Blue Foods Report

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Research Note

Blue foods for sustainable nutrition

Isobel R. Short, 19/06/2023

Juni 2023 1

Subsistence comes at an environmental cost. In our and bivalves release the lowest amounts of CO2
current food system most dietary protein origina- equivalent per tonne of edible weight of any blue
tes from terrestrial animals and plants1. Terrestrial foods, and of almost any food group8 (see Figure 1).
agriculture practices have damaging environmental On the other hand, shrimp are further up the trophic
footprints (FPs) spanning multiple dimensions, in- ladder and require additional feed during aquacul-
cluding carbon, land, water, nitrogen (N) and phos- ture, usually fish and soybean meal, which increa-
phorus (P)2. At the same time, this unsustainable ses their carbon FP9. Wild bivalves, crustaceans such
food system fails to meet current global nutritional as shrimp and lobster, and flatfish are very fuel in-
needs. As the global population reaches an expec- tensive to capture. Consequently, they have higher
ted 11 billion people by the year 2100, food pro- carbon emissions per tonne of edible weight than
duction has to increase by at least 60%3 and pro- chicken meat, which has the lowest carbon FP of any
tein is one of the main ingredients that will be in major terrestrial animal source of protein8. In com-
short supply4: it is estimated that 56 million me- parison, wild small pelagic fish, such as anchovies,
tric tonnes of protein will be required per annum
by 2054 in Europe alone5. Discovering alternative
protein sources that are nutritionally adequate for
the human diet without harmful environmental FPs
is imperative.
Blue foods, foods from aquatic organisms, offer an
opportunity to reduce food system FPs whilst mee-
ting the protein needs of the global population6.
This alternative aquatic nutrition source provides
synergy between environmental sustainability and
human health, in line with the Sustainable Develop-
ment Goals to improve nutrition (Goal 2) with sus-
tainable consumption and production (Goal 12), and
sustainably utilise marine resources (Goal 14)7.
Figure 1: Graph showing the global warming potential of selected blue
foods, chicken, and beef, in tonnes of CO2-equivalent per tonne of edible
Environmental performance weight. Source of data Gephart et al. 20218.

Whilst blue foods present an opportunity for more

sustainable diets, there is a huge variation in the mackerel, herring and sardines, can be much more
FPs of different species groups and production met- efficiently captured, and so have favourable carbon
hods. For wild organisms, the carbon FP is deter- FPs10; approximately half the carbon emissions of
mined by the amount of fuel burnt during capture, chicken, per tonne of edible weight. Semi pelagic
whilst the key variable for farmed species relates to species groups, for example both farmed and wild
the carbon intensity of feed production. Micro and salmon and trout, are more carbon intensive than
macro-algae are primary producers, whilst bivalve small pelagics, but still have FPs per tonne of edible
molluscs (such as mussels, clams and oysters) are weight lower than chicken meat8. It is also worth no-
filter feeders that also occupy low trophic levels. As ting that the CO2-equivalent FPs of marine animals
a result, farmed algae and bivalves do not require are especially favourable compared to terrestrial
additional feed nor do they incur carbon penalties ruminants, due to the absence of enteric CH411.
from fuel burnt during capture. Thus, farmed algae With respect to land and freshwater FPs, marine

Juni 2023 2
species are naturally favourable in comparison to 47% in macroalgae16, comparable to those for other
terrestrial sources of protein12. Some seafood groups protein-rich plant-based foods, such as legumes18.
do have small land and freshwater FPs, as a result of The protein content of microalgae can be even hig-
feed production13. For example, shrimp aquaculture her, for example 58% in Chlorella vulgaris17, compa-
commonly involves administration of soybean meal rable to chicken. The protein content of bivalve mol-
or other terrestrial plant-based feeds, which requi- luscs ranges from 49-66% dw19-25. Small pelagic fish
re arable land and freshwater for production14. This are a very good source of protein, with contents ran-
enhances the advantage of non-fed aquaculture of ging from 50-75% dw26. Finally, lobster and shrimp,
algae and bivalves, as well as wild fish, which do not species of crustacean, both have very high protein
require additional feed. contents, above 80% dw. The high protein content of
Similarly, in terms of N and P emissions, fed or- these blue food groups makes them highly suitable
ganisms have the highest FPs of blue food groups, sources of protein for human nutrition21.
again due to feed production. For example, algae and
bivalves can have negative N and P emissions8, whilst
farmed fish and shrimp emit relatively high amounts
of N and P. Nonetheless, almost all blue food groups
outperform chicken per tonne of edible weight with
respect to N and P emissions. Overall, there is syner-
gy between low FP diets. Unfed aquaculture; farmed
algae and bivalves, are the marine blue foods with
the best carbon, N, P, water and land FPs, followed by
wild small pelagic fish. They have extremely favoura-
ble environmental impacts in comparison to terrestri-
al protein sources.

