Bus Part B1P Videoscripts
Bus Part B1P Videoscripts
Bus Part B1P Videoscripts
1.1.1 P = Presenter A = Arti N = Nick project lead, but the team are in Germany, India, 1.3.3 C = Charlotte M = Matt S = Stefanie
J = John M = Melanie R = Ray Japan, Mexico … it’s an international effort. M: Stefanie, hi. I’m Matt Farnham, Head of UK
P: The structure of an organisation is key to Pro Manage is a great place to work, great people. Operations. I’m glad we could arrange this
its success. It is important that individuals and I suppose you’d describe me as the boss, but I don’t meeting.
teams understand their roles and responsibilities like people to think of me that way … I try to be S: Yes, me too.
within the organisation. Business leaders have to quite open and flexible in the way I do things. I’m M: OK, shall we make a start? You’ve only got two
ensure that different departments and operations pretty informal really ... hours – is that right?
coordinate and work together. The principle of S: I’m Stefanie Hatke and I run the Pro Manage S: Yes, that’s right.
clear structure applies to all companies – start- German office … based mainly in Cologne, but I also M: OK well, let’s focus on getting up to date with
ups, small and medium enterprises as well as work from time to time in Switzerland. We’re in the the project, there are a few issues I’d like to discuss.
multinationals. middle of a very important product launch and as S: Very good.
This company is one of the world’s leading news the main technical expert, I’ve been asked to travel M: If we have some time at the end, I can introduce
organisations. It creates and distributes news and to London to meet with the project lead. you to a few of the team. I’ve prepared a short
information on television and digital platforms, 24 We’re very busy at the moment … which is positive. agenda, if that’s OK?
hours a day, 7 days a week. Its teams operate all I consider myself to be efficient and effective, I like S: Ah, excellent.
over the world. to be well organised and focus on getting the job M: Let’s start with India; as you can see, we might
The newsroom is the hub of the operation. Staff done – that’s what the company pays me to do. be about to run into a problem …
here are responsible for coordinating the teams M: Morning, boys. S: By when did you say?
gathering news. J: Oh, Matt, hold up. I’ve got a hard copy of the M: 24th of November ….
A: My name is Arti Lukha and I’m a news editor. prospectus that needs approving. It’s just a sample, C: Sorry to interrupt.
My job involves news-gathering for a major news but if you could let me know that the layout’s M: No, that’s OK.
organisation in Britain. I’m in charge of our daily basically OK … C: Taxi’s waiting outside.
news-gathering operations. I am responsible for M: Sure, have to wait until later though, Stefanie M: Thanks, Charlotte. OK, so we need to leave it
how we deploy our reporters, our producers, our from the German office is coming in this morning … there. I’ll email you all those dates later on and we
cameras and our satellite trucks. J: Ah, Stefanie! I know her, she’s excellent. can continue on the phone tomorrow.
P: When Arti decides to follow a particular news A: She’s rude, if you ask me. Everything’s urgent with S: Thank you. Sorry to be in a rush like this.
story, she gives a reporter the task of covering it. her; she’s always on the phone demanding – never M: No, don’t worry …
The reporter is then in charge of the team that asks how you are or has a human conversation. S: I need to organise another visit to meet
produces a report on that story. M: That’s a bit alarming, she doesn’t sound very everyone … maybe we could discuss that
N: Hello, I’m Nick Thatcher and I’m one of the much like a team player. tomorrow?
general news reporters here and I work to the main J: I get on fine with her. She’s just very work M: Yes, let’s do that. Thanks for coming and … have
bulletins that go out throughout the day. It’s all focused, that’s all, but she gets results, she’s a good a safe trip!
about teamwork. If you're working with a camera person to have on your team. S: I will, thank you.
operator then together you’re making sure you're I very much enjoyed my trip to London, yes. I had
getting the right pictures on the ground. Back at 1.3.2 M = Matt S = Stefanie a very productive meeting with Matt. I think that
base you're being supported in ensuring that if M: Stefanie, hi, I’m Matt. we’ll work well together.
you need pictures from the library – from file if you S: Hello. M: She seemed fine, but I can’t say that I learnt
like – then those are available to you in good time M: Coffee? anything about her. She’s clearly very capable, but
as well. And those conversations are ongoing all S: What? I’m not sure that she’s the right person to take on a
the time between you and the editor to make sure M: Can I get you a coffee? project like this … I need to get to know her better
you’re telling the story in the best possible way. S: Oh, no, thank you. Do you have power? as a person … We won’t have a chance to meet
P: The news bulletins are broadcast live. M: Listen, why don’t you come with me? I can again for at least a couple more months so, no, it’s
J: My role as programme director is to lead show you the office and introduce you to a few not ideal really.
the production team and to be responsible people.
for the technical and creative execution of the S: But I’ve got everything ready to discuss … 1.3.4
programme. Teamwork is absolutely crucial in the M: Yeah, but it’ll only take a few minutes … do you So, we’ve seen that people have very different
build-up and during the programme. There is no know the design guys? ways of managing first meetings. One is not better
real one role who can do it by themselves, so we S: No. Well, yes, a bit, I met James in Germany. than the other. In fact, both have advantages and
are very tightly coordinated. My role as director is M: Great, well, let’s go and say hello. So … first disadvantages depending on the situation. With
to be conductor of that orchestra. time in London? the relationship style, you can start to build trust;
P: In a large organisation like this there are a S: No, I was here several times. but it can look unprofessional to be too friendly
number of departments working behind the scenes M: Great. Good trip over? for too long. With the work style, you can be more
to ensure the company runs well. Managing the S: Yes. efficient more quickly. But maybe you can look
staff is a key function. M: Great. Ah, here they are. Guys, this is Stefanie. rude or impolite to others.
M: I’m Melanie Tansey and I’m the director of You’ve met before, right? So, to handle first meetings is not easy. But there
human resources. So I’m responsible for running J: Yes, in Cologne, Guten Tag, great to see you again. are a few things you need to think about.
the human resources team, making sure that we’re S: Hi. Firstly, know your own communication style; know
delivering on all our strategic and operational A: I’m Alistair. Good to finally meet you in person. how you like to do things.
priorities for the company. S: Ah, yes, hello Alistair. Excuse me. Secondly, understand the communication style of
P: The finance department is another important M: No worries. the other person. You can do this in different ways.
part of the organisation. J: How’s it going so far? You could ask someone who knows the person
R: I'm Ray Snelling and I’m the finance supervisor. M: Hard work, to be honest. She’s been very quiet, in advance of the meeting, like Matt did. Or, just
I look after all of the billing for our customers and a bit … serious. You need people skills for a job like observe carefully when you meet the person –
also collection of debts and maintaining customer this. what they say, what they do.
queries and making sure our customers are happy. A: Told you. Finally, think about and decide on the best
It’s important that we make sure the payments are J: Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it, she is a bit communication style to have a positive impact on
coming in on time – it can impact on payments we serious, but just needs time. She’s actually very the other person.
are making to our suppliers. So if we've got a lot of nice, just very results focused.
costs we’re incurring on a specific project, we need M: I was trying to be informal, friendly, positive … 2.1.1 J = Jean-Christophe Babin
to make sure we’re getting cash in to support that. you know, focus on relationships first. But S = Silvio Ursini P = Peter York
So it can affect us quite a lot. Stefanie really didn’t seem very comfortable at J: To pave the way for growth we needed to speak
P: These are just some examples of the roles in all. As it turns out, though, I think she’s starting to to a–, a broader and aspirational base of clients,
some of the departments in the company. There understand how we do things at the London office, which probably with jewellery would come much,
are many more such as marketing and support all she sent me an email to say that she really enjoyed much later, and so we have added products at a
working together to ensure the organisation runs the visit. much lower price point as you would ever dream
smoothly and successfully. S: It was a bit unclear and confusing for me at the for a piece of jewellery.
beginning, I’m used to getting down to work, not S: At the end of the ’90s the company had
1.3.1 M = Matt S = Stefanie J = James socialising in the office. But I do see that having jewellery, watches, accessories and fragrances.
