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A world war is a war that was involved almost all the nations in the world. They are mainly
European conflicts.
The World Wars were among the key events by which the 20 th century was characterized,
alongside the world’s quest for peace and co-operation as well as developments and challenges
in postcolonial Africa.

The First World War (1914-1918)

This was the first total war in the modern history of mankind. Almost all countries in the world
were involved in it.

In what two ways were most nations involved in the First World War?
This involvement took two forms:
 Soldiers who were actually fighting in the war front.
 Civilians who were entrusted with the task of providing needs for the soldiers.

Explain why the First World War was the first mechanized war in world history.
 Much of the fighting was done with machines such as Automatic Rifles, Machine Guns, large
Battle ships and submarines, Tanks and Long-range field guns.
 For the first time in history, man used 19th and 20th century scientific and technological
development for the destruction of mankind.
 The Poison gas, which was developed during the war, killed many soldiers and caused
permanent ill health to others.
 The development and use of aircraft during the war led to civilian involvement, causing
civilians who were far away from the battle areas to get attacked.

The Causes of the First World War

2007 q13. Identify the immediate cause of the First World War. (1mks)
 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife in Sarajevo.
Others causes
 Colonial rivalry between Major European powers, particularly Britain, France and Germany.
 Economic rivalry between the European powers due to competition for raw materials and
market for European manufactured goods.
 The first and Second Moroccan Crisis, arising from rivalry between the French and the
Germans over Morocco, which increased political tension.
 The Arms Race among European powers.
 The system of alliance, I.E the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.
 Loss of the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine to Germany, which caused France to spoil
for war to revenge.
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 The 1911 dispute between Italy and Turkey over Libya, which caused ill feelings, particularly
between Italy and Germany, because Germany was also interested in Libya apart from being an
ardent supporter of Turkey.
 Nationalism all over Europe as European nationalists contested for more power for their
 The 1912-1913 Balkan wars, which caused tension in Europe.
 The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife in Sarajevo, which
activated and antagonized the alliances already in place, leading to outbreak of the war.

Explain the Alliance system and how it facilitated the First World War.

(In what ways did the Alliance system lead to (cause) the First World War?)
 Bismarck (the German Chancellor) arranged a dual alliance that comprised Germany and
Austria-Hungary and was later joined by Italy to form the Triple Alliance in order to maintain
German power in Europe after Prussia (a German state) had defeated France, which led to
German unification. Such arrangement was also motivated by Bismarck’s fear that France
would attack Germany in revenge. He extended the Triple Alliance by encouraging Romania to
sign separate pacts with the members.
 To counter Germany’s power, Britain moved closer to France and Russia. The three formed the
Triple Entente (Triple Understanding) of 1904.
 The Alliance system caused countries to act rashly, knowing that they would be supported. It
also ensured that if a war broke out between two countries, the rest would join the war.

2009 P2 QN 22(a) List three Europeans Countries that formed the Tripple alliance
before the outbreak of the First World War.
i. Germany
ii. Austria – Hungary
iii. Italy
iv. Romania

In what ways did Imperialism cause (lead to) the First World War?
(Explain how Imperialism fuelled the First World War. Or: Explain how Economic rivalry
between European powers fuelled the First World War. Or: Explain how colonial rivalry
between major European powers facilitated the First World War.)
In late 19th century, the Western European nations, Japan and the USA competed among
themselves for colonies as a result of the Industrial Revolution because:
 Each needed raw materials for their factories.
 Market for industrial products was of great necessity.
 Others wanted to invest capital in their new lands.
Although most colonial conflicts were solved in the 1884-85 Berlin Conference well before
1914, there was a lot of distrust, which no country could alleviate.
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Describe the Arms Race and how it led to the First World War.
(Analyse the Arms Race among the European powers and its influence in the First World War.
(In what ways did the Arms Race feature as a factor in (cause of) the First World War?)
 From 1900-1914, there was competition for military supremacy among Western European
countries, Japan, the USA and Russia, which made each of them aggressive and militant, ready
to fight at the slightest provocation.
 Between 1906-1912, the Germans embarked on construction of nine Dreadnoughts.
 Britain concentrated on construction of eighteen Dreadnoughts.
 France and Russia expanded their armies by lengthening the conscription service and calling up
training reservists.

Describe the first and second Morroccan crisis and how it facilitated the First World


 As members of the triple Entente, France and Britain were great friends. They used the Entente
to solve their colonial disputes. For example, France gave Britain a free hand in Egypt and
Sudan while Britain recognized the supremacy of France in Morocco.
 Germany decided to test the Anglo-French alliance. On 31st March 1905, Kaiser William 2
alighted at Tangier in Morocco and delivered a speech on the importance of keeping Morocco
an independent state. This did not please Britain and France.
 The German government then suggested an international conference to decide the future of
 At the conference, which was held at Algesiras in Spain, Italy did not support Germany. This
strengthened the Anglo-French alliance.


 In July 1911, a German gunboat was sent to the port of Agadir in Morocco to protect German
interests on the pretext that the French had recently sent troops to occupy the interior of Europe
to quell disorders there, although the real problem was caused by the unpopularity of the new
Moroccan Sultan, who favored the French.
 Germany’s aims in Morocco became clear when the German foreign Minister suggested in
Berlin that France gives up the French Congo to compensate for the exclusion of German
interests in Morocco. This was a way of making France to go to war, which France was in no
position to do.
 Since Germany was determined to win more concessions, Britain helped to arrange a
compromise whereby Germany agreed not to interfere in Morocco in return for a gift of part of
French Congo.


