Dokumen - Tips Instructions Manual Illustrated Parts Catalogue Manual Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Dokumen - Tips Instructions Manual Illustrated Parts Catalogue Manual Illustrated Parts Catalogue
Dokumen - Tips Instructions Manual Illustrated Parts Catalogue Manual Illustrated Parts Catalogue
This catalog has been prepared to guide you while operating 7441 series machines and arranged to simplify ordering spare parts.
~ Before putting the machines described in this manual into service, carefully read the instructions. The starting of each machine is
only permitted after taking notice ofthe instructions and by qualified operators.
Printed in China
Operation Instruction
Parts Manual
A FRAME & MISCELLANEOUS COVER COMPONENTS ----------------------------------------------------------- 1
B MAIN SHAFT COMPONENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
C NEEDLE BAR·UPPER FEED MECHANISM COMPONENTS------------------------------------------------------ 3-7
D PRESSURE BAR COMPONENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
E FEED MECHANISM COMPONENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-10
F HOOK DRIVING SHAFT COMPONENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-12
G TENSION POST COMPONENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
H THREAD WINDER & THREAD GUIDE CONPONENTS ----------------------------------------------------------14-15
I KNEE LIFTER COMPONENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
G BELT COVER COMPONENTS -----------------.--------------------------------------------,---------------------------- 17
K THREAD STAND COMPONENTS -----------~----------------------------------~---------------------------------------- 18
L TABLE COMPONENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
M ACCESSORIES PARTS COMPONENTS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.- 20
N SPECIAL PARTS ON REQUEST AND AGAINST EXTRA CHARGES ------------------------------------------- 21
I.Brief introduction
#7441 is single needle, extra heavy duty, large oscillating shuttle hook, compound feed (bottom feed, needle feed and
walking foot feed), lockstitch sewing machine for the producion of3-dimensional items used when manufacturing for
example saddles, scats, harness, safety belts, conveyor belts, golf bags, straps, technical texties, filter, general leather
The special extra large shuttle hook and bobbin capacity offers high efficiency in sewing products using extra thick
thread up to metric size 8* (including sizes 30,25,20, 12,8, & V92, V128, V207, V242, V277*).
#7471 is top and bottom feed lockstitch machine (with additional attachments) for special purpose, especially in produc
#7461-37 is super long arm heavy duty compound feed lockstitch machine. The cylinder shaped arm has been extended
#7441RL-37 Long arm cylinder bed transverse scam machine (Feed up the arm) is available 0 request. It is a custom
made sewing solution for products where transverse (sideways) stitching is necessary
2.Main specifications
3.Machine installation
3.1.Clearing the machine
Before the head is packed, all ofthe parts of the machine are coated with anti-rust grease,meanwhile the
grease can harden and the dust can cover the machine surface during long time storage and shipment,so,the
dust and greasemust be cleared by clean cloth with gasoline.
Although every machine is conformed by strict inspection and test before delivery,the parts ofthe
machine may be loose and deformed after long distance transportation with jolt. A thorough examination
must be performed. Turn the balance wheel slightly by hand to check if there is running obstruction, parts
collision, uneven resis tance and abn-ormal noise. If any of these exist,adjustment must be made
accordingly before running.
2 4
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Long groove
8.Choosing thread(Fig.5)
The needle thread should be left-twist;the bobbin threadmay be left-twist or right-twist.The way judging the
thread twist:hold the thread 'by left hand,twist it by right hand as the direction shown in the Fig.5,if the'thread
changes tightly,it's left-twist,on the contrary,it's right-twist.
5 6 7
8 9 10
a. Loosen the screw CD and move the stop plate ®up-ward and downward;
b. Move thestop plate downward to increase the stroke of thread take-up;move the plateupward todecrease th stroke
of thread take-up.
2.Adjusting the tension of thread take-up
Loosen the nut @ ,turn the spring shaft counter-clockwise to increase the tension of thread take-up;turn the shaft
clockwise to decrease the tension .Please use a screw driver to insert the split on the spring shaft and turn the spring
shaft toget the required tension.
11 12 13
'/ ~ ~~
of needle bar and the clearance between the top of needle bar hole and the tip of shuttle is 2.S-3mm.
c. The flank clearance between the tip of shuttle and needle bar should be O.OS-3mm ,loosen the rear crank screw and
collar screw oflower shaft,move the lower shaft leftward or rightward,after adjustment,tighten the screws.
a. Ignoring CDower feed,lower the presser foot lifting bar and the coarse stitch of upper feed is realized.
b.. For 7441 ,loosen the screw CD ,adjust the relative position between ® and® ,after finish,tighten the screw CD.
c.. For 7471 ,loosen the screw@ ,tum the worm ®as the direction shown in the Fig.16, after finish,tighten the screW®.
14 15
~...::s;::=H*-+- 2.S _ 3mm
Parts Manual
1. The last digit ofparts number "0" indicates basic parts which have been standard supplied with the machines.
The last digit ofparts number from" 1 to 9" indicates special parts at extra charges.