A = Alistair strong relationships is a benefit when working And then we–, we thought about uh how can
M: Pro Manage is a global company, providing on a project like this … I’m planning on moving to we interact uh in a more intimate way with our
project management training qualifications. I’m London for three months, it will be good to get to customers. And uh this idea of doing a very small
Matt Farnham, head of UK operations … based here know the team better and know more about Matt’s collection of ultra-luxury hotels came about.
in London. We’re in the middle of launching some way of working. I was in a taxi, and an artist who’s a friend of mine
new online project management courses … I’m the gave me a call and said, ‘You have to see this
place,’ so I turned the taxi around and it was love I’ve delivered over a hundred projects to the US S: OK. Sure. I’ll try.
at first sight. The area used to be monasteries market and in Mexico; and I’m telling you, our focus M: I think it’s the right decision. Let’s have another
and cloisters, and adjacent to our garden is the should absolutely be on quality. If you get the chat with him, I’ll organise a call.
Botanical Gardens in Milan, which is a hidden gem quality wrong, you’ve got very unhappy customers. Stefanie!
in–, in the city. There was a building which uh used And we want happy customers. S: Good morning.
to be a convent, uh part of it uh very old, from the P: Mmm, a high standard of final product is very M: Just wanted to ask how things are with Dan.
1600s, part of it more recent from the 1970s, and important for us … S: Hmm. It’s OK. I find it much easier working with
uh we set about uh redesigning it, completely D: It’s key. Quality should be your number one Paula, we get on really well together. It’s a bit more
changing its image. priority. difficult with Dan but, to be fair, I am learning from
J: In London we have a 25-metres pool that you S: But I think that we have to focus on timeline him.
would never expect uh from a hotel that small, and costs. We can evaluate the work later … M: Oh yeah?
so in that way uh you create, I mean, a sequence D: Sure, but they’re not the main thing … S: Yeah, we did end up having some issues with
of unexpected experience which eventually will M: OK. Look, I think we can all agree that standards quality control. There are some delays.
create uh a unique emotional memory when you are important, but delivering on time is important M: Ah.
get out of it. too, budgets for projects are very tight at the S: Yes, as Dan said … but he’s really on top of it,
P: There’s a lot of bad history about brand moment so … and with the two of us working together … we’ll be
extensions. If you over-extend your brand, you D: Quality is what wins customers, quality is what fine, I’m sure.
spread it thin, you go into areas where you’re less will get their attention. M: Great, let me know if you need anything from
credible. At the end, if you overdo it, your brand is M: … So, Stefanie, let’s take a look at your me.
devalued. I think the brands which are most careful proposed schedule and costing, and then we can S: Will do.
have the longest future. discuss quality. Is that OK?
S: The most frustrating thing in this project has Right then, thanks everyone, we’ll all meet again at 2.3.4
been um the fact of uh finding so few locations the same time next week. Bye. Successful teamwork depends on many things:
that were appropriate. My strongest advice would P: Thank you. a clear task, competent people, enough resource,
be do something only if you have something to S: I’m not sure, I’m really not sure. and different people with different skills. But it’s
say. If you see an opportunity to do something in M: About what? not always so easy to work with people who are
novelty and relevant, then that’s a–, you know, S: Dan. He’s just so arrogant. ‘Quality’, ‘quality’, different from us. So what do we need to do to
that’s a beautiful energy that will make it into a ‘quality’. I’m not sure that I can work with him. make a diverse team really work?
success. If you sit cold-blooded and start saying, M: Look, this is the first time you’ve talked. I’m sure Firstly, we have to make an effort. When Stefanie
‘OK, let’s venture into this business, and what are you’ll find a way. Why don’t you just try? worked with Dan in Option B, she found it
we gonna do? Let’s copy the competitors,’ for me S: Could you manage the US IT side of things? I’d really challenging and she didn’t like Dan’s
the customer ultimately will read between the prefer to work with Paula and the Mexico roll-out. communication style at the beginning. She had
lines and–, and punish you. I really like Paula. to work really hard to build that relationship. She
M: Well, hang on, let’s take some time to think needed to be patient and make an effort, but in the
2.3.1 M = Matt D = Dan S = Stefanie about this … end, she learnt a lot and the team did much better.
P = Paula Secondly, people will need advice and support
M: It’s a busy time, we’re right in the middle 2.3.2 S = Stefanie M = Matt when working in an international team with
of launching a new series of online project S: But how can we be a team if we don’t listen to different people – it can be really tough. So
management courses … exciting, but also each other? I’d be happier if I could take Mexico and we need to be there for others with support,
very challenging … International projects can leave you to deal with Dan and the US. sometimes advice, sometimes just listening – either
complicate life in so many ways … everyone M: Look, Dan’s a strong character … but I know him as a manager or as a colleague.
working separately and in different time zones … pretty well and can handle him. Maybe it would be And finally, if you’re giving colleagues advice about
for me, the number one priority at this stage is to better for you to just focus on Mexico and let me dealing with other people, you can advise them to
create a real team … worry about Dan. It’ll be easier if you work with be safe – to just work with people like them – as
D: I’ve got October 12th, 24th and then November Paula, the two of you get on well. Matt allowed Stefanie to do in Option A – it’s easier
8th, so if those are the dates that you have … S: We do. Thanks Matt, I just think that Dan in a way. My own advice would be to encourage
S: One minute Dan, Matt has arrived. and I are too different, you know, sometimes people to think positively about diversity, and
M: Hi, Dan. personalities just clash a bit. try to engage with different types of people – it’s
D: Hey there. M: OK, let’s do that … I’ll call Dan and explain. more challenging, but may be a better learning
M: Not late am I? S: Thanks, Matt. experience and may be better for teamwork.
S: No. Oh, Matt, do you have a moment?
D: Not at all, we’re just running a bit ahead of time. M: Sure, what’s up? 3.1.1 P = Presenter JC = James Caan
P: Hello! It’s Paula! S: I have a problem with the project. S = Simon Dolan E = Esther J = John Lees
S: Hi Paula. M: What is it? Problems with schedule or costs? I = Interviewer
M: Hi Paula, it’s Matt, we’ve got Dan and Stefanie S: Not exactly. It’s quality. And I know, I know, this P: The job market is very competitive. People who
with us. was Dan’s big concern. He was right, the quality want to progress their career need to stand out
P: Hi. Hi, everyone. isn’t good enough. from the crowd. Usually, the first thing a potential
M: Excellent, everyone’s here. So this is our first M: Have you tried talking to him? employer sees is a CV or a résumé. This is the
meeting as a team. As I’m sure that you all have S: I spend all my time with Mexico. jobseeker’s opportunity to advertise experience
seen on email, most of the programming work M: Do you want me to set up a call? and skills, and also to show an employer their
for the Mexico part of the project will be handled S: Please. character or personality. So, what do the experts
by our U.S. IT department. We’re having a call M: OK. You need to be able to keep in touch with say about writing the perfect CV or résumé?
with them next week so I thought we could have Dan yourself, we’re all on the same team, don’t be This is Esther. She is a nineteen-year-old student.
a brief chat today to plan our priorities for that afraid to ask his advice where you need it. She is applying for internships to gain experience in
conversation. Dan is from the US, and knows the the business world.
people in IT, and is on the call because I would like 2.3.3 S = Stefanie M = Matt James Caan is an entrepreneur who founded a
his advice. But, Stefanie, do you want to start? S: But how can we be a team if we don’t listen to successful recruitment business. He has agreed to
Priorities for you? each other? I’d be happier if I could take Mexico and help Esther.
S: OK. I’ve worked on similar online projects to this leave you to deal with Dan and the US. JC: I think one of the biggest problems, I think
in Germany, also working with the US sometimes, M: I’m not comfortable with that … I think it’s when you’re young, is that everybody says ‘But
I think that we need to be careful about time and important for you to work with Dan. you’ve got no experience, how do you add any
budget. These are the top priorities; making sure S: We’re just so different. value?’ I think what you’ve got to be able to do is
that they respect the schedule and don’t go over M: Yes, you are, but that’s why I think you’ll make a present yourself as somebody who can walk in and
budget; we can discuss other things as the work strong team, you have different skills. C’mon … why make a difference now.
moves forward. But we need the US to deliver on don’t you try? P: But James doesn’t think that Esther is selling
time and on budget for Mexico. S: … It’s just always all about him. herself well with her CV. Esther needs to sort out
P: That sounds like great advice. This project is M: Look, I agree that he sometimes communicates her CV. Simon Dolan is a very straight-talking
really exciting for Mexico as online learning is a little … strongly. But he knows what he’s talking entrepreneur. Esther goes straight to Simon’s office.
starting to become big here … I’ve never worked about … and it would be a great opportunity for The first thing Simon notices on Esther’s résumé is
with the US, so I really think your experience can you to learn about the U.S. market … y’know, that a spelling mistake.
help us, Stefanie. could be career-changing for you … As you move S: What’s the main thing that strikes you on here?
