Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics
Computer Graphics
2. Presentation Graphics
Its used to summaries financial, statistical, mathematical, scientific and economic data for research
reports, managerial reports and other types of reports.
To generate 35-mm slides or transparencies for use with projectors.
Typical examples of presentation graphics are bar charts, line graphs, surface graphs, pie charts,
etc. showing relationships between multiple parameters.
Task planning, Time chart, Schedule Chart, and task network layouts are used in project
management to schedule and monitor the progress of projects.
4. Entertainment
Computer graphics methods are commonly used in making motion pictures, music videos and
television shows.
Sometimes the graphic scenes are displayed alone and sometimes graphics objects are combined
with the actors and live scenes.
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Scenes can be generated using advanced modelling, surface rendering and other image processing
Graphics and image processing techniques can be used to produce a transformation of one person
or object to another, known as “Morphing”.
Computer generated models of physical system, population trends, financial system, economic
systems or equipment are often used as educational aids.
Electron Gun: It generates electrons whenever metal cathode is heated by filament by passing
current in it.
Control Grid: Setting voltage levels on the control grid controls intensity of the electron beam.
Focusing System: The focusing system in a CRT is needed to force the electron beam to join into
a small spot as it strikes the phosphor screen.
Deflection Plates: Similarly, deflection of the electron beam can be controlled by electric or
magnetic fields. Horizontal deflection is done by a pair of deflection coils and vertical deflection
by another pair of coils.
Phosphorous coating: When the electrons in the beam collide with the phosphor coating, the
phosphor coating glows. Different kinds of phosphors are available for use in a CRT.
After the CRT beam is removed, the amount of time phosphor continues to emit light is
known as the “Persistence”.
Lower persistence phosphors require higher refresh rates to maintain a picture on screen
without a flicker.
A phosphors with low persistence is useful for animations.
And high persistence is useful for static and complex pictures.
The maximum number of points that can be displayed without overlap on a CRT is referred
to as the “Resolution”.
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The number of points per centimeter that can be plotted horizontally and vertically or we can
say resolution means total number of points in each directions.
Resolution of CRT is depends on the type of phosphor, the intensity to be displayed and the
focusing and deflection systems.
The ratio of vertical points to horizontal points necessary to produce equal- length lines in
both directions on the screen property is called “Aspect Ratio”.
Scanning of the screen from top left to bottom right once is referred to as one “frame”.
This is known as the “Vertical Retrace”.
Figure showing scan lines, horizontal retrace and vertical retrace in a Raster-Scan Display
On some raster-scan systems, each frame is displayed in two passes using an “Interlacing”
Figure showing interlacing scan lines on raster-scan display, First all solid scan lines are displayed
then dashed scan lines are displayed.
The three electron beams are deflected and focused as a group onto the shadow mask, which
contains a series of holes aligned with the phosphor-dot patterns.
When the three beams pass through a hole in the shadow mask, they activate a dot triangle,
which appears as a small color spot on the screen.
This arrangement is known as delta-delta method.
If three dots are in-line (OOO) this arrangement is known as in-line arrangement and is
commonly used in high-resolution color CRTs.
We obtain color variations in a shadow-mask CRT by varying the intensity levels of the three
electron beams.
By turning off the red and green guns, we get only the color coming from the blue phosphor.
Other combinations of beam intensities produce a small light spot for each pixel position,
Since our eyes merges the three colors into one.
The color we see depends on the amount of electrons that strike red, green and blue
Color systems in graphics systems are known as RGB Monitors or True Color System.
5. Flat Panels
Flat panel display refers to a class of video devices that have reduced volume, weight, and
power requirements compared to CRT.
Plus they are thinner than CRTs, and we can easily hang them on walls or wear them on our
Examples of Flat panel displays are small TV monitors, calculators, pocket video games,
laptop computers, armrest viewing of movies on airlines, an advertisement boards in
There are two categories: Emissive display and Non-emissive displays.
Emissive display: that converts electrical energy into lights.
1. Example are Plasma panels,
2. thin-film electroluminescent displays and
3. light-emitting diodes.(LED)
Non-emissive display: that use optical effects to convert sunlight or light from some other
source into graphics patterns.
1. Examples are Liquid – Crystal device.(LCD)
Plasma panels also called gas-discharge displays, are constructed by filling the region between
two glass plates with a mixture of two gases that usually includes neon.
A series of vertical conducting ribbons is placed on one glass panel and a set of horizontal ribbons is
built into the other glass panel.
