Biology - Respiration Answersheet

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IA. Define the following: - (2)

1. Control setup – The set up in which the condition under study is missing is called the control setup.
2. Respiration – Respiration is a catabolic process of releasing energy from simple sugar glucose for carrying out
life process.

IB. What are the three important aspects about the overall chemical equation of respiration, pertaining to the following: - (3)
a) Single or several steps – Respiration takes place in a series of steps.
b) Direct or enzyme- catalysed – Respiration is enzyme catalysed.
c) Forms of energy liberated – Energy is liberated in the from of ATP and some heat.

IC. Write the full form of ATP?

An: Adenosine triphosphate.

IIA. Study the picture and answer the following: - (4)

i. What is the purpose of the experiment?

An: To demonstrate evolution of carbon dioxide by
plants during respiration.

ii. What is the purpose of using soda lime in tube A?

An: The air, which passes through soda lime, absorbs
all the carbon dioxide present in the air. Due to this, the
limewater in B does not turn milky.

iii. Why does the limewater in D turn milky?

The limewater in D turns milky because the air given out
from the respirating seeds contains carbon dioxide.

iv. Why does the limewater in B remain clear?

An: This is because the soda lime in A absorbs the carbon dioxide and it is this air that is entering the flask B.

IIB. Study the picture and answer the following: -

i. What is the aim of the given experiment? (1)

An: This experiment shows that heat is evolved during respiration.

ii. Why are the seeds boiled in B? (1)

An: The seeds in B have been boiled to demonstrate the control set up. It is
done to destroy the enzymes and kill the seeds. Thus, respiration cannot take

iii. Why does the temperature rise in A? (1)

An: In A, the temperature rises because heat is liberated during respiration.

iv. Name the chemical used to wash the boiled seeds? Why? (2)
An: The boiled seeds are washed with dilute formalin or carbolic acid to prevent
bacterial decay.

v. Why is there no change in the thermometer in B? (1)

An: The seeds in B are dead and non-germinating and hence they do not liberate heat.

IIIA. Explain the difference between: - (6)

a) Respiration and combustion.
Respiration occurs in a series of chemical steps. Burning or combustion occurs in a single step.
Respiration is carried out by enzymes. Combustion or burning is carried out by heat.
Respiration is a biochemical process. Burning or combustion is a physico-chemical process.
During respiration, energy liberated is in the form of ATP During burning, energy is liberated in the form of heat.
and some heat.
During respiration, no light energy is produced. During combustion, light is produced.
Respiration occurs in cells, so it is a cellular process. Combustion is a non-cellular process.
Respiration occurs at a normal body temperature. Combustion or burning occurs at a high temperature i.e. at
an ignition point.
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Aerobic repsiration proceeds in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic respiration proceeds in the absence of oxygen.
It involves complete breakdown of glucose. It involves incomplete breakdown of glucose.
The end-product of aerobic respiration is carbon dioxide The end-products of anaerobic respiration is carbon
and water. dioxide and ethyl alcohol.
During aerobic respiration, large amount of energy is During anaerobic respiration, small amount of energy is
liberated (38 ATP) from one mole of glucose. liberated (2ATP) from one mole of glucose.
Aerobic respiration occurs normally throughout life. Anaerobic respiration occurs temporarily for short

b) Photosynthesis and respiration.

Photosynthesis occurs only in the presence of chlorophyll. Respiration occurs in all the living cells.
During the process of photosynthesis, glucose is produced. It During the process of respiration, glucose is broken down. It
is constructive and anabolic process. is destructive and katabolic process.
Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water. Respiration uses oxygen and glucose.
Oxygen is released as an end-product. Carbon dioxide is released as an end-product.
Photosynthesis occurs only in the presence of light. Respiration occurs at all times.
Light energy is converted into chemical energy and Chemical energy is partly converted into heat and partly
stored. into useful energy for various activities.
Photosynthesis results in gain in weight. Respiration results in loss in weight.

IIIB. Answer the following:-

1. How is tilling of the soil useful to the crops? (2)
• An: Ploughing or tilling of the soil creates tiny air spaces around the soil particles and
• provides the source of oxygen for the roots.
• Water-logged and compact soil does not have air spaces between them which affect the respiration of the roots.

2. State the chemical equation of respiration? (2)


3. Explain the differnce between respiration in plants and animals? (2)

In plants, there is no gaseous transport. The respiratory The animals contain blood to transport respiratory gases.
gases simply diffuse in and out of the cell by cell to cell
During anerobic respiration in plants, they release ethanol. During anaerobic respiration in animals, they release lactic
Plants produce little heat during respiration. Animals release more heat as compared to plants.

4. Explain the diagrammatic representationto show the use of energy liberated in respiration?
1.What is the purpose of keeping KOH solution in the testtube ?
An: Potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide evolved
during respiration.

2. Why has water risen in A?

• An: The water has risen in A due to a partial vacuum
created in the flask
• This is because the seeds absorbs oxygen from the flask
• Seeds also absorbed carbon dioxide produced during
respiration is absorbed by KOH.
• Thus partial vacuum created space for the water to rise .

3. What is the difference between A and B? Why?

An: The flask A contains respiring seeds while that of B contains
dry seeds. The flask B is a control setup.

4. Name the biological process which cause the above rise in water?
An: Respiration.

a) Why is weight reduced during respiration? (2)
• An: Carbohydrates form most of the weight of the plant.
• Respiration is a catabolic process in which the carbohydrates or glucose or simple sugars are broken down into
carbon dioxide and water and some amount of energy is liberated .
• Hence, weight is reduced during respiration.

b) Why do we get tired if we walk long distance vigorously? (1)

An: On walking long distances, we get tired due to the formation of lactic acid in muscles of the legs that cause fatigue.

c) What is reserved food in plants? (1)

An: Starch is the reserved food in plants.

d) State the chemical equations for aerobic and anaerobic respiration? (2)

An: Aerobic

Anaerobic respiration in plants.

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