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(b) Analyse the 1911 dispute between Italy and Turkey over Libya and how this dispute led
to the First World War.
 In 1911, Italy declared war on Turkey, taking advantage of the Agadir Crisis and the nationalist
wave in the Ottoman Empire.
 Within a year, Italy had annexed Tripoli and the neighbouring province of Cyrenaica, implying
that she was in possession of modern day Libya.
 Feelings resulted between Germany and Italy, because Germany supported Turkey and was
also interested in Libya.

Name the nations that emerged as a result of disintegration of the Ottoman Empire
during the First World War. Or:
Identify the nations that emerged in Europe as countries disintegrated during the First World War.
Explain how nationalism in Europe facilitated the First World War
 The emergence of Germany and Italy as formidable powers in Europe disrupted the existing
balance of power in Europe.
 The situation was worsened as Belgium broke away from Holland in 1930, while Norway was
busy declining herself from Sweden.
 That very moment, the Ottoman Empire was quickly disintegrating into several fragments,
leading to emergence of Greece, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria as sovereign states.
 Elsewhere in Europe, there was a serge of strong nationalist aspirations among minority states
or communities.

Identify Minority communities that depicted a surge of nationalism in the events

leading to the First World War in Europe.
 Greeks and Bulgars in Macedonia, who hoped to be liberated from Turkish rule.
 The Italian and Romanian speakers within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, who aspired for
political liberation.
 The Slavic peoples (the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Slovenes, Croats and Serbs), who were
unhappy with Austro-Hungarian rule. The Serbs in particular sought reunification with Serbia
across the Danube River. The Slavs were supported by Russia, Britain and France in their

In what ways did desire for revenge fuel the First World War?
 The French harboured a deep-seated desire to settle old scores with the Germans due to their
defeat by Germany during the 1870-71 Franco Prussian war, which culminated in the German
annexation of Alsace and Lorraine provinces, which were rich in industrial raw materials,
particularly coal and iron ore, which undermined prestige of the French, who were regarded as
the major land-power.
 France was eager to occupy large areas of Africa, regardless of whether they were productive
or not, in order to boost her ego.
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 6. (a) Analyse the 1912-1913 Balkan wars and their role in fuelling the First World War.
 In 1912, in what became the First Balkan war, a Union of the Balkans, which comprised
Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro, attacked Turkey on the pretext that the Young Turks
movement was persecuting Christians in Macedonia. Turkey sued for peace as it was apparent
that she was losing the war. The hostilities were concluded through the Treaty of London in
 In what became the Second Balkan war, nations engaged in border and related disputes,
characterized by demarcations and settlements, all of which were sealed at the 1913 Treaty of
Bucharest, which ended the war.
 Although the Western powers were not involved in the Balkan wars, the wars increased
international tension, which caused a lot of concern.

Discuss the conflicts (demarcations and settlements) that characterized the second
Balkan war.
 Bulgaria and Serbia were contesting ownership of Macedonia, which had been carved out of
Turkey by the 1913 Treaty of London.
 Serbia sought allies in Greece and Turkey. As a result, Greece and Serbia acquired Macedonia
while Turkey recaptured Adrianople, which she had earlier lost at the Treaty of London.
 Romania acquired some valuable territory from Bulgaria, who lost much of what she had
gained earlier on at the Treaty of London.
 Romania acquired Dobruja a coastal region between the Black Sea and river Danube.

In what ways did the Balkan war increase international tension?

 Bulgaria was left hunting and spoiling for an opportunity to recoup her losses.
 Because of her successes, Serbia was inspired in her ambition of uniting all Serbs in the
Balkans under one rule.
 Hostilities between Austria and Serbia increased (were accentuated) as the Serbs were bitter
after being denied occupation of Albania by Austria-Hungary during the first Balkan war.
Occupation of Albania would have afforded the Serbs direct access to the sea.
 Serbia was unhappy as Austria and Hungary ruled about six million Serbs and Croats.
 Austria was unhappy with the emergence of Serbia as a powerful state, which set stage for the
outbreak of the First World War in 1914.


 In June 1914, Franz Ferdinand (the Austro-Hungarian heir apparent) and his wife Sophie were
killed in Sarajevo: the capital of the annexed province of Bosnia. The two were killed by
Gavrilo Principe: a young Bosnian student, backed by a secret Serb organization called The
Black Hand, which aimed at uniting all Serbs as one nation, and was therefore opposed to
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continued Austrian rule in Bosnia: a province largely inhabited by Serbs. However, the Serb
government did not fully support The Black hand, since it regarded the organization as too
radical and dangerously militant.
 Germany responded quickly by assuring Austria-Hungary of full support, regardless of
whatever course of action she took. Therefore, Austria accused Serbia for the killing and
presented Serbia with a stiff ultimatum and a list of demands, threatening to go to war if the
demands were not met.
 Serbia accepted nearly all the terms except the fourth and sixth, which she suggested could be
handled by the International Court of Justice at The Hague in Holland for arbitration.
 Austria-Hungary refused and therefore declared war on Serbia.
 In support of Serbia, Russia ordered full mobilization of her forces.
 In response, Germany demanded demobilization of Russia’s forces, but Russia did not, so
Germany declared war on Russia.
 Germany demanded that France remains neutral, but France refused, so Germany declared war
on France.
 German armies invaded Belgium, which caused Britain to join the war in defense of the 1839
treaty that guaranteed the neutrality of Belgium, a Treaty that Bismarck (the German
chancellor) referred to as a scrap of paper not worth Britain’s defense.