Ecosystem impact
Figure 2: Graph showing the protein content of selected food sources16-26.
An important advantage of aquaculture is the avoi-
dance of ecosystem stressors associated with captu-
re fisheries, including bycatch, food-web alterations, Nutritional quality
and stock depletion, which all have negative impacts The protein quality is determined by the amino acid
on biodiversity. It is important to note that if fish stocks composition: essential amino acid (EAA) profiles are
are depleted more fuel has to be expended per gram particularly relevant because it is important to recei-
of protein captured, increasing the carbon FP. A num- ve all EAAs, and in correct proportions27. Algae meet
ber of small pelagic species are already overfished, the FAO requirements for quality of human protein
and many more are at risk of population collapse as sources, with EAA profiles similar to those of egg and
fishing practices and climate change intensify. The- soybean28. Favourably, EAAs account for almost 50%
refore, sustainable fishing practices are required to of the total amino acid composition of algae prote-
maintain healthy fish stocks, which will in turn promo- ins, however many seaweed species have certain li-
te lower carbon FPs of captured fish. Whilst reduced miting EAAs29. Combining seaweed proteins with
ecosystem impact is a key advantage of aquaculture, complementary profiles would allow individuals to
fish farms can have adverse ecological effects. These obtain the required amounts of all EAAs30. The mi-
result from displacement of ecosystems and species croalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira sp. have
due to farm site locations, as well as exposure to rai- highly favourable EAA profiles31. Small pelagic fish
sed nutrients and effluent, invasive species, diseases and shellfish, including bivalves and crustaceans are
and antibiotics15. Shrimp aquaculture is a prominent complete protein sources with EAA profiles that are
example of these impacts, as discussed below. highly similar to the recommended human dietary
EAA pattern32. A strong benefit from the consump-
Nutritional content tion of aquatic animals is the high levels of EAAs ly-
Sustainability has to be considered in conjunction with sine and methionine, often limiting in plants such as
nutritional performance. Fortunately, these species cereals33. The nutritional quality is determined by the
groups associated with low environmental stressors bioavailability in addition to the amino acid composi-
also have high protein contents (see Figure 2). The tion. Bioavailability is proportional to the digestibility
protein content on a dry weight (dw) basis can reach of proteins, which depends on protein structure and

Juni 2023 3
non-protein components12. Algae have cell walls that meat has other health benefits, chiefly attributed to
contain anionic polysaccharides and phenolic com- their beneficial fatty acids (especially high in small
pounds which bind to proteins, making them less ac-
cessible to gastrointestinal enzymes5. The high levels
of these compounds in algae can undermine the bio-
availability of proteins34-36. The in vitro digestibility of
algae is reported to range from 78-95% for macroal-
gae37-39 and 77-88% for microalgae4. This is lower than
animal sources of protein, but similar to that reported
for terrestrial plants40 (see Figure 3). Processing algal
biomass, for example with heat, fermentation and/or
drying can increase protein digestibility41,42, as can
protein extraction, which is discussed below. Animal
proteins show higher digestibility than plants21, and
moreover shellfish and finfish are considered nutri-
tionally superior in comparison to land animals. This
is largely as a result of the deficit of strong collagen-
ous fibres and tendons in fish muscle32. Less collagen
increases the sensitivity to proteolytic digestion, and
accounts for the softness of seafood meat compared Figure 3: Graph showing the in vitro digestibility of protein from selected
food sources4,27,131. The source ‘Fish’ includes shellfish and finfish.
to e.g. beef33. As a result, fish is a particularly good
source of protein for children, who have less develo- pelagics), micronutrient richness and peptides active
ped digestive systems43. Fish protein, including fin- against a vast array of pathologies46,47. For example,
fish and shellfish, consistently shows a digestibility bioactive peptides from bivalves have demonstrated
above 90%, which in conjunction with the associated anticoagulant, antihypertensive, anticancer and anti-
release of favourable proportions of EAAs, explains microbial properties48,49.
their excellent nutritive value32,44,45. Additionally, fish

