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Author(s): A. Sharma, I. Sharma and P.K. Pati
Source: Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 93, No. 2 (July 2011), pp. 397-405
Published by: Società Italiana di Patologia Vegetale (SIPaV)
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Accessed: 02-03-2016 05:34 UTC

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Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1 ), 93 (2), 397-405 # Edizioni ETS Pisa, 201 1 397



A. Sharma, I. Sharma and P.K. Pati

Department of Biotechnology, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India

SUMMARY many phytochemically active components like with-

aferins and withanolides (Chatterjee et al, 2010) and is
Leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata is a prevalent known for its immunomodulatory (Rasool and Varalak-
disease of Withania somnifera, a high value medicinal shmi, 2006), antistress (Archana and Namasivayan,
plant. The severity of infection is closely related with 1999), cardioprotective (Mohanty et al, 2004), anti-ag-
the progression of the disease. In the present work, vari- ing (Singh et al, 2008) and anti-tumour (Uma Devi,
ous biochemical parameters such as free proline, total 1996) properties. It was recently reported that W. som-
chlorophyll, total protein, lipid peroxidation, ion leak- nifera leaf extracts selectively kill cancer cells (Widodo
age and the activity of some antioxidant enzymes were etal.,2001).
analyzed to assess the post infectional changes associat- W. somnifera is prone to attacks by several fungal
ed with infection. As disease progressed, a decrease of pathogens (Verma et al, 2007; Maiti et al, 2007;
chlorophyll and total protein content was observed. The Mahrshi, 1986), viruses (Pathak and Raychoudhuri,
lowest level of total chlorophyll (16 fold decrease) was 1967), phytoplasmas (Khan et al, 2006; Samad et al,
observed when the severity of infection was at its peak. 2006), insects (Kumar et al, 2009; Sharma and Pati,
A significant increase in free proline content, lipid per- 2011), and nematodes (Sharma and Pandey, 2009).
oxidation and ion leakage was also observed. Antioxi- Among fungal diseases, leaf spot caused by Alternaria
dant enzymes behaved in a differential way. Catalase, alternata is the most prevalent and responsible for sub-
ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase and superox- stantial biodeterioration of its pharmaceutically impor-
ide dismutase specific activities showed a significant in- tant constituents (Pati et al, 2008).
crease concomitantly with disease progression. By con- In this paper, an attempt was made to study the post-
trast, glutathione reductase and monodehydroascorbate infectional changes associated with the leaf spot disease
reductase decreased significantly (2.5 and 6.5 folds, re- of W. somnifera. Various biochemical parameters, in-
spectively) as disease progressed. Besides superoxide cluding chlorophyll content, total protein content, free
dismutase, the other antioxidant enzymes analysed did proline, lipid peroxidation, ion leakage and changes in
not have a significant correlation with the number of the activities of some important antioxidant enzymes
spots/cm2 leaf area. Although the present study suggests were analysed. Although the effects of triadimefon-in-
a complex pattern of post infectional changes, the infor- duced salt tolerance and copper toxicity on the antioxi-
mation obtained is useful for a better understanding of dant system of W. somnifera have been described (Jaleel
host pathogen interaction. et al, 2008a, 2008b; Khatun et al, 2008), to our knowl-
edge, no studies have been conducted on the biochemi-
Key words: Alternaria alternata, catalase, lipid peroxi- cal changes associated with the progression of the leaf
dation, plant disease, reactive oxygen species, superox- spot disease.
ide dismutase.



Maintenance of healthy and diseased plants W. som-

Withania somnifera is an important medicinal plant nifera plants grown in the screenhouse of the Depart-
in the Indian, Unani and African traditional medicine ment of Biotechnology, Guru Nanak Dev University,
(Kulkarni et al, 1996; Murthy et al, 2008). It contains Amritsar (India) (74.82323-74.82332°E, 31.63678-
31.63688°N, and 221 meters above sea level) were used
in the present work. A. alternata, the fungal pathogen
Corresponding author: P.K. Pati
Fax: +91.183.2258272 isolated from leaf spot-diseased plants (Pati et al,
E-mail: [email protected] 2008), was deposited in the Microbial Type Culture

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398 Leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1), 93 (2), 397-405