State the demands of Austria against Serbia following the assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand.
 An explanation for the assassination.
 Apologies by Serbia to Austria-Hungary
 Suppression of all anti Austrian publications and organizations.
 Participation of Austrian officials in the enquiry, including the institution of judicial
proceedings against those who committed the crime.
 The dismissal of all officials that Austria objected to.
 That Austrian police be allowed to enter Serbia’s territory to ensure that these demands were

What two of Austria’s demands was Serbia not ready to fulfil in relation to the
Sarajevo Assassination?
 The dismissal of all officials that Austria objected to.
 That Austrian police be allowed to enter Serbia’s territory to ensure that these demands were

How the 1914 Sarajevo incident contributed to the rise of the first World war:
- In June 1914, the Austro-Hungarian heir apparent, Franz Fedenand and his wife were
assassinated in Sarajevo, Serbia.
- Austria accused Serbia with a set of demands some of which were not acceptable to the
government of Serbia.
- Serbia thus rejected the demands. Consequently, Austria declared war on Serbia.
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- Russia in turn prepared her forces in readiness to defend Serbia incase she was to be attacked by
- Germany demanded that Russia should demobilize. Russia refused. As a result, Germany
declared war on Russia on 1st of August 1914.
- After declaring war on Russia, Germany demanded that France should remain neutral. However,
France did not oblige, hence Germany declared war on France on 3rd August 1914.
- Noting the new developments, Britain had warned Germany that she should respect the 1839
Treaty which had guaranteed Belgium neutrality. Hence when Germany overrun Belgium in the
course of invading France, Britain declared war on Germany.
- Hence in mid-August 1914, all the great powers of Europe namely Germany, France, Britain,
Austria and Russia came to be involved in the war. Thus what had began as a local Austro-
Serbian conflict was transformed into a world war.

Describe two camps into which the powers were divided during the First World War.
 The one made up of the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
 The one known as the Allies, which comprised Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium, France, Russia
and Britain.
Many other nations joined the allies while Turkey joined the Central Powers in 1914. The First
World War was fought in Europe, Asia and Africa. It was fought both on land and at sea.

The Course Of The War

Name the countries that were directly involved in the First World War.
 Formed the Triple Entente.
 Formed the Central Powers (Triple Alliance).

Why did the USA enter the First World War?

World War 1 broke out in Europe, where it was fought on two main fronts, namely:
i) The Western Front (mainly in France and Belgium).
ii) The Eastern Front (in Russia and the Balkans).


Here, the Germans were fighting British, French and (later on) American forces. The war on the
Western front was part of the Von Schlieffen plan.

Explain the Von Schlieffen Plan.

 As far back as 1905, a German Field Marshal called Alfred Von Schlieffen had planned for a
war against France, whereby France would be attacked through Belgium. Schlieffen believed
that within a fortnight, German forces would capture Paris, thereby ending French resistance
and force Britain to sign a separate peace treaty.
 Confident in the Schlieffen plan, the Germans invaded and overrun Belgium and Luxembourg
on their way to attack the French.
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 The French tried to launch their own attack against the Germans in the Alsace-Lorraine region,
but they failed miserably. Even a British force sent to assist the French was nothing much for
the Germans, who easily pushed it back.
 By September 1914, the German forces were only fifty miles from Paris: the French capital,
which caused the French government to flee to Bordeaux.
 Germany attacked France from the east and from the west, creating a vacuum in the centre,
which the British and the French used to attack the Germans.
 Sensing danger, the German forces drew back across the Marne River.

Why did the Von schlieffen Plan fail?

 Russia mobilized her forces faster than expected, which compelled Germany to deploy her
forces to the Eastern front earlier than anticipated.
 The German invasion of Belgium was not as fast as anticipated.
 Britain entered the war, for which the Germans had not prepared.
 The German and the French sides were evenly matched, which Germany had not expected.
The rest of the war mostly took the form of Trench Warfare, whereby each side dug up a network
of trenches reinforced with barbed wire for protection against artillery and machine gun fire.
However, no side advanced against the other.
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Explain why the position of the opposing armies did not change in the Trench
Warfare in spite of many attempts against each other during the First World War.
 The two sides were evenly matched.
 The Trench warfare mainly sheltered defenders, which made attack more difficult than defense.
 The defenders used modern weapons and techniques such as Machine Guns and Barbed Wire

Describe the new war methods employed to end the Trench Warfare stalemate
during the First World War.
 The Poison Gas, used by the Germans in 1915.
 Use of aeroplanes from 1915.
 Use of tanks from 1916, particularly by the British.
In May 1915, the Allies won Italy to their side by promising the Italians the two Austrian districts
of Trieste and Trerti after the war, which was crucial as it held the Austrian forces in the Alps
and stopped them from attacking Russia in the east. There was intense fighting in 1916 at
Verdun and Somme, where a combined force of the French and the British kept the Germans at
In late 1915, many countries joined either the Triple Alliance or the Triple Entente. Japan, Italy,
Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro supported the Triple Entente while Turkey and Bulgaria
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supported the Triple Alliance. Consequently, the triple Alliance changed its name to Central
Powers while the Triple Entente became the Allied Powers, popularly known as the Allies.


Here, war was between Russia and Germany on one hand and between Germany and Austria-
Hungary on the other. Although Russia mobilized her forces faster than Germany had expected,
she was badly defeated because:
 She invaded both Germany and Austria at the same time.
 Although the Russian army was large, it was badly led, poorly trained and ill equipped.
 From the beginning of the war up to 1917, Russian casualties remained high.
 Russia was in a worse situation when Turkey joined the war in 1915 and cut off the main
supply and trade route through the Dardanelles straits.
To assist Russia, the Allies launched the Gallipoli campaign in 1915, aimed at opening up the
Dardanelles. But this campaign failed because:
 Anglo-French ships in the attack that was aimed at capturing Constantinople were destroyed by
mines in the Dardanelles, which caused a delay that enabled turkey to reinforce her defence.
 Troops brought in from Australia, New Zealand and Britain failed as the Central Powers had
already taken position, ready for war. This caused the Allies to evacuate their forces.
The Allied military campaign in the Eastern Front encountered many more difficulties, which
climaxed in the withdrawal of Russia from the war in 1917 as the Russian army had many
problems such as:
 Lack of arms,
 Insufficient food supplies,
 Lack of clothing,
 Incompetent (poor/bad) leadership,
 Poor transport and communication.
In March 1917, a revolution broke out in Russia, which led to the abdication of Tsar Nicholas
2. The new Russian government did not wish to continue the war against Germany. It formally
ended the war in March 1918 with the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.


