Funda Set 1

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CENTER 7. Which of the following is not

included in the principles of writing the
A. Identify each sheet by the patient’s
INSTRUCTIONS: Encircle the correct letter for
each of the following questions. Strictly no erasure name and hospital family number.
allowed. B. Starting each statement at the
column line is not necessary
1. Pregnant mothers are given tetanus C. When an error has been made,
toxiod to prevent tetanus of mothers and draw the line through the error and write
newborn. It is considered completely If it “error”
was given from: D. Statements must be legible,
a. TT1 - TT5 accurate, relevant and concise.
b. TT1- TT5
c. TT1- TT3 8. Which is the route of
d. TT1- TT6 administration in giving D.P.T. to infants
A. Subcutaneous
2. Red blood cells are cells know as: B. Intradermal
A. Erythrocytes C. Oral
B. Leukocytes D. Intramuscular
C. Myeloid tissue
D. Thrombocytes 9. Which procedure in giving Vitamin
A to a child is to:
3. which in the route of A. cut the middle part of the capsule
administration of polio vaccine? and squeeze in to the mouth.
a. Subcutaneous B. Put the liquid content of the in a
b. Intradernal teaspoon and put in the mouth
c. Intrmuscular C. Cut the tip of the capsule and
d. Oral squeeze to the mouth
D. Give the whole capsule followed by
4. The most ideal sites in taking pulse a glass of water
accurately is:
A. Apical 10. Auscultation is dine by physician
B. Bronchial with the aid of:
C. Radial A. Stethoscope
D. Carotid B. Intradermal
C. Subcutaneous
5. Which of the following is the bad D. Oral
effect of the iodine deficiency?
A. It cause anemia 11. measles vaccine is given to infants
B. It cause growth and mental with the dose of 0.5ml. Which of the route
retardation of administration?
C. It cripples the child A. intramuscular
D. It cause diarrhea B. Intradermal
C. Subcutaneous
6. Which part of the herbal plant D. Oral
guava is use for washing the wounds:
A. Flowers 12. Rectal examination is done by the
B. Fruits physician. Which position is to be assumed
C. Leaves by the patient?
D. Roots A. Prone
B. Fowler’s 19. Fluids are forced for patients with
C. Knee chest high fever to:
D. Sim’s A. Prevent nausea
13. To loosen non-pharyngeal B. Dilute infection in the blood
secretions, which of the following is the C. Prevent infection
management to be done? D. Replaced fluids
A. Application of ice cap
B. Steam inhalation 20. The following re patients of
C. Sitz bath catheterization except:
D. Heat application A. To determine if inability to void is
due to retention or suppression.
14. How can polio disease be avoided? B. To relieve distention of the bladder
A. Administration of OPV 1/2 caused by the retention of urine
teaspoon per gram. C. To increase urinary incontinence
B. Administration of OPV 5 drops per D. To secure sterile specimen
C. Administration of OPV 2 drops per 21. If the location of the pulse is felt in
orem. the dorsum (upper surface) of the foot it is:
D. Administration of OPV 1/3 A. Brachial artery
teaspoon per orem. B. Dorsalis pedis artery
C. Facial artery
15. Which of the following is not an D. Radial artery
indication using of using ice cap?
A. To relieve pain and stop 22. Which serves as a reservoir for
inflammation urine before it leaves the body.
B. To deaden the nerve endings A. Bladder
C. To contract superficial blood B. Urethra
vessels C. Urinary meatus
D. To increase suppuration D. Clitoris