Collection and Gene Bank of the Institute of Microbial cal analysis. Healthy leaves without any spot served as
Technology, Chandigarh (India), under the accession control (Level 0).
No. MTCC-9617 ( This Chlorophyll content. The amount of chlorophyll was
pathogen was inoculated to healthy plants to induce in- quantified according to Arnon (1949). One hundred mg
fection, as described by Pati et al. (2008). Diseased and of freshly harvested leaves were homogenized in liquid
healthy plants were maintained separately, under similar nitrogen. After adding 1.5 ml of 80% acetone, the slur-
conditions of temperature and relative humidity. ry was centrifuged at 19,000 g for 10 min and the ab-
sorbance of the supernatant was measured at 645 and
Biochemical analysis. Various biochemical analyses 663 nm against 80% acetone as blank. Chlorophyll con-
were carried out on fourth or fifth fully expanded leaves tent was determined by following formulae:
from the apex from 15 plants, for each disease severity
Total Chi (pg/ml) = 20.2 (A^) + 8.02 (A663)
level. Disease severity was rated on a four point scale
based on number of spots per leaf and average number
of spots per unit leaf area (disease severity level 0, 1, 2 Chi B = 22.9 (A^5) - 4.68 (A663)
and 3) (Table 1). Samples from all severity levels were Free proline content. The free proline content was de-
homogenized separately and used for various biochemi- termined as described (Bates et al.y 1973). Five hundred

Table 1. Gradation of sample into four point scale based on severity of infection.

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Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1), 93 (2), 397-405 Sharma et al. 399

mg of leaf tissues were homogenized in liquid nitrogen, Protein extraction. Leaf tissues from all stages of dis-
1.8 ml of 3% sulphosalicylic acid were added and the ease progression (level 0-3) were homogenized in liquid
mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 g for 15 min. Two ml nitrogen in a pre-chilled mortar and pestle into fine
of acid ninhydrin and glacial acetic acid were added to powder. One gram leaf powder was then mixed with 3
0.8 ml of the supernatant and heated in a water bath at ml of pre-chilled 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.8)
100°C for 1 h. The reaction was stopped by transferring containing 2 mM EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic
the tubes into ice. Four ml of toluene were then added acid), 1 mM DTT (Dithiothreitol), 1 mM PMSF
and mixed thoroughly by shaking for 15-20 sec. The (Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride), 0.5% (v/v) Triton X-
toluene layer containing the red-coloured proline-nin- 100 and 10% (w/v) PVPP (Polyvinyl Polypyrrolidone)
hydrin product was then separated and warmed to as described by Vyas et al (2007). The homogenate was
room temperature. Absorbance of the toluene layer was centrifuged at 13,000 g for 20 min at 4°C. The super-
measured at 520 nm. Different known concentrations of natant was further used for analysis of enzyme activities
free proline were treated in similar manner as standards. and protein quantification.
Concentrations of free proline in the samples were cal- Total protein content. Total protein content of healthy
culated from the standard curve against their respective and diseased leaves was determined by the method of
absorbance at 520 nm. Bradford (1976) using a protein estimation kit (Brad-
Lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation was deter- ford macro method, Cat # KT33, India) taking bovine
mined by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA), the end serum albumin (BSA) as standard. Standard curve was
product of polyunsaturated fatty acid oxidation. MDA plotted between different known concentrations of BSA
equivalents/g fresh weight were measured according to and their respective absorbance to determine the pro-
Hodges et al. (1999) with slight modifications. Leaf tis- tein content of leaf samples. In another experiment, the
sue (1 g) was homogenized in 80% ethanol and cen- protein content was determined of detached leaves
trifuged at 8,500 g for 10 min. One ml aliquots of the treated with culture filtrate of A. alternata and incubat-
supernatant were added to two different test tubes, one ed for 24 h at 25 °C. Leaves treated with sterile distilled
containing 1 ml of 20.0% TCA (trichloro acetic acid) water served as control.
(w/v) (-TBA solution) and other containing 0.65% TBA Analysis of antioxidant enzymes. Ascorbate peroxi-
(thiobarbituric acid) (w/v) in 20% TCA (w/v) (+TBA dase (APX, EC activity was assayed spec-
solution). Samples were then mixed vigorously and trophotometerically as described by Nakano and Asada
were heated at 95 °C. The reaction was stopped after (1981). The 1.0 ml reaction mixture contained 50 mM
half an hour by transferring the tubes to ice. Samples potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) with 0.1 mM
were then centrifuged at 12,000 g for 10 min and their EDTA, 0.5 mM ascorbate and 1 mM H2O2 (freshly pre-
absorbance measured at 440 nm, 532 nm, and 600 nm. pared). Reaction was initiated by the addition of 10 pi
Malondialdehyde equivalents were calculated as fol- of enzyme extract. H2O2- dependent oxidation of ascor-
lows: bate was followed by monitoring the decrease in ab-
(i) [(Abs 532(+TBA)) - (Abs 600(+TBA) ) - sorbance at 290 nm (e =2.8 mM/cm). The reaction was
(Abs 532( TBA) -Abs600( TBA))] = A carried out for 3 min at 25 °C and enzyme activity was
normalized for 1 min. One unit of APX activity is de-
(ii) [(Abs 440(+TBA) - Abs 600(+TBA)) 0.0571] = B
fined as the amount of enzyme that can oxidize 1 uM of
(iii) MDA equivalents (nmol ml1) = (A-B/157000) 106 ascorbate per minute per gram (min/g) tissue.
Ion leakage. Ion leakage, one of the indicators of cell Catalase (CAT, EC activity was determined
death, was measured following the protocol of Mittler et by measuring the initial rate of disappearance of H2O2
al (1999). For every measurement, five leaf discs (9 mm according to Aebi (1984), with slight modifications. The
diameter) from each severity level were cut with a cork 1.0 ml reaction mixture contained 50 mM potassium
borer and floated, abaxial side up, on 5 ml of distilled phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 10 mM H2O2
water for 3 h at room temperature. Conductivity of the (freshly prepared) and 20 pi of enzyme extract. Reaction
bathing solution was measured after incubation with the was carried out at 25°C and was initiated by the addi-
Equip-Tronics conductivity meter EQ 661(Equiptron- tion of enzyme extract and the decrease in H2O2 was
ics, India). These values were referred as A. Leaf discs followed as decline in absorbance at 240 nm for 1 min