 Before 1914, the British fleet was numerically superior to that of Germany, although the
German navy had superior armour and weapons. In 1914, the German navy upset British naval
supremacy in the Pacific, but it was eventually defeated at the battle of Falkland Islands.
 In 1916, after decoding the German wireless cord, the British Royal navy fully countered the
German fleet that had been stationed in the North Sea to attack the British fleet. In spite of
losing many naval officers, Britain managed to route the German army out of the sea.
 Britain finally retained her supremacy in the sea, which was important to the Allies.


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 Because of severe food shortages caused by the British blockade, the German high command
declared unrestricted submarine warfare in 1917, meaning that ships from neutral countries
were sank on sight without warning, just like enemy ships.
 In March 1917, German submarines torpedoed several U S merchant ships. This angered the U
S A, which joined the war on the side of the Allies and upset the balance of power against

Why was it important for Britain to retain her supremacy in the sea during the First
World War?
 The British blocked access by the central Powers to food and raw materials from other parts of
the world.
 The British were able to capture the colonies of the Central Powers.
 The Allies maintained uninterrupted communication with other allied forces and could
safeguard British food and raw material supplies from other parts of the world.

Reasons why the USA remained neutral in world warfare up to 1917

 She did not want to involve herself in the quarrel of European powers.
 There was fear that if the USA declared war on Germany, Americans of German descent might
fight with those of other backgrounds on US soil.
 Upton 1916, the war had not directly interfered with US interests.

2001 q 24 a)Why was the United states reluctant to join the first world war during
the initial stage? (3 marks)
i. Desire to abide by terms of Monroe Doctrine of 1823 which forbid her

from interfering in European affairs.

ii. Fear of revolt by her citizens of German origin.

iii. Fear of an outbreak of civil war between Americans of German descent

and those of other European nationalities.

iv. The war had not interfered with the USA’s interests until 1916.


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End of World War 1

Explain two major events that made 1917 the decisive year for the end of the First
World War.
 Russia’s withdrawal from the war after the Great Russian (Bolshevik) revolution.
 US declaration of war against the Central powers.

Reasons why U.S.A joined the war on the side of the Allies
 Pressure on the US government by Allies’ sympathizers within the USA, particularly those
with blood or other ties with either France or Britain.
 US anger over a secret telegram by the German foreign minister: Arthur Zimmerman to the
German embassy in Mexico urging Mexico to attack the USA in case the USA joined the
 If the allies lost war, US industrial and financial institutions would suffer serious losses as the
USA had close trade links with Britain and France.
 British and US intelligence linked some of Germany’s sympathizers with industrial sabotage
through strikes and explosions in US factories.
 Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare, particularly after Germany sank the Sussex, A
British ship that was ferrying American passengers to Europe.
The entry of the USA into the war gave the Allies an upper hand, leading to the defeat of
Germany and her Central Power allies in 1918.

Explain why the Central Powers were defeated in the First World War.
 More manpower on the side of the Allies due to the large groups of supporters such as France,
Britain, the USA, Australia, new Zealand and south Africa.
 The Allies had more financial and industrial resources.
 The Allies had more powerful weapons like tanks, aircraft and battle ships.
 The Allies had more sea power, which they used to blockade the central Powers.
 The Allies had more political leadership.
 Germany was let down by her allies.
 The entry of the USA tilted the balance in favour of the Allies.

1998 q14. Give two reasons why the Central Powers were defeated in the First World
War. (2 mks)
(i) The allied forces control the sea routes and had powerful navy which they used to blocked
supplies other central power.
(ii) The allied forces had adequate supply of human resources for the war from the members
against 4 for the Central powers.
(iii) The allied forces had abundant wealth with which to finance the war
The initial defeat of German led to mutinies in the Germany army.


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2007 q22. b) Give six reasons why the central powers were defeated in the first world
war. (6 marks)

i. The allied powers had more states supporting them.

Allies had more financial and industrial resources.
Allied powers controlled the North sea and Atlantic Ocean and blockaded the central powers.
The invasion of neutral Belgium by Germany made the world to turn against the central powers.
The entry of USA into the war helped to defeat the central powers.
The central powers were located in the central part of Europe and Were surrounded by enemies from
every side.
Multines in German army weakened the Germany resistance.
The failure of the schlieffen plan
Good political leadership among the allied powers.

Explain the terms that Germany was given by the Allies as a result of her defeat in the First
World War.
Due to her defeat, Germany was given the following stiff terms by the Allies:
 That Germany withdraws from all occupied territories including overseas colonies.
 Withdrawal of all German forces west of the Rhine.
 Surrender of all German war ships to the Allies.
 Allied occupation of some parts of Germany.
 Release of all Allied prisoners of war.

