causes of accelerated soil erosion.
Small scale watershed (farm level) soil erosion has been drawing the biggest
attention in the last decades in soil erosion research and conservation
activities. Soil erosion and conservation activities were given more emphasis
for land degradation mitigation which is impacting agricultural production in
Soil erosion and sedimentation from gullies, stream banks and big river
channels has not been accounted for in many research documents and
Groundwater is the source of water supply in many parts of the country. The
two most notable water quality problems are siltation and contamination of
groundwater. Siltation and groundwater contamination are causing problems
for accessibility and utilization of household water supply, irrigation,
hydropower, and residual soil moisture. Contamination of groundwater
includes flourdification and salinization. The trend of potable water usage has
increased immensely in the last 20 years; from 13% to 52% of the population
(www.data.UNICEF.org, 2014). One of the critical problems of groundwater is
high concentration of fluoride in the rift valley system and some parts of the
Sanitation is the worst among all water developmental aspects in the country;
Ethiopia is the least among developing countries. The overall sanitation
coverage of the country was<5% in 1990; it grew to ca 25% in 2012 (www.
data.UNICEF.org, 2014). However, there is an improvement in general when
the trend of sanitation is considered. The country’s sanitation improved from
2% in 1990 to 24% in 2012; it is from 1% to 23% when the rural sanitation
improvement is considered (www.data.UNICEF.org, 2014).
Ethiopia has more than 20 fresh and crater lakes; more than 12 major
wetlands (Awulachew et al., 2007). The figure is far higher in some literatures
(Ayenew, 2009). Most of the lakes are distributed in the Rift Valley area. The
wetlands are more concentrated in the southwest part of the country. Lakes
and wetlands are the most threatened hydrological systems in the country.
Droughts and floods are the biggest natural disasters in Ethiopia. Both
droughts and floods are apparent and recurrent in the country. Drought
has been known for causing disastrous famines. Millions of people were
displaced, starved and died because of droughts and floods (World Bank,
2006).Droughtsare often the causes of food deficit and starvation in Ethiopia.
From 1950 to 2009, Ethiopia has been hit by 20 major droughts; the worst
among all African countries. The worst drought was in the year 2002/2003,
which affected 13 million people (20% of the total population) (Figure 18).
Floods are major problems in the low lying areas. Human and animal
lives, agricultural lands, settlements and infrastructure are affected. The
occurrence of floods is by far more frequent than droughts (1 drought event
to 5 flood events) (www.gfdrr.org, 2011). However, the impacts of floods are
far more less than impacts of droughts. For instance, since 1999, 3 droughts
and 7 floods were registered; where droughts affected ca 20 million people
and floods affected ca 0.9 million people (www.gfdrr.org, 2011). Because of
the transformation in disaster management, consequences of droughts and
floods have been checked partly. Ethiopia has started disaster management
system since the mid 1970s (Abebe, 2009). Until the end of the 1980s, disaster
management has been implementedthrough traditional-rehabilitation type;
while after the 1990s it has developed into a participatory institutional
strategy. Recently, floods and droughts, as well as other disasters are better
managed than ever.
Source: www.preventionweb.net/year
The uncertainties and variability in rainfall distribution are the main challenges
for prediction models in Ethiopia (Conway and Hulme, 1993; Di Baldassare et
al., 2011). Ensemble model predictions are supposed to address most of the
uncertainties inherent in single model applications.
People in the developing world are more dependent on the water resource
variables which are highly exposed to impacts of climate change. This is
because of low technology, weak institutional capacity, higher reliance on
natural resources, and stressed water resources existing in the developing
world (Urama and Ozor, 2010). In most African countries rainfall variability is
the main driver for variability of streamflow and soil moisture (Adger et al.,
2003). Streamflow and soil moisture are critical conditions for agricultural
productivity. The variability of rainfall and streamflow itself varies across
spatiotemporal scales in Ethiopia (Conway and Hulme, 1993).
Figure 20 Observed and projected air temperature over Baro river basin
Future annual flow change varies between -4 and 18% among the GCMs in
the watersheds of the Rift Valley as compared to the existing flows (Wagesho
et al., 2013). However, higher magnitude and frequency of extreme events
are common in most of the model predictions those applied in this part of
the country.
In general, Ethiopia will face two broad challenges with regard to water
availability. Climate change accompanied with rapid population growth
affects lowland pastoral areas with dramatic warming; while highlands could
face high and intense rainfall which in turn increases the available water
(USGS, 2012). Meanwhile the expected intense rainfall in the highlands is also
expected to exacerbate soil erosion and land degradation. Because of the
increased runoff in the headwaters, it will be less likely that transboundary
rivers suffer reduction of flow; even with increased water demands and
population growth (Kim et al., 2008).
Impacts of climate change on water resources are concerns for crop yield
failure and food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa (Moreland and Smith, 2012).
Because of the increasing evapotranspiration and water use the groundwater
reserve in many parts of the rift valley system will be jeopardized both in
amount and quality (START, 2011).This is because that as evapotranspiration
increases the concentration of saline and other chemicals increases.
Ethiopia is set out to reach middle income status by 2025 with the trend of
existing economic growth. However, trade logistics and energy supply will be
potential bottlenecks for future development endeavors. Water is and will be
the backbone for energy supply in the growing economy.
As the climate continues to change, floods and droughts are most likely to
become more severe in many parts of Ethiopia (Urama and Ozor, 2010).
Future SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) analysis for different time scales
showed that frequency, duration and severity of drought will increase in drier
areas; whereas reduced droughts will be expected in the wet areas of the
Blue Nile Basin (Kim et al., 2008). More floods are expected both from climate
change and urbanization in Africa (Douglas et al., 2008). Urban poor and
adjacent downstream communities will face severe impacts from flooding.