were then returned to the bathing solution, introduced at the intervals of 6 seconds (e = 39.4 mM/cm). One
into sealed tubes and incubated at 95 °C for 25 min. Af- unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of en-
ter incubation, the bathing solution was cooled to room zyme decomposing of 1 micromole H2O2/min/g tissue.
temperature and its conductivity was again measured Glutathione reductase (GR, EC activity was
and referred to as B. For each measurement ion leakage estimated as described by Jahnke et al. (1991) and mod-
was expressed in terms of percent leakage [(A/B) x ified after Vyas et al. (2007). The 1.0 ml reaction mix-
100]. ture contained 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH
7.8) containing 1 mM GSSH, 1 mM EDTA and 25 pi of

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400 Leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1), 93 (2), 397-405

enzyme extract. To initiate the reaction 0.1 mM lated with p<;0.05. SPSS software for WINDOWS ver-
NADPH was added and oxidation of NADPH was sion 16.0 (SPSS USA) and Microsoft Office Excel 2003
monitored at 25°C, in terms of decrease in absorbance (Microsoft, USA) were used to conduct the statistical
at 340 nm for 1 min, at 6 sec intervals (e = 6.22 mM/ analysis.
cm). Unit activity of glutathione reductase is defined as
the enzyme catalyzing the reduction of one micromole
of GSSG/min/g tissue at pH 7.8 and 25°C. RESULTS