The Peace Settlement

Identify the principles on which peace with Germany would be based as outlined by
US President: Woodrow Wilson in 1918.
In 1918, US President: Woodrow Wilson outlined the principles on which peace with Germany
would be based as follows:
 The return of Alsace and Lorraine provinces and restoration of freedom to France.
 Abolition of secret diplomacy.
 Adjustment of Italian frontiers on nationality basis.
 Free navigation at sea for all nations in war and peace.
 Self determination for Austria-Hungary.
 Removal of economic barriers between states.
 Evacuation of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania and provision of access to the sea for Serbia.
 Reduction of Armament.
 Self-government for non-Turkish peoples in the Turkish Empire.
 The opening of the Dardanelles.
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 Adjustment of colonial claims in the interest of the peoples concerned.
 Independence and provision of access to the sea for Poland.
 Vacating of Russian territory by German forces.
 Creation of an association of world nations to preserve peace.
 Restoration of independence to Belgium.
However, due to recurrence of World War 1 bitterness, these principles did not bring the desired
peace. In January 1919, the Allies convened a peace conference in Paris: France, at which
treaties were signed with each of the five central Powers.

Identify the treaties signed during the Paris Conference (1919).

 The Treaty of Versailles with Germany.
 The treaty of Saint German with Austria.
 The Treaty of Neuilly with Bulgaria.
 The treaty of Trianon with Hungary.
 The treaty of Lausanne with Turkey.
All these treaties were together called the Treaty of Versailles.
Heads of State that dominated the Paris Conference (1919).
 Woodrow Wilson: the President of the United States of America.
 Lloyd George: the British Prime Minister.
 Georges Clemenceau: the French Prime Minister.
 Victoria Orlando: the Italian Prime Minister.

2007 q 22. a) Identify 3 terms of the treaty of Versailles of 1919. (3 marks)

i) German to surrender some of other territories in European e.g. Alsace
and Lorraine were returned to France.
ii) German to surrender all her colonies.
iii) German to pay £6.6 million to the allies as reparation money.
iv) The city of Danzing to be a free city under the league.
v) German was restricted to an army of 100,000 men and it’s equipments
were limited.

(a) What were the results of the Versailles Treaty?

 Germany was solely held responsible for World War 1.
 Germany was reduced in size by an eighth and in population by 6.5 million.
 Germany lost claim to her colonies and overseas investments, which were put under the League
of Nations as Mandate Territories.
 Germany lost the provinces of Schleswig, South-Eastern Silesia, Alsace, Lorraine and a strip of
 Danzig port, which was claimed by both Germany and Poland, was put as a free city under the
League of Nations.


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 The Saar valley, which was rich in coal and iron, was to be administered by the League of
Nations for fifteen years, after which the inhabitants of the region would be allowed to vote on
whether it should belong to France or Germany.
 Germany was forced to pay war reparations of over 6.5 billion Sterling Pounds to the Allies.
 Germany’s army recruitment was restricted to a hundred thousand men, with limited military
equipment. Tanks, heavy Artillery, military aircraft, airships, poison gas and use of submarines
were banned, which weakened Germany militarily.
 No possible union between Austria and Germany would be allowed. Austria was allowed to
remain independent in spite of having a large German population while Italy acquired Stria: the
Italian-speaking region of Austria.
 An independent Hungarian state was created.
 Emergence of some new states such as Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia and
 Finland acquired complete independence from Russia.
 Syria, Palestine and Iraq became mandated territories and were no longer Turkish possessions.
Turkey also lost Egypt.
 The League of Nations was established to prevent another war outbreak.
 However, the Versailles treaty did not bring lasting peace because.

Explain why the Versailles treaty was ineffective.

(Identify the factors that undermined the Versailles treaty. Or:
Explain why the Versailles treaty did not foster lasting peace after the First World War.)
 Germany felt that the treaty was being used to punish and humiliate her.
 The interests of people under colonial rule were largely ignored by the European powers
 The interests of minorities, particularly in Europe were ignored or inadequately catered for by
the Allies. For instance, Austria was forbidden from merging with Germany.
 Italy was embittered as she was given only the Italian-speaking region of Stria as the British
and the French
 Got the lion’s share of the territories taken over from the Central Powers.
 The US Senate refused to ratify the charter of the League of Nations since the Constitution of
the USA prohibited commitment to such an organization, whose membership required a nation
to help a future victim of aggression.

Explain the impact of the First World War.

 Many deaths as more than thirteen million people perished.
 Diseases and Exposure. Soldiers and many other people were infected with Pneumonia,
Spanish Influenza, Sexually transmitted and all manner of other diseases.
 Mass starvation as most of the productive people were sent to war while land and crops were


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 Severe weakening of Europe’s economic domination over the rest of the world since greater
expenditure was devoted to war rather than economic growth.
 Destruction of the industrial and community lives as schools, factories, roads, bridges and
railways in the Fighting zones were left in ruins.
 Insecurity due to the Refugee crisis in continental Europe.
 Emergence of the USA as the world’s leading power after the war.
 Alteration of European boundaries as empires disintegrated while new nations emerged E.G
Hungary, Yugoslavia, etc.
 Erosion of Europe’s domination of overseas colonies as many Indians and Africans involved in
the war returned home with revolutionary ideas, especially on the need for self determination.
 Displacement of many people, which caused great misery and suffering, among other problems.
 Establishment of an international organization (the League of Nations) for preservation of
international peace and security.
 Advancement in surgery and manufacture of pharmaceuticals as many injuries and ailments
were incurred and experienced during the war.
 Widespread use of motor vehicles and aircraft, which eased transportation in many parts of the
 Promotion of gender equality as women took up jobs previously performed by men. This
happened due to the great demand for manpower for military duties.
The impact/results of the First World War could be classified into political, economic and
social results as follows:

 Creation of new nations in Europe, e.g. Hungary and Yugoslavia.
 Involvement of the USA in the war.
 Emergence of the USA as a leading world power due to victory over the Central Powers.
 It undermined the existence of Great turkey, part of whose empire gained independence.
 The size of Germany was reduced.
 Germany lost her colonies.
 France regained her territories of Alsace and Lorraine from Germany.
 Rise of nationalism in Africa through the Exe soldiers who fought in the war, who went back
home determined to achieve self independence.
 European domination of overseas colonies was undermined.
 Creation of the League of Nations to maintain international peace and security.
 Revolution in Russia, which led to the collapse of the Tsar Regime and rise of communism in
 Anarchy, which led to rise of dictators like Benito Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany.


