Biology - Respiration Answersheet
Biology - Respiration Answersheet
Biology - Respiration Answersheet
IB. What are the three important aspects about the overall chemical equation of respiration, pertaining to the following: - (3)
a) Single or several steps – Respiration takes place in a series of steps.
b) Direct or enzyme- catalysed – Respiration is enzyme catalysed.
c) Forms of energy liberated – Energy is liberated in the from of ATP and some heat.
iv. Name the chemical used to wash the boiled seeds? Why? (2)
An: The boiled seeds are washed with dilute formalin or carbolic acid to prevent
bacterial decay.
4. Explain the diagrammatic representationto show the use of energy liberated in respiration?
1.What is the purpose of keeping KOH solution in the testtube ?
An: Potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide evolved
during respiration.
4. Name the biological process which cause the above rise in water?
An: Respiration.
a) Why is weight reduced during respiration? (2)
• An: Carbohydrates form most of the weight of the plant.
• Respiration is a catabolic process in which the carbohydrates or glucose or simple sugars are broken down into
carbon dioxide and water and some amount of energy is liberated .
• Hence, weight is reduced during respiration.
d) State the chemical equations for aerobic and anaerobic respiration? (2)
An: Aerobic