D: Totally disagree. I respect your experience, up it’s important to show that you can manage So, if we’ve got ... this second line down, have a
Stefanie, yes, budgets and timing are important, different kinds of people, different personalities. look there. That word. What is it?
but I was actually an IT lead over here in the past; Look, if you need any help, I’m here to support you. E: Intermediate.
S: If you can’t spell that right, what hope have 3.3.2 M = Matt P = Paula P: No problem. I think it’s good that we can talk
I got employing you and expecting you to get M: I wanted to talk to you this morning about the like this and, yes, I’ll let you know my thoughts on
your first few emails and go through the door to a online courses launch. Obviously you know how how things are progressing in Mexico.
client? important it is.
P: The next key point is staying focused in what P: Of course. We’re working really hard every 3.3.4
you say on the CV or résumé. day to make sure that it’s a success in Mexico. And Listening actively isn’t easy. We often focus too
S: I don’t really care about the fact that you enjoy everywhere else too. much on facts and potentially miss key information
socialising with your friends, you go to the gym. M: I know. How about timing? Do you think you’re that’s being communicated about feelings. On the
What I care about is how you’re going to help me going to have everything ready by the deadline? other hand, if we focus too much on listening for
run my business better. P: Yes. Everything’s fine. feelings, we might miss important facts.
P: Expressing personality is a key to getting M: Confident about that? There are a number of things we can do to become
employed. Companies look for so-called soft skills P: Yes. Where’s this coming from? more effective listeners.
like commitment, flexibility and imagination, as M: After you. I recently bumped into Julio Firstly, we can listen carefully to identify those
well as hard skills like knowledge and diplomas. Gonzales, and he mentioned something about key words in a sentence which can give us more
Next stop for Esther is a careers coach who can deadlines on your last project. Is there anything information about how someone is feeling
help her get that kind of soft information across. I need to be concerned about? and what’s important for them. So when
John Lees has read thousands of CVs and résumés P: Oh, not this again. Julio’s incompetent. Totally Paula was talking to Matt she used words like
and knows all the mistakes. incompetent. And he likes to blame other people incompetent and rushing and said they were trying
L: I saw a CV where the candidate listed under for his mistakes. to do too many things.
interests, ‘I enjoy eating pizza’. It’s not impressive. M: But … Do you want milk?… It is true that you Following on from that, once we’ve identified these
P: The next challenge is how to stand out from the missed all of your deadlines last quarter, isn’t it? key words, we can try to understand what the
competition. P: That wasn’t my fault. I wanted to take person really feels by asking clarifying questions,
L: Graduate CVs make the same mistakes over and extra time to make sure we weren’t rushing a such as ‘Why do you say “too many things”?’
over again. They use clichéd language. So everyone complicated project. Julio didn’t want to listen to Another point to make is that it’s very useful to
says ‘I’m a team player’, ‘I’m a self starter’, ‘I’m me. Everything got delayed and so we missed the summarise and to check our understanding before
highly motivated’. And if you use the same target, yes. moving on, like Matt did in Option B when he
language as everyone else, all that shows is that M: Right. So you had a disagreement with your said, ‘So it’s important for you, as a team member,
you are exactly the same as every other candidate. manager and held up the project? to be involved in decision-making, right?’
P: Esther has taken all the advice and presents her P: Er … no, that’s not what I said. And I don’t And finally, be open. Truly listen to what the other
reworked CV back to Simon. see what it’s got to do with the online launch in person is saying. If we only focus on what we want
E: I would very much appreciate the opportunity Mexico. to talk about, we might miss something important.
of an interview to find out more about the role and
to demonstrate how I believe I could be of value to 3.3.3 M = Matt P = Paula 4.1.1 P = Presenter J = Joel Hills
your company. M: I wanted to talk to you this morning about the I = Irene Rosenfeld
S: Perfect. That’s better than 99.9 percent of the online courses launch. Obviously you know how P: When business leaders develop strategies to
CVs that we get in. You would definitely, definitely, important it is. tackle problems, they often have to take risks.
definitely get an interview, here or anywhere. P: Of course. We’re working really hard every Nobody can predict the future, but businesses do
Really good job. day to make sure that it’s a success in Mexico. And have to anticipate it and make judgements. The
P: Two weeks later Esther’s new CV has already everywhere else too. Kraft Heinz company based in the US is a major
had an effect. She has an interview for an M: I know. How about timing? Do you think you’re player in the food industry. Over 90 years, Kraft
internship. It has gone well. going to have everything ready by the deadline? built up a portfolio of well-known food brands
I: I thought Esther came across as very well P: Yes. Everything’s fine. including confectionary, biscuits, snacks and dairy
prepared for the role and I’ll certainly be M: Confident about that? products. In the first decade of the 21st century,
recommending her to my partners for a second P: Yes. Where’s this coming from? Kraft’s performance was poor. Markets lacked
interview here. M: After you. I recently bumped into Julio confidence in the company’s growth prospects. Its
P: Getting a job is a job in itself. You’ve just got to Gonzales, and he mentioned something about profits were disappointing. Kraft’s products were
get out there and make it happen. deadlines on your last project. Is there anything less appealing to a new generation of consumers.
I need to be concerned about? J: It was seeing demand for the processed food
3.3.1 P = Paula M = Matt A = Alistair P: Oh not this again. Julio’s incompetent. Totally and drinks that it manufactured from Dairylea all
J = James incompetent. And he likes to blame other people the way to Oreo biscuits decline. And that the profit
P: I flew into London from Mexico City yesterday. for his mistakes. margin – the amount of money it was making for
The first thing in my diary is to meet with Matt, M: OK, why don’t you tell me a bit more? You every unit of sales – had been squeezed almost to
who wants to go over the Mexico launch of our say he’s incompetent. How would you describe a the thinness of a piece of paper.
new online courses. competent manager? P: This was only the first of Kraft’s problems.
Matt sounded a little tense when we spoke on the P: Well, a good manager should support their The second issue that Kraft had to tackle was
phone, but British people always sound tense! I’ll team and listen to their team. If someone thinks that it relied too heavily on its home U.S. market.
tell him exactly what I feel about how things are that something should be done differently, maybe That meant it was missing opportunities in fast-
going – I can focus on results when I need to, but we they’re right. growing emerging markets around the world.
Latin Americans like to always express our feelings M: OK … Do you want milk? … So it’s important for The company’s third problem was that its costs
first. You need to be honest in life, don’t you? you, as a team member, to be involved in decision- were too high. That meant it was not making
M: I bumped into Paula’s old line manager at an making, right? enough profits on its sales. Kraft's management
international event recently and quite frankly I P: Yes, of course. We missed those deadlines came up with a bold plan to tackle these issues.
have some concerns. Paula’s over in the UK this because I wanted to take extra time to make sure It started with a takeover bid for the chocolate
week so I’ve asked her to come in and see me. He we weren’t rushing a complicated project, and maker Cadbury. Cadbury had a 200-year history
mentioned issues raised around Paula’s ability to Julio didn’t want to listen to me, so everything got of making chocolate in the UK. Its products were
meet targets and perform as part of a team … I’m held up. well established around the world, especially in
a little worried about it so I need to understand M: Why? Why did you have concerns about the emerging markets.
what’s gone wrong … if I need to replace her, I need project being rushed? J: There was clearly an attraction of having an
to do it soon. P: There were too many things that all had to even larger portfolio of internationally recognised
P: Hi! happen at the same time, it was just moving too brands that they could seek to take into different
A: Paula! Where did you come from? quickly. It was obvious that we were going to miss markets. So inevitably attracting a bigger
P: Mexico, of course … I came all the way … things. international audience was part of Kraft’s interest
J: How long are you here for? M: What do you mean by ‘too many things’? Do in Cadbury’s.
P: … just to bring you these! I’m just here for the you think you might have managed a bit better if P: Kraft took a gamble that combining the
week, but I have to see Matt now and I’m already there had been greater planning or more support, operations of two established companies would be
late. Let’s catch up later, bye … Good morning! for example? successful and solve another one of its problems.