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 A lot of money was spent on the war as the warring sides bought arms.
 Strain to the economy of many countries, thus weakening European domination of the rest of
the world.
 Disruption to economic activities like trade, agriculture, etc.
 Industries were destroyed.
 Destruction of property, hence economic loss e.g. roads, railways, schools, etc.
 The use of vehicles and air craft became widespread during the war, thus easing transportation
in the world.

2010 q 13. Identify two economic results of the First World War. (2 marks)
i) European governments spent huge sums of money.
ii) There was massive destruction of property.
iii) It led to economic depression/employment/starvation/unemployment.
Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks

 Millions of people died during the war.
 Thousands of people were displaced and rendered homeless, creating a refugee problem.
 Outbreak of diseases in epidemic proportions, e.g. Spanish Influenza.
 Separation of families and many children were orphaned, causing misery and suffering.
 Starvation due to food shortage.
 The art of surgery advanced due to many injuries.
 Many women began to work due to demand for manpower, leading to Gender equality in many
parts of Europe.

The League of Nations

Explain the origin of the League of Nations.
There was public demand for prevention of renewal of war after World War 1.
Several agencies of international co-operation were formed E.G the Universal Postal Union.
Some world leaders such as US President Woodrow Wilson saw the need for political co-
operation as the benefits of the economic and social agencies were realized.
A general association of nations was formed as a result of the 1919 Peace conference, which
paved way for the formation of the League of Nations.
The headquarters of the League of Nations was established in Geneva: Switzerland, because of
Switzerland’s neutral stand in European conflicts. Sir Eric Drummond from Britain was its first
Secretary General.
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league initially comprised the Allies and their associates, but later, other states joined, including
Members of the League had to observe peace. Disarmament, peaceful settlement of disputes and
respect for the sovereignty of other states were emphasized.
The league could recommend economic or diplomatic sanctions or the use of military force
against aggressions or those countries that violated its terms.

2000 q 14. 2001 q 14 & 2011 q12 Give the main reason for the formation of the League
of Nations in 1919. (1 mark)
To promote/sustain World peace/security. To prevent the occurrence of another
war. (1 mark)

Aims of the League of Nations

 Achievement of international peace and security.
 To reduce armament and to prevent war.
 To encourage nations to settle disputes peacefully.
 To take action against aggressors.
 To improve people’s working and living conditions.
 To supervise former territories of the Central Powers.

The Structure of the League of Nations

Main Organs
 The assembly.
 The Council.
 The secretariat.
 The Permanent court of International justice.
 The international labour office.
 Specialized Commissions and committees.

The Assembly
 It comprised all League member states.
 Its members met annually in Geneva, although special sessions could be held whenever need
 All members had equal vote (one vote each). Its president and other office bearers were elected
on a simple Majority basis.
 No member could send more than three delegates to the Assembly.
 The Assembly meeting handled world affairs and any other issues of relevance, including
operation of the league.


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Function of the assembly

 Control of the budget of the league.
 Admission of new members.
 Appointment of non-permanent members to the League of Nations council.
 Review of the various treaties.
 Supervision of the work of the League of Nations’ Council.
 Appointment of judges of the permanent Court of international Justice.
 Approval of the appointment of the Secretary General.
 Amendment of the league’s covenant.

The Council
 It comprised permanent and non-permanent members.
 Its non-permanent members served a three-year term.
 It met three times annually, except for emergency sessions.

Permanent members
 France,
 Britain,
 Italy,
 Japan.

Functions of the council

 Carrying out recommendations of the Assembly.
 Appointment and control of various committees of the league.
 Appointment of the Secretary General, but with the Assembly’s approval.
 Preparing agenda for the Assembly.
 Generally, the council carried out the work of the league.

The Secretariat
 It was the league’s administrative body.
 It was based in Geneva: Switzerland.
 It was mainly headed by a Secretary General, assisted by selected staff.
 Its expenses were met by members of the league.

Functions of the Secretariat

 Preparing agenda for Assembly and council meetings.
 Carrying out all League correspondence.
 Publication of reports.
 Carrying out research.
 Carrying out the League’s decisions.
 Provision of continuity between council and assembly meetings.
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The International Court of Justice

 It was based at The Hague: Holland.
 It comprised seven judges and four deputy judges of different nationalities, who served a nine-
year term.

Functions of the International Court of Justice

 Settlement of international disputes.
 Judicial advice to the Assembly and council on international disputes.
 Interpretation of treaties.

The International Labour Office

The International Labour Office was established in 1919 as an independent agency of the League
of Nations to promote the welfare of workers. It exists today as the international labour
Organization: an auxiliary of the United Nations organization.

How the International labour committee improved working conditions in Europe

after World War 1
 Maximum working hours per day and per week were fixed.
 Adequate minimum wages were specified.
 Sickness and Unemployment benefits were introduced.
 Old -Age pension schemes were enacted.

The Specialized agencies

These were commissions and committees that handled specific problems, mostly arising from
the period after the First World War. I

Identify the problems/issues that League of Nations’ specialized Agencies handled.

 Mandates,
 Military affairs,
 Minority groups,
 Disarmament,
 International labour,
 Health,
 Economic and financial organizations,
 Child welfare,
 Drug-related problems,
 Women’s welfare.