Water, energy and food are indispensable for human well-being, poverty
eradication and sustainable development (FAO, 2014). Ethiopia has set
ambitious goals and targets in several sectors of the economy including
agriculture and energy to reach middle-income status by 2025. The country
has registered a double digit agricultural growth over the last decade. This
growth is driven by the implementation of a series of development strategies
and plans in the various sectors of the economy.With increasing population
The facts outlined above show that there is a close link between water-
energy and food which is being widely recognized globally since recently. This
suggests that there is a need for integrated management of the resources
to sustainably meet the needs in the different sectors. InEthiopia, however,
water, food and energy are predominantly managed as independent sectors,
with little consideration of their interdependence or their cumulative impact
on ecosystems (Stein et al., 2014). The water-energy-food nexus perspective
highlights the interdependence of water, food and energy systems and the
There are also non climate-drivers that could affect both the quantity and
quality of fresh water resources and should be considered in adaptation
and risk management planning in the water sector. Some of the non-climate
drivers include: land use and land cover changes, urbanization, population
growth, economic development, industrialization, pollution, institutional
capacity and policy issues (Kundzewicz et al., 2007; Mukheibir, 2008).
It is also important to note that water is a vital natural resource that is used
by or affects almost all socioeconomic sectors and environmental functions,
thus, a very broad range of responses will be needed to the impacts of climate
change. Thus, to design and implement effective adaptation strategies in the
Pastoralists also use indigenous early warning systems based on strong and
careful observation of the behavior of wild animals, stars and birds that helps
local people to predict the coming of rains and intensity. For example, the
Dasenech people in South Omo Valley make seasonal flood prediction by
observing stars, wind and cloud patterns and behavior of specific animals to
make some adjustments against floods (Gebresenbet and Kefale, 2012). There
are also traditional administration, negotiation and social institutions that
play important roles in the management of water and rangeland resources
(Tesfay and Tafere, 2004; Homann et al., 2005; Gebresenbet and Kefale,
2012). However, in the recent times the capacity of these social institutions
and indigenous adaptation strategies are challenged by increased intensity
and frequency of extreme climate events, rangeland degradation, bush
encroachment, population growth, private and public investments affecting
the rangelands (Tesfay and Tafere, 2004; Homann et al., 2005; Amsalu
and Adem, 2009; Gebresenbet and Kefale, 2012).Yet it is often noted that
integrating indigenous water management practices with modern methods
is useful to effectively tackle the challenge of hydrological variability in the
country, particularly in the drought-prone areas.
4.3. Key policy and strategic issues for water resource develop-
ment and climate change adaptation
Ethiopia has a Water Sector Policy issued in 2001, which has the following
strategic objectives:
1. Development of the water resources of the country for economic
and social benefits of the people, on equitable and sustainable ba-
2. Allocation and apportionment of water based on comprehensive
and integrated plans and optimum allocation principles that incor-
Sub-sector Strategy
Undertake assessment and development of the country’s surface
water resources
Develop ground water resources and ensure its optimal utilisa-
Make effective and optimum use of available water resources by
Water giving priority to multipurpose water resources development proj-
resource de- ects
Strengthen and expand hydrological and hydro-meteorological
data records
Strengthen rainwater harvesting through the construction of small
check dams
Undertake proper assessment, preservation and enrichment of
aquatic resources
3. Watershed management
Improvements in watershed management will be a crucial element in
managing water resources. , and restoration of degraded watersheds. The
adoption of community based watershed management will have multiple
benefits: it can slow down soil erosion, moderate hydrological variability,
regulate runoff and groundwater flow, improve infiltration capacity (hence
water retention and base flows), and reduce potential flood damage.
4. Irrigation development
Ethiopia’s agricultural system does not yet fully benefit from the
technologies of irrigation. Therefore, properly designed irrigation
investments can provide a secure supply of agricultural water to protect the
subsector from the greater part of hydrological variability. It can enhance
food security and the reliable delivery of marketable and exportable
agricultural products.
There are many physical and socio-economic factors that could limit or
complicate adaptation response as well as climate risk management activities
in the water sector (Kundzewicz et al., 2007; ECE, 2009). Kundzewicz et al.
(2007) identified four different types of limits on adaptation to changes in
fresh water resources, these are: physical factors, economic or financial
factors, political or social factors and institutional factors.
There are many physical and ecological factors that could limit and affect water
management and adaptation in the water sector. The first major challenge for
water management and climate change adaptation in Ethiopia is the extreme
Flooding is also another growing problem that results from increasing rainfall
variability in Ethiopia (World Bank, 2006). Ethiopia experiences both flash and
riverine floods that have significant impacts on farmlands, water reservoirs
and other socioeconomic infrastructure. Riverine flood is a problem mainly
along the lower parts of major river basins and flood plains along some river
basins such as, the Awash, Abbay, Baro-Akobo and Wabe-Shebele basins.
Although there is no clear evidence about future flood conditions in the
country, the tendency is towards increasing changes that could result from
increasing rainfall variability (Conway et al., 2007; FDRE, 2007); thus flooding
is one of the extreme hydrological events that could largely complicate and
or sometimes limit the development of water infrastructures and water
management activities in the country.
Flood in Ethiopia carries a lot of sediment load and causes damage on water
infrastructures by inundating and water-logging productive lands. High
sediment loads due to flooding into rivers and water reservoirs reduces the
potential of water reservoirs to hold water. When sediments settle into water
reservoirs, the capacity for power generation is reduced in proportion to the
sediment entrance into the reservoir. In addition, concentration of sediment
at the power inlets hampers operation of dam bottom outlets as well as
power intakes. During the last few decades, flooding has caused damage
to hydropower generation equipment at the Melka Wakana and Tis-Abbay
power plants (World Bank, 2006). This problem is expected to continue due
to the increasing inter-annual rainfall variability, high rate of deforestation
and agricultural expansion over the highland areas (FDRE, 2007). Thus,
sedimentation is one of the growing problems that is now challenging and
will continue to challenge the existing and planned water infrastructures
Most of the limit and barriers for climate change adaptation in the third world
countries would arise from the economic or financial limits (Oates et al.,
2011). Every form of adaptation that could be implemented by individuals,
communities or government entails some direct or indirect financial costs.
Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries in the world which has very
difficult hydrology and rapidly growing population (hence increasing the
There is also very little knowledge about the nature of current hydroclimate
variability and trends for the country (Conway et al., 2007). This would
create information gaps to develop spatially relevant water management and
adaptation strategies at watershed and smaller scales across the country. It
is well known that rainfall and stream flow as well as other climatic elements
that affect the water resources base of the country vary from watershed to
watershed and even within a given watershed (Gebrehiwot, 2012).
Although there are initial signs of progress in addressing climate risks and
adapting to climate change in the water sector in Ethiopia, the historic
climatic trends inform Ethiopia’s water sector strategies and programs to
some extent, future climate projections and socio-economic scenarios are
A serious challenge for Ethiopia is the fact that it shares so many international
rivers. Many of the country’s river water resources are shared with numerous
riparian states: Egypt, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya and Sudan. Obviously, there
are tensions, to a greater or lesser extent, between riparian nations on all
The costs of climate change adaptation in the Ethiopian water sector depends
on the type and magnitude of future climate changes, drought and flood risk
occurrences, the level of initial water infrastructure in the country, economic
growth and the government’s development plans and priorities. So far, very
few of these costs have been estimated in monetary terms across the world
(Kundzewicz et al., 2007). Efforts to quantify economic impacts of climate-
related changes in water resources are hampered by a lack of data particularly
in underdeveloped regions like Ethiopia and by the fact that the estimates are
highly sensitive to different estimation methods and to different assumptions
regarding how changes in water availability will be allocated across various
types of water uses, e.g., between agricultural, urban, or in-stream uses. In
addition to these, the cost estimate for adaptation also varies with different
scenarios. According to Robinson et al. (2013), adaptation in the dry scenarios
involves expensive increased investment in dams, irrigation, and hydropower,
while adaptation in the wet scenarios involves relatively major investments
in improved floodwater management. According to this study adaptation
On the other hand, hydrological changes may have impacts that are positive
in some aspects and negative in others. For example, increased annual runoff
may produce benefits for a variety of in-stream and out-of-stream water users
by increasing renewable water resources, but may simultaneously generate
harm by increasing flood risks and groundwater recharge that can be used
during the dry season. Increased runoff could also damage areas with shallow
water table. In such areas, a water table rise will disturb agricultural use and
damage buildings in urban areas. In addition, an increase in annual runoff
may not lead to a beneficial increase in readily available water resources if the
additional runoff is concentrated during the high-flow season (Kundzewicz et
al., 2007).
The social costs or benefits of any change in water availability would depend
on how the change affects each of these potentially competing human
water demands. Changes in water availability will depend on changes in the
volume, variability, and seasonality of runoff, as modified by the operation of
existing water control infrastructure and investments in new infrastructure.
In addition, quantity of water is not the only important variable. Changes in
water quality and temperature can also have substantial impacts on urban,
industrial, and agricultural use values, as well as on aquatic ecosystems. For
urban water uses, degraded water quality can add substantially to water
treatment costs. Increased precipitation intensity may periodically result in
increased turbidity and increased nutrient and pathogen content of surface
water sources (Kundzewicz et al., 2007).
The cost estimate of adaptation in the water sector can be also affected by
and should consider the expected change in sectoral water demands over
time in response to changes in population, settlement patterns, wealth,
industrial activity, and technology. For example, in Ethiopia the rapid
urbanization created substantial growth in localized water demand (FDRE,
2011, 2014), often making it difficult to meet goals for the provision of a
safe and affordable, domestic water supply. In addition, climate change will
probably alter the desired uses of water (demands) as well as actual uses
(demands in each sector that are actually met).
Table 12 Summary of cost estimate required for overall water sector development
program (US$ million)
In Ethiopia there are initial signs of progress to enhance the level of water
security, water management and to address the impacts of climate change
on the water sector. There are now many water related proclamations,
regulations, strategies, programs and River Basin Master Plan studies that
could be very useful to achieve water security, implement climate-smart
water management practices, reduce water related risks and climate change
adaptation works (Oates et al., 2011).
The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) offers considerable potential for major
cooperative development of the Nile River, including large-scale hydropower
in Ethiopia. In addition, opportunities for regional cooperation and integration
in a range of activities beyond the river have arisen as a consequence of
strengthened relations built on the NBI. Recognizing this, the government of
Ethiopia is engaged in a serious effort to promote cooperative development
and management of the largest of its shared rivers, the Nile, through the Nile
Basin Initiative (NBI). This riparian cooperation could bring huge opportunities
and even the potential for transformational change in Ethiopia (FDRE, 2014).
Greenhouse gases that are responsible for global temperature rise include
carbondioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), carbonmonoxide
(CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Of these,
carbon dioxide and methane contribute the most to global warming (Sathaye
and Ravindranath, 1998; Wreford et al., 2010). The primary sources of
CO2are burning of fossil fuels and biomass. Additional CO2 is released through
industrial processes, such as the production of cement. The primary sources
of methane are paddy fields, excreta of cattle and other animals, landfills, and
waste streams. A major source of N2O is from the use of fertilizers for crop
production. CFCs are released during the manufacturing of Freon substitutes
and insulation. NOx comes primarily from fuel combustion, during which
nitrogen and oxygen combine at high temperatures.
The sources of GHG emissions may be categorized broadly into energy
and non-energy sectors. The energy sector comprises the energy end
uses in industry, transportation, households, commercial establishments,
agriculture, and the supply and transformation of energy. The non-energy
sector includes forestry, agriculture, and waste management (Sathaye and
Ravindranath, 1998). Globally, agriculture accounts for about one-fifth of the
projected anthropogenic greenhouse effect. It produces about 50 and 70%
respectively of the overall anthropogenic CH4 and N2O emissions (IPCC, 1996).