M: Good morning, how are you? P: Probably. It was just too much at the time. J: Kraft’s primary interest in Cadbury was
P: I’m good thanks. M: OK, that’s useful to think about. I’m sure we’ll it enabled it to – because it became a bigger
M: How was the flight? make a success of this project … you know I like to company – essentially cut costs. Where there was
P: Long, but good. And I’m excited to be here in involve the team in decision-making, so I’m trusting overlap between the two companies it found a
London. you to let me know if there’s anything we need to way of saving money and increasing therefore the
M: Excellent, come on, let’s go and get a coffee and change or do differently for Mexico. Thanks for the profit margin that it was able to get from each
catch up. chat. I think it was important to talk this through. one of its products.
P: The second stage of the strategic solution was 4.3.2 M = Matt K = Kenji J = Jack M: Good. I tried to keep things positive.
a merger. Kraft merged with another food giant M: Kenji, I need to have word. J: Oh yeah? How did that go?
– Heinz – and became the Kraft Heinz company. K: Yes? M: Slowly. Kenji was supposed to coordinate with
The merger created the world’s fifth-largest food M: I’ll come directly to the point as we need to Stefanie, but didn’t. I had to pick up the phone and
company. As with the Cadbury deal there was find a solution. I’ve been going over our schedules ask – very nicely again – if he could just please call
an opportunity to cut costs. There were other this morning and the Japan side of this project is Stefanie.
potential advantages which helped to solve Kraft’s running more than three weeks late. It’s a major J: And?
problems. Heinz was considered more innovative delay, I’m not happy about it. M: He did. She’s there. It’s going well, I think we’re
in its development of new product lines that met K: Aha, OK, I understand it is not ideal but I am back on track, team spirit is high.
changing consumer preference. working very hard to put things right. It’s not J: You’re too nice. You know, Kenji’s lucky I’m not
The immediate results were positive. The Kraft necessary to worry. managing the project.
Heinz company’s share price rose seventeen M: I do worry Kenji and, no, it’s not simply ‘not
percent on news of the merger. The combined ideal’, it’s a serious problem. As I’m sure you’ve 4.3.4
company has been successful in cutting costs. seen since you’ve been over here, we have a lot of It’s important to be aware that people
Looking at the Kraft story it is clear the solutions resources dedicated to Japan. If you delay, there’s communicate differently depending on their
involved considerable risks. Takeovers and mergers a planning impact here. culture, as well as their personality.
do not always work. Irene Rosenfeld was Kraft’s K: OK, I understand your concern, but we don’t So firstly, be aware that a direct style can be useful
chief executive. She was responsible for the have all the required resources in Japan. and effective. It makes things clear – it’s honest
company’s strategy. M: I don’t agree at all. We discussed resources in and fast, and some people actually like it. So we
I: I think there were a number of folk that were detail at the start of the project and it’s very late see Matt in the first video, partly on the advice of
questioning our acquisition of Cadbury. We said in the day to be having this kind of discussion. I’ve Jack, say very clearly that he’s not happy and what
it was going to be important to us to expand our had a word with Stefanie and I’m going to send needs to happen, and he gets Kenji to understand
portfolio, to expand our footprint, particularly in her over to Tokyo for a couple of weeks. I think that the situation quickly; that’s useful for the team.
developing markets. And it’s played out that way. you could benefit from her experience. If we don’t But, we all know, a direct style can be dangerous.
We’re very much on track with the integration. It’s resolve this now, we are risking the whole project. It can close down conversation; it can even cause
enabled us to outperform our peers around the K: OK. conflict.
world. M: Right. Stefanie has been briefed and she Indirect communication can also work; it’s more
P: For Kraft Heinz it seems that the risks paid off. will talk to you about this tomorrow and make polite for some, but it can take longer to be
But finding solutions to large corporate problems arrangements. effective. So, in Option B, Matt asks Kenji to take
is not straightforward and taking risks can lead to K: OK. And thank you … see you later. the next steps to call Stefanie. However, Matt has
business failures as well as successes. J: Hey. to step in again later and make the call himself
M: Oh, hi, how’re things? as Kenji was slow to do it. So in the end, the same
4.3.1 K = Kenji A = Alistair M = Matt J = Jack J: I was thinking about you, how did that Japan result is achieved as Option A, but with the indirect
A: Good morning. business go? style, but Matt possibly has a happier team without
K: Good morning, how are you? M: It wasn’t easy. I took your advice and was pretty any conflict.
A: Yeah, fine thanks, you alright? tough on Kenji. In the end you have to decide. Choose the style
M: Life is very busy at the moment. There’s just J: Tough guy. And? which best fits the situation, and not simply the
so much to do and coordinate. Here, Germany, M: He was pretty quiet, actually, didn’t say much. style you prefer.
Mexico, Japan. I spend half my time on the phone I sent Stefanie over there last week and I’ve spoken
these days, dealing with the project … it’s like my to him since then, he seems very grateful, said it 5.1.1 P = Presenter AL = Allen Lyall
workload just doubled overnight. Plus, as project was strong feedback but that he’d learnt from it. JR = Jukka Rosenberg JM = Jim McAuslan
lead, I have to host the regional managers when He said that he’d try to be more open about issues, P: Online shopping is now a major part of the
they come to London. We had Paula in from Mexico going forward. retail sector. It’s convenient and often cheaper
recently and now Kenji’s over from Japan … it must J: Good stuff. What did I tell you? than buying in traditional stores. E-commerce
be tough on Paula and Kenji, they’re completely operators have invested heavily in their logistics
new to international projects. 4.3.3 M = Matt K = Kenji J = Jack systems so that consumers receive a quick and
J: Knock, knock … are you not answering your M: Morning Kenji, how are you doing? How’s the efficient service. An online shopper only has to
phone today? family? make a couple of clicks on a website. It is so easy.
M: Jack. Sorry. Was that you a few minutes ago? K: Very well, thank you. But behind the scenes, retailers rely on complex
J: You look a bit tired mate, what’s up? Having fun M: Listen, Kenji, have you got a few minutes for a logistics operations to fulfil orders. Systems have
with the new markets project? quick chat? to handle millions of orders efficiently. Many of
M: No. I mean yes. Overall, so far so good. I’ve just K: Certainly. the operations in Amazon’s giant warehouse are
got loads of work and I’m getting more and more M: I know that you’re very busy, and I hear that automated. Each order is placed in a separate
concerned about what’s going on in Japan. things are going very well in some areas, but I yellow container. The containers are tracked with
J: What do you mean, ‘concerned’? Isn’t Kenji here think it’s good to update on the project. It’s a very their own barcodes. It is a complex operation.
at the moment? demanding situation for you and there’s a slight AL: My role is to make sure that the fulfilment
M: They’re running about three weeks behind delay on your part of the project, right? Just over centres and the thousands of people we employ
schedule, and I just don’t see how we’re going to three weeks. in the UK are busy making sure that our orders are
make up the time. K: Yes. We are struggling a bit with resources. There delivered on time.
J: Three weeks is not a concern, it’s a disaster. are some other projects that management in Japan P: Allen Lyall is Amazon’s Vice President of
What’s going on? wants to take priority, it’s difficult to balance. European Operations. He explains the scale of the
M: Well, hold on. It’s complex. Kenji doesn’t have M: I understand. Look, how do we go forward to work that the warehouse is capable of.
a great deal of experience, Stefanie is busy with get back on track. Any ideas? AL: We dispatched on our busiest day 2.1 million
Mexico, so no time for Japan and, yeah, we’re K: Er … I think we can manage. items. There was a truck leaving this building, one
behind. M: I’d like to help. Is there any further support from every two minutes thirty seconds last year. There
J: Three weeks behind. our side which can help? was a thousand one hundred tonnes of equipment
M: I’m going to talk to Kenji about it later. K: Maybe Stefanie, is she available? Her expertise on that peak day.
