Madala Panji
Madala Panji
Madala Panji
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Proceedings of the Indian History Congress
Biêwarup Das
Since very early times, caste system has been most deep-rooted
and unique feature of the Hindu society. The earliest mention of
the four-fold classification is made in the Purusasukta of the
Rigveda. In course of time the social life became more and more
complicated with the rise of a number of vocations. As a result,
several professional classes came into existence in the Hindu society.
The heredity principle and the guild system led to the crystalisation
of these classes into several castes. The Kayasthas and the Karanas
come under these castes.
The Sady adhikar ana of the Bhauma - Kara records was the
Chief Judicial Officer of a district.21 The Srikarana of the Jagan-
natha Temple inscription of Anangabhima III seems to have
occupied the Office of Accountant General in the Ganga Period.22
The Koathakarana of the Siddhesvara temple inscription of
Narasimha IV88 appears to be a top administrative Officer in the
said period. We also come across Ghhamukarana, i.e. Private
Secretary to the king and Deula Karana i.e. Temple administrator
in medieval Orissa. In course of time the name-ending Karana
became the name of a caste. This caste is found only in Orissa be-
cause the Officers mentioned above are noticed in Orissa and now-
here in India. As such, Karanas were very likely connected with
royal families in the medieval Orissa since Sadyadhi Karana , Sri
Karana , Kostka Karana , Chhamu Karana, Deula Karana etc. were all
important assignments in Orissa in medieval period. Our view can
be corroborated by the fact that the world Saminla, which at pre-
sent, prefixes the names of aristocratic Karana families of Orissa,
used to connote tributary kings in medieval Orissa The Ksatriya
çustom of Sati was observed in the Karana families till the time of