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Executive Summary
Energy is crucial to economic and human development. Access to modern,
reliable and affordable energy services is a pre-requisite to poverty alleviation,
economic growth, and social transformation. However, at the global level, the
energy system – supply, transformation, delivery and use – is the dominant
contributor to climate change, representing around 60 percent of total
current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Energy development is not only
the contributor of GHG but it is also critically influenced by climate change
emanating from anthropogenic emissions.
This assessment report on energy sector and climate change is the first
assessment report by EPCC which reviewed published scientific papers and
governmental reports, research results and other relevant reports on energy
and climate change from the Ethiopian context..
Ethiopia has taken different policy measures to mitigate and adapt climate
changes. These measures are basically based on implementation of CRGE
strategy. The most important part of this strategy in energy sector is
facilitated by improving energy efficiency in energy production (switching
from traditional fuel to other renewable energy, consumption, dissemination
of efficient technologies e.g. improved cook stoves). Policy measures were
investigated considering green development path while climate change
mitigation and adaptation were assessed based on guiding principles of
sustainable development, reliable, secure and affordable energy services,
impact on reducing GHG emissions and vulnerability to climate change and
possible synergies between various measures that may serve both adaptation
and mitigation actions.
This assessment report also identified the gaps of lack of freely accessible
digital databases on historic climatological and hydrological conditions.
Moreover, there are not sufficient research results as well as research
institutions provide data on relationships between climate change and the
energy supply and demand situations.
Energy is at the heart of most critical economic, environmental and
developmental issues facing the world today. Clean, efficient, affordable and
reliable energy services are indispensable for global prosperity. Developing
countries in particular need to expand access to reliable and modern energy
services if they are to reduce poverty and improve the health of their citizens,
while at the same time increase productivity, enhancing competitiveness
and promoting economic growth. On the other hand, at the global level, the
energy system – supply, transformation, delivery and use – is the dominant
contributor to climate change, representing around 60 per cent of total
current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (AGECC 2010) 1.
The Ethiopian Government, in its National Energy Policy, has given emphasis
in developing its huge energy resources, especially renewable energy and
diversify its energy mix to enhance supply side that can support economic
growth adequately. The commitment of the government has remarkably
conducted rapid expansion of the power infrastructure, increased use and
diversity of energy in industry, rapid rise and diversity of energy demand for
transport, increased use of off-grid electricity in rural areas and increased use
of improved cooking devices in both rural and urban areas (MoWIE 2014)2.
Ministry of Water, irrigation and Energy: Identification and Prioritization of Renewable En-
ergy Technologies for Development and Preparation of Project Implementation Documents:
Small Wind Generators for Rural Electrification Menz Gera Midir, North Show Zone, Amhara
Regional State
There is also a commitment to ensure that appropriate actions are taken to
reduce future GHG emissions that will arise due to rapid expansion of the
energy sector. Measures that are put in place include developing the huge
renewable energy resources in Ethiopia as well as deploying more efficient
technologies, both at the production and end-use levels.
This report reviews the energy sector in Ethiopia in detail in terms of energy
resources and development, climate change, mitigation and adaptation
measures and policy measures, and concludes with a set of recommendations.
Resources Exploitable Reserves
Hydropower [MW] 45,000 <5%
Solar/day [kWh/m2] Avg.5.5 <1
Overview of the Energy Sector in Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Minis-
try of Water, Irrigation and Energy, June 2014
Fuel wood and tree residues are the major sources of energy for cooking and
lighting to the vast majority of the rural population, who reside mostly in
remote areas. The contribution of dung and crop residues for the total energy
consumption of rural households is around 18% of the total.
5 Ministry of Water and Energy : Draft Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
of Water and Energy Sector February 2011 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
6 Overview of the Energy Sector in Ethiopia, Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, June 2014
Hydropower Potential
Ethiopia is often described as the water tower of north-eastern Africa,
because most of its major rivers flow to neighboring countries in almost all
7 Ibid
8 Ministry of Mines and Energy: The Biofuel Development and Utilization Strategy of Ethio-
pia, August 2007, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ethiopia can be divided into eight large basins as depicted in Figure 2.2, seven
of which are named after the main rivers that cross the basin. The basins are:
Abbay river (Blue Nile), Awash river, Genale river, Wabi Shebele river, Baro
Akobo river, Tekeze river, Omo Gibe river and Rift Valley9.
9 Ibid
Installed Average Project Annualized
IDC Cost Total Cost Cost/kW Inst.
Capacity Energy Cost Cost Level i zed
Power Plant Cost Rank
(MW) (million $) (million$) (million$) ($/kW) (million$) ($/kWh)
Upper Mendaya 1700 8582.3 2436.4 852.7 3,289 1,934.80 329.173 0.0384 3
Geba 1 + Geba2 372 1709.4 572 200.2 772 2,078.40 77.275 0.0452 5
Upper Dabus 326 1460.3 628.2 219.9 848 2,601.60 84.88 0.0581 8
Gibe IV+V 2132 8051.3 3625.2 1088 4,713 2,210.50 471.651 0.0586 9
Werabesa +Halele 436 1972.8 886 310.1 1,196 2,743.40 119.708 0.0607 11
Baro 1 + Baro2
645 2614.3 1595.9 558.6 2,154 3,340.20 215.614 0.0825 16
Lower Didessa 550 975.6 619.2 185.8 805 1,463.50 80.557 0.0826 17
Aleltu East 189 804.1 760.6 266.2 1,027 5,433.20 102.768 0.1278 20
Aleltu West 265 1067.3 1180.5 413.2 1,594 6,022.70 159.487 0.1494 22
Lower Dabus 250 637 866.3 259.9 1,126 4,504.70 112.707 0.1769 24
10 Ibid
11 Master Plan Report of Wind and Solar Energy in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethio-
pia (Final Version) by Hydrochina Corporation, July 2012
12 GTZ (2007): Eastern Africa Resource Base: GTZ Online Regional Energy Resource Base:
Regional and Country Specific Energy Resource Database: II - Energy Resource.