J: I suggest you go over there and have some would be very helpful, but I understand that she’s P: The orders then have to be packed. This stage in
strong words sooner rather than later. Tell him that in Mexico? the process is still done by hand. Good packaging
he needs to perform or he’s out. A bit of straight M: Not a problem, I can ask her to travel to Japan is essential to prevent goods getting damaged in
talking wouldn’t do any harm. for when you get back, stay for a week or so until transit. With the orders packed they are ready to
M: I know, I know. But it’s Japan, you can’t do things are back on track? Would next Friday be leave the warehouse and begin the next stage in
‘straight talking’ or you’ll offend everyone. good for her to visit? the process – delivery to the customer. Delivery can
J: Matt, you can’t stereotype like that. Kenji’s a K: Yes, that would be good. be undertaken by the postal service or by courier
professional. You need to tell him to his face what M: Excellent, so we are in agreement. In fact, why companies. Frequently, customers are able to track
you expect and when you expect it. don’t you call Stefanie and arrange for her to go the progress of their package online. Consumers
M: Look, you may be right … but the guy’s trying. over, and we can talk again in a couple of weeks? enjoy the convenience of having goods delivered
Shouting at him isn’t my style; I think I’d prefer to I’m sure that we can get things back on track. to their homes. But of course customers are not
take a more gentle approach. K: OK, I’ll call her. Thanks for the support, Matt, always at home to receive their package. One
J: Yeah, but being gentle often gets you nowhere. I appreciate it. solution is to use these. They are called collection
If you don’t fix this soon, you’re going to have J: Hey. lockers. Packages can be left inside and the
senior management complaining. Anyhow, it’s M: Oh, hi, how’s things? customer can pick them up at any time by entering
your call … you know what I would do. J: I was thinking about you, how did that Japan a PIN number. The logistics that e-commerce relies
business go? upon are developing all the time. In the future
we may see some changes in the way our online increased cost and no clear timeline to sort out the R: OK. With an extra resource from you, that
shopping is delivered. This robot has been designed technical problems. We can’t run the project like would be a good solution, I can agree to that.
to deliver packages. Customers can arrange to this. Things have to change. M: Good stuff. I’ll give you another call tomorrow.
collect their goods from the robot via a mobile R: OK, I’m surprised to hear this. You know we’re R: OK, talk to you tomorrow.
app. Some companies are also considering using talking about a complex project and we have many M: Have a good one.
drones to transport goods to customers. This drone other contracts happening over here. S: Hi. Did you speak to Raj?
is being developed by the postal service in Finland. M: Raj, you need to deal with these issues. There’s M: Yes. We spoke yesterday.
Jukka Rosenberg is the Project Director. a risk we have to delay the pilot to customers … S: And?
JK: This is part of the testing of new technologies that means we might even lose customers. And M: Good, I think. He’s very cooperative. I agreed to
in our parcel delivery and post deliveries and this my management is going to complain about these take 10 percent of the extra costs … so that should
could be an opportunity which we are now testing. costs. Basically, what I need is for you to cover the bring the money back under control …
P: Amazon says that in the future, customers extra costs for additional work on the project. What I also suggested we send someone from IT here to
could order goods and they would be delivered by you’re billing us is unacceptable … these costs are work on this. There’s a young guy down there, Mike
drone in as little as thirty minutes. However, are just out of control. I think it is, seems keen. He could also help track
all these changes really for the better? There are R: But not all the technical problems that we have things a bit in case this happens again …
concerns about the widespread use of drones. For were discussed at the beginning, this is a lot of S: That makes sense.
example, will they create congestion in the sky? extra work for us. M: We need to work with these guys, keep them on
Airline pilots are worried about the safety issues M: Look, this is how it is: we have a contract, we’re our side. You know, we need to think about the big
raised by drones. Jim McAuslan is a spokesperson not going to accept an open budget. If that’s a picture … there are more countries on the horizon,
for commercial pilots. problem for you, then we need to involve your and my boss is already talking to Raj’s boss about
JM: There is an issue about the safety of their management. You have to bear the costs, all these the next contract, so …
operation. But our bigger concern is where this delays aren’t our problem, we shouldn’t pay for S: Good thinking.
technology is going for the future. We’re not them. M: You see, I’m not just a pretty face … Anyway,
against the technology but we want it to be R: Erm. OK. Look, let me have a look at the let’s see. I want to keep things positive at this stage.
properly regulated. numbers. The only thing I have to do now is convince my boss
P: As drone technology develops, issues like safety M: OK, fine. Send me something by this evening. about the extra costs on our side … not going to be
and congestion will need to be balanced against R: OK. easy.
the convenience of delivery by air. It is a discussion M: Right, I have to go to a meeting, I’ll talk to you
that is certain to continue. tomorrow. 5.3.4
R: OK. There are a number of learning points in these
5.3.1 S = Stefanie M = Matt S: Hello. videos about collaborating with people outside of
S: Another day in paradise? M: Hi. your team.
M: We’re going round in circles here. Unbelievable. S: Did you speak to Raj? Firstly, in professional life, it’s important to be
S: Been talking to Raj? M: Yes, we had a chat yesterday. Wasn’t easy at demanding sometimes with external partners, to
M: No, IT downstairs. Trying to get some first. But he was pretty open in the end, and we get to a result which is good for your team and
understanding of an email I received from Raj this had a very direct conversation. I had a chat to his your organisation. In Option A Matt communicates
morning. Of course, they were very happy to point manager as well. powerfully to get Raj’s company to pay extra costs.
out that if it was their responsibility in house, S: And? A good result financially. But demanding has risks.
and not ‘my expensive external provider’, there M: No extra costs on the project … so the money Raj is demotivated and might leave the project.
wouldn’t be any of these issues. They told me to is back under control … we’ve agreed to have a An alternative to the demanding style is to use
cancel the contract with Raj and let them handle phone call every day, just to track and manage the a supportive approach – external partners can
the project. fixes. We should be OK in about a week. respond very positively to this; they support the
S: They may be right. S: Good. solutions and they remain very motivated. But,
M: I know they’re right. But it’s still not very M: It is good, yes, but I still had to go over Raj’s you may need to invest time and money to achieve
helpful. head and talk to his manger … he doesn’t seem an outcome that is acceptable for everyone. Matt
S: But I thought you discussed this with Raj last very happy about it. found this in Option B – he reached an agreement
week. S: It’s not about making people happy, there’s a with Raj, but to do this he had to provide extra
M: I did. We had, what was it, a three-hour job to do. money and resources.
conference call? Look, I know they have their M: That’s one way of looking at it, but he’s told me When communicating internationally, be flexible,
issues, Raj is under a lot of pressure over there in he’s struggling with a young family and all these and choose the style that best fits the situation.
India, but he made promises about where we’d be problems are a bit demotivating. And if he gets
by now. And then he suddenly went very quiet … demotivated and decides to walk off the project, 6.1.1
and then I get an email this morning that there we’ll have a major, major problem on our hands. To The phone is really, really – you know, core element
are these issues, and they need more time … more be honest, I’m a bit worried that he’s going to walk. of our everyday life, but on the other hand we
money ... You know, maybe it’s cultural, Raj didn’t don't know anything about it. We didn't start as
feel that he could say no to me in the first meeting, 5.3.3 R = Raj M = Matt S = Stefanie a company, we started as a campaign and the
when I asked him if he could solve things. R: Hello? campaign question was how can we give visibility
S: People love to go on about cultural differences M: Raj, it’s Matt Farnham. to er the situation in Eastern Congo?
but it’s too simple, just stereotyping. To be honest, R: Hi, Matt. Good to hear your voice. How are you? Millions of people died in, in, in wars related to the
I think it’s you. I think you’re too soft on Raj. If the M: I’m good thanks but, to be honest, we’ve got mining of these minerals we use in, in our mobile
platform is not ready, and the project is going over some difficult issues to discuss, Raj, this project is devices. So what we thought is, and you know with
budget, you need to put some pressure on him. He really challenging for everyone at the moment. my background as a designer, is that you know
needs to make us his number one priority. Call his R: Yes, it’s a real headache. what, why don't we make a device, make a phone?
manager. M: But I want to work with you to resolve things. We've been announced the, the fastest growing
M: I don’t know … bringing in management … it Now, I appreciate that you’re working very hard to start-up, tech start-up of Europe by The Next
changes the atmosphere. I don’t want to make it deliver, but as we talked about a week or so ago, all Web, which says something about the, the speed
more difficult to work with Raj. these delays are creating financial and commercial in which we grew. We grew from two people to
S: It’s a waste of time, Matt. You need to get issues for us … first there’s the cost, all this extra over forty people in two and a ha, two years. Uh
tough. We’re the customer here. Demand some work, and also there’s going to be a problem for we made, in the first one and a half years of our
action. our customers. existence, we made a turnover of sixteen million
M: Raj is pretty sensitive; he might not react R: You mean being late with the pilot phase? euros. First actually was through crowdfundings,
too well to that kind of thing. Look, I have a call M: Exactly. Now I want to work with you to resolve and then in three weeks more than 10,000 people
with him later, I’ll try and negotiate some kind of this, I don't want to be the bad guy, but I think we bought the phone. So we had over three and a half
solution on the pricing at least. Costs are getting need to negotiate on your fees. This is really down million euros on the bank account, we didn't know
out of control. What? to you, not us, so I think it is reasonable to ask to how to make a phone, you can imagine me laying
S: Nothing … split the costs, we’ll take 10 percent, OK? in bed at night crying and my wife, you know, going
R: I don’t think it’s fair to blame us in this way, at me like, 'Bas, come on! You can do it, you, you
5.3.2 R = Raj M = Matt S = Stefanie your team changed some of the requirements, started this so you have to, you really have to go for
R: Hello? added things, that meant more work, more people it now,’ – it's a success.