2. When ordering spare parts, speciafattachments, additional sewing components and/or assistive devices, please
quote the parts number together with description.
3. Please quote the tape width for binder, the distance between two-needles for needle gauge sets.
4. Please quote the required length in meters for electric cables and pneumatic hoses when ordering electrical
5. When ordering electrical parts, please spceify necessary information, including voltage, currency, plug type and
mandatory rules & regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection in the country;
6. Should a part not be found in the spare parts list, possibly due to technical alteration, please describe the parts
and its function as fully as possible when ordering.
7. Custom-made parts for special sewing demands are not included in this parts catalogue. The sewing machines
can be equipped with a number of other useful attachments. Send us your exact requirements so that we can make you
a right solution; Ifpossible, included samples of the material you intend to use.
14 7441-0.1-0.140. Washer------ - - 2
8 7441-02-0080 CrandPJate-------- 1
11 7441-02-0110 SidePlate---------l
13 7441-02-0130 Felt----------- 3
14 7441-02-0140 ThrustCOller------- 1
15 7441-02-0150 OilWick--------- 2
19 7441-02-0190 Nut9/32·28-------- 1
26 7441-02-0260 RoUer---------- 1
32 7441-02-0190 Nut9/32·28-------- 1
24 13 12
,fY) 14
1 7441-04-0010 NeedleBar----------l
2 7441-04-0020 Frame Driving Base- - - - - - 1
3 7441-04-0030 Needle Bar Connnection - - - - 1
4 7441-04-0040 Needle (794 Nm=230-4)- - - - 1
5 7441-04-0050 Needle. Stopper- - - - - - - - 1
6 7441-04-0060 Pressure Plate- - - - - - - - 1
7 7441-04-0070 SettingShaft--------- 1
8 7441-04-0080 Sett.... PIate--------- 1
9 7441-04-0090 Frame OrIviog Base Shaft- - - 1
10 7441-04-0100 Frame Driving Base Shaft Metal- 1
11 7441-04-0110 Frame Driviog Base Guide- - - 1
12 7441-04-0120 Screw 15/64-28 L= 12 - - - - - 1
13 7441-04-0130 Screw 15/64-28 L= 12 - - - - - 1
14 7441-04-0120. Screw 15/64-28 L=12----- 1
15 7441-04-0150 Screw 11/64-40 L=7- - - - - 1
16 7441-04-0160 Screw 1/4-40 L=4.5- - - - - - 2
17 7441-04-0120 ScreW 15/64-28 L=12 - - - - - 1
18 7441-04-0180 Screw 15/64-28 L=21- - - - - 1
19 7441-04-0190 Screw 11/6tt-40 L=12- - - - - 1
20 7441-04-0200 Screw 15/64-28 L=10.5- - - - 1
21 7441-04-0210 Oil W l c k - - - - - - - - - - 1
22 7441-04-0220 Upper Peed Bar- - - - - - - 1
23 7441-04-0230 LLlnk----------- 1
24 7441-04-0240 Upper Feed Frame Driving tink - 1
25 7441-04-0250 Pressure Foot- - - - - - - --1
26 7441-04-0260 Upper Feed Bar Pln- - - - - - 1
27 7441-04-0270 Screw 11/64-40L=7------ 1
28 7441-04-0280 HingeSCrew--------- 1
29 7441-03-0190 £.Shaped Snap Rlng(8mm)- - - 1
30 7441-04-0300 Guide P1ate- - - - - - - - - 1
31 7441-04-0310 Screw 11/64-40 L=4.5- - - - - 1
~12 40
30 23
15 27 32
18 ...........___._
6 7441-09-0060 Bushing,Rear - - - - - - 1
7 #1 7441-09-0070 Feed Rocker Shaft Cnmk - - 1
8 #2 7471-09-0080 Feed Rocker Shaft Cnmk - - 1
9 #1 7441-09-0090 Feed Dog - - - - - - - - 1
10 7441-09-0100 Feed Dog - - - - - - - - 1
11 7441-09-0110 Driving Shaft Metal - - - - - 1
12 7441-09-0120 Feed Bar Presser - - - - - - 1
13 7441-09-0130 Hinge Screw - - - - - - - - - 1
14 7471-05-0260 HingeScrew--------- 1
15 7471-05-0260 HingeScrew--------- 1
i6 7441-09-0160 Hinge Screw 0=7.94 L=8- - - 1
17 7441-09-0170 Nut 1/4-24--------- 1
18 7441-04-0270 Screw 11164-40L=7------ 1
19 7441-03-0190 B-Shaped Snap Ring (8mm)-- 1
20 7441-09-0200 Screw 15/64-28 L==10.5- - - - 1
21 7441-09-0210 Screw M6- - - - - - - - - - 2
22 7441-03-0190 B-Sbaped Snap Ring (8mm)-- 1
23 7441-09-0230 Screw 1/4-40L=3.5------ 4
24 7441-09-0240 Screw 11164-28L=6-----:-- 2
25 7441-03-0120 Screw 15164-28L=7------ 1
26 7441-09-0200 Screw IS/64-28L=10.5- - - - - 1
27 7441-09-0270 Thrust Collar 0=14.72 W=10- 1
28 7441-09-0280 Thrust Collar 0=11.11 W=10- 1
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1 7441-10-0010 Rod- - - - - - - - - - 1
2 7441-10-0020 Feed Connecting Link - - - - 1
3 7441-10-0030 Feed Regulater- - - - - - 1
4 7441-10-0040 Lever- - - - - - - - - - 1
5 7441-10-0050 Side Cover- - - - - - - -1
6 7441-10-0060 Lever Grip - - - - - - - -1
