Funda Set 1
Funda Set 1
Funda Set 1
67. Which vitamin is important for the 73. Laceration which involves vaginal
normal functioning of the nerve? mucosa the foerchet and perineal skin is :
A. R1 A. 3rd degree
B. C B. 2nd degree
C. B12 C. 1st degree
D. A D. 4th degree
91. It is a family planning method by 97. Which of the following laws aims in
which the penis is withdraw from the promulgating comprehensive policy and a
vagina to ejaculation, thus, preventing the national system for ensuring newborn
sperm from being deposited inside, this is: screening?
A. Coitus interruption A. R.A 9262
B. Diaphragm B. R.A 7610
C. Coitus reservatus C. R.A 3573
D. Chemical products D. R.A 9288
98. Vaccination among newborn and
92. The following are the examples of infant is given to prevent how many
temporary method of family disease?
planning,except: A. 6 disease
A. Pills,IUD B. 7 disease
B. Tubal ligation C. 8disease
C. Lactational amenorrhea D. 9 disease
D. Basal body temperature
99. Neonatal mortality means the rate
93. The family planning method which of the newborn’s death between:
prevents blocks the sperm from entering A. Birth to 4 weeks
the cervical canal is: B. 1 month to 1 year
A. Vasectomy C. 1 year to 3 years
B. Foam,jellies D. Before birth
C. Condom
D. Tubal ligation 100. Absence of moro reflex may
indicate all of these, except:
94. Which method of family planning is A. Necrosis
based on the correct recording and B. Shock
interpretation of the woman’s body C. Cerebral injury due to asphyxia
temperature at rest during birth process
A. Cervical mucus method D. infection
B. Basal body temperature
C. Symptom-thermal method
D. Lactational amenorrahea