M: Raj, it’s Matt Farnham. from our side … All components are actually uh, built up as
R: Hi, Matt. Good to hear your voice. How are you? M: OK. Could I suggest something? What about, modules, and people can actually exchange those
M: Not great actually, Raj. I got your email this if we help from our side and give you one of our IT modules, repair those modules themselves. We
morning, it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to read. guys, and then you should have everything that work with mines, local mines, in Eastern Congo and
There are now really significant problems with you need to clear this up quickly. where we get our tin, our tantalum, from, so we
contribute to the actual economic situation in the Pa: Sure, but that’s why there’s provision for us to 7.1.1 P = Presenter E = Evelyn R = Rodrigo
Congo instead of, you know, avoiding the country support the platform, it’s not all just left to you … M = Marcus H = Hannah R = Rennie
which a lot of companies are doing. If you produce Pe: Yes I understood that in your pitch, but … P: Working abroad is now a fact of life for many
phones, you produce waste, right? And by doing Pa: And you just won’t find a better price anywhere people in business. Multinational companies often
that, you know, by making a Fairphone you're on the market. Not for something like this, nothing require their staff to relocate to offices in different
already kind of in the paradox. So what we said more competitive exists. countries or even on different continents. And
is we want to take back phones as well to source Pe: OK. Well, I think Susan and I have a lot to think international experience can be a valuable asset in
minerals. So we've collected over 60,000 phones about. I think we can have a discussion over the career development.
in the, you know, in the Ghana and we er, we, we next few weeks … and we’’ll get back to you. The prospect of moving to a new country is
got them back to er, Belg, to a Belgian refinery to, exciting. It brings the opportunity to see new
you know, to take back to, the minerals to be used 6.3.3 Pa = Paula M = Matt S = Susan places and to get to know different cultures.
in the supply chain again. I might call myself an Pe = Pedro But going abroad to work is not the same as
idealist but I also know, you know, that the world Pa: So that brings me to the end of the travelling for pleasure. It brings challenges. Foreign
works in a certain way and you have to, you know presentation. I’m sure that you’ve been able to see professionals have to learn about cultural issues
business is, is an important mechanism to actually the many, many benefits that partnering with us like customs and etiquette. They may find the
create change, um you know that's why we set and introducing our online courses will bring to way people communicate and interact at work is
up Fairphone –that's why we started a company your business schools. I’m sure that you’ll agree different.
instead of, you know, doing art projects for that our courses are among the best currently One of the first things that someone in a new job
example. And um, you know a fellow er designer of available in the global marketplace. Their success overseas has to encounter is interacting with co-
me, er of mine has, has once said, you know, we're and quality are demonstrated by the fact that a workers. In different cultures, different standards
all hippies with business plans. The mechanism number of other business schools and universities apply.
we use to change things is a commercial model, in other countries already use them. E: When you are in Germany people are a bit more
and by being part of the economic system and a M: Well, I’m sure we’d love to hear your thoughts … reserved to begin with. Once you’ve broken the ice
market mechanism, we are able to actually, you S: Yes, I’m really impressed. I like the approach, it and got to know them, they will be your friends for
know, put those idea, idealist kind of values into feels very new … I can see how it would fit very well life, if they make friends with you. But initially they
the core of what moves the world. So we're not in it in our business schools. are a bit more reserved, so don’t be put off by that.
to become, you know, the biggest phone company Pe: Hmmm … I’m not sure, I think that there are a P: The workplace culture in Brazil is quite different.
in the world, but by doing what we do we show lot of technical matters to think about. Who will R: When it’s time for lunch, you always have lunch
that there's a market, we grow demand and if the manage it? How long will the platform take to with someone – you never have your lunch alone –
demand grows the market will follow –that's the integrate? We’re already quite busy for the rest there’s always, usually more than one person. So it
way the world works, right? of this year at least … there’s also money to think tends to be very face value and very friendly, which
about … it’s the same story with our budget. can be unhelpful at times because you want to do
6.3.1 P = Paula M = Matt Pa: Pedro? Sorry, the most important thing for you some work and be quiet, but people tend to be
P: I think I’m quite good at influencing people. I’m is not to have to spend a lot of time integrating the interactive, communicative. But at the same time
usually able to make a strong argument, backed platform and managing the implementation? you have a very strong sense of team spirit because
with good reasoning. We have some potential Pe: Yes. everybody’s together there doing the same things.
buyers from a Mexican chain of business schools Pa: OK, well, we can help with that. We can take on P: Good communication is essential in a work
coming to London this week. the work of looking at your set-up and creating an environment. It can present some challenges as
M: When will they be here? implementation plan. On top of that we’ll also fully Marcus found when he relocated from Sweden to
P: About twenty minutes. … They want to look manage implementation … and support it. And of the UK.
at partnering with online training and education course we’ll make sure that any disturbances will M: I thought I was very fluent in English when I,
providers from the UK and I’ll be pitching … I expect be kept to an absolute minimum. Would that be a you know, when I lived at home in Sweden. But
to get what I want, I haven’t failed yet! good solution for you? then when you actually come to live here, you
M: Remember not to be too pushy … go easy on Pe: That sounds fine, but there’s also cost … I just realise (that) the nuances and phrases that you
them. don’t think it’s going to work financially. don’t know at all. And, you know, doing your
P: Stop worrying! I’ve thought of everything, really. Pa: Can I ask why you don’t think the finances will mistakes and saying the wrong things at the wrong
Remember we’ve designed this just for them. work out? time, but quickly learning, was fun.
M: I know, I know … but Pedro likes to be involved Pe: Cash flow. Cash flow and the fact that we P: The etiquette of communication can also vary.
in decision-making, he’s quite a collaborative guy allocate budget a couple of years ahead … most In Poland people tend to be direct when they talk
and likes to give input. of what we have over the next year is already to each other.
P: I’m sure it’ll be fine. assigned. H: You might be a little bit shocked that the Poles
Pa: I understand. That doesn’t have to be a tend to be more abrupt, or that’s how they will
6.3.2 Pa = Paula M = Matt S = Susan problem. We would be able to plan and test now, come across. The use of ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ –
Pe = Pedro but set the launch for next year and spread the it’s probably less widely used. The linguistic
Pa: So that brings me to the end of the cost. So you could go ahead now, but put it into elements, the cultural element doesn’t demand
presentation. I’m sure that you’ve been able to see next year’s budget and we could probably agree that. So it’s absolutely polite if you just say ‘yes’,
the many, many benefits that partnering with us quarterly payments. How does that sound? ‘no’ and leave it at that.
and introducing our online courses will bring to Pe: Well that makes a big difference. If we could P: Many of the rules of a culture remain unwritten.
your business schools. I’m sure that you’ll agree agree to those conditions … I think we would be Learning them can be challenging but it is also
that our courses are among the best currently happy to go ahead. rewarding and is one of the keys to success in the
available in the global marketplace. Their success S: Let’s do it. global workplace.
and quality are demonstrated by the fact that a Pa: Great!
number of other business schools and universities Pe: Thanks for being so flexible, Paula. 7.3.1 S = Stefanie P = Paula
in other countries already use them. M: Right, let’s take you both to lunch. S: Today is a big day for our project. We have some
M: Well, I’m sure we’d love to hear your thoughts. clients coming in who are thinking about making a
S: Yes, I’m really impressed. I like the approach, it 6.3.4 major purchase for the Mexican market …
feels very new … I can see how it would fit very well When we’re just being ourselves, we often try to Paula has responsibility for Mexico, but I’m a bit
in our business schools. influence people using our own natural style, and this more experienced so Matt has asked me to lend her
Pe: Hmmm … I’m not sure, I think that there are a potentially limits our success. We saw this with Paula some support. The important thing in these kinds
lot of technical matters to think about. Who will in Option A – her ‘push’ style seemed to suit Susan, of conservations is to make sure that things keep
manage it? How long will the platform take to but it wasn’t working on Pedro. He felt frustrated in on moving ahead. I’m keen to keep the focus on our
integrate? We’re already quite busy for the rest the end and Paula wasn’t able to close the deal. launch date, and sticking to the plans that we have
of this year at least … there’s also money to think In Option B, she adapts to a ‘pull’ approach and between now and then. After that we can worry
about … it’s the same story with our budget. asks Pedro questions to find out more about his about group decisions and small details.