Figure 4: Investment matrix for

blue food groups, chicken and
beef, distinguished based on
environmental performance
(EP; function of ecological
impacts, carbon, land,
freshwater, N and P FPs), and
nutritional performance (protein
quality and additional nutritive
properties, and protein content
(% dw)). Overall, algae, farmed
bivalves and wild small pelagic
fish optimise both nutrition and
EP. Algal biomass processing
stands to improve protein
quality (bioavailability). Novel
land-based indoor aquaculture
will improve the EP of farmed

Juni 2023 4

Protein from algae outperforms aquatic animals in palmata (red) and Ulva sp. (green), alongside brown
terms of climate impact50,51. Algae are primary pro- seaweeds A. esculenta and S. latissima58. Generally,
ducers that occupy the first step on the trophic ladder. current consumption patterns utilise too few seaweed
Algae and plant-based diets are the most efficient species. Efforts should be made to expand the diver-
way to meet our nutritional needs, reducing emissions sity of edible seaweed markets, focusing on red and
compared to meat or dairy-based protein sources. green phyla, although further testing and verification
Cultivation of macroalgae also has a favourable car- is required. 
bon FP in comparison to land crop cultivation: 11% of
biomass from macroalgae farms leads to carbon se- Microalgae
questration in the deep sea and sediments52. In fact, Microalgae are a hugely diverse group of photosyn-
macroalgal growth rates exceed those of terrestrial thetic unicellular organisms and here we also inclu-
plants, and algae have a higher protein yield per unit de cyanobacteria in this category. The vast majority
area than traditional crops4. Moreover, algae have of microalgae protein consumed by humans comes
more favourable land, freshwater, N and P FPs. Whilst from just two species; Chlorella vulgaris and Arthro-
algae thus represent an extremely promising source spira sp. (a cyanobacteria known as spirulina). In a
of protein for human nutrition, the industry is massi- 2017 survey, these two algae were identified as being
vely underdeveloped. Here we will discuss key areas regularly purchased by 2.5–3.8% of the German po-
for investment, including species groups to focus on pulation59. Arthrospira platensis has a protein content
and the barriers to large-scale global consumption of of 63% dw and is a popular health food and dietary
algal protein. supplement60. Similarly, Chlorella vulgaris is a widely
used industry species due to its high protein content
Macroalgae  (51-58% dw), favourable amino acid composition and
Multicellular algae, macroalgae, are divided into three other beneficial nutrients14. Microalgae protein is high
main taxonomic groups based on their photosynthe- quality and has comparable digestibility to seaweed
tic pigments; rhodophyta (red), chlorophyta (green) and terrestrial plants4. Thus, microalgae represent a
and phaeophyta (brown). Brown seaweeds generally very promising alternative source of protein. Empha-
have 3-15% protein by dw53, with some exceptions; sis should be placed on developing other candidate
Undaria sp. and Sargassum sp. have been reported to species, such as the single-celled chlorophyte Sce-
contain up to 24% protein54. Green and red seaweeds nedesmus obliquus and the cyanobacteria Anabaena
are reported to have protein contents of 9-26% and cylindrica, reported to have a protein content of 69%
8-47% by dw, respectively54,5. dw61. Currently, a much greater variety of microalgae
Overall, red macroalgae, especially Porphyra sp., species are utilised for sustainable animal feeds, pro-
consistently report the highest protein content55 (see viding a list of candidates for human consumption.
Figure 1). Red and green seaweed proteins also en- The exact content and composition of algae pro-
joy higher bioavailability than brown species56,27 (see tein depends on the species, temperature, season,
Figure 2). Higher levels of polysaccharides and phe- and ecology of the harvest location62,63. The latter
nolics in brown seaweeds are largely responsible for
this trend57. Globally, the main commercially exploi- Insights
ted species belong to the brown seaweeds58. Since
brown seaweeds have lower protein content and qua- Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system
lity this consumption pattern is not favourable with (IMTA): multi-species aquaculture set-up where
respect to maximising protein nutrition. Consumption the by-products of one species act as inputs for
patterns in the European seaweed market are more another e.g. waste production by fish or shrimp is
favourable, with 60% of consumed algae being Por- balanced by uptake by algae or shellfish64.
phyra sp. (red). The other main species include P.