Guaiacol peroxidase (GPX, EC activity was

determined by the method of Fernandez-Gracia et al. Quantitative expression of disease progression. In-
(2004). The 1.0 ml reaction mixture contained 50 mM oculated plants showed initial symptoms of leaf spot
potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) containing 10 mM disease within 2 weeks. The severity of infection in-
H2O2, 9 mM guaiacol and 100 pi enzyme extract. The creased gradually. The number of spots per leaf was
GPX activity was determined by measuring the ab- measured as an indicator of disease severity, which was
sorbance at 436 nm for 1 min at 25°C (e = 26.6 mM/ rated on a four point scale (level 0 to level 3). During
cm). One unit of GPX activity represents the amount of disease initiation (level 1) the mean number of spots/
enzyme catalyzing the oxidation of 1 pmol of guaia- leaf was 22. 6±3 .203, which increased to 41.8±1.855 in
col/min/g tissue. intermediately infected leaves (level 2) and further in-
Monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR, EC creased to 58.6±6.638 in most severe infection (level 3) activity was assayed as described by Hossain et 5-6 weeks after onset of symptoms. Spots/cm2 leaf area
al. (1984). The 1.0 ml reaction mixture contained 50 mM were also recorded with each stage of disease develop-
Tris-HCl (pH 7.6) with 2.5 mM ascorbic acid, 0.15 units ment and found increase gradually with disease progres-
of ascorbic acid oxidase ( Sigma- Aldrich, USA), 50 pi of sion (Table 1). During the initial phase of the disease
enzyme extract and 0.1-0.2 mM NADH/NADPH. The the number of spots/cm2 of leaf area was 0.6±0.030,
reaction was started by adding ascorbic acid oxidase and which increased to 1.4 ±0.102 in intermediate disease
the decrease in absorbance at 25 °C was measured at 340 condition and increased further to 1.9±0.236 in heavily
nm (e = 6.2 mM/cm) for 1 min. One unit of MDHAR ac- diseased leaves.
tivity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to oxi-
dize one micromole of NADH/min/g tissue. Biochemical analysis. It was observed that pathogen
Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC activity invasion and establishment had significant bearing on
was estimated using Beyer and Fridovich (1987) method chlorophyll A, B and total chlorophyll content (Fig. la).
modified after Vyas et al. (2007). The 1.0 ml reaction Compared to healthy leaves, the total chlorophyll con-
mixture contained 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.0 tent decreased by 219.76 pg/g FW at disease initiation
containing 2 pM riboflavin, 100 pM EDTA, 75 pM stage (level 1) and then further declined as disease
NBT (Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride) and 13 pM DL- severity level move from level 2 (92.7 1± 21.29 pg/g FW)
methionine (added at the end) and 16 pi of enzyme ex- to level 3 (27.71±4.52 pg/g FW). Similarly, a significant
tract. After illumination with strong fluorescent light decrease in chlorophyll B was also monitored along
(400 pM/m2/s) for 10 min, absorbance was measured at with the progression of disease from level 0 to level 3
560 nm with a Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 UV- Visible (117.59+ 20.38 to 39.56±5.92 pg/g FW). A non signifi-
spectrophotometer. The reaction mixture without en- cant decrease in total protein content was observed at
zyme extract kept under similar conditions served as each stage of disease progression, the highest being
blank. SOD activity was determined from the percent recorded in healthy leaves (84.26±5.16 pg/g FW) and
inhibition of NBT reduction as compared with illumi- the lowest in level 3 leaves (73.10±2.02 pg/g FW). On
nated blank showing maximum color change at 25 °C the contrary, detached leaves treated with the culture fil-
and enzyme activity was normalized for 1 min. One unit trate of A. alternata resulted in significant reduction in
of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme protein content compared to the control (Fig. 2). The
required for 50% inhibition of NBT reduction at 25°C. mean free proline content increased significantly with
disease progression (Fig. lb). It was lowest in healthy
Statistical analysis. All analyses were performed in leaves (3.29±0.06 pg/g FW) and highest in level 3 leaves
triplicate and values were presented as mean ± standard (11.66±0.06 pg/g FW). An increasing trend in MDA
errors. To compare differences in the means, one way content was observed with respect to disease develop-
analysis of variance (ANOVA) with LSD (least signifi- ment (Fig. lc). MDA content increased significantly in
cant difference) at prsO.05 (5% level of significance) was level 2 (26.480±4.17 nmol/g FW) and level 3 (34.32
performed. Student's t-test was used to compare differ- ±6.19 nmol/g FW) condition compared to level 0
ence of the means in paired sample data. To correlate (6.59±0.51 nmol/g FW).
the various biochemical parameters with disease pro- There was a significant increase in the percent ion
gression, Pearson's correlation coefficients were calcu- leakage from leaf tissues from level 0 to level 3 with dis-

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Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1), 93 (2), 397-405 Sharma et al. 401

Fig. 1. Effect of leaf spot disease progression on: a. Chlorophyll content; b. Free proline; c. Lipid peroxidation; d. Ion leakage. Va-
lues of the same biochemical test with the same letter are not significantly different from each other (LSD, p^0.05).