The first wind installation in the country was the 51 MW Adama I Wind Farm,
built in 2011. The 120 MW Ashegoda Wind Farm started operation in October
2013 and is one of the largest wind farms in Africa13. A third Wind Farm,
Adama II Wind Farm, which has an installed capacity of 153 MW, is under
construction and is expected to be completed by early 2015.
Solar Energy
Studies indicate that for Ethiopia as a whole, the yearly average daily
radiation reaching the ground is 5.26 kWh/m2. This varies significantly over
the year, ranging from a minimum of 4.55 kWh/m2 in July to a maximum of
6.25 kWh/m2 in February and March. On a regional basis, the yearly average
radiation ranges from values as low as 4.25 kWh/m2 in the areas of Itang
in the Gambella Regional State (western Ethiopia), to values as high as 6.25
kWh/m2 around Adigrat in the Tigray Regional State (northern Ethiopia).
According to the data from Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment
(SWERA) and Solar and Wind Master Plan studies, the national technically
exploitable potential of grid-based and building integrated distributed
PV system is about 1.1 TWh per year, whereas the national technically
exploitable potentials for off-grid distributed applications for households,
rural health centers and rural schools is about 4 TWh per year, 6.24 GWh per
year and 15.6 GWh per year, respectively. The national technically exploitable
potential of independent PV systems mainly for water lifting operations for
some households and farms is about 36 GWh per year.
• Lakes District
Aluto-Langano, Corbetti, and Abaya;
• Southern Afar
Tulu-Moye, Gedemsa, Dofan, Fantale, Meteka, Teo, Danab;
• Northern Afar
Tendaho and Dallol (Danakil Depression)
Exploration for coal started in the 1930’s during the Italian occupation.
Some areas had been in use for brick factories since then. According to the
exploration results, coal resource estimate is 320 million tons distributed in
9 sites mainly located in the northern, central and south-western part of the
country (Delbi - 20 Million tons and Moye 50 Million tons). Other places of
occurrences are the central region (Mush Valley 0.3 Million tons) and north-
western part of the country (Chilga 19.7 Million tons, in Geba basin 250
Million tons and Wuchale 3.3 Million tons), all of which are under study (EIGS,
2008). Resource quality ranges from medium to low grade (sub-bituminous
to lignite). Some of better quality coal deposits are located in the high forest
areas in the south-western part of the country where development of sites
will potentially have serious environmental consequences.
Natural Gas
Oil Shale
The Inter-Trappean oil shale bearing sediments are widely distributed on
the south-western Plateau of Ethiopia in the Delbi-Moye, Lalo-Sopa, Sola,
Gojeb-Chida and Yayu Basins. The oil shale-bearing sediments are deposited
in fluviatile and lacustrine environments. Oil shale deposits in Ethiopia can be
used for production of oil and gas.
Energy development in Ethiopia
Biomass resources are exploited for the most part for self consumption by the
rural communities. Commercial exploitation of the resource, in the form of
fuel wood and charcoal, cover only around 20% of the biomass consumption.
This signifies that local availability of biomass resources plays a major role in
the supply of these fuels, with long distance trade limited mostly to charcoal.
All these have led to unsustainable exploitation of biomass resources in most
parts of the country, posing acute challenges for the future.
14 MoWE, Energy Balance and Statistics for 2005/6 – 2010/11, May 2012.
Since fuel blending with ethanol began in October 2008, local production
of ethanol is increasing rapidly and is expected to increase even more, as
stipulated in the biofuels strategy due to the new blending market and
additional sugar factories under construction that will be producing ethanol
in large quantities. The bio-ethanol activities in Ethiopia include:
Historically, the use of other hydrocarbons such as coal and gas has been non-
existent, but usage of imported as well as locally mined coal in the cement
industries has started to pick up lately, though still statistically insignificant.
15 Ibid
Source: Updated Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis on Sustainable Energy for All:
Detailed projections of future energy demand are so far available only for
the electricity sector17. The sector has recently experienced a sharp increase
18 MoWE & EUEI-PDF, Biomass Energy Strategy Formulation for Ethiopia, July 2013.
In 2011, the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy was adopted as a
national strategy framework to embody both sustainable green development
goals and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Climate-Resilient
Green Economy (CRGE) initiative follows a sectoral approach and has so
far identified and prioritized more than 60 initiatives, which could help the
country achieve its development goals while limiting projected 2030 GHG
emissions to about today’s 150 Mt CO2e – about 250 Mt CO2e less than
estimated under a conventional development path. The green economy plan
is based on four pillars:
1. Improving crop and livestock production practices for higher food
security and farmer income while reducing emissions;
2. Protecting and re-establishing forests for their economic and eco-
system services, including as carbon stocks;
3. Expanding electricity generation from renewable sources of energy
for domestic and regional markets; and
4. Leapfrogging to modern and energy-efficient technologies in trans-
port, industrial and buildings sectors.
The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy (MoWIE) has led the development
of the Climate Resilience Strategy for the water and energy sectors. The main
development agenda of the Ethiopian government is poverty eradication
through broad-based, accelerated and sustained economic growth. Ethiopia’s
economic growth and social development plans are set out in the Growth
and Transformation Plan (GTP1), which spans the 2010-2015 period. Through
‘Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization’, Ethiopia aims to build an
economy which has a modern and productive agricultural sector and a strong
industrial sector, ultimately increasing per capita income of the citizens so
as to reach the level of those in middle-income countries by 2025 and to
achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The sector strategy
has made in-depth analyses taking into account climate challenges such as
current climate-temperature and historical rainfall patterns and their impacts
and risks will bring negative effects on future water and energy resource
Ethiopia’s energy sector development is still very low and the majority of the
people are dependent on naturally existing biomass energy. Modern energy
services rely on electricity generated from hydropower and imported fossil
fuels. As indicated by various investigations, biomass and hydropower energy
resources are highly vulnerable to climate changes. Consequently, the energy
production of Ethiopia is severely affected by these changes. This situation
leads to extreme demand and supply gaps which need urgent intervention
in all directions.