Juni 2023 5
was exemplified by Machado et al who showed that Products from algal protein
production of four seaweed species in an integrated In the past, algae have been largely consumed whole,
multi-trophic aquaculture system (IMTA), a high nu- in a broad variety of formats including fresh, dried, as
trient cultivation environment, increases the quality flakes and as a powder81. The Republic of Korea, Chi-
of seaweed protein55. Improvements in protein quality na and Japan consume the greatest mass of seaweed
assessment will aid efforts to catalogue information per capita82. Seaweed consumption in Japan is around
on the variability of nutritional composition. This will 2 kg per capita per year, which is comparable to the
allow the industry members to identify harvesting consumption of salad in Europe, 3 kg per capita per
plans that optimise protein and amino acid contents27.  year83. The most consumed species are brown sea-
weeds Laminaria japonica – kombu (29% of global
Algal protein extraction seaweed consumption), Undaria pinnatifida – waka-
Extraction techniques can be used to overcome the me (9%), Sargassum fusiforme – hijiki (1%) and red
suboptimal bioavailability of algal protein, in particu- seaweeds from the genus Porphyra – Nori (7%)84.
lar brown macroalgae. Conventional extraction invol- Palmaria palmata – dulse, and Ulva lactuca – sea
ves chemical65 and physical66 methods, but these are lettuce, are also eaten whole and incorporated into
laborious and time-consuming, which restricts scale. foods on a notable scale, outside of Asia85. The micro-
Moreover, the release of vacuolic proteases compro- algae Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira sp., as well as
mises protein integrity. Novel techniques have been some types of cyanobacteria, are consumed whole in
designed to disrupt algae cell walls and generate a number of indigenous cultures. Subsequently, spi-
economically viable protein yields from algal bio- rulina and chlorella were marketed as a ‘health food’,
mass. Other methods include subcritical water and and are now consumed globally as powders and ta-
supercritical fluid extraction67, as well as fungal fer- blets, which can be added to drinks86. The success of
mentation of algae41. these products illustrates that improving the palata-
Enrichment methods, used in conjunction with cell bility and variety of algae-containing ingredients is
disruption techniques, are a promising strategy for crucial to expanding algal protein nutrition on a glo-
improving algal protein yields and bioavailability4. bal scale. Successful developments in this direction
Membrane technologies, including filtration and re- have begun: traditional food products with algae-de-
verse osmosis are widely used in the dairy industry rived ingredients have been launched, including coo-
and are non-thermal and environmentally friendly77. kies, pasta, bread and beverages, as well as meat and
A cascading membrane biorefinery process78 could dairy products5,58 (see Table 2). Such products are on
be used to isolate all valuable components from al- the rise in the European market87. It is important to
gae, and simultaneously remove heavy metals and note that incorporation of small quantities of algae
microorganisms from the final product79,80. derived ingredients does not significantly enhance
the macromolecular composition in foods, ergo the