ease progression, reaching a maximum (38.37± 0.25) in pared to level 1 (Fig 3d). However, further progression
level 3, where the severity of the infection was the high- of disease to level 3 (0.022±0.003 mol UA/mg protein),
est (Fig. Id). resulted in a significant decrease in its activity than level
2. MDHAR activity showed a significant decline from
Analysis of antioxidant enzyme. Analysis of the ac-
tivities of antioxidant enzymes showed a varied re-
sponse to disease progression (Fig. 3). The activity of
antioxidant enzymes, APX, CAT, GPX and SOD exhib-
ited an increasing trend in response to disease whereas
the activity of MDHAR and GR decreased. A gradual
change in APX activity was monitored with disease pro-
gression. It initially dropped in level 1 to shoot up (Fig
3a) in level 3 (0.033±0.01 mol UA/mg protein). A simi-
lar trend was also observed when CAT activity was ana-
lyzed (Fig 3b). GR activity showed a different trend
with sudden significant fall with disease initiation (level
1) and did not differ significantly with further disease
progression. There was a ca. 2.5 fold decrease in GR ac- Fig. 2. Analysis of total protein content. A. Comparison of
tivity from level 0 to level 3 (Fig 3 c). GPX activity healthy (level 0) and diseased (level 3) leaves infected with A.
alternata. B. Comparison of detached leaves treated with sterile
showed a significant increment from level 0 to level 1 distilled water and the culture filtrate of A. alternata. Values are
(0.027±0.001 mol UA/mg protein). Its activity increased represented as mean ± SE, n=3. Same letter within the same
further in level 2 leaves (0.030±0.001 mol UA/mg pro- experiment represents that values are not significantly different
tein), but this increase was not significant when com- from each other (Paired sample Student's t-test, p^O.05).

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402 Leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera Journal of Plant Pathology (20 1 1 ), 93 (2 ), 3 97 -405

Fig. 3. Effect of disease progression on the activities of antioxidant enzymes, a. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX). b. Catalase (CAT), c.
Glutathione reductase (GR). d. Guaiacol peroxidase (GPX). e. Monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR). f. Superoxide di-
smutase (SOD). Specific activities of the same antioxidant enzyme with the same letter on the bar graph are not significantly diffe-
rent from each other (LSD, p^O.05).

healthy to disease initiation stage (level 1). However, no duction in extremely diseased tissues as compared to
considerable change was observed as the disease pro- healthy tissues. This drop in chloroplast pigments may
gressed (Fig. 3e). SOD activity increased commensu- be attributed to the disorganization of the plastid mem-
rately with disease progression (Fig. 3f) as it was lowest brane upon infection as reported by Alwadi and Baka
in healthy leaves (0.019± 0.0002 mol UA/mg protein) (2001) for A. solani.
and highest in level 3 leaves (0.024 ± 0.00001 mol In the present experiment, a significant increase in
UA/mg protein). the free proline concentration at every stage of disease
Pearson's correlation analysis of various biochemical progression was observed. Proline is known to be in-
parameters and disease progression showed that chloro- volved in reducing stress-induced cellular acidification
phyll A, total chlorophyll and total protein tended to and maintaining NAD(P)VNAD(P)H ratios (Hare et
decrease with the increase in the number of spots/cm2 a I. ,1997). Its accumulation in response to biotic stress is
leaf area at p<;0.05 (r values -0.978, -0.966 and -0.996 re- well documented (Fabro et al., 2004).
spectively), whereas the amount of free proline and the The amount of lipid peroxidation was determined as
MDA and SOD activity tended to increase with the a measure of membrane lipid degradation. MDA con-
number of spots/cm2 leaf area at p^O.05 (r values = tent which is a measure of lipid peroxidation increased
0.973, 1.000 and 0.991, respectively). in response to disease progression. This may be due to
the oxidative damage to the membrane lipids by super-
oxide radical. Similar increase in lipid peroxidation had
DISCUSSION previously been reported in response to both fungal
(Deighton et al., 1999) and bacterial pathogens (Adam
To monitor the biochemical changes during leaf spot et al, 1989; Keppler and Baker, 1989). Host specific
disease of W. somnifera, the disease development was AK-toxin I from A. alternata is known for ROS (reac-
rated on a four point scale (0-3) based on severity of in- tive oxygen species) induced lipid peroxidation and
fection. Leaf spot disease establishes gradually in foliar plasma membrane modifications in Japanese pear
tissue of the plant with distinctive changes in chloro- (Shimizu<?/tf/.,2006).
phyll composition. Total chlorophyll content was drasti- Estimation of total protein content of healthy and
cally reduced in diseased tissue, with about 16 fold re- diseased leaves indicated no significant differences.