16. Which position is to be assumed by 23. In carrying our medication orders,

the patient during throat examination: The midwife is expected to know all the
A. Fowler’s following, EXCEPT:
B. Prone A. Signs and symptoms of untoward
C. Dorsal recumbent reaction
D. Sit up B. Effects of the drug
C. Drug substitrute
17. Which blood vessels carries blood D. Effectivity of the drug
towards the heart?
A. Artery 24. If the following of the pulse is felt in
B. Vein front of the ear, it is :
C. Capillaries A. Facial artery
D. Venule B. Common carotid artery
C. Temporal artery
18. In giving BCG to infants, which is D. Radial artery
the proper site administration?
A. Outer part of the outer arm 25. The easiest access route for
B. Right deltoid of the arm infections microorganisms is the :
C. Upper outer portion of the thigh A. Skin and mocous
D. Left deltoid of the arm B. Parental route
C. Respiratory tract
D. Kidney 32. The difference between number of
heart beat and number of pulsation
26. Which is NOT included as the organ counted at the wrist is called:
of the digestive system? A. Variation of rate
A. Intestines B. Pulse pressure
B. Lungs C. Pulse radial artery
C. Stomach D. Pulse deficit
D. Alimentary canal
33. Which is the blood cells that acts on
27. Reflex action of heat application is the body’s defense against microorganisms:
contraindicated is care of ? A. Thrombocytes
A. Chest pain B. Myeloid
B. Cramps C. Leukocytes
C. Muscle pains D. Erythrocytes
D. Appendicitis and teeth infection
34. the presence of pus in the urine is
28. The following are the factors that called:
influence the action on local application of A. Pyuria
heat , except: B. Dysuria
A. Intensity of heat produced and C. Pilguria
duration of application D. Polyuria
B. Method used
C. Discoloration and swelling 35. Which type of breathing status that
D. Age and condition of the patient a person is having repeated sequences of
deep gasps and apnea?
29. Which of the following edemas is to A. Cheyne-stokes respiration
be expelled? B. Eupnea
A. Stimulating C. Biot’s respiration
B. Diagnostic D. Byperpnea
C. Sedative except:
D. Anti-helminthic 36. Refraction is an eye examination
done by ophthalmologist. If the result is
30. Which of the following are the farsighted the term is:
proper advice to be given to a nursing A. Presbyopia
mother, except: B. Astigmatism
A. Wash the breast before and after C. Myopia
feeding D. Hypermetropia
B. The baby should have the right
position while sucking 37. When a patient is complaining of
C. Let the mother take a bath pain and diaphoresis, she is experiencing
everyday what type of sign and symptoms.
D. Use oil after feeding
38.Which burns forms by blisters that
31. The Doctor’s order is STAT. This involve small area of the body
means that the medication is to be given: A. First
A. Immediately B. Third
B. Every hour C. Fourth
C. After meal D. Second
D. Per orem
39.Normal breath sounds over the lungs
are, Except:
A. Tracheal 45. which is an network of social
B. Vesicular positions with relatively definite rights and
C. Broncho vesicular A. Social class
D. Alveoli B. Social stratification
C. Social change
40. a wound with a break in the D. Social system
continuity of a tissue of body either internal
or external is classified as: 46. Which of the following is the
A. Abrasions frequency of home visit to morbidity cases?
B. Painteser A. 2 times week
C. Avulsions B. As often as necessary
D. Lacerations C. Every 8 days
D. Weekly
41. There is insufficient blood supply in
the brain and heart of a person in shock. 47. Which of the following describes
Which of the following is correct position to that any variation in time, in the of
be assumed? relationships between the members of the
A. Help victim given society?,
To sit down A. cultural diffusion
B. Place a pillow under his back B. cultural bag
C. The victim can also be in side lying C. Cultural change
position D. Cultural relativism
D. All of the above
48. The bag which is use for teaching,
42. The following are objectives of first demonstrating and giving nursing care to
aid care in shock,except: the mother and newborn is :
A. To improve circulation of blood A. Canvass
B. To prevent infection B. Obstetrical
C. To ensure adequate of oxygen C. Utility
D. To maintain normal body D. Nursing
49. The bag which is use for answering
43. The following are the prevention of normal delivery at home is:
electric current accident, except: A. Nursing
A. avoid touching live wires B. Utility