Pa: I totally understand your concern. We put needs, while still guiding the conversation to a I think with the important points we should use our
together this proposal just for you, so this doesn’t positive result. expertise and let our clients know what’s best.
relate to anyone else’s institution – just yours. Both ‘push’ and ‘pull’ are valid and positive S: Hi, Paula.
We’ve done an analysis of your business schools approaches. But they each have advantages and P: Hi, Stefanie.
and we’re aware of the challenges that you disadvantages depending on the situation. S: The first thing I’d like to do is go over all the
mention, but that’s why we’re so confident that it Overall, we have a better chance of communicating dates we have for the next three months … can we
will be a great success … successfully if we understand the needs and start there?
Pe: Maybe, but there’s a difference between preferred style of others in specific situations. Then P: When we’re talking about making decisions,
analysing on paper and how things are in practice, we can choose an influencing style which suits the I would say that I prefer to try to find consensus …
this year is … situation and also the person. It’s a huge project … in Mexico! There are so many
things to think about … How will we register As we saw in the videos, Stefanie was keen to have trying to control and when …
students? When to register students? What are a fixed decision on the launch date while Paula was S: You’re trying to control nine people?
we going to do about marketing? Are we going happier taking a more flexible approach. N: Well … because … it was a group of nine and I
to assist with that? We need to ask them all these Thirdly, we can look at attitudes to status and was supposed to coordinate them
questions and take decisions together, we can’t hierarchy. In some places, hierarchies are flat and S: When you look back at this, how many
know everything about everything ourselves … you can openly discuss and debate ideas with your questions did you ask of your team that were
So, yes, for me this meeting is about getting to manager. Elsewhere, status and hierarchy are more advice questions?
understand more about how they work … we can important, and you probably shouldn't openly N: How do you mean?
think about a launch date later. disagree with your manager. S: In terms of ‘What do you think we should do?’
In this story, Susan is ranked higher than Pedro, and N: I can’t remember.
7.3.2 St = Stefanie Su = Susan P = Pedro Stefanie has more experience than Paula. These S: I didn’t hear any. Do you think you’d taken on
St: We think that the next step is to decide when factors could have enabled them to push through too much responsibility?
exactly we would want to plan the launch. their decision in both video options. N: Yeah definitely! That was the problem. I was
Su: Yes, I’m happy to have that conversation. So, how can we overcome these challenges? completely out of my comfort zone.
St: Great, well we think that it would be a good We can first observe others, then discuss our S: You’ve just got a taste of what it’s like to be in
idea to keep things moving … preferred approach. This can help us achieve better charge. How did that make you feel?
Su: Absolutely … business results while protecting relationships at N: Awful.
St: … so I suggest we plan to launch this year. the same time. S: Did it? What you experienced was very, very
Su: OK. difficult. I don’t think you did that bad a job.
St: In our experience it’s a good idea to use the 8.1.1 P = Presenter N = Nadia P: It has been a tough learning experience for
summer. When the students aren’t around we can PM = Park Manager VS1= Vet Student 1 Nadia. She now understands that leadership
implement and test everything … hopefully your IT VS2 = Vet Student 2 S = Steve Leonard involves a range of skills – such as motivating all
guys will have a bit more time then … it’s just easier P: Leadership in business requires a range of the team members, keeping focused on the main
to set everything up. So my advice is that we aim skills. These include an ability to make decisions, objectives of the task, and communicating clearly.
for a launch date in September. good communication and knowing when to
Su: I totally agree. Let’s do that. delegate tasks. Leadership skills such as these are 8.3.1
P: OK. That’s not far off … I think we should know just as important in running a team as they are in So this is it … It’s been a long journey, but very
a little bit more about the process … I just want to managing a multinational. Learning to lead a team successful in the end, I think. All that’s left now is
make sure that we’re all being realistic. can be a challenge. to wrap everything up with the team. It’s always
Su: It’s realistic. Let’s just do it, we can get into the In Safari Vet School, sixteen veterinary students important at the end of long and detailed projects
process later. OK great, we’re all agreed then. take that challenge and test their leadership like this to take the opportunity to learn lessons.
St: Fantastic. abilities in real-life situations with dangerous As project manager, I’m keen to get some feedback
wild animals. The students have been selected from the guys, so we’ve set up a brief session
7.3.3 St = Stefanie Su = Susan Pa = Paula from thousands of applicants to travel to South while they’re still all here in London … hopefully
Pe = Pedro Africa where they will be supervised by specialists, it won’t be too brutal. Obviously I hope they give
St: We think that the next step is to decide when including experienced TV vet, Steve Leonard. me some positive feedback. Everyone likes to feel
exactly we would want to plan the launch. Nadia is studying at Cambridge University. She’s that they’ve done well … But it would also be
Su: Yes, I’m happy to have that conversation. a high achiever – used to getting top grades. interesting to get some developmental feedback,
Pa: Great, when would be the best time for you? The Vet School selectors were impressed by her to hear where they think I could improve.
It would probably be a good idea to keep things determination.
moving and plan for sometime this year, but we’re N: Failure is not something I cope well with. If you 8.3.2 M = Matt S = Stefanie K = Kenji
happy to work around your needs. want me to boss you, I will! People can be quite P = Paula
Su: September time would be good. intimidated by me I think. I mean I’ve had people M: I’d like to ask you all for some personal
Pe: I think that we should do a pilot first … let’s just say they’re scared of me, which I don’t understand feedback. As you know, this is one of the first times
trial it in one of our business schools and, then, if why, but obviously I must be quite ‘in your face’ I’ve worked on an international project like this so
it all runs smoothly, we can roll it out to the rest of maybe. I kind of have one volume and it’s ‘loud’. I’m keen to know how you all feel … so don’t be shy,
the group. P: Nadia’s sense of purpose means that she is who wants to go first?
Pa: We could do that, certainly … sounds logical … chosen as team leader for the first task. An animal S: I’m happy to go first.
have you thought about how and when you’ll must be sedated, treated, put on a truck for transit M: OK great, go ahead.
register your students, or how we’re going to and then woken up. S: Well, I think you did a very good job
market the courses in advance? As team leader, Nadia has to make key decisions, communicating with the team and keeping us all
Pe: No, not yet … I guess we would need to discuss motivate the group and ensure they all work informed … once we knew each other’s roles it was
those things internally to start with … let’s keep together. If the animal is not revived quickly, it may very easy to work together.
it flexible for now. You know, sometimes things be harmed or even die. M: Great! Thanks Stefanie, I’m happy you feel that
change, let’s keep talking. It does not run smoothly. Luckily the team I was able to … pull everyone together, even
Pa: Sure, after all, we’re here to facilitate what manages to administer the reversal drug to wake though we were all in different parts of the world.
works best for you. up the animal. The Park Manager is critical of K: I agree. And it was good that you asked Stefanie
Su: Thanks, Paula, but I’m sure we don’t want to Nadia’s management style in the team debriefing to help out when I had some difficulties.
waste your time or ours in meeting after meeting. session. M: Sure, it just seemed like a sensible idea to me at
I’m happy to make a decision now and stick to it … PM: There was far too much chatter going on. the time. Paula?
let’s say September. If we don’t go live in that And running around. Everyone a bit disorganised. P: I agree. I thought you were a good project
semester, there’ll be another six-month wait, which It took you fifteen minutes from when the trailer manager … thanks for all the coaching you gave me
no one wants. So can we launch in September? And arrived up to when you actually gave the reversal. and for the tips about making presentations … I felt
fix an exact date? You can do whatever piloting you OK? Far too long. like you were there to support me.
want between now and then. VS1: I think we just needed just one person to like M: Excellent. Thanks, Paula. Well, I’m looking
St: Absolutely, that sounds perfect. kind of control the operation. Because I, literally, forward to the next big project already, thanks guys.
Pe: OK. didn’t know what you guys were doing. I was just
St: Great, well, we’ll start looking at dates. on … 8.3.3 M = Matt S = Stefanie K = Kenji
VS2: I was just focusing on the heart rate, the lung P = Paula
7.3.4 field … M: I’d like to ask you all for some personal
Everyone’s decision-making behaviour is shaped VS1: I didn’t know the trailer was there … feedback. As you know, this is one of the first times
in some way by their culture; it could be national N: Yeah we all got so side-tracked with I’ve worked on an international project like this so
culture, corporate culture or some other form of immobilising it that we forgot the whole point was I’m keen to know how you all feel … so don’t be shy,
culture. just to get it on the truck. And I felt that the team who wants to go first?