Firing voltages applied to a pair of horizontal and vertical conductors to break down into a glowing
plasma of electrons.
Picture definition is stored in refresh buffer, and the firing voltages are applied to refresh the pixel
positions 60 times per second
Advantage: it is capable of displaying color and gray scale.
Disadvantage: they were strictly monochromatic devices
LED(Light Emitting Diode):A third type of emissive device is the light emitting diode (LED).
A matrix of diodes is arranged to form the pixel positions in the display, and picture definition is
stored in refresh buffer.
As in scan-line refreshing of a CRT, information is read from the refresh buffer and converted to
voltage levels that are applied to the diodes to produce the light patterns in the display.
A mouse is small hand held box used to position the screen cursor.
Wheels or rollers on bottom of the mouse can be used to record the amount and direction of
The another method for detecting mouse motion is with an optical sensor.
With this system, the mouse is moved over a special mouse pad that has a grid of horizontal and
vertical lines.
The optical sensor detects movement across the lines in the grid.
One, two or three buttons are usually included at the top of the mouse for signaling the execution
of some operations like recording cursor position or invoking a function.
Additional devices can be included in the basic mouse design to increase the number of
allowable input parameters.
The “Z mouse” includes three buttons, a thumbwheel on the side, a trackball on the top, and a
standard mouse ball underneath.
This design provides six degree of freedom to select spatial position, rotations and other
Applications of the z mouse include virtual reality, CAD, and animation.
A Trackball is a ball that can be rotated with fingers or palm of the hand, to produce screen
cursor movement.
Potentiometers attached to the ball, measure the amount and direction of rotation.
Trackballs are also mounted on keyboards or other devices. It is 2-dimensional position device
such as Z mouse.
It provides 6 degree of freedom, unlike the trackball, it does not actually move.
It consists of a small vertical lever (call stick) mounted on a base that is used to steer the screen
cursor around.
Most joy sticks select screen position with actual stick movements;
other respond to pressure on the stick.
Some joysticks are mounted on a key-board.
Data Glove
Image Scanners
Drawing, graphs, color and black and white photographs or text can be stored for computer
processing with an image scanner by passing an optical scanning mechanism over the
information to be stored.
The gradation of gray scale or color are then recorded and stored in array.
Once we have the internal representation of a picture we can apply transformations to rotate,
scale or crope the picture to a particular screen area.
We can also apply other various image processing methods to modify the array representation of
the picture.
Touch Panels
It allows displayed objects or screen positions to be selected with the touch of finger.
An electrical touch panel is constructed with 2 transparent plates separated by a small distance.
One of the plate is coated with a conducting material and other plate is coated with a resistive
When the output plate is touched it is forced into contact with the inner plate.
Light Pens
It is a light detector.
Such pencil shaped device are used to select screen positions by detecting the light coming from
points on the CRT screen.
They are sensitive to the short burst of light emitted from the phosphor coating at the instant the
electron beam strikes a particular point. Other light sources such as background light in the room,
are usually not detected by a light pen.
An activated light pen pointed at a spot on the screen, as the electron beam lights up that spot,
generates an electrical pulse that causes the coordinate position of the electron beam to be
As with cursor-positioning device, recorded light-pen coordinates can be used to position an object
or to select a processing option.
Several disadvantages compared to other input devices that have been developed.
1. When a light pen is pointed at the screen, part of the screen is obscured by the hand and
2. Prolonged use of the light pen can cause arm fatigue.
3. Light pen requires special implementations for some applications because they cannot
detect positions within black areas.
4. To be able to select positions in any screen area with a light pen, we must have some
nonzero intensity assigned to each pixel position.
5. 4. Light pens sometimes give false readings due to background lighting in a room.
Speech recognizers are used in workstation as input devices to accept voice commands.
The voice system input can be used to initiate graphics operation or to enter data.
These systems operate by matching an input against a predefined dictionary of words and phase.
A dictionary is a set up for a particular operator by having the operator speak the command words
to be used into the system.
Each word is spoken several times and the system analyzes the word and establishes a frequency
pattern for that word in the dictionary along with the corr. Function to be performed.
When voice command is given the system searches the dictionary for a frequency pattern match.
Voice input is typically spoken into a microphone mounted on a handset.
The microphone is designed to minimize input of other background sounds
If a different operator is to use the system the dictionary must be reestablished with that operator’s
voice patterns.