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Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1), 93 (2), 397-405 Sharma et al. 403

However, healthy leaves treated with culture filtrate may increase in response to A. alternata infection.
showed a significant reduction (paired sample student's GR activity in diseased leaves was reduced drastical-
t-test, p^0.05) in protein content (Fig. 2). The reduction ly, indicating a decrease in the reduction of oxidized
of protein in both cases could be ascribed to protein glutathione in diseased tissue. A similar decrease in GR
degradation by fungal proteases which are known to be activity has already been reported in in vitro-grown
produced by A. alternata in culture medium (Patil and plants of W. somnifera exposed to copper toxicity
Shastri, 1985). The small decrease of protein content in (Khatun et al, 2008). In Brassica, it was observed that
the diseased vis-a-vis the healthy sample may be due to this enzyme, which has highly conserved disulphide
built-up of fungal mycelium in diseased leaf tissue. It is bridge between Cys76 and Cys81 residues, may under-
also presumed that the reduction of the protein content go a breakage due to a host-specific toxin secreted by
could be linked to cell death (Attia et al, 2005). More- Alternaria spp (Lee et al, 1998). Decrease in GR activi-
over, pathogen attack often leads to cell death due to ty under both biotic and abiotic stress in W. somnifera
disturbed homeostasis (Gilchrist, 1998). plants indicates that a common mechanism of counter-
Study of ion leakage is a quick method to monitor action may be operative in both kind of stress.
cell death resulting from disease incidence (Mittler et The mechanism of function of CAT in detoxifying
al, 1999). In the present investigation, we found that harmful H2O2 is well understood (Dat et al, 2003). In
there is a strong positive correlation between the per- the present study, CAT activity was monitored at differ-
centage of ion leakage and the number of disease ent levels of disease development, showing significant
spots/unit leaf area (r = 0.966) (Table 2). increase in extensively diseased leaves. However, a non
Production of ROS such as O2, OH', H2O2, during significant change was found during the early to moder-
the so-called oxidative burst, is one of the earliest and ate infection phase. Increase of CAT activity may be due
most effective defence reactions in plants (Hong et al. , to the elevated level of H2O2 in plant tissue in response
2008), which can be activated by pathogen attack and to disease.
establishment (Vellosillo et al., 2010). ROS production Disease development in plants is associated with a se-
and its steady state level are tightly regulated by various ries of complex biochemical events and their interac-
antioxidant enzymes that work in coordination (Arora tions. Understanding the underlying processes is there-
et al, 2004). ROS alone and in combination with NO fore a prerequisite for formulating a strategy for resist-
has also been reported to play an important role in ance. The present work reports the biochemical
plant protection (Delledonne et al, 1998, 2001). Keep- changes, including modification of the activity of an-
ing this in mind, we analysed the activities of a number tioxidant enzymes, taking place during the progression
of antioxidant enzymes. of leaf spot disease, and draws its significance by the
An increase in SOD activity was observed concomi- fact that W. somnifera is a highly valuable medicinal
tantly with the advancement of disease. A significant pos- plant whose pharmaceutically important constituents
itive correlation (r = 0.991, at p^0.05) was found among are deteriorated by leaf spot disease. The various pa-
number of spots/cm2 leaf area and specific activity of rameters studied provide baseline information on the
SOD. A similar trend in SOD activity had also been re- infection process and will facilitate designing suitable
ported in strawberry leaves infected with Mycosphaerella strategies for disease resistance.
fragariae (Ehsani-Moghaddam et al, 2006). SOD may be
helpful in dismutation of superoxide radicals generated
during pathogen- induced oxidative burst. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Activity of MDHAR was reduced significantly with
disease initiation, and no significant change was further Financial assistance from Council for Scientific and
observed with increasing severity of infection. MDHAR Industrial Research (CSIR Grant no. 10-2(5)/2007(ii)-
activity is responsible for keeping ascorbate in its reduced E.U.II), Government of India, New Delhi, India is duly
state. The decreased MDHAR activity we registered sug- acknowledged.
gests that a larger fraction of ascorbate may be in the oxi-
dized form in leaf tissues during pathogen-induced ox-
idative burst. Likewise, Botrytis cinerea infection led to REFERENCES
decreased activity of enzymes involved in ascorbate me-
tabolism (MDHAR, DHAR and APX) in the mitochon-
Adam A., Farkas T., Somlyai G., Hevesi M., Kiraly Z., 1989.
drial fraction (Kuzniak and Sklodowska, 2004).
Consequence of O2"generation during a bacterially in-
Change in APX activity was not significant with dis- duced hypersensitive reaction in tobacco: deterioration of
ease initiation to intermediate diseased condition in membrane lipids. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathol-
comparison to healthy leaves. However, it increased sig- ogy 34: 13-26.
nificantly in extensively diseased leaf tissue. This further Aebi M., 1984. Catalase in vitro. Methods in Enzymology 105:
supports the fact that the oxidized form of ascorbate 121-126.

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404 Leaf spot disease of Withania somnifera Journal of Plant Pathology (201 1), 93 (2), 397-405

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Received October 25, 2010

Accepted February 15, 2011

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