B. Never touch interior line part of a C. Canvass
socket D. Obstetrical
C. Never touch any metal part of
electric fixture in room with damp floor. 50. Which of the following is NOT
D. Touching electric fixture while included in making a home visit?
telephoning A. Observe courtesy
B. Introduce yourself to the patient
44. Which of the following is NOT and family
included in the evaluation of the family C. Bring the chart in the field
situations to be done by the midwife during D. Be sure you have the correct name
the initial and subsequent visits ? and address of the patient
A. Social
B. Economic 51. Which sequences of activities is
C. Extra curricular activities utilizes in the phase of conducting a home
D. Family status visit
A. The professional, summarization,
planning, social 58. The immunization of mother that
B. Summarization,planning,profession can be given even after delivery is:
al,social A. Tetanus toxoid
C. Social,professional,summarization, B. DPT
planning C. Cholera
D. Hepatitis
52. the most productive, esteemed and
prestigious members of society in the 59. ---Is required in the management of
different aspects of life, dressing procedure to prevent:
Economy,religion,politics and education is A. Cyanosis
called: B. Tetanus neonatorum
A. Ecclesia C. Eye infection
B. Expressive crowd D. Bleeding
C. Elite
D. Empirical
60. Which is the immediate action of
53. The procedure in sterilizing scissors the midwife in case of prolapse of the cord
in the Lying-in clinic delivery is by: that she encountered in a home delivery?
A. Boiling for 15 minutes A. Arranged for the transport of the
B. Exposure to sunlight patient to hospital
C. Soaking in lysol solution B. Raise the foot of the bed with the
D. Boiling for 30 minutes patient in a sim’s position
C. Part of the record should be
54.which of the following patient is wrapped with moistened sterile gauze
admitted in the Lying-in clinic D. Return the part of the cord into the
A. Having equality prenatal care vagina
B. Once only during pregnancy
C. 2 times clinic visit during pregnancy 61. Which of the following delivery, it
D. 3times clinic visit during pregnancy was observed that the baby has a sub-
normal temperature. What is the practical
55.Within how many days will the lochia way to remedy the situation?
alba last? A. Place the baby trendelenburg
A. 10 position
B. 10-15 B. Place the baby in a crib covered
C. 7 with blanket
D. 6 C. Bring the baby to hospital
D. Wrap the baby with a blanket and
56. in the lying-in clinic is to be filled up place it close to the mother
A. Newborn record 62. Which of the following exercises
B. Consent record teaches mother to inhale, exhale and relax
C. Obstetrical record during delivery?
D. Referral record A. Shoulder circling
B. Pelvic rocking
57. With the following is NOT included C. Abdominal breathing
as contraindication in giving enema? D. Tailor sitting
A. Crowning stage
B. First stage of labor 63. Which of the following Leopid’s
C. Premature labor maneuver is performed by midwife when
D. Vaginal bleeding pole of theb fetus is present?
A. 2nd C. Heartburn
B. 3rd D. Ptyalism
C. 1st
D. 4th 70. Which of the following is included
as dystocia factors during pregnancy?
64. Nausea and vomiting is a most A. Vaginal bleeding
common complaints of pregnancy, if it B. Diabetes
become severe , it is diagnosed as: C. Heart disease, high blood pressure
A. Hyperemenis gravidarum D. Multiple births , disproportion
B. pica
C. Ptyalism 71. Which of the following is NOT
D. Heartbum included in the specific objectives of
prenatal care?
65. The following are the laboratory A. To detect early manifestations of
procedures to be done during the first maternal high risk factor
trimester of pregnancy , except: B. To promote and maintain the
A. Papke gament mother good physical and mental health
B. Hemoglobin during pregnancy,labor and puerperium
C. Blood typing C. To promote curative measures in
D. Urinalysis medicine
D. To prepare the mother for labor,
66. Which is number 2 step in the sugar delivery and puerperium
test with the use of benedict’s solution
A. Heat again until it it boils and 72. Laceration that require extensive
observe for any change in color repair known as complete tear which
B. Heat over the flame involves anterior rectal wall is:
C. Add 3-5 drops of urine shaking it A. 4th degree
simultaneously B. 1st degree
D. Place 5 cc of benedict’s solution in C. 3rd degree
the test tube D. 2nd degree