Achievements of the League of Nations

2008 q 21.(a) Give five achievements of the League of Nations between 1919 and 1939.(5
i. It promoted health services/established International health Organisation
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ii. It championed for the welfare of the workers/established the International labour Organisation.
iii. It provided relief to refugees/war casualties/areas hit by famine
iv. It settled disputes between different European countries
v. It supervised mandated territories
vi. It organized disarmament conferences in Europe vii. It helped to reduce trade in dangerous
vii. It helped in economic Reconstruction of European countries, Australia

International disputes that were settled by the League of Nations

 The 1913-1926 Turkey-Iraq dispute over Mosul province.
 The 1931-1935 Colombia-Peru dispute over the Leticia trapezium.
 The Poland-Germany dispute over northern Silesia.
 The Sweden-Finland dispute over the Alan islands.

League of Nations’ peace pacts

 The 1925 Locarno treaty, which settled boundary disputes between Germany and France and
between Germany and Belgium, leading to Germany’s admission into the League of Nations in
 The 1928 Kellog-Briand pact, by which nations had to renounce war and adopt peaceful
settlement of disputes.

Failures of the League of Nations

 In 1931, Japan defied the league and invaded Manchuria in China.
 In 1935, Benito Mussolini of Italy invaded Ethiopia and pulled out of the league.
 Germany broke (went against) the Treaty of Versailles with impunity and embarked on a
remilitarization programme.
 Nations continued to sign secret treaties in total disregard of the league and its terms.
 Germany and Russia invaded Holland, Austria and Finland between 1936-1939.
 Germany occupied the Rhineland without hindrance.

2006 q 14. Give the main reason for the failure of the League of Nations
 The rearmament of Germany

2008 q 21 (b) Why did the League of Nations fail to maintain World Peace? (10 mks)
i. some European nations opposed the peace Treaty of Versailles because it favoured the allied
nations that had fought against Germany
ii. The United States of America did not support the league because it did not want to get involved
in European affairs/The Monroe Doctrine.


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iii. The membership of the organization was not all that inclusive. Somecountries were left out
while others were not given a chance to join
iv.The league /conference of ambassadors violated the objective of maintaining world peace by
supporting some nation’s claims against others
v. Most members were concerned with their sovereignty as opposed to the interests of the League
of Nations
vi.Some members of the league adopted the policy of appeasement towards certain regimes in
order to avoid confrontation thus weakening it.
vii. Shortage of funds made it difficult for League to implement its programmes
viii. The league lacked its own army to implement its decisions where peace was threatened. It
depended on the goodwill of the members who at times were not reliable.
ix.The search for colonies diverted the members attention from the activities of then League of
x. The rise of Dictatorship regimes in Europe weakened the League as these dictators refused to
accept its resolutions.
xi.The Economic depression of 1929 weakened most of the world economies hence they were not
able to support the League financially.

1999 q 16. State one problem which faced the league of Nations (1 mk)
(ii) Inability to settle disputes between members states
(iii) Lack of military strength with which to implement its objectives
(iv) Lack of adequate funds
(v) Nationalist ambitions of member countries/ re- armament
(vi) Lack of support and commitment by major power e.g. U.S.A

The Second World War

Explain the influence of Adolf Hitler in Second World War.
The war was fought between 1939 and 1945.
The Second World War and its outcome revolve around Adolph Hitler: an Austrian, who served
as a corporal in the German army during the First World War as follows:
 By the end of World War 1, the German empire collapsed. The German Emperor (William 2)
fled to Holland. The German economy declined due to the Versailles settlement, which held
Germany responsible for the First World War.
 In November 1923, Adolph Hitler and his friends launched an unsuccessful coup. But later,
having taken advantage of the World recession of the 1930s, Hitler and his National socialist
(Nazi) loyalists seized power.
 In 1936, Hitler made himself leader of Germany, with absolute power over his subjects.
 Instead of colonies, Hitler preferred and embarked on expanding Germany eastwards,
effectively removing the Slav threat and bringing under control the most fertile and
strategically secure land in Europe. France had to be crashed for Germany to expand into


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Eastern Europe and, hopefully, restore the glory enjoyed by Germany before the First World
 Hitler demanded rearmament of Germany and set out to assert Germany’s authority over
smaller and weaker states, which greatly destabilized European peace.
 Hitler discredited heavy reliance on trade, which, to him, would only benefit the Jews, who
controlled it. In his speeches, Hitler clearly stated that unless other powers submitted to his
will, Germany’s expansion could not be effected without a new war.
 To eliminate opposition from within Germany, Hitler made all political parties subordinate to
and coordinated by the state. From 1933, he launched Nazi purges, whereby millions of Jews
and all other potential dissidents were killed.
 Although several peace settlements were signed to strengthen relations between world powers
after the First World War, there was general increase of aggression because of the bad
conditions many European countries found themselves in during the 1930s.
 Therefore, coupled with Hitler’s seizure of power in Germany, events prior to 1939 culminated
in the Second World War.

Causes of Second World War

 Extreme nationalism in Italy under Benito Mussolini and in Germany under Adolph Hitler.
 The Great Depression (1929-1939), which caused economic problems that triggered conflict
between nations.
 The policy of Appeasement practiced by France and Britain, which encouraged dictators to be
even more aggressive.
 The League of Nations was weak and could not stop the aggressive nations like Germany,
Japan and Italy.
 The military alliance encouraged aggression among some states.
 The rise of dictators in Europe such as Hitler and Mussolini, which provoked war as they made
unfair demands on other countries.
 Versailles treaty-Germany’s violation of the Versailles Treaty. Germany blamed this treaty for
all her problems.

2012 q 12. State one way in which the rise of dictators in Europe contributed to the
outbreak of the Second World War. (1 mark)
(i) They overthrew democratic governments
(ii) They rearmed themselves
(iii) They engaged in acts of aggression/attacked other communities

Rival groups that were involved in Second World War

 The Allied forces, which comprised France, Britain and the USA.
 The Axis Powers, which consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan.