Vulnerability to
Climate change impacts Induced impacts
climate change
Temperature and Rainfall Extended Periods of Drought Biomass Energy
Resources Deterio-
• Increased temperature ration
followed by drought.
• Shortage of water (in some
• The average annual min- localities streams have
imum temperature over dried • Fuel wood scarci-
the country has been ty aggravated and
increasing by 0.250C • Evaporation has increased worsen the life of
every ten years while community
average annual maxi- • The growth of trees, bushes
mum temperature has and other plants that • Utilization of ani-
been increasing by 0.10C susceptible to increased mal dung and oth-
every decade (NMSA- temperature has limited er bio residues as
2001) sources of energy
• Ecosystems have been dis- is increased as
• Averaged rainfall over turbed( animal population result energy and
the whole country and crop shave affected ) food insecurity is
shows decreasing trend increased
over the northern • Increased temperature
and south-west of the could result wild fire • Both large and
country while increasing small hydropower
trend in central part production chal-
of the country (NMSA- lenged
• Loss of biomass
energy and biodi-
• Infrastructure for
energy produc-
tion, transmission
and distribution
could be affected
by extreme events
• Solar radiation
could be reduced
thus affecting
the effectiveness
of solar electric
• Wind production
would be dras-
tically disturbed
if wind speeds
increase above
or fall below the
acceptable oper-
ating range of the
Resource poor rural farmers are the most vulnerable segment of society due
to their dependency on climate sensitive agriculture sectors for living. The
recent drought in 2003, 2009 and 2011 clearly showed the vulnerability of
farming communities to climatic impacts (CRGE, 2011).
According to the World Bank (2010), major floods also occurred in different
parts of the country in 1988, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 2006. Increased
intensity and frequency of severe weather events impact design and safety
requirements of future energy infrastructure and other capital investments.
Since the early 1980s, the country has suffered seven major droughts, five
of which led to localized famines, in addition to dozens of local droughts
(World Bank, 2010; Diao and Pratt 2007, as cited in: Robinson et al., 2013).
Chronological occurrences of droughts and famine in Ethiopia are given in
Table 3.2 below.
Sources: Quinn and Neal (1987); Degefu (1987); Nicholls (1993); Webb and Braun
(1994) cited in (ICPAC, 2007).
Figure 3.1: Future temperature envelope under climate change (Draft CR, 2014)
Figure 3.2: Future month-to-month rainfall envelope under climate change (Draft
The belg and gu rains are critical factors for food security and livelihoods and
their failure has serious impacts on communities in the south and east of the
country (mainly in Somali region and in the south of Oromia and SNNPR.)
Table 3.3: Key water and energy vulnerabilities to climate change (Draft CR, 2014)
To summarize, the main climate change impacts that challenge the Ethiopian
energy sector are water shortages, variable rains, temperature increase,
floods and drought. The main possible implications of the above mentioned
impacts are:
Figure 3.5: Share of GHG emission in 2010 (Total GHG emissions 150 Mt CO2e)
The first Climate Resilience strategy focused on the agriculture and forestry
sectors (completed in 2014). The Climate Resilience strategy for water and
energy under development continues this analysis and, integrates with the
Green Economy strategy, sets the overall priorities for implementing the
CRGE. Each of the strategy and priority directions and actions are presented
Electricity Exports: Exporting excess renewable en-
ergy has an abatement potential of up to
19 MtCO2e in 2030 by reducing emissions
in the neighbouring countries.
Green cities and buildings Efficient lighting: This initiative has an
abatement potential of approximately
5.1 MtCO2e, and is the largest abatement
lever in the Green Cities and Buildings
Waste gas management (biogas): Emis-
sions from landfill and liquid waste can be
reduced by 1.8 MtCO2e in 2030 through
the capture of gas.
Forestry/Soil Reduced forest degradation: Reducing
the demand for fuel wood through dis-
semination of efficient cooking and bak-
ing technologies has a total abatement
potential of around 50 MtCO2e.
Industry Energy efficiency in the cement industry:
The introduction of energy efficient tech-
nologies in the cement industry could re-
duce emissions by more than 5 MtCO2e
in 2030.
Alternate fuels in the cement industry:
An increase in the use of biomass for
cement manufacture can displace fossil
fuels and reduce emissions by up to 4.2
MtCO2e in 2030.
Power Generation
Strategic Priority 1.1: Diversify energy mix – hydropower production is
hugely dependent on rainfall. Therefore, the energy mix has to be diversified
to minimize the uncertainty of hydropower generation in times of prolonged
droughts. This requires some key strategic decisions to ensure that a diverse
and stable energy mix can be delivered. The recent planned sector reforms
need to be fully implemented.
Energy Access
Strategic Priority 2.1: Improve efficiency of biomass use –the demand for
biomass can be reduced by increasing fuel efficiency. The National Improved
Cook Stoves Program can contribute significantly to reducing demand.
The water and energy sectors have identified and prioritized the most
appropriate response measures for climate change adaptation program
(2011), categorized into two broad categories. These categories are (1) macro
level/governmental long-term development programs and (2) local micro
level/grass root level interventions, as shown Table 4.2 below. Some of these
proposed measures are under implementation.
The water and energy sectors have identified and prioritized the most
appropriate response measures for climate change adaptation program
(2011), categorized into two broad categories. These categories are (1) macro
level/governmental long-term development programs and (2) local micro
level/grass root level interventions, as shown Table 6.2 below. Some of these
proposed measures are under implementation.
Table 4.1: List of projects for climate change adaptation in water and energy sector
No Project Title
1 Development of multipurpose dams
2 Promotion of water harvesting technologies
3 Development of flood control and early warning system
4 Watershed management to rehabilitate the degraded land
5 Promotion of universal access plan
6 Implementation of demand management program
Development of standards and design criteria for installation water
8 Development of water supply and sanitation mapping
9 Development of small-scale wind and solar pumps
Institutional and small-scale industries biomass energy conversion technol-
Dissemination of solar home system and institutional photovoltaic (PV )
12 Dissemination of efficient biomass stoves
13 Dissemination of biogas digester
14 Development and promotion of small scale bio-fuel technologies
The most important priorities that will serve as principles guiding the
determination of appropriate response measures are described in the
following subsection. The process then will progress to the next step of
listing the various measures proposed and evaluating their worth against the
guiding principles.