Extraction Method Principle Advantage Disadvantage

Aqueous, acid, and alkali met-

Sub-optimal yield, partial degra-
hods break cell wall H-bonds. Simple and cost
Chemical extraction dation of proteins/bioactives (va-
Many centrifugation rounds for effective.
cuole protease release), slow68.
Physical grinding (e.g. with a Sub-optimal yield, partial degra-
Simple and cost
Physical processes Potter homogeniser) and osmotic dation of proteins/bioactive com-
shock.   ponents, slow66. 
Enzymes applied to degrade
Less use of organic Slow, specific temperature and pH,
polysaccharides within algal cell
Enzyme hydrolysis solvents; specific and high enzyme concentrations re-
walls. E.g. cellulases, xylanases,
mild technique. quired can be expensive69. 
EM radiation heats sample, for-
Microwave-assisted No organic solvents Use in dried seaweed biomass
ming vapour bubbles that ruptu-
extraction (MAE) and fast. may be limited70,71.
re cell wall. 
Acoustic cavitation produces
Ultrasound-assisted Fast, less organic sol- Potential structural changes within
vapour bubbles to disrupt cell
extraction (UAE) vents; high purity. polysaccharide structure72,73. 
High voltage leads to electrop-
Pulse electric field Non-thermal, energy
oration to disrupt cell wall and Limitations on scaling up74-76. 
(PEF) efficient technique. 
Table 1: Techniques for the extraction of protein from algal cells. Source Obrien et al 20205.
Juni 2023 6
algae industry remains a niche market with around
Algae species Product 500 metric tonnes of algae dw produced per an-
num105. However, this is set to grow dramatically.
Caulerpa racemosa (G) Semi sweet biscuits
The estimated value of the European algae products
Ulva intestinalis (G) Fish surimi market is expected to have increased by around 43%
between 2016 and 2023, forecasting a value of EUR
Ulva lactuca (G) Pork patties 1240 million by 2023106.  European seaweed produc-
tion in 2019 was 96% wild-harvested and 4% culti-
Himanthalia elongata (B) Meat based products vated. This is the opposite to patterns of production
in asia107. Cultivation is a more sustainable method
Fucus vesiculosus (B) White bread of production, avoiding the overexploitation of wild
seaweed resources and ecological impacts. Moreover,
Fucus vesiculosus (B) Pasta industrial scale aquaculture majorly reduces produc-
tion costs. As a result, European algae producers face
Undaria pinnatifida (B) Milk
heavy competition from Asia. Notably, Europe produ-
Grateloupia turuturu (R) Food colouring ces only 1% of the Porphyra sp. it consumes, with the
vast majority imported from Asia58. European pro-
Palmaria palmata (R) Bread duction may do better as ever more eco-conscious
consumers demand locally and sustainably sourced
Table 2: Food products developed with algal-derived ingredients. algae-based products108. The shift to seaweed aqua-
G = green, B = brown, R = red macroalgae. Source Obrien et al 20205. culture by European producers is imperative. IMTA
protein content88. systems where seaweed could be farmed together
with finfish or shellfish is a particularly beneficial
As well as a source of protein, algae can provide a approach. In Europe, microalgae are commonly pro-
number of other functionalities in human food. For duced in photobioreactors in closed and controlled
example, red seaweeds produce the gelling agent conditions. Unfortunately, as with macroalgae there
agar, carrageenan to improve the flavour and shelf is low technological readiness and lack of economy
life of foods, and phycoerythrin for use as a food of scale for microalgae cultivation and processing88.
colouring89-91. Algae are also an important source of In particular, biorefining of protein from microalgae
nutrients and bioactive peptides, which benefit health is un-optimised and costly.
beyond their nutritional value55. Many anti-hyper-
tensive peptides have been found in species of al- Currently, around 420 SMEs, distributed over 23
gae92-94. Widespread consumption of these seaweeds countries, are producing algae in Europe; 64% of
in Japan has been linked to its low incidence of co- which produce microalgae (46% spirulina) and 36%
ronary heart disease95. Similarly, algae have evolved seaweed109-111. In addition, two of the five global food
a huge variety of proteins with antioxidant proper- giants now have teams dedicated to developing algae
ties, which have strong health benefits including anti- and plant-based protein alternatives112. One of these,
cancer effects88. Additionally, anti-inflammatory96, Unilever, has partnered with Algenuity to realise the
anti-coagulant97, anti-diabetic98 and anti-bacterial99 ‘untapped potential of microalgae’113. Overall, there
peptides have been isolated from various species. is a huge potential for innovation and growth in this
These health benefits provide further advantages to sector, especially by expanding the number of spe-
consumption of algal protein and may be leveraged cies utilised and products generated. 
to help with marketing.
The main bottlenecks blocking the progress of algae
However, there are risks associated with consuming protein from current niche markets to larger ones are
algal protein that need to be considered and properly technical production constraints and high costs, envi-
managed. The dangers of exceeding the recommen- ronmental and health concerns, legislation, and con-
ded iodine intake100,101, as well as exposure to heavy sumers’ perception of the product58. Further research
metals102,103 and arsenic104, restricts intake of larger is needed to improve the foundational knowledge
algae portions. Better understanding of species spe- around the environmental concerns and the health
cific bioaccumulation and acceptable concentrations and safety risks for consumption of algal protein.
is required. Extraction practices and membrane filtra- Moreover, significant work is required to optimise al-
tion may help to circumvent this problem. gal cultivation and processing methods to bring down
the costs. Research and development focused on
Sector overview and opportunities creating a wider variety of more palatable products is
Whilst algae have been known as a sustainable also warranted. Academic partnerships will be crucial
source of protein for many decades, the European going forward114.