Firstly, some people can take a very target- was disappointed with how I behaved as the team S: I’m happy to go first.
driven approach while others may prefer a more leader. M: OK great, go ahead.
collaborative approach. For example, in Option A, P: Nadia receives feedback from Steve, her mentor. S: Everything was OK in the end and I think the
Stefanie and Susan dominated the discussion and She admits that leading and motivating a group is project was a success … but I have to say ...
were very target-driven, while in Option B we see different from motivating herself. I thought it was a bit chaotic at the beginning.
that Paula and Pedro are clearly more consensus- N: I normally cope really well with adrenaline. But I think that it was your responsibility to make sure
oriented. looking back I think I cope well with adrenaline that we all knew each other and communicated …
Another difference is how people view time and when there’s just me and I just have to think, ‘Right! but I don’t think we did have a clear idea of who
deadlines. What’s fixed for one person may be I have to do this. I’m going to do it’. Whereas when was on the project or our roles … I think that was a
flexible for another, and this can cause problems. you’ve got a group of nine people that you’re problem.
M: That’s interesting … I thought I had done that. If I would like to work for you because I think I’m Can you help us? We need to raise €10,000 in the
you remember I sent around some email intros and good at communicating, especially writing, next few weeks to replace everything. I promise
I set up a virtual conference? and I could contribute to your Communications all donations to our cause will be repaid when
S: You did, but it came too late and was also a bit department with my ideas and improve the we receive the insurance payout. Not only that,
short … It was difficult to know how to get started presence of your clients in social media. Err, … depending on the size of your donation you will
without knowing my role and everyone else’s. that’s all really. Thanks for listening. Oh, and please receive discounts on tickets and even free tickets to
I think if you could have called each of us before call me if you’d like me to come in for an interview. see our play in any city of your choice on the tour.
the project began, that would have been good. Just see our website for more details.
M: Right, I’ll bear that in mind. Anyone else? Kenji? As Brecht himself once said, ‘Everyone needs help
Why should you hire me? Because I’m a ‘people
K: Everything was fine. from everyone.’ By contributing to our disaster
person’: I’m not only sociable, but also really
M: Are you sure? You looked like you were thinking fund, you will be doing your bit to support
creative and if you hired me, I would give 110
about something there. I’d like to hear anything community arts and help our young theatre group
percent and I would get on with all the team and
that’s on your mind. to literally rise from the ashes. Thank you!
the clients, too. Another thing you should know
K: This project was just one of many tasks that
about me is I’m really into sports and martial Alison Chadwick
I had. I’m always very busy, but I don’t think you
arts, as you can see. You can check out some of My name’s Alison Chadwick and this is my story.
understood that, you always asked me to do things
my videos in social media on how-to-do sports I started my T-shirt business, Alison’s Tees, back in
urgently. I’m sorry that I was not always able to act
training. I love social media and dedicate a lot of university as a hobby. Friends and fellow students
so quickly.
time to it. It’s the way everyone communicates used to ask me where I got my T-shirts from and
M: OK. I really had no idea that you had a lot of
nowadays. when I told them I designed them myself everyone
other jobs on, you must tell me things like that …
What else? I’ve got a degree in marketing. I did an said that was cool.
otherwise there’s no way that I can know …
internship at my dad’s company and I learnt a lot. Then I thought, you know anyone can design their
P: But I think what Kenji’s saying is that you often
I’m a fast learner. I don’t have lots of experience own T-shirt. It’s simple, it’s fun and it’s creative. On
waited until things were urgent before passing
but I think it’s more important to have the right my website you can choose the colour and style but
them on, and that puts us under pressure and
attitude and just get out there and do it! Why more than that, you can have any design or logo you
creates a lot of stress … it’s just a question of being
should you hire me? Because I’m worth it! Call me like printed on it including photos to make your very
organised. I think in future if you gave us all a
for an interview and please give me the chance to own unique T-shirt. Friends will be amazed. Before
timeline or something, that might help us to plan
tell you more. we finally produce the T-shirt, you’ll receive a photo
of the design for final approval.
M: OK, I get the point. We’ve all been under Cindy
No more shopping for hours looking for something
pressure, and it’s not like your work was perfect, So, you’d like to know why you should hire me?
you actually like. No more low-quality shop-
I had to spend a lot of time fixing other people’s That’s a good question. Looking at my CV you
bought products. All our T-shirts are 100 percent
mistakes. Anything else? might think I don’t have any relevant experience
organic cotton and ethically sourced. We’re helping
but I do have experience in managing people.
independent cotton farmers. We work hand-in-
8.3.4 I have to communicate in my job every day, where
hand with our suppliers to ensure highest-quality
When giving or receiving feedback, we must I’m responsible for a team of forty people, talking
always remember that our approach to feedback to different departments and dealing with difficult
Thanks to previous crowdfunding our business has
is usually driven by our own personality and customers. I’m good at working under pressure, so
been a big success. Now we need your support and
preferences. And that no single approach is best. you can depend on me to write those reports on
your money to help us develop our mobile app so
There are a few points that we should keep in mind: time!
our users can design and order their own tees on
When giving feedback, firstly motivate others by Err, just a minute .… Another consideration is
their smartphones, anytime, anywhere.
focusing on things which have been done well. that I’m a big fan of social media. I write a blog
Also, remember to help them improve by focusing in my free time, although I don’t have that many Marcos López
on areas in which they can develop. We saw the followers yet. I’m also studying marketing online If you like travelling, you’ll love our new tour
team do each of these in the videos, but was their in the evenings. So, if you hire me, I will help guide mobile app. It’s like an audio guide but on
positive intention clear in Option B? I’m not so sure. you to find the best solutions for you and your your mobile phone, so you carry it with you all
And in terms of receiving feedback, remember that clients and improve their online presence with the time. I’m Marcos López and I’m one of the
feedback is valuable so, when you’re not hearing the contributions of key opinion leaders and founders of Holidapp. It’s the ultimate travel
any, you should actively ask for it, as Matt did. influencers. companion. It’s like having an audio guide but on
Then when you do get feedback, listen to it first Thank you for considering my application and your smartphone. You’ll never want to buy another
without disagreeing or making excuses about any I look forward to your call! guidebook or tourist map again in your life. You’ll
potentially negative points. Then decide later if find out about the places you’re visiting whenever
you want to act on it. Matt may have missed some BW6.01 you want in a new, original and entertaining way.
valuable information when he started making Ben Fischer Our app is free to download and quick and easy
excuses in Option B. Hi guys! I’m Ben Fischer and my award-winning to use. Enter the desired location and for just €10
Finally, use a balanced approach to giving positive theatre company performs at events and festivals you will get an expert guide to one of over 30
and developmental feedback. Positive feedback all over the world. We bring the works of famous destinations in Europe and the USA. And the list of
reaffirms someone’s actions and position, German writers and dramatists, such as Bertolt places is growing longer each month.
and is good for their motivation. But, without Brecht, to audiences across the globe. The guide features audio tours by experts in
developmental feedback they may not be aware of In true dramatic style, our latest production of their towns, from qualified tour guides to local
areas in which they can improve. Brecht’s The Good Person of Szechwan has just storytellers of all ages with a passion for the place
been hit by disaster. An electrical fire destroyed the where they live. Our platform is free to our guide
BW3.01 arts centre where we were performing in London contributors and they receive 70 percent of the
Amalia and took with it all our costumes and equipment. revenues generated by their guides.
Is this webcam on? Oh, right! So, why should Fortunately, nobody was in the building at the time Each travel guide on our app comes with high-
you hire me? Well, I have to say I think I’m hard- and nobody was injured in the fire. quality photographs and can use your geolocation
working, I’m reliable and, and … I’m highly We know one day the insurance company will to help you get the most from your guide.
qualified. I have a background in marketing and a eventually pay the compensation to rebuild and We need your backing to help us cover the cost of
lot of experience in different sectors. I also speak replace everything, but we need to complete our production, audio recording, programming and
various languages, so that will be very useful for an world tour now and can’t wait around for the photography. We’d also love to hear what you think
international company like Media Solutions. money to arrive. of the guides so we can keep improving our service.