Guiding principles
One of the most important challenges facing Ethiopia today is achieving rapid
and sustainable economic development. The rate of poverty has continued to
diminish, and the incidence of poverty declined markedly between 2004/0519
and 2010/11. The headcount poverty rate fell from 38.7 % in 2004/05 to 29.6
% in 2010/11. Even incorporating population growth, this implies that there
were fewer people living in poverty in total than there were in 2004/05. All
this implies that Ethiopia is on the right track to achieving the Millennium
Development Goals target of reducing poverty by half by 2015 (Development
19 Ethiopian fiscal year runs between July 7 and July 6 of consecutive years.
Concerning electricity alone, in the GTP period (since 2011) an average of 21%
sales growth has been registered (EEPCO, 2013). It must be noted that there
is a large amount of suppressed demand in the sector and the actual demand
is much higher. Future projections also show that this fast demand growth
trend will continue. By 2037 electricity demand will be 10 times the current
levels. Ethiopia also plans to export electricity to the east African region and
even beyond, which not only helps the country earn foreign currency income,
but also contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions from the region as
it often displaces fossil-fuel based generation. All these facts highlight the
unavoidable need for large increases in electricity generation and related
20 Updated Rapid Assessment and Gap Analysis on Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All): The
UN Secretary General Initiative, Ethiopia, December 2013
Historically, global climate change has been more pronounced since industrial
revolution, because of its abundant extraction and utilization of world energy
resources specifically fossil fuels by developed nations. Like other developing
countries, Ethiopia has insignificant contribution to this historical emission of
anthropogenic greenhouse gases from fossil fuel. This is because most of its
energy production and consumption is based on renewable energy (biomass
and hydropower).
The contribution of power sector only accounts for very low emissions as it
is largely based on hydropower accounting for more than 90% of total power
generation capacity, supplemented by the use of off-grid diesel generators.
Although Ethiopia is not a producer of fossil fuels, it imports fossil fuels from
Mitigation Measures
From the Ethiopian context, the major mitigation options in the energy
sector are based on, distribution and consumption for both traditionally
used biomass and modern energy, efficient energy use in all sectors of
Ethiopia, provision of efficient biomass and modern energy technologies,
sustainable and controlled harvesting natural resources, specifically biomass
resources, fuel switching to other renewable energy resources such as hydro,
geothermal, wind and solar, improving data collection on energy production
and facilitating the participation of the private sector in energy production by
investigating and avoiding all barriers.
Theses mitigation measures are classified into three main categories which
are: (a) dissemination of efficient end-use energy conversion technologies,
especially in biomass production, conversion and utilization technologies; (b)
switching to other renewable and modern energies in households, industry,
services and transport sectors; (c) using renewable energy sources for power
Fuel wood is still the most important energy source in the household and
service sectors of Ethiopia and the major contributor to greenhouse gas
emission. As indicated in CRGE strategy (2011), it contributes 46% of
emission from forestry sector (55mt CO2e). Fuel wood is collected by users
in rural areas while it is purchased in urban areas. Basically free access to
biomass resources of the country has significant contribution to its depletion
and emission. However, dissemination of fuel wood saving technologies has
been identified as very important emission reduction measure in the energy
Basically biomass energy is the main source of energy and it will also continue
to play dominant role in future Ethiopian energy consumption. As a result it
will also remain a significant contributor of CO2 emission to the atmosphere.
Since 2014 about 13.59 million improved biomass cooks were disseminated
and it is also designed to disseminate about 34 million improved biomass
cook stoves by 2030 (CRGE 2011). The implementation of this measure
has contributed not only to the reduction of CO2 emissions from inefficient
utilization of biomass resources but it has led to sustainable biomass harvesting
with multi-dimensional outcomes: (1) it reduces deterioration of forest cover
(minimize elimination of biodiversity); (2) increase CO2 sequestration; and (3)
improve social and economic situations of rural communality. Particularly it
reduces burden on rural women consequently, adaptation to climate change
is enhanced.
Other energy efficiency measures play a minor role in GHG emissions today
but will be important in the future as the economy and populations expand -
Transport, industrial and buildings (CRGE, 2011)
Among the industrial sub-sectors, cement will be one of the fastest growing,
also causing the vast majority of GHG emissions from the industry sector.
Output will increase tenfold from 2.7 Mt in 2010 to 27 Mt in 2015. Some
cement factories use outdated technology that is not only energy inefficient,
but also causes high emissions from the production process. The initiatives
identified in terms of energy efficiency include improved energy efficiency of
the process by converting the technology used from dry to pre-calciner kilns
and from rotary to grate coolers and by introducing computerized energy
management and control systems, which can decrease the energy demand
and hence the cost of and emissions from cement production.
The cement sub-sector has been highlighted because it represents the most
GHG emitting industry and its GHG abatement initiatives have high chances
of implementation, action to put the other industrial sub-sectors also on a
sustainable economic development path is also required. The textile, leather,
steel, chemicals, mining and fertiliser industries are important parts of the
envisaged economic development model of the country (CRGE, 2011).
b) Fuel switching
These include:
Ethiopia is endowed with ample natural resources that can be used for
electricity generation. This is achieved primarily by exploiting its vast potential
for hydro, geothermal, solar, wind power, biomass, etc – all of which would
deliver electricity at virtually zero GHG emissions. The main Ethiopian power
system is largely based on hydropower so far, but there is a national policy to
increase the energy mix by diversifying to the other renewable sources. For
isolated or remote villages electric production is designed to be produced
from solar, small wind generators, small hydro etc. to mitigate climate change
and its adverse impacts. To facilitate and maximize energy production from
renewable resources policy measures have been taken to increase the
participation of the private sector in energy production.