Fronts on which Second World War was fought

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 Western Europe.
 North Africa.
 Eastern Europe.
 The Far East.

Course of the War

The immediate cause of the Second World War was Hitler’s attack on Poland
 A month before the outbreak of the war, Hitler unexpectedly signed the Nazi-Soviet Friendship
pact, enabling Germany to fight on one front and the Soviet Union to prepare for war. The war
was fought on the western and eastern fronts.
 Hitler felt he could attack Poland without hesitation, thinking that Britain would not support
Poland, which would enable him to dispose off Poland and carry out his plans in Eastern
 In September 1939, Germany invaded Poland, with devastating results, for the Soviet Union
occupied Poland.
 Britain ordered Germany to withdraw immediately, but Germany did not. Britain therefore
declared war on Germany.
 That same moment, France declared war on Germany.
 Later that same month, Germany invaded Belgium, which led to the outbreak of the Second
World War.
 Britain and France supported Belgium.
 Italy supported Germany, and then France surrendered.
 Germany occupied all the coastal zones and ruled France through the Vichy, which was a
puppet government.
 In 1940, Germany launched a daylight attack on Britain and the war went on unto the winter
season of 1941.
 Hitler then attacked the Soviet Union and made Germany to fight on two fronts.
 Without warning, Japan attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbour in 1941 and made the
USA to join the war on the side of Britain and the Soviet Union.
 China also joined Britain and the Soviet Union, but Germany and Japan were well prepared.
They fought at lightning speed to the borders of India.
 In North Africa, Italy attacked Egypt, but was pushed back by Allied Forces at the battle of El-
Amein, where the Germans were defeated by the British.
 In Europe, Mussolini was over throne by Anglo-American forces and the new Italian
government declared war on Germany.
 From June 1944, the Allies invaded Normandy and eventually liberated France. The Allies and
the Soviet Union rushed to Berlin. The Germans tried to fight back but they were defeated.
 Having been defeated unto his doorstep, Hitler killed himself to escape capture by Allied and
Soviet troops. By 30th April 1945, the war was over in the West.


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 In the east, the Allies and the USA dropped Atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan
in 1945, with devastating results. Japan surrendered and the war was over.

2010 p2 qn 23. a) State the role played by United States of America in ending the
Second World War.
i. The U.S.A provided modern military equipment to the allied forces.
ii. She gave financial support to the allied forces.
iii. She provided military personnel to the allied powers.
iv. U.S.A blockaded the Panama Canal against the central powers.
v. She dropped atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki which forced Japan to surrender.

2013 q 15. Give the main incident which made Japan to surrender unconditionally to the
allied powers in 1945. (1 mk)
 The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
Results of the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima

2005 q 23. (a) What were the results of the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in
Japan in 1945? (3 mks)
(i) Many people lost their lives
(ii) Property of great value was destroyed
(iii) The radioactive elements caused many diseases
(iv) Many people were maimed
(v) There was economic decline
(vi) Many People suffered psychologically
(vii) Japan surrendered unconditionally

Reasons for the defeat of the axis powers

2002 q 23. (a) Describe three factors that enabled the allied powers to win the second
World War
i) Germany’s inability to effectively control her expansive territories and some turned against her
and fought along the Allies.
ii) The USSR recovered from her losses rearmed and attacked Germany.
iii) The allies had more supporters than the Axis powers who remained four i.e. German,
Bulgaria, Austria and Turkey.
iv) U.S.A’s entry into the war on the side of Allies attack of Pearl Harbour.
v) Germany’s forces were overstretched by fighting war in many fronts.
vi) Allied forces had better arms than the Axis powers e.g. Atomic bombs.
vii) A chief forces controlled N sea 4 blocked Germany.


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Results of the Second World War

2002 q 23. (b) Explain the results of the Second World War
i) Many lives were lost. It is estimated that over 30 million people died during the war.
ii) The bombs that were dropped on Japan released radio-active substances which affected the
lives of many long after the war was over.
iii) Civilian casualties were mainly through bombings. Millions of other people were
iv) Properties of unknown value were destroyed. This adversely affected the economics of
most countries.
v) Agriculture and industry were disrupted due to lack of equipment, raw materials and human
vi) Trade, both internal and external was disrupted.
vii) There was inadequate shelter food and clothing of many of the homeless and displaced
people e.g. the jaws.
viii) The pre-war 1939 balance of power was destroyed as the tow new super powers, the USA
and the USSR emerged;
ix) It led to the spread of communication in Europe.
x) The USA gave assistance to the weakened western powers to prevent them from mailing into
communist hands. This assistance was in form of the marshal plan in which about US $ 7,000
Million was used.
xi) The division of Europe into two opposing blocks led to the cold war which was
accompanied by an arms peace.
xii) It led to the establishment of the UN in place of the league of nations which had failed to
maintain peace.
xiii) German and its capital Berlin were divided into two capitalistic west and communist east.
xiv) The war destroyed the myth of European military superiority. This strengthened
nationalism in other parts of the war.
xv) Was created bitter feelings & mistrust among the countries that fought in the war.
xvi) Led to widespread unemployment
xvii) Led to improvement of military technology.
xviii) The war was costly / Economic depression – huge sums of money was spent.
xix) Creation of state of the settle the Jews.

2008 P2 QN 14. State two economic results of the Second World War. (2 mks)
i) It ended economic domination of the world by European countries
ii) There was massive destruction of properties
iii) It created unemployment
iv) It slowed down economic development of most countries/led to economic
depression/European counties relied on colonies for economic growth.
v) It led to developments in engineering (Any 2x1 = 2 mks)


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 International Relations refers to the co-operation or interaction between individuals or groups
of nations of the world.

Into what levels could International Relations be categorised

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