B14 Coshh

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COSHH = Sa eases oases Seca cearevana pa en tiao aw ae [iat nanan ich coinoars dan aa SST een ene & mame ee =a Sarees sooner mara Harm sn, ee or espiatony ‘Damage o organs and may caso Sabicea eneienanton Siemneeity moncomres maa ore ee Sana an oa ners ao ® 7 & Tac Biter erent niemmnenee Cor n ‘Reason | Hazardous substances canbe used in, or ereated by construction processes, Using hazardous substance wou the proper corals plac can damage Your hea. Se 1 Acampotntprsen ms cary ou ask atebesmert io decide wheter ‘posure oa substan ean be ede = alemave wrk methods can reduce exposure ‘lose hazardous etbeance can be used instead 2. Many of te subetances wed constructon have the poten couse harm, 1. Your health could be aflaed by a hzarcous substance Buh: = Ingestion eating contaminated food ~ inhalation rothing har dust or fuos = ict ~ sharp objec or tgh pressure tlds sBeerpon = eels entering trough cua. 2, Bxampls of hazardous abetanes on constuction os ude: ~contaminatod round cone admixtures ~ epoxy based pants = coment Solent fumes lng tes ~ hardwood duet = eaine = sebotos, 8. Dott mix cecal osbstancos unos you ae flowing a sale and authrised process. 1 Follow your employer’ ste system of work andthe rk (COSHH) assessment x each substance 2. Whon using hszaroussibslanees, wer the corae PPE (toques) 3. Know boo look afte and ute your PPE corey. 4. Ensure hazardous eubstnees are putback roa secure locllon afer se. Do not ane them ona Safe use of substances 1 Make see you are ind i se hazardous substances. 2 Comply wit the Control of Substances Hazardous to Healy (COSHH) assessment and the Iratuctons onto produ ata, 3, Dor at, nko make when handing substancos, 4 Dorit expe others otunes, us, aso ter dangers rm hazardous substanoes whist ou Wor, 5. Aways wash your hands at the end ofeach shi and bore etn. Be noe emesis Viethen abe tea Ves snyoharoin on at ry Wat can ou wear opt youna! aginst wbstances? Name ve hazardous substances you my fon sto

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