If adequately captured, the projected power supply could even exceed the
growing domestic demand. Hence, increasing the supply and at the same
time maximizing energy efficiency offers the possibility to export clean energy
to neighbouring countries. Since environmental problems are global, these
electricity exports, in turn, provide the opportunity to replace electric power
generated from fossil fuels in these countries, which has significantly higher
average costs and significantly higher emissions. Thus via electricity exports,
Ethiopia can share its green development to other countries in the region
while contributing positively to its trade balance Moreover, the generation of
clean and renewable electric power also allows green development of other
sectors of the economy, such as the replacement of trucks by electric rail or
diesel pumps by electric pumps for irrigation. (CRGE, 2011).
Adaptation measures
As indicated in previous sections the draft CR strategy is under development,
and the following strategic priorities are implemented for building resilience
for the energy sector:
Managing energy demand will help reduce the climate risk to power supply
as well as increasing resource efficiency. The Energy Proclamation (No.
810/2013) sets out how energy efficiency will be managed and promoted
by the Ethiopian Energy Authority (EEA), including the establishment of the
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Fund. Further regulations and directives
are in development to implement the Proclamation. The Ethiopian Energy
Authority (EEA) is responsible for developing and implementing energy
efficiency strategies and programs. In a hydropower dominated country like
Ethiopia, energy saving is more important than reducing maximum demand
as the generation system is constrained by energy available rather than
capacity. However, it is prudent to target both energy and demand as this
would reduce infrastructure costs and losses. The EEA and the Green Economy
strategy have identified 4 core energy efficiency policies and programs.
Energy Access
Improve efficiency of biomass use – reducing the demand for biomass by
increasing fuel efficiency. The National Improved Cook-stoves Program can
contribute significantly to reducing demand.
Securing sustainable energy for all plays a role in building climate resilience
and is an important part of our poverty eradication ambitions. The Universal
Electricity Access Plan plays a key role, but given Ethiopia’s challenging
geography, it is not always economically feasible to extend the grid to remote
communities, therefore there is a need to develop more off-grid options
alongside developing non-electricity energy access.
REF’s current structure and delivery model has been effective to date, but
needs to be revised to deliver at scale. There is a need to review the current
approach and develop more effective delivery models that can deliver off-
grid energy access at scale. This will require co-ordination of REF activities
with EEP’s grid expansion plans to avoid stranded assets and develop an
integrated plan for extending electricity access.
Cross-cutting issues
Data systems for decision support – strengthening data systems so that they
provide timely, reliable and usable data to decision makers at all level.
According to the draft CR strategy for the water and energy, Ethiopia’s water
and energy sectors face an overall risk of 150 MUSD annually with the current
climate and up to 675 MUSD annually in the driest future climate scenario
from reduced power generation and irrigation. In addition, up to 70m people
could be left vulnerable from lack of water or fuel access if MoWIE’s plans are
not fully rolled out and funded. Overall investment required in adaptation
measures to mitigate climate risk is about 2 billion USD, mainly from existing
programs, budgets that need to be brought forward in time and from
measures to have a positive pay back over less than five years.
Source: MoWIE, draft document on Climate Resilience Strategy for Water and
The Climate Resilience Strategy for Water and Energy sets out high level
Strategic Priorities
Source: MoWIE, draft document on Climate Resilience Strategy for Water and
Table 4.4: Additional funding required for the cook stove plan
Source: MoWIE, draft document on Climate Resilience Strategy for Water and
The country has already set up a CRGE financing facility and the first group
of mitigation and adaptation projects approved for funding. The purpose of
this facility is to streamline the evaluation, selection and financing of CRGE
compliant programs and projects and also to facilitate for the country to
benefit from increasing the number of international climate related funds.
The facility will also be an instrument for aligning the national development
plans (current and future Growth and Transformation Plans) and budgetary
cycle to the requirements of a Climate-Resilient Green Economy. It will also
serve as a platform for coordination among various sectors as climate change
is an economy-wide phenomenon.
The CRGE has two components: a Green Economy Strategy and a Climate
Resilient Strategy. The latter includes a SRM (Sector Reduction Mechanism)
and action plan, which is under the final stage of preparation for the energy
and water sectors. In the energy sector, the strategic priorities: i) power
generation - diversify the energy mix and improve energy efficiency and ii)
Energy Access - improve efficiency of biomass use and accelerate non-grid
energy access, have been identified as response measures. While in building
the green economy the two priority initiatives, i.e. scaling up of renewable
energy generation for domestic and regional markets and rural energy access
and improved efficient stoves programs and similar projects (including
sustainable energy for all, energy+ partnership initiative that aims to increase
rural access and decrease GHG emissions, which is based on payment by
results approach) have been under implementation.
From the reviewed documents and analysis made, the energy sector of
Ethiopia is highly vulnerable to climate change, because naturally, the main
sources of energy (hydropower and biomass) are influenced by climate
change induced factors such as temperature increase, variable rainfall,
extreme floods and extended droughts. To reduce the vulnerability of the
sector to climate change urgent interventions are needed to increase the
adaptive capacity of the sector, following three options, namely i) energy
diversification by developing renewable energy ii) dissemination of efficient
energy technologies and avoiding obsolete energy technologies; and iii)
building the capacity of both community and developers. In general, the
identified losses due to climate change are significant, ranging from around
1% reduction in GDP to over 10% by 2030.
Despite progress made in formulating Climate Resilient Green Economy
(CRGE), National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA), Nationally
Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA), etc., the magnitude of the potential
challenge posed by climate change and extreme weather requires additional
efforts. Ethiopia’s energy production and consumption is based on biomass
and hydropower which are vulnerable to climate change. To enhance GHG
mitigation and adaptive capacity of the sector, thus allowing it to continue to
play a significant part in the economic and social development of the country,
the following recommendations are given:
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