Juni 2023 7
Aquatic animals

Bivalves ministered. Traditional shrimp feed includes fishme-

Bivalves are a sub-group of the phyla mollusca, in- al that has a high carbon FP and plant-based feeds
cluding many edible members such as mussels, such as soybean which are associated with unfavou-
clams, scallops and oysters. Overall, they have a fa- rable land and freshwater FPs8. Moreover, traditional
vourable protein content and protein quality, with shrimp aquaculture has other negative environmen-
very high digestibility, complete EAA profiles and tal externalities, including clearing of ecologically
additional beneficial nutrients. The environmental sensitive habitats for ponds (e.g. mangroves), and
performance of bivalves as a source of protein for pollution of coastal environments with organic waste,
human nutrition largely depends on whether they chemicals and antibiotics115. Innovative shrimp aqua-
are farmed or wild. Capturing wild bivalves has a high culture approaches are aiming to reduce these im-
carbon FP due to fuel expenditure and has negative pacts. These include utilising sustainable plant-ba-
ecosystem impacts. On the other hand, bivalve aqua- sed feeds116, and microbes to control water quality
culture does not require fuel, nor does it involve feed and serve as an additional food source117. Combining
production because bivalves obtain all necessary these approaches in land-based indoor farms mini-
food by filtering the water in which they are grown. mises both disruption of coastal ecosystems and risk
Thus, unfed bivalve aquaculture has highly favoura- of disease117. Moreover, unlike wild catch fisheries,
ble land, freshwater, N, P and carbon FPs. Moreover, farming does not contribute to or suffer from stock
bivalve aquaculture has been associated with positive depletion. Shrimp is currently the most valuable tra-
ecological impacts, including habitat creation and re- ded marine product, and production is growing at a
mediation114. Overall, unfed bivalve mollusc aquacul- rate of 10% per annum115. Novel land-based shrimp
ture represents a food source with impressive protein aquaculture represents an opportunity to sustainably
quantity and quality, in conjunction with exceptional benefit from the high quality of crustacean protein
environmental performance. Bivalves should be pro- and high demand for shrimp.
moted as a sustainable meat source. It should be no-
ted that the environmental performance of bivalves Finfish
varies across species groups: those with lower edible There are a huge variety of finfish, including small
yields, such as scallops and oysters, perform worse pelagic fish (anchovies, mackerel, herring and sardi-
in terms of CO2-equivalent produced per tonne of nes), semi pelagic fish (salmon and trout) and flatfish
edible weight, than mussels for example. (plaice and halibut), which are relevant to this report.
In comparison to terrestrial animal meat these speci-
Crustaceans es groups have superior protein contents and protein
Overall, crustaceans such as lobster, crab and shrimp quality, due to both higher digestibility and levels of
have high protein contents and high protein quality: the EAAs lysine and methionine. Small pelagic fish
they are a good source of protein for human nutri- are particularly nutritionally beneficial because they
tion. However, wild crustaceans perform poorly with contain high concentrations of polyunsaturated fat-
respect to carbon FP, mainly because capturing wild ty acids (PUFAs), notably omega-3 PUFAs. However,
species is very fuel intensive8. Aquaculture would there are huge differences in climate impact of these
circumvent this problem but farming of lobsters and different finfish groups. Flatfish are an unsustainable
crab is not commercially favourable due to their com- source of protein because capturing these species
plex lifecycles and slow development. On the other is extremely fuel intensive. Pelagic species can be
hand, 55% of shrimp produced globally comes from caught more efficiently and thus incur smaller car-
aquaculture115. Unfortunately, farmed shrimp has a bon penalties, with small pelagic fish having the best
poor sustainability profile, mainly due to the feed ad- carbon FP per tonne of edible weight of any finfish.