67. Which vitamin is important for the 73. Laceration which involves vaginal
normal functioning of the nerve? mucosa the foerchet and perineal skin is :
A. R1 A. 3rd degree
B. C B. 2nd degree
C. B12 C. 1st degree
D. A D. 4th degree

68. Which re-agent is use in the 74. abdominal muscles is called:

examination of heat acetic test for A. Power/forces
albumin? B. Internal rotation
A. Acetic acid solution Pica C. Flegion
B. Morning sickness D. Descent
C. Heartburn
D.Ptyalism 75. The following are measures against
infection during labor and delivery, except:
69. Avoiding greasy, highly seasoned A. care of bowels
and indigestible foods is one of the B. Care of the breast
management of: C. Vulvar and perineal hygiene
A. Pica D. Advise mother to take a bath or
B. Morning sickness shower
A. 3-4
76. Which is NOT included as comfort B. 5 weeks
measures done by midwife during labor C. 6 weeks
A. Controlled chest breathing during D. 2-4
B. Sacral pressure ( back rub believe 83. Which of the following is the most
discomfort from contraction) important benefit on the part of the
C. Less moral support mother regarding breastfeeding?
D. Proper bearing down techniques A. Eye to eye contact
push with contraction B. It contains antibodies
C. Involution is hastened
77. Primigravida should be transported D. It prevents diarrhea of baby
to delivery room when cervical dilation is:
A. Fully dilated 84. Which of the following is NOT
B. 4-5cm included in the care of the breast of a
C. 5-6cm nursing mother?
D. 6-7cm A. Wash breast before and after
B. Wash breast with soap and water
after feeding
78. Which of the following is first sign C. Wash breast with soap at shower
of placental separation? time
A. Chadwik’s sign D. Squares in the brasler to absorb
B. Calkin’s sign
C. Lengthening of the cord 85. Which of the following re-agent use
D. Sudden gush of blood in the examination of albumin?
A. Magnesium sulfate
79. The woman in labor is encouraged B. Normal saline
to void within how many hours? C. Benedict’s solution
A. 2-3 D. Acetic acid solution
B. 5-8
C. 5-6 86. Which of the following is
D. 4-5 considered advantages of IUD insertion?
A. It has temporary side effects
80. Which of the following is signs of B. Makes infertility reversible
hyperventilation is labor? C. It cannot be inserted anytime
A. Light headedness,tingling sensation D. Needs competent staff to do
hunger insertion
B. Nausea and vomiting
87. Voluntary surgical sterilization is
81. Aseptic technique is done by permanent method of planning
shaving and flushing the perineum during To:
delivery to: A. Encouraged spacing
A. Prevent bleeding B. Prevent pregnancy
B. Prevent exogenous infection C. Prevent bleeding
C. Prevent laceration D. Prevent infection
D. Decrease labor pains
88. Which is true regarding the use of
82. Puerperium is the period when the pills
uterus returns to its former size and A. Fallopian tubes are blocked
condition within how many weeks? B. Prevent ovary to release egg cells
C. Prevent infections 95. Which family planning method is
D. Prevent bleeding based on the physiological infertility
experienced by breastfeeding woman?
89. Which of the following family A. Sympto-thermal
planning method is permanent? B. Cervical mucus
A. Vasectomy, tubal ligation C. Lactionational amenorrhea
B. I.U.D., jellies D. Basal body temperature
C. Diaphragm
D. pills,condom 96. The baby is born at 32 weeks age of
gestation and weighs 2200 grams. The
90. the male surgical sterilization is: newborn I classified as:
A. Vasectomy A. Full term
B. Foam B. Post term
C. Abstinence C. Small for gestational age
D. Condom D. Large for gestational age

91. It is a family planning method by 97. Which of the following laws aims in
which the penis is withdraw from the promulgating comprehensive policy and a
vagina to ejaculation, thus, preventing the national system for ensuring newborn
sperm from being deposited inside, this is: screening?
A. Coitus interruption A. R.A 9262
B. Diaphragm B. R.A 7610
C. Coitus reservatus C. R.A 3573
D. Chemical products D. R.A 9288
98. Vaccination among newborn and
92. The following are the examples of infant is given to prevent how many
temporary method of family disease?
planning,except: A. 6 disease
A. Pills,IUD B. 7 disease
B. Tubal ligation C. 8disease
C. Lactational amenorrhea D. 9 disease
D. Basal body temperature
99. Neonatal mortality means the rate
93. The family planning method which of the newborn’s death between:
prevents blocks the sperm from entering A. Birth to 4 weeks
the cervical canal is: B. 1 month to 1 year
A. Vasectomy C. 1 year to 3 years
B. Foam,jellies D. Before birth
C. Condom
D. Tubal ligation 100. Absence of moro reflex may
indicate all of these, except:
94. Which method of family planning is A. Necrosis
based on the correct recording and B. Shock
interpretation of the woman’s body C. Cerebral injury due to asphyxia
temperature at rest during birth process
A. Cervical mucus method D. infection
B. Basal body temperature
C. Symptom-thermal method
D. Lactational amenorrahea

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