7 7441-10-0070 Lever Shaft- - - - - - - 1
8 7441-10-0080 Nut- - - - - - - - - 1
9 7441-10-0090 Spring- - - - - - - - - 1
10 7441-10-0100 Support Plato- - - - - - 1
11 7441-10-0110 Ball- - - - - - - - - - 1
12 7441-10-0120 Hinge Screw, A - - - - - 1
13 7441-10-0130 Hinge Screw , B - - - - - 1
14 7441-02-0190 Nut 9/32·28- - - - - - - 1
15 7441-10-0150 Screw 3/16·28 L=12- - - - 2
16 7441-10-0160 Screw 3/16-32 L= 18 - - - - 1
17 7441-10-0170 Screw 15/64·28 L=9- - - - 2
18 7441-10-0180 Nut- - - - - - - - - - 1
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REF.NoNOTE Part No. Name of part Q'TY Remarks
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REF.NoNOTE Part No. Name of part Q'TY Remarks
7441-15-0020 Thread Winder Guide Base - - - (1)
I 18 15 6
3 7441-17-0030 BeltCoverB--------- 1
1 7441-19-0010 Table--------- 1
2 7441-19-0020 Stand--------- 1
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ATTENTION PLEASE! Below parts might be able to dramatically increase the productivity of your sewing machines, and ensure
excellent stitch quality even in an individual sewing task. Please contact us for illustrated instruction if you need any special item.
#7441-09-0091 Non-teethed feed dog: avoid marks when sewing leather goods and upholstery
#7441-09-0092 Narrow feed dog: work together with 7441-01-0064, for sewing very small borders on hard material, like suit case,
furniture, instrumental cases, chairs etc.
#7441-04-0251 Center groover presser foot: creates a groove in the leather and lays the stitch in that groove for a tighter pull-down
stitch. .
#7441-04-0252 Narrow center foot: for sewing very small borders on hard material, like suit case, furniture, instrumental cases,
chairs etc.
#7441-08-0121 Double-toes harness maker's foot: curved design allows closer stitching around edge of hardware. Smooth bottom
will not mark leather
#7441-08-0122 Left-edge foot: narrow toe foot that provides the most visibilty around the presser foot and allows you to sew along
the edge of your leather
#7441-08-0123 Right-edge foot: narrow toe foot that provides the most visibilty around the presser foot and allows you to sew along
the edge of your leather
#7441-08-0124 Left-toe presser foot: great for close stitching on right side
#7441-08-0125 Right-toe presser foot: great for close stitching on left side
#7441-01-0061 Slotted plate: Avoid mark on the underside leather for some items.
#7441-01-0062 Holster plate: provides a raised surface and will allow you to sew right up against the left side of the machine.
Perfect for stitching holsters, handbags, pouches and even shoe welts.
#7441-01-0063 Stirrup plate: provides a raised surface and will allow you to sew right up against the left side of the machine.
Ideal for covering stirrups and shoe welts
#7441-01-0064 Narrow throat plate: work together with 7441-09-0092, for sewing very small borders on hard material, like suit
case, furniture, instrumental cases, chairs etc.
#7243-02-00111 Large flywheel: the power balance wheel with Dia. 12 inch to create more torque when sewing very heavy materials.
HT-MC02 Deluxe material guide for straight stitches: a l/20 high roller moves in, out, back and forth for straight stitching close to the
edge. Flips up and out of the way when not in use never needs removed;
HT-SPO I Economical speed reducer: reduces machine speed from 800 to 425 to 150 stitches per minute for greater stitching control
HT-SP02 Ball bearing speed reducer: allow you choose the speed of your sewing machine for extra torque and needle penetration.
HT-TAO I Table tope attachment: quickly and easily increase flat work area. Convert the cylinder arm sewing surface to a flat bed
sewing machine to allow for better stitching with certain types of work.
HT-744I WSO I Working plate with guide attachment: ideal for sewing five layers of nylon webbing, four layers of coated webbing a
nd three layers ofleather on the 7441. Also features a roller guide that perfect for stitching a scalloped piece ofleather.
In addition to above a range of other special sewing devices are available. Please forward samples ofmaterial and finished article
when enquiring.