Juni 2023 8
Consequently, aligning consumption patterns with Sector overview and opportunities
the climate impact of different finfish species groups Aquatic animals are already very widely consumed.
would be environmentally beneficial; small pelagic In 2016, 171 million tons (Mt) of seafood was used for
species should be promoted. The ecological impacts human food, with fish contributing about 20% of total
of capture fisheries have to be considered, including average per capita intake of animal protein47. As such,
the effect on wild fish stocks. Farmed salmon outper- the market for blue food sources of animal protein
forms wild salmon with respect to carbon intensity, is well developed, served by a mature industry ope-
and also avoids ecosystem damage caused during rating at massive scales. Despite this massive scale,
capture. With respect to small pelagic fish, sustaina- global demand for blue food is rising faster than
ble stock management, fishing and processing racti- many other food sectors123: the UN predicts seafood
ces are necessary. For example, a huge proportion of consumption could grow by 21–44 million tonnes
captured biomass is lost to livestock and fish feed43. by 2050, an increase of 36–74%124. As the industry
continues to grow, the global community faces a uni-
Adjusting human dietary patterns to consume small que window to steer fish production and consumption
pelagics directly would have huge positive impacts on patterns towards optimal sustainability and protein
climate and health. Furthermore, a large proportion of nutrition8.
small pelagic catch biomass is lost to rancidity (due
to the high fat content) and during the filleting pro- Innovative SMEs are already developing sustainable
cess. The co-products from filleting can make up 40- farming practices for bivalves, shrimp and many fin-
60% of the catch weight and contain large amounts fish. Novel feed117 and medicinal technologies115, as
of residual protein118. Processing of these co-products, well as data analytics and artificial intelligence125, are
for example through the pH-shift process119, can pro- some of the most promising approaches for reducing
duce high-quality protein ingredients121. Investment aquaculture FPs and improving nutritional value8. An
to improve these processing methods would help to important industry wide intervention will be aligning
maximise protein yield from each catch, reducing the consumption patterns with the combined sustainabi-
carbon emissions per gram of protein122. lity and nutritional performance of aquatic animals.
For example, reducing consumption of environmen-
tally harmful shellfish such as wild crustaceans and
traditionally farmed shrimp. In their place, sustaina-
bly farmed shrimp and bivalve molluscs (in particu-
pH-shift process: proteins are solubilized
lar mussels) should be promoted.
using acid and alkali and then precipitated at
their isoelectric pH, producing protein extracts
Small pelagic fish are the largest species group lan-
from fish by-products120.
ded in capture fisheries globally126. Nonetheless, the
markets for many species, such as sprat and perch,
are under-developed and provide opportunities for
The carbon FP of small pelagic fish meat can also growth. Sustainable fishing practices ensure good
be minimised by reducing fuel use during capture, environmental performance for this nutritionally op-
through low-fuel gears and low emission technolo- timal protein source. Opportunities for improvement
gies for powering fishing fleets. The most important include using low carbon fishing fleets and avoiding
variable governing fuel use is the depletion state of catch losses to animal feed, rancidity and during fil-
the fish population: healthy fish stocks are crucial for leting. Technology to improve post-capture proces-
sustainable fisheries. sing holds the potential to increase edible biomass
without increasing pressure on fish stocks127,128.

Juni 2023 9

Dual assessment of our eating habits is important; the algae. Further systematic and standardised tests are nee-
combined climate and nutritional performances of algae, ded to find the best species and maximise other variables
farmed bivalve molluscs and captured small pelagic fish affecting yield and quality. Limitations from risks of iodi-
are very positive129. Moreover, recent innovation in land- ne, heavy metal and arsenic exposure need to be properly
based shrimp farming is improving the sustainability of quantified and well managed. The European algae market
this high-quality protein source. A food system obtaining is currently incipient, with massive growth forecast. Overco-
protein from these blue food groups, rather than terrestri- ming the technical challenges and high costs of production
al animals and plants, would reduce the land, freshwater, of algae protein are key to unlocking this potential. In con-
carbon, N and P FPs of this system. Some blue food groups trast, the markets for farmed shellfish and captured small
have unsustainable FPs, particularly captured crustaceans pelagic fish are much more developed. Nonetheless, they
and flatfish. From a nutritional perspective, algae, shell- are forecast to grow dramatically, which provides the op-
fish and small pelagic fish have suitable protein quantities portunity for interventions to maximise the sustainability
and qualities. Moreover, seafoods have impressive nutrient and nutritional impact of these industries. Key interventions
richness, fatty acid profiles and bioactive peptides, which will include optimising consumption patterns, promoting
provide health benefits beyond the nutritional value. Such sustainable aquaculture practices, reducing fuel intensity
health benefits should be utilised to further promote con- of capture and reducing biomass waste.
sumption of these sustainable protein sources.
Overall, increasing the proportion of human protein needs
Algae represent the most sustainable source of protein of coming from algal sources would improve the efficacy and
all blue food groups130. The only drawback is that the quali- sustainability of our food system, additionally providing
ty of algal protein is lower than animal sources, due to less significant health benefits at potentially cheap prices. Far-
optimal EAA profiles and lower bioavailability. To overcome med bivalve molluscs and wild small pelagic fish also re-
the impact of polysaccharides and phenolics on digestibi- present sustainable sources of protein with high nutritional
lity, methods have been developed to extract algal prote- quality and health benefits. Newly developed approaches
in. Further work needs to be done to comparatively assess for shrimp aquaculture offer the opportunity for farmed
these methods and scale up the processes. Similarly, forms shrimp to also become a sustainable protein source. These
and products that are palatable to a wide audience need to aquatic animals will likely serve as key sources of protein
be developed from whole algae and protein extracts. These in future low-stressor diets: fish protein perfectly comple-
efforts should focus on the species with the highest nutritio- ments the EAA profiles of algae and plant-based diets and
nal quality (and additional health benefits); red seaweeds, represents an appealing alternative for consumers sear-
such as nori and dulse, and particularly promising micro- ching for low-stressor animal sources of nutrition.

Planet Ocean Fund’s current investment focus

Algae Sustainable fishing practices
• Diversity of edible seaweed and microalgae species • Stock management
• Efficiency and sustainability of cultivation practices • Low carbon technology to power fishing fleets
- IMTA for macroalgae • Small pelagic fish:
- Photobioreactor technology microalgae - Direct consumption
• Processing technology – reduce losses to animal feed
- Protein extraction and enrichment practices - Reduce losses to rancidity
- Biorefinery concept - Reduce losses to filleting process
• Diversity of products – extraction practices and production
of high-quality palatable protein products
Sustainable aquaculture practices
• Bivalve molluscs as low stressor meat option Bioprocessing for high quality proteins
• Data analytics and AI to inform farming practices • Finfish offcuts, algae extracts
• Food sources with low carbon and other FPs • Variety of appealing products for consumers
for semi pelagics e.g. salmon
• Sustainable (land-based) shrimp aquaculture

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